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Pharmacology and Physiology: Terms Relating to Drug Action and Effects, Quizzes of Health sciences

Definitions and terms related to the pharmacology and physiology of drugs, including their absorption, distribution, metabolism, excretion, protein binding, and interactions with various receptors and enzymes. It covers topics such as ideal drugs, first-pass effect, half-life, and drug interactions with monoamine oxidase and theophylline. It also includes information on specific drugs and their uses, adverse effects, and interactions with other medications.

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Download Pharmacology and Physiology: Terms Relating to Drug Action and Effects and more Quizzes Health sciences in PDF only on Docsity! TERM 1 prop of ideal drug DEFINITION 1 effective, safe, selectivity TERM 2 absorption DEFINITION 2 admin to blood; r/t rate of dissolution, surface area, blood flow, lipid solubility, pH partitioning TERM 3 distribution DEFINITION 3 mvmt throughout body; r/t blood flow to tissues, exiting vascular system, entering cells TERM 4 metabolism DEFINITION 4 alt of drug structure; r/t hepatic drug-metabolizing enzymes TERM 5 excretion DEFINITION 5 removal from body; r/t GFR, passive tubular reabsorption, active tubular secretion, pH-dependent ionization, age TERM 6 protein binding DEFINITION 6 plasma albumin mostly; more bound=less available for absorption TERM 7 first-pass effect DEFINITION 7 rapid hepatic inactivation of oral drugs leading to lmt therapeutic effects; given parenterally to avoid TERM 8 half-life DEFINITION 8 time required for amt of drug in body to dec 50% TERM 9 MAO + tyramine= DEFINITION 9 inc BP TERM 10 theophylline+caffeine= DEFINITION 10 CNS stimulation TERM 21 6 drugs for PUD DEFINITION 21 ABC+TMT= amoxicillin, bismuth, clarithromycin, tinidazole, metronisazole, tetracycline TERM 22 amoxicillin DEFINITION 22 more acid resistant that ampicillin, preferred penicillin for h pylori, disrupts cell wall TERM 23 bismuth DEFINITION 23 pepto; a/e: black tongue & stools TERM 24 clarithromycin DEFINITION 24 biaxin; a/e: distortion of taste, n, diarrhea TERM 25 tinidazole DEFINITION 25 tindamax; like metronissazole; a/e: n, h/a, C=alcohol & prego TERM 26 metronisazole DEFINITION 26 flagyl; a/e: n, h/a, C=alcohol & prego TERM 27 tetracycline DEFINITION 27 a/e: stains teeth, C=kids & prego TERM 28 omeprazole [Prilosec] DEFINITION 28 PPI, antiulcer; inc risk of osteoporosis TERM 29 cimetidine [Tagamet] DEFINITION 29 H2RA, antiulcer; a/e: gynecomastia, dec libido, impotence TERM 30 misoprostol [Cytotec] DEFINITION 30 antiulcer AND for cervical ripening & induce abortion TERM 31 histamine DEFINITION 31 regulate allergies & GI acididty; histimine from mast cells & basophils TERM 32 H1 receptor stimulation DEFINITION 32 vasodilation, inc capillary permeability, bronchoconstriction TERM 33 H1 antagonists DEFINITION 33 dec flushing, edema, itching, mucus secretions; a/e: sedation in 1st gen, GI effects, anticholinergic effects, dysrhythmias; C=asthma, glaucoma, urinary retention, hypertension, BPH, prego; 2nd gen C=liver dysfx TERM 34 COX-1 DEFINITION 34 good; dec GI acid, support renal function, promote platelet aggregation TERM 35 COX-2 DEFINITION 35 bad; inflammation, inc sensitivity to pain TERM 46 glucocorticoid mechanism for asthma tx, a/e DEFINITION 46 suppress inflammation, dec airway edema; a/e: adrenal & growth suppress, bone loss, hoarseness, inc risk of glaucoma & PUD, hyperglycemia TERM 47 methylxanthines mechanism for asthma tx, a/e