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Final Exam Flashcards | 08N 050 - Word Power: Building English Vocabulary, Quizzes of English Language

Flashcards of words that will be on the final exam. Class: 08N 050 - Word Power: Building English Vocabulary; Subject: English-Nonfiction Writing; University: University of Iowa; Term: Fall 2009;

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Download Final Exam Flashcards | 08N 050 - Word Power: Building English Vocabulary and more Quizzes English Language in PDF only on Docsity! TERM 1 academy DEFINITION 1 a school or learned society TERM 2 Arcadian DEFINITION 2 simple, peaceful, rustic TERM 3 Croesus DEFINITION 3 a very rich man TERM 4 cynic DEFINITION 4 one who sarcastically doubts human motives TERM 5 Draconian DEFINITION 5 extremely severe TERM 6 epicure/epicurean DEFINITION 6 a person of refined taste in matters of food and drink TERM 7 to cut the "Gordian" knot DEFINITION 7 to solve a difficult problem by direct and drastic means TERM 8 laconic DEFINITION 8 brief, pithy, concise TERM 9 mausoleum DEFINITION 9 a large tomb TERM 10 meander DEFINITION 10 to follow a winding course TERM 21 GYMN-ast DEFINITION 21 naked TERM 22 en-THUS(i),(THEOS)-ast DEFINITION 22 god TERM 23 ana-LY-st DEFINITION 23 to loosen TERM 24 -t, te DEFINITION 24 "he who", "that which" TERM 25 POE-t DEFINITION 25 to make TERM 26 pro-PHE-t DEFINITION 26 to speak TERM 27 ATHLE-te DEFINITION 27 to contend TERM 28 PIRA-te DEFINITION 28 to attempt TERM 29 -y, -ia DEFINITION 29 "quality of", "state of", "act of" TERM 30 AGON-y DEFINITION 30 struggle TERM 31 PHIL-ANTHROP-y DEFINITION 31 to love, man TERM 32 an-(H)EM-ia DEFINITION 32 blood TERM 33 ALL- DEFINITION 33 other TERM 34 CAC- DEFINITION 34 bad TERM 35 CAU(S)- DEFINITION 35 to burn TERM 46 apostates DEFINITION 46 one who has abandoned their beliefs; such as a religion or a cause TERM 47 empathy DEFINITION 47 identification with and understanding another's situation, feelings, and motives TERM 48 metaphysical DEFINITION 48 based on speculative or abstract reasoning TERM 49 dynamism DEFINITION 49 continuous change, activity, or progress TERM 50 epithet DEFINITION 50 a term used to characterize a person or thing TERM 51 holocaust DEFINITION 51 great destruction resulting in the extensive loss of life, especially by fire TERM 52 allergy DEFINITION 52 an abnormally high sensitivity to certain substances, such as pollens or foods, often causing sneezing, itching, and skin rashes TERM 53 demonolatry DEFINITION 53 worship of demons TERM 54 iconoclast DEFINITION 54 one who attacks and seeks to overthrow traditional or popular ideas or institutions TERM 55 antipathies DEFINITION 55 a strong feeling of aversion or repugnance TERM 56 neophyte DEFINITION 56 a recent convert to a belief; a proselyte; a beginner or novice TERM 57 thermostat DEFINITION 57 a device that automatically responds to temperature changes and activates switches controlling the equipment TERM 58 cosmogonal DEFINITION 58 the astrophysical study of the origin and evolution of the universe TERM 59 -ma, -m, -me DEFINITION 59 "result of", "thing that is the result of" TERM 60 DRA-ma DEFINITION 60 to do, to act TERM 71 KINE-, CINE- DEFINITION 71 to move TERM 72 GEN(E) DEFINITION 72 kind, race TERM 73 GYN(E)- DEFINITION 73 woman, female TERM 74 IDI- DEFINITION 74 one's own, peculiar TERM 75 LITH-, LITE- DEFINITION 75 stone TERM 76 MIS- DEFINITION 76 hatred TERM 77 PHE(M)-, PHA- DEFINITION 77 to speak TERM 78 SCHIZ-, SCHIS DEFINITION 78 to split TERM 79 STERE- DEFINITION 79 solid, three-dimensional TERM 80 TYP- DEFINITION 80 stamp, model TERM 81 misogyny DEFINITION 81 hatred of marriage TERM 82 kinesthetic DEFINITION 82 the sense of the relative position of neighbouring parts of the body TERM 83 Neolithic DEFINITION 83 of or relating to the cultural period of the Stone Age TERM 84 heterogeneous DEFINITION 84 consisting of dissimilar elements or parts; not homogeneous (both female and male) TERM 85 polyandry DEFINITION 85 the condition or practice of having more than one husband at a time TERM 96 hypothetical DEFINITION 96 a proposed explanation for an observable phenomenon TERM 97 antithesis DEFINITION 97 a counter-proposition that denotes a direct contrast to the original proposition TERM 98 misanthropic DEFINITION 98 a general dislike, distrust, disgus, contempt, or hatred of the human species TERM 99 stereotype DEFINITION 99 a commonly held public belief about specific