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Word List for English Language Students: Synonyms and Antonyms, Exercises of English Language

A list of english words with their synonyms, antonyms, and definitions. It covers various parts of speech, including verbs, adjectives, and nouns, and includes words related to emotions, actions, and concepts.

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Download Word List for English Language Students: Synonyms and Antonyms and more Exercises English Language in PDF only on Docsity! HF ake je] jL 5 A GRE VOCABULARY UPGRADE version beta Creleased> WR RX 48 ROA Gradation LAF R-FHR, OSL—TRARAVAB, SHAM AREA Re RARAPRR. Ae, PRATHER MERA OF — MBA Rese jl «ews BEA a), AMAT are ILA FAs BRT, WL a9 HL wR Reo BW. Resetition: 4% 498 LTE HRI AR, KE RT MMW RS Aso. RW WIASBKARMAAH AEM EMMNA, CAMTTALUS Aw FH hay} ew ait , K-LFRMR. Ww, MMF ERMLIAN ES. Eipiciong: ] FE ROR ove WES 47 oe RAW AK HWES G7 AREA, WA BRK RURE IBS MCLE DEH: CAA MALES Pa bs, WEA B, tT Pyar mms, AAZr are KH SWEW. Hu, Aikawa tb, sea pew MRMEIANES: RNBSHRR-TEM-WWmRED, MWR-TRAWMRS, RE E+ 0 & Ry). SER HY veloased WRB BI 080 PRC HC LITER XHA/ BRS set B 9 = TPA D BKK MGT, BY REGS 49 10° P i de EMF’ ROTH, Wo RA AH IR 0 PA BYE TARE ABE RAE PMA 4 ARES, KRU Hie BR, RRARKBZLRRIA, HBAS 7 = AHR Sa PSS KAR. Wve ek HWM F RY PWBDREZKREA EAR. Sil E ate Bios I 6? KABA MAAR RM EWR, ATER RD Belay aF Ho BO BRRMARAY, RNS RATER ERE" AAR IER, oR SHAG IRF 89 Unit 01 Q a a a a a = a a a ick Preview attrition, oOo ik underscore O abstruse transmute O steadfast O hail oO lethargy hegemony O recrudescence O apposite Oo vapid elusive O pertidy O forthright O recriminate evanescent O vindictive O reverent O supplicate attrition n, the act of weakening or exhausting by constant harassment, abuse, or attack n, the act of rubbing together: friction transmute to change or alter in form, appearance, or nature and especially to a higher form sl transform, convert, metamorphose, transfigure, transpose hegemony n, preponderant influence or authority over others: domination s ascendancy, dominion, predominance, preeminence elusive ad. hard to comprehend or define adj, tending to evade grasp or pursuit s. elusory, evasive, intangible evanescent adj, tending to vanish like vapor: transient vs. transitory, ephemeral; fleeting,momentary, fugitive, volatile irk x to make weary, irritated, or bored s annoy, abrade, gall provoke steadfast adj, firmly fixed in place: immovable adj, firm in belief, determination, or adherence: loyal adamant, inexorable, obdurate, relentless, rigid, unyielding; allegiant, ardent, resolute, staunch a, vacillating, capricious recrudescence n, a new outbreak after a period of abatement or inactivity: renewal s returning, reacting, recurring, reverting 1, = gnonym, a. = antonym 10 a i 12 a 13 14 15 16 17 Fa a @ tepressing, suppressing; cessation, discontinuation perfidy n, the quality or state of being faithless or disloyal: treachery vs. perfidiousness, treason, infidelity a, fidelity, fealty vindictive adj, disposed to seek revenge: vengeful adj, intended to cause anguish or hurt: spiteful vs. revengetul, vengeful a, charitable, forgiving, merciful, relenting underscore x to make evident emphasize, stress vs. feature, italicize, play up, underline hail x to greet with enthusiastic approval: acclaim, salute s commend, applaud, compliment, praise a, belittle, depreciate, disparage, downgrade; berate, censure, condemn n, precipitation in the form of small balls or lumps apposite adj, highly pertinent or appropriate: apt vs. relevant, ad rem, applicable, apropos, germane a, inapt; inept; casual, haphazard forthright adj, free from ambiguity or evasiveness: going straight to the point vs. straightforward, aboveboard; frank, candid, plain, undisguised a, furtive, covert, surreptitious, underhand; deceitful, mendacious reverent adj, expressing or characterized by respect and honor: worshipful abstruse adj. difficult to comprehend: recondite s. esoteric, hermetic, occult, profound a. plain, manifest, lucid, perspicuous, palpable lethargy n, the quality or state of being lazy, sluggish, or indifferent n, abnormal drowsiness 18 19 20 s. apathy, disregard, heedlessness, insouciance, lassitude, listlessness; coma @, aptness, promptness, alertness vapid. adj. \acking liveliness, tang, briskness, or force: flat, dull vs. insipid, driveling, inane, innocuous, jejune, sapless a. brisk, tangy, zesty; incisive, trenchant, pregnant, telling recrimination n, a retaliatory accusation s. reproach, abuse, criticism, reproof supplicate » to make an earnest and humble request vs. beg, appeal, beseech, crave, entreat, implore, importune, plead Unit 02 Quick Preview stalwart avert obscure a O iconoclast O trite QO magnate a O byzantine QO pragmatic QO preempt a O sedentary O imperturbable O sanguine ao O inviolable O precedent O invective ao 21° stalwart ag, marked by outstanding strength and vigor of body, mind, or spirit: strong s. stout, sturdy, tenacious, tough a, trail, feeble, weak 22 iconoclast n, a person who attacks settled beliefs or institutions 23 byzantine adj, intricately involved: complicated vs. labyrinthine, elaborate, intricate, involved, knotty, sophisticated 24 sedentary adj, not migratory: settled 25 inviolable adj, secure from violation or assault: unassailable s. sacred, inviolate, sacrosanct, divine 26 avert x to turn away or aside in avoidance: prevent vs. deflect, divert; deter, forestall, obviate, preclude a, advance, further, promote 27 trite ad. hackneyed or boring from much use: not original v. cliché, commonplace, hackneyed, stereotypical, threadbare, timeworn a, novel, original, creative, imaginative, distinctive 28 pragmatic adj. practical as opposed to idealistic: realistic s. down-to-earth, hard-boiled, hardheaded a, tantastic, idealistic, quixotic 29 imperturbable noisome vacuous devolve pellucid indigent 30 a 31 a ull, mw 32 33 a 34 35 36 a ad, marked by extreme calm, impassivity, and steadiness: serene s. collected, composed, nonchalant, unflappable, unruttfled a, choleric, touchy, discomtited, disconcerted, rattled, irascible precedent adj, prior in time, order, arrangement, or significance: preceding s. antecedent, anterior, foregoing n, an earlier occurrence of something similar obscure adj, not clearly seen or easily distinguished: dark or dim adj, not readily understood or clearly expressed: mysterious s ambiguous, equivocal, murky, nebulous, opaque, unintelligible, vague a. lucid, definite, explicit, obvious adj, telatively unknown, not prominent or famous: remote, secluded a celebrated, tamed, distinguished, notable, renowned z, to make dark, dim, or indistinct s. adumbrate, becloud, obfuscate, overshadow a, illuminate, clarify, enlighten, elucidate, exemplity magnate n, a person of rank, power, influence, or-distinction often in a specified area 5. baron, tycoon, personage preempt x to prevent from happening or taking place: forestall, preclude x to seize upon to the exclusion of others:appropriate s. annex, arrogate, conifiscate, expropriate, sequester sanguine ag, confidently optimistic and cheerful: confident s. assured, secure, self-assured apessimistic, gloomy, despairing invective adj, of, relating to, or characterized by insult or abuse s abusive, opprobrious, scurrilous, truculent, vituperative noisome adj. noxious, harmful a wholesome, salubrious, salutary adj, highly obnoxious or objectionable vs. offensive, disgusting, loathsome, nauseating, repulsive 37 a ull, 38 a 39 a 40 vacuous adj, emptied of or lacking content: empty s. bare, vacant, void ag, marked by lack of ideas or intelligence: stupid, inane s. empty-headed, vacant, shallow, superticial adj, devoid of serious occupation: idle devolve