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OF CARNEGIE MELLON UNIVERSITY ... making a compiler for music notation is that we have a formal way to define the syntax and semantics and construct a ...

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Download FORMAL SEMANTICS FOR MUSIC NOTATION CONTROL ... and more Exams Compiler Design in PDF only on Docsity! FORMAL SEMANTICS FOR MUSIC NOTATION CONTROL FLOW A DISSERTATION SUBMITTED TO THE DEPARTMENT OF COMPUTER SCIENCE AND THE COMMITTEE ON GRADUATE STUDIES OF CARNEGIE MELLON UNIVERSITY IN PARTIAL FULFILLMENT OF THE REQUIREMENTS FOR THE DEGREE OF MASTER OF SCIENCE Zeyu Jin July 2013 iv Contents Abstract v Acknowledgements vi 1 Introduction 1 2 Background and Motivation 4 2.1 Common Music Practice . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 2.2 Extended Music Practice . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 2.3 Score Display and Representation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 3 The framework for defining music control flow 10 3.1 Symbolize the Score . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 3.2 Context-free Grammar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 3.3 Parsing the grammar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 3.3.1 Ambiguity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 3.3.2 Error Handling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 3.4 Syntax Directed Translation and Attribute Grammar . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 3.5 The Mapping Function . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 3.6 Formalizing nested control flow . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 4 SDL: the Score Discription Language 29 4.1 The Intuition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 4.2 Translating to SDL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34 vii 4.3 The SDL compiler . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40 4.3.1 Recursive parsing algorithm for SDL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40 4.3.2 Sequential parsing algorithm for SDL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44 4.4 Arrangement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47 5 The Dynamic Control Flow 50 5.1 DCL: the Dynamic Control Language . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51 5.2 Scheduling Dynamic Events . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53 6 Implementation and Application 55 6.1 The Score Compiler API . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56 6.1.1 Symbol Definition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57 6.1.2 Grammar Definition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59 6.1.3 Compilation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59 6.2 Score Models . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61 6.2.1 Notated Score . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62 6.2.2 Static Score . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65 6.2.3 The Intermediate Score and The Flattened Score . . . . . . . . . . 66 6.2.4 Arrangement and the Dynamic Score . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68 6.3 Live Score Display . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71 6.3.1 Score Annotation Interface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71 6.3.2 Arrangement Interface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73 6.3.3 Performance Interface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74 7 Evaluation and Results 77 7.1 Correctness . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78 7.2 Effectiveness . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83 7.3 Extensibility . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 86 7.4 Performance of Live Score Display . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 88 8 Conclusions and Future Work 93 A Long Definition 95 viii A.1 Complete Symbol Definition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95 A.2 Complete Syntax Definition for Well-Nested Control Flow Notation . . . . 97 A.3 Well-formed common practice notation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100 B Live Score Display 103 Bibliography 107 ix 7.1 Example test case for Set T1: No.8. The visualized score structure and the desired output are shown. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79 7.2 Notation for Example 3 in Figure 3.2: notation is done by labeling all the control flow symbols on the score directly (above the stuff). Below is shows the nested structure of these symbols. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84 7.3 SDL Notation for the “cross-nested” example “Armando’s Rhumba”. Two jmp instructions are used to get in and out of the inner repeat. . . . . . . . . 85 7.4 Mixed SDL Notation for Example 1 in Figure 3.2: We can understand the word notation as: in the first repetition of the whole piece, we play the block between Segno and DS as usual; and in the second repetition, we only play this section once by jumping out of the loop. In this way, we can define a new loop L0 around the piece, notate Segno and DS signs as usual and mix it with SDL by putting a jump sign around the DS for the condition [L0,2] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85 7.5 Mixed SDL Notation for Example 6 in Figure 3.2: we use jmp sign or njmp instructions to selectively play the word-notated block . . . . . . . . . . . . 86 7.6 Notation for Example 2 and 4 in Figure 3.2 using Section marks and ar- rangement signs. Note that to divide repetitions of section C in Example 4 into a solo part and an improvisation part, we put the section mark in- side the repeat loop. The flattened score will generate two flattened section marks, C-[L3,1] and C-[L3,2] which can be used for solo and improvi- sation respectively. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 87 7.7 Example implementation of a notated score .mxml viewer based on the notation panel in LSD. The systems, barlines and the signature changes are marked in the notated score. The piece shown here is “Druid Fire” by Zeyu Jin. The notation is shown as an additional layer overlaying the score image. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 89 7.8 Example implementation of a abbreviated score painter built on the lexi- cal analyzer in the score compiler. According to the string symbols, this application paints the abbreviated score used in this thesis. . . . . . . . . . 89 xii B.1 Live Score Display: Score Annotation Interface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 104 B.2 Live Score Display: Arrangement Interface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 105 B.3 Live Score Display: Score Annotation Interface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 106 xiii xiv 3 Figure 1.1: Control flow definition in Read’s book 1, which excludes the nested repeat problem. In more modern and flexible music practice, there are nested structures, text annotations [9] and repetitions conditioned on actual time [23]. There lacks an unambiguous way to formalize the syntax and the meaning of such notation. While nested repeats are relatively simple to formalize, we argue that the general problem of formalizing control flow is non-obvious, interesting, and useful. In this thesis work, I present a new framework for formalizing control flow notation based on formal grammar and compiler theories. One core feature of this framework is that it can be easily designed by humans and applied automatically by computer. As an example, we show a formal definition of control flow notation that unifies conventional music notation and some of the most frequent notations used in modern music practice. We evaluate the ambiguity and completeness of this definition within our framework. We then show the im- plementation of this method and its application and finally the evaluation of the framework and the application in terms of their correctness, effectiveness and performance. Chapter 2 Background and Motivation Similar to the concept of control flow used in programming language, music control flow defines the reading order of a score and is used to both simplify and clarify the score structure by merging repetitive patterns into loops. Also similar to programming languages, music control flow has implicitly included both branching and looping expressions [?]. This statement will be further evaluated in Section 4.1 and it also motivates this work to explore music notation and extend it as if it is a program language. Before going into details of the formal semantics behind the music practice, this chapter reviews music symbols and their general usage that are frequently seen in real music practice. It also draws upon the difference between tradition music notation and the more flexible and informal practices used in popular music such as Jazz to show the need of finding a practical and well-defined framework for people to formalize and explain existing and new music notation. In the last section, we review some of the existing digital music display and representation approaches that relate to and motivate the design of Live Score Display, the real-time score display system built over the formal definition of music control flow notation. 