social groups, or types of individuals TERM 100 -logy DEFINITION 100 "science of", "systematic study of" TERM 101 BI(o)-logy DEFINITION 101 life TERM 102 THE(o)-logy DEFINITION 102 god TERM 103 ASTR(o)-logy DEFINITION 103 star TERM 104 -nomy DEFINITION 104 "science of", "system of laws governing" TERM 105 EC(o)-nomy DEFINITION 105 hose, community TERM 106 AGR(o)-nomy DEFINITION 106 field TERM 107 -cracy DEFINITION 107 "rule by", "type of government" TERM 108 DEM(o)-cracy DEFINITION 108 people TERM 109 ARIST(o)-cracy DEFINITION 109 the best TERM 110 BUREAU-cracy DEFINITION 110 office TERM 121 PSYCH- DEFINITION 121 mind TERM 122 TROP- DEFINITION 122 turn TERM 123 theocratic DEFINITION 123 a form of government in which a god or deity is recognized as the state's supreme civil ruler TERM 124 gastronomical DEFINITION 124 the art or science of good eating; a style of cooking TERM 125 dermatologist DEFINITION 125 doctor of the skin TERM 126 pseudonyms DEFINITION 126 a fictitious name used by a person or group TERM 127 gynecology DEFINITION 127 the medical practice dealing with the health of the female reproductive system TERM 128 android DEFINITION 128 a robot or synthetic organism designed to look and act like a human TERM 129 chronological DEFINITION 129 the arrangement of events in their order of occurence TERM 130 archaeologists DEFINITION 130 the study of past human life and culture by the examination of material remains such as graves, tools, and pottery TERM 131 heliotropic DEFINITION 131 the diurnal motion of plant parts in response to the direction of the sun TERM 132 biopsy DEFINITION 132 a medical test involving the removal of cells or tissues for examination TERM 133 ideological DEFINITION 133 a set of aims and ideas that directs one's goals, expectations, and actions TERM 134 microcosm DEFINITION 134 a small representative system having analogies to a larger system in constitution, configuration, or development TERM 135 taxonomy DEFINITION 135 the practice and science of classification TERM 146 penta-meter DEFINITION 146 a five pointed object TERM 147 -metry DEFINITION 147 "art or science of measuring" TERM 148 GE(o)-metry DEFINITION 148 earth TERM 149 TRI-GON(o)-metry DEFINITION 149 three, angle TERM 150 -graph DEFINITION 150 "writing", "instrument for writing" TERM 151 TELE-graph DEFINITION 151 far TERM 152 PHOT(o)-graph DEFINITION 152 light TERM 153 -graphy DEFINITION 153 "writing" or "art or science of writing" TERM 154 AUT(o)-BI(o)-graphy DEFINITION 154 self, life TERM 155 -gram DEFINITION 155 "thing written" TERM 156 -scope DEFINITION 156 "instrument for viewing", "to view" TERM 157 MICR(o)-scope DEFINITION 157 small TERM 158 BAR- DEFINITION 158 weight, pressure TERM 159 CAL(L)-, KAL(L)- DEFINITION 159 beauty TERM 160 IS- DEFINITION 160 equal TERM 171 cyclorama DEFINITION 171 a panoramic painting TERM 172 petrography DEFINITION 172 detailed description of rocks TERM 173 macroscopic DEFINITION 173 objects or processes are of a size which is measurable and observable by the naked eye TERM 174 epigram DEFINITION 174 a brief, clever, and usually memorable statement TERM 175 archiepiscopal DEFINITION 175 of or having to do with an archbishop or an archbishopric TERM 176 telemetric DEFINITION 176 the science or process of transmitting as by wire or radio; data measured at a remote location to a distant receiving station for recording and analysis TERM 177 orthography DEFINITION 177 the correct way of using a specific writing system to write the language TERM 178 barometer DEFINITION 178 an instrument used to measure atmospheric pressure TERM 179 mimetic DEFINITION 179 imitation; representation; mimicry TERM 180 holograph DEFINITION 180 a document written entirely in the handwriting of the person whose signature it bears TERM 181 photometer DEFINITION 181 an instrument for measuring light intensity or optical properties of solutions or surfaces TERM 182 calligraphy DEFINITION 182 a type of visual art; beautiful writing TERM 183 isobar DEFINITION 183 a line on a weather map connecting points of equal atmospheric pressure TERM 184 -ize DEFINITION 184 "to make", "to do something with", "to subject to" TERM 185 ant-AGON-ize DEFINITION 185 struggle TERM 196 cosmologist DEFINITION 196 study of the largest scale structures and dynamics of our universe TERM 197 paraphrase DEFINITION 197 restatement of a text or passage using other words TERM 198 apostrophizes DEFINITION 198 when a talker or writer breaks a