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Developmental Psychopathology and Psychological Disorders: Definitions and Key Terms, Quizzes of Abnormal Psychology

Definitions and key terms related to developmental psychopathology and psychological disorders. Topics covered include developmental disorders, intellectual disabilities, learning disorders, autism spectrum disorders, and personality disorders. Terms are defined at various developmental stages and include causes, symptoms, treatments, and typologies.

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Download Developmental Psychopathology and Psychological Disorders: Definitions and Key Terms and more Quizzes Abnormal Psychology in PDF only on Docsity! TERM 1 Developmental Psychopathology DEFINITION 1 expression differs depending on developmental level study origins and course of maladaptive behavior in context of normal growth processes psychological disorders more common in children TERM 2 Psychological Vulnerabilities in Children DEFINITION 2 - have not developed stable sense of identity- immediate threats perceived as disproportionately important- limited perspectives lead to unrealistic concepts to explain events- more dependence on others (i.e. parents)- lack of experience dealing with diversity TERM 3 Intellectual Disability DEFINITION 3 below average intellectual functioning- standardized tests approach- DSM-5 approach: 3 domains of deficits*diagnosis MUST be during developmental period TERM 4 Developmental Disorders: Etiology DEFINITION 4 Genetic:- down syndrome- Phenylketonuria (PKU)- Fragile (FXS)Environmental:- prenatal- postnatalCultural-familial retardation TERM 5 Phenylketonuria (PKU) DEFINITION 5 an enzyme necessary for breaking down amino acid is absentspecial diet is needed to prevent intellectual disability TERM 6 Fragile X (FXS) DEFINITION 6 an abnormality in X chromosome prevents cells from making protein TERM 7 Developmental Disorders: Prenatal causes DEFINITION 7 fetal alcohol syndromehypoxia TERM 8 Developmental disorders: postnatal causes DEFINITION 8 malnutritionexposure to lead TERM 9 Developmental Disorders: Treatment DEFINITION 9 Developmental disorders...- history of institutionalization- can teach academic and adaptive functioning skills- behavioral principals: shaping, chaining- medical: vaccinations for measles or whooping cough TERM 10 chaining DEFINITION 10 a complex task is broken up into pieces and then you put all the pieces together TERM 21 Developmental red flags: 14 months DEFINITION 21 red flagsweaker motor skills and less language use TERM 22 Developmental red flags: 24 months DEFINITION 22 red flagsless sharing, pointing, or showing objects to others TERM 23 Autism Prevalence DEFINITION 23 1 in 885:1 male to female ratio78% increase from 2002-2008 TERM 24 ASD: Etiology DEFINITION 24 etiologyGenetics- sibilingsBrain abnormalities- different patterns of activation; gaze patterns; cognitive profilepoor parentingenvironmental toxins?vaccines (not supported by research) TERM 25 ASD treatment: Medication DEFINITION 25 treatmentused to treat co-occurring symptoms- antidepressants- antipsychotics- stimulants**NOT advocated for use unless behavior is unmanageable TERM 26 ASD treatment: behavioral/early intervention DEFINITION 26 treatment - used to address self-injurious behavior and build language and social skillsapplied behavioral analysis- working in home with child and parents- teaching concrete skills- use of reinforcement TERM 27 ASD treatment: psychological interventions DEFINITION 27 treatmentsocial skills training (often with older patients)Use of CBT?- coping strategies- treatment of co-occurring anxiety and depression TERM 28 ASD: Social Skills training DEFINITION 28 treatmentmodeling - group therapy training with normal teens in group as well (functioning as models)immediate feedbackpractice of concrete skills - asking a friend to hangout on the weekend, manners (socially appropriate) TERM 29 College Students with ASD DEFINITION 29 low retention rates (if no support); rely on old behaviorsdifficulty with:- lack of order & routine with university life- academic demands- organization & time management- adaptive skills- emotional difficulties- complex social interactions TERM 30 ADHD DEFINITION 30 Types: inattentiveness, hyperactivity/impulsivity, combined- most commonly diagnosed in elementary school- often comorbid with conduct, mood, anxiety, and learning disordersbecomes abnormal when...- it starts to get in the way/when it becomes dysfunctional and gets in the way of achieving their goalsMUST be evidence that they had it in childhood if diagnosed as an adult TERM 31 ADHD: Inattention DEFINITION 31 ADHD- failure to attend in detail- difficulty attending to tasks- does not seem to listen when spoken to- does not follow through on instructions- difficulty organizing tasks/activities- avoidance/reluctance to engage in tasks which require mental effort- easily distracted- forgetful TERM 32 ADHD: Hyperactivity/impulsivity DEFINITION 32 ADHD- fidgets/squirms- talks excessively or interrupting- often leaves seat in classroom- runs/climbs excessively (restlessness)- "on the go"- blurts out answers- difficulty awaiting turn- interrupts or intrudes on others TERM 33 ADHD: Functional impairment DEFINITION 33 ADHD- difficulty in schoolwork- more likely to get in trouble due to disruption- more likely to be injure- sleep