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Comparative Study: Neolithic, Greek & Roman Expansion, Islamic Expansion, Exams of History

An in-depth analysis of the neolithic revolution, greek colonization, roman expansion, and islamic expansion. It explores the development of hierarchies, economic systems, religious beliefs, and societal structures in these ancient civilizations. Key topics include the impact of agriculture on societal hierarchy, the role of mathematics in mesopotamia, the differences between greek comedies and tragedies, and the preservation of classical literature in the late roman empire.

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Download Comparative Study: Neolithic, Greek & Roman Expansion, Islamic Expansion and more Exams History in PDF only on Docsity! History 133 Midterm Exam Questions with Verified Solutions-2024 Update. 1) Taken together, the Paleolithic and Neolithic eras make up what period of human history? - Correct answer the stone age 2) What development made possible the advent of agriculture? - Correct answer The Earth entering a warming phase 3) The development of agriculture and the domestication of animals were key elements in which of the following? - Correct answer The Neolithic revolution 4) Along with hierarchies based on wealth and power, the development of agriculture was intertwined with a hierarchy based on what trait? - Correct answer Gender 5) Which period in human history came first? - Correct answer Paleolithic era 6) What term do scholars use to describe the Mesopotamian economic system? - Correct answer Redistributive economy 7) Who ruled the first Mesopotamian Empire from his capital city of Akkad? - Correct answer Sargon 8) Which statement describes Mesopotamian culture? - Correct answer Mesopotamians enjoyed a vibrant and creative culture. 9) Which of these contributed to the decline of Mycenaean civilization between 1000 and 1200 B.C.E.? - Correct answer Earthquakes 10)Why are scholars not sure whether to count the Minoans as the earliest Greeks? - Correct answer Because of uncertainties about the origin of the Minoan language 11)In which of these areas did the Mesopotamians make long-lasting contributions? - Correct answer Mathematics 12)Which of these was an important consequence of the Minoans' development of Mediterranean polyculture? - Correct answer the diversification and specialization of agriculture 13)Which of these was an important consequence of the Minoans' development of Mediterranean polyculture? - Correct answer Population growth 14)What does evidence from Mycenaean tombs suggest about Mycenaean society? - Correct answer that it was a warrior culture 15)Why did the environment have a profound effect on the development of Mesopotamia? - Correct answer Agriculture was possible in the region only with irrigation. 16)Mycenaean societies were similar to the Sumerian city-states and the Minoans in that all three - Correct answer employed a redistributive economic system. 17)Under what circumstances did the Hittites launch their most far-reaching military campaigns? - Correct answer when ties between Hittite kings and nobles were strong 18)How were Minoan and Mycenaean societies different during the Bronze Age? - Correct answer The Minoans extended their religious worship outside their centers. 19)What characterized the New Kingdom of ancient Egypt? - Correct answer Enormous wealth and conscious imperialism 20)Which of these was a consequence of the growing use of bronze to make weapons? - Correct answer the intensification of social differences based on gender 21)Which of these states fell into decline as a result of Sea People attacks? - Correct answer The Hittites 22)What is the most likely reason that the Hittites made peace with the Egyptians? - Correct answer The Hittites were fearful of the Assyrians. 47)Which of these made the Parthenon unique? - Correct answer it included representations of Athenian people. 48)Athens's radical democracy balanced the competing goals of widening the participation of ordinary male citizens in government with which of the following? - Correct answer Effective political and military leadership by elite citizens 49)Why did the Athenians send troops to help the Ionians in 499 B.C.E.? - Correct answer because they saw the Ionians as close kin 50)Which of these describes the Greek coalition that was assembled to confront the Persian invasion? - Correct answer it represented only a small sample of the Greek world. 51)What consequence did the Dalian League have for Athenian politics and society? - Correct answer it promoted the development of wider democracy. 52)Which of these was part of the education of an elite Athenian young woman? - Correct answer Arithmetic 53)Why have some historians labeled the changes in Athenian democracy in the 460s and 450s B.C.E. radical? - Correct answer because the new system gave direct political and judicial power to all adult male citizens 54)What did women, slaves, and metrics have in common? - Correct answer they all lacked political rights. 55)How did the polis of Athens influence the creation of Athenian drama? - Correct answer by sponsoring theater competitions during religious festivals 56)In what way were the major thinkers of Athens's Golden Age, such as Protagoras, Socrates, Herodotus, Thucydides, and Hippocrates alike? - Correct answer they all undermined traditional mythological views of the world. 57)Which statement describes religion in ancient Greece? - Correct answer Religious traditions were believed to offer protection from life's dangers. 58)In ancient Athens, what was the main function of the wives of men who were citizens? - Correct answer to bear and raise children 59)Which of these was an important difference between Greek comedies and tragedies? - Correct answer Comedies commented directly on public policy. 