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Grammar English,............................, Lab Reports of English Language

Grammar English,............................

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Download Grammar English,............................ and more Lab Reports English Language in PDF only on Docsity! PART I - ABBREVIATIONS (Mét sé tir vidt tit) Mot sé tir viét tit throng ding trong sie dung ngir phap tiéng Anh. Tir viét tat viét day aa Nghia ss Tr viét tit vide day du Nghia n noun danh tir int interjection tan than tir Vv verb déng tir Ss subject chi ngit ady adverb | trang tir i 0 object tan nett adj adjective tinh tir count countable a&m duoc : . : sa gs khéng dem conj conjunction. lién tir uncount uncountable duoc art article ; mao tk sing singular sé it pron pronoun, dai tt pl plural sé nhiéu prep preposition gidi tr PART II - DEFINITION OF PARTS OF SPEECH (Dinh nghia vé tir loai) 1/- Danh tir (noun): 14 tir ding dé # chi t8n mt nguwoi: Hoa, Susan... # Chi tén mét con vat: dog, cat, horse, chicken... # Chi tén mét da vat: book, pen, eraser... # Chi mét noi chén: Ha Noi, Vietnam, Canada, America # Chi mét tinh chat: independence, freedom, happiness # Chi mét ¥ tudng: appreciate, gratitude (long biét on) # Chi mot hanb dong: movement (sy di chuyén) 2/- Dai tir (Pronoun): la tir dimg dé thay thé danh tir Ex: Hung plays volleyball well. He is a volleyball player. 3/- Timh tir (Adjective): 1a tir ding 48 # Chi dink danh tr: This book. (quyén sdch nay) Some students. (mét vai hoc sinh) #Bé nghia danh tir: a beautiful house. (mét ngdi nha dep) a tall building. (m6t 16a nha cao) 4/- Trang tir (Adverb): 1a ta ding dé: # B6 nghia cho déng tt: He runs fast. (anh dy chay nhanb) # Bé nghia cho tinh tir: She is very funny. #Bé nghia cho trang tir khac: They speak English very slowly. 5/- Dong tir (Verb): 1a tir ding dé chi: # Mt trang thai: Lan is very intelligent. # Mt hanh dng: Nam plays table tennis. 6/- Giéi tir (Preposition): 1 tix ding dé chi su Tién quan gitta céc tir. Ex: The bus stop behind the car. He goes with his father. 7/- Mao tit (Article): 1a tir dimg dé chi dinh danh tir Ex: A house. (m6t ng6i nha) An eraser. (mét cuc tay) The moon. (mat Trang) 8/- Lién tir (Conjunction): 1a tir ding dé ndi: # hai tir cing loai: Do you have any brothers or sisters? # hai ménh dé cing loai: Hoa is tall but her mother is short. # ménh dé chinh + ménh dé phu: We stayed at home because it rained. 9/- Tan than tir (Interjection): 1a tr ding dé dién ta mét cam gic dét xudt Ex: Ah!, Oh!, Hey! PART III - BASIC GRAMMAR POIN' . (C4c diém ngir php cin ban) A. TENSES IN ENGLISH (Cade thi tiéng Anh trong chirong trinh tiéng Anh THCS)} I. TENSES Tenses Affirmation Negation (PDinh) Interrogation Trang ta/ Dau higu (Dinh) (van) VI/ Vsves..... don’t/ doesn’t +V}.,.., Do/Does + 8+V1? Everyday, usually, ; . afier school, never, ' Present simple - = —- 7 + : HTD Am/is/are . am not/ isn’t/ aren't AnvIs/Are + S+...? | often, sometimes, | always, ... ! Now, at the present, Present . . . . Am/Is/Are+S+V- at the moment, at this Progressive - anvis/are — V-ing | am/is/are(not)+ V-ing : A I Tse, ing? time, Look! Listen, HTTD {Be carefull, Hurry Intended am/ is/ are + going am/ is/ are+ not + going | Am/ Is/ Are+S+ Tomorrow, tonight, Future (TLgin) | to -V) : tOtV ee going to+V, soon, next, someday. Future wil + Vy will not + Vi Will +54+V)? in the future Simple (TLD) ' 1 1 Past simple last..., ... Ago, in tense (QKB) | V-ed/ V2...... didn’t +Vj..000.. Did+S+ 2004, since + aval 2 QKD, when Iwas . , young was / were........ wasn’t / weren’t .... Was / Were +$ Past progressive ‘When / While A ; : Was / Were +S+V- | was / were + V-ing ‘was / were (not)+V-ing ing? Present perfect | has/have + V-ed V3/ | hasn’t /haven’t + V-ed | Has / Have -— S +| never... before, ever, (HTHT) V3, V-ed V3/ ....? not...yet, since, for, i so far, until now, up to now , just, recently, lately B. PHAN NGU PHAP QUESTION WORDS Cae tir hoi % Cau ménb Jénh 1/- Hinh thire (Form) Thite ménh Jénh oo hinh thite giéng nhu dng tir thong. G thite ménh Jénh chit ngtt “You” duge hiéu ngim. Ex: Come in. (=You should come in) Read the instructions carefully. Ching ta thém “do not/don’t” 4@ thanh 4p hinh thite ménh 1énh phi dinh. Ex: Don’t make so much noise. Don’t turn off the lights. 2/- Cach dimg (Uses) a/- Dwa ra ménh lénk hoc yéu cau ugudi khdc lam gi. Ex: Teacher (to pupils): Open your book, please. (Mo sach ra} (gido vién ndi v6i hoc sinh) Boss (to employee): Don’t tell anyone about this. (Dimg ndi véi ai diéu nay) féng chu noi vei nhdn vién) b/- Dea ra loi goi p hodc loi khuyén Ex: | Why don’t you spend a year working before you go to college? Take a year off from your studies and learn something about the real world. (Ban nén nghi mét ndm truée khi vao dai hoc. Hay nghi hoc mét nim dé hoc vé mét sé diéu cia cude song thuc tai) c/- Dua ra lai canh bdo hoge nhc nhé Ex: Look out! There’s a car coming. (Coi chimg! Cé mét chiéc xe dang t6i kia) Don’t forget your keys. (Dimg quén chia khéa) d- Chi duéng hoic loi hung din Ex: Go along here and turn left at the lights. e/- Bua ra loi yéu cau vi loi mai. Ex: Have achocolate. (Mai ban an 86 cé 1a) Come to lunch with us. (Téi 4n tra véi ching tdi) Sf Dua ra loi chic tot dep Ex: Have anice holiday. Enjoy yourself. INDEFINITE ARTICLES: A, AN Mao tir bat dinb: A, An 1/- An (mét): duge ding trude mt danh tir dém duge sé it (singular countable noun) bat dau bang mot nguyén 4m. Cac nguyén am dé 14 A, E, 1, O, U. Ex: an eraser, an ink-pot, an apple... 2/- A (mdt): duge ding trréc mot danh tir dém duoc sé it (singular countable noun) bat dau bang mét phy am. Ngoai 5 nguyén 4m trén edn lai 1a phu am. Ex: a book, a teacher, a doctor... 3/- Mét 86 ter cd chit viét 1a phu 4m nhung o6 phién 4m 1a nguyén 4m nén ching ta ding “An” thay cho Kan Ex: an hour, an honnest man, an honor..., an heir (cdc chit h trong cac tir nay khéng doc) M6t sé tir lai cd chit vidt bat ddu bang nguyén am nhung lai ding v6i “A™ vi co phién am 14 mét phy am. Ex: auniform, a university, a useful thing. . PLURAL COUNTABLE NOUNS Danh tir 44m dug sé nhiéu Chi cé nhiing danh ti dém duge moi chuyén thanh danh tir sé nhiéu. Y/- Cach thanh [ap (Formation) 1/- Hau hét cdc danh tir dém duge sé it duge chuyén sang danh tir s6 nhiéu bang cach thém “S” vao sau danh tir d6. Ex: a book - two books a pen — two pens 2/- Nhiing danh tir dém duge sé it tan clung 14 S, SH, CH, X, Z, O khi chuyén sang sé nhiéu ching ta thém “ES” Ex: aclass— two classes a watch — two watches #Ngoailé: aradio—radios a piano — pianos a photo — photos 3/- Néu danh tir dém duge sé it tan cing 1a “Y” ma trade “Y” 14 mét phu 4m thi ching ta ddi “Y” thanh “TES” khi chuyén sang sé nhiéu. Ex: a family—two families a fly — two flies (con radi) 4/- Néa danh tir dém duge 34 it tan cling 1a “F” hode “FE” thi chuyén “F” va “FE” thanh “VES” Ex: aknife —two knives a leaf — two leaves (chiéc 14) Il/- Mét sé danh tir bat quy tac Sé it Sé nhieu | Sé it Sé nhiéu A man (dan 6ng) Men A goose (con ngdng) Geese A woman (dan ba) Women A louse (con ran) Lice A child (dita tré) Children A foot (ban chan) Feet ~ A tooth (cai ring) teeth An ox (con bd) oxen A mouse (con chudt) mice A person (ngudi) , Persons /people HOW MANY — HOW MUCH: Quantity Hai vé sé long véi “How many” va “How much” 1/- How many (bao nhiéu): ding cho danh tir dém duoc sé nhiéu. How many + plural countable noun ...? Ex: How many desks are there in your classroom? (Cé bao nhiéu cdi ban hoc sinh trong phong hoc cia ban?) How many hooks do you have? (Ban cé bao nhiéu séch?) 2/- How much (bao nhiéu): ding cho danh tt khéng dém duge. Danh tir khéng dém duoc 1a nhing danh ti nhu: water (muéc}, rice (gao), money (tidn)... How much + uncountable noun...? Ex: How much rice is there? (C6 bao nhiéu gao?) How much money does she have? (Cé dy cb hao nhiéu tién?) DEMONSTRATIVE PRONOUNS: This/these — That/those Dai tir chi dinh /- This (day, nay...): - Ding dé chi mét vat, mét ngudi & gan. - Dank tir theo sau 1 danh tir sé it dém duoc. 6 o - Péng ti theo sau 14 déng tir 6 ngdi thir 3 sé it. Ex: This is a book. This movie is very interesting. This man is short. 