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Teacher Standards and School-Based Teaching Practices: Impact on Pupil Progress, Study notes of Law

The Teachers' Standards and the importance of effective school-based teaching practices in promoting pupil progress. It covers various aspects of teaching, including creating a safe learning environment, setting goals, demonstrating positive attitudes, promoting good progress, and making accurate use of assessment. The document also emphasizes the role of evidence bundles and weekly mentor meetings in evaluating teaching progress.

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Download Teacher Standards and School-Based Teaching Practices: Impact on Pupil Progress and more Study notes Law in PDF only on Docsity! School of Education, Communication and Language Sciences Inspiring teachers; changing lives and building futures Guidance to Collating Evidence of the Teachers’ Standards Recording your Professional Development Qualifying as a Teacher There are two key aspects to successful completion of the course: 1. Showing that you have met the Teachers’ Standards during your School-Based Teaching Practice, to be recommended for the award of Qualified Teacher Status (QTS); and: 2. Gaining your Post Graduate Certificate in Education (PGCE). Nearly ALL of our student teachers, whether accessing Initial Teacher Education through a Provider- led ‘Core’ or School Direct route, finish the course with both PGCE & QTS. This should be your aim, and is our expectation. The credits from the Masters level Modules, passed at Level 7 during the course, can also be transferred towards a relevant educational Masters qualification either here or through another provider if desired. A number of our student teachers have gone on to complete this at a later stage of their career. PGCE with QTS Greater employment opportunities. Stronger job application status. Internationally recognised, transferable qualification. QTS Only More limited employment opportunities. Weaker job application status. Limited transferability beyond England. PG Cert Only NOT qualified as a teacher. Much more limited teaching opportunities. School-Based Teaching Practice The quality of your teaching will be judged against the Teachers’ Standards in full through evidence of your impact on the learning and progress of pupils over time. Module 2 Thinking Through Teaching EDU8009 Module 1 Professional Learning In Context EDU8134 6 Make accurate and productive use of assessment a. know and understand how to assess the relevant subject and curriculum areas, including statutory assessment requirements b. make use of formative and summative assessment to secure pupils’ progress c. use relevant data to monitor progress, set targets, and plan subsequent lessons d. give pupils regular feedback, both orally and through accurate marking, and encourage pupils to respond to the feedback 7 Manage behaviour effectively to ensure a good and safe learning environment a. have clear rules and routines for behaviour in classrooms, and take responsibility for promoting good and courteous behaviour both in classrooms and around the school, in accordance with the school’s behaviour policy b. have high expectations of behaviour, and establish a framework for discipline with a range of strategies, using praise, sanctions and rewards consistently and fairly c. manage classes effectively, using approaches which are appropriate to pupils’ needs in order to involve and motivate them d. maintain good relationships with pupils, exercise appropriate authority, and act decisively when necessary 8 Fulfil wider professional responsibilities a. make a positive contribution to the wider life and ethos of the school b. develop effective professional relationships with colleagues, knowing how and when to draw on advice and specialist support c. deploy support staff effectively d. take responsibility for improving teaching through appropriate professional development, responding to advice and feedback from colleagues e. communicate effectively with parents with regard to pupils’ achievements and well-being PART TWO: PERSONAL AND PROFESSIONAL CONDUCT A teacher is expected to demonstrate consistently high standards of personal and professional conduct. The following statements define the behaviour and attitudes which set the required standard for conduct throughout a