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The Transformative Impact of Slavery on American History: Erie Canal to Civil War - Prof. , Study notes of World History

The pivotal role slavery played in shaping american history, from the erie canal to the civil war. Topics include the identification of slavery as a sin, the impact of the industrial revolution, the fugitive slave law, and the emergence of militant abolitionism. The document also highlights key figures such as andrew johnson, stephen douglas, and william lloyd garrison.

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Download The Transformative Impact of Slavery on American History: Erie Canal to Civil War - Prof. and more Study notes World History in PDF only on Docsity! 2nd Great Awakening Abolitionist Schism 1840 Abraham Lincoln 1809 Amer. Anti-Slavery Soc. 1833 Trained speakers to spread abolitionist message into the heart of rural and small-town North. Fervent preaching, length meetings, pamphlets, calls for indiv to renounce their immoral ways- slavery was a sin. HS identifying slavery as a sin was essential to replacing the trad strategies of gradual emancipation and colonization with immediate abolition Andrew Johnson 1808 Antietam 1862 Maryland. Lee's invasion of the N. hoped to bring border states into the confederacy, persuade Britian & France to recog. Southern indep, influence N elections, capture WA DC. Bloodiest day in american history. Union victory. HS Last Union victory in east for while. More died that day than on any other day in US history Battle of Atlanta/Sherman 1864 Sherman w/ Union forces attacking Atlanta. War of attrition, wave after wave. HS boosted Northern morale (which had been low) when entered Atlanta … William Sherman launches 3 attacks in 9 days in GA, against Johnson,through GA burning& killing, confeds lose 13,000 to unions 6,000, confeds forced into siege of ATL H.S.destroyed much of the S. & industry Battle of the Wilderness 1864 Biddle’s Bank 1832 Black Codes Blind Memorandum Document written by Licoln that he sealed and gave to Cabinet to sign w/o reading it. if he couldn't save Union before 1864 election, Union would be lost. Lincoln feared that McCellalan (Dem.) would win election and Union would be lost. HS- Lincoln's fear showed that the South had a good chance of winning the war late into the conflict. Carpetbaggers & Scalawa Charles Finney 1830-1 Charles Sumner 1811-1874 Colonization 1816-1860s Common School Cotton Kingdom (gin) 1793- CW Cult of Domesticity Democratic Split 1824-? Douglas and Pop. Sovreig 1854 Dred Scott v. Sanford 1857 Dorr War 1841 rest of U.S. moving toward democ. except R.I.-couldnt vote unless own/rent real estate, ppl wanted free suffrage,so 1841reformers of Ppl’s Convention declared all white men right to vote&inaugurate Thomas Dorr. Pres.John Tyler sends troop to R.I.&TD to prison H.S:showed passion for vote,legisl. soon eliminated need for vote if native born Emancipation Proclamati ….> Sept. 17, 1862, preliminary (warns South), 1863:final proclamation. Document issued by Lincoln freeing the slaves in areas under Confederate control & authorized enrollment of black soldeiers into Union army. HS:alterned nature of Civil War, eventual death of slavery, redefine idea of American freedom, transformation in Southern life Erie Canal fin. 1825 363 mile canal connected great lakes to Atlantic ocean, most profitable/important canal in the 1820s-30s.HS: attracted influx of farmers migrating from New England, giving birth to cities along its path; made NYC as nation's largest port and other states tried to match NY's success; typified developing transportation infrastructure Factory System 1790 Fifteenth Amendment rat. in 1870 Fourteenth Amendment rat. in 1868 Frederick Douglas born 1818 Fredricksburg battle in Virginia where Union suffered one of its most disastrous defeats of the war when General Ambrose E. Burnside, who replaced McClellan as head of Army of the Potomac, assaulted Lee's army that was entrenched on heights near Fredricksburg, VA. HS: Northerners start to fear they won't win war, change of momentum in war Free Labor Ideology M-L 1800s Free Soil Appeal 1848 Freedman’s Bureau …> Mar. 1865- 1870, est. by congress, under O.O. Howard, est social policies- schools, aid to poor, settle disputes btwn blacks/whites, secure equal treatment before the courts, H.S. medical care, allowed other people to set up schools, bad economic effects Fugitive Slave Law 1850s allowed federal commissioners to determine fugitives w/o jury or testimony, prohibited local authorities, required citizens to help, H.S. security of slavery was more important than states rights, affected all free states, part of clays compromise of 1850 Gold-Rush CA …> Jan 1848 discovered., Sierra Nev. Mnts by Johann A. Sutter, craze for gold thuout world, diverse pop, immigration^, labor contracts w/ chinese, young men, taxed/kicked out foreign miners, murdered indians- enslaved ind children H.S. got people