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Understanding the Impact of Climate Change on Agriculture, Quizzes of Physiology

The effects of climate change on agricultural productivity, focusing on extreme weather events, changing precipitation patterns, and the potential for adaptation strategies. It provides insights into the challenges farmers face in adapting to these changes and the role of scientific research in developing sustainable agricultural practices.

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Download Understanding the Impact of Climate Change on Agriculture and more Quizzes Physiology in PDF only on Docsity! TERM 1 Diagnostic Tests DEFINITION 1 Tests can assess levels of functional quality of serum immunoglobulins or the titer of specific antibodies TERM 2 Titer DEFINITION 2 measures levels of serum immunoglobulins TERM 3 Indirect Coombs Test DEFINITION 3 Detects Rh blood incompatibility TERM 4 Elisa DEFINITION 4 Detects for HiV antibodies and is used for a number of other diseases TERM 5 MHC (or Human leukocyte antigen- HLA) typing DEFINITION 5 Tissue matching before transplant procedures TERM 6 Type I hypersensitivity DEFINITION 6 Typical "allergic" reactions, IgE mediatedCommon due to allergen- skin rash, hay feverCausative mechanisms- exposure to allergen, allergen binds to IgE on surface of mast cells or basophilsExamples: Anaphylactic shock, allergic rhinitis, allergic asthma TERM 7 Allergic rhinitis Etiology DEFINITION 7 Particles from seasonal grass, tree, weed pollens, house dust, pet dander, etc.. TERM 8 Allergic rhinitis signs and symptoms DEFINITION 8 sneezing paroxysmsClear rhinorrheainfraorbital cyanosis TERM 9 Allergic rhinitis pathogenesis DEFINITION 9 often develops as a biphasic allergic responseEarly phase:within minutesmucosal swelling after about 5 minutesthese are secondary to the effects of histamine, TAME, prostaglandins, D2 and kininsLate phase:may follow early phase or may be an isolated eventbegin 2-4 hours after exposure and usually resolve by 34 hoursmay become chronic with repeated exposureerythema, induration, burning, significant influx of eosiniphils and mononuclear cells TERM 10 Allergic rhinitis treatment DEFINITION 10 antihistamine, glucocorticoids, skin tests to determine specific antigen, allergen immunotherapy such as reduction of seasonal increases of IL-4 and IgE TERM 21 Chronic/ Late rejection DEFINITION 21 occurs after months or years TERM 22 Immunosuppression DEFINITION 22 Reduction of immune response to prevent rejectioncommonly used drugs- cyclosporine, azathioprine, prednisoneHigh risk of infection- due to immune suppression and opportunistic organisms TERM 23 Autoimmune disorders DEFINITION 23 Development of antibodies against own cells/ tissuesauto- antibodies are antibodies formed against self- antigens -- loss of self tolerancedisorder can affect single organs or tissues or can be generalized TERM 24 Systemic Lupus Erythematosus DEFINITION 24 Chronic inflammatory connective tissue disordercells and tissues throughout the body are damaged by various antibodieswomen are 8 times more likely to have the disease than men, 1 in 250 AA womenhigh death rate usually within 5 years of onset TERM 25 Systemic Lupus Erythematosus Etiology DEFINITION 25 Cause is unknowngenetic environmental and hormonal factors may predispose someone to the diseasegenetic deficiencies of certain complement proteins are a key factordevelopment of lupus in an individual may relate to impaired clearance of apoptotic cells TERM 26 Systemic Lupus Erythematosus Pathophysiology Phase 1 DEFINITION 26 Initiationautoantibodies response targets self- antigens including nucleosomes, rhibonucleoproteins, and phospholipid binding proteinsThese self- antigens become associated during apoptosisif these cells are not cleared properly, fragments of them can be accessed by antigen presenting cell populationsAPCs can then initiate a response to cells with these combinations TERM 27 Systemic Lupus Erythematosus Phase 2 DEFINITION 27 PropagationImmune complexes become embedded in the subendothelial