2/- That (kia, do...): - Ding a8 chi mdt vat, mot ngudi 6 xa. - Dank tir theo sau 14 danh tir sé it dém duoc. - Bong te theo sau | déng tir d ngdi thir 3 sé it. Ex: That is a ruler. That house is my brother's That computer is very cheap. 3/- These (s6 nhiéu cia This): - Ding dé chi nhiéu vat, nhiéu ngudi 6 gan. - Danh tir theo sau Ja danh tir dém due sé nhiéu. - Dong tr theo sau lA Gong tir 6 ngdi sé nbiéu. Ex: These are desks. These books are mine These are my friends. 4/- Those (sé nhiéu ca That): - Ding dé chi nhiéu vat, nhiéu ngudi 6 xa. - Danh tir theo sau 14 danh tix dém duoc s6 nhiéu. - Déng tir theo sau JA dong ti 6 ngdi sé nhidu. Ex: Those are bookshelves Those students are in class 7A Those pens are blue. 5/- Tom tat ed Dingte | Ding tir ! Gea Q ong gan tobe Oxa tobe So it This Is That is | : So These are Those are : | nhieu ee THERE + BE... Co... Ching ta ding “there + be” dé chi su hién hitu cia mét ngudi hay mot vat nao do. Néu danh ty theo sau ding tir “tobe” & sd it ho’c danh tir khong dam duoc thi dong tir “tobe” 6 86 it. Néu danh tir theo sau 1a danh tir dém due sé nhiéu thi d6ng tir “tobe” & 36 nhiéu. 1.. There + isAvas/has been + singular noun/uncountable noun Ex: - There is a book on the table. - There is some water in the glass. Ex: I'll wait for you there between 7 p.m and 11 p.m ADVERBS AND PREPOSITIONS OF POSITION Mit sé gigi tir chi vi tri 1/- HERE: Gi day, tai nai nay. Ex: We live here. 2/- THERE: dang kia, noi dé. Ex: It’s there, right in front of you. 3/- INSIDE: ¢ trong, bén trong Ex: The guest had to move inside when it started to rain. 4/- OUTSIDE: 6 ngoai, bén ngoai Ex: Please wait outside. 5/- UPSTAIRS: 6 tang trén, & trén 1u, trén gac Ex: J heard someone talking upstairs last night. 6/- DOWNSTAIRS: 6 tang dudi, duéi lau Ex: They’re waiting for us downstairs. W- AT: tai, o Ex: We jearn English at school. 8/- AROUND: xung quanh Ex: There is a garden around my house. 9/- BEFORE: trudéc, 6 phia trudéc Ex: My school is before the park. 10/- BEHIND: & phia sau Ex: The dog is behind the table 1/- BESIDE: bén canh Ex: The bookstore is beside the drugstore 12/- BETWEEN...AND: 6 Ex: The police station is between the bookstore and the toystore 13/- UNDER: 6 duéi Ex: The cat is under the table 14/- IN FRONT OF: phia trude Ex: The post office is in front of the lake. 15/- NEAR: gan Ex: 1 live near a river. 16/- NEXT TO: bén canh Ex: The bank is next to the post office 17/- OPPOSITE: doi dién Ex: The bakery is opposite the bookstore 18/- TO THE LEFT/RIGHT: bén trai/ phai Ex: There is a well to the left of my house. There is a flower garden to the right of my house. MODALS: CAN & CAN’T Dong tir khiém khuyét: Can va Can’t 1/- Cach ding (Uses) ; “Can” 6 nhiéu cach st dumg, trong bai “Can” duge ding dé chi ai dé cd kha nang 1am gi. 10 Ex: 1 can speak English. He can swim. 2/- inh thir (forms) La d6ng ti khiém khuyét nén “Can” 4 chire nang giéng nhw nhitng déng ty khiém khuyét khac. (Xem thém phan d6ng tir khiérm khuyét). al- dang khang dinh: S+ can + hare inf.., Ex: — He can drive a car. They can do this work. b/- Dang phii dinh, ching ta thém “Not” sau “Can”. Viét diy da la “Cannot”, vidt tit la “Can’t” S + cannot/can’t + bare inf... Ex: He cannot/can’t drive a car. They cannot/can’t do this work. e/- Ching ta dua “Can” lén trade cha nga dé thanh ap cau héi Can +S + bare inf...? Ex: Can he drive a car? - Yes, he can/No, he can’t, Can they do this work? - Yes, they can/ No, they can’t. COLOURS Mau sac TT Mau nghia TT Mau nghia 1 White Trang 8 Brown Nau 2 Black Den 9 Purple Tia 3 Red Do 10 | Yellow Vang 4 | Pink Hong Il | Orange Cam 5 Blue Xanh duong 12 | Violet Tim 6 Green Xanh 14 7 | Grey Xam PARTITIVES Tir dink lwgng Déi voi cde danh tir khéng dém duoc, khi thanh lap sé nbiéu ta phai ding cdc tir chi dink lvong sau day. Khi 46 s6 hrong dém 18 dinh hong tir chit khong phai 14 danh th. Vi dy: mt lit nuée (a little of water) thi d6 14 “mét lit” chir khéng phai la “mét nue” 1/- a bottle of : mat chai Ex: a bottle of cooking oil. (mét chai dau an) a bottle of wine. (mét chai rvqu) 2/- a packet of: mat gdi Ex: a packet of tea. (mat gi tra) a packet of cigarettes. (mét gdi thudc) 3/- a box of: mét hp (hap gidy, bia) Ex: a box of chocolates. (mét hép 86 cd la) a box of chalk. (mt h6p phan) 11 4/- a kilo/gram/little of: m6t cdn/gamr/Iit... Ex: akilo of beef. (m6t kilogam thit bo) alittle of water. (m6t lit nude) 5/- a dozen: m6t 14 Ex: adozen eggs. (mét td trimg) 6/- a can of: mét lon, mét hép (hép kim loai) Ex: acan of peas. (m6t hép dau) 7/- a bar of: mot baénh, mét thanh Ex: a bar of soap. (m6t banh xa phong) a bar of chocolates. (mét thanh s6 cé la) 8/- a tube of: mdt thyp Ex: atube of toothpaste. (m6t typ kem danh rang). ASKING PRICES Héi gia U/- Hai gid voi “How much...?” How much + be + noun/ pron? Ex: How much is this pen? (chiée bit nay gid bao nhiéu?) It is one thousand dong. How much are books? (Nhting quyén sach nay gid bao nhiéu?) They are fifty thousand dong. 2/- Hai gid voi dong tir “COST” (tri gid) How much + auxiliary verb + noun/pron + cost? Note: auxiliary verb: trg dong tir Ex: How much does this pen cost? (chiéc but nay gid bao nhiéu?) It is/It costs one thousand dong. How much do these bananas cost? (ahimg qua chudi nay gia bao nhiéu?) They are/ They cost twenty thousand dong. 3/- Héi gid voi “What” What + be + the price(s) of + noun? Ex: What is the price of this pen? What is the price of these bananas? MAKING SUGGESTION wa ra li goi ¥ pé dua ra Idi goi ¥ ai dé lam viée gi voi minh ching ta sit dung cdc mau cau sau day: 1.. Let’s + bare infinitive Ex: - Lets go to the cinema tonight. - Let’s help her with her housework. 2.. What about/How about + V_ing....? Ex: - What about going to the cinema tonight? - How about going to the cinema tonight? 3.. Why don’t we + bare infinitive...? Ex: 12 | Germany | Die German ngudsi Pire German | tiéng Bric | Mexico | Mexico | Mexican nguéi Mexico | Spanish tiéng TBNha Brazil | Braxin Brazilian newdi Braxin Portugeese I ting BENha Italy | Italy Ttalian ngudi Italia Italian tiéng Italia Korea Han Quéc Korean newyi Han Quéde | Korean tiéng Han Quéc Portugal | Bé Bao Nha | Portugeese | ngwoi BDN Portugeese tiéng BDN Poland [Ba Lan Polish | ngudi Ba Lan Polish tiéng Ba Lan SO & TOO (in affirmative agreements) “So” va “Too” trong cau ding y khang dinh "So" va "Too" duoc ding dé didn ta ¥ mudn dong ¥, mang nghia khang dink. "So" ding ddu cau dong ¥ khang dink, "Too" dung cudi cau, W/- V6i d6ng tir throng (Ordinary verbs): Béi voi dGngtir thudng ching ta muon tro dong tir "do/does" (thi hign tai don) hodic "did" (thi qué kint don) trong cau déng y khang dinh. S+V.. > So + do/does/did + $ S + do/does/did, too Ex: - He lives in Ha Noi. > So do I/I do, too - Hoa reads a book, > So does he/ He does, too - They worked very hard last night. > So did I/ I did, too. 2/- Véi ding tir dae biét (speacial verbs), déng tir khiém khuyét (modal verbs): Véi déng th dic biét nhu "tobe", tro dong tir “have/has" trong thi hién tai hoan thanh hay d6ng tir khiém khuyét (can, will...) ching ta str dung ngay nhitng irg dang tr hodc Ong tir khiém khuyét nay dé thanh lap cau ding ¥ khang dinh. S + special verb/ modal verb... 2 So + special verb/ modal verb + § S + special verb/ modal verb, too. Ex: - Heisastudent. > So am LI am, too. - She can play the giutar. > So can he/ He can, too. - Mr. Hung has just come back from work. > So have I/ J have, too. EITHER & NETHER (in negative agreements) “Either” va “Neither” trong cu dong ¥ phi dinh "Either" va "Neither" duoc dung dé dién ta ¥ moudn déng ¥, mang nghia phu dinh. "Neither dimg dau cau ding y khdng dinh, "Either" ding cudi cau, I/- Véi dgng tir thuong (Ordinary verbs) S$ + don’t/doesn’t/didn't + V... > Neither + do/does/did + $ Ss don’t/doesn’t/didn’t, either Note: neither mang nghia pha dinh, either mang nghia khang éinh nén phai thém “Not” sau try d6ng tir. Ex: She doesn’t cook well. ~ Neither does he. (anh Ay cling khéng I didn’t go to school yesterday. - Neither did I I didn’t, either. 