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Download handout on criticism and more Schemes and Mind Maps English Literature in PDF only on Docsity! THE FACTORS THAT AFFECT STUDENT ‘S SPEAKING PARACTICE IN ENGLISH IN THE CLASS ROOM: THE CASE OF 1st, 2nd and 3rd YEAR ENGLISH LANGUGAE AND LITERATURE STUDENTS AT HARAMAYA UNIVERSITY. BY GEMECHIS WAYU A SENIOR ESSAY SUBMITTED TO THE DEPARTMENT OF ENGLISH LABGUGAE AND LIRETRATUER IN PARITIAL FULLFILMENT OF REQUIRMENT FOR THE BACHELOR ARTS IN ENGLISH LANGUAGE ADVISOR, REBUMA FIQADU (MA) . June 2017 HARAMAYA, ETHIOPIA Acknowledgement First of all I would love to praise my God, for His good will and help that make me complete this paper successfully. Next, I would like to express my heart-felt thanks to my advisor Rabuma Fiqedu for his patience, assiduous observation and follow up for the successful completion of this paper, because his valuable criticism and constructive remarks have helped me to make corrections on time. I would like to thank my family and relative who should much devotion to support me both morally and financially throughout my work. Finally, I wish to acknowledge Haramaya University College of social science and humanities for invaluable supports with materials, references and which are useful for this senior List of tables Tables Pages Tables 1 student responses on how often do your friends speaking English language to you in the classroom.........................................................17 Tables 2 students’ responses on how often do you speaking in English language in the class.............................................................................18 Tables 3 students’ responses on .have you tried to speak English language in the classroom...................................................................................18 Tables 4 student’s responses on what do you feel about your speaking competence of English..........................................................................19 Tables 5 responses students on As English language student which language do you most frequently use when you make oral communication with other student.................................................................................19 Tables 6 students’ responses on Are you interested in speaking English language in the classroom....................................................................21 Tables 7 students responses on which one of following factors hinder you in speaking English language..... ........................................................22 Abstract This study focused on the factor that affects students’ practice of speaking in English in the classroom at Haramaya University. The objective of the study is to investigate factors affect students speaking practice in English in the classroom and the specific objective to looks into the extent to which learners speaking in English in the classroom .The data are analysis by using descriptive data method which express in the form of table and parentage. The research conclude that, many of the student has the problem that related to shyness, in front of students to speaking in English in the classroom, and student speaking habit is very low due to the influence of mother tongue .The researcher also conclude the recommendation is to college instructors have to give due attention so that students can overcome shyness where ever they go improve speaking in English in the classroom.  Which factors are the most serious? 1.4 Objective of the Study 1.4.1 General Objective The main objective of study was to investigate factors that affect students' speaking practices in English in the class room. 1.4.2 Specific Objectives The specific objectives of this study were the following.  To looks into the extent to which learners speaking in English in the class room.  To identifies the factors that hinder learner’s English speaking practice in the class room.  To find out the basic challenges in the developments of English language students in the class room of first, second, and third year English student at Haramaya University. To recommends the most serious factor that may solve the problem. 1.5 Scope of the Study There are many problems that affect to Basic English languages, such as, speaking writing, listening and reading, but to make this research more manageable the study is restricted to the factors that student speaking skill in English language at Haramaya University. Especially reference to first, second, and third year English language and literature student in the year of 2009.E-C 1.6 significance of the study The study would have multiple purposes that can be both theoretical and practical it can be useful for the researcher. And the target group who are involved in the investigation. Since the researcher participated in this study in English graduates, they would gain information and experience regarding speaking skill performance of students. This target group the students was gain such a way that research in its completion would come up with better way of teaching English speaking skill in the classroom. 1.7 Operational Definition of key term Hinder: to make slow or difficult the progress of hamper. Speaking: that involves taking or giving speeches. Fluently: able to speak a language easily and very well. Interact: to talk or do things with other people. Classmates: a member of some class in a school, college or , university. 1.8 Limitation of the study. To accomplish this particular study the researcher faced different limitations:  shortage of time  lack of enough budgets  lack of reference book and internet service  Lack of interest on the questionnaire respondents CHAPTER TWO: Review of related literature 2.1 definition of speaking According to Bygate (1987), one of the basic problems in foreign language teaching is to prepare learner to be able to speak a foreign language. Because they would hinder with different challenges, it is obvious in order to speak a foreign language, it is necessary to know a certain amount of grammar and vocabulary (Bygate 1987). The main features of speaking which can be traced to the processing conditions communication involve the time factor. The words are being spoken, being decided and as they are being understood. Speaking is described as an interactive processing of constructing meaning that involves producing, receiving and processing information. Speaking depends upon context or the situation. Speaking requires learners not only to know to produces specific points of language, such as grammar, pronunciation or vocabulary, but also to understand when, what and why to produce language (Brawn, 1994, Burn & Joyce 1997). English