60)Which of these did Pericles predict would prove decisive in the Peloponnesian War? - Correct answer Athens's superior resources 61)The plots of tragedies set out to do which of the following? - Correct answer to explore moral dilemmas 62)Which of the following was true of Athenian tragedies? - Correct answer they featured three actors to play the speaking roles and fifteen chorus members. 63)Which statement describes participants in mystery cults in ancient Greece? - Correct answer they underwent an initiation ritual and gained secret knowledge. 64)Which of these describes Athens in the decades following the Persian invasion? - Correct answer increasingly imperialistic 65)Which of these did Greek comedies and tragedies have in common? - Correct answer both were written in verse. 66)Which of these helps explain why the Greeks were able to defeat the Persians? - Correct answer their generals had better strategic foresight. 67)Which of these was part of the education of an elite Athenian young man? - Correct answer Musical instruction 68)Which of these was one of the three principal influences on Hellenistic culture? - Correct answer Greater interaction of diverse peoples 69)Which of these was a key factor in the decline and fall of the Hellenistic kingdoms? - Correct answer internal rivalries in their ruling families 70)What kind of behavior became associated with those who embraced the philosophy of Stoicism? - Correct answer Self-control and fortitude 71)With what was Socrates charged by his Athenian detractors? - Correct answer leading the city's youth into immorality 72)Which of these was an important demographic trend in the Hellenistic period? - Correct answer Non-Greeks and non-Macedonians from eastern regions began moving westward to the new Hellenistic Greek cities in increasing numbers. 73)In what way was a Hellenistic city different from a Greek polis? - Correct answer it was required to follow royal orders. 74)How did Alexander try to establish control over the regions he conquered? - Correct answer Keep an area's traditional administrative system in place while founding cities of Greeks and Macedonians in the conquered territory. 75)With which of these statements would Aristotle have agreed? - Correct answer some people are slaves by nature. 76)What significant conclusion did Aristarchus reach? - Correct answer the earth and planets revolved around the sun. 77)Which of these accurately describes the Hellenistic religious landscape? - Correct answer Traditional Greek cults remained popular, but new cults, especially those deifying kings, emerged. 78)What led to the First Punic War? - Correct answer Rome's determination to block Carthaginian expansion close to Italy 79)The patron-client system reflected the - Correct answer Roman belief that such ties were crucial to the maintenance of social stability. 80)Which of these groups was most opposed to the Gracchus brothers' proposals? - Correct answer the social elite 81)Which of these an important limitation on the Roman concept of a father's power? - Correct answer unofficial practice was often different from the official law. The social elite 105) Why did the rich have much better access to government services and legal protections than did the poor? - Correct answer because all government services had a fee attached 106) How did the migrations of new groups into Roman territory harm the empire's already weakened economy? - Correct answer it contributed to the disintegration of the Roman infrastructure. 107) What drove large numbers of people from the Roman frontiers into the empire in the late fourth century? - Correct answer Fear of the Huns 108) Which of these was an important difference between sixth-century Rome and sixth-century Constantinople? - Correct answer Constantinople was a vibrant trading hub. 109) Which of these contributed to the preservation of classical literature in the late Roman Empire? - Correct answer the place of classical literature in elite education 110) Why did the Merovingian dynasty last for over two hundred years? - Correct answer it had an advantageous location. 111) Which of these was an unintended consequence of Justinian's efforts to reunite the western and eastern empires? - Correct answer the eastern empire's economy was crippled. 112) Which of these was an important similarity between Christians and polytheists in the third and fourth centuries? - Correct answer both groups believed in spirits and demons. 113) Learning Objective -Compare and contrast the governments, laws, religions, and social institutions of the Fertile Crescent and Nile (i.e. Mesopotamians and Egyptians.) - Correct answer Both Mesopotamia and Egypt were built around patriarchy and strict social hierarchies, but they were different in many other ways. Unlike Mesopotamia, Egypt was a unified state whose government was built on a monarchy. Mesopotamia, on the other hand, consisted of multiple independent city-states who were known to fight each other for different resources. Though they were both under different sorts of unity they both were run by monarchies. Both societies were focused on religion heavily, but the Egyptians took it to a whole new level by constructing giant structures to respect the afterlife and show their devout religious feelings. Laws in both communities were dealt with differently. In Egypt, it was common for people to completely obey the king out of respect for the king and to do what the gods want them to do. While in Mesopotamia there were more strict laws enforced and example is Hammurabi's Code in which many crimes were given outlandish penalties. 