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Final exam cards | GEOG 1113 - Introduction to Landforms, Quizzes of Geography

Class: GEOG 1113 - Introduction to Landforms; Subject: Geography; University: University of Georgia; Term: Fall 2014;

Typology: Quizzes


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Download Final exam cards | GEOG 1113 - Introduction to Landforms and more Quizzes Geography in PDF only on Docsity! TERM 1 Denudation DEFINITION 1 weathering or erosion TERM 2 two types of weathering DEFINITION 2 mechanical and chemical TERM 3 weathering definition DEFINITION 3 breaking down of the rock TERM 4 erosion DEFINITION 4 movement of weathered pieces of rock TERM 5 mechanical denudation definition, 4 examples DEFINITION 5 physical disintegrationdilatation, frost weathering, salt weathering, thermoclastis TERM 6 chemical weathering definition, two examples DEFINITION 6 decomposition, a change in material/chemicalshydrolosis, carbonation TERM 7 Frost weathering DEFINITION 7 type of mechanical weathering in which water freezes and expands 9%, called cryostatic pressurerocks break due to this ice, causes angular fragmentation at surface (felsenmeer) or at base of cliff (talus/scree) TERM 8 Felsenmeer DEFINITION 8 angular fragmentation of rock at the surface TERM 9 Talus/scree DEFINITION 9 angular fragmentation of rock at the base of a cliff TERM 10 where does frost weathering occur? DEFINITION 10 areas of high freeze-thaw events (mountains, temperate latitudes, etc.) TERM 21 where does salt weathering occur mostly? DEFINITION 21 deserts (evaporites) and coastal areas TERM 22 granular disintegration DEFINITION 22 mm sized pieces of rocks break off TERM 23 what does crystal growth cause salts to do? DEFINITION 23 causes them to break TERM 24 very effective salt for weathering? DEFINITION 24 sodium sulfate TERM 25 capillary zone DEFINITION 25 above the water table, about 1 m thick where water is drawn up in thin film TERM 26 thermoclastis DEFINITION 26 breakage and cracking of rocks due to heating/cooling (1-3 cm cracks) TERM 27 what makes a rock a good insulator? DEFINITION 27 if it has low thermal conductivity and therefore cannot transmit heat readily TERM 28 what causes rocks to spall/flake? DEFINITION 28 when upper layer expands during the day and the lower area doesn't, and then the upper layer contracts at night while the lower layer doesn't. TERM 29 rock fatigue DEFINITION 29 when the rocks finally crack after spalling/flaking TERM 30 albedo DEFINITION 30 reflectivity of a rock TERM 31 "specific heat" DEFINITION 31 amount of energy needed to raise the temp 1 degree celcius TERM 32 three mineral differences DEFINITION 32 1. albedo (reflectivity)2. specific heat3. rates of expansion/contraction TERM 33 what is the dominant form of weathering process? DEFINITION 33 decomposition (chemical weathering) TERM 34 hydrolosis DEFINITION 34 mineral exposed to pure water, outputs an oxideeg. orthoclase feldspar + pure water -> potassium oxide, aluminum, kaolinite, silicate TERM 35 what is kaolinite? DEFINITION 35 ga red clay TERM 46 spitzkarren DEFINITION 46 spikes on limestone TERM 47 rundkarren DEFINITION 47 round structures on limestone rocks TERM 48 what's the ocala limestone in southwest ga called? DEFINITION 48 floridian aquifer TERM 49 sheeting structures DEFINITION 49 layers of rock cracking off and sliding down, like on stone mountain, causes it's rounded appearance TERM 50 how are the cracks on stone mountain produced? DEFINITION 50 by expansive forces TERM 51 what are inselbergs? DEFINITION 51 island mountains formed from weathering and exhumation TERM 52 what is exhumation? DEFINITION 52 process of digging or restoring TERM 53 what are bornhardts/who were they named after DEFINITION 53 extremely solid masses of smooth rock, all bounded by weathered