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MSPAP Exam: Measuring Student Performance and Higher-Order Thinking Skills, Papers of Statistics

The mspap exam is a large-scale assessment designed to measure school performance by evaluating students' knowledge and skills. The exam uses performance tasks that engage students in real-world activities and encourage higher-order thinking. However, concerns have been raised about the link between student performance and the validity of the results, as well as the potential for teachers to train students to take the test rather than fostering genuine problem-solving abilities.

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Download MSPAP Exam: Measuring Student Performance and Higher-Order Thinking Skills and more Papers Statistics in PDF only on Docsity! 1 Assignment: Final paper Choice: The Maryland State Performance Assessment Program INTRODUCTION The Maryland School Performance Assessment Program, or MSPAP, has been a topic of conversation both in Maryland and nationally. This test is different from many other standardized tests currently in use in that the MSPAP, though administered to individual students, is primarily used to measure school or district performance. The test is supposed to assess how well the students in individual schools are meeting the statewide standards for satisfactory and excellent performance, and provide data to help schools diagnose weaknesses and plan for the resolution of these problems. The state as a whole also avers that it uses the data as an “impetus for many state sponsored programs and legislation to counter discouraging performance trends” (MSPAP, 2001). A second interesting point about the MSPAP is that the state of Maryland seems to be using this test as a way to change instruction in this state. In fact, the MSPAP web-site states, “Teaching to the test is good instruction, the kind of instruction that results in understanding, not in the mere rote recall of isolated facts”. Maryland seems to agree with Frederickson and Collins (1990) who state that “a systemically valid test is one that induces in the education system curricular and instructional changes that foster the development of the cognitive skills that the 2 test is designed to measure”. A question that could be asked is if there is any evidence that one consequence of these assessments is that the students’ cognitive skills are stronger rather than that the students have just become better test takers. Inspection of the test scores in most counties does show that the scores have generally increased over the last several years but making the leap from higher test scores to higher levels of cognitive ability will require quite a bit more evidence. A third point of interest is that the MSPAP utilizes performance assessments as opposed to the dichotomously scored items found on most standardized tests. In order to respond to the problems put forth on the MSPAP students may use short verbal responses, essays, drawings, tables, or graphs rather than simply bubbling in a multiple choice option. It is hoped that the nature of the questions used on the MSPAP exams will allow students to apply their skills and knowledge to solve real world problems. In other words, the MSPAP is supposed to measure higher order thinking skills. It certainly seems that the structure of the MSPAP items lend face validity to the assessments which in turn helps the students to make the connection between their academic studies and the real world. But whether or not the test measures higher-order thinking is open for debate. In order to make sense of the MSPAP the evidence-centered assessment design strategy (Mislevy, et. al., 1999) will be applied to the test. This strategy offers a framework for designing assessments that can, in this case, be applied to evaluating a test. Three models, the student model, the evidence model and the task model, are encompassed within this framework. Essentially, the student model identifies the relevant characteristics of the individual being tested such as knowledge, skills and abilities. The evidence model looks at the “work products” that will be supplied by these individuals. This model establishes the argument for reasoning from a 5 knowledge and skills that will make them productive members of the community. Clearly this is not a characteristic of the individuals being assessed that will actually be measured by the test. Still it is hoped that after the students take the tests they will appreciate their place in the community of scientists and learners. For that reason, this must be included as part of the student model. EVIDENCE MODEL Unlike other standardized tests in which the work products are dichotomously scored, the work products associated with the MSPAP may be either dichotomously or polytomously scored. Some of the questions on the exam require brief responses that are graded as either correct or incorrect (i.e. 0,1). Other questions however require longer responses that may receive up to four points for a perfect response, and partial credit for responses that are less than ideal. Questions that fit this profile include drawings, tables, graphs and essays. In the case of the MSPAP the task of determining what in the work product is meaningful falls on specially trained teachers using scoring keys for the brief responses and rubrics for the extended responses. Interestingly, most student papers are read and graded only one time by each subject matter reader. While scoring accuracy is maintained through a variety of methods such as spot checks, the fairness of the scoring procedure is ensured by randomly sorting the test answer books to ensure that each rater scores books from a variety of schools and districts (MSPAP, 2000). Though a scorer within a subject reads the answers only once, they may be read a second time by a scorer in a different subject area. For example, an answer book may be scored one time for the science content and then a second time on language usage. 