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Understanding Persuasive Exposition Texts: Techniques, Features, and Writing Guidelines, Slides of Literature

Exposition TextsPersuasive WritingEnglish compositionLiterary AnalysisArgumentative Essays

Insights into persuasive exposition texts, their different types, structures, and language features. Students will learn how to recognize persuasive techniques, evaluate the validity of arguments, and write effective expositions. The document also includes activities and exercises to help students practice and improve their skills.

What you will learn

  • What activities and exercises can help students practice and improve their persuasive writing skills?
  • What are the key features of persuasive exposition texts?
  • What are the different types of persuasive exposition texts?
  • How can students write effective persuasive expositions?
  • How can students recognize persuasive techniques in exposition texts?

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Download Understanding Persuasive Exposition Texts: Techniques, Features, and Writing Guidelines and more Slides Literature in PDF only on Docsity! 75 Exposition Texts Structure and features of exposition texts PURPOSE An exposition persuades a reader or listener by presenting one side of an argument. By taking a point of view and justifying it, we aim to convince others to see only that side of an issue. Some expositions speculate as to what might be and persuade others as to what should be. TYPES OF EXPOSITION Exposition texts vary according to whether they analyse, interpret or evaluate the environment surrounding us.They may also inform or persuade and explain how and why. In an expository text the audience is being persuaded to a particular point of view.This may be persuading someone to act in a certain way or justifying an action. Exposition texts can be personal and emotive in tone and selectively explain and analyse events, issues and phenomena.The writer wants the reader to empathise with the emotions and reasons and to support the action. Students need to develop the ability to recognise that something is one- sided or biased and presents only one point of view, especially if they are being convinced to behave in a certain way, to buy something or to do something. It is important that for the text to be persuasive the tenor must be at the appropriate level for the audience. Generally an impersonal style is used and the passive voice creates an authoritative tone. Conjunctions give the text coherence, while the vocabulary, which can be metaphorical, describes feelings and attitudes. The modality expresses the writer’s attitude and reflects whether the discussion is open or authoritative and definite. Responding to persuasive writing helps develop a student’s critical thinking and clarity of expression. It encourages students to question, research and respond to an argument in a clear and logical way. There are different types of exposition texts: • Expository writing can change the attitude people have or their point of view, by expressing an argument about a specific issue. This persuasive writing appears as newspaper editorials, political or campaign speeches, print, visual and oral media, information texts in books, letters to the editor, legal defences or sermons. Hopefully as students develop their skills they will become aware that facts can be interpreted in different ways and that a variety of opinions on an issue may be valid. • Persuasive writing can promote and sell goods, services and activities; for example in advertisements and posters persuasive language convinces people to do or believe particular things. It has a positive emphasis or bias and is directed at a specific audience. Media advertisements are generally eye catching with catchy slogans and tunes.This draws people in and makes them identify with the messages and images portrayed.At times other texts are adopted, e.g. procedures, explanations and descriptions.An example is: Ten steps to a beautiful new body. • Expository writing can plead a case, for example Don’t pollute our rivers. Persuasive expositions differ from discussions where the writer explores all sides of an issue and comes to a decision based on available evidence. Persuasive expositions have a point of view that is supported by logical arguments and evidence.The writer selects and omits information to support a position. Strong research skills and accurate note making are needed to write a persuasive exposition if issues relate to areas with which students have had no experience. Surveys and interviews about issues 76 can be used to gather information while current materials gathered from newspapers, news and radio broadcasts form an invaluable resource. Students will need to check the validity of their sources of information and list a bibliography. Structure of exposition texts Exposition texts generally begin with an introductory statement of position giving the author’s opinion or point of view.This previews the argument that will