4 2.1. COMMON MUSIC PRACTICE 5 2.1 Common Music Practice The so-called “common practice” refers to the traditional and widely-used system of mu- sic notation, consistent with most popular music education books and manuals[6, 20, 23]. The main elements include repeat, endings, and a series of Da Capo / Dal Segno nota- tion (“DC/DS family” for abbreviation). The following is a list of symbols used in these notation patterns: • Left repeat and right repeat: ‖: and :‖ (double-sided repeat :‖: can be seen as one right repeat followed by a left repeat); • First and second ending: −1¬ and −2¬. Sometimes, there might be a third or a fourth ending; • DC/DS family and related symbols, including D.C., D.S., D.C. al coda, D.S. al coda, D.C. al fine, D.S. al fine, Segno, to coda, coda, and fine; • Measure repeat signs. To define the meaning and usage of these symbols, most books use visual definitions like the one in Read’s book [20], which is based on redirection, and the one shown in Figure 2.1, which is based on the reading order. These definitions are well defined for the reading order given a score without erratic or ambiguous notation, but the definitions alone are not precise or complete to show what’s correct and non-ambiguous for all scores. To do that, we often make the following assumptions: • No control flow symbols are allowed within the blank staff in Rule 1, 2 and 3. • There can only be at most one type of DC/DS symbols in the entire music. • Left and right repeats can be used within the blank staff in Rules 4-9. Although these assumptions are not as formal as those visual definitions and it is possible for us to find ambiguous counter examples, they do a good job excluding a large number of cases, especially the nested repeats, from the set of “correct music notation” in common 8 CHAPTER 2. BACKGROUND AND MOTIVATION Re-arranged sections (Example 2): re-order the section marks to create a different read- ing order of the score. Word annotation (Example 1, 4 and 6): omitting or playing some measures conditioned on different rounds of repetition. One could dismiss these particular scores as anomalies, but we find that in music, the exception proves the rule. Existing commercial software interprets Example 5 inconsis- tently. In Finale 2012 and Sibelius 7, the default reading order is a-b-b-c-b-b-c-d2, but in MuseScore3, the order is a-b-b-c-a-b-c-d. The second right repeat connects to the be- ginning of the music, capturing the nested pattern, but later, section b is repeated only once, which seems to be a flaw. The correct order is a-b-b-c-a-b-b-c-d, which differs from both software interpretations. Later, we will discuss the practice of “arrangements,” where score sections are performed according to directions that are external to the score itself. This raises additional problems of notation and semantics. Clearly, we need a more so- phisticated approach that offers syntax and meaning that can be shared by both humans and computers. In Chapter 3, we show such an approach based on formal languages and attribute grammars. In Chapter 4, we show an even more flexible method based an interme- diate notation called Score Description Language that supports extensions based on textual annotations. In Chapter 7.2, we show some of the examples of how the extended music practice is mapped onto our approach. 2.3 Score Display and Representation The score representation and interpretation is essential to score writing, printing, auto- accompaniment and conducting systems. Most works in this field focus mainly on storing and visualizing the score so as to accommodate both traditional and modern music practice, and, as a minor concern, provide room for implementing correct and user-friendly score play-back systems. Early studies such as MuseData [11] and Common Music Notation 2One can notate nested repeat by manually specifying which measure the right repeat goes to. 3MuseScore music notation software: 2.3. SCORE DISPLAY AND REPRESENTATION 9 [22] mainly concern the encoding of conventional measure-based scores in their original notational presentation. Existing software such as Music Reader4 and hardware such as Music Score Display Device [15] concern creating a score browsing interface for the pur- pose of taking the place of paper scores. However, these inventions still need humans to turn the pages and are not aware of the music structure at all. To further encode logical structure of the score and support a wide range of modern presentations, structured music description languages like MusicXML [8] offer standards for score sharing and archiving. More recently, commercial score printing software like Finale5 and Sibelius6, and score ac- companiment software like SmartMusic7 can generate a music performance from notation. However, the algorithms that map the score to performance are problematic when nested repeats are involved. Given that popular score editors attempt to perform scores by fol- lowing control flow, it is surprising that they do not define a syntax for control flow, check scores for validity, or offer a consistent meaning for control flow notation. More recent study with an emphasis on music control flow modeling led us to develop a score player for HCMP [7]. This work provides data structures and algorithms for finding the dynamic score (similar to the “flattened score” in this work) by unfolding the static (original) score presentation. This work also draws attention to arrangement in which performance order is specified as a list of section labels (e.g. “play the intro, verse 1, verse 2, chorus, chorus”), a common practice in popular music. However, the algorithms in this work do not handle nested repeats or provide a systematic way to validate the correctness of notation. Overall, previous work has made great contributions to the notational presentation of the score, while the basic questions of music control flow, such as “what notation is right” and “what is the correct performance order given this notation” are still unanswered. In this work, we provide a systematic scheme to define the “right” notation and produce the flattened score representation without ambiguity. 4Music Reader software: 5Finale music notation software: 6Sibelius music notation software: 7SmartMusic software: Chapter 3 The framework for defining music control flow In this chapter, we are going to look at the framework for formalizing music control flow notation. The main idea is to model the score as a source language and compile it to a target representation, the flattened score, as if it is a programming language. The advantage of making a compiler for music notation is that we have a formal way to define the syntax and semantics and construct a compiler from the formal definition using existed techniques. Similar to the general steps of defining a compiler, music control flow can be formalized by following three steps: 1. First, define the elemental symbols that form the score and their corresponding string representation. The process that converts visual notation into string symbols is called "symbolization", which is similar to “lexical analysis” in compiler construction. The string symbols are called tokens and they are the elemental items used in syntax and semantic analysis. 2. Second, define the static syntax for a well-formed score based on formal grammars. We usually use CFG (context free grammar) since it is both intuitive and powerful. 10 3.1. SYMBOLIZE THE SCORE 13 Table 3.1: Symbols used to label Control flow notation Basic Symbols Meaning (b, k, l) A block of score starting from beat k with length l (ts, m, n) Time signature m/n ‖: Left (forward) Repeat sign :‖ Right (backward) Repeat sign [ Beginning of an ending ] Endpoint of an ending x Measure repeat sign DC dal Capo DC.Coda D.C. al Coda DC.Fine D.C al Fine DS Del Segno DS.Coda D.S. al Coda DS.Fine D.S. al Fine Segno the Segno sign Coda the Coda sign ToCoda To Coda (or Coda symbol) Fine Fine Extended Symbols Meaning (bar, id) an alternative symbol for blocks. It means a measure. The attribute id refers to the id-th block in the score. (bo, l, id) an alternative symbol for blocks. It means a point in the score that offsets its previous measure (if l > 0) or its next measure (if l < 0) by |l| beats. The symbolization procedure can be summarized as: read the score from left to right, write down corresponding string symbols for each control flow symbol and identify the blocks between them and the starting beat and the duration of each block. An example is shown in Figure 3.2. From left to right, we first find a time signature, which is 4/4, and write down the first symbol (ts,4,4). Then we find the next non-block notation, the left repeat sign and the Fine sign. The order of these two signs can be implied from their meanings. Since Fine means the end of the piece after repeating from D.C. al. Fine, it should go before the left repeat sign. The next step is to decompose the measure between this Fine sign and the previous time signature into blocks. Since it is required that no two adjacent blocks can be combined into one, we treat the entire measure as a single block. So we write (b,0,4) 14 CHAPTER 3. THE FRAMEWORK FOR DEFINING MUSIC CONTROL FLOW Figure 3.2: Symbolizing the score: this score is converted to the following list of strings to represent control flow: (ts,4,4) (b, 0, 4) Fine ‖: (b, 4, 12) :‖ ‖: (b, 16, 4) [ (b, 20, 4) ] :‖ [ (b, 24, 4) ] DC.Fine followed by Fine and |:. Following this scheme, we can symbolize the score as shown in the caption of Figure 3.2. Here we only use the basic symbols. The extended symbols, bar and bo, are the string symbols used in the real implementation: In my software Live Score Display (Section 6.3), users are required to label the barlines and the places between barlines where control flow notation occurs by putting bar symbol and bo symbols. These alternative symbols together with the time signature can be further converted into blocks either in the symbolization phase or after the flattened score is obtained, depending on the design of the syntax. The advantage of using bar and bo instead of blocks is that we can dynamically alternate the time signature without modifying the duration of all blocks. The price is a more compli- cated set of grammars with the risk of ambiguity (Section 3.3.1). The alternative presen- tation based on the extended symbols is: (ts,4,4) (bar,1) Fine ‖: (bar,2) (bar,3) (bar,4) :‖ ‖: (bar,5) [ (bar,6) ] :‖ [ (bar,7) ] DC.Fine for the example shown in figure 3.2. 3.2 Context-free Grammar The context free grammar (CFG) [1] is used to formalize the syntax of sequences of music symbols. A context-free grammar (CFG) consists of terminal, nonterminal, productions, and a start symbol: 1. Terminals are the basic building blocks of the entire sequence. In our framework, the terminals are symbolized notations, which include blocks, time signature, control 3.2. CONTEXT-FREE GRAMMAR 15 flow signs and section marks. The symbols defined in Table 3.1 are all terminals. 