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Following the Grammar - Fall 2009 | ESL GRAMMAR, Papers of English Language

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Download Following the Grammar - Fall 2009 | ESL GRAMMAR and more Papers English Language in PDF only on Docsity! Following the Grammar Gary T. Leavens CS-TR-07-10c September 2007, revised October 2007, November 2007, October 2009 Keywords: Recursion, programming recursive procedures, recursion pattern, inductive definition, BNF grammar, Kleene star, follow the grammar, functional programming, list recursion, programming languages, concrete syntax, abstract syntax, helping procedures, parsing procedures, Oz. 2001 CR Categories: D.1.1 [Programming Techniques] Applicative (Functional) Programming — de- sign, theory; D.2.4 [Software Engineering] Coding Tools and Techniques — design, theory; D.3.1 [Program- ming Languages] Formal Definitions and Theory — syntax; D.3.3 [Programming Languages] Language Constructs and Features — recursion; icc iBY: This document is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, version 2.0, see School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science University of Central Florida 4000 Central Florida Blvd. Orlando, FL 32816-2362 USA Following the Grammar Gary T. Leavens 210 Harris Center (Bldg. 116) School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, University of Central Florida 4000 Central Florida Blvd., Orlando, FL 32816-2362 USA October 21, 2007 Abstract This document explains what it means to “follow the grammar” when writing recursive programs, for several kinds of different grammars. It is intended to be used in classes that teach functional programming using Oz, especially those used for teaching principles of programming languages. In such courses traversal over an abstract syntax tree defined by a grammar are fundamental, since they are the technique used to write compilers and interpreters. 1 Introduction An important skill in functional programming is being able to write a program whose structure mimics the structure of a context-free grammar. This is important for working with programming languages [4, 8], as they are described by such grammars. Therefore, the proficient programmer’s motto is “follow the grammar.” This document attempts to explain what “following the grammar” means, by explaining a series of graduated examples. The “follow the grammar” idea was the key insight that allowed computer scientists to build compilers for complex languages, such as Algol 60. It is fundamental to modern syntax-directed compilation [1]. Indeed the idea of syntax-directed compilation is another expression of the idea “follow the grammar.” It finds clear expression in the structure of interpreters used in the Friedman, Wand and Haynes book Essentials of Programming Languages [4]. The idea of following the grammar is not new and not restricted to programming language work. An early expression of the idea is Michael Jackson’s method [6], which advocated designing a computation around the structure of the data in a program. Object-oriented design [2, 9] essentially embodies this idea, as in object-oriented design the program is organized around the data. Thus the “follow the grammar” idea has both a long history and wide applicability. 1.1 Grammar Background To explain the concept of following a grammar precisely, we need a bit of background on grammars. A context-free grammar consists of several nonterminals (names for sets), each of which is defined by one or more alternative productions. In a context-free grammar, each production may contain recursive uses of nonterminals. For example, the context-free grammar below has four non-terminals, 〈stmt〉, 〈var〉, exp, and 〈s-list〉. 〈stmt〉 ::= skip | assign(〈var〉 〈exp〉) | compound(〈s-list〉) 〈s-list〉 ::= nil | 〈stmt〉 ‘|’ 〈s-list〉 The nonterminal 〈stmt〉 has three alternatives (separated by the vertical bars). The production for 〈stmt〉 has a recursive call to 〈s-list〉, which, in turn, recursively calls 〈stmt〉. 1 2.2 Color Grammar Exercises Consider another example with simple alternatives and no recursion: 〈Color〉 ::= red | yellow | green | blue Write the function: EqualColor : <fun {$ <Color> <Color>} : <Bool>> that takes two colors and returns true if they are the same, and false otherwise. 3 Only Recursion, No Alternatives Another kind of grammar is one that just has recursion, but no alternatives. 3.1 Infinite Sequence Grammar The following is an example of such a grammar. 