6 The varied nature of the students’ responses on the MSPAP requires that an adaptation of traditional item response (IRT) models be used. In order to accommodate the fact that items may be awarded a varying numbers of points the Master’s Partial Credit model was chosen (MSPP,1998). Though this model takes care of the issue of variety of scoring points, another adaptation needs to be made. The Master’s model is essentially a modified Rasch model that forces all items to have the same discrimination. This is clearly not suitable for the MSPAP, which contains items that vary a great deal in terms of their discriminations. This is particularly true of the items that require the use of scoring rubrics. To solve this problem a generalization of the Master’s model was developed called the two-parameter partial credit model. This model states that the probability of a respondent with ability θ having a score at the k-th level of the j-th item is: mk Z Z kxPP mj i ji jk jk ,.....1, exp exp )/1()( 1 j ==−== ∑ = θθ In this equation mj is the number of score levels and Zjk = αj(k-1)-Σγji. The variables αj and γji are the parameters to be estimated from the data. This is implemented using PARDUX software that estimates the item parameters simultaneously for the dichotomous and polytomous items. This program utilizes marginal maximum likelihood estimation procedures implemented via the Expectation-Maximization (EM) algorithm. One can think of this as essentially a Bayesian approach in that the posterior distribution for each item parameter is obtained using Bayes theorem (Roberts, 2001). After the item parameters are found they are used in the determination of the student scale scores. In this procedure the score that a student receives on an individual item is weighted 7 by that item’s discrimination coefficient. For each student, summing the weighted scores on each item provides a raw score. These are converted into student scale scores that are set to have an approximate mean of 500 and a standard deviation of 50. However, since a variety of forms are used within each grade on the MSPAP this is not the end of the procedure. To allow for scores on the different forms to be compared an equipercentile equating procedure is carried out. This sort of procedure is utilized rather than linear equating using an IRT approach as one might suspect because there are few items on the MSPAP and those items often have unusual score distributions. This makes linear equating, which typically involves comparisons of means and standard deviations, a poor choice (MSPAP, 1998). Finally, student outcome scores can be determined. These are a percentage of the maximum score that a student would be expected to obtain if the student had taken all items on all forms in a content area. This EPM (expected percentage of maximum) is determined by procedure which essentially adjusts an individual student’s score for the difficulty of the questions administered to that student (Yen, 1997). These outcome scores, which are reported in four ranges (0-25,26-50,51-75 and 76-100), are determined for each student. Since MSPAP is a test designed to measure school performance it is necessary to somehow take this data about students and turn it into data about schools. This is done in several ways. One report that schools receive contains the average outcome score and the percentages of students in each range for each content area. The standard error of the school means for these outcomes is generally in the range of 2 to 7 points (Yen, 1997). Schools also receive reports detailing mean scale scores for students. These school means are quite accurate with standard errors of 5,6, and 7. Finally, schools receive reports of the proficiency levels (1 through 5) of 10 system is regular and predictable and explains phenomenon”. The degree to which students understand this concept is clearly being measured in the Planetary Patterns tasks. As is the case with most large-scale tests, students are administered the MSPAP tasks in a group setting under standardized conditions. That is, the students are all read the same instructions by the exam proctors and they are under the same time constraints. The rules for individual tasks are dependent on the nature of that task however. Most tasks require the students to work individually but there are some tasks on the MSPAP that allow for group interaction. While most of the tasks require only paper and pencil, some do allow for the use of manipulatives to either aid in the student’s thinking or as an essential part of the task. For example, in the case of the Planetary Patterns task, students