2. Nonterminals are syntactic variables that denote sets of symbol sequences. For ex- ample, a score is a nonterminal since it is formed by a sequence of symbols. Defining nonterminals is a central part of this work. We use upper case letters for them. 3. The productions consist of: (a) A nonterminal in the head or left side of the production (b) A body or right side consisting of zero or more terminals and nonterminals, which can be substituted for the head. (c) A symbol→ between the head and the body, meaning the left-side nonterminal can be replaced by the right-side sequences. 4. In a CFG, one nonterminal is distinguished as the start symbol. The start symbol is replaced according to productions. After replacement, any remaining nonterminal can be replaced according to productions, and so on, until only terminals remain. The (possibly infinite) set of possible nonterminal strings generated by the productions is called the language generated by the grammar. For example, we can define S as a whole score and E as a score element which can be either a repeat loop or some blocks b (here we allow for consecutive blocks; soon we will come to the argument that this would lead to ambiguous grammar definition in the end). Then we can define the following: A score S is a sequence of 1 or more musical elements (E), optionally followed by a right repeat. A grammar for this language (set of scores) is: Starting: S (G0) S -> E (G1) S -> E :| (G2) E -> E E (G3) E -> b 18 CHAPTER 3. THE FRAMEWORK FOR DEFINING MUSIC CONTROL FLOW this case means there are two conflict operations at state 4 when the input is “b”. There are two kinds of conflicts, one is called “reduce-reduce” conflict meaning that there are two productions to match the current input while the other is called “shift-reduce” conflict (the example shown here) meaning we can either use reduce operation to match the previous symbols to the right side of a production or use shift operation to keep tracking on the other unfinished productions. The reason that a shift-reduce error occurs is that the grammar we use here, despite of how simple it is, is ambiguous. The parser manages a stack data structure to track states (S1) and another stack (S2) to record the accepted input. Every time a shift operation is executed, the parser puts the new input symbol into its stack S2, changes the current state to the one indicated by the table and then pushes the current state into the state stack S1. When a reduce operation is executed with the number of terms in the right side of production equal to n, the parser pops out the first n symbols from the input stack and pushes the left-side symbol of the production into the stack; meanwhile it pops n states out of the state stack and sets the current state as the new top state in the stack. To parse a string of symbols into a parse tree, the parser initializes its state to State 0, finds operations in the table for the given input and keeps on altering the states until the input is depleted. For example, for input (b,0,4) (b,4,4) :|, the parser first gets a terminal b at I0 and shifts to State 2. Then it gets a terminal b for I2 which tells us to use the reduce operation based on Production 3. Then the first block is matched with E -> b and a branch of the parse tree is built: E--b. Now we go back to the previous state I0 and deal with the new input E produced by the reduce operation. It leads us to a shift operation to state 1. The whole process is shown below: NO. Input Operation Stack S2 States S1 Production 1 b s2 [b [0 2 2 b r3 [0 E -> b 3 E s1 [E [0 1 4 b s2 [E b [0 1 2 5 :| r3 [0 1 E -> b 3.3. PARSING THE GRAMMAR 19 6 E s4 [E E [0 1 4 7 :| r2 [0 E -> E E 8 E s1 [E [0 1 9 :| s3 [E :| [0 1 3 10 $ r1 [S [0 S -> E :| Note that the string (b,0,4) (b,4,4) :| does not have issues of ambiguity and thus does not trigger the danger zone of the shift-reduce conflict in the parsing table. 3.3.1 Ambiguity The problem of ambiguity arises when there are multiple parse trees for the same the se- quence of symbols and the same grammar. In the previous example, if we have an input b b b :| then we will have ambiguous grammar since we have two ways to group those blocks: one is by the induction E -> Eb -> bbb; another is by the induction E -> bE -> bbb. In fact, the ambiguity problem has practical meanings associated with how people interpret music notations; it is similar to the question of how to group of numbers we when we are doing basic arithmetic (+ and ×). For the purpose of demonstration, we change production (G1) to E→ E : |, which gives us another ambiguous grammar. The parse table for this new grammar is State | :| | b | $ | S | E I0 | . | s2 | . | . | s1 I1 | s3 | s2 | r0 | . | s4 I2 | r3 | r3 | . | . | . I3 | r1 | r1 | . | . | . I4 | r2s3| r2s2| . | . | s4 Now consider the score b : | b : |. It can be parsed in two ways following the steps of by the parse table. b :| b :| => E :| b :| => E b :| => E E :| => E E => E => S 20 CHAPTER 3. THE FRAMEWORK FOR DEFINING MUSIC CONTROL FLOW b :| b :| => E :| b :| => E b :| => E E :| => E :| => E => S The first deduction (line 1) implies a sequence of two repeated blocks. The second deduc- tion (line 2) implies nested repeats. Notice that while semantics are not inherent in formal grammars, we often associate semantics closely with productions and parse trees. When there is ambiguity, there is conflict in the parsing table. To resolve the problem, users can either redesign the grammar such that it’s unambiguous or prioritize the productions. Taking the first approach, we can design an equivalent unambiguous grammar for the same language is as follows S -> S :| S -> E E -> E b E -> b The parsing table is a little bigger but free from conflicts: State | :| | b | $ | S | E I0 | . | s3 | . | s1 | s2 I1 | s4 | . | . | . | . I2 | r1 | s5 | . | . | . I3 | r3 | r3 | . | . | . I4 | r0 | . | . | . | . I5 | r2 | r2 | . | . | . The price we pay for finding an equivalent unambiguous grammar is that the new grammar is not as simple and intuitive as the original one and the parsing table may increase in its size due to the more complicated implementation. In most modern parsers, such ambiguity problem can be solved by giving priorities to the productions: If we assume that (G2) always has the highest priority, we will end up with the second deduction (assuming nested repeat) where the first repeat loop E :| is within the loop of the second. This priority statement can also be viewed as preferring a reduce operation when conflicts like r2s3 occurs. Of course, we can also say that (G2) is always the last rule to consider, which 3.4. SYNTAX DIRECTED TRANSLATION AND ATTRIBUTE GRAMMAR 23 Starting: S (G1) S -> E { (1.1) S.code = E.code (1.2) S.beat = E.beat (1.3) S.dur = E.dur } (G2) S -> E :| { (2.1) S.code = E.code | E.code (2.2) S.beat = E.beat (2.3) S.dur = E.dur + E.dur } (G3) E -> E E { (3.1) E.code = E1.code | E2.code (3.2) E.beat = E1.beat (3.3) E.dur = E1.dur + E2.dur } (G4) E -> b { (4.1) E.code = (b, b.beat, b.dur) (4.2) E.beat = b.beat (4.3) E.dur = b.dur } Rule (G1) says the flattened representation of a score can be a flattened score element with the same starting beat and duration. Rule (G2) says if the score has a repeat, then the flattened score is two copies of the score element before the repeat sign with the starting beat equal to that of the score element and the duration equal to two times the duration of the score element. Rule (G3) says if a score element is formed by two sub-score elements, then the flattened element is made by concatenating the flattened representation of sub- elements, and the duration is the sum of the lengths of the sub-elements. Finally, if an element is a single block, then all the attributes of the block are copied to the element (G4). Based on the parse tree, we can apply rules from leaves to root in order to synthesize the attributes of upper levels. For the example shown in Figure 3.3, the attribute flow is shown in Figure 3.4. 24 CHAPTER 3. THE FRAMEWORK FOR DEFINING MUSIC CONTROL FLOW Figure 3.4: Data flow in syntax directed translation Finally the flattened score is in s.code and the duration of the entire score is 16 beats. Al- though this is a simple example, notice that we have precisely and unambiguously specified how to interpret score control flow notation. Moreover, we have introduced a meta-notation based on attribute grammars that allows us to define other interpretations of score control flow. A more complete attribute grammar will be introduced in Section 3.6; and an alter- native attribute grammar based on indirect compilation is shown later in Section 4.3. The complete description of the format of this meta-notation will be shown in Section 6.1.2 in which useful expressions like loops and conditioned branching will be introduced. 3.5 The Mapping Function One goal of defining control flow is to obtain a mapping from beats in a performance of the score (i.e. the flattened score) to positions or blocks in the original score. We denote the mapping as f (k), where k is the beat position in the flattened score (S.code) and f (k) is the position in the score. The map can be constructed by summing beat durations in the flattened representation S.code to obtain k for each block in the original score. First, we create a new field in each block in S.code and compute it by a simple induction rule that accumulates durations from the beginning of the score: 3.5. THE MAPPING FUNCTION 25 1. Base case: (b,x1,y1)⇒ (b,x1,y1,x1) where (b,x1,y1) is the first symbol in S.code. 2. ... (b,xi,yi,zi) (b,xi+1,yi+1) ... ⇒ ... (b,xi,yi,zi) (b,xi+1,yi+1,yi + zi) ... where (b,xi,yi) is the i-th symbol in S.code. The i-th new symbol (b,xi,yi,zi) means that beats from zi to zi + yi map to beats xi through xi + yi in the original score. It gives us the mapping function: f (k) = k− zi + xi, such that zi ≤ k < zi + yi (3.1) For Figure 3.4, we transform S.code: (b,0,4) (b,4,4) (b,0,4) (b,4,4) => (b,0,4,0) (b,4,4,4) (b,0,4,8) (b,4,4,12) which gives us the mapping f (k) = { k 0≤ k < 8 k−8 8≤ k < 16 (3.2) The mapping function can only be obtained when the music is deterministic; if the music has to be determined on the fly, we have to do the same to the mapping function, i.e. to calculate it while the music is being played. This indeterministic issue leads to a new conceptual score presentation called dynamic score introduced in Chapter 5. The question of obtaining new mapping function becomes the issue of event scheduling in this context, which will be discussed in Section 5.2. In all, the formalization scheme in this chapter is not sophisticated enough to deal with all types of music control flow notation (like word- based notation) and it is also not sufficiently flexible to use in a real performance. But it is the basis of how we start developing more sophisticated approaches as shown in the next two chapters. 