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Psychological Disorders: Definitions and Descriptions, Quizzes of Abnormal Psychology

Various psychological disorders, including affect, anxiety disorders, alternate personalities, aphasia, autistic disorder, bipolar disorders, bulimia nervosa, categorical classification, childhood disintegrative disorder, cognitive therapy, defense mechanisms, delusion, dependent personality disorder, DSM, disorder of written expression, dissociative disorders, duty to protect, fear, inappropriate affect, learned helplessness theory, learning disorders, major depressive disorder, malingering, mood disorders, obsessive-compulsive disorder, oppositional defiant disorder, paranoid personality disorder, paraphilias, personality disorders, personality tests, pervasive developmental disorders, PTSD, precipitating cause, psychiatric social worker, psychopathology, reinforcing cause, schizoaffective disorder, schizoid personality disorder, schizotypal personality disorder, seasonal affective disorder, sexual masochism, shared psychotic disorder, somatoform disorders, specifiers in mood disorde

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Download Psychological Disorders: Definitions and Descriptions and more Quizzes Abnormal Psychology in PDF only on Docsity! TERM 1 abnormal behavior DEFINITION 1 Patterns of thought, emotion, and actions that are deviant, unexpected, or away from the standard based on statistical, social-cultural, and/or functional standards. TERM 2 abnormal psychology DEFINITION 2 The scientific study of abnormal behavior in order to describe, predict, explain, and ultimately change abnormal patterns of functioning. TERM 3 acute stress disorder DEFINITION 3 An anxiety disorder in which fear and related symptoms are experienced soon after a traumatic event, often including amnesia about the event, emotional numbing, and derealization, and lasting less than a month. Many victims later develop posttraumatic stress disorder. TERM 4 addiction DEFINITION 4 Physical dependence on a substance marked by tolerance, withdrawal symptoms during abstinence, or both. TERM 5 affect DEFINITION 5 A subjective feeling of emotion or mood often accompanied by bodily expressions noticeable to others. TERM 6 age of onset DEFINITION 6 Persons age when he or she develops or exhibits symptoms of a disorder. TERM 7 agnosia DEFINITION 7 Inability to recognize and name objects; may be a symptom of dementia or other brain disorders. TERM 8 agoraphobia DEFINITION 8 Anxiety about being in places or situations from which escape might be difficult (or embarrassing) or help unavailable if panic symptoms were to occur. TERM 9 alogia DEFINITION 9 Deficiency in the amount or content of speech, a disturbance often seen in people with schizophrenia. Also known as poverty of speech. TERM 10 alternate personalities / alters DEFINITION 10 In dissociative identity disorder, the additional identities along with the host identity. Also known as subpersonalities. TERM 21 attention deficit / hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) DEFINITION 21 Developmental disorder in which persons are unable to focus their attention, they behave hyperactively or impulsively, or both. TERM 22 attributional style DEFINITION 22 The relatively consistent explanations a person forms about why personal stressors or other negative life events occur, taking the form of internal vs. external, stable vs. unstable, and global vs. specific. TERM 23 autistic disorder (autism) DEFINITION 23 Pervasive developmental disorder characterized by significant impairment in social interactions, extreme unresponsiveness to others, poor communication skills, and highly repetitive and rigid behavior. TERM 24 avoidant personality disorder DEFINITION 24 A personality disorder featuring a pervasive pattern of social inhibition, feelings of inadequacy, and extremely sensitive to criticism. TERM 25 avolition DEFINITION 25 A symptom of schizophrenia marked by apathy, and an inability to initiate or complete important activities. TERM 26 behavior therapy DEFINITION 26 An group of therapy methods based on the principles of behavioral and cognitive science as well as principles of learning as applied to clinical problems. It considers specific behaviors rather than inferred internal factors as targets for change. Also known as behavior modification. TERM 27 behavioral medicine DEFINITION 27 Interdisciplinary approach applying behavioral science to the prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of medical problems. TERM 28 behaviorism DEFINITION 28 The view that psychology (1) should be an objective science that (2) studies behavior, including dysfunction, without reference to mental processes. Most research psychologists today agree with (1) but not with (2). TERM 29 binge-eating disorder DEFINITION 29 An eating disorder involving consumption of large amounts of food in a short period of time, uncontrollable and distressing to the individual but not followed by compensatory behaviors. TERM 30 biological paradigm DEFINITION 30 Explanation of psychological dysfunction that primarily emphasizes biological process in the brain or illness as the cause. TERM 