were encouraged to move pennies or poker chips to simulate the motion of the planets. The activities are generally interpretive in that they require that the students respond to information that is contained in introductory paragraph or presented to them in a graph or a chart. The work product that is captured after the administration of the MSPAP is an Answer Book for each student which contains hand-written answers to each of the activities within the task. Like the activities that produced them, the individual answers to the activities may be in a variety of forms. Some activities require short answers or visual representations that can be dichotomously graded. Other activities require more detailed answers that will be graded using a scoring rubric (with 0 to 3 points awarded). Based on the limited number of tasks that I have seen it appears that most of the detailed answers are structured in a way that allows scorers to utilize analytic, as opposed to holistic, scoring rubrics. From the situative perspective it is very important that the work products captured in some way mimic the real world of science. Unlike multiple-choice answers, which are clearly an artifact of the educational system, using a variety 11 of response techniques does seem more realistic. However, one does need to question why computers are not being used in this endeavor to add another layer of authenticity. The Link between Performance Tasks and Instruction Now that the student, evidence and task model have been applied to the MSPAP it is appropriate to use this framework as a means of evaluating the MSPAP. Are the claims being made by the state of Maryland backed up by the data that has been gathered on the MSPAP? Are there other plausible explanations for the data? Using Toulmin diagrams, such as the one shown below, this paper will now attempt to evaluate the claims made by the state of Maryland and determine whether or not MSPAP is meeting its educational goals. Teachers will Content coverage narrows teach to the test Teaching to the test involves mainly work with practice tests Figure 1 – Toulmin diagram linking MSPAP tasks and one intended outcome. Over the last decade policy makers have decided that performance assessments should be embraced as a tool for educational reform. Their thinking is summed up well by Haertel (1999) in his discussion of performance assessments. He says the policy maker’s argument is that “if multiple-choice tests could drive instruction in the wrong direction, then why not use some better Teachers will adopt enlightened teaching strategies MSPAP uses performance assessments 12 sort of test to drive instruction in the right direction?” Following this line of thinking one can reason that using high-stakes tests that call for high-order thinking and engage students in problem solving will drive instruction that will be more in line with these goals. The state of Maryland certainly believes that this is the case. Their web-site makes the following statement; “Teaching to the test is good instruction, the kind of instruction that results in understanding, not in the mere rote recall of isolated facts.” The question is whether or not this goal of enlightened instruction is being met due to the use of the MSPAP. In order to back up the claim that teachers are using enlightened teaching strategies in response to the MSPAP, an obvious first step is to ask the teachers if this is the case. Science teachers in Maryland were asked to respond to questionnaires regarding how their instruction has changed since 1992 (Lane,, 1999). When asked to indicate the extent to which MSPAP influenced them to make positive changes in their instruction, 76% of science teachers said that MSPAP had a moderate or great amount of influence. Over 70% of the science teachers also indicated that their emphasis on the science learning outcomes had increased since 1992. Principals also indicate that the MSPAP is having an impact on classroom instruction. Researchers from CRESST/RAND (Koretz, 1996) also reported large majorities of teachers and principals said they had been successful in meeting MSPAP’s goal of improved instruction. However, other findings of theirs seem to contradict this to some extent. They note that as a consequence of MSPAP some teachers had narrowed their instruction to focus on the test. They also reported the use of practice tests to help students gain familiarity with the assessment format. Clearly using practice tests in that way is not a problem, but about half of the teachers responded that this increased familiarity was responsible for a significant portion of the gains made by their school. Only 15 to 20% of the teachers made the same sort of statement 15 According to Wiley and Haertel (1996), “testing is an activity that is intended to reveal skills, conceptions, abilities, or knowledge of the individuals being tested”. In science, performance assessments are sometimes chosen because they are situatively appropriate. That is, these tasks mirror what scientists actually think and do. Students are expected to approach these tasks as scientists approach real problems, by using their knowledge to solve problems. In doing so the expectation is that they will utilize higher-order thinking skills rather than the mere recall of information. That is the theory