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NAFTA, Mercosur, and Free Trade Agreements in North and South America: An Overview - Prof., Study notes of Political Geography

An overview of various free trade agreements in north and south america, including nafta (north america free trade agreement) and mercosur (mercado comun del sur). The features, impacts, and historical context of these agreements, as well as other relevant trade organizations such as apec, asean, and the g-20. The document also touches upon the geopolitical and economic implications of these agreements for the involved countries.

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Download NAFTA, Mercosur, and Free Trade Agreements in North and South America: An Overview - Prof. and more Study notes Political Geography in PDF only on Docsity! World Regions Online Lectures International Organizations Introduction  States are working together like never before in supranationalist organizations o Working across nation groups o Supersede state boundaries o Formed for money, security, or common cultures o Mission binds states together in order to better achieve common goals The Changing Nature of Cooperation  International Organizations are gaining in popularity and number o Has just begun in the last 60-70 years after WWII in 1945 o The epic scale of death and destruction after in the 1900s called for international organizations  With the new technology, nations were able to kill better than ever  League of Nations 1919 o First international organization that was proved to be unsuccessful o During WWII it became obvious with the invention of nuclear weapons that the world would not survive without coming together  United Nations 1945 o Significance of time  Post-WWII  Western powers at global peak economically, politically, and defensively  Western powers dominated the leadership of supranationalist organizations  Eastern countries in 1945  China and the Middle East are non-powers  India still a colony of UK; Africa still a colony  Changing fast in today’s world o New non-western organizations are being formed o Existing institutions are reconstructing their leadership  In order for a state to become a part of an organization, it has to give up a bit of its sovereign power  Reasons for supranationalist organizaitons o Money/Economic power o Safety/Defense o Cultural commonality o Odd balls exist  G-7, G-8, G-20, BRIC, NUKES Why Work Together: Economics  Trade has exploded in the past several decades  Free trade eliminates as many barriers possible between businesses across countries o Cheap prices from trading passes on to consumers o By more and sell more  What prevents free trade o Mostly governments  Protectionism-protect industries in state at expense of others o Two ways government can protect its own industries 1. Put tariffs on imported goods 2. Subsidies: help local businesses monetarily  Trade blocks- is a type of intergovernmental agreement, often part of a regional intergovernmental organization, where regional barriers to trade (tariffs and non-tariff barriers) are reduced or eliminated among the participating states  Trade imbalance o People do not make same amount of money o Negative trade balance- buying more than making o Positive trade balance- sell more than buying  The United States buys a lot from Japan, Japan does not buy a lot from US  China has positive balance with most states o Dumping- country in surplus of good dumps at half cost (against free trade law)  World Trade Organization (WTO) o Regulatory institution to ensure everyone follows rules o 153 members (out of 190) o Body oversees free trade and if a country in the WTO breaks rules it can be punished o U.S.A. has the most outstanding complaints o Greatly protested  Almost all groups have economic Gains in mind even if it focused mainly on something else NAFTA  North America Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) o Three countries: United States, Canada, and Mexico  Complicated Features o Countries at different levels of development o Lesser development country can make cheap commodities o Higher development focuses on technology and agriculture (tractors/subsides)  Negotiated/Standardized elements between free trade area o Environmental concerns, consumer protection, copyright laws o NAFTA has sorted out most of these issues o Soon India, Australia, and New Zealand o Future of Asia Everybody Loves ASEAN!  