DEFINITION 47 theophylline; bronchodilation; relax smooth muscle of bronchi; a/e: n/v, diarrhea, insomnia, restlessness, dysrhythmias, convulsions, hyperglycemia TERM 48 mast cell stabilizer mechanism for asthma tx, a/e DEFINITION 48 cromolyn; prophylaxis tx; suppress bronchial inflammation by dec histamine release; a/e: cough, bronchospasm, unpleasant taste TERM 49 leukotriene modifiers mechanism for asthma tx, a/e DEFINITION 49 singulair; suppress effects of leukotrienes, dec edema & mucus production; a/e: mood changes, suicidality TERM 50 anticholinergics mechanism for asthma tx, a/e DEFINITION 50 ipatropium; promotes bronchodilation; a/e: dry mouth, irritation of pharynx, inc intraocular pressure TERM 51 sympathomimetic/decongestants DEFINITION 51 pseudoephedrine; shrinks swollen membranes; a/e: systemic vasoconstriction; stroke in women; stimulates CNS; watch for inc serum glucose TERM 52 antihistamines DEFINITION 52 suppress mucus secretion; a/e: sedation, anticholinergic effects, bitter taste TERM 53 intranasal glucocorticoids DEFINITION 53 prevention & tx of rhinitis; dec all symptoms; a/e: dry m/m, intching, sore throat, epistaxis, h/a, adrenal & growth suppression TERM 54 intranasal cromolyn sodium DEFINITION 54 dec release of histamine; used prophylactically, dec all symptoms TERM 55 antitussives DEFINITION 55 codeine; act in CNS to inc cough threshold; a/e: resp depression, abuse TERM 56 mucolytics DEFINITION 56 acetylcystine; makes mucus watery to make cough productive; a/e:smells like rotten eggs, n/v, bronchospasm TERM 57 expectorants DEFINITION 57 mucinex; cough more productive; given with water TERM 58 FPG DEFINITION 58 taken 8hrs after meal; >126=DM TERM 59 CPGT DEFINITION 59 at any time, finger prick; >200=DM plus polyuria, polydipsia, rapid wt loss TERM 60 OGTT DEFINITION 60 give oral glucose, measure 2hrs later; >200=DM TERM 71 sulfonylureas DEFINITION 71 c=kidney or liver dysfx, prego, nurisng, heart diseases, alcoholics TERM 72 glinides, repaglinide Prandin DEFINITION 72 c=liver dysfx TERM 73 thiazolidinediones, rosiglitazone Avandia DEFINITION 73 labs=HDL, LDL, tgs, ALT; c=CHF, liver dysfx TERM 74 alpha-glucosidase inhibitors, acarbose Precose DEFINITION 74 labs=iron; c=liver dysfx TERM 75 sitagliptin Januvia DEFINITION 75 c=NONE TERM 76 disk-diffusion test DEFINITION 76 most widely used to assess for sensitivity TERM 77 broth dilution test DEFINITION 77 more precise to assess for sensitivity TERM 78 peak & trough DEFINITION 78 p TERM 79 penicillin DEFINITION 79 PO, IV, IM; uses=rheumatic fever, meningitis, syphilis, bact. endocarditis; a/e:seizures, confusion, Na overload d/t ticarcillin, promote bleeding d/t piperacillin; c=cephalosporin allergy; dfi=aminoglycosides; TERM 80 cephalosporins DEFINITION 80 Keflex; IM, IV; uses=surgery, otitis, sinitis, RTI, abd & pelvic infections, meningitis, gonorrhea, salmonella; a/e: maculopapular rash, bleeding tendencies; c=penicillin allergy; dfi=alcohol, Ca, NSAIDs, anticoags TERM 81 vancomycin DEFINITION 81 slow IV; uses=MRSA, AAPC; a/e:ototox, flushing, rash, red- neck syndrome pruritus, urticaria, tachycardia, hypotension; c=renal dysfx TERM 82 tetracyclines DEFINITION 82 PO, topical; uses=rheum. arthr, periodontal disease, rickettsial disease, cholera, lyme, anthrax, h pylori, acne; a/e: GI effects, stains teeth, suppresses bone growth, suprainfections, hepat & renal tox, photsensitivity, dizziness; c=kidney disease, TERM 83 chloramphenicol DEFINITION 83 PO, IV; uses: chlamydia; a/e: gray baby syndrome, bone marrow suppression, aplastic