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exam 2 | KI 2603 - Medical Terminology, Quizzes of Medical Sciences

Class: KI 2603 - Medical Terminology; Subject: Kinesiology; University: Mississippi State University; Term: Spring 2015;

Typology: Quizzes


Uploaded on 04/20/2015

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Download exam 2 | KI 2603 - Medical Terminology and more Quizzes Medical Sciences in PDF only on Docsity! TERM 1 cardi/o, coron/o DEFINITION 1 heart TERM 2 angi/o, vascul/o DEFINITION 2 vessel TERM 3 ather/o DEFINITION 3 fatty plague TERM 4 arteriol/o DEFINITION 4 arteriole TERM 5 artri/o DEFINITION 5 atrium TERM 6 aort/o DEFINITION 6 aorta TERM 7 aneurysm/o DEFINITION 7 a widening, widened blood vessel often bulging TERM 8 electr/o DEFINITION 8 electricity TERM 9 scler/o DEFINITION 9 hardening; sclera; white of the eye TERM 10 ectasis DEFINITION 10 expansion TERM 21 vas/o DEFINITION 21 vessel; vas deferens; duct TERM 22 -gram DEFINITION 22 record, writing TERM 23 -graph DEFINITION 23 instrument for recording TERM 24 -graphy DEFINITION 24 process of recording TERM 25 -stenosis DEFINITION 25 narrowing,stricture TERM 26 endo- DEFINITION 26 in, within TERM 27 extra- DEFINITION 27 outside TERM 28 brady- DEFINITION 28 slow TERM 29 peri- DEFINITION 29 around TERM 30 tachy- DEFINITION 30 rapid TERM 31 arteriosclerosis DEFINITION 31 hardening of artery TERM 32 atherosclerosis DEFINITION 32 hardening of fatty plague TERM 33 trans- DEFINITION 33 across TERM 34 angina DEFINITION 34 choking pain TERM 35 aden/o DEFINITION 35 gland TERM 46 granul/o DEFINITION 46 granule TERM 47 lymphangi/o DEFINITION 47 lymph vessel TERM 48 leuk/o DEFINITION 48 white TERM 49 kary/o, nucle/o DEFINITION 49 nucleus TERM 50 lymphaden/o DEFINITION 50 lymph gland TERM 51 morph/o DEFINITION 51 form, shape, structure TERM 52 sider/o DEFINITION 52 iron TERM 53 neutr/o DEFINITION 53 neutral, neither TERM 54 poikil/o DEFINITION 54 varied, irregular TERM 55 thym/o DEFINITION 55 thymus gland TERM 56 phag/o DEFINITION 56 swallowing, eating TERM 57 xen/o DEFINITION 57 foreign, strange TERM 58 splen/o DEFINITION 58 spleen TERM 59 plas/o DEFINITION 59 formation, growth TERM 60 ser/o DEFINITION 60 serum TERM 71 -poiesis DEFINITION 71 formation, production TERM 72 -stasis DEFINITION 72 standing stil TERM 73 teres DEFINITION 73 round TERM 74 sub- DEFINITION 74 under TERM 75 deltoid DEFINITION 75 triangular TERM 76 levator DEFINITION 76 to lift or elevate TERM 77 vastus DEFINITION 77 huge TERM 78 maximus DEFINITION 78 large TERM 79 supra DEFINITION 79 above TERM 80 latissimus DEFINITION 80 wide TERM 81 brevis DEFINITION 81 short TERM 82 rhomboid DEFINITION 82 a rhombus with equal and parallel sides TERM 83 trapezius DEFINITION 83 a 4-sided figure with two sides parallel TERM 84 oblique DEFINITION 84 fibers run diagonally TERM 85 longus DEFINITION 85 long TERM 96 fibr/o DEFINITION 96 fiber, fibrous tissue TERM 97 rhabdomy/o DEFINITION 97 rod-shaped muscle TERM 98 leiomy/o DEFINITION 98 smooth muscle TERM 99 fasci/o DEFINITION 99 band, fascia TERM 100 muscul/o,my/o DEFINITION 100 muscle TERM 101 rhabd/o DEFINITION 101 rod-shaped or striated TERM 102 synov/o DEFINITION 102 synovial membrane, synovial fluid TERM 103 ten/o, tend/o,tendin/o DEFINITION 103 tendon TERM 104 chondr/o DEFINITION 104 cartilage TERM 105 meatus DEFINITION 105 opening or passage into a bone TERM 106 lord/o DEFINITION 106 curve, swayback TERM 107 lamin/o DEFINITION 107 lamina TERM 108 cervical DEFINITION 108 pertaining to the neck