rocknamed after german Bornhardt TERM 54 four types of bornhardts DEFINITION 54 1. whaleback2. dome3. turtleback4. ruware TERM 55 boulder hills/two types DEFINITION 55 piles of rockstor/castle koppies TERM 56 difference between tors and castle koppies? DEFINITION 56 tors are small version of boulder hills, ceiling heightcastle coppies are like 200-300 ft high TERM 57 what's an etchplain? +example DEFINITION 57 exhumed basal surface of weathering that reveals higher parts of surface like inselbergseg. Matobo Hills, Zimbabwe TERM 58 regolith DEFINITION 58 weathered rock to the surface TERM 59 hydrological cycle DEFINITION 59 water moves from ocean to atmosphere, from atmosphere to land, from land back to oceans TERM 60 how much evaporates per year from oceans? DEFINITION 60 about 1 meter TERM 71 aquifer DEFINITION 71 body of permeable rock that contains or transmits groundwater TERM 72 confined aquifer DEFINITION 72 not connected to surface, limited rechargean impermeable rock layer exists that prevents water from seeping into the aquifer from the ground above TERM 73 unconfined aquifers DEFINITION 73 connected to the surface, water seeps directly from ground surface to aquifer TERM 74 aquiclude DEFINITION 74 the impermeable rock layer that prevents flow of water, part of a confined aquifer TERM 75 aquitard DEFINITION 75 bed of low permeability along an aquiferslows down the flow of waterlike a not as impermeable aquiclude TERM 76 hydraulic head DEFINITION 76 measure of the mechanical energy that causes groundwater to flowdifference in elevation between parts of the water table, determines velocity and direction of flow TERM 77 typical velocity of groundwater? DEFINITION 77 between 1m/day to 1m/year TERM 78 how fast can groundwater travel in permeable materials? DEFINITION 78 sand/gravel, can travel at a velocity of 250 m / day TERM 79 why are velocities higher in limestone? DEFINITION 79 because water flows in caves TERM 80 effluent seepage DEFINITION 80 flow of groundwater into rivers and lakes TERM 81 influent seepage DEFINITION 81 flow from rivers into the ground TERM 82 What is Wadi? DEFINITION 82 a valley, gully, or streambed in north Africa and southwest Asia that remains dry except during rainy season TERM 83 what is Wati an example of? DEFINITION 83 influent seepage, bc water moves from stream/lake into the ground TERM 84 what's the Floridian Aquifer? DEFINITION 84 coastal plain of GA/ northeast Florida TERM 85 artesian water and confined aquifers DEFINITION 85 water confined in aquifer between impermeable beds of shalewater flows through limestone aquifer until it reaches a surfaceground water recharged where the aquifer meets the surfacecommon in GA/ southeast US TERM 96 what are wadis? DEFINITION 96 dry river channels TERM 97 what are aquicludes? DEFINITION 97 confined aquifers between impermeable beds TERM 98 what's the potentiometric surface DEFINITION 98 surface that defines the height that water would reach if it was allowed to do so TERM 99 what is the piezometric surface? DEFINITION 99 the water table for an unconfined aquifer TERM 100 what is laminer flow? DEFINITION 100 aka sheet flowthin layer of water at top of a hill TERM 101 order of water flows down a hill from top to bottom DEFINITION 101 laminer flowrill flowgully flowstreamsrivers TERM 102 what are interfluves? DEFINITION 102 areas between stream valleys TERM 103 what's a levy? (11/11) DEFINITION 103 a natural sand bank TERM 104 what are yazoo streams? DEFINITION 104 little streams that run parallel to the main channel TERM 105 what's a flood plain? DEFINITION 105 plain covered by water during floods TERM 106 what's a meander? DEFINITION 106 large bend in river, many travel upstream/upvalley TERM 107 what's a pointbar/scrollbar? DEFINITION 107 deposit on the inside of a bend due to slower flow TERM 108 