anemia; dfi=warfarin, hypoglycemics; labs=CBC TERM 84 aminoglycosides DEFINITION 84 garamycin; IM, IV; uses=e coli, klebsiella, pneum aeur; a/e: miacin mouse, ototox, nephrotox, impaired balance, tinnitus, h/a, n/v, dizziness; dfi=penicillins, NSAIDs; labs=BUN, serum creatinine TERM 85 sulfonamides DEFINITION 85 gantrisin; PO; uses=UTIs; a/e: hypersensitivity, kernicterus, stevens-johnson syndrome, photosensitivity, hemolytic anemia, renal damage r/t crystalluria; c= TERM 96 dopamine receptor fx DEFINITION 96 dilation of kidney vasculature; activates alpha 1, beta 1, dopamine TERM 97 adrenergic receptors mediated by DEFINITION 97 epi & NE TERM 98 cholinergic receptors mediated by DEFINITION 98 ACh TERM 99 nicotinicN DEFINITION 99 releases epi from adrenal medulla TERM 100 nicotinicM DEFINITION 100 contraction of skeletal muscles TERM 101 muscarinic DEFINITION 101 dec HR, contracts pupil, constricts bronchi, causes voiding, inc GI secretions, sweating, erection, vasodilation of blood vessels TERM 102 muscarinic agonists (cholinergic/parasympathomimetic) DEFINITION 102 bethanecol, pilocarpine, reglan; uses=urinary retention, dec GI motility, glaucoma; binds reversibly & acts selectively; a/e:hypotension, bradycardia, inc salivation & GI secretion, diarrhea, asthma; like parasy NS; c= low BP/CO, intestinal obstruction, bowel surgery, UT obstruction, weak bladder wall, asthma, hyperthyroidism; TOX=from mushrooms, sweating, lacrimation, visual probs, bronchospasm, diarrhea, bradycardia, hypotension; tx=atropine TERM 103 muscarinic antagonists (anticholinergic/parasympatholytics) DEFINITION 103 atropine, detrol, oxybutynin; uses=OAB, anesthesia, eye probs, bradycardia; prevents ACh activation; a/e: inc HR, dec secretions, dec urinary & bronchial tone, pupil dilation, constipation; c=glaucoma, intestinal atony, tachycardia; TOX= dry mouth, dec sweating, blurred vision, photophobia, vasodilation, confusion,, agitation; tx=physostigmine TERM 104 adrenergic agonists (sympathomimetics) DEFINITION 104 promotes NE release, inhibit MAOs TERM 105 alpha 1 activation uses & a/e DEFINITION 105 uses: vasoconstriction, hemostatsis, nasal decongestion, adjunct to anesthesia, inc BP, dilate pupils; a/e: hypertension, necrosis, bradycardia TERM 106 catecholamines DEFINITION 106 not PO, short lives, cant cross BBB; epi, NE, dopamine TERM 107 nnoncatecholamines DEFINITION 107 PO, long lives, cross BBB; brethine TERM 108 alpha 2 activation uses DEFINITION 108 dec outlfow; relieves severe pain TERM 109 beta 1 activation uses & a/e DEFINITION 109 initiates contraction in heart stopped; uses=cardiac arrest, HF, shock, AV block; a/e: tachycardia, dysrhythmias, angina pectoris TERM 110 beta 2 activation uses & a/e DEFINITION 110 brethine; uses=promote bronchodilation in asthma, relaxes uterine muscle to delay preterm labor; a/e: hyperglycemia, tremor, vasodilation TERM 121 verapamil Calan DEFINITION 121 CCB, dec HR, dec BP, dec contractility, inc coronary perfusion, acts in arteries & heart; uses=angina pectoris, hypertension, dysrhythmias, migraine; a/e: constipation, bradycardia, dec contractility TERM 122 nifedipine Procardia DEFINITION 122 CCB, blocks Ca channels in VSM & arteries, promotes vasodilation, inc HR, inc contractility, dec BP; uses= angina pectoris, hypertension, suppress preterm labor, migraine; a/e: reflex tachy, edema, tachycardia; beta blockers given to dec reflex tachy TERM 123 black tx of hypertension DEFINITION 123 ABCs= alpha, beta of Ca blockers TERM 124 DM tx of hypertension DEFINITION 124 ACE, ARBs, CCBs, diuretics; c=beta blockers TERM 125 elderly tx of