to move west, diverse Great Constitutional Rev. 1860s Indian Removal 1830s Jackson, last ind resistance 1832 in Old Northwest, expanding slavery cut into ind land, Indian removal act of 1830 provided funds for uprooting 5 civilized ind tribes, despite their efforts to assimilate, H.S. forced court to clarify status of ind-not owners of land, trail of tears, def. of amer. freedom Individualism 1820s group of NE intellectuals, reaction to market rev-degraded values, simplify lives/accumulation of wealth, freedom was self-realization H.S ind judgement over social traditions, depend on self, "privacy", helped to expand democracy- ownership of self rather than property would allow more to vote Industrial Workers early 1800s Market rev changed amer concept of time, farm-seasons, cities-hours, wage-paid according to hourly rate rather than goods produced, railroad schedule, "clock time", seemed to violate independence, few native born men worked in early factories- mill girls, immigrants Information Revolution …> mid-late 1800s, result of mark. Rev. and political democracy, explosion of printing, application of steam power to newspaper printing ^ circulation, mass audience, low postal rates=wide circulation, political parties spurred newspaper production, alternative papers like abolitionists, black, and indian papers Invention of the Asylum Irish and German Immigran1840-1860 James Buchanan 1791-1868 Dem. Nominee in 1865 election (previously a minister to Gr8 Brit in 1854, PA legislature, and served as sect'y of state under polk.) Staunch believer in the Union, committed to pacifying inflamed sectional emotions. H.S.- Failed miserably as a president. As Union unraveled, he denied states could secede, but also insisted that fed gov has no right to use force against it. John Brown 1800-1859 John C. Calhoun 1782-1850 Kansas-Nebraska Act 1854 Know-Nothings 1850s Land Grant College Act 1862 New Am. Nation State emerged during Civil War, committed to rapid economic development. Congress adopted policies that promoted economic growth and altered nation's financial system. Land Grant College Act- assisted states in esablishing "agricultural and mechanic colleges." H.S.- boosted economy during Civil War, began raising well-educated citizens... Lecompton Constitution 1857 Lincoln's 10% Plan 1865 Era of presidential reconstruction after civil war, Primary goal of N: Preserve the Union. Trying to reintegrate S back into Union quickly as possible. Lincoln's Plan states that if 10% of state's population is loyal to Union, the state can rejoin. H.S.- began the rebuilding of the country after civil war. split being fixed... Lowell System 1813-1830s Manifest Destiny 1845 Martin Van Buren 1782-1862 SC and Nullification 1828 tariff raises tax on industrial goods, SC leaders say N exploiting S (infl. by planters wanting weak fed. gov. in case of abolition), Calhoun drafts "Exposition and Protest" based on VA & KY Resolutions of 1798 H.S. - prompts nullification crisis, regionalist divisions & antifed in proslave S led to secession Seneca Falls July 1848 Seneca Falls NY, women's rights conv. Organized by Elizabeth Cady Stanton, Lucretia Mott, attended by antislavery & abolitionists. "Declaration of Sentiments" modeled on D. of Independence. H.S. - starts women's rights movement, abolitionist influences, freedom as right to vote and own property Shiloh April 1862 Shiloh TN, Grant withstands surprise attack, Confed. fail to prevent Union army hookup. H.S. - 2-day battle bloodiest in US history so far, part of early union success in west w/ Forts Henry and Donelson & Farragut's navy control of New Orleans, Grant's rep suffers in North. People thought he was unprepared. Slave Revolts 1800-1831 Slave Seats & 3/5 Clause 1800s/1787 Social Freedom law assumed husband's access to sex, corporal punishment; women's rights apply abolitionist freedom as self-ownership to female bodily agency; rarely discussed publicly, important to women's rights leaders H.S. - abolitionist influence, feminist divisions over private/public freedom, no mass movement yet but quiet birthrate drop Stephen Douglas 1850s wrote both the Compromise of 1850 and the Kansas-Nebraska Act; called the "Little Giant"; small stature but big in politics; believed heavily in democracy-will of the people should always be decisive; HS expansion of slavery issues brought up by both the comp. and KN Act Temperance Movement 1826 1826 Am. Temp. Soc. founded, directed efforts to redeeming not only habitual drinkers but also occasional drinker; HS- by 1840 consumpt. Of alcohol had fallen to less than half the level of decade earlier; aroused hostility and tension in society; unhappiness that one group of people could influence so much Texas Revolt The American System Dec. 1815 The Amistad 1839 Toqueville on democracy 1840s French writer who visited U.S. to study prisons,but saw at epitome of U.S. is democr., at home he wrote Democ. in America, c/o society in political transformation. H.S.he spread news of democ, new to western thought,US becomes known for democ.