x to degenerate through a gradual change or evolution vs. deteriorate, decay, decline, degenerate, downfall a, develop, progress, evolve x to pass by transmission or succession pellucid adj, easy to understand vs. lucent, lucid, luminous, translucent, transparent, transpicuous a. blurred, muddy, roily, turbid ag, admitting maximum passage of light without diffusion or distortion indigent ag, suffering from poverty: impoverished s. destitute, impecunious, impoverished, necessitous, needy, penutious a, atfluent, opulent Unit 03 Q a a a a a AL Fa a 42 43 44 a 45 a 46 we. 47 a ick Preview awry O audacious Oo turbid uncanny QO gratuitous QO propitious contemptuous Oo flag O lacerate stupety 0 supplant O impervious exemplity O duplicate O_ prepossessing awry adj, off the correct or expected course: amiss s. astray, unfavorable, wrong, erroneous, faulty adj, in a turned or twisted position or direction: askew uncanny adj, being beyond what is normal or expected: weird s. supernatural, supernormal contemptuous adj, manifesting, feeling, or expressing disrespect vs. disdainful, scornful, despiteful stupefy astonish, astound: stun s. daze, benumb, paralyze, petrity x to make stupid, groggy, or insensible: dull exemplify x to show or illustrate by example x to be an instance of or serve-as\an example: embody s. epitomize, typity, demonstrate, symbolize, personity audacious ag, intrepidly daring: adventurous v. brave, bold, courageous, dauntless, intrepid, valiant a. cowardly, craven, gutless, pusillanimous adj, recklessly bold: rash vs. daredevil, foolhardy, reckless, brash, brazen, temerarious a, cautious, chary, wary, judicious, prudent, circumspect, discreet gratuitous adj, costing nothing: free s. complimentary, costless, gratis adj. not called for by the circumstances: unwarranted ooaoa0o a conflate precocious avarice imprudent deter 48 a 49 50 a ul. 51 52 a ull, 53 54 a 55 56 vs. baseless, groundless, unfounded, ungrounded, indefensible flag uz, to decline in interest, attraction, or value vs. decline, deteriorate, languish, weaken, abate x to become unsteady, feeble, or spiritless supplant x to take the place of and serve as a substitute for s. cut out, displace, usurp, replace, supersede duplicate x» to make a copy of vs. imitate, reduplicate, replicate, reproduce n, one that resembles or corresponds to another: counterpart n, either of two things exactly alike turbid adj, deficient in clarity or purity: foul, muddy s. muddy, riley, roily, obscure a, translucent, lucid, pellucid, transparent, undefiled, limpid propitious adj, favorably disposed: benevolent ag, being a good omen: auspicious Ss. prosperous, benign, fortunate a, adverse, unpropitious adj, tending to favor: advantageous lacerate x to cause sharp mental or emotional pain to: distress impervious ag, not allowing-entrance or passage: impenetrable vs. impassable, impenetrable, impermeable, unpierceable @, pervious adj, not capable of being attected or disturbed. prepossessing adj, tending to create a favorable impression: attractive s alluring, appealing, captivating, drawing, enchanting, engaging, mesmeric conflate x to bring together: fuse, combine 5 57 a 58 59 60 precocious adj, exceptionally early in development or occurrence ag, exhibiting mature qualities at an unusually early age s. advanced, forward, oversoon a, slow-witted, sluggish, retarded avarice n, excessive or insatiable desire for wealth or gain: greed, cupidity s. cupidity, avariciousness, avidity, rapacity a. prodigality, extravagance, bounty, liberality, munificence imprudent adj, not prudent: lacking discretion, wisdom, or good judgment s. unwise, ill-advised, impolitic, indiscreet a, judicious, expedient, advisable deter x to turn aside, discourage, or prevent from acting: avert vs. dissuade, divert, forestall, obviate, preclude a, abet, incite, instigate, provoke, stimulate Unit 04 Quick Preview ao ao ao ao ao 61 62 63 64 a ull, 65 66 67 68 ornate O vaunted O perplex fetid 0 spendthritt O avow castigate O profuse O malevolent fetter O paradigm 0 idolatrous germane QO paucity Oo abet ornate adj, elaborately or excessively decorated: lavish s. baroque, flamboyant, florid, rococo, elaborate @, austere, unembellished, unostentatious, restrained, subdued. fetid ag, having a heavy offensive smell: malodorous s. malodorous, fusty, noisome, putrid, smelly, stinking 4@, aromatic, balmy, odorous, redolent, fragrant castigate x to subject to severe punishment, reproof, or criticism: punish s. chastise, lambaste, excoriate, scathe fetter n, a chain or shackle for the feet n, something that confines: restraint x to restrain from motion, action, or progress: shackle s hamper, curb, entrammel; hobble, leash a disencumber, disentangle, untangle, extricate germane ad, being at once relevant and appropriate: fitting s. ad rem, applicable; apposite, apropos, pertinent a@ foreign, incompatible, incongruous, inconsonant vaunted adj. highly or widely praised or boasted about spendthrift n, a person who spends improvidently or wastefully s. prodigal, profligate, squanderer a. hoarder, miser profuse ooaoa0o a kowtow deliberate allocate unstinting goad 69 70 7 a 72 73 74 a 75 a 76 77 adj, exhibiting great abundance: bountiful vs. exuberant, lavish, lush, opulent, riotous, copious @, exiguous, meager, slight, sparse, scanty paradigm n, an outstandingly clear or typical example or archetype: model Ss. paragon, exemplar, ideal, pattern, standard paucity n, smallness of number or quantity: fewness, dearth s. scarcity, insufficiency, poverty, scant perplex x to make unable to grasp something clearly or to think logically about something: puzzle vs. befog, bewilder, confound, confuse, stumble x to make intricate or involved: complicate vs. entangle, muddle, ravel, tangle avow x to declare assuredly: assert vs. affirm, aver, depose, predicate a, repudiate, withdraw malevolent ag, having, showing, or arising from intense often vicious ill will, spite, or hatred: mal: vs. despiteful, evil, malignantyspiteful, vicious, wicked a, benignant, benevolent idolatry n, the worship of a physical object as a god s. adoration, idolization, n, immoderate attachment or devotion to something abet u to actively second and encourage: incite v. foment, instigate, provoke, stir a. torbid, prohibit, debar, deter, discourage to assist or support in the achievement of a purpose kowtow x to show obsequious deference: fawn deliberate adj, characterized by awareness of the consequences: voluntary 20 a ull, 78 719 a 80 a s. intentional, willful, witting, meditated, conscious a, torced, prescribed, adj, characterized by or resulting from careful and thorough consideration vs. advised, aforethought, considered, designed, premeditated a, casual, desultory, haphazard, random, abrupt, impetuous, spontaneous x to think about or discuss issues and decisions carefully: ponder s. speculate; meditate, revolve, ruminate allocate x to apportion for a specific purpose or to particular persons or things: distribute vs. allot, admeasure, apportion, assign @ reserve, sequester unstinting adj, not restricting or holding back adj. giving or being given freely or generously goad n, something that urges or stimulates into action: spur s. stimulus, catalyst, impetus, incentive, incitement a curb x to incite or rouse as if with a goad 2a Unit 05 Q a a a a a 81 a ti, 82 83 a 84 a 85 86 87 88 ick Preview autonomous O recant gO canard O gregarious foible O culminate O cupidity O expound indolent O oblique O assimilate O retract limpid O deferential O unnerve O zealous assiduous Oo malady O alacrity 0 obstreperous autonomous adj, existing or capable of existing independently ag, having the right or power of self-government a, subordinated, affiliated, allied foible n, a minor flaw or shortcoming in character or behavior: weakness v. fault, frailty, vice, imperfection indolent adj, averse to activity, effort, or movement: habitually lazy vs. slothful, idle a, industrious, diligent, vigorous adj, causing little or no pain limpid ag, marked by transparency/and clarity: pellucid s. transparent, translucent adj, absolutely serene and untroubled assiduous ag, marked by careful unremitting attention or persistent application vs. diligent, industrious, operose, sedulous a. desultory, lax, remiss, slack, indolent, slothful recant v to withdraw or repudiate formally and publicly: renounce vs. abjute, forswear, retract, withdraw culminate x to reach the highest or a climactic or decisive point: climax oblique adj, neither perpendicular nor parallel: inclined vs. leaning, pitched, sloped, tilted 24 a 89 90 a 91 92 93 a ull, 94 95 96 97 Fa adj, not straightforward: indirect, devious, underhanded. 