31 biopsychosocial model DEFINITION 31 The model that psychological disorders are not caused by one or two factors in a linear way; rather, they are a product of a continual interaction of a number of biological, psychological and social factors. TERM 32 bipolar I disorder DEFINITION 32 Mood disorder characterized by the alternation of major depressive episodes with full manic episodes. TERM 33 bipolar II disorder DEFINITION 33 Mood disorder characterized by the alternation of major depressive episodes with hypomanic (not full manic) episodes. TERM 34 body dysmorphic disorder DEFINITION 34 A somatoform disorder marked by preoccupation with an imagined or exaggerated defect in appearance, for example, facial blemishes, size or shape of nose or ears. TERM 35 borderline personality disorder DEFINITION 35 A personality disorder involving a pervasive pattern of erratic moods, unstable self-image and relationships, cannot stand to be alone; intense anger, depression, and extremely impulsive behavior, including self-mutilation. TERM 46 cognition DEFINITION 46 The process of knowing; the thinking, remembering, judging, reasoning, and planning activities of the human mind. Behavior is often explained as depending on these processes. TERM 47 cognitive-behavioral paradigm DEFINITION 47 The model of human behavior that people can best be understood by studying how they perceive and structure their experiences and how this influences behavior. TERM 48 cognitive therapy DEFINITION 48 Treatment approach that involves identifying and altering negative thinking styles related to psychological disorders such as depression and anxiety and replacing them with more positive beliefs and attitudes. TERM 49 communication disorders DEFINITION 49 Problems in transmitting or conveying information, including stuttering, selective mutism, and expressive language disorder. TERM 50 comorbidity DEFINITION 50 The presence of two or more disorders in an individual at the same time. TERM 51 compensatory behaviors DEFINITION 51 In eating disorders, those behaviors intended to avoid gaining weight from ingesting food. Examples are purging, forced vomiting, use of laxatives, or excessive exercising. TERM 52 competency DEFINITION 52 Ability of legal defendants to participate in their own defense and understand the charges and the roles of the trial participants. TERM 53 compulsions DEFINITION 53 Repetitive, ritualistic, time-consuming behaviors or thoughts a person feels driven to perform to reduce anxiety. TERM 54 conduct disorder DEFINITION 54 Pattern of extreme disobedience in children, including theft, vandalism, lying, running away from home, and early drug use. May be precursor of antisocial personality disorder. TERM 55 conversion disorder DEFINITION 55 A somatoform disorder in which the person reports sensory or motor function impairment (such as blindness or paralysis), even though there is no detectable neurological explanation for the deficits. TERM 56 course DEFINITION 56 The pattern of development and change of a disorder over time. TERM 57 course modifiers DEFINITION 57 Patterns of development in a disorder that help predict its future course. These include recurrence, time sequences, and seasonal patterns. TERM 58 criminal commitment DEFINITION 58 Legal procedure by which a person who is found not guilty of a crime by reason of insanity is confined in a psychiatric hospital. TERM 59 cyclothymic disorder DEFINITION 59 Chronic (at least 2 years) mood disorder characterized by alternating mood elevation and depression levels that are not as severe as manic or major depressive episodes. TERM 60 (ego) defense mechanisms DEFINITION 60 Common patterns of behavior -- often adaptive coping styles when they occur in moderation -- observed in response to potentially threatening situations. In psychodynamic theory, they are proposed to be unconscious processes to reduce anxiety. TERM 71 depersonalization DEFINITION 71 A disorder marked by a persistent and recurring feeling of being detached from ones own mental processes or body; the loss of ones sense of their own reality. Examples: feeling like you are in a dream; sensation of floating above or beside your body and observing yourself act. TERM 72 derailment DEFINITION 72 A thinking disturbance in schizophrenia involving rapid shifts from one topic of conversation to another. Also called loose associations. TERM 73 derealization DEFINITION 73 The loss of ones sense of reality of the outside world. Examples: things may seem to change size or shape; people may seem mechanical. TERM 74 diagnosis DEFINITION 74 Process of determining whether a presenting problem meets the established criteria for a specific psychological disorder. TERM 75 Diagnostic and Statistical Manual, Fourth Edition (DSM-IV-TR) DEFINITION 75 Current version of the official classification system for psychological and mental disorders, published by the American Psychiatric Association. TERM 76 diathesis-stress model DEFINITION 76 Hypothesis that both an inherited tendency (vulnerability) and specific stressful conditions are required to produce a disorder. TERM 77 dimensional classification DEFINITION 77 A system of organizing the attributes of psychological