whats a natural levee? DEFINITION 108 embankment adjacent to the stream channel due to deposit of sand during flooding TERM 109 what's a backswamp? DEFINITION 109 low area of a floodplan at lower elevation that levees TERM 110 how are braided streams produced? DEFINITION 110 by streams with a great amount of sediment TERM 121 what's the most common soluble rock? DEFINITION 121 limestone TERM 122 what's the chemical formula for limestone? DEFINITION 122 CaCO3 TERM 123 2nd most common soluble rock/it's chemical formula? DEFINITION 123 Dolomite, CaMg(CO3)2 TERM 124 How much of earth's land has soluble rocks at the surface? DEFINITION 124 12% TERM 125 Chem formula for calcium carbonate + carbonic acid = calcium bicarbonate DEFINITION 125 CaCO3 + H2O + CO2 = Ca(HCO3)2orCaCO3 + H2CO3 = Ca(HCO3)2 TERM 126 how much of the atmosphere was CO2 preindustrially? DEFINITION 126 .03% TERM 127 how much CO2 was in the soil preindustrially? DEFINITION 127 1% TERM 128 How much of plants died after increase in CO2? DEFINITION 128 up to 20% TERM 129 What does root respiration do to CO2 levels in the soil? DEFINITION 129 raises it TERM 130 Henry's Law DEFINITION 130 higher the partial pressure = more CO2 in waterif the amount of CO2 in gas is raised, the amount that can dissolve in water is proportional TERM 131 how are caves formed? DEFINITION 131 underground water dissolves limestone, water table drops, dry deposits form TERM 132 equation for solution of limestone? DEFINITION 132 CaCO3 + H2O + CO2 ~ Ca(HCO3)2 TERM 133 what are speleothems? DEFINITION 133 encompassing term for cave features TERM 134 what is tufa? DEFINITION 134 type of limestone, very porous and yellow TERM 135 what's the strahler ordering system? DEFINITION 135 1st order streams - don't connect w others, smaller and higher up2nd order streams - two 1st orders connected together3rd order streams - 2 second orders connected TERM 146 how is stream competence measured? DEFINITION 146 by the size of the largest particle a stream can carrysilt/clay=-0-.6mmsand=.6-2mm TERM 147 what size of sediment is easiest for streams to move? DEFINITION 147 .6-.7 mm TERM 148 what speed does the deposition of silt and class occur at? DEFINITION 148 low velocity only TERM 149 what's the geographical cycle of erosion/who invented it? DEFINITION 149 invented by William Morris Daviswater flows from high to low energy TERM 150 what are the stages of a river? DEFINITION 150 youthful, mature, old age TERM 151 Peneplanation / who believed in it DEFINITION 151 occurs in humid areas, a single interfluve and a low humm on the land undergoes downwaisting, creates peneplanationDavis believed in it TERM 152 Pediplanation DEFINITION 152 believed in by Lester Kingconstant slope retreat called a pedimentexplains mesas/buttes in southwest arid regions TERM 153 what's the istocy process? DEFINITION 153 land pushing down because of weight, when weight is lifted the crust rises back upgives landscapes new energy and increased gradientstream rejuvination can start all oer again TERM 154 sedimentoisostasty DEFINITION 154 plates can move up and down bc +/- of sediment, mountain building & erosioneg. plimsole line on ships TERM 155 glacioisostasy DEFINITION 155 can move up and down bc glaciers form and melt, +/- TERM 156 isostatic rebound DEFINITION 156 plate rises after weight is removedeg. Laurentide Ice Sheet rebound by Canada and Europe TERM 157 Where is the maximum zone of erosion located on a river flood plain? DEFINITION 157 the outside of the riverbend TERM 158 helical flow DEFINITION 158 turbulent water movement where water on surface is fastest and enhances the erosion of the channel TERM 159 where do helical flow patterns begin and why? DEFINITION 159 begin in curves bc of velocity differences TERM 160 what does helical flow help? DEFINITION 160 helps erosion on outside