language is spoken over the entire world for this case students ought to speak inside classroom and outside the class room with in their partners (Nary1997).many teachers around the world have to teach mainly grammar and vocabulary, the can this knowledge to pass examinations, but students cannot speak English in the classroom. Speaking activities can reinforce the learning of new vocabulary, grammar or functional language, speaking activities give students chance to use the new language they are learning (baker and westrup 2003). students tends to think their mistake. Therefore many students to not speak in English in the class room due to the fear of committing mistake (assefa 2002 E.C) 2.3.3 Fear of the Audience Many students are ashamed of speaking English because they think that their friends and audience may consider them as boasters. This kind of consideration would estimate many students to speak English language in the class room. Therefore many students consider themselves as inferior than other people speaking English. Due to this many student do not speak with friend, peers, teachers and others societies in the English. 2.3.2 The Influence of Mother Tongue As Assefa (2002) stated in research influence of mother tongue is primary and secondary school students are the biggest problem during the practice of speaking skill. This kind of problem in abroad, colleges and university students. It some time that they are unable or unwilling to take part in participation or practice in English in the class room. 2.3.3 Lack of Practice Lack of practice is the major that affect speaking skill of the students. Because of the students do not practice speaking in English regularly, cannot be the effective in speaking program (advanced speech Basher (2011). 2.3.4 Absence of Motivation Motivations are one of the major factors in promoting speaking skill. It necessary for the people to communication easily with others. It can only take place if learners have been motivated and to communicate with people around them. 2.3.5. No desire of comprehension listening Listening comprehension is a very basic skill one must have to be a good English speaker one of them most common and critical mistakes for non- native speakers is listening comprehension skill. Due to this reason listening is one of main factors speaking. Because if the speaking does not listen other speech conversation or dialogue he/she cannot speak fluently any forms of presentation. 2.3.6. Lack of Interest in Learning English For students, English is one of the most difficult subjects in their studies. Because they must understand have to use grammars correctly and how to pronounce correctly, develop vocabulary and others. This makes students assume that learning English is complicated and tedious because it must relate to the thing above (Regiafabrian,, 210). 2.3.7. Inappropriate Use of Grammatical Accuracy some people wonder , why there is a need to have grammatical accuracy in English , when even some native English speakers commit grammatical mistake themselves (Thom bury 2005).native English speakers can say what they want without much difficult due to their familiarity of language. If they have difficulty expressing a certain ways they just use other ways of saying those things. They may commit some mistakes in grammar, but the mistakes do not disturb or change the meaning of the sentences they want to convey, thus it does not give the listener much of the problem understanding them. On the other hands, the mistakes many non-native speakers of English commit are those that often the meaning of sentence at they want to express and to thus create a miss understanding. That is exactly the reason why non- native speakers have to study grammar more than native speakers. 2.3.8 Misunderstanding English Pronunciation It is quite common for non- native speakers of English to mispronounce English words. However, it is not something we have to be asked for but something we ought to understand. We have to get the roots of the problem, in order to improve our pronoun citation. This is the several factors that affects speaking English in the classroom considering that of the students cannot develop speaking English skill because of cultural influence. Pronunciation practice is an important matter when studying a new language as incorrect pronunciation practice is a cause misunderstanding (Boyer, 2001). In general, learning speaking skills is very challenging for student in foreign language context, because they then have very few opportunities to sue the target language in the classroom. Many language learners regard speaking the ability to converse with others much .Rather than the ability to read, to write, and comprehend oral language. CHAPTER THREE: Research Methodology They study incorporates both qualitative and quantitative research designs and methods in order to answer the research questions that was addressed in the study. In other words the data gathered using number; whereas the data collected through interviews were described using statements so as to achieve the research objectives. level of the language students mostly uttered was at word level and the words they used were common sometimes, they used some phrases, but the sentences level language was almost negligible. This show that how in significant time students spent in using English language and how little habit they had speaking in English in the classroom? 3.5 The Result of Interview As it found form the interview, some students couldn't student speaking English before other students. As some of the interview claimed, they lose their confidence and endured in nervousness and shyness whenever they try to express themselves in English .However, some other interviews did not agree with this idea and said they were handily afraid of and nervous to speak in English before others, especially before their friends, they said the inside environment did not encourage them to speak in English. On the other hand, most of the interviews claimed that their speaking competence was not good enough to speak before others. Other point interviews mentioned as a factor was not being encouraged by their language teachers. As most pointed out, they work given differ practices might require them to speak in English with others inside the environment of the classrooms. CHAPTER FOUR: DATA ANALYSIS AND DISCUSSION FOR RESULTS This study focuses on investigating students speaking practice in English in the class room. In this section, therefore, the data collected from the respondents through observation, interview and questionnaires were analyzed and discussed in parallel with the research the study. 