difficulties- substance use in adolescence TERM 34 ADHD: Etiology DEFINITION 34 EtiologyGeneticImaging Studies (abnormalities in frontal cortex)Environmental influences (lead contamination, mom substance use, pregnancy/delivery complications)psychosocial influences (marital discord, low socio-economic status, paternal criminality) TERM 35 ADHD: Pharmacological treatment DEFINITION 35 treatment- stimulant medication (empirical support!; most common)- considerations: short acting, some don't respond, age/level of impairment- side effects: disruption of growth hormones, emotional problems (mood disorders), insomnia, appetite disturbance TERM 46 PD: manifested in 2 or more areas... DEFINITION 46 cognitionaffectinterpersonal functioningimpulse culture TERM 47 Personality Disorders: Occurrence DEFINITION 47 overall lifetime prevalence: 10-13%men - paranoid, obsessive-compulsive, and antisocialwomen - borderline, dependent, histrionic TERM 48 PD: Cluster A DEFINITION 48 cluster - Paranoid Personality Disorder- paranoid, schizoid, schizotypalodd or eccentric with unusual behavior (weird) TERM 49 PD: Cluster B DEFINITION 49 clusterhistrionic, narcissistic, antisocial, borderlinedramatic, emotional, erratic (wild) TERM 50 PD: Cluster C DEFINITION 50 clusteravoidant, dependent, obsessive-compulsiveanxiety & fearlessness (Worried) TERM 51 Cluster A: Paranoid Personality Disorder DEFINITION 51 PD- pervasive suspiciousness & distrust- chronically tense & on guard- preoccupied with doubts of friends' loyalty- holds grudges & quick to react with anger- not usually psychotic TERM 52 Cluster A: Schizotypal Personality Disorder DEFINITION 52 PD- cognitive & perceptual distortions & oddities and eccentricities in behavior- superstitious & personalized thinking- often believe they have supernatural powers and may engage in magic rituals- suspiciousness & paranoid ideations- few friends: intense social anxiety that does not get better :( TERM 53 Cluster B: Antisocial personality disorder DEFINITION 53 PD - at least 18; occurs not only during schizo/bipolar - pervasive pattern of disregard for and violation of rights of others, occurring since age 15 (conduct disorder before age 15)- failure to conform to social norms/laws- deceitfulness, impulsivity- reckless disregard for safety of self/others- consistent irresponsibility- lack of remorse- **psychopathy TERM 54 Psychopathy DEFINITION 54 central feature of ASPD- lack of empathy- arrogant self- appraisal- glib & superficial charm TERM 55 Psychopaths: clinical picture DEFINITION 55 often charming, spontaneous, likable on first meetingdeceitful, manipulative, and callous towards othersable to understand/accept ethical values on verbal level but NO CONNECTION to behaviorirresponsible & impulsive behavioroften TAKE rather than EARN what they want TERM 56 Cluster B: Histrionic Personality Disorder DEFINITION 56 PD- excessive attention-seeking behavior/emotionality- feel unappreciated if not center of attention- lively, dramatic, and excessively extraverted- sexually seductive or provocative as means to obtain attention- difficulties in interpersonal relationships Why, you ask? - considered self-centered, shallow, vain, excessively concerned about approval from others TERM 57 Cluster B: Narcissistic Personality Disorder DEFINITION 57 PD- show exaggerated sense of self-purpose, preoccupation with being admired, and a lack of empathy- grandiosity- behave in stereotypical ways - bragging, constant self references- sense of entitlement, may be manipulative of others, lacks empathy- shallow and unstable self-esteem TERM 58 Cluster B: Borderline Personality Disorder DEFINITION 58 PD- patterns of behavior characterized by... impulsivity instability: interpersonal relationships, self-image, mood, fear of abandonment - leads to self-destructive behaviors- recurrent suicidal behavior, gestures, self mutilation- short or transient dissociative-like episodes TERM 59 Cluster C: Avoidant Personality Disorder DEFINITION 59 PD- extreme social inhibition & introversion- limited social relationships & reluctance to enter social interactions- hypersensitive to and fear of criticism- desire affection & often lonely/bored- anxiety & low self-esteem and self- consciousness- more severe/chronic form of social phobia perhaps? TERM 60 Cluster C: Dependent Personality Disorder DEFINITION 60 PD- extreme need to be take care of - clingy/submissive behavior- show fear at idea of separation or being alone- usually build lives around people- fail to get appropriately angry with others due to fear of losing support- difficulty making simple, everyday decisions without reassurance TERM 71 Dialectical Behavioral Therapy: goals DEFINITION 71 decrease suicidal/self-harm behaviordecrease behaviors interfering with therapy (e.g. hospitalization)decrease behaviors which interfere with stable lifestyle (e.g. substance abuse)increase behavioral skills to regulate emotionothers chosen by patient TERM 72 Laws DEFINITION 72 regulate common activitiesregulate people in a field of psychology to protect the public TERM 73 Ethics DEFINITION 73 values that provide guidance in making sound moral judgements TERM 74 APA ethical values DEFINITION 74 beneficence and nonmaleficence (do no harm)fidelity and responsibilityintegrityjusticerespect for peoples' rights and dignitiy TERM 75 Ethical violations DEFINITION 75 dual/multiple relationships- wearing more