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Erikson's 8 Stages of Psychosocial Development with Ages and Virtues, Exams of Community Health

A list of Erikson's 8 stages of psychosocial development with ages and virtues. It also includes information on the typical age of onset for various intellectual and psychological disorders, as well as test-taking strategies and information on motivational interviewing and the Transtheoretical Model for Change. useful for students studying psychology or related fields.

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Available from 12/08/2023

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Download Erikson's 8 Stages of Psychosocial Development with Ages and Virtues and more Exams Community Health in PDF only on Docsity! Georgette Module 4 Latest Guide 2023- 2024 >answered List Erikson's 8 stages of psychosocial development WITH ages & virtues - Correct answer -Trust vs Mistrust (0-1, HOPE) -Autonomy vs Shame/Doubt (1-3, WILL) -Initiative vs. Guilt (3-6, PURPOSE) -Industry vs. Inferiority (6-12, COMPETENCY) -Identify vs. Role Confusion (12-20, FIDELITY) -Intimacy vs Isolation (20-35, LOVE) -Generativity vs. Stagnation (35-65, CARE) -Integrity vs. Despair (>65, WISDOM) Trust vs Mistrust (favorable vs unfavorable outcome) - Correct answer -Form relationships/hope for future/trust in others/faith in environment -Suspicion, fear for future Trust vs Mistrust: Virtue & age range - Correct answer Hope 0-1 Autonomy vs Shame & Doubt: (favorable vs unfavorable outcome) - Correct answer - Self-control/esteem, Willpower/Sense of adequacy -Feelings of shame/doubt Autonomy vs Shame & Doubt: Virtue & Age - Correct answer Will 1-3yr Initiative vs Guilt: (favorable vs unfavorable outcome) - Correct answer -Ability to "self- start", initiate activity, goal formation, sense of purpose -Sense of guilt Initiative vs Guilt: Age & Virtue - Correct answer Purpose 3-6yr Industry vs Inferiority: (favorable vs unfavorable outcome) - Correct answer Heavily influenced by peers****** -Sense of competency/achievement in play & schoolwork, pride in abilities -inferiority to understanding/organizing Industry vs Inferiority is heavily influenced by.... - Correct answer PEER RELATIONSHIP, proficiency at play /school work to develop competency Industry vs Inferiority: Age & Virtue - Correct answer 6-12yr Competency Identify vs Role confusion: (favorable vs unfavorable outcome) - Correct answer -Sense of identity/seeing self as unique/integrated -confusion over who/what really one is Identify vs Role Confusion: Age & Virtue - Correct answer Fidelity 12-20yr Intimacy vs Isolation: (favorable vs unfavorable outcome) - Correct answer -Capacity to love/committed relationship -Inability to form affectionate relationships Intimacy vs Isolation: Age & Virtue - Correct answer 20-35yr Love Generativity vs Stagnation: (favorable vs unfavorable outcome) - Correct answer - Care/concern for family/others/society (giving time/talents to them) -Care for onself Generativity vs Stagnation: Age & VIrtue - Correct answer Care 35-65yr Integrity vs Despair: (favorable vs unfavorable outcome) - Correct answer -Fulfillment of one's life, willing to face death, INSIGHT, balanced life, sense of integrity -Dissatisfaction with life, despair over prospect of death Integrity vs Despair: Age & Virtue - Correct answer >65 yr Wisdom Typical age of onset for intellectual ability - Correct answer infancy, usually evident at birth Typical age of onset for ADHD - Correct answer Early childhood (per DSM by age 12) Typical age of onset Schizophrenia - Correct answer Men 18-25 Females 25-35 Typical age of onset for MDD - Correct answer Late adolescence to young adulthood -more common in Females Typical age of onset for Dementia - Correct answer >65 Piaget vs Erikson question, do you go by age or stage? - Correct answer Erikson, KNOW THE AGE Piaget, go by presentation for stage Failure of the Oral stage is linked to what psych disorder? - Correct answer Schizophrenia Substance Abuse Paranoia Failure of the Anal stage is linked to what psych disorder? - Correct answer Depressive disorder Failure of the Phallic stage is linked to what psych disorder? - Correct answer Sexual ID disorder Failure of the Latency stage is linked to what psych disorder? - Correct answer Inability to form social relationships Failure of the Genital stage is linked to what psych disorder? - Correct answer Sexual perversion disorders (ex. paraphilia) Anal stage, Key things & age - Correct answer Freud, 18mo-3yr Sphincter control & activities w/ expulsion & retention Anus/bowel & bladder control Phallic stage, key things & age - Correct answer Freud 3-6yr Genitals & Masturbation -Exhibitionism (displaying genitals in public) -Masturbation w/ focus on Oedipal conflict -Castration anxiety -Female fear of loss of maternal love Latency phase, key things & age - Correct answer Freud, 6yr-puberty Repression of sexual feelings **Peer relationships** Learning/motor skills development Socialization Genital phase, key things & age - Correct answer Freud, Puberty forward Maturation of sexual orientation Primary genital-based sexuality Test taking strategy: if you have to choose between cognitive therapy vs CBT, choose... - Correct answer CBT, combo of behavioral therapy & cognitive therapy Test taking strategy: for therapy questions, remember - Correct answer the type of therapy, no therapist who invented it Remember DBT decreases..... - Correct answer **RISK OF SUICIDAL BEHAVIORS*** founded by Marsha Linehan Motivational interviewing is ______ and _________-______ therapy - Correct answer focused goal-directed Motivational interviewing is built on....****** - Correct answer the **Transtheoretical Model of Change** In motivational interviewing, motivation is elicited from.... - Correct answer the client what kind of questions do you ask in motivational interviewing? - Correct answer **Open-ended** **Non-confrontational** **FRAME**!!! In motivational interviewing, you are empowering.... - Correct answer the patient!! they need to understand that they're in control of their actions to take steps towards change Basic skills of Motivational Interviewing include....******* - Correct answer O.A.R.S. Open-ended Affirmation Reflection Summarizing Open-ended questions: what is it a part of? & what are characteristics of it? - Correct answer Motivational Interviewing Skill -PATIENT does most of the talking -Gives practitioner opportunity to learn what pt cares about Ex. I understand you have concerns of your drinking. Can you tell me about them? vs. Are you concerned about your drinking? Affirmations: what is it a part of? what are characteristics of it? - Correct answer Motivational Interviewing **Make affirmations** (Compliments/Statements of appreciation_ - Helps to build rapport/validate/support pt **Most effective when pt's strengths & efforts for change are noticed** Ex. "I appreciate that it took a lot of courage for you to discuss your drinking with me today" Ex. "You appear to have a lot of resourcefulness to have coped w/ these difficulties for the past few years" Ex. Thank you for hanging in there with me. I appreciate this is not easy for you to hear. Reflections: what is it a part of? what are characteristics? - Correct answer Motivational Interviewing **Amplifies/reinforces desire to change** **Rephrasing statements** to capture feelings/meaning of pt **Continual exploration to understand motivations to change** Ex. "you enjoy effects of alcohol & how it helps to destress you, but you're beginning to worry about the impact it has on your health. You thought you had it under control until you found out it affected your health & your gf made a few comments that made you doubt your control" Summarizing: What is it a part of? what are characteristics? - Correct answer Motivational Interviewing **Ensuring mutual understanding of discussion so far** -Links discussion/checks in with pt -Points out discrepancies b/w current situation/future goals -Demonstrates listening/understanding the pt's perspective Transtheoretical Model for Change 6 stages include.. - Correct answer 1. Precontemplation 2. Contemplation 3. Preparation 4. Action 5. Maintenance 6. Relapse Precontemplation stage - Correct answer Transtheoretical Model of Change, Step 1 1. **NOT AWARE** of problem 2. **NO INTENTION** to change Action step for Precontemplation (Transtheoretical Model) - Correct answer -Provide info & feedback to raise person's awareness of problem & possibility of change -DO NOT GIVE PRESCRIPTIVE ADVICE Contemplation stage - Correct answer Transtheoretical Model of Change **THINKING ABOUT CHANGE** **AWARE OF PROBLEM*** **NOT COMMITTED TO CHANGE** Action step for Contemplation (Transtheoretical Model) - Correct answer Help person see BENEFITS & CONSEQUENCES of changing vs not Preparation stage - Correct answer Transtheoretical Model of Change **READY TO CHANGE & take action** *****EVEN if pt is NOT aware of problem but ready to make change, they are in this stage** Action step for Preparation (Transtheoretical Model) - Correct answer Help person find a CHANGE STRATEGY that's realistic/acceptable/accessible/appropriate/effective **Striving** **People are naturally GOOD** Interpersonal therapy focuses on.... - Correct answer interpersonal issues that are creating distress** what is the goal of Interpersonal therapy? - Correct answer -help ID & modify interpersonal problems -understand & manage relationship problems Interpersonal therapy is focused on what type of problems - Correct answer relationship problems List 2 therapies focused on the present - Correct answer Interpersonal therapy & Existential therapy What therapy is time-limited, active, and focused on the present? - Correct