&freedom, individ. initiative, equality, active public sphere Trail of Tears 1838-1839 Worcester v. GA, court thought Indians distinct ppl&should have land, jackson says no! Cherokee leader Ross adopts policy of passive resistance-Cherokee’s own term for their forced removal S.E. to indian lands(OK), 15,000 marched,4,000 died H.S.-Jackson’s policy of getting rid of one nation to make rm for another more advanced Transcendentalists: 1850s New Eng. writers &thinkers who stressed personal/intellectual self-reliance. (Emerson, Thoreau) during market rev. H.S.offered new defin. for Jefferson’s pursuit of happiness, freedom=self-freedom/realization Ulysses S Grant 1861-1865 General in Chief of U.S. armies(union), Wash. only other person to hold his position. unions 1st signif. win, Ft. Henry&Donelson/1864 began fighting Lee in VA, tried to wipe out South force, knowing union had more manpower H.S. only union general to maintain the initiative against Lee, responsible for many vitories, even final win ending war (Appomattox) Whigs 1834 united factions opposed to Pres. Andrew Jackson party-whigs favored federal responsibility for internal improvements,Amer.Syst., tariff, natl bank, popul in New Eng. where modernizing, ceased to exist late 1850s, when party was divided over slavery issue(Clay,Adams) William Lloyd Garrison 1830s Wilmot Proviso 1846 New land reopened question of slavery in new land.David Wilmot proposed to prohibit slavery in any land acquired in the MX war(pass house, fail senate), but southern senators, led by john C. Calhoun of SC defeated the measure H.S. event dividing N&S, N. support, South No! dealt w/ question of slavery Nat Turner’s Rebellion 1831 Nativism 1840s-50s The Nationalism of JQ Adams Mexican War 1846 first foreign war to acquire Cali, North didn’t want war b/c felt only purpose was to expand slavery HS: US behaved like “European monarchies” by attacking MX. Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo, annexed TX ceded CA, AZ, NV, UT Militant Abolitionism 1810s-1830 Abolition by Colonization, 1816 American Colonization Society. HS showed Am. Society as white only Mississippi Plan 1872 MO Controversy/Comp. 1819-21 Monroe Doctrine 1823 President James Monroe US would oppose European colonization efforts. US would abstain from European wars. Warned European Powers not to interfere w/ independent states of Latin America HS first diplomatic policy claimed US as dominant power in western hemisphere Amer/New Financial Syst 1815 President James Madison proposed a plan for government-promoted economic development. The plan had three pillars: a new national bank, a tariff on imported manufactured goods, and federal financing of improved roads. But in March 1817 Madison vetoed the bill after becoming convinced that such national power would threaten liberty. A Reign of Terror 1865+ Radical Republicans 1850s-60s group within the Republican Party that advocated strong resistance to the expansion of slavery, opposition to compromise with the South in the secession crisis of 1860-61, emancipation and arming of black soldiers during the Civil War, and equal civil and political rights for blacks during Reconstruction Reconstruction Act 1867 Congress adopted over Johnson’s veto established temporary military governments in ten Confederate states-excepting TN-and required that the states ratify the 14th Amendment and permit freedmen to vote HS.countered black codes, led to more conflict b/w Con. & Johnson, produced Radical Reconstruction Reconstruction’s Opponenafter 1867 South’s leaders-planters, merchants, Democratic politicians-opposed new gov,; S. whites didn’t accept idea of former slaves voting/holding office/being equal b4 law; much corruption existed HS. Launched “Reign of Terror”, many Rep. Left party due to no financial improvement Rise of the Public Woman 1830s Robert E. Lee 1807-70 Sea Island Experiment 1861-65 Second Middle Passage 1820-1850 Paternalist Ethos 1808+ Plain Folk of the Old Sou before CW Proslavery Argument 1830-60 Public and Private Freed 1830s-40s 1820s- 1830s like FGA. Revivals first org. bc of low levels of church attendance. Taught Hell in vivid language & promised salvation to converts. HS democratized Am christianity. Inc num of preachers (became celebrities). Meth. & Bapt rise, Deism down. Free will > predestination. Tied together christianity & freedom, unintentionally promoted market society (self-reliance). Private judge. in spirit. matters. Organized abolitionism split into 2 wings due to dispute over the proper role of women in society. Formed Liberty Party. HS made "the woman question" a perm part of the discussion on social reform. Abolitionists as a whole awakened the moral issue of slavery in North and shattered the conspiracy of silence to preserve national unity by suppressing public debate over slavery Was elected pres in 1860 due to dem party split 3 ways. Emancipation