tissues leading to tissue damagesautoantibodies bind to extracellular molecules in target organs and activate inflammationautoantibodies directly induce cell deathantigens that drive the immune response in SLE come from damaged or apoptotic cellsAs the SLE response occurs, more cells die and generate additional antigens further stimulating the immune system- autoamplification TERM 28 Systemic Lupus Erythematosus Phase 3 DEFINITION 28 FlaresFlares appear to reflect immunologic memoryApoptosis is a normal part of cell development and homeostasis in epithelial cellsapoptosis is also a part of many disease statesnumerous stimuli such as UV light exposure and viral infection may provoke SLE flares TERM 29 Systemic Lupus Erythematosus Diagnostic Test DEFINITION 29 Serum antibodiesLupus erythematosus cells- mature neutrophils containing genetic material is a positive sign TERM 30 Systemic Lupus Erythematosus Treatment DEFINITION 30 Usually treated by a rheumatologistPrednisoneNon- steroidal anti- inflammatory drugsno known cure TERM 31 Immunodeficiency DEFINITION 31 partial or total loss of one or more immune system componentsincreased risk of infection and cancerprimary deficiencies- basic developmental failure somewhere in the systemsecondary or acquired immune deficiencies- Loss of the immune response due to specific causes, can occur at any time during the lifespan TERM 32 History of AIDS DEFINITION 32 First case recognized in 1979; HIV 1984Evidence of earlier sporadic casesnow considered to be a pandemicoccurs in men and women2006- CDC 1 million cases in North America2007- UN 33 million cases globally- 22 million of those in sub- Saharan Africa TERM 33 Acquired Immunodeficiency Disease DEFINITION 33 AIDS- Chronic infectious disease caused by the human immunodeficiency virusHIV destroys helper T cells- CD4 lymphocytesLoss of immune responseincreased suseptability to secondary infections and cancerprolonged latency period is not dormancydevelopment may be surpressed by antiviralsLymph tissues become centers for massive viral replication during asymptomatic "silent: periods- despite the absence of detectable HIV in peripheral bloodImmune deterioration occurs despite clinical latencyMonocytes, macrophages, and dendritic cells can be infected with HIVopportunistic infections, malignancies, neurologic dysfunctiontransmission by sexual contact, blood, and blood products TERM 34 AIDs Etiology DEFINITION 34 HIV virus TERM 35 AIDs signs and symptoms DEFINITION 35 Mean time for manifestations is 10yinfection with Pneumocytis jiroveci is most common pulmonary infectionLymphadenopathy is a common early sign from follicular hyperplasiavirus can also cause malignancies of skin= kaposi's sarcoma TERM 46 Rheumatoid arthritis pathophysiology DEFINITION 46 A type III hypersensitivity reactionAfter antibody complexes imbed, inflammation of the synovial capsule developsLater episodes will lead to the creation of a pannuspannu= granulation tissue that has spread over the articular cartilagepannus releases enzymes and cytokines that destroy the cartilageerosion creates an unstable jointFibrosis- over time the pannus becomes fibrotic and limits movementAnkylosis- fixation or fusion of the joint due to calcified pannus TERM 47 Rheumatoid arthritis signs and symptoms DEFINITION 47 progressive joint inflammation predominantly in MCP and PCP jointsSymmetricalJoint tendernessulnar deviation of phalangesperiarticular pressure erosions of bone from soft tissue nodulesrheumatoid pannus TERM 48 Rheumatoid arthritis Diagnosis DEFINITION 48 American College of Rheumaotology If 4 of the 7 are present then you are positive1. morning stiffness for longer than 1 hour2. Arthritis of more than 3 joints3. Arthritis of hand joints4. Symmetric arthritis5, rheumatoid nodules6. serum rheumatoid factor7. radiologic changes TERM 49 Rheumatoid arthritis treatment DEFINITION 49 no cureasprin, NSAID, physical therapy TERM 50 Duchenne's Muscular Dystrophy Etiology DEFINITION 50 X-linked recessive disorder leads to inability of muscle cells to repair sarcolemmatypically present in