2/- V6i dong tir dic biét (speacial verbs), ding tir khiém khuyét (modal verbs): S + special verb/ modal verb + not... 2 Neither + special verb/ modal verb + § 14 $+ special verb/ modal verb + not, either. Ex: lam not thirsty. - Neither is she/ She isn’t, either (c6 dy cfing khong) He cannot cook well. - Neither can I/ I cannot, either EXCLAMATIONS Cau cdm than due ding khi mudn dién ta mt ¥ phan nan bode khen nggi diéu gi. 1/- Cau cim than ding véi What: What + (a/an) + (adj) + noun! Trong cau cam thin d6i khi cé day di cdc thanh phan nhu trén. A/an ding khi danh tir trong edu 1 danb tir dém duoc sé it. Ex: - What a nice house! - What an interesting book! - Whataday! - What boring stories! 2/- Cau cam than ding voi How: How + adj/adv + S + tobe/V! (Néu sau How 1a tinh tir thi dong tir sau chi ngit 1a dong tir "Tobe", néu 1a trang ti thi dong tir sau cha. ngt 1a déng tir thudng.) Ex: - How beautiful she ist - How fast he runs! - How high this building is! MAKING INVITATION Cach dat oi mai 1/ Mai, chp nan Idi mdi, tir chdi a, Mdi: Would you like + to infinitive....? b. Chép nhan: ‘I'd love to. / OK c. Tir chai: I'd love to but ...(+ li do tt chéi) Sorry I can’t + bare inf ..(+ li do chéi). Thanks anyway. Ex: - Would you like to come with us to the cafeteria? I’d love to - Would you like to come to my house for lunch? Sorry I can’t come. L’m going to the movie theater. Thanks anyway. - Would you like to come with us for lunch? Ld love to but I’m going to evening classes. Thanks anyway. MODALS:; SHOULD, OUGHT TO Should, Ought ta trong loi khuyén 1.. Should (nén): duoc dimg dé dva ra mét loi khuyén khi ching ta muén khuyén ai dé lam gi. Dong tir sau “should” 14 dong tir nguyén thé khang “to” Ex: - You should go to school on time. - You should turn off the lights before leaving the office. 16 2., Dé khuyén ai khong nén Lam gi chiing ta thém “not” sau “should” (shouldn’t : khéng nén) Ex: - You shouldn’t ride your bycicle in the school yard. - You shouldn’t be impolite to your parents. (Ban khong nén va 1é voi bé me) 3., Ching ta ciing cé thé ding “ought to” dé thay thé cho “should” - You ought to go to school on time. - You ought not to ride your bycicle in the school yard. « Thé phi dinh cia “ought to” 14 “ought not to” Ex: You ought not to disturb your father. WHY & BECAUSE Cau héi “Why” va cu tra loi vei “Because” 1/- Why (tai sao) 1a trang tir dé hoi (interrogative adverb) hay con goi 1a tir dé héi (question word), duoc ding dé hoi va li do. 2/- Because (béi vi) 1a lién ti (conjunction) ding dé tra Idi cau hoi vé If do bat dau bing “Why” Ex: Why are you late all the time? J am late because I often stay up late. Why did you buy these shoes? J bought them because J like them. Why does she look so sad? Because she has got bad news. SPORTS Cac mén thé thao Dong tir st mén thé thao vidu dung a baseball bong ré He plays baseball volleyball béng chuyén I play volleyball after school table tennis bing bin Tuan plays table tennis in the Play afternoon. badminton edu long os soccer/football bong da tennis quan vot jog di b6 He jogs every moming. skip nhay déy Lan usually skips at recess Aerobics thé due nhip diéu Hoa does aerobics. do Judo Karate | I go swimming boi We go swimming in the summer skateboarding truet van roller-skating Truot patanh ({giay cé 4 banh xe) 17 Dai ti phan than I/- Dinh nghia (Definition) Dai tir phan than 1a dai tir due dimg khi ngudi hode vat chiu anh huéng cha chinh hanh déng cha minh. TI/- Cach thanh lap (Ferm) Dai tir phan than duge thanh lp bang cach thém tiép vi ngit “Self” (sé it) hode “Selves” (s6 nhiéu) vao sau m6t tinh ti sé hitu hode dai tv tan ngit. My © myself (chinh t6i) Our & Ourselves Your > Yourself (Chinh ban, anh, chi...) | Your > Yourselves (Chinh cdc ban, cac anh, cdc chi...) Her & Herself (Chinh cé ay, chi dy, bady) Them > Themselves Him > Himself (Chinh anh dy, 6ng ay.) It > Itself (Chinh né) U/- C4ch sik dung (Uses): Dai tir phan than duge ding khi: LY Chit ngit va tan ngiv li cling mOt abi tong Ex: He cut himself with a knife (Tu anh ta cdt minh) He cut him with a knife. (Anh ta cdit nguéi khdc) 2/- Noi lén p chink ngudi a6 lam chi khéng phai nguéi khdc Ex: J repaired the bicycle myself. Sam painted the house himself. Note: “by myself duge ding véi nghia mét minh. Ex: Ido my homework by myself. TV/- Bang tom tat Personal pronouns ndiectives preaoune | pronouns (ai tirnhan xeng) | rivh tirséhiu) | Gai tir tin nga Onn I My Me Myself You Your You Yourself He His Him Himself She Her Her Herself It Its It Itself We our Us Ourselves You Your You Yourselves They Their Them Themselves MODALS: MUST & HAVE TO Dang tir khiém khuyét: Must va Have to 1/- Must (phai): Ching ta ding “must” 48 din t& sur bat bude hay cdn thiét. Dién dat ¥ muén ngwdi ndi, budc ngwdi khdc phai lam didu gi do. “Must” chi ding cho nghia ¢ hién tai va tong lai. Dong tt theo sau “must” la déng tir nguyén thé khong “to” Ex: We haven’t got much time. We must hurry. You can tell Lan what I said, but she must keep it secrect ‘You must go to'school on time. (Aién tai) Tomorrow you must finish it. (teng lat) » Thé phti dink ota “must” la “don’t/doesn’t have to”. Khéng ding “mustn't” (khéng duge) 20 . 2/- Have to (phai): Ding dé khuyén bai ai d6 1am gi theo chu ¥ cla minh. “Have to” duge dimg cho ca hién tai, trong lai va qué khit (had to). Dong tir theo sau JA mét dng ti nguyén thé khang cé “to” Ex: You have to study hard. (#ién tai) She will have to leave at dawn tomorrow. (neong lai) Yesterday I had to do a lot of housework. (qud khzt) You must give up drinking alcohol. I often have to wash up after a meal. You have to go to work on time. e Phu dinh cia “have to” la “dont’doesn’t/didn’t have to” USED TO + V & BE USED TO + V_ing Dién ta théi quen véi “used to” 1/- Used to + V (da timg) duge ding dé chi mét théi quen trong qua khir nhumg khong cén lién hé dé hién tai. Déng ti theo sau “Used to” 1a mét dong tir nguyén thé khéng cé “to” Ex: L used to smoke 10 years ago. He used to live here. Note: Dang phi dinh cha “Used to” 14 “didn’t use to” va dang nghi van JA “Did..-use to” Ex: I didn’t use to smoke 10 years ago. Did they use to live here? 2/- Be used to + V_ing/noun (quen voi) duge ding dé néi vé mat théi quen. Ex: lam used to getting up early in the morning. They are used to the weather here. Notes: a/- Ta c6 thé ding “Be accustomed to” dé thay thé cho “Be used to” Ex: I am accustomed to getting up early in the morning. b/- “Get used to” va “get accustomed to” duoc ding dé thay thé cho “be used to” hodc “be accustomed to” khi “get” cé nghia |: Ex: Bob moved to Alaska. After a while he got used to/accustomed to living in a cold climate. (Bob chuyén dén Alaska. Sau mét théi gian anh dy a& quen séng véi khi héu lanh) REPORTED SPEECH (1) Commands, polite requests and advice Léi ndi gian tiép déi véi cau ménh Iénh, edu yéu cdu va loi khuyén Lf Céiu ménh lénh (commands): S + told + (O) + (not) + to infinitive Ex: He said: “sit down, please” > He told (us) to sit down. “Don’t make noise!” > The teacher told (us) not to make noise. 2/- Cin yéu cau lich sie (Polite requests) $ + asked + (O)} + to infinitive Ex: “Can you open the door, please?” > He asked (me) to open the door. 3 Loi khuyén (advice) S + advised + (O) + (not) + to infinitive Ex: “You should turn off the lights, Mary” Jane said 21 > Jane advised Mary to turn off the lights “You shouldn’t smoke here” Hoa said to me > Hoa advised me not to smoke here. GERUNDS Danh dong tir I/- FORMATION (Cach thanh lap) Danh dong ti (gerund) duoc thanh lap bang cach thém ING sau déng tir thudng. Ex: to go — going; to think -thinking; to read —reading IV- USES (cach ding) L- Subject (Danh déng tir Jam chi ngit) Ex: Going to the cinema is fun Reading book is my hobby 2+ Stand after a preposition (Dimg sau gidi tt) Ex: [am thinking about going camping in the mountain. She is afraid of going there. * Métsé dong ti va tinh ti c6 gidi tir theo sau béi danh déng ti. To look forward to (trong mong); surprised at (ngac nhién); busy (ban rén); to insist on (khang khang, nai ni); tobe interested in (thich thu). 