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Atmospheric Processes: Outgassing, Water Distribution, Humidity, and Cloud Formation, Quizzes of Geography

MeteorologyEnvironmental ScienceAtmospheric ScienceClimate Science

Definitions and explanations of various atmospheric processes, including outgassing, water distribution, humidity, and cloud formation. Topics covered include the definition of outgassing and when it occurs, the distribution of water on earth, the concept of humidity and how it is calculated, and the processes of condensation and cloud formation. The document also covers specific terms such as dew point temperature, adiabatic heating and cooling, and environmental lapse rate.

What you will learn

  • What is the Bergeron Ice-Crystal Process and how does it contribute to cloud formation?
  • What is outgassing and when does it occur?
  • How does humidity affect the air?
  • What is the difference between surface water and groundwater?
  • How is the world's water distributed?

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Uploaded on 05/04/2015

lalfel1 🇺🇸



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Download Atmospheric Processes: Outgassing, Water Distribution, Humidity, and Cloud Formation and more Quizzes Geography in PDF only on Docsity! TERM 1 Define outgassing DEFINITION 1 continuing process where water and water vapour emerge from layers deep within and below Earth's crust TERM 2 when does outgassing happen? DEFINITION 2 As the planet forms and water from within comes to the surface TERM 3 What is the most common compound on the surface of the planet? DEFINITION 3 Water TERM 4 What is the term that describes when glaciers melt (or form)? DEFINITION 4 Glacio-eustatic TERM 5 What term describes global sea-level condition? And what does it refer to? DEFINITION 5 Eustasy refers to changes in water volume TERM 6 Which hemisphere is the Oceanic hemisphere and which is the Land hemisphere? DEFINITION 6 Oceanic- SouthernLand - Northern TERM 7 How is the world's water distributed? (in terms of percentages) DEFINITION 7 97% ocean3% fresh TERM 8 How is fresh water on the earth divided? DEFINITION 8 78% surface22% ground water TERM 9 How much of the surface water is locked up in ice and glaciers? Where is the rest? DEFINITION 9 99.3% The rest is in lakes, rivers and the atmosphere TERM 10 Where is 70% of all lake water? DEFINITION 10 America, Africa, Asia (the 3 A's!) TERM 21 Liquid vs Solid- which is more dense? DEFINITION 21 Liquid (think ice cubes in a cup) TERM 22 Melting is when DEFINITION 22 ice liquid TERM 23 Liquid Vapor DEFINITION 23 Evaporation TERM 24 Vapor Water DEFINITION 24 Condensation TERM 25 Water Vapour Ice DEFINITION 25 Sublimation TERM 26 Ice Liquid DEFINITION 26 Melting TERM 27 Liquid Ice DEFINITION 27 Freezing TERM 28 What is latent heat? DEFINITION 28 The energy involved in phase change TERM 29 The latent heat of ____ requires the most calories DEFINITION 29 Sublimation TERM 30 The latent heat of ____ requires the least calories DEFINITION 30 Freezing and melting TERM 31 Humidity refers to DEFINITION 31 the amount of water vapour in the air TERM 32 How do we calculate relative humidity? DEFINITION 32 actual water vapour in the air divided by the maximum possible water vapour in the air, then times by 100 to convert to percentage TERM 33 T A is the.... DEFINITION 33 actual temperature of the air TERM 34 T D DEFINITION 34 Is the dew point temperature TERM 35 Warm air holds ____ water. DEFINITION 35 more TERM 46 Active condensation is also known as DEFINITION 46 Dew TERM 47 What is relative humidity dependent/ relative to? Why DEFINITION 47 Temperature. Because if your 100% R.H. at 30 degrees and 100% R.H. at 100 degrees, you aren't holding the same amount of water vapour TERM 48 If you are experiencing the highest temperature of the day, you are likely to be experiencing the ____ relative humidity DEFINITION 48 lowest TERM 49 Define vapor pressure DEFINITION 49 the share of air pressure that is made up of water vapour molecules TERM 50 Specific humidity is a measure that.... DEFINITION 50 remains constant as temperature and pressure change TERM 51 What is easier to evaporate, ice or liquid? DEFINITION 51 water, because its