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Anatomical Terms and Definitions, Quizzes of Medical Sciences

Anatomical terms defined: vessels, pain, stiffness, aorta, joint, bacteria, heart, body, skin, blood, liver, sweat, breast, mental disorder, upper jaw bone, middle, enlargement, black, brain, mind, hand bones, foot bone, uterus, small, shape, mucus, muscle, bone marrow, spinal cord, eardrum.

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Download Anatomical Terms and Definitions and more Quizzes Medical Sciences in PDF only on Docsity! TERM 1 a- DEFINITION 1 without, not TERM 2 -a DEFINITION 2 noun ending TERM 3 ab- DEFINITION 3 from, away from TERM 4 abdomino DEFINITION 4 abdomen TERM 5 aborto DEFINITION 5 to miscarry TERM 6 -ac DEFINITION 6 pertaining to TERM 7 acido DEFINITION 7 acid TERM 8 acouso DEFINITION 8 hearing TERM 9 acro DEFINITION 9 extremity TERM 10 acromio DEFINITION 10 acromion (projection of the scapula) TERM 21 af- DEFINITION 21 toward TERM 22 agglutino DEFINITION 22 clumping, gluing TERM 23 agora DEFINITION 23 marketplace TERM 24 -al DEFINITION 24 pertaining to TERM 25 albino DEFINITION 25 white TERM 26 albumino DEFINITION 26 albumin (protein) TERM 27 -algesia DEFINITION 27 pain TERM 28 -algia DEFINITION 28 pain TERM 29 allo DEFINITION 29 other, differing from the normal TERM 30 alveolo DEFINITION 30 alveolus; air sac TERM 31 amblyo DEFINITION 31 dull, dim TERM 32 amnio DEFINITION 32 amnion (amniotic sac) TERM 33 an DEFINITION 33 without, not TERM 34 ana DEFINITION 34 against; up; back TERM 35 andro DEFINITION 35 male TERM 46 appendo DEFINITION 46 appendix TERM 47 appendico DEFINITION 47 appendix TERM 48 aqueo DEFINITION 48 water TERM 49 -ar DEFINITION 49 pertaining to TERM 50 -arche DEFINITION 50 beginning TERM 51 arterio DEFINITION 51 artery TERM 52 arteriolo DEFINITION 52 arteriole TERM 53 arthro DEFINITION 53 joint TERM 54 -ary DEFINITION 54 pertaining to TERM 55 asbesto DEFINITION 55 asbestos TERM 56 -asthenia DEFINITION 56 weakness, debility TERM 57 astro DEFINITION 57 star TERM 58 -ate DEFINITION 58 having the form of, possessing TERM 59 atelo DEFINITION 59 imcomplete, imperfect TERM 60 athero DEFINITION 60 fatty plaque TERM 71 balano DEFINITION 71 glans penis TERM 72 baso DEFINITION 72 base (alkaline, opposite of acid) TERM 73 bi DEFINITION 73 two TERM 74 bili DEFINITION 74 bile, gall TERM 75 bio DEFINITION 75 life TERM 76 -blast DEFINITION 76 embryonic cell TERM 77 blasto DEFINITION 77 embryonic cell TERM 78 blepharo DEFINITION 78 eyelid TERM 79 brachio DEFINITION 79 arm TERM 80 brachy DEFINITION 80 short TERM 81 brady DEFINITION 81 slow TERM 82 broncho DEFINITION 82 bronchus (plural, bronchi) TERM 83 bronchio DEFINITION 83 bronchus (plural, bronchi) TERM 84 bronchiolo DEFINITION 84 bronchiole TERM 85 bucco DEFINITION 85 cheek TERM 96 ceco DEFINITION 96 cecum TERM 97 -cele DEFINITION 97 hernia, swelling TERM 98 -centesis DEFINITION 98 surgical puncture TERM 99 cephalo DEFINITION 99 head TERM 100 -ceps DEFINITION 100 head TERM 101 -ception DEFINITION 101 conceiving TERM 102 cerebello DEFINITION 102 cerebellum TERM 103 cerebro DEFINITION 103 cerebrum TERM 104 cervico DEFINITION 104 neck; cervix uteri (neck of uterus) TERM 105 chalico DEFINITION 105 limestone TERM 106 cheilo DEFINITION 106 lip TERM 107 chemo DEFINITION 107 chemical, drug TERM 108 chloro DEFINITION 108 green TERM 109 chole DEFINITION 109 bile, gall TERM 110 cholangio DEFINITION 110 bile vessel TERM 121 -cision DEFINITION 121 a cutting