than one "hat"- sexual relationships- dilemma: small town therapistdisclosing confidential information- might be okay... subpoenaed by a judge report of child/elderly abuse danger to self/others TERM 76 Tarasoff case DEFINITION 76 brought up the "duty to warn"patient has no right to confidentiality when there is a public risk TERM 77 Civil commitment DEFINITION 77 state-initiated procedure that forces involuntary treatment on people- have mental illness- refuse voluntary treatment- who are judged to be a danger to self and/or othersoutpatient commitment: need to comply with treatment plan- conditional for inpatient releasemay be used in cases like suicide TERM 78 When civil commitment may be used DEFINITION 78 suicideassess: ideations, history, method, means, intent, protective factorsconsider legal, therapeutic, ethical implicationsoptions vary based on risk assessment- low: commitment to treatment, more sessions- high: hospitalization, plice TERM 79 Criminal Commitment DEFINITION 79 can happen when person with mental disorder commits a crime- not guilty by reason of insanity- guilty, but mentally ill- incompetent to stand trial TERM 80 not guilty by reason of insanity DEFINITION 80 legal termpsychological disorder prevents understanding of seriousness and illegality of actions- no criminal intent TERM 81 controversial not guilty pleas DEFINITION 81 altered states of consciousness- e.g. murder committed when person is heavily sedated with prescription from doctor- issue of volitiondissociative identity disorder- doesn't usually work TERM 82 NGRI: The M'Naghten Rule (1843) DEFINITION 82 knowing right from wrongunderstanding nature and quality of actions TERM 83 NGRI: Irresistible Impulse Test (1929) DEFINITION 83 lost the power to choose between right and wrong- "compelled beyond will" TERM 84 American Law Institute Standard (1962) DEFINITION 84 due to mental disease or defect, person lacked "substantial capacity" to appreciate acts criminal character or conform behavior to law requirement- can't control behavior TERM 85 Federal Insanity Defense Reform Act (IDRA: 1984) DEFINITION 85 modified standard to "unable to appreciate" and specified mental disorder must be SEVEREshifted burden of proof form prosecutor to defensecognition or volition TERM 96 Fetishistic disorder DEFINITION 96 non-living objects or non-genital body parts- ex. female underwear, shoes, feet- NEEDS to be accompanied by distress or impairment TERM 97 Pedophilic disorder DEFINITION 97 recurrent and intense sexual urges and arousing fantasies or behaviors involving sex with prepubescent childrennot a child molesterdifferences depending on gender TERM 98 Anomoalous activity preference DEFINITION 98 exhibitionist disorderfrotteuristic disordervoyeuristic disordersexual masochism disordersexual sadism disorder TERM 99 exhibitionist disorder DEFINITION 99 flashing or masturbating in front of an unsuspecting personhigh victim crime TERM 100 frotteuristic disorder DEFINITION 100 rubbing or touching against a non-consenting personrarely arrested, serve minimum sentences TERM 101 voyeuristic disorder DEFINITION 101 seeing an unsuspecting person naked, undressing, or engaging in sexual activity TERM 102 sexual masochism disorder DEFINITION 102 being humiliated, beaten, bound, or made to suffer during sex TERM 103 sexual sadism disorder DEFINITION 103 inflicting pain on humiliation or another during sex TERM 104 Sexual variants: causal factors DEFINITION 104 most common in malesbegin around time of pubertypedophilia - sexually abused as children?individual differences in conditionabilitythose with one often have more than one TERM 105 Sex offenders: treatment DEFINITION 105 change is difficult- often not motivated to change- recidivism rates very highsurgical castration- 3% recidivism rate compared to >50%medications- antiandrogen medications TERM 106 Sexual variants: psychosocial treatment DEFINITION 106 eliminating or decreasing sexual arousal- satiation- covert sensitization-imagine negative consequencesolfactory averse: pair noxious odors with sexual stimuliCBT: psychoeducation, cognitive restructuring, empathy trainingenhancing appropriate sexual interest/arousal: social skills training, couples therapy, sex ed TERM 107 Gender dysphoria DEFINITION 107 incongruence between experienced/expressed gender and assigned genderwant to have other gender's primary or secondary sex characteristicswant to be treated as other genderdistress/impairment TERM 108 Gender dysphoria disorder in childhood DEFINITION 108 males: dress in female clothes, engage in stereotypic female play, often express desire to be femalefemales: prefer boys clothes and short hair, little interest in dolls, more interest in sports, *treated better by peersoutcomes: most common - homosexuality- disorder??? TERM 109 Gender dysphoria: treatment in childhood DEFINITION 109 treat unhappiness/co-occurring problemsreduce cross-gender behavior situations in which child may have interpersonal problemsproblem usually remits during childhood (crucial period 10-13 years)controversy: if child will transition to other sex, helpful to prevent sexual maturity; in some areas, adolescents are given hormones to delay puberty/prevent sexual maturation TERM 110 Transsexualism DEFINITION 110 not transvestiteadults with gender dysphoria who want to change their biological sex
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