teacher’s career. a. Teachers uphold public trust in the profession and maintain high standards of ethics and behaviour, within and outside school, by: i. treating pupils with dignity, building relationships rooted in mutual respect, and at all times observing proper boundaries appropriate to a teacher’s professional position ii. having regard for the need to safeguard pupils’ well-being, in accordance with statutory provisions iii. showing tolerance of and respect for the rights of others iv. not undermining fundamental British values, including democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty and mutual respect, and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs v. ensuring that personal beliefs are not expressed in ways which exploit pupils’ vulnerability or might lead them to break the law b. Teachers must have proper and professional regard for the ethos, policies and practices of the school in which they teach, and maintain high standards in their own attendance and punctuality. c. Teachers must have an understanding of, and always act within, the statutory frameworks which set out their professional duties and responsibilities. Ke y co n si d er at io n s in e vi d en ci n g, t ra ck in g an d a ss es si n g st u d en t te ac h er s’ p ro gr es s A ss es sm en t m u st b e in fo rm ed b y th e fu ll ra n ge o f ev id en ce b ey o n d o b se rv at io n o f te ac h in g an d in d iv id u al le ss o n s. H o w w el l s tu d en t te ac h er s te ac h s h o u ld b e ju d ge d b y th e im p ac t o n p u p ils ’ p ro gr es s an d le ar n in g o ve r ti m e. A ss es sm en t sh o u ld b e th e re su lt o f tr ia n gu la te d , m o d er at e d p ro fe ss io n al ju d gm en ts u si n g al l a va ila b le e vi d en ce ag ai n st t h e Te ac h er s’ S ta n d ar d s. Th e in te rr el at io n sh ip o f th e Te ac h er s’ S ta n d ar d s an d im p ac t o n p u p il p ro gr es s o ve r ti m e: Th e o ve ra ll q u al it y o f st u d en t te ac h er ’s t e ac h in g w ill b e ju d ge d b y th e im p ac t th ey h av e o n p u p il p ro gr es s an d le ar n in g o ve r ti m e. T h e im p ac t o n p u p ils ’ l ea rn in g an d p ro gr es s is d ep en d en t u p o n t h e sk ill s an d k n o w le d ge s tu d en t te ac h er s d em o n st ra te a s th ey t ea ch w it h r ef er en ce t o t h e Te ac h er s’ S ta n d ar d s. A la ck o f sk ill in a n y St an d ar d ca n r es u lt in li m it ed p ro gr es s fo r p u p ils . Fo r ex am p le , a s tu d en t te ac h er w it h p o o r d if fe re n ti at io n ( TS 5 ) is u n lik el y to b e ab le t o s et a p p ro p ri at e e xp ec ta ti o n s fo r al l p u p ils T e a c h in g Im p a c t o n p u p il p ro g re s s H ig h e x p e c ta ti o n s P ro m o te p ro g re s s S u b je c t k n o w le d g e P la n a n d te a c h w e ll R e s p o n d t o n e e d s U s e o f a s s e s s m e n t M a n a g e b e h a v io u r W id e r p ro fe s s io n a l re s p o n s ib il it ie s P e rs o n a l a n d p ro fe s s io n a l c o n d u c t P u p il p ro gr es s an d le ar n in g o ve r ti m e Q u al it y o f st u d en t te ac h er ’s t ea ch in g ag ai n st e ac h S ta n d ar d Q u al it y o f st u d en t te ac h er 's t ea ch in g o ve ra ll (T S1 ). It is t h e id en ti fi ca ti o n o f th e d if fe re n ce t h e st u d en t te ac h er ’s t ea ch in g m ak es t o p u p ils ’ l ea rn in g, r ef e re n ce d t o p ar ti cu la r St an d ar d s th at s h o u ld d ri ve t h e ta rg et s se t fo r th e st u d en t te ac h er . P ar t 2 o f th e St an d ar d s is in cl u d ed in t h e d ia gr am . T h is d o es n o t su gg es t th at c o lle ct in g ev id en ce f o r P ar t 2 o f th e Te ac h er s’ S ta n d ar d s w ill b e u n d er ta ke n in t h e sa m e w ay a s fo r P ar t 1 , b u t p er fo rm an ce r el at in g to P ar t 2 w ill , c le ar ly , u n d er p in t h e q u al it y o f te ac h in g o ve ra ll. O ve rv ie w o f Ev id en ce G at h er in g Pr o ce ss : D u ri n g th e ye ar , y o u w ill t ea ch t h ro u gh o u t th re e Sc h o o l E xp er ie n ce P la ce m en ts ( SE 1 , S E2 a n d S E3 ). D u ri n g th es e t ea ch in g p la ce m en ts , o n a w e ek ly b as is , y o u w ill b e fo rm al ly o b se rv ed b y yo u r Sc h o o l- b as ed t u to r an d /o r Tr ai n in g C o o rd in at o r. A U n iv e rs it y Sc h o o l E xp er ie n ce T u to r w ill a ls o o b se rv e yo u o n 3 o cc as io n s o ve r th e ye