boys 3-7 years old TERM 51 Duchenne's Muscular Dystrophy Signs and symptoms DEFINITION 51 proximal muscle weaknesscauses waddling gait, toe walking, lordosisdifficulty climbing stairspelvic girdle followed pectoral girdlemost by age 20Gower's maneuver- pushing to a stand using the hands to climb up legs TERM 52 Duchenne's Muscular Dystrophy Diagnosis DEFINITION 52 clinical findings, family history, biopsy TERM 53 Duchenne's Muscular Dystrophy Treatment DEFINITION 53 no specific therapy, exercise encouraged TERM 54 Vertebral disc herniation DEFINITION 54 Nucleus pulposus leaks through the annulus fibrosis of the disc TERM 55 Vertebral disc herniation Etiology and pathophysiology DEFINITION 55 either age or trauma causes the collagen fibers of the annulus fibrosus to weaken allowing for the nucleus pulposus to leak through TERM 56 Vertebral disc herniation signs and symptoms DEFINITION 56 if the pulposus impinges on the sponal cord or spinal nerve, it can produce numbness or a shooting pain through a limb or in the body wall depending on the location of the herniationcan be asymptomatic if the herniation does not impinge on the spinal cord TERM 57 Vertebral disc herniation diagnosis DEFINITION 57 patient history, spinal x ray, CT scan, MRI TERM 58 Vertebral disc herniation treatment DEFINITION 58 rest, pain relievers, muscle relaxants, removal of disc and spinal fusion TERM 59 Osteoporosis DEFINITION 59 bones are brittle and porous due to decreased amount of calcified tissue TERM 60 Osteoporosis etiology and patho DEFINITION 60 most of the time it is idiopathicits often secondary to anouther diseasepost menopausal women dont absorb dietary calcium well, therefore, calcium is liberated from the bone in order to maintain a proper serum level TERM 71 Pagets disease patho DEFINITION 71 Genetic defect creates a profound increase in bone resorption and new bone formation resulting in a mix of lytic and sclerotic proccessesdefect: over- activates signaling pathway that promotes osteoclast formation TERM 72 Pagets disease diagnosis DEFINITION 72 often accidentally through an xray taken for another reasonradionucleotide bone scan will show increased uptake at pagetic sites TERM 73 Pagets disease treatment DEFINITION 73 localized and asymptomatic requires no treatmentchemotherapy to suppress bone cell activityorthopedic surgery TERM 74 Osteoarthritis patho DEFINITION 74 degeneration condition resulting in destruction of articular cartilage and hypertrophy of marginal bone TERM 75 Osteoarthritis Etio DEFINITION 75 unknownage relatedcan be secondary to other conditions such as septic arthritis or traumacan also be caused by chronic over use of a joint TERM 76 Osteoarthritis Signs and symptoms DEFINITION 76 knee is most common place but it can be in other jointsdeep aching joint paincrepitation may be heard in the jointnarrowing of the joint space in xraypresence of osteophytes at joint margin TERM 77 Osteoarthritis diagnosis DEFINITION 77 symptoms are confirmed through xray TERM 78 Osteoarthritis treatment DEFINITION 78 gets worse with timecannot be curedtreat painmodify activitypossible weight lossjoint replacement surgery TERM 79 Gout DEFINITION 79 chronic disorder of uric acid metabolism TERM 80 Gout etio and patho DEFINITION 80 cause may be metabolic, renal, both, or genetic defectmetabolic is inherited, renal is caused by renal dysfunctioncrystals of uric acid compounds are deposited on any synovial joint margins TERM 81 Gout signs and symptoms DEFINITION 81 sudden onset of joint pain in the first metatarsophalangeal joint although other joints may be involvedpain reaches a peak and then subsides which may be accompanied by mild fever and chills TERM 82 Gout diagnosis DEFINITION 82 identification of tophi in xrayurinalysis to reveal hyperuricemia TERM 83 Gout treatment DEFINITION 83 bed restanalgesicsanti inflammatory drugslow purine diet TERM 84 Carpal tunnel syndrome etiology DEFINITION 84 compression of median nerve between the flexor retinaculum and carpal bones TERM 85 Carpal tunnel syndrome patho DEFINITION 85 overuse causes swelling