October 29-30- East Asia Summit (EAS)  Trading block of 10 Sovereign states o Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, Brunei, Burma, Cambodia, Laos, and Vietnam  More than a trade block o Striving to be like EU o NOT just about trade  Other countries at summit (EAS) o ASEAN + 3- China, South Korea, and Japan  Mostly interested in trade  Also investment  Half Earth’s population o New Zealand, Australia, India also came  Australia- immigration  India- regional security o Stability and security in East Asian area o Russia came as observer  Energy cooperation  Nuclear industries o United States came as observer (Hillary Clinton)  Supporter of ASEAN  Reengaging themselves as a player in East Asia  Help balance off China  Obama was on his Asian tour during these meetings  Ninth biggest economy if single entity  Almost like UN in Asia  First ever defense minister meeting of ASEAN + 3 o Regional security o Led by Chinese o Deployable force for natural disasters (Ring of Fire) o Terrorism o Incorporating militaries for specific goals  China pledge billions of support for transportation and communication networks o Help economic activity o By helping ASEAN and getting richer, it will increase interconnectivity of China o More influence in region o Another reason for U.S. to be there  ASEAN putting pressure on Burma because brutal dictatorship o Embarrassment of ASEAN o Burma has set a democratic election (sham) o ASEAN has the only influence on Burma because it makes Burma richer  Regional pressures are becoming more and more influential  EAS may become summit to keep Asia stable  Looks like foundation of continent wide trade block, mini Asian United Nations European Union  European Union o Most successful economic and political organization o Started out as a trade block o 27 states: GDP $16-17 trillion o EU is the biggest economy  United States of Europe  Why Europe o WAR! Long time Europe has not been working together o Perpetual conflict and destruction led to EU o Need to rebuild after WWII o European Coal and Steel Community (ECSC) developed in 1951 to help rebuild  Original Six o France, Germany, Italy, Belgium, Netherlands, Luxembourg  In 1957: o ECSC merged with Atomic Energy Agency o European Economic Community opened trade  In 1993 changed named to EU o Common currency o Economic policy o Military o Political-singular parliament o Free movement of people (greatly different) o Legal Government unity  Why is EU still growing? o More money o Rich countries stay to get richer  Need to be able to compete with U.S. , China, and Japan  The EU is the model… for the world?!?! o Security Council (most important)- executive branch  Can start or stop anything  UN Successfulness o Large debate on successfulness  War on Terrorism? o However, avoided a WWIII and not many state-to-state conflicts  Internal affect international politics UN Security Council  UN Security performs like the executive branch  Permanent 5 are like the “president” o Have veto power  15 members of council o 10 rotating members- 2 year terms o Permanent 5 members  United States, UK, China, Russia, and France  Why do these 5 have power? What kind of Power? o Any P% can veto any UN resolution and will stop it dead o Commonality  All nuclear power- first 5 and declared  “winners” of WWII o Played off each other  United States and UK: UK follows U.S.  Russia and Chinese support each other  France is the wild card  Most of planet Earth is not represented on P5  Dynamics o Resolution has to go through P5 o P5 balance and represent their allies o UN Security General is from neutral state  Problematic P5 o Not representative of economic/political power o 5 countries tagged as new P5 members  Germany, Japan, India, Brazil, and South Africa  Germany already sits in on important resolution (P5 +1)  China hates Japan and has friction with India  None of P5 would allow new P5 members because it would dilute their power P5 Players and Haters  P5 Powers and Veto Power 1. Establishment of any UN peace keeping operations 2. International sanctions 3. Any real military action  Two teams: West vs. East o UN team west: U.S. and UK o UN team east: Russia and China o UN middle man: France (mostly team west) o Helps to have a balance; however, not a lot gets done  Interesting Exceptions: UN involvement o 1950-1953 Korean war o China did not veto  Did not have a seat for China in 1950s  Taiwan held China’s P5 spot from 1945-1971  USSR held Russia’s seat from 1945-1991  2003: U.S. proposed resolution for UN to invade Iraq  Who protects who o P5 protect themselves and strong allies from UN actions o U.S. protects Israel o Russia protects central Asian states and Serbia o China protects North Korea, Burma and Sudan o Russia and China does business with the western world’s worry, Iran  No UN military actions  Working on sanctions SCO  Shanghai Cooperation Organization o 1996 signed treaty deepening military trust o Shanghai 5: Russia, China, Kazakhstan, Tajikistan, and Kyrgyzstan  1997 SCO members signed: Treaty on Reduction of Military Forces in Border Regions  Observer states: India, Iran, Mongolia, Pakistan o 50% of world