ar . O n ce p er w ee k yo u w ill e n ga ge in a r ev ie w o f th e ch ild re n ’s le ar n in g in r el at io n t o y o u r te ac h in g an d c o n si d er t h e im p ac t o f yo u r Tr ai n in g P la n , a lo n gs id e yo u r Sc h o o l- b as ed Tu to r. Y o u w ill id en ti fy y o u r im p ac t o n t h e p u p ils ’ l ea rn in g, y o u r st re n gt h s an d y o u r ar ea s fo r d ev el o p m en t. Y o u w ill s et t ar ge ts a n d r ev ie w y o u r p ro gr es s in a d d re ss in g p re vi o u sl y- se t ta rg et s. Ev id en ce B u n d le s su p p o rt y o u a n d y o u r tu to rs in id en ti fy in g: • h o w y o u r sk ill s ag ai n st e ac h o f th e Te ac h er s’ S ta n d ar d s h av e en ab le d y o u t o im p ac t o n p u p il p ro gr es s; • h o w s tr o n g yo u r te ac h in g is in r el at io n t o e ac h o f th e Te ac h er s’ S ta n d ar d s, t h e q u al it y o f yo u r te ac h in g o ve ra ll an d c an a ls o s u p p o rt a cc u ra te le ar n er -f o cu se d t ar ge t se tt in g. Ev id en ce B u n d le s ar e es se n ti al ly : Ev id en ce B u n d le s w ill c o n ta in t h e p ro gr es s m ad e b y p u p ils li n ke d t o t h e co lla te d e vi d en ce , i .e . e vi d en ce o f yo u r im p ac t o n c h ild re n ’s le ar n in g (t h ro u gh d at a an al ys is , sa m p le s o f p u p ils ’ w o rk a n d a ss e ss m en ts ); y o u r le ss o n p la n n in g (f o r se q u en ce s o f le ss o n s) ; o u tc o m es o f le ss o n o b se rv at io n s; a n d o th er s o u rc es o f ev id en ce . Th e ev id en ce ga th er ed , a n d y o u r ab ili ty t o d is cu ss y o u r p ro gr es s & le ar n in g w ill , i n t u rn , i n fo rm y o u r Sc h o o l- b as ed T u to rs ’ r ep o rt s at t h e en d o f ea ch t er m . Y o u r su b se q u en t d is cu ss io n w it h y o u r U n iv er si ty T u to r d u ri n g yo u r P ro gr es s R ev ie w s Tu to ri al s w ill e n ab le y o u r Tu to r to v al id at e t h e p ro gr es s yo u h av e m ad e an d , a t th e en d o f th e co u rs e, m ak e a se cu re ju d ge m en t as t o y o u r su it ab ili ty f o r re co m m en d at io n f o r Q u al if ie d T ea ch er S ta tu s (Q TS ). Yo u w ill c re at e E vi d en ce B u n d le s fo r ea ch o f th e th re e Sc h o o l E xp er ie n ce P la ce m en ts t o f o rm t h e b as is o f yo u r re vi ew o f yo u r p ro gr es s to w ar d s m ee ti n g th e Te ac h er s’ St an d ar d s. A t 3 r ev ie w p o in ts , a t th e en d o f ea ch t e rm , y o u w ill p re se n t an E vi d en ce B u n d le , t o d em o n st ra te p ro gr es s, h ig h lig h ti n g th e co n te xt , y o u r p ra ct ic e an d y o u r im p ac t. Ev id e n ce o f p u p il p ro gr e ss a n d le ar n in g o ve r ti m e A n n o ta te d t o h ig h lig h t im p ac t o f yo u r te ac h in g U se d t o id e n ti fy p ro gr e ss a ga in st e ac h o f th e T e ac h e rs ' S ta n d ar d s U se d t o id e n ti fy o ve ra ll p ro gr e ss This should be illustrated clearly by the Formal Lesson Observation and any annotations you have added to it in response to questions asked and points made by your mentor/observer. Examples of pupils’ work, scores, feedback from pupils and the lesson observer can also help strengthen the case here. REVIEW What did this/these event/s tell you? What evidence of pupil progress is there? What was the outcome / impact on your future practice? Where is the evidence of your response and action? What did you feel you did well, would do again, and why? What was less successful, why and what are you going to do instead? Evidence of this could come from your own detailed, reflective, written evaluation of the lesson in your Learning Journal, and also through the presentation and analysis of pupil work. Analysis of whole class test results / data compared with prior tests / parallel groups etc. can also provide strong evidence of impact. Evidence from subsequent lessons could also help illustrate how you have addressed any issues arising / targets – you can include this in “Other Evidence”, alongside informal observations from other lessons too. Tangible Evidence Initially you will develop “awareness” of the Teacher Standards – whereby you show understanding of particular issues. Evidence of this may be presented in your annotated lecture notes, assignments and Learning Journal notes, e.g. related to reading, or other professional development undertaken, which relate to particular