of the flexor tendon sheaths which presses on the median nerve TERM 96 Complete blood count DEFINITION 96 Includes total RBC WBC and Platelets TERM 97 Leukocytosis DEFINITION 97 Associated with inflammation or infectionIncreased WBC TERM 98 Leukopenia DEFINITION 98 Decreased WBCAssociated with some viral infections; radiation or chemotherapy TERM 99 Increased Eosinophils DEFINITION 99 Common in allergic responses TERM 100 Morphology DEFINITION 100 Observed with blood smearsshows size shape uniformity maturity of cellsdifferent types of anemia can be distinguished TERM 101 Hematocrit DEFINITION 101 Percent by volume of cellular elements in blood TERM 102 Hemoglobin DEFINITION 102 amount of hemoglobin per unit volume of bloodmean corpuscular volume (MCV) indicates the oxygen- carrying capacity of blood TERM 103 reticulocyte count DEFINITION 103 Assessment of bone marrow function TERM 104 chemical analysis DEFINITION 104 determine serum levels of componentsIronB12folic acidcholesteralureaglucoseetc TERM 105 Bleeding time DEFINITION 105 measures platelet function TERM 106 Prothrombin time and partial thromboplstin time DEFINITION 106 Measure function of various factors in coagulation processINR is a standardized version of the test TERM 107 The anemias DEFINITION 107 Cause a reduction in oxygen transportBasic problem is a hemoglobin deficit TERM 108 Oxygen deficit leads to DEFINITION 108 Less energy production in all cells- cell metabolism and reproductioin diminishedcompensation mechanisms- tachycardia and peripheral vasoconstrictiongeneral signs of anemia- fatigue, pallor, dyspnea, tachycardia TERM 109 Anemia DEFINITION 109 decreases in number of RBC and/ or Hb contentHb is lower than what is required for the bodydenotes a complex of signs and symptomspresence indicates an underlying disorder TERM 110 Anemia results from DEFINITION 110 Blood lossdecreased RBC productionIncreased RBC destruction (hemolysis) TERM 121 Aplastic Anemia Etio DEFINITION 121 true aplastic is uncommonMost often found in adolescents and young adultsCommonly caused by chemical disturbance, radiation, hepatitis C TERM 122 Aplastic Anemia Signs and Symptoms DEFINITION 122 Often insidiouswaxy pallor to skinPurpura( bruising ), pancytopenia TERM 123 Aplastic Anemia Diagnosis DEFINITION 123 Complete blood countlow values of all components TERM 124 Aplastic Anemia treatment DEFINITION 124 Discontinue exposure to toxinbone marrow transplantation TERM 125 Polycythemia Vera DEFINITION 125 Characterized by an increase in Hb concentration and RBC mass TERM 126 Polycythemia Vera Etio DEFINITION 126 Very rare= 1/1 million peoplemarrow is hypercellularunknown cause TERM 127 Polycythemia Vera signs and symptoms DEFINITION 127 Expanded blood volume and viscositypruritus is common compliantHepatomegaly, retinal veins engorgedsometimes asymptomatic and identified from routine blood exam TERM 128 Polycythemia Vera treatment DEFINITION 128 Phlebotomymyleosupportive therapy TERM 129 Pernicious Anemia DEFINITION 129 Vitamin B12 deficiency TERM 130 Pernicious Anemia Etio DEFINITION 130 Decreased B12 absorption or dietary deficiencyGastric mucosa fails to secrete enough intrinsic factorcould be congenital or related to autoimmune disorder TERM 131 Pernicious Anemia Signs and Symptoms DEFINITION 131 Large immature necleated erythrocytesloss of vibratory sensation in lower extremitiesLoss of position sense, ataxia (lack of coordination)Babinski's sign (Big toe turns upward)Schilling test measures absorption of radioactive B12 TERM 132 Pernicious Anemia Diagnostic DEFINITION 132 Microscopic examination (erythrocytes)Bone marrow exam (hyperactive)B12 serum levels below normal TERM 133 Pernicious Anemia treatment DEFINITION 133 Dietary supplementationinjections required for life TERM 134 Sickle Cell Anemia DEFINITION 134 Hereditary, chronic anemia with abnormal sickled RBCsCells clump and block blood vesselsmost common among those with african ancestry TERM 135 Sickle Cell Anemia Etio and patho DEFINITION 135 Autosomal with incomplete dominancedefective gene substitutes 1 incorrect amino