TERM 109 thoracic DEFINITION 109 pertaining to the chest TERM 110 kyph/o DEFINITION 110 hilll, mountain TERM 121 brachi/o DEFINITION 121 arm TERM 122 cephal/o DEFINITION 122 head TERM 123 oste/o DEFINITION 123 bone TERM 124 calcane/o DEFINITION 124 calcaneum TERM 125 clavicul/o DEFINITION 125 clavicle TERM 126 cervic/o DEFINITION 126 neck; cervix uteri TERM 127 cost/o DEFINITION 127 rib TERM 128 crani/o DEFINITION 128 skull TERM 129 dactyl/o DEFINITION 129 fingers/toes TERM 130 femor/o DEFINITION 130 thigh bone TERM 131 fibul/o DEFINITION 131 lower leg TERM 132 humer/o DEFINITION 132 upper arm bone TERM 133 ili/o DEFINITION 133 lower portion of hip bone TERM 134 lumb/o DEFINITION 134 lions (lower back) TERM 135 metacarp/o DEFINITION 135 hand bone TERM 146 malacia DEFINITION 146 softening TERM 147 -asthenia DEFINITION 147 weakness, debility TERM 148 -physis DEFINITION 148 growth TERM 149 -porosis DEFINITION 149 porous TERM 150 -blast DEFINITION 150 embryonic cell TERM 151 -clasia, -clas DEFINITION 151 surgical fracture; to break TERM 152 -desis DEFINITION 152 binding, fixation TERM 153 lith/o DEFINITION 153 stone, calculus TERM 154 cyst/o DEFINITION 154 bladder TERM 155 ur/o DEFINITION 155 urine TERM 156 vesic/o DEFINITION 156 bladder TERM 157 pyel/o DEFINITION 157 renal pelvis TERM 158 glomerul/o DEFINITION 158 glomerulus TERM 159 urethr/o DEFINITION 159 urethra TERM 160 meat/o DEFINITION 160 opening, meatus TERM 171 vesicul/o DEFINITION 171 seminal vesicle TERM 172 prostat/o DEFINITION 172 prostate gland TERM 173 albumin/o DEFINITION 173 albumin, protein TERM 174 azot/o DEFINITION 174 nitrogenous compounds TERM 175 bacteri/o DEFINITION 175 bacteria TERM 176 crypt/o DEFINITION 176 hidden TERM 177 gonad/o DEFINITION 177 gonads or sex glands TERM 178 kali/o DEFINITION 178 potassium TERM 179 keton/o DEFINITION 179 ketone bodies TERM 180 noct/o DEFINITION 180 night TERM 181 olig/o DEFINITION 181 scanty TERM 182 py/o DEFINITION 182 pus TERM 183 -cide DEFINITION 183 killing TERM 184 -genesis DEFINITION 184 formation TERM 185 -iasis DEFINITION 185 abnormal specified condition TERM 196 hyster/o DEFINITION 196 uterus TERM 197 mamm/o,mast/o DEFINITION 197 breast TERM 198 men/o DEFINITION 198 menses, menstruation TERM 199 -salpinx DEFINITION 199 tube TERM 200 -tocia DEFINITION 200 childbirth, labor TERM 201 nat/o DEFINITION 201 birth TERM 202 uter/o DEFINITION 202 uterus TERM 203 metr/o DEFINITION 203 uterus or measure TERM 204 -version DEFINITION 204 turning TERM 205 oophor/o,ovari/o DEFINITION 205 ovary TERM 206 -gravida DEFINITION 206 pregnant woman TERM 207 perine/o DEFINITION 207 perineum TERM 208 salping/o DEFINITION 208 tube TERM 209 -arche DEFINITION 209 beginning TERM 210 -cyesis DEFINITION 210 pregnacy TERM 221 dorsiflexion DEFINITION 221 elevates top of food upward TERM 222 plantarflexion DEFINITION 222 lower toes TERM 223 ligament DEFINITION 223 attaches bone to bone TERM 224 tendons DEFINITION 224 attach muscle to bone TERM 225 adren/o,adrenal/o DEFINITION 225 adrenal gland TERM 226 calc/o DEFINITION 226 calcium TERM 227 crin/o DEFINITION 227 secrete TERM 228 gluc/o,glyc/o,glycos/o DEFINITION 228 sugar,sweetness TERM 229 home/o DEFINITION 229 same,alike TERM 230 pancreat/o DEFINITION 230 pancreas TERM 231 parathyroid/o DEFINITION 231 parathyroid glands TERM 232 thym/o DEFINITION 232 thymus gland TERM 233 thyr/o,thyroid/o DEFINITION 233 thyroid gland TERM 234 toxic/o DEFINITION 234 posion TERM 235 -crine DEFINITION 235 secrete TERM 246 gangli/o DEFINITION 246 ganglion (knot or