disorders as occurring on a continuum or spectrum (such as a scale of mild to severe), rather than present or absent. Can specify a cutting point and resemble a categorical system. TERM 78 disease (medical) model of dependence DEFINITION 78 The view that drug dependence is caused by a physiological disorder. This implies the user is a blameless victim of an illness. TERM 79 disorder of written expression DEFINITION 79 Condition in which ones writing performance is significantly below age norms. TERM 80 disorganized speech DEFINITION 80 Style of talking often seen in people with schizophrenia, involving incoherence and a lack of typical logic patterns. TERM 81 dissociation DEFINITION 81 The disconnection from full awareness of identity, memory, and/or consciousness of external circumstances. Occurs along a continuum from normal everyday experiences to severely dysfunctional disorders. TERM 82 dissociative amnesia DEFINITION 82 Inability to recall personal information, usually of a stressful nature, that is too extensive to be explained by ordinary forgetfulness. TERM 83 dissociative disorders DEFINITION 83 A group of disorders in which the primary symptoms are a disturbance in the normally integrative functions of identity, memory, and consciousness. TERM 84 dissociative fugue DEFINITION 84 A dissociative disorder with amnesia in which person leaves familiar surroundings; sudden, unexpected travel away from home and inability to recall ones past, sometimes with assumption of new identity. TERM 85 dissociative identity disorder DEFINITION 85 Two or more identities (host + subpersonalities) which regularly take control of the person's behavior. Also called multiple personality disorder. TERM 96 echolalia DEFINITION 96 A symptom of autism or schizophrenia in which a person responds to statements by repeating the other persons words. TERM 97 enmeshment DEFINITION 97 A family pattern in which members are over-involved with each others affairs and over-concerned about each others welfare. TERM 98 epidemiology DEFINITION 98 The scientific study of the prevalence, distribution, and consequences of disorders in a given population. TERM 99 episodic course DEFINITION 99 Pattern of a disorder alternating between recovery and recurrence. TERM 100 etiology DEFINITION 100 All the factors that contribute to the development of a disorder. TERM 101 exhibitionism DEFINITION 101 A paraphilia in which persons have repeated sexually arousing urges or fantasies about exposing their genitals to unsuspecting strangers and may act upon these urges. TERM 102 expectancy effect DEFINITION 102 Peoples response to a substance on the basis of their beliefs about it, even if it contains no active ingredient. This phenomenon demonstrates that cognitive as well as physiological factors are involved in drug reaction and dependence. TERM 103 expert witness DEFINITION 103 Person who because of special training and credentials is allowed to offer opinion testimony in legal trials. TERM 104 expressed emotion (EE) DEFINITION 104 The hostility, criticism, disapproval, and over-involvement demonstrated by some families toward a family member with a psychological disorder; this can often contribute to the persons relapse. TERM 105 exposure and response (ritual) prevention (ERP) DEFINITION 105 The most widely used and accepted treatment of obsessive- compulsive disorder, in which the affected individual is prevented from engaging in compulsive ritual activity and instead faces the anxiety provoked by the stimulus, leading eventually to extinction of the conditioned response (anxiety). TERM 106 expressive language disorder DEFINITION 106 An individuals problems in spoken communication, as measured by significantly low scores on standardized tests of expressive language relative to nonverbal intelligence test scores. Symptoms may include a markedly limited vocabulary or errors in verb tense. TERM 107 factitious disorder DEFINITION 107 Disorder in which the individuals physical or psychological symptoms are intentionally faked, under voluntary control and are adopted in order to assume the role of a sick person. Compare to malingering. Called factitious disorder by proxy or Munchausen syndrome when a parent produces a physical illness in a child. TERM 108 fear DEFINITION 108 The central nervous systems physiological and emotional response consisting of an immediate alarm reaction to present danger. TERM 109 female orgasmic disorder DEFINITION 109 A sexual dysfunction in which a woman rarely has an orgasm or repeatedly experiences a very delayed one following a normal sexual excitement phase. TERM 110 female sexual arousal disorder DEFINITION 110 Recurrent inability in some women to attain or maintain adequate lubrication or genital swelling during sexual activity. TERM 121 histrionic personality disorder DEFINITION 121 A personality disorder involving a pervasive pattern of vain, dramatic, extravagant, attention-seeking behavior. Seductive without taking responsibility; needs immediate gratification and constant reassurance. TERM 122 human genome project DEFINITION 122 The recently-completed comprehensive map of all human genes. TERM 123 hypoactive sexual desire disorder DEFINITION 123 Apparent