curve of bend while many sediments get depositied TERM 171 example of spring and waterfall tufa DEFINITION 171 Pidgeon Mtn, GA TERM 172 why are waterfalls white? DEFINITION 172 bubbles reflect light, speed up degassing TERM 173 example of large tufa? DEFINITION 173 Piltvice, Croatia TERM 174 two types of karst hydrology models? DEFINITION 174 single aquifermultiple aquifer (separate) TERM 175 where does water flow in limestone? DEFINITION 175 in a fluvial valley TERM 176 what are dolines? DEFINITION 176 sinkholes TERM 177 what are uvalas? DEFINITION 177 whole depressions TERM 178 what are poljes? DEFINITION 178 huge holes, several miles wide TERM 179 what climate are dolines found in? DEFINITION 179 temperate areas TERM 180 what's a doline karst? DEFINITION 180 surface pockmarked with depressions (plateaus and dolines) TERM 181 where are cockpits found? DEFINITION 181 tropical areas TERM 182 what's a cockpit karst? DEFINITION 182 structure with no upper surface, it's star shaped TERM 183 what is bauxite/where's it found? DEFINITION 183 found in hollows of cockpit karsts, raw material that aluminum is obtained from TERM 184 what's the pH of water in a limestone environment? DEFINITION 184 8 TERM 185 why is pH of water in limestone environment important? DEFINITION 185 silica is more soluble in alkaline water than acidic TERM 196 what's a polje? DEFINITION 196 largest depression in karst environments TERM 197 two parts/definitions of poljes? DEFINITION 197 ponor: sinks where water goes down in particular placehum: hill found in a polje TERM 198 two ways poljes form? DEFINITION 198 dolines->uvalas->polje (less common)tectonic depressions (more common) TERM 199 what's the most famous polje and its size? DEFINITION 199 Livno Polje in Yugoslavia/Slovenia65 sq km TERM 200 What's a semiblind valley? DEFINITION 200 where no water flows during dry season, but does during floods/wet season TERM 201 what's a blind valley? DEFINITION 201 where no water can cross threshold, even in the wet season TERM 202 how many ice sheets are there now? how many in the past? DEFINITION 202 2 now, but at least three others 25,000 years ago TERM 203 where are the ice sheets located? DEFINITION 203 antarctica/greenland TERM 204 how big are the ice sheets? DEFINITION 204 1000-2000 meters wide, 2-3 miles thick TERM 205 what are ice caps? DEFINITION 205 cover mountains, smaller than ice sheets TERM 206 example of an ice cap on a mountain DEFINITION 206 Columbia Icefield TERM 207 Example of an ice cap on a lowland DEFINITION 207 Barnes Ice Cap TERM 208 are mountain ice caps temporary or permanent? why? DEFINITION 208 permanent - cold temps at high elevations TERM 209 two types of valley glaciers DEFINITION 209 alpineoutlet TERM 210 alpine glacier + example DEFINITION 210 Teton Glaciernot connected to other ice mass, self supporting bc low temps and precipitation TERM 221 where's the ablation zone? DEFINITION 221 towards front end of glacier, snow melts in summer and leaves just ice TERM 222 where's the accumulation zone? DEFINITION 222 towards the higher back end of a glacier, winter snow doesn't melt in summer TERM 223 what's the firn line? DEFINITION 223 line where compacted snow divides the accumulation and ablation zones TERM 224 what's the main thing ice does? DEFINITION 224 block slicing - ice slides against rock down valley, surges when a rock moves rapidly TERM 225 what is ice regulation? DEFINITION 225 melting and nearly immediate refreezing. higher pressure melts ice, refreezes when pressure is gone TERM 226 how does ice move down a valley? DEFINITION 226 ice regulation TERM 227 what's the medial moraine? DEFINITION 227 where ice meets the valley TERM 228 what's blocksliding? DEFINITION 228 lubrication of water on ice and glacier moves down valley
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