28 CHAPTER 3. THE FRAMEWORK FOR DEFINING MUSIC CONTROL FLOW E -> E Segno E ToCoda E DS.Coda Coda E { E.code = E1.code | E2.code | E3.code | E2.code | E4.code; } ND and LEND: Because of the complication of this structure, we need to record each ending to the top level by creating a new attribute ND.ending with a list structure. We also need to use a loop to pair different endings with the constant part. LEND -> { E ND [ E ] { For n = ND.count downto 1 LEND.code = LEND.code | E0.code | ND.ending[n]; LEND.code = LEND.code | E0.code | E1.code; } ND -> ND [ E :| { ND.count = ND1.count | 1; ND.ending[ND.count] = E.code; } ND -> [ E :| { ND.count = 1; ND.ending[1] = E; } The complete grammar is shown in Appendix A.2. It can be shown that this grammar set is ambiguous because of E -> EE, which results in “shift-reduce” errors. The problem can be solved by “prefer reduce to shift”, which also indicates “left-associative” for EE. In the real implementation, this grammar is not used; instead, we invent an intermediate language called SDL (Score Description Language) and use it as the target language for the score compiler. The intermediate grammar extends the vocabulary of symbols shown in Section 3.1, and is simpler and more descriptive than the basic symbols. The next chapter shows the vocabulary of this new language and algorithms that further convert the interme- diate language to the flattened score. Chapter 4 SDL: the Score Discription Language In this chapter, I will introduce SDL, the score description language used for control flow notation, as the intermediate language mentioned in the last chapter. The design objective is to create a compact set of symbols sufficient to annotate most known control flow pat- terns. This small set of symbols can serve as the means for general score notation in place of conventional symbols. Using them also leads us to understand the common principle behind the control flow notations evolved in its three-hundred year history. Inspired by the assembly language, the vocabulary of SDL is formed by a command followed by parame- ters as shown in Table 4.1. The notation <N> is a integer; <CV> a capital letter; <P> a loop label; and <L> a jump label. Table 4.1: Default instruction set for SDL Symbol Meaning (b, < R >, < R >) Block symbol, same as the one in Section 3.1 (&, <CV>, <N>) A section mark; A2 is (&,A,2) (loop, L<P>) A loop mark labelled by L, similar to left Repeat (rep, L<N>, T<N>) Repeat to Label L for T times, similar to Right Repeat (lb, B<L>) A Jump mark labelled by B (jmp, L<P>, T<N>, B<L>) jump to B at the T-th repetition for loop L (njmp, L<P>, T<N>, B<L>) jump to B if not at the T-th repetition for loop L 29 30 CHAPTER 4. SDL: THE SCORE DISCRIPTION LANGUAGE The intermediate grammar can be used to annotate word-defined scores as in Figure 2.2. It is very useful to compile the original score to this intermediate form and then use the built- in translator to further compile it to a flattened score. The compiler for the intermediate grammar has sophisticated functions such as loop mapping, which helps to relate static score positions back to multiple performance positions (k in f (k)). For example, one might want to select the score position as it occurs in the “2nd repeat after the D.S.”. This is done by labeling each symbol with a flag that marks the loop surrounding the symbol and the number of repetition of this loop. As a brief introduction, consider the score below notated in conventional control flow no- tations. (&,A,1) |: |: (b,0,4) :| (&,A,2) (b,4,4) :| By using a compiler that transforms it to SDL (Section 4.2, we can get the corresponding score notated in SDL as follows: (&,A,1) (loop,L0) (loop,L1) (b,0,4) (rep,L1,2) (&,A,2) (b,4,4) (rep,L0,2) Using the SDL compiler (Section 4.3), we can obtain the following flattened score: (&,A,1) (b,0,4) (b,0,4) (&,A,2) (b,4,4) (b,0,4) (b,0,4) (&,A,2) (b,4,4) Each symbol is marked with a flag that shows the mapping from the symbol to loop. The format is [L1,count1]-[L2,count2]-... where count n is the number of repetitions of loop Ln. It tells us this symbol is in the count1-th repetition of loop L1, count2-th repetition of loop L2, etc. The loop Ln is nested in the Ln− 1 by default. The flags for the above example is shown below. Notice that (b,0,4) appears with four distinct flags, meaning that there are four different positions in the flattened score that refers to this particular block in the original score. [] [L0,1]-[L1,1] [L0,1]-[L1,2] [L0,1] [L0,1] [L0,2]-[L1,1] [L0,2]-[L1,2] [L0,2] [L0,2] 4.1. THE INTUITION 33 Similarly to the analogy of for loops, the endings can also be modeled as loops nested with if or switch statements. |: for i = 1 to 2 do begin <measures A> <statements A> [ switch (i) do <measures B> case 1: <statements B>; break; :| [ else <measures C> case 2: <statements C>; break; ] end; end; As an analogy to the switch statement, we design our (jmp, L, n, P) instruction mean- ing if the loop L is repeated n times, then we jump to the block starting from a label P. Also, we create another label symbol (lb, P) to pair with the jmp instruction. To simplify the design, we also introduce the (njmp, L, n, P) instruction which means jump when the condition is not satisfied. In this way the switch statement can be written as: switch(i) begin => (loop, i) case 1: => (njmp, i, 1, P1) <statements A> => ... A break; => (lb, P1) case 2: => (njmp, i, 2, P2) <statements B> => ... B break; => (lb, P2) ... // n cases => ... end => (rep, i, n) Following the above scheme, one can write the loop with endings as (loop,L) ... (njmp,L,1,P1) ... (lb,P1) (njmp,L,2,P2) ... (lb,P2) (rep,L,2). The objective of using an alternative instruction for jump labels as an addition to loop label instructions is to ensure terminability and readability. It can be shown that the three instructions (lb), (rep) and (jmp) are sufficient for replacing the existed control flow 34 CHAPTER 4. SDL: THE SCORE DISCRIPTION LANGUAGE notation in common music practice. Based on the same idea, one can easily identify that “D.S. al. Segno”, “DC” and forward-and-backward repeats are equivalent in SDL: Segno |: (loop, L) <A> = <A> = <A> = <A> D.S. :| D.C. (rep, L, 2) If we view the Fine sign as a ToCoda sign and put the Coda sign at the end of the piece, then “”, “” and the 2-endings notation are equivalent in the following sense: Segno Segno |: (loop, L) <A> <A> <A> <A> ToCoda Fine [ (njmp, L,1,P1) <B> <B> <B> <B> :| [ (lb,P1) (njmp,L,1,P2) Coda || <C> <C> <C> ] (lb,P2) (rep,L,2) In summary, the SDL shows the fact that the conventional notation can be generalized into forward-and-backward repeats or endings. It is a nice property that underlies the conven- tional notation schemes invented by our ancestors. It also indicates a new way to define the control flow symbols: we can define forward-and-backward repeats or endings and make equivalence statements about other notation patterns. 4.2 Translating to SDL Based on the analysis in the last section, we show the formal grammar for compiling control flow notation into SDL. To begin with, define the non-terminals S as the entire score, L as the left-most part of the score (in which single backward repeats are used), E as a music group element, LEND as the endings in the leftmost part of the left-most score L, and ND as the endings in E. The reason to separate the leftmost part of the score is that we allow 4.2. TRANSLATING TO SDL 35 multiple single backward repeat before the first forward repeat sign is used. It is the same case for the multiple endings in the left-side of the score. To simplify the grammar, we add a left bracket sign { at the beginning of the piece and a right bracket } at the end. Without the the beginning sign, it is hard to tell whether froma single forward look up in LR(1) whether to use L or E. With the brackets, the leftmost part L is a series of symbols starting with an {. To ensure pairing of loop verses rep, and lb verses jmp, define function createLoop() that generates a unique loop label; and the function createLabel() that generates a unique jump label. The score level starts with a leftmost non-terminal L followed by a terminal or E that finalizes the leftmost notation and ends with a ending sign }. S -> L } { S.code = L.code; } S -> L E } { S.code = L.code + E.code; } The following are the score level models for the DC/DS families. Note that the DC/DS. al. Fine sign are only associated with S since it contains Fine sign meaning the end of the entire piece. S -> L Fine E DC.Fine } { C = createLoop(); T = createLabel(); S.code = (looplb,C) + L.code + (jmp,C,1,T) + E.code + (rep,C,2) + (lb,T); } S -> L Segno E Fine E DS.Fine } { C = createLoop(); T = createLabel(); 38 CHAPTER 4. SDL: THE SCORE DISCRIPTION LANGUAGE } E -> |: E ND [ E ] { T = createLabel(); E0.code = (looplb,ND.loop) + E1.code + ND.code + (njmp,ND.loop,ND.count,T) + E2.code + (lb,T) + (rep,ND.loop,ND.count + 1); } Also notice that the and DS sign can be used in E since it is equivalent to forward-and-backward repeat. Then we have: E -> Segno E DS } { C = createLoop(); E0.code = (looplb,C) + E1.code + (rep,C,2); } E -> Segno E ToCoda E DS.Coda Coda } { C = createLoop(); T = createLabel(); E0.code = (looplb,C) + E1.code + (jmp,C,1,T) + E3.code + (rep,C,2) + (lb,T); } Note that ND.loop is the loop label created in the innermost layer of the grammars of endings; ND.count is the number of endings, which is also counted from the innermost ending to the outer. The blocks, time signatures and section marks are the minimal independent music ele- ments and thus