behind the use of performance assessments on the MSPAP. The question is whether or not these tasks actually reveal what they intend to reveal. It is possible that it is the quality of the performance assessment that determines whether or not it taps into anything more than simple procedural knowledge. Glaser and Baxter (2000) state that “the realization or activation of the components of cognitive performance stems in part from the content and process demands of the tasks involved”. They describe “process constrained” tasks that do not provide students with opportunities to plan, select or implement Performance assessments Students are being trained to take require problem solving the test. Instructions to the task so narrow that the need for higher order thinking eliminated Figure 3 – Toulmin diagram linking MSPAP tasks and student outcomes. MSPAP tasks are performance assessments Students will use higher-order thinking skills 16 appropriate strategies. An example of this would be assessments that provide step-by-step instructions that actually prohibit students from being able to demonstrate problem solving. The use of structured tasks is the result of a trade-off that must take place in a large-scale assessment like the MSPAP. Providing step-by-step instructions for tasks allow more students to interact meaningfully with each task and allows scoring rubrics to be more specific. The pitfall of doing this is that the evidence about problem-solving ability is weaker when the structured tasks are used. Clearly any student that cannot solve the structured task will not be able to do so if the task is unstructured. This same sort of generalization cannot be made for students who solved the structured task correctly. If, in fact, performance assessments are sometimes “process constrained”, then the concept of construct underrepresentation and its impact on validity must be considered. Messick (1994) states that “the level and sources of task complexity should match those of the construct being measured and be attuned to the level of developing expertise of the students assessed”. So, if problem-solving ability is what MSPAP seeks to measure about students, then the tasks used must be sufficiently complex to evoke this. If not, construct underrepresentation will result and the use of MSPAP test scores as a measure of problem-solving ability would not be valid. One other issue with regard to the link between the student and task model deals with teachers training students to take the test. Whenever any high-stakes assessments are administered the possibility exists that teachers and administrators use inappropriate strategies to increase performance. Since the MSPAP is a test that stresses thinking, it must be considered inappropriate to offer students strategies allow them to get points without utilizing the problem solving skills intended. Anecdotal evidence obtained by talking to teachers in Maryland reveals that they are preparing students for the MSPAP by helping them to recognize clues on the test 17 and respond properly. For example, one of the tasks on the English portion of the assessment is to write to persuade. Students are trained that as soon as they see that the task involves that they should begin their paragraphs with the words ‘I am writing to persuade you….’ because this automatically gets them one of the three or four points assigned to the task. In science, it is conceivable that a teacher could use a very behaviorist teaching strategy and tell his or her students to refer to a chart or a graph within an explanation for a “guaranteed point”. Certainly charts and graphs contain data that should be used in formulating a complete response to a question. The problem is that if some students do not understand why they are using something then the inferences that can be drawn are weaker. Did the student get a “2 out of 4” because he had some problem solving ability or did he get that score because he was well trained on how to get points? These conditioned responses are classically behaviorist in nature. A student does something and gets a reward for it. In this case the reward is a point on the test. In the larger sense schools are rewarded with high rankings on the MSPAP if the teachers get the children to respond properly. The evidence proving that the use of performance assessments causes students to use higher-order thinking skills is not very compelling. The tasks certainly have face validity in this regard. However, when one looks deeper it becomes apparent that the design choices made for the MSPAP have compromised the test in terms of its ability to illicit high-order thinking or measure problem solving ability. Given the difficulty of writing and grading performance tasks and the time spent having the students take the tests, it is ironic that not much more evidence is gained over using a multiple-choice format. 