5. Circuitous, circular, roundabout a, straightforward deferential ad, showing or expressing respect and esteem to a superior or an elder vs. respectful, duteous, dutiful, regardful malady n, a disease or disorder of the animal body vs. affection, infirmity, syndrome n, an unwholesome or disordered condition canard na groundless rumor or belief vs. falsehood, misrepresentation, prevarication cupidity n, inordinate desire for wealth: avarice, greed s. avarice, avidity, rapacity, acquisitiveness assimilate x to take into the mind and thoroughly.comprehend s. absorb, imbibe, incorporate, ingrain x to make similar 2 compare, liken s. equate, match, paragon, parallel unnerve x to deprive of courage, strength, or steadiness: upset s. castrate, emasculate, enervate, enteeble, sap @, inspizit, invigorate, reinforce, strengthen, hearten alacrity 2. promptness in response: cheerful readiness v. dispatch, expedition, promptitude, briskness a, dilatoriness, procrastination, vacillation, lethargy, sluggishness gregarious adj. tending to associate with others of one's kind: social, sociable s. social, sociable expound x to set forth: state 25 a 98 a 99 100 a x to explain by setting forth in careful and often elaborate detail s. construe, explicate, interpret retract uv, take back, withdraw vs. recede, retreat, retrocede, retrograde @ protract x to refuse to acknowledge or accept: disclaim vs abjure, forswear, unsay, disavow zealous adj, filled with or characterized by zeal or passion: enthusiastic sy ardent, fervent, frenetic, infatuated, rabid a, apathetic, halfhearted, indifferent, heedless, insouciant, negligent obstreperous ad, stubbornly resistant to control: unruly vs. disobedient, naughty, unruly ag, marked by unruly or aggressive noisiness: clamorous s. vociferous, blatant, boisterous 26 Unit 06 Q a a a a a 101 Fa a 102 103 104 ZL a 105 106 ti, 107 a ick Preview perennial O inquisitive voracious protract O contingent O mollity censure O pristine O polemical pith Oo lament O accede tempestuous O coeval O heretical perennial ag, continuing without interruption: constant s. continuing, enduring, inveterate, perdurable, perpetual adj, regularly repeated or renewed: recurrent protract x to prolong in time or space: continue, extend vs. elongate, lengthen, stretch @. curtail censure x to find fault with and criti ize as blameworthy s. condemn, denounce, denunciate, reprehend, reprobate a, applaud, compliment, approve, commend pith n, the essential part or the substantial quality: core n, importance s. consequence, magnitude significance tempestuous adj, of,, or resembling a storm: turbulent s. blustering, furious, raging, tumultuous, stormy a bridled, calm, restrained inquisitive adj, inordinately or improperly curious about the affairs of others s. inquisitorial, nosy, prying, snoopy ad. given to examination or investigation contingent adj, likely but not certain to happen: possible ad, happening by chance or unforeseen causes: unpredictable s. accidental, fortuitous, incidental, odd 29 ooaoa0o a espouse quandary tractable whimsical tantamount 108 ZL a 109 110 111 112 a 113 a 114 115 116 117 pristine adj, not spoiled, corrupted, or polluted: pure adj, belonging to the earliest period or state: original lament 1 to express sorrow, mourning, or regret for often demonstratively: mourn vs. deplore, bemoan, bewail, grieve a, exult, rejoice coeval adj, of the same or equal age, antiquity, or duration: contemporary 5. coetaneous, coexistent, concurrent, simultaneous, synchronic voracious adj, having a huge appetite or excessively eager. insatiable Ss. acquisitive, edacious, gluttonous, rapacious, ravenous mollify x to soothe in temper or disposition: appease x to reduce the rigidity or intensity: assuage, soften v. alleviate, allay, pacity, assuage, conciliate, placate, propitiate, mitigate, temper @, exasperate polemical adj, of, relating to, or being an argument: controversial ad. engaged in or addicted’to arguments: disputatious s. contentious, argumentative,disputatious, litigious accede x» to express approval or give-consent s assent, acquiesce, agree, consent, subscribe a, demur, balk, withstand, expostulate heretical adj, characterized by departure from accepted beliefs or standards: unorthodox y. dissident, heterodox, schismatic, sectarian a, orthodox, conventional, established, conformist espouse x to take up and support as a cause: adopt s embrace, approve, advocate, champion, uphold a, repudiate quandary 30 118 119 120 n,a state of perplexity or doubt tractable adj, capable of being easily handled, managed, or controlled: docile, malleable s. obedient, amenable, docile, pliant, subdued a. headstrong, willful, obstinate, refractory, intractable, unruly whimsical adj, subject to erratic behavior or unpredictable change: arbitrary s. capricious, erratic, vagarious, wayward a, calculable, predictable tantamount adj, equivalent in value, significance, or effect vs. duplicate, equal, identical, indistinguishable Unit 07 Q a a a a a 121 a ti, 122 123 a 124 125 126 127 a ti, 128 ick Preview narcissism QO cow O catalyst OQ wanting banal O constituent O protean O evasive obviate O canonical O decry O diftident frugal O eradicate O extenuate O jaded equanimity Osage O indict 0 palliate narcissism n, love of or sexual desire for one's own body n, egoism, egocentrism s. conceit, self-admiration, vanity banal adj. \acking originality, freshness, or novelty: trite vs insipid, hackneyed, pedestrian, bromidic, commonplace a original, zesty, novel obviate x to anticipate and prevent or make unnecessary: avert vs. deter, forestall, forefend, preclude, preempt x to do away with: ell frugal adj, characterized by or reflecting.economy in the use of resources: sparing s. canny, chary, economical, thritty, wary. a, wasteful, profligate; lavish, extravagant equanimity n, evenness of mind especially under stress: calmness s. ataraxy, composure, placidity, serenity, tranquility @apprehension, excitability, agitation, perturbation cow uv to destroy the resolve or courage of: intimidate vs. bluster, browbeat, bully, hector a, cower, fawn, toady constituent n, an essential part: component, element nm, a member of a constituency canonical 34 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 i 137 138 adj, conforming to a general rule or accepted procedure: orthodox vs. authoritative, sanctioned, recognized, established eradicate x to do away with as completely as if by pulling up the roots: annihilate s. abolish, exterminate, extinguish, extirpate, demolish a, establish, inculcate, engender, propagate sage n, a mature or venerable man of sound judgment or wisdom catalyst n, an agent that provokes or speeds significant change or action: stimulus & goad, impetus, incentive, incitation, spur @. inhibitor protean ad, displaying great