TERM 122 -clasia -clasis -clast DEFINITION 122 to break; surgical fracture TERM 123 claviculo DEFINITION 123 clavicle (collar bone) TERM 124 clono DEFINITION 124 clonus (turmoil) TERM 125 -clysis DEFINITION 125 irrigation, washing TERM 126 coccygo DEFINITION 126 coccyx (tailbone) TERM 127 cochleo DEFINITION 127 cochlea TERM 128 colo colono DEFINITION 128 colon TERM 129 colpo DEFINITION 129 vagina TERM 130 condylo DEFINITION 130 condyle TERM 131 conio DEFINITION 131 dust TERM 132 conjuctivo DEFINITION 132 conjunctiva TERM 133 -continence DEFINITION 133 to hold back TERM 134 contra DEFINITION 134 against, opposite TERM 135 coro coreo DEFINITION 135 pupil TERM 146 culdo DEFINITION 146 cul-de-sac TERM 147 -cusia -cusis DEFINITION 147 hearing TERM 148 cutaneo DEFINITION 148 skin TERM 149 cyano DEFINITION 149 blue TERM 150 cyclo DEFINITION 150 ciliary body of the eye, circular; cycle TERM 151 -cyesis DEFINITION 151 pregnancy TERM 152 cysto DEFINITION 152 bladder TERM 153 cyto -cyte DEFINITION 153 cell TERM 154 dacryo DEFINITION 154 tear; lacrimal apparatus (duct, sac, or gland) TERM 155 dacryocysto DEFINITION 155 lacrimal gland TERM 156 dactylo DEFINITION 156 fingers, toes TERM 157 de DEFINITION 157 cessation TERM 158 dendro DEFINITION 158 tree TERM 159 dento DEFINITION 159 teeth TERM 160 dermo -derma dermato DEFINITION 160 skin TERM 171 -dynia DEFINITION 171 pain TERM 172 dys DEFINITION 172 bad, painful, difficult TERM 173 -eal DEFINITION 173 pertaining to TERM 174 ec DEFINITION 174 out, out from TERM 175 echo DEFINITION 175 repeated sound TERM 176 -ectasis DEFINITION 176 dilation, expansion TERM 177 ecto DEFINITION 177 outside, outward TERM 178 -ectomy DEFINITION 178 excision, removal TERM 179 -edema DEFINITION 179 swelling TERM 180 ef DEFINITION 180 away from TERM 181 electro DEFINITION 181 electricity TERM 182 -ema DEFINITION 182 state of; condition TERM 183 embolo DEFINITION 183 embolus (plug) TERM 184 -emesis DEFINITION 184 vomiting TERM 185 -emia DEFINITION 185 blood condition TERM 196 escharo DEFINITION 196 scab TERM 197 -esis DEFINITION 197 condition TERM 198 eso DEFINITION 198 inward TERM 199 esophago DEFINITION 199 esophagus TERM 200 estheso -esthesia DEFINITION 200 feeling TERM 201 etio DEFINITION 201 cause TERM 202 eu DEFINITION 202 good TERM 203 ex DEFINITION 203 out, out from TERM 204 exo DEFINITION 204 outside, outward TERM 205 extra DEFINITION 205 outside TERM 206 facio DEFINITION 206 face TERM 207 fascio DEFINITION 207 band, fascia (fibrous membrane supporting and separating muscles) TERM 208 femoro DEFINITION 208 femur (thigh bone) TERM 209 -ferent DEFINITION 209 to carry TERM 210 fibro DEFINITION 210 fiber TERM 221 glio -glia DEFINITION 221 glue; neuroglial tissue TERM 222 -globin DEFINITION 222 protein TERM 223 glomerulo DEFINITION 223 glomerulus TERM 224 glosso DEFINITION 224 tongue TERM 225 glotto DEFINITION 225 glottis TERM 226 gluco glucoso glycol glycoso DEFINITION 226 sugar, sweetness TERM 227 gnoso -gnosis DEFINITION 227 knowing TERM 228 gonado DEFINITION 228 gonads, sex glands TERM 229 gonio DEFINITION 229 angle TERM 230 gono DEFINITION 230 seed (ovum or spermatozoon) TERM 231 -grade DEFINITION 231 to go TERM 232 -graft DEFINITION 232 transplantation TERM 233 -gram DEFINITION 233 record, writitng TERM 234 granulo DEFINITION 234 granule TERM 235 -graph DEFINITION 235 instrument for recording TERM 246 hetero DEFINITION 246 different TERM 247 hidro DEFINITION 247 sweat TERM 248 histo histio DEFINITION 248 tissue TERM 249 homeo