Teacher Standards. As you progress, you will increase your level of “involvement” for example by observing or assisting in teaching, but without ultimate responsibility for the delivery of the lesson. Evidence of this may be presented in reflections in your Learning Journal regarding experiences in which you played a role, though possibly not the lead role. However it is at the level of “enacting” where you have lead responsibility for planning, teaching and evaluation where you will generate the most robust evidence. The materials you will have collated in your Record of Professional Development Evidence Log, associated with the lessons you have taught and that week’s progress against the Teachers’ Standards, will help provide tangible evidence in support of your dialogue and discussion with your School-based Tutor and Personal Tutor. The way that these items may contribute is outlined below. For each of these Evidence Bundles, you will gather the items listed in the diagram below to indicate evidence of progress against each of the Teachers’ Standards, including Part 2, as relevant. •identifying evidence of the progress and learning of different groups. Progress over time with starting point, e.g. previous activity level –reflecting skills, knowledge and understanding related to the intended learning outcomes Anonymised pupil data •feedback & comments showing impact on pupils' learning, which will support & verify aspects of the Teachers Standards evident in lessons. You could include visual or electronic evidence, e.g. video clips of lessons or parts of lessons to show individuals at the start, middle and end of a sequence of work, etc Formal Lesson observations •pedagogical plans, showing how pupil needs are catered for and the impact on pupil progress, for a range of subjects/topics, for example: consideration of pupil s with SEND / skill / knowledge / attitude / prior development; aiming for progress; appropriate support & challenge (differentiation); planned use of assessment (both live and pre/post lesson) to inform teaching & content Lesson plans/ Sequences of lessons •showing how needs were catered for, with appropriate challenge and support Lesson Resources •including your strengths and showing targets for improvement being met Weekly meetings reports •evidence of marking & assessment, to illustrate how pupils’ progress compares to their prior attainment data. This is more than simply gathering data & exemplar work, & involves deliberately reflecting on the quality of learning & progress taking place as a result of their teaching with annotations to highlight impact, and how this was acted on by pupils showing improvements. Anonymised Marking •Examples of anonymised pupil classwork / homework may help provide strong evidence for the quality of learning & understanding, teacher expectations (in terms of presentation & content), and should be used alongside the evaluation to illustrate the impact of the teaching on the pupils’ learning & progress. Annotated samples of pupils’ work, including homework Self/peer assessments undertaken by pupils • thorough lesson evaluations should unpick aspects of the lesson which enabled effective pupil learning, development and progress - illustrating understandsing of why certain strategies & approaches work or fail. Evaluations comment on pupil’s progress, outcomes, behaviour and effort. Lesson Evaluations in Learning Journal •Other evidence is simply other things which show evidence of progress towards other TS that may not be observed during a lesson. For example: running a lunchtime club, getting involved in sharing good practice in whole-school CPD, helping to organise and support an educational visit , involvement in reporting to parents, academic assignments, informal lesson observation notes from other lessons, Other evidence Lesson Evaluations Filing Your Evidence: Your Record of Professional Development Evidence Log We ask that you gather the materials and keep them, well organised and filed, within a Record of Professional Development Portfolio. You should create a section dedicated to each Evidence Bundle: Term 3 Term 2 Term 1 Record of Professional Development Evidence Log Data analysis of work & progress Lesso n Evidence Bundle A Formal Observations Lesson Plans Lesson Resources Exemplar work, including homework Other Evidence
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