3% Object (Danh dang tir lam tan ngir sau mot sé dong tir) Ex: He lkes swimming. {have finished doing my homework. « Maotsé déng ti duc theo sau boi danh dong tir: To finish, to prevent (ngdn can), to avoid (tranh), to delay (hofin lai), to enjoy, to deny (chéi bd), to dislike, to consider (c4n nhc), to imagine (taéng tugng), to risk (liéu linh), to support (ang hd), to suggest (dé nghi), to quit (tir bd). lw- BANG TOM TAT MOT SO DONG TU BUGC THEO SAU BOI GERUND HOAC (TO) INFINITIVE - If Sau mot sé dOng tir ching ta ding hinh thite nguyén thé cé ‘To” (To infinitive). Ching ta cing 6 thé Gat “not” trude “to inf” dé chi nghia phi dink. Verbs Meaning Examples @éng tir) (nghia tiéng Viét) (Vi du) $+ V + to infinitive afford c6 dt tién, thoi gian I can’t afford to buy that car agree dong ¥ Everybody agree to help you. appear dudng nhw arrange sap xép I will arrage to meet you some day. attempt 06 gang He attempts to study hard this semester begin bat dau The train begins to start at 6.00 care thich choose chon consent chap thudn decide quyet dinh We decided to buy that house determine quyét dinh practice thue hanh You should practice speaking English everyday. | put off tri hofin quit bo recommend dé nghi resent phat long | resist khang khang "resume lai tiép tuc | risk ligu Tinh l save ettu khdi : tolerate chap nhai i suggest dé nghi They suggest going to the beach. recollect héi tudng pardon tha thir can’t resit khéng cudng n6i can’t stand khéng chiu ndi I can’t stand laughing can’t help khéng nhin ndi I can’t help laughing understand hicu Gerund dimg sau tat cd cac gidi tir va mdt sé cum tir sau be worth xing dang It’s worth buying. (Dang dé mua) it’s no use v6 ich : It's no use teaching her. (Day c6 ay chi cé vé ich) it’s no good vé ich ! there’s no khéng i | be used to quen voi | Tam used to stay up late (t6i quen thtre khuya) get used to tré nén quen ' look forward to mong ngéng ‘ Tam looking forward to seeing you soon in addition to thém vao object to phan déi Everyone objects to building a new hotel here confess to thi nhén Fred confessed to stealing the jewels be opposed to phan khang | take to bat dau quen He took to dinking. (Anh ta nhiém théi quen uéng rugu) face up to chap nhan duong dau admit to tha nhdn 3 Mat sé ding tir ding véi ca “to inf” va “gerund” (ing —form). Nghia cha ching sé khdc nhau. Verbs To inf/ V- Meaning Examples (ing tir) ing (nghia tiéug Viet) (Vi du) remember ; Chi hanh déng I don’t remember posting the letter. forget ‘V-ing an x: (t6i khéng nho 1a d& gui thu rdi) da xay ra roi regret remember I must remember to post the letter. Chi hanh d6 forget to inf hand dong (Téi phi nhé gui ld thu - chua piri) | chua xay ra regret ! . |... ++. | Having a party tonight will mean working i V-ing 06 nghia la mean. extra hard tomorrow to inf cé ¥ dinh J mean to work harder propose V-ing dé nghi I propose waiting till the police get here dS 06 ¥ dinh I propose to start tomorrow van tiép tue cing dé tai_ | He went on talking about his accident tiép tuc nhung dé tai He went on to talk about his accident khéc go on, ngung viéc dang lam She stopped singing (cé ay ngimg hat) ti steP ngimg dé lam viée khéc | She stopped to sing (c6 ay ngimg dé hat) I’ve got a terrible headache. I tried taking an aspirin but it didn’t help. chi sy thir nghiém oy to inf chi su 06 ging I was very tired. I tried to keep my eves open but I couldn’t like I don’t like waking up so early as this. hate V-ing Chi ¥ nghia téng quat | (Téi khong thich day sém) prefer like e1s a eaea. qe _] don’t like to wake him up so early as this hate toing | Chi Ranh dong cA Bit dip rss héng mudn dénh he anh dy day prefer ney sém nhu thé nay) COMPARISONS (2): Equality and double So sénh bang va so sanh kép I/- So sanh ngang bang (equal comparisons): BGi véi so sanh ngang bang ching ta str dung tinh tir ngiin va dai du nhw nhau. $1 + be + as + adj + as + S2(n/pron) Ex: -Jamas tallas my father. #6 cau pha dinh (khong bang) ta thém “not” sau déng tir “tobe”. Trong trudng hop uay ta cd thé thay “as” trade tinh tir bang “so”. § 1+ he not + as/so + adj + as + $2(n/pren) Ex: She is not as/so beautiful as her mother. Ui/- So sinh kép (double comparisons) LA loai so sanh vi cu tric: Cang... cang... Cae Adj so sinh phai dimg o du cdu, traée ching phai cé The. Dung mét trong hai mau cau sau day dé so s4nh kép: , The + comparative + § + be/V..., the + comparative + S$ + be/V... (comparative: hinh thitc so sénh hon) Ex: The hotter it is, the more miserable I feel. The sooner you take your medicince, the better you will feel. The bigger they are, the faster they fall. The more you study, the smarter you will become. The more I look into your eyes, the more I love you. Trong tnring hop néu c& hai vé déu cé cht ngit gid it is thi 6 thé bé ching di MODALS: MAY, CAN, COULD Dong tr khiém khuyét: May, Can va Could I May (cé thé) duge ding a8 néi vé mét su viée hode tinh hudng 6 thé xay ra 6 hién tai hay tong lai. Ex: “There’s someone at the door”. “It may be Sarah”. (perhaps it is Sarah) # Dang phu dinh cia “May” 14 “May not” Ex: Simon may not be-in the living-room. (Perhaps he is not in the living room) 26 OS = “May” duge ding dé chi su 48 nghi, xin phép Jam mdt viée gi. Ex: May I make a suggestion? May IL help you? # Dap lai loi dé nghi Yes/No, thanks/thank you Yes. That’s very kind of you. No, thanks/thank you. I’m fine 2- Can (c6 thé) ding dé dign ta mét kha nang Ex: He can play the guitar. I can use computer. # Ching ta cé thé ding “be able to” thay cho “can” Ex: — Are you able to swim? = Can you swim? # Can duoc ding dé dign ta su xin phép hodc cho phép lam mét viée gi. Ex: Can I borrow your dictionary? Can I use your pen for a moment? # Dang phu dinh cua “can” la “cannot/can’t” 3/- Could (cé thé) 1a hinh thire qué kh eta “Can” Ex: I could swim when I was 4 years old. My sister could talk when she was 15 months old. # Ching ta cé thé ding “was/were able to” dé thay thé cho “Could” Ex: — [was able to swim when J was 4 years ald. # “Could” cdn duge ding dé dién tA mét sur viée ho&e mét tinh huéng c6 thé xay ra 6 hién tai hodc tuong lai. Ex: “Where’s Simon?”. “He could be in the living-room” # “Could” cé thé duoc ding 8 dign t& cdc loi yeu cau. Ex: Could f have the bill, please? Could you pass me the newspaper, please? Could you give me some advice? 4/- May, Can, Could con duge ding dé hoi xin sy gitip dé (Asking for favours) Ex: Can/Could you help me, please? Could you do me a favor? # Dap lai: Certainly/of course/Sure (tat nhién) How can I help you? No problem . I’m sorry. I’m really busy ‘What can I do for you? COMPARISON WITH “LIKE, THE SAME AS, DIFFERENT FROM So sinh voi “like”, “the same as” va “different from” 1/- Like (prep) + n/prom: gidng abu Ex: You should have done it like this. 2/- As (conj) + a clause: giéng nh Ex: You should have done it as I showed you. 3/- As (prep) + n: khi “as” 14 gidi tt thi sau no cing 14 m6t danh tl. Trong trudng hop nay no ding aé dién ta ¥ ugha co that trong khi “like” di&n ta ¥ nghifa khéng that. Ex: During the war this hotel was used as a hospital. Everyone is ill at home. Our house is like a hospital. 4/-S+V + (not) the same + {n} + as + n/pron: (khéng) gidng nhu 27 Truéng hop bi déng nay thuémg duoc sir dung vdi cdc d6ng tir chi quan diém nhu: believe, know, say, report, think, rumour... believe say People think They that clause (S2 + V) report . Everybody vumour > believed said thought reported rumoured. It tobe that clause (S2 + V} believed said thought reported Tumoured : to infinitive 52 tobe to have + PP Note: Thi cia dng tir “tobe” durge chia theo thi cha d6ng ti chinh trong cau chu dong. Ex: People believe that David left New Zealand last week. > It is believe that David left New Zealand last week. > David is believed to have left New Zealand last week. They think that he is crazy. > Itis thought that he is crazy > He is thought to be crazy Cau bi déng voi HAVE - GET (causative form — thé sai khién, S + have/get + O(st) + PP + (by + agent) Ex:] have/get my hair cut by hairdresser. He had/got his car washed yesterday. S + have + O(sb) + bare infinitive S + get + O(sb) + to infinitive Ex: Thave my brother do my homework. I get my brother te do my homework. THE ADJECTIVE FOLLOWED BY AN INFINITIVE AND A NOUN CLAUSE Tinh tir dirge theo sau béi mt dong tir oguyén thé va mét ménh dé danh tir U/- The adjective followed by an infinitive (Tinh tr duge theo sau bdi mot dong tr nguyén thé) Da s6 tinh ti dugc dong tir nguyén mi theo sau. Sy két