lack of interest in sex and hence a low level of sexual activity. TERM 124 hypochondriasis DEFINITION 124 A somatoform disorder in which the person, misinterpreting rather ordinary physical sensations, is preoccupied with fears of having a serious disease. TERM 125 hypomania DEFINITION 125 An extremely happy or irritable mood accompanied by symptoms like increased energy and decreased need for sleep, but without the significant functional impairment associated with mania. TERM 126 inappropriate affect DEFINITION 126 Emotional displays that do not match the situation. TERM 127 incidence DEFINITION 127 The number of new cases of a disorder occurring in a population during a specific period of time (compare with prevalence). TERM 128 informed consent DEFINITION 128 Ethical requirement whereby research subjects agree to participate in a research study only after they receive full disclosure about the nature of the study and their own role in it. TERM 129 incoherence DEFINITION 129 In schizophrenia, an aspect of disorganized thinking wherein verbal expression is marked by disconnectedness, fragmented thoughts, and jumbled phrases. TERM 130 irresistible impulse DEFINITION 130 A term, originated in an 1834 Ohio court ruling, concerning criminal responsibility that determined that an insanity defense can be established by proving that the accused had an uncontrollable urge to perform the act. Sometimes referred to as the fit of passion test. Not widely accepted. TERM 131 insanity DEFINITION 131 Legal rather than psychological or medical concept which denotes a degree of abnormal condition which removes the individuals legal responsibility for their criminal actions. The criteria have changed over time and can vary from state to state. TERM 132 intoxication DEFINITION 132 A temporary drug-induced state in which people display symptoms such as impaired judgment, mood changes, irritability, slurred speech, and loss of coordination. TERM 133 learned helplessness theory of depression DEFINITION 133 Seligmans theory that people become anxious and depressed when they make an attribution that they have no control over the stress in their lives (whether in reality they do or not). TERM 134 learning disorders DEFINITION 134 A developmental disorder marked by reading, mathematics, or written expression performance substantially below levels expected relative to the persons age, IQ, and education. TERM 135 least restrictive alternative DEFINITION 135 The legal principle according to which a hospitalized patient must be treated in a setting that imposes as few restrictions as possible on his or her freedom. TERM 146 MNaghten Rule DEFINITION 146 A widely used legal test for insanity based upon an 1843 British court decision that holds a defendant to be insane at the time of committing a crime if the person did not know what he or she was doing or did not know right from wrong. TERM 147 mixed manic episode DEFINITION 147 Symptoms of both mania and depression within the same week. TERM 148 mood disorders DEFINITION 148 A varied group of disorders that include major depressive disorder and bipolar disorders. TERM 149 moral therapy DEFINITION 149 19th-century psychosocial approach to treatment that involved treating patients with moral guidance and humane respect in normal environments. TERM 150 moral weakness model of chemical dependence DEFINITION 150 View that substance abusers should be blamed because their behavior results from lack of self-control, character, or moral strength. TERM 151 multiaxial classification DEFINITION 151 Categorization system used in DSM- IV-TR, in which the individual is assessed on 5 types of information in order to provide a more complete picture of the disorder and its context. TERM 152 multicultural perspective DEFINITION 152 The view that each culture within a larger society has a particular set of values and beliefs, as well as special external factors, that help account for the behavior and functioning of its members. TERM 153 narcissistic personality disorder DEFINITION 153 A personality disorder involving a pervasive pattern of fantasies of brilliance or beauty, belief of being entitled to special privileges. Arrogant, and expect to be admired and recognized as superior while envying others who are successful. TERM 154 negative symptoms DEFINITION 154 Behavioral deficits or less outgoing symptoms, such as flat affect and poverty of speech, displayed by some people with schizophrenia TERM 155 neologism DEFINITION 155 An example of disorganized speech in schizophrenia referring to a word made up by the speaker, usually meaningless to a listener. TERM 156 neuroleptic drugs DEFINITION 156 A type of antipsychotic medications, dopamine antagonists, that diminish delusions, hallucinations, and aggressive behavior in psychotic patients but that may also cause serious side effects similar to the symptoms of neurological disorders. TERM 157 neuropsychological testing DEFINITION 157 Assessment of brain and nervous system functioning by testing an individuals cognitive, perceptual, and motor performances. TERM 158 obsessions DEFINITION 158 Persistent and recurrent intrusive thoughts, images, or impulses that a person experiences as disturbing