Proclamation. Wanted to secure the Union, not end slavery. Union he envisioned was about political dem and human liberty. He did not want to attack slavery where it existed. HS Emancipation Proc altered the nature of the Civil War and altered the course of Am history. War then became about liberation of slaves, which led to revolts by slaves against masters in anticipation of Northern troops. Emanc Proc also only affected Union-controlled states Nominated for VP in 1864 as a symbol of the R party's hope of extending into South. Lacked Lincoln's political skills. Insisted that since illegal, the states never seceeded. Supported emancipation, but racist. Offered pardon to all white Southerns who took an oath of allegiance- excluded confed leaders + wealthy planters. Appointed governors to create loyal state gov in South. HS allowed South free hand in new gov. Would lead to black codes, etc. Grant vs Lee in VA, A month of the war's bloodiest fighting. Even after massive casualties, Grant kept attacking. After 6 weeks, Grant's casualties at 60,000- Lee at 30,000. HS it was a turning point in modern warfare. With daily combat and fearsome casualty toll, it had far more in common with the trench warfare in WWI than the almost gentlemanly fighting with which the Civil War began Jackson distrusted and others saw bank as profitting from labor of others. Bank charter running out in 1836, Biddle renewed 20 years. Jackson saw as blackmail & veto- said unnacceptable to create source of pwr (to destroy other bank) and privilege unaccountable to people.HS Bank privileges widened gap between weathly and farmers/laborers. Bank war reflected how Jackson enhanced pwr during presidency. First pres to use veto. Reelection in 1832 ensured death to bank. late 1860s- 70s A S response to Johnson's Recon.policy, Black Codes granted blacks the rights of marriage, property,and limited court access. denied rights to testify vs. whites, be on juries, militia, or vote. Any blacks not employed could become convict laborers, limited occupation, denied land ownership, contracted black kids to work w/o consent from parents. HS- showed inability of S leaders to accept reality of emancipation. White racism held S back from change to free labor. Pushed N turn against Johnson's plan b/c South was treated too leniently. Aug 23, 1864 late 1860s- 70s Carpetbaggers were N who came to live in S after Civil War. Many were Union soldiers who stayed after war. S despised them b/c they reaped all the spoils of office in S. Scalawags were white Rep. Southerners loyal to Union during Civil War. Considered traitors to their race and religion. Most were non-slaveholding white farmers from the S upcountry. HS- created state-supported schools, civil rights legislation, and promoted South's recovery. hated by Democrats. tried to convert S to free labor but were unsuccessful b/c of white racism. 2nd Great Awakening reverend who held months long revival meetings in upstate NY and NYC. Son of CT farmers. Inspired to preach by revival he hearrd in 1821. warned of hell in vivid language while offering salvation to those who abandoned selfish ways. HS- Finney became nat'l celebrity. part of 2nd Great Awakening that democratized Am Christianity. repeat of 1st Great Awakening. Great camp meetings rejected idea of predestinaton and introduced human free will. This teaching transpired into the politics and social arena of individualism. Radical abolitionist senator from MA. Verbally attacks SC senator Butler. Butler's nephew, Brooks took insult personally and beat Sumner, 65 times with cane on Sen floor. Brooks resigns- re-elected in SC and sent 100s of canes. HS- N. thinks it's an attack on free. of speech. Leads the Rep. Party against slavery and toward militant abolitionism. Shows hostility between sections over slavery issue. American Colonization Society founded in 1816. promoted gradual abolition of slavery and settlement of black Am in Africa. Liberia with capital at Monrovia, was established place to send former slaves. many thought it impractical. People thought free blacks posed danger and could never achieve equality. Colonization was a way to relieve their consciences w/o annoying their neighbors. Most slaves thought of themselves as Americans and didn't want to leave country. Lincoln approved of colonization, but the number of slaves actually returned to Africa was not significant. HS- The inefficiency of colonization led the US to come up with another way to deal with freed slaves. (incorporate them into society) 1840s- 1850s tax-supported state school systems open to all children. Part of era's reform impulse. Horace Mann, MA lawyer and Whig politician, was the director of state's board of ed. Thought universal ed could restore equality in society. provided an avenue to social advancement. Character building and 'silent curriculum' were taught. Helped prepare students for work in new industrial economy. Training free individuals. HS- Most schools were in N. 1st real career oppotunity for women as teachers. created more productive citizens. separated the N and S b/c S was far behind in education. 