hop gitta tinh ti va dng ti nguyén mau lam cho ¥ ngbia cia cau dugc sinh dong hon. S + linking verb/be + adj + to inf Note: linking verb la déng tu chi tinh thai, cam gidc nhur: feel, taste, look... 30 Ex: It’s difficult to follow your directions. (That khé theo chi din cha ban) He is difficult to understand. (Anh that khé hiéu) Some words are impossible to translate. (Mét vai tix khé cé thé dich) I/- The adjective followed by a noun clause. (Tinh tir duge theo sau béi ménh a8 danh tz) Ching ta ding ménh dé phu danh tir (that clause) dimg sau mot sé tinh tir. Trong vin than mat, “that” 06 thé duge ba di. 8 + be + adj + (that) + clause Nhitug tinh tir thicong gdp la: Afraid (so), happy, essential (cn thiét), worried (lo lAng), determined (quyét dinh), certain (chic chan), convinced (tin chc), annoyed (hoi gian), conscious (tinh, ¢6 ¥ thite, biét duoc), horrified (kinh ngac, ngac nhién), eager (hdo htc), glad (vui), proud (ty hao), aware (thdy ring, nan ra}, amused (wui thich), delighted (vui thich), sorry (tiéc), impatient (thiéu kién nhdn, ndn néng), pleased (hai long), willing (sin long), confident (ty tin, tin chic), anxious (lo ling, khéng thoai mai, khao khat), sure (chic chin), surprised (ngac nhién)... Ex: We were surprised (that) she came. It is essential (that) they should be told at once. “ ED” AND “_ING” PARTICIPLE Qua khit phan ti va bién tai phan tir U/- Present participle (_ing participle) — Hién tai phan ry duge thanh lap cach thém “_ing” vao dang tir nguyén thé, ching duge ding nhv mét tinh ti. Mang nghia chi dong. Ex: - surprising, exciting, boring, interesting... Ching ta ding hién tai phan tir khi mét vat ho&c mOt ngudi gay ra anh buéng aéi vai mot vat hay mot ngwdi khde. Ex: Last night I watched an interesting film. Hoa finds English interesting. 2/- Past participle (_ed participle) - Qua kht phan tix duoc thanh lap bang cach thém “ed” sau dong tir nguyén thé, ching cing duoc ding nhu mét tinh tir. Mang nghia bi dong. Ex: — - surprised, excited, bored, interested... Ching ta ding qua khit phan tt khi mt vat hoac mét nguéi chiu anh huéng 46i voi mot vat hoac mét ngudi khac. Ex: am tired because I work all day Jane is bored because her job is boring. Tom is interested in maths. 3/- M6t s6 cip tinh tir tan cing 1a “ed” va “ing” throng gap interested/ interesting, excited/ exciting (hay, ly thi, hao himg), amused/ amusing (vui thi), amazed/ amazing (simg sét, kinh ngac), astonished/ astonishing (kinh ngac, ngac nhién), surprised/ surprising (ngac nhién), satisfied’ satisfying (hai long), embarrased/ embarrasing (ting ting, xdu hd), confused/ confusing (béi r6i), frightened/ frightening (hoang so), worried’ worrying (lo lng)... WOULD/ DO YOU MIND...? Cau yéu cu vei “Would/Do you mind...2” 1/- Would/ Do you mind + V_ing...? (Ban lam on (lam) gitip t6i (didu gi) duge khéng?) CAu tric nay duge ding dé dé nghi ai 1am diéu gi mét cach lich su. Ex: Would/ Do you mind opening the door, please? Would/ Do you mind taming on the radio? 31 2/- Would you mind if | + V(simple past)...? ; Do you mind if I + V(simple present)...? Céu tric nay duge ding dé xin phép khi ching ta mudn lam mét viéc gi mét cach lich sy. Ex: Would you mind if I closed the windows? Would you mind if I used your phone? Do you mind if I use your motorbike? 3/- Tra lai edu yéu cu véi “Would/Do you mind...? a/- Néu khong thdy phién ta co thé ndi - - Please do. (ban ctr lam di} - No. Not at all. (khéng sao ca) - Never mind/ you’re welcome. (khéng sao) - No. Of course not. 6 di nhién 1a khéng phién gi ca) - No. That would be fine. (O kh6ng ban cit 1am di) - No. I’d be happy to do. (khéng. Tdi rat vui khi duoc lam duge diéu do) - No. I'd be glad to. (khéng. T6i rat vui khi duge lam duoc diéu d6) b/- Néu cam thity phién, ta c6 thé néi - Vd rather/ prefer you didn’t. (ban khéng lam thi tét hon) REPORTED SPEECH (2): Statements Loi ndi gin tiép voi cau ké U- Cach chuyén tir loi noi true tiép sang loi n6i gidn tiép adi voi cin ké: « S§+said (that) +S+ V(QK 1 bac) .......... « S$+told O that + $+ V(QK I bac) we - Thay 48i cdc dai tir nhdn xung, dai tir sé hitu, dai tir tan ngft, tinh tir sé httu cho pha hop. - Thay dai cdc trang tir chi thai gian, noi chén cho pht hop. - Néu déng tie d ménh dé chinh & thi qua Mut, thi khi chuyén sang Idi noi gidn tiép dong tied ménh dé phy (ménh dé ndm trong ddu ngodc kép) phdi thay di. 2/- Bang thay bi cdc trang tir chi théi gian, noi chén va thi (tenses) céa ddng tir DIRECT tru tiép | INDIRECT gian tiép Adverbs of place and time (trang tir chi thoi gian, dia diém now then today that day ago before tomorrow the next day/ the following day yesterday the previous day/ the day before the day after tomorrow in two day’s time the day before yesterday two days before next week/month/year the following week/month/year last week/month/year the previous week/month/year the week/month/year before this that these those this (pron) it here there tonight (on) that night Tenses (thay doi thi) 32 CONDITIONAL SENTENCES (1): Type 1 Cau didu kién loai 1 Cau didu kign 14 céu gdm cé 2 phan: Mot phan néu lén diéu kén cia hanh dng (goi ménh dé phu - if clause) va mét phan néu lén két qua cia hanh d6ng (goi 14 ménk chinh — main clause} 1. Cech ding (Use): Cau didu kién loai | duoc dimg dé dién ta m6t hanh dong c6 thé xay ra 6 hién tai hodc twong lai. 2. Hinh thivc (Form) l IF CLAUSE MAIN CLAUSE - Present tenses (tobe, simple, perfect, - Simple Future continuous) - Imperative forms - Modal verbs (in present) Chui thich: - GOménh dé If-clause d6ng tir ding é thi hién tai (tobe, hién tai don, hodn thanh, tiép dién) - Dong tir ménh dé chink ding thi tuong lai don, cau ménh lénh, cdc déng tir khiém khuyét & hién tai (can, must, have to, need, should) Ex: If it rains tomorrow, we will stay at home. If the baby is sleeping, don’t make noise. If he has enough money, he can buy that house. CONDITIONAL SENTENCES (2): Type 2 C4u diéu kign loai 2 Cau diéu kién loai hai cfing gdm 06 2 phan: Mét phan néu lén diéu kén cha hanh déng (goi ménh dé phy - if clause) va mét phn néu lén két qua cha hanh déng (goi la ménh chinh — main clause) 1. Cach ding (Use): Cau diéu kién loai 2 duoc ding dé dién ta mét hanh déng khong thé xay ra 6 hign tai hodc twong lai. 2. Hinh thitc (Form) iF CLAUSE MAIN CLAUSE - Past subjunctive (qua khir bang thai) - would/could/might + 'V Cho thich: - Oménh dé If-clause déng tir ding 6 hinh thite qua kh bang thai (gidng thi qué khur don, d6ng tix tobe chi ding were cho tat c4 cdc ngéi) - Déng tito ménh dé chinh dang 6 diéu kién hién tai (would/could/might + bare infinitive) Ex: [f were a bird, I would be a white dove. If I were a flower, I would be a sunflower. If he knew her phone number, he could phone her. CONDITIONAL SENTENCES (3): Type 3 Cau diéu kién loai 3 1. Cach dimg (Use): Cau diéu kién loai 3 duge dimg dé dign tA mét hanh déng khong thé xay ra & qua kh. 2. Hinh thie (Form) | IF CLAUSE MAIN CLAUSE -. Past Perfect tense (qué khtr hoan thanh) - would/could/might + have + PP Chi thich: - Oménb dé If-clause déng tir ding 6 thi qué kit hodn thanh. 