word with an apostrophe TERM 199 atypical DEFINITION 199 not conforming to types; unusual or irregular TERM 200 metathesis DEFINITION 200 transposition within a word of letters, sounds, or syllables TERM 201 parenthetical DEFINITION 201 a citation style enclosed in parentheses TERM 202 periphrase DEFINITION 202 the use of circumlocution; to express TERM 203 lithograph DEFINITION 203 a method for printing using a stone TERM 204 metastases DEFINITION 204 the spread of a disesase TERM 205 polygonal DEFINITION 205 a figure that is bounded by a closed path or circuit TERM 206 symbiosis DEFINITION 206 close and long-term interactions between biological creatures TERM 207 epileptic DEFINITION 207 chronic neurological disorder characterized by unprovoked seizures TERM 208 catastrophic DEFINITION 208 an extremely large-scale disaster; a horrible event TERM 209 canonize DEFINITION 209 the act by which a particular Christian church or group declares a deceased person to be a saint TERM 210 autopsy DEFINITION 210 a post-mortem examination TERM 221 TETR(A)- DEFINITION 221 four TERM 222 PENT(A)- DEFINITION 222 five TERM 223 HEX(A)- DEFINITION 223 six TERM 224 HEPT(A)- DEFINITION 224 seven TERM 225 OCT(A)- DEFINITION 225 eight TERM 226 DEC- DEFINITION 226 ten TERM 227 HECT- DEFINITION 227 one-hundred TERM 228 KILO- DEFINITION 228 one-thousand TERM 229 monomania DEFINITION 229 a type of paranoia in which the patient only has one idea or type of ideas TERM 230 monotheistic DEFINITION 230 the belief that only one god exists TERM 231 pentagonal DEFINITION 231 a five sided shape TERM 232 monogamous DEFINITION 232 having only one sexual partner at any one time TERM 233 polysyllabically DEFINITION 233 a word with many syllables TERM 234 homogenize DEFINITION 234 to reduce particles and disperse into a fluid TERM 235 hexameters DEFINITION 235 a literary and poetic form, a line consisting of six metrical feet, as in the Iliad TERM 246 protozoan DEFINITION 246 protozoa TERM 247 monograph DEFINITION 247 a work of writing upon a single subject TERM 248 monologue DEFINITION 248 an extended uninterrupted speech by a character in drama TERM 249 decalogue DEFINITION 249 the Ten Commandments TERM 250 deuteronomy DEFINITION 250 a book of the Bible which contains the second appearance of the Law of Moses TERM 251 ditheism DEFINITION 251 belief in two antagonistic gods, one good and one evil TERM 252 heptateuch DEFINITION 252 the first seven books of the Old Testament TERM 253 hexateuch DEFINITION 253 the first six books of the Old Testament TERM 254 monophysite DEFINITION 254 one who believes that the nature of Christ is single TERM 255 pentateuch DEFINITION 255 the first five books of the Old Testament TERM 256 protomartyr DEFINITION 256 the first one to suffer death for a cause TERM 257 tritheism DEFINITION 257 a doctrine that the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit are three distinct gods TERM 258 tetrarch DEFINITION 258 the ruler of a fourth part of province TERM 259 CHORE- DEFINITION 259 dance TERM 260 ER(OT)- DEFINITION 260 love TERM 271 paleographical DEFINITION 271 the study and scholarly interpretation of earlier times; especially ancient times TERM 272 hieroglyphics DEFINITION 272 old Egyptian writing TERM 273 Aphasia DEFINITION 273 an acquired language disorder in which there is an impairment of any language modality TERM 274 psychometrist DEFINITION 274 the field of study concerned with the theory and technique of educational and psychological measurements TERM 275 theistic DEFINITION 275 belief in one god TERM 276 kinetic DEFINITION 276 of, relating to, or produced by motion TERM 277 acronym DEFINITION 277 abbreviates that are formed in using the initial components in a phrase or name TERM 278 synesthesia DEFINITION 278 together TERM 279 choreography DEFINITION 279 the making of a dance using multiple dance moves and instruction TERM 280 morphological DEFINITION 280 the branch of biology that deals with the form and structure of organisms apart from functions TERM 281 erotic DEFINITION 281 an aesthetic focus on sexual desire; especially the feelings of anticipation of sexual activity TERM 282 astronaut/cosmonaut DEFINITION 282 a person trained by a human spaceflight program to command, pilot, or serve as a crew member of a spacecraft TERM 283 pathogenic DEFINITION 283 infectious agent; germ TERM 284 GOOD LUCK! YOU CAN DO IT! DEFINITION 284 awwwwww yeah :)
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