1793, Eli Whitney, it separated cotton seed for cotton fiber. Speeded cotton processing and made cultivation more profitable. Cotton Kingdom was the name of the lower S after invention of cotton gin. Cotton=main export and source of income in S. HS- led directly to expansion of slavery in 19th cent. Separated the N and S economic interests. S stayed agricultural, N pushed toward industry. Slavery was tied to their economic gain, which meant it was hard to get abolished w/o destroying the S social stucture. (...Civil War) 1830s- 1840s market revolution closed opportunites for women. economic center- household --> factory. women's "place" was strictly the home. her job to create atmosphere empty of any market revolution values. promote love, friendship, mutual obligation. "Virtue" = not only sexual innocence but beauty, fraility, and dependence on men. HS- redefined "rep motherhood", new role for women. Practiced exercise over personal affairs in family. rapid decline in the Am. birthrate. Kept women in the private realm. would later spark reform and the first women suffragettes. April 1860 Dem Convention, Douglas received majority but not 2/3 needed to become the dem. Candidate. b/c he supported pop sov and wasn't proslavery. 6 wks later, planters came back with new pro-slavery candidate, John Breckinridge of KY. He was proslavery and said it should be protected in the W. The S Dem vote was split b/n the 2 candidates. HS- last bond of nat'l unity was broken. W/ the S votes split, it was easier for the Rep party to elect Lincoln. His eventual inauguaration would lead to abolition of slavery and a new way of life for the S dem. (...Civil War) Stephen Douglas was a new leader of Senate. strong believer in W development, hoped to build a transcontinental RR through KS and NB. needed formal gov'ts first. Still arguing about slavery in the West, Douglas proposed new principle of pop sov that allowed local settlers to decide on the issue of slavery in the territory. It promoted local self-gov't and offered a middle ground. Douglas wants Dem happy in order to receive the prez nomination in 1860. HS- split Dem party. upper S voted for Douglas, Lower S voted for proslavery Breckinridge. Pop. sov. would cause much violence as the settlers moved in for representation. uproar called "Bleeding Kansas". Dred Scott had accompanied his owner to IL where slavery was prohibited by the NW Ordinance of 1787, and to WS territory, where slavery was barred by the MO Compromise. Scott declared that residence on free soil made him free. The case addressed Congress' power to abolish slavery, if residency=freedom, and if a black person was a citizen and could sue the court. Chief Roger B. Taney decided only whites could be US citizens. HS- decision declared that blacks had no rights. declared the Rep. platform of restricting slavery's expansion in the W unconstitutional. It settled in favor of slavery and S. Rep viewed the Court as ruled by "slave power". Slavery existed in all the territories. (...Civil War) England immigrant Samuel Slater est. US 1st factory in RI, power-driven machinery replaced hand tools, created "outwork" system where rural men/women earned money by taking in jobs from factories, 1st factories along "fall line"where water could be used to provide power for machinery. HS: MA became 2nd most undustrialized region behind Britain; mechanical skills became diverse in towns, New England became associated with industry prohib states from discrimin. voting privilege- race, color, or previous condition of servitude, no women, was thought to be final part of Recon. (but was not) HS: caused creation of suffrage restrictions not based on race(literacy tests, poll taxes), some blacks held political office in Reconstruction, created biracial democracy (but does not last long because of white southern supremacy) principle of citizenship fo all persons born in U.S, which empowered the fed. Gov. to protect rights of all Americans; prohibited the states from abridging the "privileges and immunities" of citizens or denying them the "equal protection of the law" HS: opened door for future Congresses & federal courts to apply the gurantee of legal equality; produced divvion between parties, made most important change in Constitution since adoption of Bill of Rights; central issue of political campaign of 1866 born into slavery, he experiened slavery in all its variety, at 15 he he defiantly refused to allow himself to be disciplined again; in 1838 he borrowed free papers of a black sailor & escaped to the North. He lectured against slavery, published an autobiography that condemned slavery & racism HS: he became a major figure in the crusade fo abolition, the drama of emancipation, and the effort during Reconstruction to give meaning to black freedom, most influential African-Americans of 19th century & nation's