〈ISeq〉 ::= iseq(〈Number〉 〈ISeq〉) In Oz one can create such infinite sequences using unbound variables, as in the following example. declare Ones Ones = iseq(1 Ones) 3.1.1 Example A lazy function ISeqMap : <ISeq> <fun {$ <fun {$ <Number>} : <Number>>} : <ISeq>> that follows the above grammar is the following example. declare fun lazy {ISeqMap Seq F} case Seq of iseq(N Tail) then iseq({F N} {ISeqMap Tail F}) end end % some tests Ones = iseq(1 Ones) fun {Add2 X} X+2 end Threes = {ISeqMap Ones Add2} {Browse Threes.2.1} Following the grammar in this example means that the function does something with the number N of the ISeq and recurses on its Tail, just like the grammar describes instances as having a number and a tail, which is a ISeq where it recurses. In this example, there is no base case or stopping condition, because the grammar has no alternatives to allow one to stop, which is why the function is lazy. In the tests, the Browse shows the numeral 3. Although this example does not have a stopping condition, other functions that work on this grammar might allow stopping when some condition holds, as in the next example. 4 3.1.2 AnyNegative Exercise Which of the following has a correct outline for a function AnyNegative : <fun {$ <ISeq>}: Bool> that follows the grammar for ISeq? 1. declare fun {AnyNegative Seq} case Seq of nil then false [] N|Tail then N < 0 orelse {AnyNegative Tail} end end 2. declare fun {AnyNegative Seq} case Seq of iseq(N Tail) then N < 0 orelse {AnyNegative Tail} end end 3. declare fun {AnyNegative Seq} N < 0 orelse {AnyNegative Tail} end 4. declare fun {AnyNegative Seq} case Seq of cold then true else false end end Answer:2. 3.1.3 Filter Infinite Sequence Exercise Write a lazy function FilterISeq : <fun {$ <fun {$ <Number>}: <Bool>> ISeq}: ISeq> that takes a predicate, Pred, an infinite sequence, Seq, and returns an infinite sequence of all elements in Seq for which Pred returns true when applied to the element, in their original order. For example, {FilterISeq fun {$ N} N mod 2 == 0 end Integers} would return an ISeq that is just like Integers but without its odd elements. 4 Multiple Nonterminals When the grammar has multiple nonterminals, there should be a function for each nonterminal in the gram- mar, and the recursive calls between these functions should correspond to the recursive uses of nonterminals in the grammar. That is, when a production for a nonterminal, 〈X〉, uses another nonterminal, 〈Y〉, there should be a call from the function for 〈X〉 to the function for 〈Y〉 that passes an instance of 〈Y〉 as an argu- ment. 5 4.1 Rectangle Grammar Consider the following example grammar, for rectangles. 〈Rectangle〉 ::= rectangle(ul: 〈Point〉 lr: 〈Point〉) 〈Point〉 ::= point(x: 〈Number〉 y: 〈Number〉) 4.1.1 Example To follow this grammar when writing a program like MoveUp : <fun {$ <Rectangle> <Number>} : <Rectangle>> one would structure the code into two functions, one for each of the two nonterminals, as shown in Figure 1. Since the production for 〈Rectangle〉 uses the nonterminal 〈Point〉 twice, the function MoveUp calls the MoveUpPoint function twice, once on each of the points in the Rectangle. Note that the arguments to these functions are parts of the number described by the corresponding nonterminals, and are extracted from the number by the pattern match in the body of MoveUp declare fun {MoveUp Rect Delta} case Rect of rectangle(ul: UL lr: LR) then rectangle(ul: {MoveUpPoint UL Delta} lr: {MoveUpPoint LR Delta}) end end fun {MoveUpPoint Pt Delta} case Pt of point(x: X y: Y) then point(x: X y: Y+Delta) end end Figure 1: The two functions that move Rectangles up. 4.1.2 DoubleRect Exercise Which of the following is a correct outline of a function DoubleRect : <fun {$ <Rectangle>}: <Rectangle>> that follows the grammar for Rectangles. 1. declare fun {DoubleRect Rect} case Rect of rectangle(ul: point(x:ULX y: ULY) lr: point(x:LRX y: LRY) then rectangle(ul: point(x: ULX+ULX y: ULY+ULY) lr: point(x: LRX+LRX y: LRY+LRY) end end 6 2. declare fun {ExtractNames Lst} case Lst of Person|Persons then {GetName Person}|{ExtractNames Persons} else nil end end 3. declare fun {ExtractNames Lst} if Lst == nil then nil else {GetName Lst.1}|{ExtractNames Lst.2} end end 4. declare fun {ExtractNames Lst} if Lst == nil then nil else {GetName Lst.1}|Lst.2 end end 5. declare fun {ExtractNames Lst} case Lst of Person|Persons then {GetName Person}|{ExtractNames Persons} end end 6. declare fun {ExtractNames Lst} {Map Lst GetName} end Answer:2,3,6. 