and inappropriate but has difficulty suppressing and causes anxiety. TERM 159 obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) DEFINITION 159 An anxiety disorder involving unwanted, persistent, intrusive thoughts and impulses accompanied by repetitive actions or rituals intended to suppress them. TERM 160 obsessive-compulsive personality disorder DEFINITION 160 A personality disorder featuring a pervasive pattern of preoccupation with orderliness, perfectionism, and interpersonal control at the expense of flexibility and efficiency. TERM 171 personality disorders DEFINITION 171 Enduring maladaptive traits, inflexible and pervasive across a broad range of personal and social situations that cause significant social impairment. Subjective distress may or may not be present. TERM 172 personality tests (inventories) DEFINITION 172 Self-report questionnaires that assess personal traits by asking respondents to identify descriptions that apply to them. TERM 173 personality trait DEFINITION 173 Enduring tendency to behave in particular predisposed ways across situations. TERM 174 pervasive developmental disorders DEFINITION 174 Wide-ranging, severe, and long-lasting dysfunctions in social interactions that appear before the age of 18. TERM 175 phobia DEFINITION 175 A persistent and unreasonable fear of a particular object, activity, or situation. TERM 176 phobic avoidance DEFINITION 176 Extreme keeping away from feared objects or situations displayed by people with phobias. TERM 177 placebo effect DEFINITION 177 Behavior change resulting from the persons expectation of change rather than from the experimental manipulation itself. TERM 178 positive symptoms DEFINITION 178 Behavioral excesses or overt symptoms, such as delusions and hallucinations, displayed by some people with schizophrenia. TERM 179 posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) DEFINITION 179 Anxiety disorder that follows exposure to a severe helplessness- or fear-inducing threat. The victim reexperiences the trauma, avoids stimuli associated with it, and develops a numbing of responsiveness and an increased vigilance and arousal. TERM 180 precipitating cause DEFINITION 180 A life event or incident that triggers a disorder. TERM 181 presenting problem DEFINITION 181 Original complaint reported by the client to the therapist. TERM 182 prevalence DEFINITION 182 Number of people displaying a disorder in the total population at any given time (compare with incidence). TERM 183 privileged communication DEFINITION 183 The communication between parties in a confidential relationship that is protected by statute, which a spouse, doctor, lawyer, pastor, psychologist, or psychiatrist thus cannot be forced to disclose, except under special circumstances. TERM 184 prognosis DEFINITION 184 Predicted future development of a disorder over time. TERM 185 projective tests DEFINITION 185 Personality tests that present ambiguous stimuli to clients on the assumption that their responses will reveal their unconscious conflicts. TERM 196 psychophysiological assessment DEFINITION 196 Measurement of changes in the nervous system reflecting psychological or emotional events such as anxiety, stress, and sexual arousal. TERM 197 psychosis DEFINITION 197 Group of severe psychological disorders, including schizophrenia, featuring delusions and hallucinations. The affected person is said to be "out of touch with reality." TERM 198 psychotherapy DEFINITION 198 A diverse system of treatments in which words and the relationship between a client and therapist are used in order to help the client overcome psychological difficulties. TERM 199 psychotic depressive episode DEFINITION 199 Condition in which psychotic symptoms such as delusions and hallucinations accompany depressive episodes. TERM 200 rapid cycling DEFINITION 200 Temporal course of a bipolar disorder when transitions between mania and depression are frequent, occurring four or more times in one year. TERM 201 reciprocal gene-environment model DEFINITION 201 Hypothesis that people with a genetic predisposition for a disorder may also have a genetic tendency to create environmental risk factors that promote the disorder. TERM 202 reinforcing cause DEFINITION 202 In studying causes of abnormal behavior, a condition that tends to maintain maladaptive behavior that is already occurring. TERM 203 relapse prevention DEFINITION 203 Extending therapeutic progress by teaching the client how to cope with future troubling situations. TERM 204 repression DEFINITION 204 In psychoanalytic theory, a process that forces unwanted material from the conscious to the unconscious. TERM 205 Retts disorder DEFINITION 205 Progressive neurological developmental disorder featuring constant hand-wringing, mental retardation, and impaired motor skills. TERM 206 Rorschach test DEFINITION 206 A projective test, in which a person reacts to inkblots, designed to reveal the inner personality of the person. TERM 207 schema DEFINITION 207 An underlying mental structure for organizing information about the world which is activated when the person encounters similar situations. Plural: schemata TERM 208 schizoaffective disorder DEFINITION 208 Psychotic disorder featuring