diversity or variety: versatile s. changeable, mutable, variable decry x to express strong disapproval of: depreciate s condemn, devaluate, downgrade, derogate, detract, minimize a, extol, puff, acclaim, aggrandize, magnity extenuate x to lessen the strength or effect of: mitigate s. moderate, qualify, temper, palliate indict to charge witha fault or offense: accuse J. cruminate, impeach, incriminate, inculpate wanting adj. not present ot in evidence: absent adj. \acking in ability or capacity: deficient vs. short, failing, scanty, scarce evasive adj, tending or intended to evade: equivocal s ambiguous, equivocating, prevaricative, shuttling, sly a, categorical, explicit, candid, forthright diffident 35 a 139 a 140 a adj, hesitant in acting or speaking through lack of self-confidence adj, reserved, unassertive: shy vs. bashful, demure, modest, retiring, self-effacing, timid a, assertive, assured, impudent, confident jaded adj, fatigued by overwork: exhausted J. wearied, weary, worn, worn-out a, refreshed ag, made dull, apathetic, or cynical by experience or by surfeit palliate x to moderate the intensity of: alleviate vs. extenuate, lighten, mitigate, qualify, temper x to cover by excuses and apologies s. camoutlage, prettity, varnish, veneer, whitewash 36 Unit 08 Q a a a a a 141 a ti, 142 ti, tit, 143 144 145 we. 146 ick Preview sly O commodious O nascent apprehension O turpitude oO legacy myriad O sporadic O disparate variegated O amalgamate O parody fractious O nicety O assuage sly adj. clever in concealing one's aims or ends: furtive adj, \acking in straightforwardness and candor. dissembling s. artful, astute, crafty, cunning, calculating, stealthy a, candid, forthright, straightforward apprehension n, the result of apprehending mentally: conception s conception, notion, perception, conceit n, seizure by legal process: arrest n, suspicion or fear especially of future evil: foreboding 5. misgiving, premonition, presage, presentiment a, confidence, assurance, composure, equanimity, sangfroid myriad ag, both numerous and diverse s. innumerable, countless, untold commodious adj, comtortably or conveniently/spacious: roomy sample, capacious a, cramped, strait fractious ag, tending to betroublesome: unruly vs. recalcitrant, indomitable, disobedient, obstinate a. docile, tractable, disciplinable, orderly adj. quarrelsome. able v. fretful, peevish, petulant, querulous a, peaceable variegated ag, having discrete markings of different colors: various s. dappled, motley, multihued, polychromatic, checkered a solid 39 ooaoa0o a profligate subtle undermine obeisance disinterested 147 148 149 150 151 152 a 153 154 155 a 156 turpitude n, inherent baseness: depravity sporadic adj, occurring occasionally, singly, or in irregular or random instances s intermittent, fitful, desultory, spotty a, frequent, regular amalgamate » to unite or to merge into a single body: mix s. compound, fuse, meld, merge, mingle a, decompose, disintegrate; disperse, dissipate, scatter nicety n, careful attention to details or delicate exactness: precision vs. distinction, refinement, delicacy nascent ag, coming or having recently come into existence: initial ¥. incipient, initiative, introductory legacy n, a gift by will especially of money or other personal,property: bequest n, something transmitted by an ancestor or predecessor or from the past: heritage s. birthright, inheritance, patrimony disparate ag, markedly distinct in quality or character: different vs. dissimilar, distant, divergent a, analogous, comparable,-consonant parody nea literary or musical work in which the style is closely imitated for comic effect or in ridicule v. caticature, burlesque, travesty, spoof, ridicule assuage x to lessen the intensity of: ease, pacify v. telieve, allay, alleviate, mitigate, mollify, placate a, exacerbate, magnity, intensify, augment x to put an end to by satisfying: appease, quench profligate ad, wildly extravagant: prodigal 157 a ull, 158 159 160 a s. abandoned, dissolute, licentious, reprobate subtle ad, difficult to understand or perceive: obscure ag, having or marked by keen insight and ability to penetrate deeply and thoroughly ag, cunningly made or contrived: ingenious undermine x to weaken or ruin by degrees s. attenuate, blunt, debilitate, enfeeble, sap, sabotage, subvert obeisance n, amovement of the body made in token of respect or submission: bow vs. deference, homage, reverence, allegiance disinterested adj, free from selfish motive or interest: unbiased s. detached, dispassionate, impersonal, poker-faced, impartial a, biased, prejudiced, involved ad, not having the mind or feelings engaged: not interested vs. indifferent, aloof, detached, withdrawn a, fervent, impassioned Unit 09 Quick Preview ao ao ao ao ao 161 162 163 164 a ti, 165 166 167 i 168 smattering O colossal O inimical obliging OG malodorous O unforthcoming antic 0 pilaintive O rescind fastidious oO enthrall O exponent browbeat O opulent O peripatetic smattering n, superficial piecemeal knowledge obliging adj, willing to do favors: helpful s amiable, complaisant, good-tempered, lenient antic adj, characterized by clownish extravagance or absurdity: bizarre s. grotesque, comical, farcical, ludicrous @ prudent, grave, sedate, solemn, somber fastidious adj, having high and often capricious standards: difficult to please adj, teflecting a meticulous, sensitive, or demanding attitude: nice s. squeamish, exacting, captious, hypercritical @, cursory, hasty, perfunctory browbeat x to intimidate or disconcert by a stern manner or arrogant speech: bully vs. bludgeon, cow, dragoon, hector colossal ooaoa0o a fallacious appreciable untenable impartial exculpate ag, of a bulk, extent; power, or effect suggesting the stupendous or incredible: huge selephantine, gargantuan, gigantic, mammoth, titanic malodorous adj, having a bad odor s. fetid, noisome, smelly, stinky a, deodorized, fragrant, aromatic adj. highly improper: indecorous vs. indelicate, rough, ungodly, untoward a, decent, seemly, becoming plaintive adj, expressive of suffering or sadness: melancholy vs. doleful, lamentable, lugubrious, mournful, rueful 169 enthrall zu to hold in or reduce to slavery vs. enslave, subjugate, subdue @ emancipate zu to hold spellbound: charm vs. fascinate, grip, hold, mesmerize, spellbind a, bore, ennui, weary 170 opulent adj, arnply or plentifully provided or fashioned often to the point of ostentation: wealthy vs. lavish, prodigal, profuse; extravagant, ostentatious, pretentious a, modest, simple, unpretentious 171 inimical adj, having the disposition of an enemy: hostile, harmful 172 forthcoming i adj. characterized by openness, candidness, and forthrightness zi adj. being about to appear or to be produced or made available 5. imminent, approaching, upcoming 173 rescind x to make void by action of asuperior authority: repeal, cancel s. revoke, dismantle, litt, recall 174 exponent n, one that champions, practices,,or exemplifies s. expounder, proponent, partisan, booster @, antagonist, opponent 175 peripatetic ad, moving or traveling from place to place: itinerant vy. ambulant, nomadic, vagabond, wandering 176 fallacious i adj tending to deceive or mislead: delusive vs. misleading, beguiling, deceptive, delusory a, veritable ti adj. embodying a fallacy: illogical vs irrational, sophistic a, sound, valid, reasoned 5 177 178 179 180 appreciable adj, capable of being perceived or measured: perceptible vs. detectable, discernible, palpable, tangible untenable adj. not able to be defended: inexcusable vs. indefensible, inexpiable, unjustifiable impartial adj, not partial or biased: treating or affecting all equally: fair vs. dispassionate, equitable, nondiscriminatory a, biased, colored, prejudiced