5.1.3 DeleteListing Exercise Which, if any, of the following is a correct outline for a function DeleteListing : <fun {$ <List <String> <Person>>} : <List Person>> that follows the grammar for flat lists? List all that have a correct outline for recursion over flat lists. (As previously, assume that the function GetName is defined elsewhere.) 9 1. declare fun {DeleteListing Name Lst} case Lst of Person|Persons then if Name == {GetName Person} then {DeleteListing Name Persons} else Person|{DeleteListing Name Persons} end else nil end end 2. declare fun {DeleteListing Name Lst} case Lst of Person|Persons andthen Name == {GetName Person} then {DeleteListing Name Persons} [] Person|Persons then Person|{DeleteListing Name Persons} else nil end end 3. declare fun {DeleteListing Name Lst} if Lst == nil then nil elseif Name == {GetName Lst.1} then {DeleteListing Name Lst.2} else Lst.1|{DeleteListing Name Lst.2} end end 4. declare fun {DeleteListing Name Lst} case Lst of Person|Persons then {Append if Name == {GetName Person} then nil else [Person] end {DeleteListing Name Persons} } else nil end end 5. declare fun {DeleteListing Name Lst} case Lst of Person|Persons andthen Name == {GetName Person} then {DeleteListing Name Persons} else Person|{DeleteListing Name Persons} end end 10 6. declare fun {DeleteListing Name Lst} case Lst of Person|Persons if Name == {GetName Person} then {DeleteListing Name Persons} else Person|{DeleteListing Name Persons} end end end Answer:1,2,3,4. 5.2 Window Layouts For purposes of this paper, a “window layout” is an instance of the grammar below. The grammar is designed to describe an (imagined) data structure for placing windows on a computer screen, similar in some ways to layout managers in various graphical user interface libraries. The window layout grammar has only one nonterminal, but more alternatives than the grammar for flat lists. Thus functions that follow its grammar have more recursive calls than functions that follow the grammar for flat lists. 〈WindowLayout〉 ::= window(name: 〈Atom〉 width: 〈Number〉 height: 〈Number〉) | horizontal(〈List WindowLayout〉) | vertical(〈List WindowLayout〉) In the above grammar, the nonterminals 〈Number〉 and 〈Atom〉 have the same syntax as in Oz. 5.2.1 Example An example function that follows the above grammar is shown in Figure 3. This example is coded using Oz’s built-in Map function (which was also shown in Figure 2 on page 8). Doing that avoids having to write out a separate function for recursing over a list of WindowLayouts. Writing out a separate function (or two different functions, in general) to recurse over the two lists in the grammar would be perfectly fine, however. These helping function(s) would, of course, follow the grammar for flat lists. declare fun {DoubleSize WL} case WL of window(name: N width: W height: H) then window(name: N width: 2*W height: 2*H) [] horizontal(WLs) then horizontal({Map WLs DoubleSize}) [] vertical(WLs) then vertical({Map WLs DoubleSize}) end end Figure 3: The function DoubleSize, which follows the grammar for window layouts. Note, however, that it would not be following the grammar to write something like BadDoubleSize shown in Figure 4 on the next page. The problem with BadDoubleSize is that the function works on both lists and window layouts. Writing code like this leads to confusion, especially as grammars get more complicated. Sometimes the function also plays a different role depending on what nonterminal it serves, and so the same argument, if it occurs as part of two different nonterminals can make it very difficult to write the 11 4. declare fun {MultSize WL N} fun {MultSizeList WLs} case WL of nil then nil [] Head|Tail then {MultSize Head N}|{MultSizeList Tail} end end in case WL of window(name: N width: W height: H) then window(name: N width: N*W height: N*H) [] horizontal(WLs) then horizontal({MultSizeList WLs}) [] vertical(WLs) then vertical({MultSizeList WLs}) end end 5. declare fun {MultSize WL N} fun {MS WL} case WL of window(name: N width: W height: H) then window(name: N width: N*W height: N*H) [] horizontal(WLs) then horizontal({Map WLs MS}) [] vertical(WLs) then vertical({Map WLs MS}) end end in {MS WL} end 6. declare fun {MultSize WL N} case WL of window(name: N width: W height: H) then window(name: N width: N*W height: N*H) [] horizontal(WLs) then horizontal({MultSize WLs N}) [] vertical(WLs) then vertical({MultSize WLs N}) [] nil then nil [] Head|nil then {MultSize Head N}|nil [] Head|Tail then {MultSize Head N}|{MultSize Tail N} end end Answer:1,3,4,5.It’simportanttonotethattheothersdonotfollowthegrammar.Theproblemisthattheycombinetworecursionsinonefunction,whichleadstoconfusion. 