distinguished advocate for racial equality Dec 13 1862 Repub. party appeal rested on "free labor", offered each laborer chance to move up to status of landowning farmer or independent craftsman & achieve econ. indepen. essential to freedom. Republicans wanted to keep slavery out of territories so free labor could flourish. HS: these ideas resonated with northern values & caused rise of Republican party;increase in separation of North/South Free Soil platform called for barring slavery from western terr. & for fed. Gov. to provide free homesteads to settlers in new territories, this appealed to Northerners because this meant no slavery in west to compete with white wage workers and they believed westward expansion was essential to well being, but Southern leaders were convinced slavery must expand or die and free states of the west would make South a minority. HS:further conflict between North and South and balance of power 2 prod of CW- newly empow. natl state & idea of natl citizenry enjoying equality b4 law. Transform fed system & lang of freedom. B4 war- citizenship linked to race. HS expanded liberties of whites & blacks. Trans constit from doc concerned w/ fed-state relations & rights of prop owners to where minorities could stake claim of freedom and seek protection against misconduct by all lvls of gov 1830s- 1840s Reformers wanted to make humans into free, morally upright citizens. Previous, crime was punished by whipping and fines. New route- jails for criminals, poorhouses for destitute, asylums for the insane, orphanages. Trying to achieve "perfectionism" and "cure" undesirable elements of society. H.S.- demonstrated tension b/n liberation and control in the era's reform movements. Reformers trying to create a uniform society Potato famine in 1845-1851, Irish came to escape famine, filled unskilled labor positions. Germans- Came b/c indust. Rev. pushed peasants off land, skilled craftsmen. (created own little communities. H.S.- Provided labor for factories in N, created cultural diversity. rise in crime and poverty. Led to "rise of nativism" (americans felt threatened- Hostility to Irish and Germans.) Abolitionist, long career in antislavery activities. Deeply religious. Oct 16 1859: he and 21 men seized Harpers Ferry. Plan failed, captured by Lee and troops. Brown placed on trial, but won admiration from North. H.S.- Black leaders long hailed him a rare white person willing to sacrifice himself for cause of racial justice. His raid further widened breach b/n N and S. ...Civil War. Sect'y of State under Prz Tyler. Aprl 1844- letter by Calhoun leaked to press. Letter linked idea of absorbing Texas directly to goal of strengthening slavery in US Calhoun known as leading theorist of nullification. Denied that null, step toward disunion. VP in 1828. (Null. crisis) H.S.- Calhoun's thoughts on null. caused tension in political realm. he was known as leading theorist of state's rights. Sen. Douglas-build transcont. RR, but no organized gov in KS + NB. gov w/ "popular sovereignty." Local authorities decided if slavery permitted in their region. KS NB Act repealed Missouri Compromise. H.S.- Reorganized political parties. Democratic split- contituents vs party loyaty. Whigs collapsed. N whigs + Ndem =Rep, S- Dem. parties became sectional, bleeding kansas Nativism emerged as a local political movement in 1840's. 1854- Know-Nothing Party began. Dedicated to reserving political office for native-born Americans. They swept 1854 MA state elections, Catholics opposed this movement. HS- Demonstrated that suffrage=freedom. All Euro. immigrants benefited from being white. Free blacks were pushed out of jobs, couldn't vote, etc. 1858- Buchanan's admin attempted to admit KS as slave state under Lecomp Const- drafted by a pro-south convention, never submitted to a pop. vote. Douglas, ourtraged by violation of pop sovereignty, formed alliance w/ congress. Repubs to block attempt. H.S.- KS would remain a territory, joined Union as free state. convinced S Democrats that they couldn't trust their N. leader(douglas) in Lowell, MA. System temporary workers (avoiding a perm. working class). "Lowell girls" brought to MA - factories for 4-5 years, boarding houses, worked 6 10-hr days. system wasn't working. H.S.- demonstrated labor reform movements, labor's critique of the market economy directly challenged the idea that ind. improvement offered an adequate response to social inequality. Phrase coined by John L. O'Sullivan- the U.S. had a divinely appointed mission to occupy all of N America. extend the area of freedom. Immigrants seen as obstacles to progress of freedom. Thought selected by God for the greatest exper. in human hist. H.S.