knot like mass) TERM 247 gli/o DEFINITION 247 glue; neuroglial tissue TERM 248 kinesi/o DEFINITION 248 movement TERM 249 lept/o DEFINITION 249 thin,slender TERM 250 lex/o DEFINITION 250 word, phrase TERM 251 mening/o,meningi/o DEFINITION 251 meninges (membranes covering the brain and spinal cord) TERM 252 myel/o DEFINITION 252 bone marrow;spinal cord TERM 253 narc/o DEFINITION 253 stupor; numbness; sleep TERM 254 neur/o DEFINITION 254 nerve TERM 255 radicul/o DEFINITION 255 nerve root TERM 256 sthen/o DEFINITION 256 strength TERM 257 thalam/o DEFINITION 257 thalamus TERM 258 thec/o DEFINITION 258 sheath (usually refers to meninges) TERM 259 ton/o DEFINITION 259 tension TERM 260 ventricul/o DEFINITION 260 ventricle TERM 271 uni- DEFINITION 271 one TERM 272 ambly/o DEFINITION 272 dull,dim TERM 273 aque/o DEFINITION 273 water TERM 274 blephar/o DEFINITION 274 eyelid TERM 275 choroid/o DEFINITION 275 choroid TERM 276 conjuctiv/o DEFINITION 276 conjunctiva TERM 277 core/o, pupill/o DEFINITION 277 pupil TERM 278 corne/o DEFINITION 278 cornea TERM 279 cycl/o DEFINITION 279 ciliary body of the eye; circular; cycle TERM 280 dacry/o, lacrim/o DEFINITION 280 tear; lacrimal apparatus TERM 281 dacryocyst/o DEFINITION 281 lacrimal sac TERM 282 glauc/o DEFINITION 282 gray TERM 283 goni/o DEFINITION 283 angle TERM 284 irid/o DEFINITION 284 iris TERM 285 kerat/o DEFINITION 285 horny tissue; hard;cornea TERM 296 mastoid/o DEFINITION 296 mastoid process TERM 297 ot/o DEFINITION 297 ear TERM 298 staped/o DEFINITION 298 stapes TERM 299 myring/o, tympan/o DEFINITION 299 tympanic membrane (eardrum) TERM 300 -acusia,-cusis DEFINITION 300 hearing TERM 301 -opia,-opsia DEFINITION 301 vision TERM 302 -tropia DEFINITION 302 turning TERM 303 AAA DEFINITION 303 abnormal aortic aneurysm TERM 304 ACE DEFINITION 304 angiotension-converting enzyme TERM 305 AFiB DEFINITION 305 atrial fibrillation TERM 306 AICD DEFINITION 306 automatic implantable cardioverter-defibrillator TERM 307 AS DEFINITION 307 aortic stenosis TERM 308 ASHD DEFINITION 308 arteriosclerotic heart disease TERM 309 AV DEFINITION 309 artioventricular; arteriovenous TERM 310 BP,B/P DEFINITION 310 blood pressure TERM 321 ECG,EKG DEFINITION 321 electrocardiogram, electrocardiography TERM 322 ECHO DEFINITION 322 echocardiogram, echocardiography; echoencephalogram, echoencephalography TERM 323 EPS DEFINITION 323 electrophysiology studies TERM 324 HDL DEFINITION 324 high-density lipoprotein TERM 325 HF DEFINITION 325 heart failure TERM 326 HTN DEFINITION 326 hypertension TERM 327 ICD DEFINITION 327 implantable cardioverter-defibrillator TERM 328 LA DEFINITION 328 left atrium TERM 329 LDL DEFINITION 329 low-density lipoprotein TERM 330 MI DEFINITION 330 myocardial infarction TERM 331 MRA DEFINITION 331 magnetic resonance angiogram, magnetic resonance angiogrpahy TERM 332 MRI DEFINITION 332 magnetic resonance imaging TERM 333 MUGA scan DEFINITION 333 multiple-gated acquisition scan TERM 334 MVP DEFINITION 334 mitral valve prolapse TERM 335 NSR DEFINITION 335 normal sinus rhythm TERM 346 ANA DEFINITION 346 antinuclear antibody TERM 347 APC DEFINITION 347 antigen-presenting cell TERM 348 APTT DEFINITION 348 activated partial thromboplastin time TERM 349 BMT DEFINITION 349 bone marrow transplant TERM 350 CBC DEFINITION 350 complete blood count TERM 351 CLL DEFINITION 351 chronic lymphocytic leukemia TERM 352 CML DEFINITION 352 Chronic myelogenous leukemia TERM 353 DIC DEFINITION 353 disseminated intravascular coagulation TERM 354 diff DEFINITION 354 differential