14 5.2.3 TotalWidth Exercise Write a function, TotalWidth : <fun {$ <WindowLayout>}: <Number>> that takes a WindowLayout, WL, and returns the total width of the layout. The width is defined by cases. The width of a WindowLayout of the form window(name: M width: N1 height: N2) is N1. The width of a 〈WindowLayout〉 of the form horizontal([W1 . . . Wm]) is the sum of the widths of W1 through Wm (inclusive). The width of a 〈WindowLayout〉 of the form vertical([W1 . . . Wm]) is the maximum of the widths of W1 through Wm (inclusive). If the list is empty, the width should be taken as 0. Several example tests that show how TotalWidthworks are shown in Figure 6. (These use the Assert procedure from the course library.) \insert ’Assert.oz’ {Assert {TotalWidth window(name: olympics width: 50 height: 33)} == 50} {Assert {TotalWidth horizontal(nil)} == 0} {Assert {TotalWidth vertical(nil)} == 0} {Assert {TotalWidth horizontal([window(name: olympics width: 80 height: 33) window(name: localNews width: 20 height: 10)])} == 100} {Assert {TotalWidth vertical([window(name: olympics width: 80 height: 33) window(name: localNews width: 20 height: 10)])} == 80} {Assert {TotalWidth vertical([window(name: starTrek width: 40 height: 100) window(name: olympics width: 80 height: 33) window(name: localNews width: 20 height: 10)])} == 80} {Assert {TotalWidth horizontal( [vertical([window(name: tempest width: 200 height: 100) window(name: othello width: 200 height: 77) window(name: hamlet width: 1000 height: 600)]) horizontal([window(name:baseball width: 50 height: 40) window(name: track width: 100 height: 60) window(name: equestrian width: 70 height: 30)]) vertical([window(name: starTrek width: 40 height: 100) window(name: olympics width: 80 height: 33) window(name: localNews width: 20 height: 10)]) ])} == 1300} Figure 6: Tests for the TotalWidth exercise. Feel free to use Oz’s Map and Max functions (as well as FoldL or FoldR if you have seen those). 15 5.2.4 Design Your own WindowLayout Problem Exercise Design another problem over WindowLayouts. Give an English explanation, the function’s type, and some examples. Then solve your problem, first on paper, then on the computer. For example, you might do something like computing the total area of the window layout, or a list of all the names of the windows. 5.3 Sales Data The grammar for Sales Data is shown in Figure 7. It has a single nonterminal and like the window layouts grammar, also uses lists. The grammar for 〈String〉 is the same as for Oz, which is essentially 〈List 〈Char〉〉. 〈SalesData〉 ::= store(address: 〈String〉 amounts: 〈List 〈Int〉〉) | group(name: 〈String〉 members: 〈List 〈SalesData〉〉) Figure 7: Grammar for the type 〈SalesData〉. 5.3.1 NormalizeSalesData Example The grammar for sales data is interesting in that its fields contain several different kinds of lists. Since the different lists play different roles in the sales data grammar, it is thus especially important to follow the grammar in the sense that only data of type SalesData should be passed to functions that work on that type, and no lists should be passed to such functions. The reason this is important is illustrated by the following example. Suppose we want to write a function NormalizeSalesData : <fun {$ <SalesData>}: <SalesData>> that takes a sales data argument, SD, and returns a result that is just like SD, except that in each store record, each address string is put into ALL CAPITAL LETTERS and the amounts list is trimmed to be just the first 5 elements of the argument’s list, and in each group record, the name field is put into all capital letters, and each of the members is also normalized. Figure 8 on the next page gives some examples of how this program is supposed to work. These use the Test procedure from the course library. We suggest that you try to write out a solution for this problem before looking at our solution. 16 5.4 Boolean Expressions The grammar for Boolean expressions is shown in Figure 11. It has multiple nonterminals, but does not have mutual recursion among the nonterminals. The grammar for 〈Atom〉 is the same as for Oz. These Atoms represent variable identifiers in boolean expressions. 〈Bexp〉 ::= andExp(〈Bexp〉 〈Bexp〉) | orExp(〈Bexp〉 〈Bexp〉) | notExp(〈Bexp〉) | comp(〈Comp〉) 〈Comp〉 ::= equals(〈Atom〉 〈Atom〉) | notequals(〈Atom〉 〈Atom〉) Figure 11: Grammar for Boolean expressions. 