homo DEFINITION 249 same, alike TERM 250 humero DEFINITION 250 humerus (upper arm bone) TERM 251 hydro DEFINITION 251 water TERM 252 hyp hypo DEFINITION 252 under, below, deficient TERM 253 hyper DEFINITION 253 excessive, above normal TERM 254 hypno DEFINITION 254 sleep TERM 255 hystero DEFINITION 255 uterus (womb) TERM 256 -ia DEFINITION 256 condition TERM 257 -iac DEFINITION 257 pertaining to TERM 258 -iasis DEFINITION 258 abnormal condition (produced by something specified) TERM 259 iatro DEFINITION 259 physician; medicine, treatment TERM 260 -iatry DEFINITION 260 medicine; treatment TERM 271 ilio DEFINITION 271 ilium (lateral, flaring portion of the hip bone) TERM 272 im DEFINITION 272 not TERM 273 immuno DEFINITION 273 immune, immunity, safe TERM 274 in DEFINITION 274 in, not TERM 275 -ine DEFINITION 275 pertaining to TERM 276 infero DEFINITION 276 lower, below TERM 277 infra DEFINITION 277 below, under TERM 278 inguino DEFINITION 278 groin TERM 279 insulino DEFINITION 279 insulin TERM 280 inter DEFINITION 280 between TERM 281 intra DEFINITION 281 in, within TERM 282 -ion DEFINITION 282 the act of TERM 283 -ior DEFINITION 283 pertaining to TERM 284 irido DEFINITION 284 iris TERM 285 -is DEFINITION 285 noun ending TERM 296 jaundo DEFINITION 296 yellow TERM 297 jejuno DEFINITION 297 jejunum (second part of the small intestine) TERM 298 kali DEFINITION 298 potassium (an electrolyte) TERM 299 karyo DEFINITION 299 nucleus TERM 300 kerato DEFINITION 300 horny tissue; hard; cornea TERM 301 kerno DEFINITION 301 kernel (nucleus) TERM 302 keto ketono DEFINITION 302 ketone bodies (acids and acetones) TERM 303 kinesio -kinesia kineto DEFINITION 303 movement TERM 304 klepto DEFINITION 304 to steal TERM 305 kypho DEFINITION 305 humpback TERM 306 labio DEFINITION 306 lip TERM 307 labyrintho DEFINITION 307 labyrinth (inner ear) TERM 308 lacrimo DEFINITION 308 tear; lacrimal apparatus (duct, sac, or gland) TERM 309 lacto DEFINITION 309 milk TERM 310 -lalia DEFINITION 310 speech, babble TERM 321 linguo DEFINITION 321 tongue TERM 322 lipo lipido DEFINITION 322 fat TERM 323 -listhesis DEFINITION 323 slipping TERM 324 -lith litho DEFINITION 324 stone, calculus TERM 325 lobo DEFINITION 325 lobe TERM 326 logo DEFINITION 326 study of TERM 327 -logist DEFINITION 327 specialist in the study of TERM 328 -logy DEFINITION 328 study of TERM 329 lordo DEFINITION 329 curve, swayback TERM 330 -lucent DEFINITION 330 to shine, clear TERM 331 lumbo DEFINITION 331 loins (lower back) TERM 332 lympho DEFINITION 332 lymph TERM 333 lymphadeno DEFINITION 333 lymph gland (node) TERM 334 lymphangio DEFINITION 334 lymph vessel TERM 335 -lysis DEFINITION 335 separation; destruction; loosening TERM 346 medullo DEFINITION 346 medulla TERM 347 mega megalo -magaly DEFINITION 347 enlargement TERM 348 melano DEFINITION 348 black TERM 349 meno DEFINITION 349 mensus, menstruation TERM 350 meningo meningio DEFINITION 350 meninges (membrane covering the brain and spinal chord) TERM 351 mento DEFINITION 351 mind TERM 352 meso DEFINITION 352 middle TERM 353 meta DEFINITION 353 change, beyond TERM 354 metacarpo DEFINITION 354 metacarpus (hand bones) TERM 355 metatarso DEFINITION 355 metatarsus (foot bone) TERM 356 -meter DEFINITION 356 instrument used for measuring TERM 357 metro metrio DEFINITION 357 uterus (womb); measure TERM 358 -metry DEFINITION 358 act of measuring TERM 359 mio micro DEFINITION 359 small, less TERM 360 mono DEFINITION 360 one
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