acidThis causes hemoglobin to take improper shapeshape changes when Hb is not bound to oxygenSickle cell trait result from one normal allele and one allele for sickle cellMore easily trapped within spleen TERM 146 Lymphomas DEFINITION 146 Malignant neoplasms involving lymphocyte proliferation in lymph nodesspecific causes not identifiedHigh risk in adults that had radiation during child hood TERM 147 Hodgkins Disease DEFINITION 147 lymphoreticular proliferation of unknown cause TERM 148 Hodgkins Disease Etiology DEFINITION 148 unknownpossible virussome evidence for tumor associated antigens TERM 149 Hodgkins Disease Signs and symptoms DEFINITION 149 Cervical and mediastinal adenopathyLarge, firm, painless lymph nodeslymphocytopenia TERM 150 Hodgkins Disease diagnosis DEFINITION 150 presence of Reed-sternberg cells TERM 151 Hodgkins Disease Treatment DEFINITION 151 curative drugs and radiotherapy TERM 152 Multiple myeloma DEFINITION 152 Neoplastic disease that involves increased production of plasma cells in bone marrowoccurs in older adultscancer cells produce excessive amounts of one antibody while production of other antibodies is impaired TERM 153 Multiple myeloma etiology DEFINITION 153 Unknown TERM 154 Multiple myeloma signs and symptoms DEFINITION 154 severe, constant back painarthritic symptoms, anemiatumors in bone marrow, widespread osteoporosis TERM 155 Multiple myeloma treatment DEFINITION 155 Radiation and chemotherapyBone Marrow transplant TERM 156 ECG DEFINITION 156 useful in the initial diagnosis and monitoring or dysrhythmias, myocardial infarction, infection, pericarditis TERM 157 Auscultation DEFINITION 157 detection of valvular abnormalities or abnormal shunts of blood that cause murmurs TERM 158 Echocardiography DEFINITION 158 Used to record the heart valve movementsblood flowand cardiac output TERM 159 Exercise stress tests DEFINITION 159 To assess general cardiovascular function TERM 160 Chest X ray films DEFINITION 160 Used to show shape and size of the heart TERM 171 Diuretics DEFINITION 171 Lowers BPRemove excess sodium and/ or waterTreatment of high blood pressure and congestive heart failure TERM 172 Anticoagulants DEFINITION 172 Reduce risk of blood clot formation TERM 173 Cholesterol- lowering drugs DEFINITION 173 Reduction of low density lipoproteins and cholesterol content TERM 174 Arteriosclerosis DEFINITION 174 General term for all types of arterial changesDegenerative changes in small arteries and arteriolesloss of elasticityLumen gradually narrows and may become obstructedcause of increased BP TERM 175 Atherosclerosis DEFINITION 175 Presence of atheromas in large arteriesPlaques consisting of lipids, calcium, and possible clotsRelated to diet, exercise, and stress TERM 176 Lipid Transport DEFINITION 176 Lipids are transported in combinations with proteins TERM 177 Low- density lipoprotein DEFINITION 177 Transport of cholesterol from liver to cells, major factor contributing to atheroma formation TERM 178 High density lipoprotein DEFINITION 178 Transport of cholesterol away from the peripheral cells to liver- "good" lipoproteincatabolism in liver and excretion TERM 179 Lipid Hypothesis DEFINITION 179 A cholesterol- rich diet induces monocytes to attach to endotheliummonocytes migrate to subendothelium and accumulate lipidSmooth muscle cells proliferate and accumulate lipid TERM 180 Lipid Hypothesis signs and symptoms DEFINITION 180 Usually silent until critical stenosis, thrombosis, etcHyperlipidemia, hypertension TERM 181 Coronary artery disease DEFINITION 181 Narrowing of coronary arteriesresults in inadequate blood supply to myocardiumIschemia results in cell death TERM 182 Coronary artery disease Etio DEFINITION 182 Atherosclerosis- Lumen narrowed by cholesterol plaquesage, hereditary, obesity, diet TERM 183 Coronary artery disease signs and symptoms DEFINITION 183 Anginavomitingfeeling of panicchest tightness TERM 184 Coronary artery disease Diagnosis DEFINITION 184 Medical history may reveal risk factorsEKG changes during angina attack may indicate region of ischemia TERM 185 Coronary