symptoms of both schizophrenia and major mood disorder. TERM 209 schizoid personality disorder DEFINITION 209 A personality disorder featuring a pervasive pattern of Indifference to social contact. Socially isolated; indifferent to praise or criticism; limited range of emotions; do not experience much pleasure. TERM 210 schizophrenia DEFINITION 210 Severe psychotic disorder that may involve characteristic disturbances in thinking (delusions), perception (hallucinations), speech, emotions, and behavior. TERM 221 shared psychotic disorder (folie deux) DEFINITION 221 One of the psychotic disorders in which an individual develops a delusion similar to that of a person with whom he or she shares a close relationship. TERM 222 social phobia DEFINITION 222 Anxiety disorder marked by extreme, enduring, irrational fear (and consequent avoidance) of situations in which a person might be exposed to the evaluation of others and fear of acting in a humiliating or embarrassing way. TERM 223 somatization disorder DEFINITION 223 Somatoform disorder in which the person continually seeks medical help for recurrent and multiple physical symptoms that have no discoverable physical cause, despite a complicated medical history that is dramatically presented. TERM 224 somatoform disorders DEFINITION 224 A varied group of disorders in which symptoms suggest a physical problem but have no known physiological cause; believed to be linked to psychological conflicts and unmet needs but not voluntarily acknowledged. TERM 225 specific phobia DEFINITION 225 Anxiety disorder characterized by an irrational fear (and consequent avoidance) of a specific object or situation (such as heights, small closed places, or spiders), that markedly interferes with daily life functioning. TERM 226 specifiers in mood disorders DEFINITION 226 Patterns of characteristics that sometimes accompany major depressive or manic episodes and may help predict their course and prognosis. These include psychotic, melancholic, atypical, catatonic, chronic, and with postpartum onset. TERM 227 spectator role DEFINITION 227 A state of mind that some people experience during sex in which they focus on their sexual performance to such an extent that their performance and their enjoyment is reduced. TERM 228 structured interview DEFINITION 228 A method in clinical assessment consisting of an interview in which the questions are set out in a prescribed fashion for the interviewer; assists professionals in making diagnostic decisions based on standardized criteria. TERM 229 substance abuse DEFINITION 229 Maladaptive pattern of psychoactive substance use leading to significant distress or impairment in social and occupational roles, and use in hazardous situations. TERM 230 substance dependence DEFINITION 230 Maladaptive pattern of psychoactive substance use characterized by the need for increased amounts to achieve the desired effect, negative physical effects when the substance is withdrawn, unsuccessful efforts to control its use, and substantial effort expended to seek it or recover from its effects. TERM 231 substance intoxication DEFINITION 231 Physiological reactions, such as impaired judgment and motor ability as well as mood changes, resulting from the ingestion of psychoactive substances. TERM 232 substance-related disorders DEFINITION 232 Range of problems associated with the use and abuse of drugs such as alcohol, cocaine, heroin, and other substances people use to alter the way they think, feel, and behave. TERM 233 subthreshold (subclinical) symptoms DEFINITION 233 Presence of symptoms of a disorder that are clinically significant but do not meet full diagnostic criteria TERM 234 suicidal ideation DEFINITION 234 Serious thoughts about committing suicide. TERM 235 supernatural model DEFINITION 235 Explanation of human behavior and its dysfunction that posits important roles for spirits, demons, grace, sin, etc. TERM 246 vaginismus DEFINITION 246 Recurring involuntary muscle spasms in the outer third of the vagina that interfere with sexual intercourse. TERM 247 vascular dementia DEFINITION 247 Progressive brain disorder involving loss of cognitive functioning, caused by blockage of blood flow to the brain that appears concurrently with other neurological signs and symptoms. TERM 248 voyeurism DEFINITION 248 Paraphilia in which sexual arousal is derived from observing unsuspecting individuals undressing or naked. TERM 249 vulnerability DEFINITION 249 Susceptibility or tendency to develop a disorder. TERM 250 withdrawal (substance) DEFINITION 250 A symptom of substance dependence or addiction. Severely negative physiological reaction to removal of a psychoactive substance, which can only be alleviated by the same or a similar substance. TERM 251 auditory hallucinations DEFINITION 251 Psychotic disturbance in perception in which a person hears sounds or voices although these are not real or actually present. The voices are often critical, accusatory, or demanding. TERM 252 (depressive) cognitive triad DEFINITION 252 Thinking errors in depressed people that are negatively focused in three areas: themselves, their immediate world, and their future.
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