5.4.1 Example An example using this grammar is shown in Figure 12. declare fun {NegateBexp BE} case BE of andExp(L R) then orExp({NegateBexp L} {NegateBexp R}) [] orExp(L R) then andExp({NegateBexp L} {NegateBexp R}) [] notExp(E) then E [] comp(C) then comp({NegateComp C}) end end fun {NegateComp C} case C of equals(A B) then notequals(A B) [] notequals(A B) then equals(A B) end end Figure 12: The function NegateBexp, which follows the Boolean expression grammar. 19 5.4.2 Beval Exercise Write a function BEval : <fun {$ <Bexp> <fun {$ <Atom>}: <Value>>}: <Bool>> that takes 2 arguments: a Bexp, E, and a function from atoms to values, F . Assume that F is defined on each 〈Atom〉 that occurs in a 〈Bexp〉. The function BEval should evaluate the expression E, using F to determine the values of all 〈Atom〉s that occur within it. It should conjoin the values that result from the evaluation of the subexpressions in an andExp record, it should disjoin the values of subexpressions in an orExp record, negate the value of the subexpression in a notExp record, and use the value of the comparison contained in a comp record. For the 〈Comp〉 records, the value of equals(A B) should be true just when {F A} == {F B}, and the value of notequals(A B) should be true just when {F A} \= {F B}. Examples are shown in Figure ?? on page ??. \insert ’Assert.oz’ declare fun {StdEnv A} % This function is just for ease of testing case A of p then 1 [] q then 2 [] r then 4020 [] x then 76 [] y then 0 else raise stdEnvIsUndefinedOn(A) end end end {Assert {BEval comp(equals(q q)) StdEnv} == true} {Assert {BEval comp(notequals(q q)) StdEnv} == false} {Assert {BEval comp(equals(q r)) StdEnv} == false} {Assert {BEval comp(notequals(p q)) StdEnv} == true} {Assert {BEval andExp(comp(notequals(p q)) comp(equals(x x))) StdEnv} == true} {Assert {BEval andExp(comp(notequals(p q)) comp(notequals(x x))) StdEnv} == false} {Assert {BEval andExp(notExp(comp(equals(p p))) comp(equals(x x))) StdEnv} == false} {Assert {BEval notExp(andExp(notExp(comp(equals(p p))) comp(equals(x x)))) StdEnv} == true} {Assert {BEval orExp(notExp(andExp(notExp(comp(equals(p p))) comp(equals(x x)))) orExp(comp(equals(p q)) comp(equals(x x)))) StdEnv} == true} {Assert {BEval orExp(andExp(notExp(comp(equals(p p))) comp(equals(x x))) orExp(comp(equals(p q)) comp(equals(x y)))) StdEnv} == false} Figure 13: Testing for BEval. 20 5.5 Statements and Expressions The grammar for statements and expressions below involves mutual recursion. Statements can contain ex- pressions and expressions can contain statements. This mutual recursion allows for arbitrary nesting. In the following grammar the nonterminal 〈Atom〉, which stands for variable identifiers, has the same syntax as in Oz. 〈Statement〉 ::= expStmt(〈Expression〉) | assignStmt(〈Atom〉 〈Expression〉) | ifStmt(〈Expression〉 〈Statement〉) 〈expression〉 ::= varExp(〈Atom〉) | numExp(〈Number〉) | equalsExp(〈Expression〉 〈Expression〉) | beginExp(〈List Statement〉 〈Expression〉) 5.5.1 Examples An example that follows this grammar is shown in Figure 14. It’s instructive to draw arrows from each use of StmtAdd1 and ExpAdd1, in the figure, to where these names are defined, and to draw arrows from the uses of the corresponding nonterminals in the grammar to where they are defined. That helps show how the recursion patterns match. declare fun {StmtAdd1 Stmt} case Stmt of expStmt(E) then expStmt({ExpAdd1 E}) [] assignStmt(I E) then assignStmt(I {ExpAdd1 E}) [] ifStmt(E S) then ifStmt({ExpAdd1 E} {StmtAdd1 S}) end end fun {ExpAdd1 Exp} case Exp of varExp(I) then varExp(I) [] numExp(N) then numExp(N+1) [] equalsExp(E1 E2) then equalsExp({ExpAdd1 E1} {ExpAdd1 E2}) [] beginExp(Stmts E) then beginExp({Map Stmts StmtAdd1} {ExpAdd1 E}) end end Figure 14: The functions StmtAdd1 and ExpAdd1. These mutually-recursive functions work on the state- ment and expression grammar. Note that, in Figure 14 the recursive call from ExpAdd1 to StmtAdd1 occurs in the case for beginExp, following the grammar. However, this recursive call is actually made inside Map, since the recursion in the grammar is inside a list. It would be fine to use a separate helping function for this list recursion, and that will be necessary in cases that Map cannot handle. Another thing to note about this example is that the varExp case of ExpAdd1 could be simplified to return Exp instead of returning varExp(I). The form used in Figure 14 is more complex and slower, but shows the general pattern more clearly. 21
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