easier to evaporate free moving molecules of water than ones that are locked up in ice TERM 52 What instruments measure humidity? DEFINITION 52 hygrometer sling psychrometer TERM 53 Specific Humidity is like the ____ ___ _____. DEFINITION 53 humidity we feel TERM 54 How do we measure specific humidity? DEFINITION 54 mass of water vapour (in grams =) per mass of air (in kg) TERM 55 A warm air parcel is ____ density DEFINITION 55 low TERM 56 A cold air parcel is _____ density. DEFINITION 56 high TERM 57 What are the two forces acting on an air parcel? DEFINITION 57 Upward Baoyancy Force Downward Gravitational Force TERM 58 From the ground going up, the air goes from having _____ pressure to ______ pressure. DEFINITION 58 high pressure to low pressure TERM 59 Condensation is a _____ process- it makes you ______. DEFINITION 59 warmingunstable TERM 60 Define stability DEFINITION 60 the tendency of an air parcel to remain in place or to move vertically TERM 71 During adiabatic cooling the air parcel travels ____ by _____. DEFINITION 71 UpExpansion TERM 72 During adiabatic heating the air parcel travels ____ by _____. DEFINITION 72 DownCondensing TERM 73 Is ice or water denser? DEFINITION 73 Water! think ice in glass of water floating TERM 74 Solid to gas is _____ DEFINITION 74 sublimation TERM 75 Gas to solid is _____ DEFINITION 75 Deposition TERM 76 Define latent heat DEFINITION 76 how much energy it takes to change phase TERM 77 Define sensible heat DEFINITION 77 how much energy it takes to change temperature TERM 78 Adiabatic heating and cooling is unstable. TRUE or FALSE? DEFINITION 78 True TERM 79 ELR> DAR + MAR = DEFINITION 79 Unstable because less dense parcel will continue to rise TERM 80 DAR> ELR = DEFINITION 80 conditionally unstable TERM 81 MAR + DAR> ELR = DEFINITION 81 Stable no need to lift because parcel is cooler and denser TERM 82 What is the lifting condensation level? DEFINITION 82 the point of saturation where clouds begin to form TERM 83 Define clouds DEFINITION 83 An aggregation of tiny moisture droplets and ice crystals suspended in air with enough volume/ concentration to be seen TERM 84 Whats the name of the thing that the water in the atmosphere sticks to in droplet formation? DEFINITION 84 Cloud condensation nuclei TERM 85 What are the two cloud formation processes? DEFINITION 85 Collision- coalescence process Bergeron Ice-Crystal Process TERM 96 Nimbostratus clouds produce DEFINITION 96 nasty, drizzly, all-day rain TERM 97 What clouds produce drizzly, all-day rain? DEFINITION 97 nimbostratus TERM 98 Big puffy storm clouds are called DEFINITION 98 Cumulonimbus TERM 99 Altostratus clouds are like a DEFINITION 99 halo/ rainbow TERM 100 What are the two types of fog? DEFINITION 100 Advection Radiation TERM 101 Explain how advection fog forms DEFINITION 101 when warm air migrates over a cool surface like an ocean, lake or snow it becomes chilled to dew point and fog develops TERM 102 What are the three types of advection fog? DEFINITION 102 Evapouration Upslope Valley Fog TERM 103 Visibility is restricted to ___km in fog DEFINITION 103 1km TERM 104 Explain how radiation fog forms DEFINITION 104 When radiative cooling from a surface chills the air above it to dew point, creating saturated conditions, we get radiation fog. TERM 105 Where does radiative fog occur? Where does it not occur? Why? DEFINITION 105 It occurs over moist groundIt doesn't occur over water. Because water doesn't cool very much a night TERM 106 Where does evaporation fog occur? DEFINITION 106 Over water TERM 107 Where does upslope fog occur? DEFINITION 107 Up a mountain TERM 108 Where does valley fog occur? DEFINITION 108 In low lying areas TERM 109 Which spins faster- tornado or hurricane? Why? DEFINITION 109 Tornado-because it is smaller TERM 110 What is climate change? DEFINITION 110 when the earth goes from periods of ice to periods without ice TERM 121 What are the different temperature classifications for air masses? (Give letters and words) DEFINITION 121 P=polar T=tropical A=arctic E=Equilateral AA=antarctic TERM 122 What are the different humidity classifications for air masses? (Give letter and word) What kind of characteristic do they have? DEFINITION 122 M=maritime (WET) C=continental (DRY) TERM 123 Maritime tropical air masses are ____ and _____. DEFINITION 123 warm and wet TERM 124 Continental tropical air masses are ____ and ____. DEFINITION 124 dry and warm TERM 125 What kind of air mass is over the Gulf? DEFINITION 125 Maritime tropical (warm and wet) TERM 126 What are the air masses we see over North America in Winter? DEFINITION 126 continental arctic continental polar maritime polar maritime tropical TERM 127 What are the air masses we see over North America in Summer? DEFINITION 127 continental polar maritime polar maritime tropical continental tropical TERM 128 What air mass do we only see over America in the Summer? DEFINITION 128 Continental tropical TERM 129 What kind of conditions do we usually see with continental polar air masses? DEFINITION 129 High pressure Cold air Stable air Clear Skies TERM 130 What pressure cells exist within the Maritime polar air masses in the winter? DEFINITION 130 Aleutian and Icelandic sub polar low pressure cells TERM 131 What kind of conditions does a maritime polar air mass have? DEFINITION 131 Cool, moist, unstable TERM 132 What could increase an air masses chance of raining? Why? DEFINITION 132 Travelling over water because it picks up more moisture TERM 133 What are the four lifting mechanisms? DEFINITION 133 convergent lifting convectional lifting Orographical Lifting Frontal Lifting TERM 134 What happens during convergent lifting? What can we liken it to? DEFINITION 134 Air travelling from opposite directions from high pressure into the same low pressure area converge and goes up. Footballers crashing into each other and having no other choice than to go up TERM 135 Where do we see convergent lifting? DEFINITION 135 At the equator (ITCZ) TERM 146 What do we see with a cold front? DEFINITION 146 Abrupt lifting and large formations of clouds. We often see thunderstorms are the formation of cumulonimbus clouds with a cold front TERM 147 Cold fronts are ___ and _____. DEFINITION 147 Fast and powerful TERM 148 What is a squall line? What does it lead to? DEFINITION 148 a narrow band of high winds and storms associated with a cold front. it leads to severe weather TERM 149 What front is usually wider? Cold or warm? DEFINITION 149 Warm 1000km vs. 400km wide TERM 150 What does a warm front do when it meets a cold front? DEFINITION 150 The warm air gradually lifts up and over the cold air TERM 151 What kind of weather do we see with a warm front? DEFINITION 151 gradual clouds form with light rain TERM 152 What kind of weather do we see with a cold front? DEFINITION 152 Severe weather- thunderstorms etc TERM 153 What kind of pressure is in the middle of a continental polar air mass? DEFINITION 153 High pressure TERM 154 What kind of pressure is in the middle of a maritime tropical air mass? DEFINITION 154 Low pressure TERM 155 When fronts occlude, it means that.... Why does this happen? DEFINITION 155 the gap closes between the warm and cold front. The cold front catches up to the warm front because it moves faster. TERM 156 What's a midlatitude cyclone? DEFINITION 156 a migrating low pressure system with converging and ascending air TERM 157 How do mid latitude cyclones form? DEFINITION 157 They form by conflict between warm and polar air masses. The masses combine and spiral around converging, rising air of low pressure centre TERM 158 What are the four stages of a midlatitude cyclone life cyclone? DEFINITION 158 cyclogenisis open stage occluded stage dissolving stage TERM 159 What do mid latitude cyclones start with? DEFINITION 159 An occluded front TERM 160 What controls the direction of a midlatitude cyclone? DEFINITION 160 The corriolis force TERM 171 What happens when rising air pulls in surrounding air? DEFINITION 171 violent updrafts and downdrafts TERM 172 What's an updraft? DEFINITION 172 a source of energy for thunderstorms/ a source of warm wet air TERM 173 What's a downdraft? DEFINITION 173 when air gets cool and more dense and sinks back down TERM 174 What causes atmospheric turbulence? DEFINITION 174 downbursts- TERM 175 Define downburst DEFINITION 175 A very strong downdraft TERM 176 What are the two types of downbursts? DEFINITION 176 macroburst microburst TERM 177 What is wind shear? DEFINITION 177 rapid changes