follow.The next section has a series of logical arguments that convince the audience why this position has been taken. A conclusion ties it all together by reinforcing or summarising the author’s point of view. STATEMENT OF POSITION Encourage students to start with a clear and forceful statement of position.This is often supported by some background information about the issue in question.The stand taken by the writer may preview in summary form the arguments to be presented. Students need to focus on developing a strong statement of position.They can ask themselves the following questions: • Who am I trying to persuade? • What am I trying to persuade them to think or do? • What type of arguments will best catch their attention? • Is the statement hard hitting and does it clearly state the position? ARGUMENT STAGE A number of points are generally made in the argument stage.The number of arguments is flexible and varies in each exposition. Arguments need to be logically developed and supported, and justified with reasons, examples, expert evidence and statistical information. Frequently each argument begins with background information, followed by points that relate back to the statement of position and justify or elaborate on the statement. For arguments to be as effective as possible they should include supporting facts, examples, tables, visual images, quotes or evidence so that they appear convincing.Vague terms such as the general public, or a large group, should be used carefully, as the accuracy of these observations needs to be assessed. The arguments are ordered according to whether the writer believes they are persuasive or weaker arguments.The writer may wish to start with the strongest argument, linking the others.An alternative way is to start with the weaker and build with each argument to the strongest, or they may wish to intersperse the strong arguments with those that are weaker. It is important that each elaboration consists of a number of sentences. Each paragraph should be carefully structured with the topic sentence in each paragraph relating to the main idea and at times the preceding paragraph. Most paragraphs have one main idea that is argued and elaborated and forms part of the whole exposition. An important language feature is the use of connectives and conjunctions as they show the relationship between parts of the text.These conjunctions can link ideas, contrast concepts, sequence thoughts, add to ideas and connect cause and effect. Examples of these words are firstly, finally, in addition, because, as a result of, on the other hand. REINFORCEMENT OF THE STATEMENT OF POSITION This is where the argument is emphasised.The summing up of the position in the light of the argument that has been presented reinforces the statement of position and often calls for some type of action on the part of the audience. In order to persuade their audience in oral presentations, students need to focus on reinforcing their statement of position and BLM 52Name _________________________________________ Date _______________ 79Blake Education Fully Reproducible Outcomes Checklist Exposition Texts At the end of the units on exposition texts, students will have worked towards achieving the following National Level 4 (NSW Stage 3) outcomes. SPEAKING AND LISTENING NA 4.2 NSW 3.3 Considers aspects of context, purpose and audience when speaking and listening and discusses ways in which spoken language differs from written. NA 4.3 NSW 3.4 Controls and evaluates structures and features of spoken language. Interprets meaning and develops and presents ideas and information in familiar surroundings. NA 4.4 NSW 3.2 Interacts in different sized groups using effective communication skills and strategies and listening attentively. READING AND VIEWING NA 4.5 NSW 3.5 Reads an extensive range of texts with fairly complex structures and features, justifying own interpretation of ideas, information and events in the response to themes and issues. NA 4.6 NSW 3.7 Analyses and explains techniques to position the reader and to interpret experiences differently in texts. NA 4.7 NSW 3.8 Identifies the structures of different texts and with assistance discusses the grammatical structures and features that shape readers’ and listeners’ understanding of texts. NA 4.8a NSW 3.6 Selects a range of strategies appropriate for the texts being read. NA 4.8b Working with peers, is able to find information and resources for specific purposes. WRITING NA 4.9 NSW 3.9 Writes well structured literary and factual texts using challenging topics, ideas and issues for a variety of purposes and audiences. NA 4.10 NSW 3.13 Evaluates writing in terms of effectiveness of presentation of subject matter and adjusts to focus on context, purpose and audience. NA 4.11 NSW 3.14 Discusses and evaluates how texts have been constructed to achieve their purpose and shape readers’ and viewers’ understandings using grammatical features and structures. NA 4.12a NSW 3.10 Uses a range of strategies to plan, edit and proofread own writing. NA 4.12b NSW 3.11 