count (white blood cells) TERM 355 DVT DEFINITION 355 deep vein thrombosis; deep venous thrombosis TERM 356 EBV DEFINITION 356 Epstein-Barr Virus TERM 357 GVHD DEFINITION 357 graft-versus-host disease TERM 358 eos DEFINITION 358 eosinophil (type of white blood cell) TERM 359 Hb, Hgb DEFINITION 359 hemoglobin TERM 360 Igs DEFINITION 360 immunoglobulins TERM 371 segs DEFINITION 371 segmented neutrophils TERM 372 SLE DEFINITION 372 systemic lupus erythematosus TERM 373 WBC, wbc DEFINITION 373 white blood cell TERM 374 autonomic nervous system DEFINITION 374 portion of the nervous system that regulates involuntary actions, such as heart rate, digestion, and peristalsis TERM 375 leaflet DEFINITION 375 flat, leaf-shaped structure that comprises the valves of the heart and prevents back flow of blood TERM 376 lumen DEFINITION 376 tubular space or channel within an organ or structure of the body; space within an artery, vein, intestine, or tube TERM 377 regurgitation DEFINITION 377 backflow or ejecting of contents through an opening TERM 378 sphincter DEFINITION 378 circular muscle found in a tubular structure or hollow organ that constricts or dilates to regulate passage of substances through its opening TERM 379 vasoconstriction DEFINITION 379 narrowing of the lumen of a blood vessel that limits blood flow, usually as a result of diseases, medications, or physiological processes TERM 380 vasodilation DEFINITION 380 widening of the lumen of a blood vessel caused by the relaxing of the muscles of the vascular wals TERM 381 viscosity DEFINITION 381 state of being sticky or gummy TERM 382 -cardia DEFINITION 382 heart condition TERM 383 dyspnea DEFINITION 383 breathing difficulties TERM 384 arrhythmais DEFINITION 384 cardiac irregularities TERM 385 syncope DEFINITION 385 loss of consciousness TERM 396 embolism DEFINITION 396 undissolved "plug" of matter TERM 397 hyperlipidemia DEFINITION 397 excessive amounts of lipids in the blood TERM 398 hypertension DEFINITION 398 elevated blood pressure persistently higher than 140/90 mm HG TERM 399 hypotension DEFINITION 399 low blood pressure persistently lower than 90/60 mm HG TERM 400 infarction DEFINITION 400 localized tissue necrosis due to the cessation of blood supply TERM 401 thrombosis DEFINITION 401 abnormal condition in which a blood clot develops in a vessel and obstructs it at the site of its formation TERM 402 teleangiectases DEFINITION 402 "spider" veins TERM 403 bacteremia DEFINITION 403 bacteria traveling in the blood stream TERM 404 endocarditis DEFINITION 404 inflammation of the inner lining of the heart and its valves TERM 405 hemostasis DEFINITION 405 arrest of blood TERM 406 antibody DEFINITION 406 protective protein produced by B lymphocytes in response to the presence of a foreign substance TERM 407 myocardial infarction DEFINITION 407 death of an area of the heart muscle TERM 408 antigen DEFINITION 408 substance, recognized as harmful to the host TERM 409 bile pigment DEFINITION 409 substance derived from the breakdown of hemoglobin and excreted by the liver TERM 410 cytokine DEFINITION 410 chemical substance produced by certain cells that initiates, inhibits, increases, or decreases activity in other cells TERM 421 myelogenic tissue DEFINITION 421 bone marrow tissue TERM 422 hemoglobin DEFINITION 422 iron containing compound that carries oxygen to the body tissues TERM 423 platelets DEFINITION 423 initiate blood clotting when an injury occurs TERM 424 plasma DEFINITION 424 liquid portion of blood in which blood cells are