exculpate x to clear from alleged fault or guilt: absolve J acquit, exonerate, vindicate a inculpate, incriminate, accuse, indict 46 Unit 10 Q a a a a a 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 ti, 188 a ick Preview mellifluous clement O_ sententious contentious benighted O pedestrian Oo ample O incontrovertible circumspect O cynical O antedate O delegate peruse Oo flux 0 idiosyncrasy O mesmerize intrepid O dispassionate O exigent O levity mellifluous adj, having a smooth rich flow s. euphonic, harmonious, mellow a. blatant, boisterous, clamorous, obstreperous, strident, vociferous benighted adj, existing in a state of intellectual, moral, or social darkness: unenlightened s. ignorant, illiterate, unlettered a. informed, intelligent circumspect adj, careful to consider all circumstances and possible consequences: cautious s. calculating, chary, considerate, discreet,prudent, wary. peruse » to examine or consider withyattention and in detail: study intrepid adj, characterized by resolute fearlessness, fortitude, and endurance: brave s. audacious, bold, ‘dauntless, valiant, valorous a, craven, gutless, cowardly, timid; timorous clement ag inclined to be merciful: lenient storbearing, charitable, indulgent, merciful @. barbarous, austere, stern, rigid, rigorous, stringent pedestrian adj. lacking wit or imagination: commonplace s. banal, dull, humdrum, monotonous, plodding, unimaginative adj, going or performed on foot cynical ag, contemptuously distrustful of human nature and motives adj, based on or reflecting a belief that human conduct is motivated primarily by self-interest 49 189 a ti, 190 191 192 193 194 a 195 a 196 a 197 flux na state of uncertainty about what should be done: fluctuation na continued flow: flood dispassionate adj. not affected by personal or emotional involvement: neutral vs. detached, disinterested, impersonal, imperturbable, unflappable a, fervent, vehement, intemperate sententious adj. brief, aphoristic, or moralistic in expression: pithy s. aphoristic, concise, epigrammatic, pithy, terse ample adj. generously sufficient to satisfy a requirement or need: plentiful s abundant, bountiful, copious; lavish, profuse a, meager, scant, spare, sparse; miserable antedate to precede in time s. antecede, forerun, predate idiosyncrasy n, an individualizing characteristic or quality n, characteristic peculiarity s. singularity, eccentricity, distinction, characteristic exigent adj, requiring immediate aid-or action: urgent ‘. pressing, clamant, imperative,importunate adj, requiring or calling for much: demanding: onerous 5. burdensome, exacting, oppressive, taxing contentious adj, likely to cause controversy s. controversial, provocative, divisive ad. exhibiting an often perverse and wearisome tendency to quarrels and disputes s. argumentative, disputatious, litigious, polemical, bellicose, impetuous a, amiable, complaisant, obliging, agreeable incontrovertible adj, not open to question: indisputable s. certain, incontestable, indubitable, unequivocal, unexceptionable 50 198 delegate iu to assign respon: ity or authority: appoint s. commission, charge, deputize, designate i, ma person acting for another as a representative 199 mesmerize x to subject to hypnotic appeal: enthrall vs. fascinate, grip, spellbind, entrance, hypnotize 200 levity i m excessive or unseemly frivolity: lightness vs. tlippancy, frivolity, volatility @, gravity, collection, sobriety vm. lack of steadiness: changeableness Unit 11 Quick Preview O hoary O pastoral QO volition Oo allude O aesthetic Oo tyro O degrade O indifferent 0 ostensible Oo boon O extemporaneous O malapropos O rhetoric O vigilant O adventitious 201 hoary adj, extremely old: ancient s. antediluvian, antique, timeworn, venerable 202 allude x to make indirect reference: refer vs. advert, hint, imply, intimate 203 degrade Zu to bring to low esteem or into disrepute s. abase, belittle, debase, detract, humiliate @. uplift, elevate, boost zu to lower in grade, rank, or status: demote 204 boon n, one that is given in answer to arequest: benefit, favor s advantage, benediction, blessing 205 rhetoric im the art of speaking or writing effectively i,m imsincere or grandiloquentlanguage 206 pastoral i adj_of or relating tothe countryside: rural ssbucolie; rusticpagrarian ii, vad}. pleasingly peaceful and innocent: idyllic 207 aesthetic i adj. of, relating to, or dealing with aesthetics or the beautiful vi adj pleasing in appearance: attractive 208 indifferent i adj. marked by impartiality: unbiased vs. dispassionate, equitable, impersonal, unprejudiced ooaoa0o a subjugate resurgence cryptic hyperbole flout zi adj. marked by a lack of interest, enthusiasm, or concern for something: apathetic 54 vs. aloof, incurious, numb, pococurante, unconcerned @, attentive, considerate, heedful, regardful ui. adj. being neither good nor bad: mediocre s. medium, fairish, intermediate, moderate 209 extemporaneous adj, composed, performed, or uttered on the spur of the moment: impromptu vs. extemporary, impromptu, improvised, ofthand, unrehearsed a. projected, schemed, deliberated, premeditated 210 vigilant adj, alertly watchful especially to avoid danger s. attentive, alert, wary, heedful 211 volition n, the power of choosing or determining: will a, force, coercion, compulsion, duress 212 tyro na beginner in learning: novice s. apprentice, colt, neophyte, novitiate, rookie 213 ostensible adj, plausible rather than demonstrably true or real: apparent v illusory, seeming 214 malapropos adj, in an inappropriate or inopportune way: improper vs. inapt, unbefitting, undue, unseasonable, unseemly 4, apropos 215 adventitious i adj_ coming from another source and not inherent or innate wi adj, avising or occurring sporadically or in other than the usual location 216 subjugate x to bring under control and governance as a subject: conquer, subdue s. crush, enthrall, vanquish, compel a, liberate 217 resurgence n, a rising again into life, activity, or prominence: renascence vs. revival, reanimation, renaissance, resurrection, resuscitation 55 218 cryptic adj, having or seeming to have a hidden or ambiguous meaning: mysterious s. enigmatic, equivocal, nebulous, opaque, obscure 219 hyperbole n, extravagant exaggeration s. coloring, embellishment, embroidering, overstatement a depreciation, minimization, understatement 220 flout x to treat with contemptuous disregard: scorn s. scott, gibe, jeer, sneer a, revere, esteem, regard 56 Unit 12 Quick Preview O thoroughgoing O query O convoluted O furtive Oo rebuff O discrete O jingoism O viable O infinitesimal O accrete O buttress O dupe O eschew satire O dishearten O exemplar O expatiate O miscreant O lionize 0 vitriolic 221 thoroughgoing ag, marked by thoroughness or zeal: thorough, complete vs. exhaustive, complete, comprehensive, sweeping 222 rebuff x to reject or criticize sharply: snub vs. tend, rebut, repel, repulse, ward 223 infinitesimal adj, immeasurably or incalculably small 224 eschew x to avoid habitually especially on moral or:practical grounds: shun s. escape, elude, evade, shun, shy a embrace, espouse 225 expatiate Zu to move about freely or at-will: wander vu to speak or write at length or in detail s. discourse, descant, dilate, dissertate 226 query i” a question in the mind: doubt zu to ask questions about especially in order to resolve a doubt soexamune, inquire, interrogate 227 discrete adj, consisting of distinct or unconnected elements: discontinuous s. distinct, diverse, separate, various a. blended, fused, merged, mingled 228 accrete x to grow or become attached by addition: accumulation g accession, augmentation, increment 59 229 satire n, a literary work holding up human vices and follies to ridicule or scorn