35 - Déng ty & ménh dé chinh ding & didn kién hoan thanh (would/could/might + have + PP) Ex: Jf] had had money, I would have bought that book for you in Singapore. If he had known she was ill, he would have comae to see her. TAG QUESTIONS Cu héi dudi C4u héi dudi 1a phan héi duoc thém vao phan cudi cba mét cau. Ching ta ding céu hoi dudi dé mudn biét cau tra loi che chin hoae mong ch’ mét cau tra Idi ding y. T/- Déi vei dng tir thuong (ordinary verbs) l. Cau gidi thiéu khéng dinh, phin héi dudi phi dink. S + V(s/es/ed/2)....., don’t/doesn’t/didn’t + $? Ex:- You like coffee, don’t you? He reads newspapers every evening, doesn’t he? They watched TV last night, didn’t they? 2. Clu gidi thiéu phi dinh, phan héi dui khing dink S$ + don’t/ doesn’t/didn’t + V....., do/does/did + $? Ex:- You don’t like coffee, do you? He doesn’t read newspapers every evening, does he? They didn’t watched TV last night, did they? Il- Doi voi dng tir dic biét (special): 14 cdc dng tir khi ehuyén sang cau phi: dinh ta tham NOT vao sau déng tir, khi chuyén sang nghi vdn dua chinh d6ng tir nay lén trude chi net. 1. Cau gidi thigu khang dinh, phan héi dudi phi dinh. S + special verb....., special verb + not + S? Ex:- You are a student, aren’t you? She has just bought a new bicycle, hasn’t she? 2. Cau gidi thiéu phii dink, phan hoi duéi khang dink S + special verb + not....., special verb +5? Ex:- You aren’t a student, are you? She hasn’t bought a new bicycle, has she? W/- Déi voi dong tir khiém khuyét (modal verbs) 1. Cau gidi thiéu khang dinh, phan héi duéi phat dink. S+ modal verb............., modal verb + not + S? Ex:- He can speak English, can’t he? Lan will go to Hue next week, won’t she? 2. Chu gidi thiéu phit dinh, phan héi dubi khing dink S$ + modal verb + not.. Ex: - He can’t speak English, can he? Lan won’t go to Hue next week, will she? IV/- M6t 6 chu ¥ déi voi cu hoi dudi 1. Cau héi dudi cia “I am” 1a “aren’t I” Ex: Jam astudent, aren’t [ 2. Céu héi dudi cia “Let’s” 1a “shall we” = Ex: Let’s go for a picnic, shall we? Chi ngit 1a “Everyone, someone, anyone, no one, nobody...” cau hoi dudi 1a “they” Ex: Somebody wanted a drink, didn’t they? Nobody phoned, did they? 4. Cha ngif la “nothing” thi cau hoi dudi ding “it” modal verb + S? we 36 Ex: Nothing can happen, can’t it? 5. Trong cu cé cdc trang tt ph dinh va ban pht dinh nhu: never, seldom, hardly, scarely, little... thi cau dé duoc xem nh 1a cu piu dinh — phan héi duéi sé & dang khang dinh Ex: - He seldom drinks wine, does he? ADVERB CLAUSES (2): REASON Ménh dé trang ngir chi nguyén nhan Ménh dé phu trang ngit chi nguyén nhfn ding dé tra Idi cAu hdi “Why”, va thutng duce gidi thiéu béi “because, as, since, now that, seeing that, for” 1/- As, seeing that, since: thuong nim & diu cau Ex: As he was such a fool I refused to listen to him Seeing that we are all here we might as well begin. 2/- Néu guyén do 1a mot ¥ rat quan trong, ta dit “becanse” & giita cau. Ex: I went there because I was told 3/- “For” khéug duge dat 6 dau cau. Ex: We listened eagerly, for he brought news of our families. 4/- Khi nguyén do fa mot didu hién nhién hode da biét rai, ta throng dimg “As” Ex: As you are here you can give me some help. 5/- Khi tra li c4u hi, ta ding “Because”, khéng ding “As” Ex: Why did you go? - I went because Tom told me to go. * because + clause = because of + cum danh tu /V-ing CONNECTIVES Tir ni I/- Tirnéi “AND” duoe ding dé néi bai thanh phan cing loai ctia cau. (danh th, dong ty, tinh ti, trang tir.) Ex: He has a house and a dog. She sang and danced happily. They are pretty and intelligent. 2/- Ta ndi “BUT” ding 4é gidi thigu mét tir, mét cum tix hay mot ménh dé tong phan lai tir, cum tir hay ménh dé da duge néi trudc trong cau. Ex: By the end of the day he was tired but happy. She was poor but she was honnest. 3/- Tir néi “HOWEVER” ding dé gidi thiéu mét cau tuong phan véi nbing gi da ndi trade dé, “however” cé thé dimg dau cau hode tach ra gitta hai cu bang hai déu cham phay. Ex: Na is very tired. However, she has to finish her homework before she goes to bed. 4/- Ti noi “OR” + Ding dé néu lén mét kha nang khac etia ede thanh phan cing loai trong cau. Ex: Is ita boy ora girl? Do you go to school in the moming or afternoon. + Dig trong cau phi dinh khi dé cap dén hai hay nbiéu thir khdc nhau. Ex: He can’t read or write. There are people without homes, jobs or family. 5/- Tir néi “SO” 37 J/- Suggest + V_ing Ex: He suggested going to the cinema tonight. They suggested helping poor people in the city. 2/- Suggest + (that) + $+ should + V Ex: She suggests (that) we should belp the poor people in the city. I suggest (that) you should work harder on your promotion. ADJECTIVE CLAUSE: Ménh dé phu tinh ngir W/- Ménuh dé phu tinh ngi: 1A ménh dé cd chite nang nh mét tinh ti: bd nghia cho mét danh tir, chad th. Ménh dé phu tink ngi¥ thuéng duge bat déu voi cde dai tir quan hé (relative pronouns) nhu: who, whieh, that, where, when, why.... Ménh dé phu tinh ngtt dimg cang gan danh tir ma né bd nghia cang tot. WU- Cach sit dung mét sé dai tir quan hé Dai tie quan hé Who: dage ding dé thay thé cho mét danh ti chi ngudi. Dai ti nay thuéng lam chi ng cho ménh dé tinh ngit. Ex: - The student has answered the question. He is our monitor The student who has answered the question is our monitor. (ménh dé trén bd nghia cho danh tir chi ngudi “student”) Dai tir quan hé Whom: cing duoc ding dé thay thé cho m6t danh ti chi ngudi. Pai tir nay thudng lam tan ngit cho ménh dé tinh ngi. Ex: - This is the girl. I love her. This is the girl whem J love. (ménh dé nay bé nghia cho danh tir chi ngudi 1a “girl”) Dai tie quan hé Which: duoc ding dé thay thé cho mét danh th chi dé vat, con vat. N6 06 thé lam cht: ngit hode tin ngit cho ménh dé tinh ngi. Ex: - I dislike reading the books. These books have unhappy endings. I dislike reading the books which have unhappy endings. Dai tir quan hé That: duge ding dé thay thé cho c4 danh tir chi ngudi, a6 vat hoac con vat. Khéng duoc ding trong ménh dé phy tinh ngtt khong han dinh. (xem phn MDP tinh ngit khong han dinh). Ex: The student who/that has answered the question is our monitor I dislike reading the books which/that have unhappy endings. Dai te quan hé Whose: duge ding dé thay thé cho cdc tinh tt sé hitu: my, our, their, his, her, va its. Ex: - The people complained to the police. Their cars were damaged. The people whose cars were damaged complained to the police. Dai tir quan hé Where: duge ding 8 thay thé cho danh ti chi noi chén, Where = in/at/from which Ex: - We stayed in a hotel. The hotel was very expensive. The hotel where we stayed in was very expensive. = The hotel in which we stayed was very expensive. Dai tir quan hé When: duge ding € chi thoi gian. When = on/at which Ex: -1°m still aftaid of the day. On that day the cruel man attacked me. Y'm still afraid of the day when/on which the cruel man attacked me. Chi ¥: Trong céc ménh a phu tinh ngit cé dai tir quan hé lam tan ngit, chung ta c6 thé bé dai tir quan hé di ma khéng lam thay déi nghia cla cau. IU/- Cac trang hop rut gon cia ménh a phu tinh ngir 1. Rut gon thanh cum hién tai phan tir Present participle phrase) - WNéuménh dé phu tinh ngtr cé dai tir quan hé lam chu ngt. 40 - Ménh dé tinh ngtt dé mang nghia chu dong (active) - Ching ta cé thé rit gon thanh cum hién tai phan ti. Ex: - The student who has answered the question is our monitor The student answering the question is ow monitor. 2. Rut gon thanh cum qua khit phan tir Past participle phrase) - Néu ménh dé phy tinh ngir cé dai tir quan bé lam cht naif. - Ménh dé tinh ngit do mang nghia bi ding (passive) - Ching tacd thé rast gon thanh cum qua khir phan ti. Ex: — - The hat which is put in my schoolbag is a birthday present. The hat put in my schoolbag is a birthday present. — The car which was made in China is very cheap. The car made in China is very cheap. IV/- Méah aé phu tinh agir han dinh va khong han dioh Ménh dé phu tinh ngi han dinh Ménh dé phy tinh ngir khéng han dinh (Defining Adjective clause) {Non-defining Adjective clause) -. Rat can thiét cho nghia cia cau, ching ta -. Ehéng cén thiét lam cho nghia cia cfu, ching ta khéng duge bd di. cé thé bé di ma khéng lam thay déi nghia. | -. Khéng hao gid bi ngain cach bai cde déu | -. Luén luén bi ngin cach béi cac dau phay. phay -. Khong bao gid duoc bat diu bang dai tr quan hé -. Dugc bat dau bang bat ki dai ti: quan hé THAT, nao. Ex: - She has a sister who works for a foreign company. (she, maybe, has many sisters) She has a sister, whe works for a foreign company. (she has only one sister) - Her brother who has come back from abroad is an experienced engineer. (She has at least two brother) Her brother, whe kas come back from abroad, is an experienced engineer. (She has only one brother) ADVERB CLAUSES (3): CONCESSION Ménh dé phu trang ngir chi sy nhuong b6 Ménh dé phu trang agit chi su nhuong b6 thudng duge bat ddu bang: Though, although, eventhough, even if, despite, in spite of, however, whatever. 1/- Although, though, eventhough, even if Although Though +| a clause Even though s Even if Ex: Although/Though it rained heavily, they went out with their family. Even if you don’t like me, I will be here with you. Even if it takes 10 years, I still wait for her. Note: Sau ménh dé chi sw nbuong b6 chi ding dau phay (,) khong ding “but” 2/- Despite, In spite of 41 Despit I esp © + noun phrase (cum danh tir) spite ¥ ing of “—* Ex: Despite his poverty/ In spite of his poverty, he succeeded in his life. Despite the bad weather, they continued climbing the mountains. 