hypertension DEFINITION 125 beta blockers & diuretics TERM 126 CHF tx of hypertension DEFINITION 126 c=CCBs TERM 127 prego tx of hypertension DEFINITION 127 methyldopa; c=ACE, ARbs, DRIs TERM 128 digoxin DEFINITION 128 inc contractility, inc CO, dec HR, inc renal blood flow; reduces retention of Na & water; a/e: dysrhythmias, blurred vision, yellow vision, halos, n/v, anorexia; intx= thiazide & loops, ACE, ARBs, verapamil; level=0.5-0.8ng/mL TERM 129 phenytoin Dilantin DEFINITION 129 for all but absence seizures; keep between 10-20mcg/mL; IV causes hypotension & dysrhythmias; tox=nystagmus, ataxia, sedation, confusion, skin rash TERM 130 carbamazepine Tegretol DEFINITION 130 partial & tonic-clonic seizures, trigeminal neuralgia; a/e: nystagmus, ataxia, rash, photosensitivity; c=prego & grapefruit juice TERM 131 valproic acid Dapakene DEFINITION 131 seizures, bipolar, migraines; a/e: n/v, indigestion, pancreatitis, liver fx TERM 132 phenobarbital DEFINITION 132 barbiturate; partial & tonic-clonic seizures, promote sleep & sedation; a/e: drowsiness, dependence; tox=nystagmus, ataxia; c=prego TERM 133 gabapentin Neurontin DEFINITION 133 partial seizures, postherapeutic neuralgia, DM neuropathy, bipolar, migraines; a/e: somnolence, dizziness, ataxia, nystagmus, fatigue; dec dose in renal disease TERM 134 morphine DEFINITION 134 uses=pain relief, drowsiness, inc well-being, dec anxiety, mental clouding, MI pain & dyspnea; a/e: constipation, ortho hypo, urinary retention, resp dep, sedation, miosis; caution in=head injury, liver disease, asthma, prego, irritable bowel syndrome; tox tx=narcan TERM 135 fentanyl Duragesic DEFINITION 135 induce anesthesia, severe pain, sedation before painful procedure, cancer pain TERM 146 barbiturates DEFINITION 146 nonselective depression of CNS; mimics GABA; no limit of CNS depression; uses=sedation & sleep inducer, anesthesia inducer, benzo withdraw, pre-procedures, coma induced r/t inc intracranial pressure; a/e: REM suppression, hangover, irritable, agitation, excitation, rebound insomnia & anxiety, resp & cardiac dep, hyperalgia, inc bleeding, osteoporosis, cross tolerance of CNS depressants, dependence, inc met of other drugs; c=prego, resp dis, suicidal, pophyria; w/d=insomnia, anxiety, delirium, tremors; w/d slowly; overdose tx= narcan; give vit K; BuSpar, phenobarbital TERM 147 benzodiazepines DEFINITION 147 potentiates GABA, limited CNS depression; uses= sleep inducer, panic, seizure & spasm tx assoc w spinal cord injury, ease alcohol w/d, pre-op med, induce anesthesia; a/e: rebound insomnia, drowsiness, h/a, dizziness, dec coordination & concetration, rage, inc anxiety, euphoria, anter. amnesia, inc HR, hypotension, resp dep, dependence, anticholinergic effects, cross tolerance of CNS depressants; c=prego, sleep apnea, glaucoma, constipation, BPH, nursing; w/d=cramps, anxiety, insomnia, tremors, sweating; Ambien, Sonata, Lunesta TERM 148 saline lax DEFINITION 148 MOM; c= renal fx, TERM 149 bulk lax DEFINITION 149 metamucil; most natural; onset=12-72hrs; c=dysphagia, GI obstruction, PUD, TERM 150 surfactant lax DEFINITION 150 stool softeners, colace; prevent constipation, give to cardiac pts; onset=12-72hrs; a/e:hyper-electrolytes; NOT w mineral oil TERM 151 stimulant lax DEFINITION 151 busacodyl, castor oil; onset=6-8hrs; a/e:cramp, int rupture, fluid loss; c=nursing TERM 152 lubricant lax DEFINITION 152 mineral oil; a/e:dec absorption of A, D, E, K; give on empty stomach; c=prego TERM 153 osmotic lax DEFINITION 153 glycerol; onset=15-60mins
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