vs. banter, mockery, persitlage, parody, spoof 230 miscreant z » one who behaves criminally or viciously zi adj. depraved, villainous s. vicious, degenerate, depraved, flagitious, infamous, nefarious, perverse 231 convoluted ad. highly complex or intricate: involved s winding, meandering, sinuous, tortuous 232 jingoism adj, extreme chauvinism or nationalism marked especially by a belligerent foreign policy 233 buttress x to furnish or shore up with a buttress: support, strengthen vs. bolster, shore up, sustain, uphold 234 dishearten x to cause to lose spirit or morale: discourage vs. chill, deject, demoralize, disparage, dispirit 235 lionize x to treat as an object of great interest or importance vs. glorify, idolize, celebrate, acclaim 236 furtive adj, done by. stealth: surreptitious, sly vs. clandestine, covert, stealthy, cloaked a, forthright, barefaced, brazen, impudent, presumptuous 237 viable i \adj. capable of living, growing, or developing ii adj. capable ot working, functioning, or developing adequately: feasible s. possible, doable, practicable, workable 238 dupe n, one that is easily deceived or cheated: fool 239 exemplar n, one that serves as a model or an example s. archetype, paradigm, prototype 60 240 vitriolic adj, marked by virulence of feeling or of speech: bitter s. antagonistic, hostile, rancorous, virulent a Unit 13 Quick Preview O articulate O nebulous O contrite 0 prescience O ubiquitous O detrimental O incongruous O reproach O philanthropic Oo refute O odious O entrenched O augment a derive O impassive O miser O quality O exacerbate 0 licentious O encumber 241 articulate i adj. expressing oneself readily, clearly, or eftectively: vocal vs. eloquent, fluent, smooth-spoken iu to give clear and effective utterance 242 ubiquitous adj, existing or being everywhere at the same time: constantly encountered: widespread s. omnipresent, allover, universal 243 philanthropic adj, of, relating to, or characterized by philanthropy or charity humanitarian vs. charitable, altruistic, benevolent, eleemosynary, humane 244 augment i 4 to make greater, more numerous, larger, or more intense: increase vs. enlarge, expand, manifold, multiply, upsurge, wax ii v4 to supplement 245 qualify Zu to reduce from a general to aparticular or restricted form vu to characterize by naming-an attribute: describe s. distinguish, individualize; signalize, singularize wi. uv to training, skill, or ability for a special purpose s. entitle, authorize 246 nebulous adj, of, relating to, or resembling a nebula: indistinct, vague 247 detrimental adj. obviously harmful: damaging vs adverse, deleterious, injurious, mischievous, nocuous 248 refute uy to prove wrong ot erroneous by argument or evidence: disapprove s. confound, confute, controvert, disconfirm, rebut 64 249 250 251 252 a 253 254 a 255 256 257 Fa a derive x to take, receive, or obtain especially from a specified source vs. educe, evolve, excogitate; draw, collect exacerbate zu, to make more violent, bitter, or severe s. acerbate, embitter, envenom, exasperate, irritate, provoke @, assuage, appease, mollity, pacity, placate, moderate contrite adj, feeling or showing sorrow and remorse for a sin or shortcoming: remorseful s. attritional, compunctious, penitent, repentant incongruous ad. not harmonious or conforming: incompatible, disagreeing s. conflicting, discordant, discrepant, dissonant, inconsistent @ inconsonant, congruent adj. lacking propriety: unsuitable @, appropriate, seemly odious adj, arousing or deserving hatred or repugnance: hateful s. abhorrent, abominable, detestable, horrid impassive adj, wnsusceptible to physical-teeling: insensible adj. giving no sign of feeling or emotion: expressionless, apathetic s. phlegmatic, stoic, stolid, callous, hardened a, compassionate, sympathetie;tender, warmhearted licentious ag. lacking legal or moral restraints: reprobate ssabandoned, dissolute, lascivious, libertine, libidinous @ continent,.chaste, decent, rigid prescience n, foreknowledge or anticipation of the course of events: foresight s. prophecy, clairvoyance, precognition reproach to express disappointment in or displeasure with: reprove s admonish, chide, rebuke, reprimand n, an expression of criticism or disapproval 65 258 entrenched adj, solidly established or deep-rooted vs. inveterate, confirmed, deep-seated, settled 259 miser n, one who is extremely stingy with money s niggard, penny pincher, scrooge, skinflint 260 encumber Zu to impede or hamper the function or activity of: hinder s. obstruct, inhibit, block, fetter iu to weigh down or burden s. cumber, load, saddle, weigh 66 Unit 14 Q a a a a a 261 a ti, 262 a ull, mw 263 264 a ti, 265 266 267 ick Preview pungent O munificent Q penury QO connoisseur compound O cohesion Oo glut O benign delineate Oo descry O copious O impudent patent Oo diligent O restive O eloquent tile O unprecedented O acme Oo fawn pungent adj, causing a sharp or irritating sensation: acrid adj, marked by a sharp incisive quality: caustic JS piquant, poignant, racy, spicy, zesty compound x to put together so as to form a whole: combine s. associate, bracket, coadunate, coalesce x to settle amicably: adjust by agreement adj, composed of or resulting from union of separate elements, ingredients, or parts s. complex, composite n, something formed by a union of elements or parts: mixture vs. alloy, amalgam, blend, composite, fusion delineate x to describe, portray, or set forth-with accuracy or in detail: represent s. depict, interpret, limn, porttay, render patent adj, readily visible or intelligible: obvious, evident s. apparent, distinct, manifest»palpable, plain n, an official document conferring a right or privilege rile usto make agitated and angry: upset, irritate s. aggravate, inflame, nettle, peeve, pique, provoke munificent adj. characterized by great liberality or generosity: liberal s bountiful, freehanded, unsparing cohesion n, the act or state of sticking together tightly: unity s adherence, bond, cling, coherence 69 268 descry x to catch sight of: discover vs. see, discern, distinguish, perceive, detect 269 diligent adj, characterized by steady, earnest, and energetic effort: painstaking s. assiduous, industrious, sedulous, persevering a laggard, desultory, dilatory 270 unprecedented. ag, having no previous example: novel, unexampled 271 penury im acramping and oppressive lack of resources: severe poverty vs. destitution, impecuniousness, impoverishment, indigence i,m extreme and often niggardly frugality 272 glut im, an excessive quantity: oversupply vs. excess, surfeit, surplus, plethora vu to eat gluttonously 273 copious i adj. plentiful in number s abundant, ample, bountiful, exuberant, lush 4, meaget, exiguous, scanty, sparse, slight zi adj. taking place on a large scale 274 restive i adj. stubbornly resisting control: balky vs. ornery, perverse, wayward, wrongheaded zi adj. marked by impatience or uneasiness: fidgety v. restless, nervy, uptight 275\acme n, the highest point or stage: apex s. apogee, culmination, peak, pinnacle, zenith 276 connoisseur n, one who understands the details, technique, or principles of an art: expert a, abecedarian, amateur, dabbler, tyro 277 benign i adj. having no significant eftect: harmless Jo zi adj. showing kindness and gentleness: gracious a, malevolent, malicious, malignant, spiteful, acrid, caustic, mordant 278 impudent ag, marked by contemptuous or cocky boldness or disregard of others: insolent s. audacious, bodacious, brazen, impertinent, brassy 279 eloquent adj, marked by forceful and fluent expression: articulate s. vocal, potent, smooth-spoken, voluble 280 fawn x» to court favor by a cringing or flattering manner vs. blandish, cajole, coax, wheedle n Unit 15 Quick Preview Oo tawdry O cavil O