3/- However = No matter how: cho di thé ndo di nita. However + adj/adv+5+V... Ex: However cold the water is, I will swim. However quickly he ran, he couldn’t catch the bus. No matter how terrible life is, I always feel optimistic. 4/- Whatever = Whatsoever = No matter what: du gi di ntta Ex: | Whatever happens, I will love you forever. Whatever books he reads, he will never learn anything. MODALS: MAY & MIGHT Ding tir khiém khuyét “May” va “Might” /- MAY a/ Ding dé dién dat m@t kha nang ndo a6 cb thé xdy ra. Ex: He may like going to the village fair. She may understand your situation and help you. There may be a lot of precious stones on Mars. b/ Ditng dé xin phép Ex: May I come in? You may come in if you wish. c/ Ding trong loi chic Ex: May you have merry Christmas. (Chic ban Giang sinh vui vé) May you be healthy and happy. (Chic ban manh khée va hanh phic) 2/- MIGHT a/ Pwo ding nhw ld hink thite qud khit cia “May” khi twong thudt lei lei néi cia ai. Ex: He said he might come tomorrow. (Anh ay bdo ngay mai anh dy c6 thé dén) They said they might be bere for the festival. (Ho bao ho cé thé én tham dy 1é hi) b/ Ding dé dién dat mot khé ning c6 thé 6 duge Ex: He might get there in time, but ] am not sure. (Co thé anh dy’dén 46 ding gid, nhung tdi cling khéng chic lam) IL. Chon tinh tiv: Troéc danh ti, sau linking verbs, - ADJ+ NOUN A happy girl always smiles. (happiness) - KEEP /SEEM/ BE/ FEEL/ LOOK + - Linking verbs: He’s heavy. ( heaviness) UE. Chon trang tit: Gitta chil ngif va déng ti / sau d6ng tiv thudng, sau tan ngif. dau cau, ... - S+ADV+ V(thuéng): -I have recently received my friend’s letter. - §+¥(+0)# ADV -The doctor told me to breathe in slowly. - ADV, yS+Vv - Suddenly, he saw an accident. . Chon dong tif: dting ngay sau chil ngif: ~S+¥: -My mother bought a new bike yesterday. Luu §: Khi xc dinh vi tri d6 1a dng tir thi can chia cho ding thi, ding dang A. WORD FORM CHART: 42 81 decide decision (in) decisive (in) decisively quyét dinh 82 decorate decoration decorative trang hoang 83 deepen depth deep deep, deeply Jam séu hon 84 defend defence bao vé 85 (deficiency) (deficient) su gidm thiéu 86 delicacy delicate delicately duyén dang NO VERB NOUN ADJECTIVE ADVERDB MEANING 87 deliver delivery, deliverer giao, phan phat 88 delight delight delightful delightfully Lam sung suéng 89 _jdepend (on) (in) dependence (in) dependent (in) dependently hu thud 90 destroy destruction destructive destructively pha buy 91 develop development developing phat tién 92 determine determination determined guyét tam 3 dictate dictatation doc chinh ta 94 die death dead chet 95 differ difference different differently lam khac 96 difficulty difficult su kho khan 97 direct direction, director Gn) direct (in) directly chi, bdo, thing, gi 98 dirty dirt dirty dirtily su do ban 99 disappoint disappointment disappointed, disappointedly Jam that vong disappointing su that vong 100 discover discovery kham pha 101 discuss discussion | théo luén 102 distance distant distantly | khoang cach 102 _| distribute distribution distributive |_ phan phéi 103 | divide division (in) divisible | phan chia 104 | drain drainage rut nude 105 dust dusty bui 106 earth earthy tdi dat 107 ease eas easily dé dang 108 economy | economical economically kinh té 109 educate education educational, educationally giao duc (un) educated 110 affect effect (in) effective (in) effectively anh huéng lu electrify electricity electric,electrical dién 112 embarrass embarrassment embarrassed, lam béi r6i embarrassing 113 emit 1 emisssion thoat ra 114 employ (un) employment | (un) employed thué muén employer, employee Lis encourage encouragement encouraged khuyén khich NO VERB NOUN ADJECTIVE ADVERDB MEANING 116 end end endless ket thitc 117 energy energetic energerically nang luong 118 enjoy enjoyment enjoyable enjoyably thich 119 enrich enrichment tich richly Jam giau 120 | enter entrance bude vao 121 environment environmental méi trong 122 equip equipment trang bi 123 erode erosion lam x6i mon 124 | establish establishment thiét lap 125 | examine examination kham xét 45 126 expect expectation expectant, expecting, mong doi (un) expected 127 experience experience (in) experienced kinh nghiém 128 experiment | experiment experimental experimentally thir nghiém 129 explain explanation explanatory giai thich 130 " explode explosion, explosive explosively no, | explosive bing nd 131 explore exploration, tham hiém explorer (nha) 132 extinctive extinct sy tét ching 133 extremity,extreme extreme extremely diém t6t cing, curs ky 134 fact factual su kién 135 fail failure that bai 136 faith (un) faithful (un) faithfully trung thanh 137 | familiarize (un) familiarity (un) familiar (un)familiarly lam cho (ai) quen viée gi 138 fashion fashionable fashionably thai trang 139 favour favour favourable favourably bao on 140 fear fear fearful, fearless fearfully, lo so, fearlessly ghé sg 141 feel feeling cam thay 142. fertilize | fertilizer lam mau mo 143 | fill fill full (of) lam day filled (with) lap day 144 i fluency fluent fluently Tue loat 145 fly flight bay, chuyén bay NO VERB NOUN ADJECTIVE ADVERDB MEANING 146 fool, foolishness foolish foolishly nguoi ngdc 147 foolball, bong da, footballer eau tha 148 forget forgetfulness (un) forgettable, forgetfully quén, forgetful quén lang 149 form. form, formation hinh thite 150 fortune (un) fortunate (an) fortunately | may man 151 found foundation, ! fundamental thanh lap, founder sang lap 152 freshness fresh tuoi 153 frighten fright | frightened, sg hai, frightening lo sg 154 friend, friendship | friendly, ban bé, friendliness friendless tinh ban 155 generalize generalization general noi chung 156 generosity generous generously réng long 157 geography geographical dia ly, (hoc) 158 goodness good long t6t, tot 159 govern government th6ng tri, cai quan 160 graduate graduation, tot nghiép, | graduate hoc xong 161 grow growth moc lén _ 162 guide guidance, guide budéng dan 163 habit habitual habitually thdi quen 164 happiness happy. happily hanh phic 165 barm ' harm harmful, harmless hy hai, 46 18 hai 166 harden hardeness hard hard, bardly ctmg ran, siéng nang 167_|_ hate hateful hatefully cam ghét 168 health (un) healthy (un) healthily site khoe 169 heart hearty, heartless trai tim 170 heat heat, hotness hot néng 171 height high high, highly chiéu cao 172 help help, helpfulness | helpful, helpless helpfully, su gitip dé, helplessly giup do 173 history historical, historic historically lich sir NO VERB NOUN ADJECTIVE ADVERDB 174 (dis) honesty (dis) honest (dis) honestly 175 | hope hope hopeful, hopeless hopefully, hy vong, hopelessly niém hy vong 176 horrify horror horrible horribly kinh ngac 177 hour hourly gid 178 hunger hungry bungrily déi 179_| hurry hury hurried hurriedly voi vang 180 ignore ignorance ignorant ignorantly phot le 181 illness ill bénh 182 illiterac: iliterate nan mt chit 183 illustrate illustration illustrative minh hea 184 imagine imagination imaginary tuéng tuong 185 immediate immediately ngay lap tire 186 importance important quan trong 187 improve improvement cai thién 188 include inclusion inclusive inclusively bao gom 189 jindustrialize industry industrial céng nghiép, industrious can ct 190 influence influence sy anh huéng 191 inform information informative théng tin 192 instruct instruction instructive |_instructively chi dan 193 intelligence intelligent i_ intelligently théng minh 194 intend intention intentional intentionally ¥ dinh 195 intensify intensify intense intensely tang cuong 196 | interview interview, phong van, interviewer (cugc) phéng 197 intimacy intimate intimately su than mat 198 introduce introduction introductory giéi thiéu 199 invent invention, phat minh, inventor nha phatminh 200 invite invitation. moi, Joi moi 201 irrigate irrigation. lam thay Igi 202 jealousy jealous jealouly ghen tuéng 203 job jobless cong viée 204 rejoyce joy joyful, joyess joyfully, joyessly | vui mimg 205 | justify justice just |_ justly chimg minh 206 keenness keen (on) keenly hing hai 207 kindness kind kindly tir té 208 land landing ha c4nh NO VERB NOUN ADJECTIVE ADVERDB MEZ 209 | know knowledge knowledgeable knowingly diet, (un) known kién thie 47 cung cap provide provision prove proof provable chimg minh public public publicly céng céng tace racial sac toc VERB NOUN ADJECTIVE ADVERDB MEANING 306 rain rain rainy mua 307 | react reaction phan tmg 308 reality (un) real really thuc té 309 realize realization nhan thrice 310 Treason reason (un) reasonable (un) reasonably ly do 311 Teceive reception mhan 312 recognize recognition (un) recognizable nhan biét 313 recover Tecovery hdi phuc 314 reduce reduction giam xuéng 315 tefuse tefusal ty chdi 316 relate relation, relative relatively lién quan, telationship ho hang 317 religion religious tén gido 318 rely reliance reliable teliably 18 thudc 319 remove removal di doi 320 repeat repetition lap lai 321 research research nghién cir 322 respond response phic dap 323 responsibility responsible trach nhiém 324 | restrict restriction restrictive restrictively han ché 325 | retire retirement retired Nghi hun 326 encich enrichment, rich rich lam giau, richness giau co 327 rotate rotation rotatory ludn chuyén 328 sadden. sadness sad sadly lam buon 329 | safeguard safeguard che ché 330 (un) safety (un) safe (un) safely an toan 331 sell sale(s) ban 332 salt salty mudi 333 sand sandy cat 334 | satisfy satisfaction (un) satisfactory, (un) théa man, (un) satisfying, satisfactorily su théa man (un) satisfied hai long 335 save saving dé danh, cim séng 336 science, scientist scientific scientifically khoa hoc 337__| search search tim kiém 338 secret secret bi mat - 339 see sight nhin, xem NO VERB NOUN ADJECTIVE ADVERDB MEANING 340 select selection lya chon. 341 self, selfishness selfish selfishly ich ky 342 sense sensible sensibly giac quan 343 shame shameful, shamefully, xaw hd,” . shameless, shamelessly hé then, shamed su hé then 344 shock shock shocked, shocking bisdc, ci sdc 345 shorten shortage short shortly = soon [rit gon, ngan gon 346 skill skillful skillfully ky nang 347 sickness sick 6m, bénh ky tén [348 | sign signature i 349 signature significant significantly day ¥ nghia 350 silence silence silent silently im ling 351 similarity similar similarly tuong tu 352_| sing song, singer hat, bai hat 353 | sit seat seated ché ngéi 354 | sleep sleep, sleepness sleepy, asleep, sleepily nga, nga mé sleepless giac ngu 355 snow snow snowy tuyét 356 society social socially x hoi 357 solidify solid solid lam etmg 358 solve solution giai quyét 359 | specialize specialist special specially, chuyén mén héa, especially diac bist 360 speak speech, speaker ndi 361 spirit spiritual tinh than 362 state statement phat biéu 363 storm stomy con bao 364 strenghthen | strenghth strong strongly manh mé 365 succeed success (an) successful (un) successfully; thanh céng 366 suggest suggestion. dé nghi 367 {| supply supply cung cap 368 support support ung hd 369 surgery surgical surgically phau thuat 370 surprise surprise surprised, surprising surprisingly lam cho (ai) ngac . nhién 371 suspect suspicion,suspect NO VERB NOUN ADJECTIVE ADVERDB 372; sympathize | sympathy sympathetic sympathetically théng cam. 373 talent talented tai nang 374 teach teaching, teacher day hoc 375 technician, technical technically k¥ thuat, technique kk thuat vién 376 technology, technological céng nghé technologist 377_| tend tendency tendentious ¢6 khuynh huéng 378 test test kiém tra 379 | think thought thoughtful, thoughtfully, suy neghi, thoughtless thoughtlessly ¥ neh 380 thirst thirsty thirstily khat 381 threaten threat threatening threateningly de doa $82_| tire tiredness tired, tiring lam cho mét 383 tolerate tolerance tolerable, tolerant tolerably khoan dung, tha thir 384 total total totally tong cong 385 transform. transformation thay doi ' 386 | translate translation, phién dich, translator dich sang 387 transmit transmission transmissible truyén tai 388 transport transport, van chuyén, transportation chuyén cho 389 treat treatment (un) treatable a6i xu, xt tri 390 tree treeless cay 391 tropic tropical |_ nhiét doi 451 392 | trouble trouble troublesome i_ lam phién 393 truth | true, truthfal truly, truthfully | sw that 394 | understant understanting understanable i biéu 395 urgency urgent | khan cap 396 use use, uselessness useful, useless usefully, / su dung, usage, usefulness uselessly | 6 ich, vd ich 397 (un) usual usually thudngthwing 398 value value, valuation valuable, dinh gid, invaluable, davh gia, |_ valueless gid tri 399 vaporize vapour |_¥aporous ! boc hai 400 warm warmth warm warmly Am 4p, sui VERB NOUN ADJECTIVE ADVERDB MEANING 401 waste waste wasteful wastefully lang phi 402 | watch watchfulness watchful watehfully tréng coi 403 weaken weakness weak weakly lam yeu 404 weigh weight, weightless can nang weightlessness trong lvong 405 widen width wide widely mo rong 406 wind windy gid 407 wisdom. wise wisely théng minh 408 women womanly phu nit 409 wonder wonder wonderful wonderfully tuyét voi 410 wood wooden 26 41] work work, worker working lam viéc 412 world worldly thé gidi 413 worry Worry worried, worrying worriedly, lo lang, worryingly Jo au 414 worth worth, worthless gid ti 415 year yearly = annual nam 416 youth young, youthful youthfully thanh nién MOT SO CAU TRUC CAU CAN LUU Y 1) «S + V+ too + adj/adv + (for someone) + to do something (qua....dé cho ai lam gi...) *1,This structure is too easy for you to remember. *2: He ran too fast for me to follow. 2) °S+V+so + adj/ady + that+S+V (qua... dén ndi ma. *1: This box is so heavy that I cannot take it. *2: He speaks so soft that we can’t hear anything. 3) elt + V + such + (a/an) + N(s)+that+S+V = (qua... dén ndi ma...) *1: It is such a heavy box that J cannot take it. *2; They are such interesting books that I cannot ignore them at all. 4) -S+ V+ adj/ adv + enough + (for someone) + to do something. (Di... cho ai dé kam gi...) *1: She is old enough to get married. *2: They are intelligent enough for me to teach them English. 5) *Have/ get + something + done (VpIE) (oho ai hodc thué ai lam gi...) *]: [had my hair cut yesterday. *2: P'd like to have my shoes repaired. 52 45)*When + S + V(qkd), S + had + Pii 46)"Before + S + V(qkd), S + had + Pii 47)*After + S + had +Pii, S + V(qkd)} 48)+to be crowded. with(rdt dong cai gi dé...) 49)»to be full of(day cdi gi dé...) 50)*To be/ seem/ sound/ became/ feel/ appear/ Jook/ go/ turn/ grow + adj(day Ja cac dong tir tri gidc c6 nghia la: cé vé nhu/ la/ dvong nhu/ tro nén... sau chang néu cé adj va adv thi ching ta phai chen adj) 51)-except for/ apart from(ngoai, tri...) 52)eas soon as(ngay sau khi) 53)*to be afraid of(s¢ cai gi..) 54)*could hardly(hau uhu khéng}{ chi ¥: hard khéc hardly) 55)+Have difficulty + V-ing(gip kh6é khan lam gi...) 56)*Cha ¥ phan biét 2 loai tinh tir V-ed va V-ing: ding -ed dé miéu ta vé ngwii, -ing cho vat. va khi mudu noi vé ban chat cata cd ngwéi va vat ta ding —ing *1: That film is boring. *2: He is bored. *3: He is an interesting man. *4: That book is an interesting one. (khi dé khéng nén nhdm véi-ed, ching han ta noi : a loved man cé nghia “ngwdi dan éng duoc mén m6”, tie 1a 06 nghia “Bi” va “Duoc” & a6) 57)¢in which = where; on/at which = when 58)*Put + up + with + V-ing(chiu dung...) 59}+Make use of + N/ V-ing(tn dung cai gi dé...) 60)*Get + adj/ Pii 61)*Make progress(tién Dé...) 62)*take over + N(dam nhiém cai gi...) 63)*Bring about(mang lai} 64)*Cha y: so + adj com such + N 65)*At the end of va In the end(cudi cai gi d6 va két cuc) 66)*To find out(tim ra),To succeed in(thanh céng trong...) 67)*Go for a walk(di dao)/ go on holiday/picnic(di nghi) 68)*One of + so sanh hon nhat + N(m6t trong nhiing...) = 69)It is the first/ second.../best + Time + thi hién tai hoan thanh 70)*Live in(séng 6)/ Live at + dia chi cu thé/ Live on (séng nha vao...) 71)*To be fined for(bi phat v8) 72)+from behind(tir phia sau...) 73)eso that + ménh dé(dé....) 74)"In case + ménh dé(trong trwdng hop...) 75)*can/ could/ may might/ will/ would/ shall/ should/ must/ ought to... (modal Verbs) + V- infinitive. 56
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