population part of SCO  Long way to go, just the beginning  Centered on o Security related concerns: terrorism, extremism, separatism o Protect sovereignty, new and different o Broadened cooperation on issues like: overall security, crime, legal framework, help police forces, drug trafficking (Afghanistan and heroine)  Prevented U.S. from invading other countries during War in Afghanistan  Work on economics o Long term objective of free trade o Form “energy club” o Natural Gas “OPEC” with Russia and Central Asia  SCO is the Asian alternative to western dominated blocks o Shift away from the U.S. dollar influence o U.S. has applied and has been denied observers status for 10 years  BREAKDOWN o ASEAN is to Asia as EU is to Europe o SCO is to Asia as NATO is to the Western World Why Work Together: Culture  Cultural identity: some of the biggest international organizations  Arab League o Arab ETHNICITY, created in 1945 o Members: Egypt, Iraq, Jordan, Lebanon, Saudi Arabia, Syria, Yemen (expanded to 22) o Goal to solve common problems; however, just mostly fight o Contains most of OPEC members; could/should have more voice and would be tremendous power if they worked together  Organization of American States (OAS) o 35 member states of America o Focused on their goal to strengthen democracy, work for peace and defend human rights  Oversees elections o Successful because of their fined tuned goals and ideas and are talking about doing more  African Union o Second biggest international organization (53 states) o Africa continent minus Morocco o From Union States, African Unity, to African Community, still has not worked o Try to mimic EU and was unsuccessful o Only promising aspect is its military  Has outside support from Western Nations Early History  Origins in Central Asia; Mongolians o Borrowing from Asia o Culture/influences from Asia o Writing, philosophy, arts, architecture, martial arts evolved from Asia and made distinctly Japan  680 AD – recognized as state (young) o Yomato dynasty (Emperor Jimmu) still present  Oldest and continuous through history  Emperor is head of state – monarch o Similar to Europe’s feudalism  Same think and same time in Japan  Emperor  Shogun  Diamyo  Samurai (military)  Peasants  1580 Tokogawa Shogunate take over o Consolidate power for first time o Global isolation o Tokogawa peace era  Explosion of Japanese Culture  Arts and architecture  Education, even girls, forward thinking  Plunge Japan in isolation  Other parts taking over world  Regulated ports at Nagasaki o 1853: Commodore Perry opens Japan to trade  U.S. forcibly opens Japan to trade Meiji Restoration  1868 Meiji Restoration begins o Reason why Japan is second largest economy o Redoing Japanese society o Inferior to Western World, under developed  Embraced Western Influence o Successful renewal (no other Asian state did)  Japanese pro-nationalized to do redo 1. Ban the samurai and get rid of feudal order 2. Absorb western technologies (made it themselves) 3. Adopt Western system 4. Emulate western culture  By 1900 Japan is a power the west cannot manipulate o Sets them apart from rest of Asia o Asian neighbors are at their lowest point Imperial Rise of Rising Sun  Imperialization o 1895: Sino-Japanese War  Fight over Korean Peninsula o 1900 Boxer Rebellion- smash rebellion in China  Considered equals with West and challenges them o 1990s Russo-Japanese War: Japan Won  Start to take over China and Russia  Asian Empire o 1937 declared war on China o 1941 take over South East Asia  Ended up bombing Pearl Harbor o Were designs to take over Australia for resources Bad Blood War  1895 Japanese invade Korea and Korea becomes a slave state  1900 Japan suppress China during Boxer Rebellion o 1937-1945 Japan invades and occupies China o 1937 Rape of Nanking- still remembered today o Death and destruction o 6 week campaign of killing civilians o 20-35 million dead (compare to 6 million in Holocaust)  Asian animosity towards Japan continues today o White wash scandal o Yasukuni Shrine  1941 Japan attacks Pearl Harbor o Pulls U.S. into war  1942 Bataan Death March o Philippines, U.S. troops and ally o Took POWs and marched them to death o Unleashed U.S. retaliation  Japan was firebombed then Hiroshima and Nagasaki  A lot of anger led to destruction of Japan  Now, decades after WWII, Asian animosity remains in Japan  Japan was in complete devastation at end of WWII and becomes occupied by U.S. Post-War Economic Rebuild  Blank Slate, completely destroyed and occupied by U.S.  General Douglas MacArthur o Accepts full surrender o In control of Japan to oversee redo  Like Meiji Restoration o Japan embraces U.S.  Japan bans military from constitution and creates Japan Self-Defense Force o Like U.S. National Guard o U.S. does not want this because it puts Japan in dependency with U.S.  