Uses a range of strategies to spell unfamiliar words. NSW 3.12 Writes using a fluent and legible style. BLM 61, 68, 69, 78, 85, 88, 89 68, 69, 84, 85, 89 67, 78, 84, 89 62, 66, 73 66, 79, 83, 88 60, 66, 73, 79, 83 62, 83 59, 61, 82 63, 69, 74, 75, 78, 80, 91 59, 60, 63, 67, 68, 70, 73, 74, 75, 91 59, 63, 66, 67, 69, 70, 75, 80, 90, 91 70, 73, 74, 75 67, 70, 90 60 DATE & COMMENTS 80 Background Lessons Students can write expositions based on issues arising in all Key Learning Areas. Some of the issues may relate to content with which students have had no experience.Teachers should support students by providing scaffolds to assist with the gathering of information through surveys and interviews with relevant people about issues. Current newspapers, news and radio broadcasts should be accessed too. Session 1 Oral activities In pairs, ask students to prepare an interview with one person stating one side of the argument while the other person attempts to make the first change his or her mind.A possible topic could be building a freeway through the land lying next to the school that is close to homes. Encourage students to use emotive language and supportive evidence. Brainstorm with students the different ways people communicate their feelings about events.They may write letters to the newspaper, letters to politicians, attend protest rallies or call talkback radio. Give students, working in groups, an emotive issue and ask them to present a role play of the situation. Highlight bias and emotive language in their presentations and discuss the role these words played in communicating the message. Encourage students to research material so they can deliver an effective argument on this issue. The comments of experts or supportive evidence add the voice of authority. Remind students to move from the personal voice to the impersonal and to use medium to high modality (might, should). Challenge them to present a point of view contrary to their own. Discuss situations where this may happen (a debate) and the techniques used by spokespeople to overcome this. Focus on appropriate use of gesture, eye contact, expression and movement in order to emphasise a point. Encourage students to use visual texts such as pictures and diagrams to support and clarify their expositions.A possible topic could be ‘The motor car is a mistake’. Session 2 Language activities At this stage students should be focusing on these language features in their expositions.The features are the use of emotive language, changing from a personal to an impersonal voice, using high modality, conjunctions and nominalisation. EMOTIVE LANGUAGE Words like woman and child are neutral words as no feelings arise about them. Other words, for example burglar, hero and baby, make us respond by feeling angry, pleased, frightened or contemptuous.Ask students to use emotive words to describe the following people: a policeman describing a wanted man; a pupil complaining to his parents about his teacher; a politician passionately explaining his policies to the electorate. Follow this with an activity where students rewrite each neutral sentence as a more powerful one: It was a good day;The kitten was sweet; It was a bad idea. THE USE OF HIGH MODALITY Remind students of the different levels of modality and work with them to develop word banks of the different levels. For example words that show low modality are may, possible; words showing medium modality are will, probably; while high modality is shown by must and certainly. e.g. It might make you afraid becomes It will make you afraid as low modality changes to high. 81 Read sentences to students, asking them to place the modality, and then give students sentences to rewrite in a stronger or weaker modality. IMPERSONAL VOICE In expositions students should change their writing from a personal to a more impersonal voice. e.g. I think the school needs more playground equipment. (Personal) The school needs more playground equipment. (Impersonal) Ask students to rewrite these sentences in an impersonal voice using high modality: I think we might regenerate the bush; Perhaps we might buy some new school desks;A number of people fear that the trip is too dangerous. CONJUNCTIONS Give students a number of simple sentences and encourage them to use conjunctions to link arguments in each paragraph more effectively as this will lead to a more cohesive text. e.g. It is understood that the danger will pass because the water has subsided. NOMINALISATION Nominalisation features in expositions of more mature writers and is essential for dealing with abstract knowledge. It assists students to change from a purely speech oriented form of action based writing to one which is noun based. Students write more effectively and in a more authoritarian tone when using nominalisation, which is a process of forming a noun from a verb. e.g. I removed the rock from the path.  The removal of the rock from the path was essential. I have a need to play.  Recreation is important for a child’s growth and development. I am building a tower.  