4.1 Data Analysis the result of questionnaires Table 1.students responses on how often do your friends speak to you in the class room. No Item Responses No. of Responses % 1 How often do your friends Speak to you in the class Room? Always 0 0 Usually 6 10.71 sometimes 39 69.64 Rarely 9 16.07 Never 2 3.57 Total 56 100 Table 1 indicates the majority of the respondent sometimes speaking in English in the class room. Therefore, 39(69.64%) of student conformed that it is only sometimes that their friend’s speak to them in English in the class room. While 6(10.71%) of respondent said that their friend toke to them, usually 9(16.07%) of them could confirm friends rarely speak to them in the classroom. Hence this implies that students do not use always to speak English in the class room. 2(3.57%) of the student said that speaking English is never due to lack of vocabulary and pronunciation. In the case there is no student those who never speaking in English in the classroom and many of them try to speak some times. Table 2 students’ responses on how often speak in English in the classroom . No Item Responses No of Responses % 2 How often do you speak in English language in the classroom? Always 3 5.35 Usually 8 14.28 Sometimes 38 67.85 Rarely 5 8.92 Never 2 3.57 Total 56 100 The above table show that 38(67.85%) of the respondent only sometimes speak in English in the class room. while 8(14.28% and 8.92%) of the respondents speak in English usually in the classroom and rarely respectively. While 3(5.35%) of could confirm friend always speak to them in the classroom and 2(3.5%) of the respondent never speaking in English in the class room. This shows the students speaking habit in the classroom is very low. Table 3 students’ response on have you tried to speak English language in the class room? No Item Responses No of Responses % 3 Have you tried to Always 8 14.28 No Item Responses No of Responses % As English language student which languages do you most frequently use when you make oral communication with other students? English 10 17.85 Amharic 39 69.64 Oromic 7 12.5 Other 0 0 Total 56 100 The above table indicates that the majority 39(69.64%) of the students responded that they use Amharic most frequently .while 10(17.85%) of the respondents use English frequently to communicate orally with other students in the classroom and while Oromic rest 7(12.5%) of the respondents argued that they frequently use another language is used very less frequently by learner while Amharic is damagingly used language in the classroom. Table 6 Students responses on whether has an interested of speaking English language in the class room? No Item Responses No of Responses % 6 Are you interested in speaking English language in the class room? Yes 48 85.71 No 8 14.28 Total 56 100 Table 6 Show that 48(85.75%) of the respondent user interested to speak in English language in class room. While as 8(14.28%) of the respondents user not interested to speak in English in the class room. The data, therefore, shows that most of the student, where interested in using the target language in the class room. Table7.Student response on which one of the following factor hinders you speaking English language? No Item Responses No of Responses % 7 Which one of the following factor hinders you speaking English language? Defect in listing comprehension 4 7.14 Grammatically in accuracy 22 39.28 Vocabulary limitation 22 39.28 Pronunciation difficult 8 14.28 Total 56 100 Table 7 revel that 4(7.14%) and 22(39.28%) of the sample responded that their English speaking skill were highly affected due to detect in the listening comprehension and grammatically in accuracy respectively the table also show that 22(39.28%) of the sample responded that vocabulary limitation the encountered was a factor that externally affected their English speaking skill while 8 (14.28%) of them considered pronunciation difficult as factor that highly affected their speaking skill. Form this, one can enter the grammatically in accuracy and vocabulary limitation was the dominant factors that highly influence the student speaking skill. Respective to the factors hinder students practice of speaking of in the class room, the sample of the student make a lot of different possible factors poor speaking competence, lack of internal motivation, lack of confidence, absence of knowledge and another obstacles. disciplines .English language -Wikipedia the free encyclopedia. George. (1999). the practice of English language Teaching. Landon: London. Jason, W. (2005).Speaking Language in Oral Communication.Landon, Cambridge university press. Kangsham, J. (2003). Developing Adult EFL students speaking ability, Springer, New York. Kelly, L and Watson, K. (1989).Speaking with the confidence and skill. University press of America. Smite, F (2007). Speaking personal difference in Language Learning .London: Cambridge University press. Urban, R. 92007).Speaking with the confidence. New York Dog ear publishing group. Vanspijek, L. (2004).Fear of Speak English in public Speaking .New York Cambridge University press. Wood, W. Communicate Language Teaching .Cambridge University press. APPENDAX.A OBSERVATION FOR STUDENTS 1. The tendency of learners show to communicate in English in classroom? Very high high medium low very low 2. The extent of their shyness to speaking in language in the classroom? Very high High medium Low Very low 3. The tendency learners show to a language of others than English in side of the class rooms? Very high usually sometimes rarely never all 4. Do the students interact with speaking English each other? Always usually sometimes rarely never all 5. How often do students Interact speak English? Always usually sometime rarely never all 6. Does that teacher create different opportunities to over learners to speak in the classroom? Yes no 7. Does a teacher use different strategy to overcome students’ limitation? Yes no Appendix B Interview for students 1 Do your instructors motivate you to speaking in English language in the classroom? 2. What do you say about the significance of trying to speaking in English in the Classroom? 3. What language do you usually use when you meet with other students particularly HARAMAYA UNIVERSITY College of Social Science and Humanities Department of English Language and Literature Factors that Affect Students, speak practice in English in the classroom: the case of first, second and third year students, at Haramaya University. Advisor Signature Date RABUMA FIQADU -------------------- --------- ------- Examiner Signature Date ---------------------------------------------- --------------
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