should be produced by E: E -> ts { E.code = ts.code; } E -> b { E.code = b.code; } E -> & { E.code = &.code; } Similar to the Leftmost notation for DC/DS families, the grammar for DC/DS residing in E 4.2. TRANSLATING TO SDL 39 can be obtained by simply replacing the symbol L with E. Finally, an element can be split into two successive elements: E -> E E { E0.code = E1.code + E2.code; } As a consequence of using E->EE, this grammar is ambiguous. The conflict can be solved by the “left associative”, or “prefer reduce when shift-reduce conflict is encountered”. The nonterminal for ending, ND, stands for the bracket sign and the block in between; in the string-based notation it is written as [ E :|. Since the number of repetitions has to be infered from the syntax, we add a new field varible “.count” to record the number of layers in ND. Another field variable “.loop” is created to record the loop label because the njmp instruction has to use the loop label as its second variable; the rep instruction can only be created after “.count” is calculated from bottom to top so the loop label has to be created at the very bottom. The above idea is shown in the following code: ND -> ND [ E :| { T = createLabel(); ND.loop = ND1.loop; ND.count = ND1.count + 1; ND.code = ND1.code + (njmp,T,ND1.count,ND1.loop) + E.code + (lb,T); } ND -> [ E :| { B = createLoop(); T = createLabel(); ND.count = 1; ND.loop = B; ND.code = (njmp,B,1,T) + E.code + (lb,T); } 40 CHAPTER 4. SDL: THE SCORE DISCRIPTION LANGUAGE 4.3 The SDL compiler In this section we are going to look at the algorithms that converts SDL to a flattened score and flags. There are two different implementation candidates: The first is also based on the idea of a score compiler which creates a parse tree and then translates the tree to tokens and flags. This method limits the grammar to be nested and the flag structure will follow a tree structure. The other method traverses the SDL as if it is being played. In this case, we allow non-nested structures like “cross repeats” as shown in Figure 4.1, but the flag structure will not necessarily following a tree structure. In the real implementation of Live Score Display, the first SDL compiler is used, but one can switch to the second one if more complicated structures are necessary. 4.3.1 Recursive parsing algorithm for SDL In Section 3.6 and 4.3, we formalize the syntax of music control flow using a CFG, context- free grammar, and the semantics based on a syntax driven approach. We can use a CFG since the control flow symbol themselves have local dependencies; we can define E and L as an independent group of symbols in which the semantics of each symbol can be determined within this group alone. However, in SDL where the symbol jmp can be dependent on the outer most scope of the syntax, the context-free property is somehow ruined. For example, in the following code, the jmp instruction refers to the outermost rep loop; the conclusion is that CFG is not proper for defining the structure of SDL. (loop,L1) (b,0,4) (loop,L2) (b,4,4) (jmp,L1,2,R3) (b,8,4) (lb,R3) (rep,L2,3) (b,12,4) (rep,L1,2) Instead of using a syntax-driven approach, we are going to propose a recursive method to fit and parse the symbols by two functions: Function G(symbols, f lags) creates flags and unwraps the loops such that long range dependencies is released from every symbol and thus becomes local. The function H(symbols, f lags) resolves jmp instructions by checking the flags within the range between a paired jmp and lb. Define S as the SDL score, and V 4.3. THE SDL COMPILER 43 => H( H(G(V1,[L1,1]),[L1,1]) H(G((loop,L2) V2 (rep,L2,3), [L1,1]), [L1,1]) H(G(V3,[L1,1]),[L1,1]), [L1,1]) H( H(G(V1,[L1,2]),[L1,2]) H(G((loop,L2) V2 (rep,L2,3), [L1,2]), [L1,2]) H(G(V3,[L1,2]),[L1,2]), [L1,2]) Since V1 = (b,0,4) and V3 = (b,12,4), it is obvious that H(G(V1)) = V1 and H(G(V3)) = V3. The above formula can be simplified as: => H( V1 H(G((loop,L2) V2 (rep,L2,3), [L1,1]), [L1,1]) V3, [L1,1]) H( V1 H(G((loop,L2) V2 (rep,L2,3), [L1,2]), [L1,2]) V3, [L1,2]) => H( V1 H(H(G(V2,[L1,1]-[L2,1]),[L1,1]-[L2,1]),[L1,1]) H(H(G(V2,[L1,1]-[L2,2]),[L1,1]-[L2,2]),[L1,1]) V3, [L1,1]) H( V1 H(H(G(V2,[L1,2]-[L2,1]),[L1,2]-[L2,1]),[L1,2]) H(H(G(V2,[L1,2]-[L2,2]),[L1,2]-[L2,2]),[L1,2]) V3, [L1,2]) => H( V1 H(H((b,4,4) (b,8,4),[L1,1]-[L2,1]),[L1,1]) H(H((b,4,4) (b,8,4),[L1,1]-[L2,2]),[L1,1]) V3, [L1,1]) H( V1 H(H((b,4,4) (jmp,R3) (b,8,4) (lb,R3),[L1,2]-[L2,1]),[L1,2]) H(H((b,4,4) (jmp,R3) (b,8,4) (lb,R3),[L1,2]-[L2,2]),[L1,2]) V3, [L1,2]) => H( V1 H((b,4,4) (b,8,4),[L1,1]) H((b,4,4) (b,8,4),[L1,1]) V3, [L1,1]) H( V1 H((b,4,4),[L1,2]) H((b,4,4),[L1,2]) V3, [L1,2]) => H( V1 (b,4,4) (b,8,4) (b,4,4) (b,8,4) V3, [L1, 1]) H( V1 (b,4,4) (b,4,4) V3, [L1, 1]) 44 CHAPTER 4. SDL: THE SCORE DISCRIPTION LANGUAGE => (b,0,4) (b,4,4) (b,8,4) (b,4,4) (b,8,4) (b,12,4) (b,0,4) (b,4,4) (b,4,4) (b,12,4) Because of space limits, we cannot show explicitly the flags for each step. The resulting flags are: (b,0,4) - [L1,1] (b,4,4) - [L1,1]-[L2,1] (b,8,4) - [L1,1]-[L2,1] (b,4,4) - [L1,1]-[L2,2] (b,8,4) - [L1,1]-[L2,2] (b,12,4)- [L1,1] (b,0,4) - [L1,2] (b,4,4) - [L1,2]-[L2,1] (b,4,4) - [L1,2]-[L2,2] (b,12,4)- [L1,2] The recursive grammar definition also implies a nested structure of (loop) (rep) pairs which can be thought as a limitation or a feature (no cross repeats that might lead to infinite repetition). Another way of compiling SDL is to simulate a cursor, like the instruction pointer used in executing the machine language, that traverses the score one instruction at a time. In this case, we do not have a syntax for SDL and need to pay attention to the risk of falling into an infinite loop. 4.3.2 Sequential parsing algorithm for SDL The sequential parsing algorithm starts with a scan over the symbol list to create lookup tables for loop and lb symbols. The lookup table Loop(k) outputs the index of (loop,k) in the symbol list; and the lookup table Lb(k) outputs the index of (lb,k). Then, we start traversing from the first symbol; an instruction pointer, denoted as IP, is used to track the index the symbol being parsed. When we reach a (loop) instruction, we put a new flag at the tail of the current flag chain, which is denoted as F in this work. When we reach a 4.3. THE SDL COMPILER 45 (rep) instruction, we decide whether to increase the flag counter and repeat back to the corresponding (loop) sign; or to remove the flag and get out of the loop if we reached the maximal number of repetition. For (jmp) symbols, we check if the condition matches the flag chain and if so, we omit all the following symbols until we reach the corresponding (lb) sign. For other symbols, we put them in the new list of flattened score if we are not in “omit” mode and assign the current flag F to the output symbol. The algorithm is shown in the following pseudo code; the flattened score is formed by the calling order of the output() function. F = []: Flag; IP = 0: int; // instruction pointer omit = false; while (IP < list.length) s = list[IP]; switch (s) case b: if (omit is empty) output(s); break; case ts: if (omit is empty) output(s); break; case &: if (omit is empty) output(s); break; case (loop, L): if (F contains L) F = F-[L,1]; break; case (rep, L, k): if (F contains L) if (F.L = k) F.remove(L); else F.L = F.L + 1; IP = Loop(L); else error(); break; case (jmp, L, k, R): if (F contains [L,k]) omit = L; break; case (jmp, L, k, R): if (F contains [L,k]) 48 CHAPTER 4. SDL: THE SCORE DISCRIPTION LANGUAGE C-[L1,2] (b,9,3) which contains 6 flattened section marks. The corresponding symbols for each section mark is shown as follows: A-[L1,1] (b,0,3) B-[L1,1]-[L2,1] (b,3,3) B-[L1,1]-[L2,2] (b,3,3) (b,6,3) C-[L1,1] (b,9,3) A-[L1,2] (b,0,3) B-[L1,2]-[L2,1] (b,3,3) B-[L1,2]-[L2,2] (b,3,3) (b,6,3) C-[L1,2] (b,9,3) Note that B-[L1,1]-[L2,2] contains two symbols: the first symbol (b,3,3) has the same flag ([L1,1]-[L2,2]) while the second symbol (b,3,3) has a different flag [L1,1]. Based on the definition, section B-[L1,1]-[L2,2] should contains these two symbols since there are no other section marks in between. It is also desirable to limit the symbols to the same flag of the section. An alternative notation for the arrangement is in the form of F-S, which means the range of the score labelled by the flag [L1,1] that starts from section A and ends at the next mark at the same level as A. In the example above, the symbols that match with [L1,1] are: A-[L1,1] (b,0,3) (b,3,3) (b,3,3) (b,6,3) C-[L1,2] (b,9,3) The section marks whose flag is not exactly [L1,1] are not contained in the list. [L1,1]-A is the range of symbols starting from the section mark A to the next mark C in the same level, which gives us (b,0,3) (b,3,3) (b,3,3) (b,6,3). Note that we can skip over the B section using this notation. After arrangement, we get a new flattened score presentation as opposed to the one deter- mined merely by control flow notation or SDL. However, in the real implementation, we do not actually create another flattened score from the arrangement; instead, we apply the 4.4. ARRANGEMENT 49 arrangement in the dynamic score, which is a conceptual presentation of the actual score be- ing played. The dynamic score is a realtime mapping function from the performance time, in beats, to the location of the static score. We can rearrange the sections in performance time and put dynamic control flow symbols like “repeat until cued by the conductor”. The algorithm used in dynamic score is similar on the sequential parsing algorithm shown in Section 4.3.2; and this is the only level of score representation where human interaction is involved. Chapter 5 The Dynamic Control Flow In this chapter, we are going to look a conceptual score presentation called the dynamic score, corresponding to the music that is really played at performance time. The term “conceptual” has to two levels of meaning: first, the dynamic score does not have a per- manent presentation as static scores do; we do not have a dynamic score unless we start reading the score and performing with it. Second, the dynamic score is undetermined until the performance is over, as opposed to the flattened score where the mapping function is deterministic. If we assume that the performed music is exactly what shown on the score, studying this “conceptual model” would seem senseless since the flattened score presenta- tion is already sufficient to represent the music. But in real performance, there are three scenarios that render the dynamic score necessary, at least, for the purpose of computer- based score following and displaying: • Undetermined action that is determined by some kind of cues in the performance time. For example “start playing certain measures when the conductor gives a cue”. • Unexpected rearrangement: the conductor alters the arrangement of the music by saying “let’s do Section B again” or gives a cue for the same meaning. • Unexpected jumps: like “go to the second repetition of section B”, which is often seen in rehearsal. 