firebrand O discern O prodigious O lighthearted 0 bolster O abash O staid O lethargic 281 tawdry putrety opaque demonstrative lucid exalt ooaoa0o a adj. cheap and gaudy in appearance or quality v. tasteless, garish, meretricious 282 firebrand n, one that creates unrest or strife: agitator 283 prodigious i adj. resembling or befitting a prodigy: strange, unusual s astonishing, astounding, spectacular, staggering wi —_ adj. extraordinary in bulk, quantity, or degree: enormous s. colossal, gigantic, immense, mammoth, tremendous 284 bolster x to support with or as if with a bolster: reinforce s. buttress, reinforce, sustain, uphold 285 staid ad, marked by settled’sedateness and often prim self-restraint: sober Ss. serious, grave, solemn, somber; decorous 286 cavil x to raise trivial and frivolous objection scarp, mitpick, quibble, hypercriticize 287 discern Z\u to detect or see vs. behold, descry, perceive i (utO recognize or identity as separate and distinct: discriminate v. differentiate, distinguish, extricate, separate 288 lighthearted i adj. free from care, anxiety, or seriousness: happy-go-lucky vs. caretree, insouciant, lightsome, joyful, buoyant, eftervescent a. heavyhearted, downcast, dispirited, depressed 74 ooaoa0o a warrant imperious abject divulge amenable zi adj. cheerfully optimistic and hopeful: easygoing 289 abash x to destroy the self-possession or self-confidence of: disconcert s. embarrass, confound, discomfit, faze, rattle a, embolden, reassure 290 lethargic i adj. of, relating to, or characterized by tiredness: sluggish s. dormant, inert, phlegmatic, torpid, lackadaisical vz. adj. indifferent, apathetic 291 putrefy Zu to make rotten: decay s crumble, decompose, disintegrate, rot, taint wu to morally corrupt 292 opaque i adj. blocking the passage of radiant energy and especially light z adj. hard to understand or explain: obscure s ambiguous, equivocal, tenebrous, unintelligible, vague 293 demonstrative adj, inclined to display feelings openly: effusive vs. affectionate, outpouring, outspoken, extroverted a, constrained, reserved, restrained, retiring, introverted 294 lucid i adj. suffused with light luminous vs. effulgent, incandescent, lustrous, radiant, refulgent ii adj. having fulluse of one's faculties: sane ui. adj. clear to the understanding: intelligible s apprehensible, comprehensible, fathomable, graspable 295.exalt Zu to elevate by praise or in estimation: glorify s aggrandize, dignify, distinguish, ennoble, magnity a, abase, humiliate, belittle, decry, depreciate, derogate, detract, disparage, minimize vu to raise high: elevate 296 warrant zu to declare or maintain with certainty s. argue, assert, contend, vindicate i, u to guarantee especially in respect of the quality or quantity specified: certify 75 wi. u to give sanction to: authorize 297 imperious i adj. marked by arrogant assurance: domineering vs. bossy, high-handed, overbearing, peremptory zi adj. intensely compelling: urgent 298 abject i adj. cast down in spirit: spiritless s. gloomy, wretched, dismal, miserable a lighthearted, carefree, blithe, casual ii adj. expressing or oftered in a humble and often ingratiating spirit: servile 299 divulge » to make known a confidence or secret: reveal vs. betray, disclose, , give away, unclose 300 amenable i adj. readily brought to yield, submit, or cooperate: obedient vs. biddable, docile, tractable, tame, malleable a. recalcitrant, refractory, mulish, obstinate, truculent zi adj. liable to be brought to account: answerable, responsive 76 Unit 16 Q a a a a a 301 302 303 304 305 a 306 307 308 ick Preview enigmatic O dovetail O pontificate Oo edity presumptuous QO catholic QO egregious QO commensurate ignominious O complicity O reconcile O dispense complementary O remonstrate O retort QO errant nonplus Oo erudite O resolute O saturate enigmatic adj, of, relating to, or resembling an enigma: mysterious s. cryptic, dark, mystifying presumptuous adj, overstepping due bounds: arrogant vs. brash, presuming, self-assertive, pretentious, smug a deferential, dutiful, submissive, appropriate, proper ignominious ag, deserving of shame or infamy: despicable, dishonorable vs. discreditable, disgraceful, reprehensible, discomfiting a, reputable, glorious, respectable complementary adj. mutually supplying each other's lack nonplus na state of bafflement or perplexity: quandary x to cause to be ata loss as to what to say, think, or do: perplex vs. battle, stymie, confound, puzzle dovetail x to skillfully fit or-combine to form a whole: harmonize ssagree,-accord,-correspond, jibe catholic ad. comprehensive, universal, especially broad in sympathies, tastes, or interests 5. cosmic, cosmopolitan, ecumenical, planetary, worldwide @. parochial, provincial complicity n, association or participation in or as if in a wrongful act s. collusion, connivance 79 309 remonstrate x to present and urge reasons in opposition: expostulate s. object, expostulate, inveigh, protest 310 erudite adj, possessing or displaying knowledge: learned vs. scholarly, lettered, studious, literate 311 pontificate x to speak or express opinions in a pompous or dogmatic way: swagger 312 egregious adj, conspicuously bad: flagrant 313 reconcile Zu to make consistent or congruous: harmonize s. accommodate, attune, coordinate, integrate a, estrange, alienate Zu to Cause to submit to or accept something unpleasant 314 retort Zu to answer by a counter argument vs. reply, rejoinder, riposte ii 4 to retaliate 315 resolute adj, marked by firm determination: resolved, faithful s. decided, decisive, staunch, steadfast 316 edify x to instruct and improve-especially in moral and religious knowledge: uplift, enlighten, inform v. illuminate, irradiate, uplift, elucidate 317 commensurate adj, corresponding in size, extent, amount, or degree: proportionate v. proportional, commensurable, symmetrical 318 dispense iu to prepare and distribute vs. disburse, disperse, divide, partition Zu to give dispensation to: exempt s absolve, discharge, privilege, relieve 319 errant 80 i adj. moving about aimlessly or irregularly vs aberrant, erratic, devious, stray, rambling zi adj. behaving wrongly: fallible s. aberrant, erring, unreliable 320 saturate iu to satisfy fully: satiate zu to fill completely with something that permeates or pervades: permeate vs. impenetrate, interpenetrate, penetrate, pervade 81 Unit 17 Q a a a a a 321 322 323 ti, 324 325 326 327 a ick Preview evenhanded O stolid O expiation O_o prevaricate complacent Oo avid O self-effacing O travesty virulent Oo thwart O pertinent O meticulous stringent Q maxim O vestige O verbose captious O insatiable 0 pugnacious O engender evenhanded. ag, without partiality: fair s unbiased, equitable, unprejudiced, impartial complacent adj, marked by contentment self-satisfied s. priggish, self-contented, smug a. humble, modest, diffident virulent adj, tull of hatred: malignant s. bitter, antagonistic, hostile, rancorous, vitriolic adj, extremely poisonous & mephitic, toxicant, venomous stringent adj, marked by rigor, strictnéss, or severity especially with regard to standard: strict vs rigid, draconian, ironhanded, severe captious ag, marked by an often ill-natured inclination to stress faults and raise objections s. carping, caviling, censorious, faultfinding, hypercritical 4, appreciative, judicious, knowledgeable stolid ag, having or expressing little or no sensibility: unemotional v. impassive, apathetic, phlegmatic, stoic @ sensitive avid adj, characterized by enthusiasm and vigorous pursuit: eager s. agog, appetent, ardent, keen a, aloof, averse, disinclined, indisposed, loath adj, desirous to the point of greed, urgently eager greedy s. covetous, craving, importunate, gluttonous 84 328 thwart Zu to run counter to