suspended TERM 425 allo- DEFINITION 425 other, differing from the normal TERM 426 aniso- DEFINITION 426 unequal, dissimilar TERM 427 iso- DEFINITION 427 same,equal TERM 428 hematoma DEFINITION 428 localized accumulation of blood, usually clotted, in an organ, space or tissue due to a break in or searching of a blood vessel TERM 429 hemoglobinopathy DEFINITION 429 any disorder caused by abnormalities in the hemoglobin molecule TERM 430 lymphadenopathy DEFINITION 430 any disease of the lymph nodes TERM 431 leukemia DEFINITION 431 oncological disorder of the blood-forming organs, characterized by an overgrowth of blood cells TERM 432 appendage DEFINITION 432 any body part attached to a main structure TERM 433 articulation DEFINITION 433 place of union between two or more bones; also called joint TERM 434 cancellous DEFINITION 434 latticelike arrangement of bony plates occurring at the ends of long bones TERM 435 cruciate ligaments DEFINITION 435 ligaments that cross each other, forming an X within the notch between the femoral condyles TERM 446 fissure DEFINITION 446 narrowing slit-like opening TERM 447 sinus DEFINITION 447 cavity or hollow space in a bone TERM 448 pub/o DEFINITION 448 pelvis bone (anterior part of the pelvic bone) TERM 449 -sarcoma DEFINITION 449 malignant tumor of connective tissue TERM 450 dys- DEFINITION 450 bad; painful; difficult TERM 451 ankylosis DEFINITION 451 stiffening or immobility of a joint TERM 452 bunion DEFINITION 452 deformity characterized by lateral deviation of the great toe as it turns in toward the second toe TERM 453 carpal tunnel syndrome DEFINITION 453 painful condition resulting from compression of the median nerve within the carpal tunnel (wrist canal through which the flexor tendons and the median nerve pass) TERM 454 claudication DEFINITION 454 lameness, limping TERM 455 contracture DEFINITION 455 fibrosis of connective tissue in the skin, fascia, muscle, or joint capsule that prevents normal mobility of the related tissue or joint TERM 456 crepitation DEFINITION 456 dry, grating sound or sensation caused by bone ends rubbing together, indicating a fracture or joint destruction TERM 457 exacerbation DEFINITION 457 increase in severity of a disease or any of its symptoms; also called a flare TERM 458 ganglion cyst DEFINITION 458 fluid-filled tumor most commonly develops along the tendons or joint of the wrists or hands TERM 459 hemarthrosis DEFINITION 459 effusion of blood into a joint cavity TERM 460 hypotonia DEFINITION 460 loss of muscular done or a diminished resistance to passive stretching TERM 471 sequestrectomy DEFINITION 471 excision of a sequestrum (segment of necroses bone) TERM 472 synovectomy DEFINITION 472 excision of a synovial membrane TERM 473 ACL DEFINITION 473 anterior cruciate ligament TERM 474 BE DEFINITION 474 barium enema; below the elbow TERM 475 C1,C2 DEFINITION 475 first cervical vertebra, second cervical vertebra TERM 476 Ca DEFINITION 476 calcium; cancer TERM 477 CDH DEFINITION 477 congenital dislocation of the hip TERM 478 CTS DEFINITION 478 carpal tunnel syndrome TERM 479 DEXA,DXA DEFINITION 479 dual-energy x-ray absorptiometry TERM 480 DJD DEFINITION 480 degenerative joint disease TERM 481 DO DEFINITION 481 Doctor of Osteophathy TERM 482 EMG DEFINITION 482 elecromyography TERM 483 Fx DEFINITION 483 fracture TERM 484 HD DEFINITION 484 hemodialysis; hip disarticulation; hearing distance TERM 485 HNP DEFINITION 485 herniated nucleus pulposis (herniated disk)
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