The tower’s construction will affect the daily life of many people. Give the students a passage in which to underline the action verbs.Ask them to rewrite the passage using the features discussed above. Session 3 Have your say View a number of documentaries on various topics.Ask students to focus on whether the writer uses bias and visual images in the emotive text and whether exaggeration or omission of facts are used to influence the audience. Encourage students to focus on the use of technical terms in the text and to look at what amount and type of support is given to the reader to help understand the terms. Discuss with students if there is a presumption that the reader will understand the content. Ask students, as a group, to express their opinions about an event occurring at school, for example food to be available in the tuckshop.Ask them to give reasons that support their suggestions. Before the modelling of the writing of an exposition begins, encourage students to focus on who they are trying to persuade and the most effective way to persuade their audience. Discuss with them the different points of view and who is involved. Model for students the writing of an exposition supplying background information, expressing a point of view and ensuring that each time a point is made, it is elaborated. Focus on writing an authoritarian, impersonal point of view, e.g. Most adults agree...The general feeling is...We could report...It is normally carried through... Include the language features discussed above. Session 4 Looking at the media Advertisements create a need, entertain, inform and make money.A large amount of money and research is involved in campaigns to persuade people to buy a certain product.The advertiser selects a target group and the Name _________________________________________ Date _______________BLM 53 84 Blake Education Fully Reproducible Exposition Planning Frame Statement of position and argument Have you planned your exposition? Have you clearly stated a problem in your introduction? Have you established your point of view? Does your research support your arguments? What audience are you writing for? Are you writing in present tense? Points and elaboration Is each point supported by elaboration that adds details? Do expert opinions support the arguments? Are quotes used? Do cause and effect connect ideas? Are truthful facts and figures used? Is emotive and evaluative language used? Are words selected for the degree of certainty? Can the line of argument be easily understood? Are the arguments supported by expert opinions? Are connectives such as so, like, causes, brings about found? Do words such as the advantages point of view...there are many reasons would seem that...and my opinion is...appear in the text? Reinforcement of position Is the stand clearly summarised? Is the position reinforced? Do you call on the audience to take action? BLM 54Name _________________________________________ Date _______________ 85Blake Education Fully Reproducible Exposition Scaffold Introduction The author presents a point of view of the argument. A question or emotional statement can be used to gain audience attention. Series of arguments to convince the audience Each paragraph begins with a topic sentence that introduces a new argument. Details follow, supporting the argument. Emotive words persuade the audience into believing the author. Conclusion to sum up the arguments The author restates his or her point of view. A summary of the above facts can be included here. BLM 55 86 Blake Education Fully Reproducible Name: Class: PURPOSE Understands and focuses on the purpose of an exposition. STRUCTURE Clearly states a problem in the introduction. Writes a strong statement of position. Supports the opening statement with background information. Formulates an argument, selecting facts to support and elaborate a point of view. Uses a variety of strategies to persuade the audience and reinforce the position. Identifies different forms of persuasive writing. TEXT ORGANISATION Understands the function of each stage. Develops a well-sequenced plan. Organises each point and its elaboration into appropriate paragraphs. Sequences points from most effective to least effective. Can locate and research relevant information. Able to detect contradictory evidence. LANGUAGE FEATURES Aware of the needs of the audience. Uses connectives and conjunctions to link ideas, contrast concepts, sequence thoughts and connect cause and effect. Differentiates between fact and opinion. Uses emotive words. Uses degree of certainty or modality in words selected. Uses evaluative language. Uses abstract and technical words appropriately. Uses reported speech to refer to expert comments and research. Writes in the present tense and changes to past or future when appropriate. Uses nominalisation to write with authority in passive voice. Date/LevelDate/Level Date/Level Date/Level Exposition Skills Checklist LEVEL CODES 1 Consistently evident 2 Sometimes evident 3 Not evident
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