50 5.2. SCHEDULING DYNAMIC EVENTS 53 Figure 5.1: Arrangement fused with dynamic control flow notation (dlb,R ) (rep,L,inf) C-[] 5.2 Scheduling Dynamic Events The scheduling problem can be viewed as determine the next symbol and its the play time based on the current symbol and cues. To formalize this process, suppose at performance time t, we are going to schedule the play time of the next symbol s(next). We have al- ready received a cue c and are going to process the current symbol s(curr). The symbol succeeding s(curr) in the flattened score is denoted as s(curr+1). We also define a func- tion schedule(s,t) that schedules the symbol s at a future time t. The scheduling process for blocks and infinite jumps is demonstrated in the following pseudo code: if (s(curr) is (b,time,cur)) then set s(next) to s(curr + 1); schedule(s(next), t + cur); else if (s(curr) is (drep,L,inf)) then if (c is "break") then set s(next) to s(curr + 1); 54 CHAPTER 5. THE DYNAMIC CONTROL FLOW else set s(next) to the location of (dloop,L). schedule(s(next), t); else show error: unknown symbol. For blocks, we schedule the next symbol to the future time that offsets current time by the amount of its duration. For other symbols defined in Table tab:dcl, we would act instantly. The mapping from the performance time to the score location can be obtained by map- ping the current flattened symbol s(curr) to the actual symbol on the score. The details implementing these mapping functions will be introduced in Chapter 6.2. Based on the combined arrangement and dynamic score notation, we can handle unex- pected arrangement and jumps easily through the following scheme: at performance time, we keep a cursor that points at the section or the dynamic event being played. The real- time rearrangement (case 2) can be viewed as a change in the future events and thus we simply apply the change to the arrangement without further modification. For unexpected jumps, we use the flags in the flattened score to find the jump point and apply the change by overriding the pointer s(next) with the location of the jump point. The algorithm that finds the jump point will be introduced in Section 6.2. Chapter 6 Implementation and Application The score compiler is used in a music score display application that, in turn, can be used as part of a human-computer interface for score following, human computer music per- formance, music education, multimedia databases, etc., where the correct reading order is essential. In this section, we show the actual implementation of the score compiler and the score model manager built on it. As a demonstration, we built a system called Live Score Display (LSD for short) where performers import score images, annotate control flow symbols, re-arrange the score and play the score in real time. With the flattened score representation, the user can browse to any repetition of a repeat, even in heavily nested repeats. The work flow of LSD is show in Figure 6.1: Figure 6.1: Flow chart of Live Score Display 55 58 CHAPTER 6. IMPLEMENTATION AND APPLICATION For example, to define the string semantic of a block sign, a left repeat, a right repeat and a time signature we can write the content of file as follows: 10000 (b, [0-9]+.?[0-9]*, [0-9]+.?[0-9]*}) 10011 |: 10012 :| 10004 (ts, [0-9]+, [0-9]+) While [0-9]+.?[0-9]* means an integer or a real number, we provide a pre-defined symbol <N> to mean an integer, <CL> for a capital letter, and <R> for a real number. In this way, we can write the block sign and time signature in a simplified form 10000 (b, <R>, <R>) 10004 (ts, <N>, <N>) The symbol analyzer in the MCFC can validate the input string s and convert it into a to- ken t which is identified by its ID. One can access its i-th parameters by t.parameter[i], which is a string even when specified as “<R>”. When defining the attribute grammar, one can use parameters as numbers by converting them with the string-to-number func- tion. Later in the Score Model Manager, we will see that the code range 10000 to 10009 is re- served for the default control flow instructions. When using with the Score Model Manager, where the Score Compiler is a component, avoid the reserved code unless overriding them with new symbol definitions. To override predefined symbols, use the same ID with dif- ferent regular expressions. For example, a simplified block notation with only the duration field can be written as follows to override the default definition: 10000 (b, <R>) 6.1. THE SCORE COMPILER API 59 6.1.2 Grammar Definition The grammar definition is a separate file with extension “.g.” The content of the grammar definition is essentially identical to the attribute grammar shown in Section 3.4 except that we use b.attr1 and b.attr2 to assess the first and second parameter instead of b.beat and b.dur. For each nonterminal x, the program assumes x.code to be the corresponding string for this symbol, and thus instead of E -> b { E.code = (b, b.attr1, b.attr2) } , we write it simply as E -> b { E.code = b.code } To create a new field for any symbols just initialize it before it is called. It is the same case for arrays. For example, E.counter = 1 initializes the counter field to 1 and E.ending[1] = E2.code initializes an the no.1 element of array E.ending to the content of E2.code. A “plus” expression is used to add field values. For example, the expression E.counter = E1.counter + E2.counter sets the left symbol E’s counter field to be the sum of the counters of the two right side symbols. The currently implemented types of user defined field variables are either “code” or integers. To use loops in the attribute grammar, we can write the following: For <variable> = <starting number> to <ending number> <statement>; ... End The <starting number> and the <ending number> can be a field variable associated with a right-side symbol. 6.1.3 Compilation After inputing both symbol definition and grammar, the compiler will check if the grammar fits into LR(1). If the given grammar is ambiguous or cannot be parsed by LR(1), the 60 CHAPTER 6. IMPLEMENTATION AND APPLICATION compiler will generate error messages or warnings. For “reduce-shift” errors, the compiler warns about the problem and indicates where the conflicts happens, tut the compiler will continue on with the assumption that “reduce is preferred.” When a “reduce-reduce” error occurs, the compiler halts. There is an option to turn on “priority orders” of the grammars so that a “reduce-reduce” error is compromised by using the production with the highest priority. After the grammars are checked and the parsing table is successfully created, the compiler can start processing strings and compiling it. When an error occurs, the output string is an error message with “ERROR” at the start. There are two types of errors: (1) lexical error, where some input strings are not recognized as tokens; (2) syntax error where the input string does not fit in the proposed CFG grammar. Suggestions are provided to the user for further revision. For example, the wrong string symbols |: (b,1,2) [ |: (b,3,2) :| [ (b,5,2) ] :| will trigger the error message: Syntax error at ([) : suggested symbols are(is): (:|) If the input is well-formed, |: (b,1,2) [ |: (b,3,2) :| :| [ (b,5,2) ] :| then no error message is generated but the compiled strings are: (b,1,2) (b,3,2) (b,3,2) (b,1,2) (b,5,2) (b,1,2) (b,3,2) (b,3,2) (b,1,2) (b,5,2) 6.2. SCORE MODELS 63 1. Annotate the systems by specifying the starting point and ending point on the vertical dimension of the image. 2. For each system, annotate the barlines and time points where control flow symbols occur. The time point is defined as the place offsetting its previous or next barline by some certain number of beats. 3. At each barline and time point, label the control flow symbols if any. A natural design of the data structure for the notated score is shown in the following pseudo code: class Score {Page pages[]; }; class Page {System systems[]; Score score; }; class System {double begin_y, end_y; TimePoint tps[]; Page page;}; class TimePoint {double loc_x; System system}; class BarLine inherits TimePoint { ControlFlowSymbol symbols[]; } class BeatOffset inherits TimePoint { double offset; ControlFlowSymbol symbols[]; } class ControlFlowSymbol { TimePoint tp; ... // symbol ID, parameters, etc } The field tp in class ControlFlowSymbol is used for backtrack as does the system field in class TimePoint and the page field in class System. To infer the string symbols from this hierarchical structure we scan by the natural order of pages, systems and time points; and at each time point, convert its ControlFlowSymbol to string symbols. We also need 64 CHAPTER 6. IMPLEMENTATION AND APPLICATION to create a new string symbol for the this time point (either bar or (bo, offset). The detailed algorithm is described in the following pseudo code: StringSymbol[] list; for (page in pages) for (system in for (tp in system.tps) for (symbol in symbols) list.expand(toStringSymbol(symbol)); list.expand( "(bar)" if tp is BarLine: "(bo,"+tp.offset+")" if tp is BeatOffset ); The method toStringSymbol converts a ControlFlowSymbol to its string presentation, and associate the string with its original control flow symbol. The following algorithm creates block symbols by merging bar and bo symbols. The function create_block cre- ates a block and associates this block with its corresponding bars and bos in the array list_of_timepoints: double beat = 0, beatAligned = 0, start = 0, time_sig = 4; let list_of_timepoints be array of TimePoint; for (symbol in list) if (symbol is (ts)) time_sig = symbol.beat_per_measure; if (symbol is (bar)) beatAligned = beatAligned + time_sig; beat = beatAligned; list.remove(symbol); list_of_timepoints.append(symbol); if (symbol is (bo)) if (symbol.offset > 0) beat = beatAligned + symbol.offset; else beat = beatAligned + time_sig + symbol.offset; list.remove(symbol); list_of_timepoints.append(symbol); else if (start != beat) 6.2. SCORE MODELS 65 list.addAt(symbol, create_block("b", start, beat-start, list_of_timepoints)); start = beat; list_of_timepoints.clear(); There are two purposes of associating a score image to string symbol: First, we simplify the score control flow problem to a reading order problem of a set of strings, which better fits into the framework of score formalization as described in Chapter 3 and is computationally effective. Second, after the mapping function of strings is obtained, we are able to further infer the mapping from virtual time (beats) to the actual location of the score images. In this way, we are able to playback the score by traversing the strings, which is efficient and effective in computation. 