artery disease treatment DEFINITION 185 Reduce O2 demand of myocardium, bypass surgery, angioplasty, behavioral change TERM 196 Signs of right sided failure and systemic backup DEFINITION 196 Edema in feet, legs, or buttocksIncreased pressure in jugular veins- distention- bulging veinsAbdominal edemaHepatomegaly and splenomegalyAscites TERM 197 Left sided failure DEFINITION 197 Pulmonary congestion, fluid build up around lungsDecrease in blood flow in kidney, build up of waste in blood TERM 198 Congestive heart failure Diagnosis DEFINITION 198 EKG, x-ray, elevated central central pressure TERM 199 Congestive heart failure treatment DEFINITION 199 Improve heart pumping, vasodilators, diuretics, restrict sodium TERM 200 Cardiac Dysrhythmias DEFINITION 200 Deviations from normal cardiac rate or rhythm- caused by electrolyte abnormalities , ever, etcReduction of the efficiency of the heart's pumping cycle TERM 201 Bradycardia DEFINITION 201 Regular but slow heart rate TERM 202 Tachycardia DEFINITION 202 Regular rapid heart rate TERM 203 Sick Sinus syndrome DEFINITION 203 Marked by altering bradycardia and tachycardia TERM 204 Premature atrial contractions or beats DEFINITION 204 Extra atrial contraction or ectopic bears - irritble atrial muscle cells outside conduction pathway TERM 205 Atrial flutter DEFINITION 205 Atrial heart rate of 160- 350 beats/ minutes, not ventricular walls -AV node delays conduction- ventricular rate is slower TERM 206 Atrial fibrillation DEFINITION 206 Rate over 350 beats/ min- causing pooling of blood- Thrombus formation is a risk TERM 207 Heart blocks DEFINITION 207 Conduction is excessively delayed or stopped at AV node or bundle of His TERM 208 First degree DEFINITION 208 Conduction delay between atrial and ventricular contractions TERM 209 Secondary degree DEFINITION 209 Every second to third atrial beat is dropped at AV node TERM 210 Third degree DEFINITION 210 No transmission from atria to ventricles TERM 221 Tricuspid Stenosis treatment DEFINITION 221 depends on severitypossible valvotomy TERM 222 Rheumatic Fever DEFINITION 222 infection itself TERM 223 Rheumatic Fever signs and symptoms DEFINITION 223 Migratory polyarthritis- ankles, knees, elbowsPericarditisErythema marginatum (pink rings on trunk and inner surfaces of limbs)Subcutaneous nodulesSydenhams Chorea- rapid and irregular jerky movements in hands and tongue TERM 224 Rheumatic Fever diagnosis DEFINITION 224 Jones' criteria- 2 major signs/symptomsCulture for GAS TERM 225 Rheumatic Fever treatment DEFINITION 225 NSAID, antibiotics TERM 226 Pericarditis DEFINITION 226 Inflammation of the pericardium, usually secondary TERM 227 Pericarditis Etiology DEFINITION 227 Usually cause is infectiontrauma may incite TERM 228 Pericarditis Signs and symptoms DEFINITION 228 Acute:Chest pain, dyspnea, fever, tamponadePain is precordial, may radiate to neck and shouldersOften aggravated by thoracic motiondominant physical finding is audible friction rub TERM 229 Pericarditis diagnosis DEFINITION 229 history of pain and characteristic EKG, friction rub, echocardiography TERM 230 Pericarditis treatment DEFINITION 230 Aspirin, CodeineSpecific antibodiesPeriocardiocentesis for tamponade TERM 231 Arterial Diseases- hypertension DEFINITION 231 High blood pressurecommonMay occur in any age groupmore common in individuals of African ancestrysometimes classified as systolic or diastolic TERM 232 Primary hypertension DEFINITION 232 blood pressure consistently above 140/90increase in arteriolar vasoconstrictionover long period of time- damage to arterial walls-blood supply to involved area is reduced- ischemia and necrosis of tissues with loss of function TERM 233 Secondary hypertension DEFINITION 233 Results from renal or endocrine disease, pheochromocytoma TERM 234 Malignant or resistant hypertension DEFINITION 234 uncontrollable, severe, and rapidly progressive form with many complicationsdiastolic pressure is extremely high TERM 235 Areas most commonly damaged by hypertension DEFINITION 235 KidneyHeartRetinaBrain
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