Since U.S. is there they spend more time getting rich  Focus on consumer electronics and automobile industry (60s-80s)  Industry+ Government combo+ U.S. Security blanket allowed for Japan to get rich  U.S. helped to become an ally and trading partner with Japan and ensure Japan’s alliance during the Cold War Shinto Slump  1980s: consumer boom in Japan o Internal economy boomed o Anti-Japanese sentiment  America in recession  Prices inflate in Japan and get out of control  Consumers go back to saving and not spending  Economy becomes flat  1900s: another crash o Bank interest rate = 0%; try to encourage spending, didn’t work  Nikkei Stock Index- major stock trading center in Japan o No growth rate in decades o Problem is its past success  Keiretsu- interlocking business and government  Population is shrinking and long longevity o Decreasing work force and tax base o Xenophobia- fear of foreigners= no immigrants  Politically stagnant -Two bombs destined to Chicago intercepted by the UK and the UAE -Yemen is the new FATA (Federally Administered Tribal Areas) -Saudi Arabia is doing cross border attacks to Yemen -Active spot for terrorism Prime Minister of Italy, Berlusconi -multiple sexual scandals -pressure to step down from his party; 4 senators quit -Burma hosts first election in 20 years; results of election will probably be military dictators -Election sham but wants to be accepted in the international community Released Suu Kyi to try to gain legitimacy in the world’s eye - Senior General Than Shwe won sham election General Petraeus is mad at Hamid Karzai U.S. is protecting Karzai from Taliban and he wants the U.S. to leave them alone. -Wiki links people released classified documents about world leaders; caused other world leaders to become mad a U.S. -Leonardo DiCaprio meets Putin and Putin calls Leo a “real man” -Leo donated $1 million to save tigers Kim Jong-Il visited soy sauce factory after North Korea attacks South Korea reinforces insanity -attacks Yeonpyeong, biggest attack since war, China supporting North Korea World Leaders President of France, Nicolas Sarkozy -French labor unions have been on strike because of the rise of retirement age -He is declining in popularity -Talks security with Germany and Russia -signs security treaty with UK -shuffled cabinet to move rightward -visited India -Israel Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, recognized Israel as a “Jewish state” -Pissing off Palestinians -Abbas, Palestinian, cannot recognize Israel; peace talks are done Future leader of North Korea, Kim Jong-Un -celebrated by biggest military parade -young, will be around for a while -radical change in future Chancellor of Germany, Angela Merkel -says German multicultural society has failed -anti-immigration along with rest of Europe -4 million Turkish people in Germany, against Turkey joining the EU -talks defense with Russia and France President of Russia, Dmitry Medvedev -talks defense with Germany and France -visited Kuril Islands; first Russian President to do so -disputed territory with Russia and Japan Prime Minister of Russia, Vladimir Putin -Rare anti-Putin rally in Moscow Prime Minister of India, Manmohan Singh -met with Naoto Kan of Japan -strengthening ties against rising China President of Japan, Naoto Kan -strengthening ties with India Lula da Silva Anders Fogh Rasmussen Hu Jintao Former President of Brazil Security General of NATO Pres of China Natural Disasters  Typhoon hits Philippines, moves to southern China as tropical storm  Indonesian Earthquake and tsunami o 500 killed o Massive volcano in Java erupts  Causes air traffic to shut down  Cholera in Haiti o Brought by earthquake o More fatalities after the fact because of disease in this developing country o Haiti hit by hurricane Tomas  Pakistan reports 99 cases of cholera In the News  12 Mexican mayors dead because of drug war; shows evidence of government is fighting back  Hungary experiences toxic spill  Boats colliding in Pacific causes tension between China and Japan  Massive joint U.S. and Russian anti-drug invasion into Afghanistan o 90% of world’s heroine produced in Afghanistan o Russia blames NATO for heroine problem  Hillary Clinton went to Australia; offered military bases on soil  North Korea’s attack on South Korea o After WWII, being a slave state of Japan’s, Korea needed to be liberated o USSR invaded North to help  Communism o U.S. invaded South to help  Pro-democracy o 1950-53 Korean War  First UN War  Became China and U.S.  China aided North Korea  U.S. aided South Korea  War ended where it started so Korea became North and South Korea o U.S. and South Korea begin live fire drills o No one responding to China’s request of 6-party talk
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