answer Interpersonal therapy also focuses on interpersonal distress what is a form of behavioral AND exposure therapy?? - Correct answer EMDR EMDR stands for - Correct answer eye movement desensitization and reprocessing What therapy is primarily used in PTSD? - Correct answer EMDR what is the goal of EMDR? - Correct answer achieve adaptive resolution What are the phases in EMDR? - Correct answer D.I.B Desensitization Installation Body scan Desensitization phase, 5 key things - Correct answer EMDR **EYE MOVEMENT** 1. **Visualize trauma** 2. **Verbalize negative thoughts** 3. **Remain attentive to phy. sensations** ------------------------ 4. Limited time w/ **RYTHMIC EYE MOVEMENTS** ------------------------ 5. **Block out neg. thoughts, Breathe Deep, Verbalize thoughts/feelings/images*** Installation Phase key things - Correct answer EMDR **INSTALL POSITIVE THOUGHTS*** to REPLACE org. NEG. THOUGHTS Body Scan phase 2 key things - Correct answer EMDR 1. **Visualize trauma WITH POS. thoughts** 2. **SCAN BODY to IDENTIFY TENSION W/IN** leads to adaptive resolution Match these therapies with the psych disorder they are most commonly used with EMDR DBT Existential therapy - Correct answer EMDR: PTSD DBT: BPD Existential: Terminal illness/suicidal ideation/life change Family Systems aka Systemic Family therapy FOCUS is on.... - Correct answer chronic anxiety within families What are the 2 treatment goals in Family systems/Systemic Family therapy?? - Correct answer 1. Increase family awareness of each member's function within family 2. Increase levels of **SELF-DIFFERENTIATION** 3 Key words in Family systems/Systemic Family therapy - Correct answer **SELF- DIFFERNATIATION** **TRIANGLES**/**TRIANGULATION** Genograms may be seen here too Nuclear family emotional system (Systemic Family Therapy) - Correct answer level of differentiation of parents is EQUAL to level of differentiation to entire family Multigen transmission process (Systemic Family therapy) - Correct answer Dysfunction present over several generations Family projection process (Systemic family therapy) - Correct answer parents transmit own level of differentiation onto the most susceptible child Emotional cutoffs (Systemic family therapy) - Correct answer attempting to break contact with family of origin Sibling position (Systemic family therapy) - Correct answer influences interactions/personality characteristics Triangles are what and where to you see it? - Correct answer Family Systems/Systemic Family therapy -Dyad that form triads to decrease stress -lower level of family adaptation= more likely triangle develops Ex. Amy is my sister, instead of trying to solve prob. I have with Amy, I go to another family member to try to solve it= trouble Which family therapy pertains to the thought that if one person has a mental d/o, it will affect others in the family? what do you do? - Correct answer Systemic Family therapy -provide therapy to EVERYONE in that family Self-Differentiation is what and where do you see it? - Correct answer being able to process/identify own thoughts/feelings & distinguish them from others What is this an example of & where do you see this? "prob with sister, so I go to my brother to discuss the problem" - Correct answer Systemic Family therapy Triangle the _________level of family adaptation, the ___likely a triangle will develop - Correct answer lower, more 4 Types of structures assessed in Structures Family Therapy - Correct answer - Subsystems (marital, parental, sibling) -**Boundaries** -**Hierarchies** (distribution of power) -Coalitions (2 members join forces against a 3rd) Structural family therapy focuses on.... - Correct answer DIRECT INTERACTIONS b/w family members as the primary method of inducing positive change Key words for Structural Family Therapy - Correct answer **Hierarchies** **Boundaries** Genograms can be used here too What does Structural family therapy believe in relation to a person's symptoms? - Correct answer Person's sx are rooted in context of family transaction patterns. -Symptom= function of health of whole family & maintained by structural problems in the system Genograms can be seen in what types of therapy? - Correct answer Systemic Family Therapy Structural family therapy In Strategic Family Therapy, what are the 2 main focuses - Correct answer **PROBLEM** and **SYMPTOM** focused 5 Key things in Strategic Family therapy - Correct answer 1. Interventions= **PROBLEM FOCUSED** 2. **SYMPTOMS FOCUSED** 3. **Paradoxical directives** 4. **Straightforward directives** 5. **Reframing beliefs** What is redirection of an impulse (usually aggression) onto a powerless substitute target? Target can be a person/object & serve as symbolic substitute - Correct answer Displacement what defense mechanism is justification generally unacceptable behavior? - Correct answer Rationalization what defense mechanism is