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Mental Health Disorders: Definitions and Treatments, Quizzes of Health sciences

Definitions and terms related to various mental health disorders, including schizoid personality disorder, cluster b personality disorders, somatoform disorders, pain disorders, amnesia, dissociative disorders, paraphilias, and sexual disorders. It also covers diagnostic criteria, treatments, and medications for each disorder.

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Download Mental Health Disorders: Definitions and Treatments and more Quizzes Health sciences in PDF only on Docsity! TERM 1 cluster A DEFINITION 1 odd/eccentric= paranoid, schizoid, schizotypal TERM 2 paranoid d/o DEFINITION 2 distrust & suspicious. YA. men. r/t early harassment. trusts no one, magnifies & distorts, doesnt accept responsibility for own behavior TERM 3 schizoid d/o DEFINITION 3 defect in ability to form r/s, failure to respond to others. men. cold, unempathic, lack nurturing, flat, solitude, shy, anxious, serious ab everything, dec libido TERM 4 schizotypal d/o DEFINITION 4 graver than schizoid. magical thinking, IOR, delusions, isolated, over elaborative, stress=decompensate, bland, flat. r/t impassive/formality/indifferent family TERM 5 cluster B DEFINITION 5 dramatic= antisocial, borderline, histrionic, narcissistic TERM 6 antisocial d/o DEFINITION 6 socially irresponsible, exploitative, guiltless. men. in jails. dependent for $ and on drugs, inconsistent work, no laws, manipulative, no r/s, argumentative, impulsive, lack remorse, chronic, cant delay gratification. no tx unless due to drugs & law related. r/t severe phys abuse, poor, never punished, ADHD or conduct d/o, inconsistent parenting, alchy dad TERM 7 most common d/o in hospitals DEFINITION 7 antisocial TERM 8 borderline d/o DEFINITION 8 between neuroses (no reality) & psychoses. intense chaotic r/s w affective instability, state of crisis, unstable, destructive, no ID. women. extreme attitudes, highly impulsive (shop, eat, drugs), angry, labile, frantic efforts to avoid abandonment, self-mutilation, manipulation, lonely, passive aggressive. r/t childhood trauma/abuse, serotonin. reapproachement phase of Mahler showing inc autonomy. fear of abandonment, unresolved grief, internalized rage. splitting staff. TERM 9 most common personality d/o DEFINITION 9 borderline TERM 10 histrionic d/o DEFINITION 10 excitable, emotional, colorful, dramatic. women. r/t nonadrenergic & serotonergic, learned behavior. attn seeking, seductive, manipulative, distractable, easily influencable, strong need for approval TERM 21 token economy for: DEFINITION 21 OCD, PA, antisocial, avoidant; reinforce for pos change, alt ways to deal w frustration TERM 22 antipsychotics for: DEFINITION 22 paranoid, schizotypal, borderline; dec illusions, IOR, paranoia, hostility, anxiety TERM 23 anti-anxiety for: DEFINITION 23 avoidant; when prev avoided behavior is attempted TERM 24 mood stabilizers for: DEFINITION 24 antisocial; lithium & propranolol (inderal) for violent episodes TERM 25 antidepressants for: DEFINITION 25 borderline; SSRIs dec impulsivity & self-destruction, dec anger TERM 26 zoloft & paxil for: DEFINITION 26 panic TERM 27 somatoform DEFINITION 27 hysterical neuroses d/t repressed severe anxiety TERM 28 dissociation DEFINITION 28 repression to remove bad thoughts from conscious awareness TERM 29 dissociative d/o (DID) DEFINITION 29 disruption in consciousness, memory, ID, perception of environment. rare. amnesia most common s/s. women & poor, YA w stress. TERM 30 somatoform d/o (SFD) DEFINITION 30 phys s/s but w/o organic patho. women, poor, poorly edu. TERM 31 somatization d/o DEFINITION 31 chronic, multiple phys s/s w/o med patho. r/t psychosocial distress & long-term seeking of asst from HCP. inc emotionality & dependence. preoccupied w s/s & self. anxiety, depression, suicidality, drugs. TERM 32 pain d/o DEFINITION 32 severe & prolonged pain that causes impairment. r/t med patho & stress. depression & substance abuse. women, 40- 50y/o. TERM 33 hypochondriasis d/o DEFINITION 33 fear of contracting/belief of having a serious disease. anxiety, depression, OCD. men & women. r/t past expo w serious/life- threatening illness TERM 34 conversion d/o DEFINITION 34 loss of/change in body function d/t psych conflict. phys s/s not explained by med patho. women, teens, YA, poor, poorly edu, rural. lack of concern out of keeping w severity of impairment=la belle indifference. paralysis, blind, deaf. follow extreme psych stress. pseudocyesis=false prego. TERM 35 facticious d/o DEFINITION 35 deliberately exagg./producing s/s of phys or mental illness to assume sick role. chronic & life-long. NOT MALINGERING. unmarried men. TERM 46 group therapy for DEFINITION 46 somatization & hypochondriasis TERM 47 behavior therapy best when DEFINITION 47 secondary gain prominent TERM 48 pain d/o Rx DEFINITION 48 antidepressants: (TCA) anafranil, tofranil, elavil, (SNRI) effexor, cymbalta; anticonvulsants: dilantin, tegretol, klonpin TERM 49 body dysmorphic Rx DEFINITION 49 TCA anafranil, SNRI prozac TERM 50 amnesia DEFINITION 50 NOT d/t gen med condition or substance use TERM 51 localized amnesia DEFINITION 51 cant recall all incidents assoc w traumatic event TERM 52 selective amnesia DEFINITION 52 cant recall certain incidents assoc w traumatic event TERM 53 continuous amnesia DEFINITION 53 cant recall events occurring after a specific time up to & including present TERM 54 generalized amnesia DEFINITION 54 cant recall anything that has happened during lifetime including ID TERM 55 systematized amensia DEFINITION 55 cant recall events r/t specific category of info, such as fam or particular person or event TERM 56 fugue DEFINITION 56 sudden unexpected travel away from home; cant recall ID & may assume new ID, appear ordinary TERM 57 dissociative identity (DID) DEFINITION 57 =multiple personality disorder. ea w memories, behaviors, & r/s. sudden transitions, dramatic, precipitated by stress. amnesia for events for other personalities not dominant TERM 58 depersonalization DEFINITION 58 disturbed self-perception. temp change in self awareness= feelings of unreality, change body image, sense of observing self from outside body. accompanied by anxiety, depression, fear of insanity, OCD, somatic complaints, disturbed sense of time. women, TERM 59 indiv. therapy for DEFINITION 59 amnesia w persuastion & free association. fugue to dec stress & change patterns TERM 60 DID therapy DEFINITION 60 integration (blending into one personality); abreaction (remember w feeling, recall past traumas in detail, flooding) TERM 71 transvestic fetishism para. DEFINITION 71 cross-dressing, usually male in female clothing TERM 72 sexual sadism DEFINITION 72 inflict phys/emotional pain, torture onto partner. non- consenting=legal probs. long term r/s w sexual masochistic partner TERM 73 sexual masochism DEFINITION 73 inflicted emo/phys pain to be sexually aroused, could be self inflicted TERM 74 frotteurism DEFINITION 74 touch/rub against non-consenting person for arousal TERM 75 voyeurism DEFINITION 75 peeping tom, watching unsuspecting naked/disrobing/sexually active TERM 76 telephone scatologia DEFINITION 76 phone sex TERM 77 necrophilia DEFINITION 77 dead bodies TERM 78 zoophilia DEFINITION 78 animals TERM 79 klismaphilia DEFINITION 79 pleasure from enemas TERM 80 pedophilia DEFINITION 80 arousal from pre-pubertal child. incest=pedophilia w child relative. grooming=over long pd to gain trust. TERM 81 paraphilias r/t: DEFINITION 81 limbic system, temporal lobe, angrogens. failed normal dev toward normal hetero adjustment. failed oedipal crisis & IDs with parent of opposite gender or selects inappropriate object for purging (cathexis) of sexual desire TERM 82 paraphilia Rx DEFINITION 82 block/dec androgens, antiandrogenics: depo-provera & lupron-depot, SSRIs proza & zoloft d/t serotonin effect, lithium TERM 83 aversion therapy DEFINITION 83 pairing noxious stimuli w impulse to diminish it TERM 84 covert sensitization DEFINITION 84 combines inappropriate fantasies w aversive/anxiety- provoking scenes under therapist guidance TERM 85 satiation DEFINITION 85 post-orgasmic indiv repeatedly fantasizes deviant behaviors to point of saturation, renders fantasies & makes unexciting, like flooding TERM 96 dyspareunia Rx DEFINITION 96 phys & OBGYN exams, sys desens TERM 97 vaginismus DEFINITION 97 educate on anatomy & physio, sys desens w dialators of inc sizes TERM 98 trans-sexualism DEFINITION 98 gender dysphoria=unhappy w gender. self-perception of opposite gender. lots of psych testing & hormonal tx before surgery. hormones post-op TERM 99 STD response of nurse DEFINITION 99 educate pt who may have or develop TERM 100 arrival of abuse w DEFINITION 100 Puritans TERM 101 abuse r/t DEFINITION 101 dec serotonin & progesterone, inc testosterone; underdeveloped ego & poor self-control TERM 102 tension-building battering DEFINITION 102 "you purposely burned my dinner" TERM 103 acute battering DEFINITION 103 "ill teach you a lesson" TERM 104 calm, loving respite battering (honeymoon) DEFINITION 104 "it will never happen again" TERM 105 victomizer profile DEFINITION 105 jealous, lack power/control in personal/professional life, cant control anger, blame victim for abuse, public belittlement TERM 106 victim profile DEFINITION 106 insecure, little