6.2.2 Static Score The static score is defined as a collection of string symbols, each of which has a symbol ID, a set of parameters and a pointer pointing to its corresponding control flow symbol in the notated score. struct StaticScore { Symbol symbols[]; }; struct Symbol {ID id; int parameters[]; ControlFlowSymbol pointer;} The static score is the starting point for score flattening. It also stores the function mapping string symbols to the location of a score. The location of a string symbol s is Page = System = Time Point = One can look up the corresponding location by this index (Page, System, TimePoint) or directly by the range: (,, on page 68 CHAPTER 6. IMPLEMENTATION AND APPLICATION class FlattenedScore ... function section2symbol(sectionID, flag): (Page, System, TimePoint) sec = find_section(new Section(section, flag)); if (sec == null) return "cannot find section"; Symbol symbol = sec.sectionSymbol; return (,,; ... function find_section(section: Section): Section for (s in sections) if (s.sectionID = section.sectionID || s.flag.equals(section.flag)) return s; return null; ... struct Flag ... function equals(flag: Flag): bool if (parent == null || parent.equals(flag.parent)) return loopID == flag.loopID & count = flag.count; else return false; ... The additional function in Flag recursively matches each level of loopID and the number of repetition indicating when two symbols are in the same level of repetition. 6.2.4 Arrangement and the Dynamic Score In LSD, the users are provided with (1) the flattened sections, (2) a preview of the arranged score and (3) the interface to write section marks with dynamic control symbols. These 6.2. SCORE MODELS 69 three elements are essential for users to make a correct arrangement and thus should be supported by the Score Model Manager. Section 4.4 describes the arrangement step as re-ordering the section marks, a static section mark followed by a flag chain. As we defined, a section starting from section mark S is the block of music between this section mark and the next section mark (or the end). The al- gorithm rearranging the flattened score by a sequence of section marks is as follows: struct FlattenedScore ... function rearrange(marks: array of Section): array of Symbol rearranged : array of Symbol; for (mark in marks) sec = find_section(mark); ind = flat_symbols.indexOf(sec.sectionSymbol); for i = ind : flat_symbols.length if (flat_symbols[i] is a section mark) break; rearranged.append(flat_symbols[i]); end return rearranged; ... The resulting score is the “arranged score”. This is not the score used in performance; it is used only for the purpose for the user preview. Note that the section marks in the flattened score can be duplicated or omitted. We need to create new section marks for this presentation. For example, we can add the number of duplication at the end of the section name. The arranged score in principle is a modified flattened score and thus its data structure follows strictly the structure of Flattened Score. As described in Section 5.2, we do not build the rearranged score before the performance but provide sufficient information to do it on the fly. First we divide the flattened score into sections according to the section marks set in the user arrangement; then we keep one pointer, which points at the section or dynamic control flow symbol we are at, and 70 CHAPTER 6. IMPLEMENTATION AND APPLICATION another pointer for the current flattened symbol of the corresponding section being played. We also need a preprocessing step that collects all the loop labels (d_looplabels[]) and jump labels (d_jmplabels[]); and another preprocessing step that rename the duplicated sections and writes them as d_sections[]. class DynamicScore { dcl[]: an array of dynamic control symbols and section marks; flatScore[]: an array of FlattenedScore corresponding to each element in dcl[]; if an element in dcl[] is not a section mark, then the corresponding Flattened Score is empty. d_sections[]: array of Section; d_looplabels[]: array of pointers to the dynamic loop labels; d_jmplabels[]: array of pointers to the dynamic jump labels; int dcl_pointer; // a pointer for the dynamic symbol // or the section being played. int flat_pointer; // a pointer for the flattened symbol being played. } The dynamic score also offers several functions for real-time mapping and scheduling in performance. (1) the function next() returns the next symbol to play together with a time point offsetting its previous symbol. (2) the function goto(beat, n), moves the cur- rent pointer to the symbol indicated by the beat number “beat” in the flattened score; the parameter n is used to label the number of duplications of this symbol since one may dupli- cate the flattened symbol several times in the arrangement. (3) goto(looplabel, beat), goto(section, flag, beat) moves the current pointer to the given beat offsetting a cer- tain repeat starting point or a section mark by a certain beat number. 6.3. LIVE SCORE DISPLAY 73 helps to speed up navigation. The LSD Toolbar is the graphic square-button toolbar used throughout the LSD. This component allow users to bind a variable to the bottoms of the toolbar and call user-defined functions whenever the variable is rewritten. It also helps to implement complicated selection rules including multiple group selections. In the annotation interface, the score structure toolbar and the control flow symbol toolbar are both implemented using this base component. To allow all these components to work in harmony, there is a separate component "Annota- tion Controller" that manages the communication among all components. If users need to integrate some of these components in their own application, they can use the Annotation Controller and access the components needed. 6.3.2 Arrangement Interface When the user clicks "Go Live" in the annotation interface, the program calls upon the score model manager which goes through the static score level, the intermediate score level, and then outputs the flattened score or error messages. When the score is compiled successfully, the program enters “Arrangement mode” as shown in Figure B.2. The arrangement editor features a navigator which highlights the selected section in the “section selector” panel. In the bottom is the section panel where users can insert or delete more sections. The sections are shown in small square widgets with the name and corresponding loop marks (see Section 4.3). A user can also add dynamic controls between sections, such as “repeat until cue”. The Arrangement Interface consists of three components: The mutiple navigation panel : a big scrollable panel consisting of multiple navigators. It is used to highlight the score for the selected section. The Arrangement Panel : the strip area at the bottom of the arrangement panel, which is used to add or delete section marks or dynamic control symbols. 74 CHAPTER 6. IMPLEMENTATION AND APPLICATION The Section Toolset : the small square component inside the arrangement panel. Each has a button at the top showing the flattened section name, a text panel in the middle showing the flag chain, and two small insert buttons at its sides. Clicking these buttons will display the menu for insertion or deletion. Similar to the Annotation Interface, there is an Arrangement Controller that manages the default logics for all these components that developers can directly use it for their own application. The annotation interface itself is also independent. It can load any annotated score file and enter the annotation mode immediately. This feature is useful for perfor- mances when users do not want to go through the annotation interface. 