- The settlement and econ exploitation of W prevent U.S. from path of Europe- society with fixed social classes and a large group of wage-earning poor. [Economic independence=social condition of freeedom] Prez after Jackson. Clash b/n Jackson and MartVanBuren demonstrated how democracy was changing the nature of Am. politics. later in prez: TX annexation- Van Buren weary of annexing TX into Union. Van Buren and Clay issued letters rejecting immedication of TX on the grounds that it might provike war w/ Mexico. Letters were disaster, backfired on him. Lost election. Van Buren was candidate in 1848 for Free Soil Party, but lost. H.S.- He represented the new political era. He believed political parties were a necessary and desirable element of political life. 4: Gabriel Rebellion (1800, blacksmith slave plans hold Richmond hostage, 26 slaves hanged); New Orleans sugar plantation uprising (1811, 200-500 men/women march city, dispersed by militia (66 slaves killed), leaders executed); Denmark Vesey conspiracy (1822, Vesey bought freedom, preached no slavery & equal rights, conspiracy discovered - evidence disputed); Nat Turner's Rebellion (1831, see elsewhere) H.S. - conspiracy often disputed, evidence from unfair courts; news of revolts cause white panic, crackdown on black liberty (preaching, owning firearms, reading) Were the seats in Congress that represented the slave population by 3/5 clause (1 slave = 3/5 person) that obviously didn't represent black interests. Gave South more power in legislature. Slavery could only survive through expansion- thought that the gov needed to protect it. North thought that if it kept expanding, it would threaten liberty of white North. HS South dominated first 62 yrs of gov. Meant Southern white vote counted more than Northern white vote. 1840s- 1850s Mar. 13 1836 (Santa Anna stormed Alamo) Mexico had abolished slavery, but Amer. Brought slaves with them to Texas; santa anna sent troops to liberate slaves; revolt; santa anna stormed alamo killed everyone; in april Sam houston cornered santa anna army at Batt. Of San Jacinto and forced him to recognize Texan independence; HS texas did not become part of the US immediately because US gov. officials feared adding another slave state; idea of westward expansion brought the slave state vs. free state controversy up written by Pres. James Madison; 1. new national bank 2. tariff on imported manufactored goods to protect Am. Industry 3. federal financing of improved roads and canals; Madison vetoed it before leaving office bc of controversial issue of roads; other 2 passes; HS tariff offered protection to Am. goods; question of whether gov. funded roads and canals are constitutional, Madison believed needed const. amendment in order to pass law 53 slaves took over the ship Amistad (transporting them from one cuban port to another) tried to steer to Africa; Am. Vessel seized them on the coast of Long Island; Pres. Martin Van Buren wanted to send them back to cuba; john quincy adams said since they were brough in violation of treaties banning the slave trade send them back to Africa; Supreme Court- accepted adams reasoning most sent back to Africa; HS inspired similar revolts (135 slaves take over the Creole ship in 1841 traveling from virginia to new orleans, tried to sail to Nassau in Brit. Bahamas) published weekly The Liberator, southerners outraged by his blunt anti-slav. rhetoric,suggests N. rid of constit.&dissolve union to end complicity in evil of slavery, call for immediate abolition H.S.his weekly journal Liberator most prominent&w/ideas abolitionism permanent voice In Virginia on August 22, 1831 he led a handful of followers from farm to farm assaulting white inhabitants, most were women and children because the men were away at a religious revival. It was the last large-scale uprising in the South. It shocked the south. Southern leaders began to wonder whether slavery should be done away with, but instead the Virginia legislature tightened the chains of bondage through prohibiting blacks to be preachers, strengthening patrols, banning blacks from firearms, and prohibiting them from reading. Strengthened pro-slavery argument. Influx of Irish to America in 1840’s-1850’s. Immigrants from Ireland encountered intense hostility. Roman Catholics faced discrimination because “anti-popery” sentiments still existed. Immigrants were blamed for urban crime, political corruption, fondness of liquor, undercutting native born worker’s wages. Nativists thought the Irish to be a threat to democracy. Led to anti-immigrant riots. Eventually created a strong national political movement in the 1850’s. JQ Adams strongly supported the American System of government. He hoped to encourage American commerce abroad. He authored the Monroe Doctrine, which made it clear that he wanted to enhance American influence in the Western Hemisphere. He had been the only cabinet member of Monroe who opposed reprimanding Jackson for his incursion into Florida. In 1819 Adams negotiated a treaty which granted the U.S. Florida from Spain. Rifle clubs tried inciting violence w/ groups of Rep. During campaingn of 1872 in Vicksburg, MS a club attacked a Rep. Mtg, killing 35 blacks and 2 whites. No rifle club members were injured. Def not a coincidence. H.S. after uprising, there was a 35,000 swing in votes Rep --> Dem. this changed outcome of election, Rep threatened not to vote, or threatened to vote Dem. Controversy: MO preparing for admission to Union, James Tallmadge moved that the introduction of slaves be prohibited and that current slaves be freed at 25. 