behaviors that attempt to make up for an unacceptable emotion? - Correct answer Undoing Ex. After thinking about being violent with someone, one would be overly nice/accommodating to them what defense mechanism attempts to master current stressor by expansion of knowledge, explanation, or understanding? - Correct answer Intellectualization what defense mechanism is similar to displacement but takes place when we manage to displace our unacceptable emotions into behaviors which are constructive & socially acceptable? - Correct answer Sublimation What is this an example of? mother of child killed in drive-by becomes involved in legislative change for gun laws - Correct answer sublimation what defense mechanism deals with stressors by dedicating oneself to meeting the needs of others? - Correct answer altruism Ex. being helpful to person we might feel dislikes us/neutralizing an argument with kind words/positivity Irvin Yalom 10 therapeutic factors include... - Correct answer I CHUG CASIE I: Imitative behaviors C: Catharsis H: instillation of Hope U: Universality G: Group cohesiveness C: Corrective refocusing A: Altruism S: increased develop. of Social Skills I: Interpersonal learning E: Existential Factors Instillation of hope (Irvin Yalom, therapeutic factors) - Correct answer By observing the progress of others in the group with similar problems, a group member garners hope that his or her problems can also be resolved. Universality (Irvin Yalom, therapeutic factors) - Correct answer pts. discover that others have similar probs & they are not alone Altruism (Irvin Yalom, therapeutic factors) - Correct answer sharing about oneself with another will help another Increased development of socialization skills (Irvin Yalom, therapeutic factors) - Correct answer - new social skills are learned - maladaptive behaviors are corrected - group= "natural lab" Imitative behaviors (Irvin Yalom, therapeutic factors) - Correct answer pts increase skills by imitating behaviors of others Interpersonal learning (Irvin Yalom, therapeutic factors) - Correct answer interacting with others increases adaptive interpersonal relationships Group cohesiveness (Irvin Yalom, therapeutic factors) - Correct answer pts develop sense of belonging Catharsis (Irvin Yalom, therapeutic factors) - Correct answer pts. openly express feelings which were previously suppressed Existential factors (Irvin Yalom, therapeutic factors) - Correct answer groups enable participants to deal with meaning of their own existence Corrective refocusing (Irvin Yalom, therapeutic factors) - Correct answer - participants reexperience family conflicts in the group - allows participants to recognize & change behaviors that may be problematic which part of the brain experiences trauma? - Correct answer Amygdala how do you process trauma? - Correct answer must process memories with EMDR--> must talk about trauma or else can't help with distorted thoughts ACE aka Adverse Childhood Experiences are.. - Correct answer traumatic events that occurred between 0-17 years what is NOT related to ACE?********* - Correct answer *******schizophrenia****** ACE has a positive relationship with what illnesses??? KNOW THIS** - Correct answer CHF DOB CPS AS DEAD Cancer Heart disease Fractures DM Obesity Bronchitis COPD Pregnancy (unintended) STDs Anxiety Sleep d/o Depression Eating d/o Alcoholism Dissociative d/o if a patient has trauma, what kind type of communication do you want to have with them & why???? - Correct answer communication to INCREASE AROUSAL**** because you have to do this to help them process & ACTIVATE AMYGDALA to restore those repressed memories Biopsychosocial Framework of Care: Recovery Model Key things**** - Correct answer 1. Self-direction 2. Individualized + Person-centered 3. NON-linear Recovery model (biopsychosocial framework of care) is a treatment approach which DOES NOT focus on.... - Correct answer full symptom resolutions BUT emphasizes RESILIANCE & CONTROL over prob./life In the recovery model, recovery is NOT about "_______ ____" of problems but seeing _____ person's mental health problems, _______, and _____ their **abilities, interests, and dreams** - Correct answer getting-rid beyond recognizing & fostering Non-linear definition in Recovery Model - Correct answer Recovery is NOT step-by step, it is based on **CONTINUAL GROWTH**, **occasional setback**, and **LEARNING FROM EXPERIENCE** 4 Dimensions of Recovery - Correct answer 1. Health 2. Home 3. Purpose 4. Community What is ACT stand for? - Correct answer Assertive Community Treatment what is an intensive, integrative approach to community mental health service delivery? - Correct answer ACT in ACT, mental health services are provided where?? rather than.. - Correct answer COMMUNITY SETTING rather than more restrictive residential/hospital setting
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