6.3.3 Performance Interface After the score is arranged, the user can enter Live mode and set up an HCMP conductor [4, 5] to play with a band. The HCMP conductor synchronizes sequencers, audio, video, and other media to live performers by broadcasting score position and tempo changes via OSC signals [24]. The LSD registers with the conductor as a “player” object and displays the score’s current and next system to the performer in a manner similar to the lyric display in a Karaoke system. When the control flow jumps, an arrow is shown to point out the direction and unplayed measures are shaded (Figure B.3). The performance interface is connected with the dynamic score level in the Score Model Manager. It is composed of three visual components and an HCMP controller: Display Panel : is the panel in the middle showing two lines: one is the system being played and the other is the next system. For each system, the corresponding score location is marked in the small navigation images to the left. If two systems share the same page, only one navigation image will be shown. There are two types of jump in this panel, one is called “play to” which will preserve the currently played system but change the other system we want to jump to. The other is called "go to" which will change the both systems. The former is used in the middle of the performance where the next system is altered because of a new cue. The latter is used when the 6.3. LIVE SCORE DISPLAY 75 performance is paused and the conductor wants to play a different part of the score when the performance restarts. Cue Panel : is the strip toolbar in the upper part of the interface. It shows the available cues in the current music. Clicking it will send out a cue to the HCMP controller and the playing order will be altered. At performance time, we are limited to use these cues; and the display panel will respond to these cues using the “play to” protocol. If the performance is paused, we can use both these cues (only section cues will work) and the flattened score list to go to any place in the score using the “go to” protocol. Flattened Symbol List : is the component on the right side of the interface. It shows the flattened score after the arrangement (the so-called “Arranged Score” in Section 6.2.4. This list is used for navigation and it can be effective only when a perfor- mance is paused. One can select a symbol in the list as the restarting point of the performance. HCMP Controller : At the bottom of the interface, there is a button called "connect to HCMP". It sets up an HCMP controller that listens to an online HCMP conductor and controls the display shown with it. The setup interface is shown in Figure 6.3. Figure 6.3: HCMP player setup interface With the introduction of the LSD and the concept of arrangement, we need to add a new phase of communication between an HCMP conductor and players to adjust the section marks and the arrangement. When the score is ready, it sends a list of flattened section marks to the conductor; the conductor can send out new arrangement to all players when needed. A demonstration of this new protocol is shown in Figure 6.4. 78 CHAPTER 7. EVALUATION AND RESULTS Extensibility : a measurement of how well we can accommodate other control flow syn- tax, symbols, instructions and dynamic control based on the existing framework. To address the extensibility, we first show the method with an example, and then discuss its usability and limitation. Performance : consisting of the performance quality of the Live Score Display system based on a real-time demonstration and user experience assessment based on users’ comments and ratings. We collect feedbacks from users to show the strong points and drawbacks. 7.1 Correctness To evaluate the correctness of (1) the framework, (2) the formal grammar for the well- formed nested notation and (3) the implementation of the Score Compiler and the Score Model Manager, we use three sets of cases to test three different problems at the Score Model’s level. We assume that if the application is correct then every implemented compo- nent, the definition, and the framework are likely to be correct. The three test sets are: (T1) symbolization test set that evaluates correctness of transforming control flow notation to a static score; (T2) score flattening test set which evaluates the correctness of the score com- piler; the cases ranges from the simplest non-nested notation to the highly nested ones; (T3) SDL test set that evaluates the correctness of translating SDL to a flattened score. Similar to T2, test cases of different complexity are used. We expect our system to generate zero errors between the actual output (the flattened score) and the desired output. Test set T1 contains 32 notated score files in an XML format (.mxml). The 24 examples are expected to pass both the lexical and syntax check. Another 4 examples contain syntax errors and thus can pass the symbolization but not the compilation. The final 4 cases cannot pass either the lexical check or the syntax check since it contains undefined symbols. These test cases also vary in the number of pages, the number of systems for a page and the way the score is notated (such as the insertion order of systems and time points). Special cases including scores containing empty pages, empty systems and overlapping systems are also 7.1. CORRECTNESS 79 Figure 7.1: Example test case for Set T1: No.8. The visualized score structure and the desired output are shown. used. Since we only care the correctness of the symbolization, we merely compare the static score output with desired one and whether it can pass the compilation. Table A.1 shows a manifest of the test examples. An example test case (T1.8) is shown in Figure 7.1; note that the vertical thick lines are time points and the last time point is a beat offset symbol with a right repeat. The desired output symbols are listed on the right side of the figure. Test set T2 validates the score compiler, the recursive algorithm that translates SDL to flattened score, and the design of well-formed nested notation as a whole. The test cases consist of the most typical one-level, two-level and multilevel notation cases as well as problematic ones generated by altering one or two symbols from the correct notation case. To simplify, we use string symbols instead of the Notated Scores. Below shows the cate- gories and several test cases for demonstration: • (T2.1)-(T2.24) Non-nested basic notation – (T2.1)-(T2.4): bar & beat-offset only CATEGORY: bar and bo NO: T2.4 INPUT: (bo,-1) bar bar (bo,-2) bar (bo,2) DESIRED: (bo,1,-1) (bar,2) (bar,3) (bo,4,-2) (bar,5) (bo,4,2) 80 CHAPTER 7. EVALUATION AND RESULTS – (T2.5)-(T2.6): Left-right Repeat and two successive left-right repeats. – (T2.7)-(T2.10): First and Second Endings; two successive First and Second Endings; three endings. CATEGORY: 1st-and-2nd Endings NO: T2.3 INPUT: bar |: bar [ bar :| [ bar ] bar DESIRED: (bar,0) (loop,0) (bar,1) (bar,2) (loop,0) (bar,1) (bar,3) (bar,4) – (T2.11)-(T2.24): Single and two successive DC/DS family notation (note: DC/DS al. Fine can only be used once in a score) CATEGORY: Segno-ToCoda-DSCoda-Coda NO: T2.16 INPUT: bar Segno bar ToCoda bar DSCoda Coda bar DESIRED: (bar,0) (loop,0) (bar,1) (bar,2) (loop,0) (bar,1) (bar,3) • (T2.25)-(T2.44) two-level nested notation – (T2.25)-(T2.28): Nested left-right repeat CATEGORY: Nested Repeats NO: T2.25 INPUT: bar |: bar |: bar :| bar :| bar DESIRED: (bar,0) (loop,0) (bar,1) (loop,1) (bar,2) (loop,1) (bar,2) (bar,3) (loop,0) (bar,1) (loop,1) (bar,2) (loop,1) (bar,2) (bar,3) (bar,4) 7.2. EFFECTIVENESS 83 CATEGORY: (T3.15) 2-level LOOP-REP + outer scope JMP INPUT: (loop,0) (bar,1) (loop,3) (jmp,1,3,1) (bar,2) (njmp,2,3,3) (bar,20) (lb,1) (rep,3,3) (lb,2) (bar,3) (rep,0,1) DESIRED: (bar,1) (bar,2) (bar,3) (bar,1) (bar,2) (bar,3) CATEGORY: (T3.19) JMP to wrong level INPUT: (bar,1) (rep,0,0,0) (bar,2) (lb,0) (bar,3) (bar,20) (lb,1) (rep,3,3) (lb,2) (bar,3) (rep,0,1) DESIRED: (bar,1) (bar,2) (bar,3) All three test sets are written in the program as unit test modules; the results show that the score model manager passes all three tests and manual check of error messages. Based on these results, we claim that the grammar design, the compiler and the related algorithms are correct. A brief summary generated from the test module is shown below: T1: 32/32 correct; T2: 50/50 correct; 18/18 syntax error samples passed manual check T3: 18/18 correct; 4/4 error samples passed manual check 7.2 Effectiveness In this part, we address the effectiveness of our approach by showing how users can an- notate the score in the extended practice (Section 2.2). We claim that with the predefined grammar for well-formed nested control flow notation and SDL, users can annotate and flatten scores with (1) Nested structures and Multiple DC/DS notation, (2) word annota- tion, and (3) arrangement. The nested repeats and multiple DC/DS structures can be annotated directly by placing the corresponding labels for the control flow symbols shown on the score. Figure 7.2 shows the way the nested multiple DS/DC example in Section 2.2 is notated. Another type of nested notation is rather a “cross-nested” notation than a well-formed 84 CHAPTER 7. EVALUATION AND RESULTS Figure 7.2: Notation for Example 3 in Figure 3.2: notation is done by labeling all the control flow symbols on the score directly (above the stuff). Below is shows the nested structure of these symbols. nested notation where a component of DC/DS notation is nested inside a repeat. Such notation is regarded as a syntax error in the test case T2.67 as shown in Section 7.1. For example, in the third volume of the Real Book, the piece Armando’s Rhumba1 is structured as: (b) |: (b) Segno (b) ToCoda (b) :| (b) DSCoda (b) Coda (b) We can annotate this score with the help of SDL. Regard as a repeat sign (rep,L1,2) pointing back to the beginning of the piece (loop,L1); and regard left repeat sign as (loop,L2) and the right repeat sign as (rep,L2,2). We can use a jump sign conditioned on the outer loop L1 to help us get in and out of the inner repeat loop. The notation is shown in Figure 7.3 Word Annotation can be notated with the help of SDL. Figure 7.4 and 7.5 shows the way that word annotation in Section 2.2 is notated in SDL and mixed SDL. The arrangement can be done using the flattened section marks. Figure 7.6 shows the 1Armando Rhumba by Chick Corea, Real Book III pp.10-11 7.2. EFFECTIVENESS 85 Figure 7.3: SDL Notation for the “cross-nested” example “Armando’s Rhumba”. Two jmp instructions are used to get in and out of the inner repeat. Figure 7.4: Mixed SDL Notation for Example 1 in Figure 3.2: We can understand the word notation as: in the first repetition of the whole piece, we play the block between Segno and DS as usual; and in the second repetition, we only play this section once by jumping out of the loop. In this way, we can define a new loop L0 around the piece, notate Segno and DS signs as usual and mix it with SDL by putting a jump sign around the DS for the condition [L0,2] arrangement signs for Example 2 and 4 in the extended control flow notation. We successfully show that the three typical notation patterns found in modern practice can be modeled using the control flow symbols or SDL defined in the grammar of well-formed nested control flow notation.
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