2 yrs controversy b/c MO would tip the balance toward free in Congress. Compromise: Missouri would be admitted as slave state, but balanced by admittance of Maine as free state. Slavery prohibited in Louisiana Purchase territory North of latitude 36°30’. HS- MO entered as slave state, ME as free state. Slavery prohitibited in LA purchase N of 36 30. Created division in US. (...Civil War) Violence remained in large parts of the post-war South. Blacks assaulted for various racist reasons. After 1867 it became more political. Secret societies sprang up to prevent blacks from voting and destroying R party by assassination. KKK, terrorist organization. HS 1870-1 adoption of Enforcement Acts that outlawed terrorist societies and allowed army use against them. These laws continued national authority expansion during Reconst. They defined crimes that aimed to deprive citizens of their civil/pol rights as fed offenses. Abolitionist thinking spurred women’s rights thinking, public sphere open to women in ways government/party politics didn’t, they circulated petitions, attended meetings, marched in parades, & delivered public lectures; active in temperance movement, built asylums, & other reform activities HS. 1834 Female Moral Reform Society in NY, published lists of men who abused women or frequented prostitutes, attacked era’s double standard, led to increase in women’s rights, movement from private to public sphere turned down Lincoln’s offer to command Union army bc VA had seceded from union, became most victorious major general of the Confed. Army during Civil War, Lee’s victories over superior Union forces won him enduring fame, many N feared him; gambled on invasion of Gettysburg, PA and lost HS. Held off N attacks in the East, first attack on N. territory, S victory seemed possible most famous rehearsal for Reconstruction, N captures Sea Islands off coast of SC, white pop. flees & leaves 10,000 slaves; various N groups come with own ideas of how best to transfer freedom, Gideon’s Band=education+land ownership, Investors=wage labor HS. Widely viewed as success, blacks worked for wages/got educated/better conditions, should land own. Accompany black freedom? replaced slave trade prohibited by congress in 1808, 2 mil. Slaves sold from Old South to New, slave trading was a visible & established business, held auctions, ads in news, banks financed trade, railroads and canals shipped, taxes on trade earned revenue HS. Led to ideology of paternalism, strengthened slavery, helped establish Cotton Kingdom, made South a slavery system (after closing of the African slave trade in 1808)View that the master had the right to obedience and labor of the slave, but the slave also had rights from the master (protection, counsel, subsistence, care and attention in sickness). View that slave was part of the master’s “family”. Significant because it masked and justified the brutal reality of slavery. (Doesn’t give a time period but it is pre-Civil War so I assume it is between 1830’s-Civil War) Refers to non-slaveholding whites that usually were small farmers. Most lived lives of self-sufficiency by raising livestock and grew food for their families. Most poor whites made peace with planters because racism, kinship ties, common participation in democratic political culture, and regional loyalty bonded them together. Significant because their cooperation with planters (non slaveholding whites manned slave patrols for runaway slaves, rented slaves from planters, voted slave owners to office) prevented class tensions among white population until after Civil War. Racism & slaveholders found excuses in Bible (servants should obey masters). Others argued slavery essential 2 human progress (Greek, Romans, and European emp) & w/o slavery planters unable to cultivate the arts, sciences. Others insisted that slavery guaranteed equality 4 whites by preventing growth of class of unskilled white laborers. (Slavery guaranteed perfect equality among whites. Slavery made white southerners indep & since indep was nec. for citizenship, slavery good) HS bc it caused S to believe that slavery essential 4 white southerners to be indep. & bc indep is nec. for citizenship, slavery seen as cornerstone of their repub edifice Dems wanted limitation of national authority - private freedom and states’ rights. individual morality a private matter, not public concern, and opposed attempts to impose a unified moral vision on society (temperance, Sunday entertain.). Whigs insisted liberty and power reinforced each other. Believed gov should interfere with private life. (to build schools, asylums, temperance).
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