in wind speed and direction TERM 178 What's lightening? DEFINITION 178 flashes of light caused by electrical discharges TERM 179 What is the cause of lightning? DEFINITION 179 The polarity of the cloud base and the ground TERM 180 What's thunder? DEFINITION 180 Thunder occurs wen lightning strikes and there is a violent expansion of heated air that sends shock waves through the atmosphere as sonic bangs TERM 181 What place gets the most lightening? DEFINITION 181 Florida TERM 182 What is the name of the lightening and place with unexplained lightening every night? DEFINITION 182 Catatumbo Lightening in Venezuela TERM 183 How does hail form? DEFINITION 183 Hail forms within a cumulonimbus cloud when water is circulated above and below the freezing line in the updraft and downdraft TERM 184 Whats the point called in a cloud that water turns into hail when it goes above? DEFINITION 184 Freezing line TERM 185 Define Derechos DEFINITION 185 straight line winds that are greater than 58kmph TERM 196 What are the pressure conditions like in a tornado? DEFINITION 196 The pressure inside a tornado is 10% less than surrounding air TERM 197 What do we use to measure a tornado? DEFINITION 197 Enhanced Fujita Scale (originally the Fujita Scale from 1971 until 2007) TERM 198 What is the Enhanced Fujita Scale? DEFINITION 198 A scale which measures tornados which rates the strength by the damage it caused TERM 199 Where do tropical cyclones originate? DEFINITION 199 In tropical air masses in the tropics TERM 200 Where do we not see tropical cyclones? DEFINITION 200 at the equator (0-5 degrees) because the corriolis effect is not strong enough TERM 201 Three names for tropical cyclones and origins DEFINITION 201 Hurricane- atlantic and east pacificTyphoon- west pacificCyclone- Indian Ocean, Aussie TERM 202 When will a hurricane die? DEFINITION 202 When it moves off the water and there is no longer any moisture (its energy) fuelling it TERM 203 What fuels a tropical cyclone? DEFINITION 203 Warm sea and warm air(lots of evaporation) TERM 204 Tropical Cyclones convert ____ energy from the _____ into ______ energy in the wind. DEFINITION 204 heat ocean mechanical TERM 205 What triggers the formation of tropical cyclones? DEFINITION 205 Easterlly waves/ easterly trade winds Sea surface temperatures over 79 degrees farrenheit TERM 206 What do we measure tropical cyclones with? DEFINITION 206 Saffir-Simpson Hurricane Damage Potential Scale TERM 207 Describe the eye of a hurricane DEFINITION 207 The centre of the hurricane that is relatively calm, quiet, warm with clear skies TERM 208 Define eyewall DEFINITION 208 thunderstorm cloud that forms around the eye with the most intense rain and wind of the hurricane TERM 209 Landfall is when the DEFINITION 209 eye moves onshore TERM 210 What is it called when the storm pushes sea water inland? DEFINITION 210 Storm surge TERM 221 What happens at dew point level? DEFINITION 221 lifting condensation level relative humidity of 100% saturation building clouds TERM 222 Where do hurricanes not happen? DEFINITION 222 Ocean water that is cold South Atlantic Ocean because it is too cold they can't cross the equator TERM 223 Why do cold fronts occlude? DEFINITION 223 Because cold fronts move faster than warm fronts TERM 224 What is climate? DEFINITION 224 weather overtime (long term)- average conditions of a place TERM 225 What is weather? DEFINITION 225 short term day to day conditions of atmosphere TERM 226 Cumulonimbus clouds are also known as DEFINITION 226 Supercells TERM 227 What is needed for a tornado to form? DEFINITION 227 Cumulonimbis cloud/ super cell TERM 228 What occurs 97% of time over land because it is warmer? DEFINITION 228 Lightening TERM 229 What pressure is in the centre of the tornado? DEFINITION 229 low pressure TERM 230 What's a cloud ceiling? DEFINITION 230 how high a clouds build. the warmer it is the taller it gets TERM 231 Climate regions are areas with _______ DEFINITION 231 similar statistics/ conditions TERM 232 What are the components of climate? DEFINITION 232 insolation pressure precipitation temp air masses TERM 233 Where is precipition low? DEFINITION 233 Poles Leeward side of mountain
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