so as to effectively oppose or battle: contravene vs. frustrate, battle, balk, curb, restrain, stymie a, aid, abet, encourage uu to defeat the hopes or aspirations of: frustrate 329 maxim na general truth, fundamental principle, or rule of conduct s aphorism, axiom, dictum 330 insatiable adj, incapable of being satisfied: quenchless s. exigent, clamorous, yearning 331 expiation n, the act of making atonement s compensation, correction, rectification, remedy 332 self-effacing adj, reluctant to draw attention to oneself: retiring sv humble, modest, meek, unassuming 333 pertinent adj, having a clear decisive relevance to the matter in hand: relevant s. ad rem, applicable, apposite, apropos, germane 334 vestige n, a trace, mark, or visible sign left by something vanished or lost s. memento, relic, trace, remains 335 pugnacious ag, having,a quarrelsome or combative nature: belligerent sbellicose, combative, contentious, gladiatorial, truculent a. bland, mild, peaceful, dovish 336 prevaricate x to deviate from the truth: equivocate v hie, falsity, palter, garble 337 travesty n, a burlesque translation or literary or artistic imitation usually grotesquely incongruous in style, treatment, or subject matter s. caricature, burlesque, parody 85 338 meticulous adj, marked by extreme care in the consideration or treatment of details: careful vs heedful, painstaking, punctilious, scrupulous, thorough 339 verbose adj, containing more words than necessary: wordy vs. diffuse, long-winded, prolix, redundant, windy a. concise, laconic 340 engender x to cause to exist or to develop: produce vs. breed, hatch, induce, provoke, arouse 86 Unit 18 Quick Preview o o oad0a 341 342 343 344 345 Fa a ull, 346 a ti itt, in 347 348 inviolate ao wry O uncompromising O resignation creed Oo chary O commend O irascible squalid O malinger O spartan. O inchoate obdurate O lissome Oo ettace O impend prudent O erratic O galvanize O alleged inviolate adj, not violated or profaned: pure s. sacred, inviolable, sacrosanct, intact creed, na set of fundamental beliefs; a guiding principle squalid adj, marked by filthiness and degradation from neglect or poverty: sordid v. dirty, foul, slovenly, dingy, base, ignoble obdurate ag, stubbornly persistent in wrongdoing: adamant s. dogged, inexorable, relentless, rigid, uncompromising, unyielding a, telenting, submitting - prudent ag, marked by wisdom ot judiciousness: wise vs. judicious, sane, sapient, sensible, tactical ad, marked by circumspection: discreet adj, provident, frugal wry ag, having,a bent or twisted shape or condition ag, wrongheaded, stubborn adj, Cleverly and often ironically or grimly humorous: sardonic x to twist or writhe chary ad. hesitant and vigilant about dangers and risks: discreetly cautious s. calculating, circumspect, discreet, guarded, wary malinger x to pretend or exaggerate incapacity or illness to avoid duty or work 89 349 350 a 351 352 a 353 354 355 356 it 357 358 lissome adj, moving and bending with ease: lithe v. flexible, supple, limber, lithesome, nimble erratic adj, characterized by lack of consistency, regularity, or uniformity: arbitrary s. Capricious, vagarious, wayward, whimsical, mercurial, volatile a, static, fixed, stable, unmoving, stationary ad, deviating from what is ordinary or standard: eccentric s anomalous, bizarre, idiosyncratic, peculiar, queer uncompromising adj, making no concessions or compromises: inflexible, unyielding commend x to mention with approbation: praise s acclaim, applaud, compliment, hail, extol a, censure, chide, admonish, reprehend, reprobate, rebuke, reprimand; reproach x to recommend as worthy of confidence or notice spartan adj, marked by simplicity, frugality, or avoidance of luxury and comfort efface x to eliminate or cause to vanish>erase s annul, cancel, expunge, obliterate, eradicate; extirpate galvanize x to stimulate or excite as if byan electric shock: provoke s. innervate, stimulate, activate; energize, vitalize resignation nthe quality or stateof being resigned: submissiveness ssacquiescence,- compliance, conformity, meekness, modesty m, an act or instance of resigning something: surrender irascible ad. marked by hot temper and easily provoked anger: irritable s. cantankerous, choleric, ireful, stomachy a, amiable, complaisant, obliging inchoate adj, being only partly in existence or operation: incipient, immature 90 359 impend iu to be about to occur s. loom, forthcome zu to hover threateningly: menace 360 alleged i adj. questionably true or of a specified kind: supposed, so-called vs. ostensible, pretended, purported a, authentic, bona fide, genuine, veritable ii adj. asserted to be true or to exist ou Unit 19 Q a a a a a 361 362 363 ti, 364 ti, 365 a ull, 366 i tt. 367 368 Fa ick Preview dilemma O vitiate O inimitable O supposition arduous O unimpeachable O inclement O ephemeral recur O modest O hackneyed O confound affinity O tenacious Oo nadir O disabuse squander 0 puerile O phlegmatic 0 caustic dilemma n, state of perplexity especially as requiring a choice between equally unfavorable options sv. predicament, bewilderment, perplexity arduous adj, marked by great labor or effort: strenuous vs. effortful, labored, laborious, toilsome recur x» to occur again after an interval: occur time after time x to come up again for consideration affinity n, an attraction to or liking for something-or someone @, antipathy, aversion, repugnance, repulsion n, likeness based on relationship ‘or causal connection: resemblance s. analogy, comparison, semblance, similarity squander 1 to spend extravagantly or foolishly: dissipate, waste x to lose through negligence or inaction x to cause to disperse: scatter vitiate oto make faulty or defective: impair v. injure, blemish, mar, spoil, tarnish v, to debase in moral or aesthetic status » to make ineftective: abolish s abrogate, annihilate, annul, invalidate, negate, nullity unimpeachable adj, teliable beyond a doubt or not liable to accusation: irreproachable modest adj. limited in size, amount, or scope 94 z, adj. not bold or selt-assertive: unpretentious vs humble, meek, unassuming, moderate, temperate, retiring 4, presumptuous, barefaced, brazen, impudent 369 tenacious adj. persistent in maintaining, adhering to, or seeking something valued or desired: stalwart s. dogged, obstinate, pertinacious, resolute, steadfast, persevering 370 puerile ad, displaying or suggesting a lack of maturity: childish vs. juvenile, infantile, silly, immature 371 inimitable adj, not capable of being imitated: matchless 372 inclement adj, lacking mildness, especially physically severe: stormy vs. brutal, intemperate, rigorous, rugged 373 hackneyed. adj, lacking in freshness or originality: trite s. commonplace, clichéd, antediluvian, antiquated, archaic, obsolete, outmoded 374 nadir n, the lowest point a, crest, peak, acme, pinnacle, zenith 375 phlegmatic adj, having or showing-a slow and stolid temperament: impassive vs. apathetic, stoic, stolid, aloofplethargic 376 supposition nsomething that issupposed: hypothesis 377 ephemeral adj, lasting a very short time: transient vs. evanescent, fleeting, fugacious, momentary, transitory, volatile a, perpetual, enduring, eternal, everlasting 378 confound Zu to throw into confusion or perplexity: confuse s. puzzle, befog, bewilder, perplex, battle vu to fail to discern differences between: mix up 5 379 disabuse x to free from error, fallacy, or misconception s. purge, rectify, liberate, undeceive 380 caustic i adj. capable of destroying or eating away by chemical action: corrosive ui adj. marked by incisive sarcasm: scathing s. acerbic, mordacious, mordant, trenchant, sarcastic a. genial, cordial, gracious, suave, urbane 96
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