support, avoid old friends/family, covering bruises/black eyes, "accident prone", story doesnt match, hyper-vigilant, anxious, worried, dependent TERM 107 mother of rapist DEFINITION 107 seductive but rejecting TERM 108 highest risk of rape DEFINITION 108 20-34y/o TERM 109 expressed pattern DEFINITION 109 victim expresses feelings by crying/smiling/sobbing/tension/restless TERM 110 controlled pattern DEFINITION 110 feelings masked/hidden and a calm composed subdued affect seen TERM 121 rett's d/o DEFINITION 121 progressive, associated w inc ammonia; mid-childhood autism w severe MR, poor communication, females, declining into adults, very poor outcome TERM 122 asperger's d/o DEFINITION 122 severe &sustained imp of social interaction & function, restrictive & repetitive behavior/interests; high-function autism, mild MR to normal IQ, fair communication, no loss of skills, restricted interests, seizures, family hx, males, fair outcome TERM 123 hyperactivity DEFINITION 123 purposeful or aimless, phys & verbal, inattn & distractable TERM 124 impulsiveness DEFINITION 124 act w/o thought to consequences, cant resist urges TERM 125 ADHD DEFINITION 125 persistent pattern of inattn &or hyperactivity-impulsivity more frequent & severe; mostly combined )6 s/s of inattn & 6 s/s of hyper-imp for 6mo+; r/t dopamine, NE, serotonin, smoking & alcohol in pregnancy, presence of lead TERM 126 tx anxiety & depression __ ADHD DEFINITION 126 concurrently TERM 127 tx substance abuse & bipolar __ ADHD DEFINITION 127 before TERM 128 ADHD Rx: stimulants or depressants? DEFINITION 128 stimulants: amphetamines (adderall, dexedrine), ritalin, focalin; monitor CV during tx, psych s/s may worsen TERM 129 SNRI & NRI Rx for ADHD DEFINITION 129 SRNI= strattera, lots of a/e, monitor CV & liver, psych s/s may worsen; NRI=wellbutrin, NOT if hx of eating d/o or seizures TERM 130 last dose of ADHD meds given: DEFINITION 130 6hrs before bed, or after meals; dec insomnia & anorexia; weigh weekly TERM 131 Drug Holiday taken w DEFINITION 131 ADHD TERM 132 NO cold meds with DEFINITION 132 CNS stimulants or ADHD meds TERM 133 sudden death w DEFINITION 133 strattera; monitor CV ongoing TERM 134 severe liver damage noted w DEFINITION 134 strattera; report: itching, dark urine, RUQ pain, jaundice, sore throat, fever, malaise TERM 135 conduct d/o DEFINITION 135 childhood= conduct by puberty->antisocial by adulthood; adolescent= >10, boys & girls, less progression. r/t NE, serotonin, testosterone, rejection, inconsistency, lg fam. bullies. poor schooling, lack guilt, earlier use of sex & drugs TERM 146 bulimia DEFINITION 146 girls, late teens to YA. episodic, uncontrolled binge then purge. diuretics, enemas, laxatives. fasting or excessive exercise. most in normal wt range. dehydration, f/e, dental & esophageal probs. r/t serotonin & NE. tx= prozac, tofranil. TERM 147 obesity DEFINITION 147 30+ BMI. r/t hypothyroiditis, dec insulin, inc cortisone. fixation in oral stage. tx= prozac to dec CHO craving, meridia, CNS stimulants. topamax for binge & obesity. TERM 148 dementia DEFINITION 148 progressive, slow onset, no cure. personality changes. assoc w alzheimer's, parkinson's. dec witih: inc schooling, statins/chol lowering drugs, living w partner, NSAIDs TERM 149 alzheimer's DEFINITION 149 cortex, to hippocampus, to top of brain/neocortex. inc yrs in school=dec alz s/s. r/t chromosome 14. TERM 150 early dementia DEFINITION 150 pt recognizes problem. dec short-term memory. mild dec cognition, mild confusion, neologisms, imp judgment, mood swings, confabulation (fill in gaps w lies) TERM 151 middle dementia DEFINITION 151 aphasia, perseveration, apraxia, agnosia, disinhibition, sundowning, difficulty w ADLs, inc aggitation, illusions, paranoia, suspicious, hiding/hoarding TERM 152 late dementia DEFINITION 152 totally dependent, complete loss of intellectual function, dysphagia, emaciation, aphasic, incontinence, susceptible to infections, flat affect TERM 153 dementia Rx DEFINITION 153 cholinesterase inhibitors= razadyne for mild-mod, exelon for mild-mod & parkinsonism, aricept for mild-mod, namenda for mod-severe, prevents binding of glutamate. NO cure, hides s/s, does NOT slow TERM 154 delirium DEFINITION 154 rapid onset, reversible, biophys cause that needs tx. hallucinations, incoherent speech, aimless activity. TERM 155 sleep decay DEFINITION 155 dec quality, unrested. inc apnea, depression, anxiety, imp mobility, loneliness, and boredom TERM 156 do NOT use __ & __ w elderly DEFINITION 156 barbs & benzos TERM 157 highest risk of suicide DEFINITION 157 white men recently bereaved, living alone, anxiety r/t $, undertx depression
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