20 explaining the tasks in depth to the “less able” students and perhaps preparing them for potential upcoming questions. Though exam administrators are instructed to randomly assign students to groups of four when they enter the room (MSPAP, 1997), this random assignment is assumed but not ensured. Given the high-stakes associated with this assessment, it is possible that teachers assign students to heterogeneous groups to ensure that the “less able” students get some help during the test. If respondent dependence due to cheating or “helping” did occur, means would be overestimated. Besides the issue of the appropriateness of the IRT assumptions, there is a problem regarding student performance on the MSPAP. How should this performance be categorized? Is it typical of what the student will do in most situations? Is it maximal in that students put forth their best effort on the exam? Or is their performance sub-par for some reason? On most standardized tests that students take an individual score will result. Therefore students in these situations are invested in their own level of achievement on the test. While teachers and administrators are invested in student achievement on the MSPAP, how students view these tests is much more uncertain. Some students will probably try to do their best, while others will put in a more typical effort. It is possible that some students will even seek to underachieve in order to punish their school in some way. How these separate groups of students affect the school means is up for debate. If we assume that the MSPAP is attempting to measure typical achievement then school means would be relatively unaffected based on the scenario offered above. However, if MSPAP seeks to measure maximal performance, then the school means will be underestimated. One final issue that must be examined is with regard to the cut scores for the proficiency levels on the MSPAP. The question of the legitimacy of the cut-scores is one that many 21 standardized tests face because of the seemingly subjective manner in which the cut-scores are established. The MSPAP arrived at their cut-scores by looking at where items fell on the scale score continuum. Since many items were located near 490, 530, 580 and 620, these values were used as the cut-scores to establish the proficiency levels. This method, which seems analogous to the distribution gap method of scoring, is objective and it seems reasonable. What seems less reasonable is the arbitrary choice of establishing 70% of students at the satisfactory level as the satisfactory level for schools. Figure 2 showed that state wide less than 52% of 8th grade students are performing at the satisfactory level on the science portion of the MSPAP. Examination of the data for the 24 school systems in the state of Maryland shows how rare it is for an individual school district to meet that level. In the 9 year history of the MSPAP only two school systems have ever reached the “holy grail” on the science portion of the test, Garrett County with 71.3% satisfactory in 1995 and Calvert County with 71.5% satisfactory in 1998. Since MSPAP has not provided evidence of the soundness of their criterion, we are left to question how reasonable it is. Are schools still under-performing in terms of science or is the criterion simply too high. Examination of the 1996 NAEP state data for science yields the following results: % Below Basic % at Basic Level % at Proficient % at Advanced US Average 40 33 24 3 Maryland 45 30 23 2 Figure 4: National averages vs. Maryland averages on NAEP-science in 1996 This figure shows Maryland to be right around the national averages on the science portion of the NAEP. Of course, the NAEP is not the MSPAP, but this does seem to indicate that there is room for Maryland to do better in terms of science. Had Maryland performed in the top 10% of the 22 nation, one would have to question the worth of aspiring to the seemingly unreachable 70% satisfactory mark. But since the state’s comparative performance is mediocre at best there seems to be reason to set a high standard. The question that remains is in regard to the link between what MSPAP gets from students and what MSPAP says about them. Given the apparent violations of the IRT model it would seem that collecting accurate data about individual students is impossible. But is this data collected with sufficient accuracy and breadth to say something about the schools? With a few exceptions it seems that most of the violations to the IRT model result in underestimation of the means. If the means are underestimated then schools will have a more difficult time reaching the 70% satisfactory level. That will be a problem when and if two things occur. First, Maryland students need to perform better on national tests before people get overly concerned about the cut-scores. Scoring at the mean should not be used as proof that Maryland students know science. Second, student and school achievement needs to reach a ceiling. As it stands now, the number of students at the satisfactory level is still in an up trend. This is true for the state as a whole and for most individual districts. If the percentages were to cease rising and stay at a level significantly under the 70% satisfactory level, then the issue of the arbitrary setting of the cut- scores would become important. Until those two things happen it seems reasonable for the state of Maryland to continue to set high standards, arbitrary though they may be, for students and schools to meet. CONCLUSION I went into this project with many negative preconceptions of the MSPAP based solely on conversations with teachers and students in this state. My ideas about the program have changed
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