114) Learning Objective: Compare and contrast Athenian democracy with the Spartan military state - Correct answer In Athens each male citizen is able to contribute to society either through the justice system or voting in general. Unlike Athens, Spartan men are forced to be a member of the state at the age of seven as soldiers. Spartans are practically owned by the state while Athenians are bad to be free and own themselves essentially. 115) Which of these was an important difference between the Byzantine Empire and Western Europe during the seventh and eighth centuries? - Correct answer The Byzantine Empire had many free peasants. 116) How did Byzantine emperors wield power over the church? - Correct answer they called church councils to determine dogma. 117) Why would a traveler in sixth-century Western Europe have preferred to travel by water rather than by road? - Correct answer Land travel was more dangerous. 118) Which of these is an important difference between Islam and Roman Catholicism? - Correct answer Islam has no sacraments. 119) Why was Roman Christianity attractive to the English? - Correct answer Rome claimed to speak with the authority of Saint Peter. 120) How did decades of warfare change the territories that were conquered by the Persians and then reconquered by the Byzantines in the early seventh century? - Correct answer many inhabitants of the region came to prefer Persian rule to Byzantine rule. 121) Which of these is an important change that took place in the Byzantine Empire after 600? - Correct answer the old elite largely disappeared. 122) Why did the gap between Byzantium and Rome widen in the early eighth century? - Correct answer Emperor Leo III tried to increase taxes on papal property. 123) Which of the following helps explain the breadth and rapidity of Islamic expansion and conquests? - Correct answer the existence of discontented minorities in the Byzantine and Sassanid states 124) Which of the following helps explain the breadth and rapidity of Islamic expansion and conquests? - Correct answer the high quality of Islamic armies 125) Which of these was true of vassalage? - Correct answer a vassal promised to provide service to his lord in exchange for grants of land called fiefs. 126) Which of these was typically part of the Byzantine pattern of conquest in Greece and the Balkans? - Correct answer the resettlement of Christians in conquered territories 127) Which of the following was true of the religion of the Russ? - Correct answer The Christianization of the Russ began with the conversion of one of their leaders. 128) What did the Carolingian, Macedonian, and Islamic renaissances have in common? - Correct answer they all sought to resuscitate the learning of the past. 129) Which of these captures the style and self-presentation of Byzantine emperors in the ninth and tenth centuries? - Correct answer Emperors created a lavish and elaborate court culture and etiquette. 130) How did Otto I, the tenth-century king of Saxony, expand his power? - Correct answer by winning a series of wars 131) What did all medieval warriors, from counts to ordinary knights, have in common? - Correct answer they fought on horseback. 132) Which of these helped promote Islamic unity in the tenth and eleventh centuries? - Correct answer Trade 156) Parliaments grew out of which of the following? - Correct answer Papal councils 157) What was the most important consequence of Philip IV of France's decision to order the arrest of Bernard Suisse, the bishop of Pampers, on a charge of treason? - Correct answer it led to the calling of a new representative assembly. 158) How did Pope Innocent III see his relationship to secular rulers? - Correct answer He thought of himself as ruling in the place of Christ the King, with kings and emperors existing to help the pope. 159) How did the place of the parliament of Paris in French government change under Louis IX? - Correct answer its influence increased greatly. 160) Which of these describes the relationship between the scholastics and Aristotle? - Correct answer they thought that Aristotle's work was an excellent foundation upon which to build. 161) Which of these is an example of the way manuscript illumination was influenced by Gothic cathedrals? - Correct answer Elements of Gothic architecture were incorporated into backgrounds. 162) Which of these helped create the Great Famine of the early fourteenth century? - Correct answer Heavy rains 163) Which of these was an important goal of the scholastics? - Correct answer to demonstrate the harmony between knowledge obtained from reason and knowledge derived from faith 164) How did European peasants respond to the pressures created by the Great Famine? - Correct answer some rose in rebellion. 165) Why did the German emperor Henry VI see Sicily as a valuable acquisition? - Correct answer He hoped to use it as a base to gain control of Italy. 166) In what way was the Castilian Cortes innovative? - Correct answer it was the first such representative body to include townsmen. 167) Which of these describes the thirteenth-century Franciscan Berthold? - Correct answer a wandering preacher who gave public sermons 168) Why was Louis IX of France revered? - Correct answer for his skills as an administrator and judge 169) Which of these explains why the impact of the Fourth Lateran Council's provisions was less dramatic than church leaders hoped? - Correct answer Local political authorities often failed to enforce church laws. 170) How did the Mongol conquests change the relationship between Europe and Asia? - Correct answer The Mongols created new connections between the East and the West. 171) In what sense were the early stages of the Hundred Years' War contrary to chivalric expectations? - Correct answer the soldiers of the Hundred Years' War were primarily mercenaries. 172) Why did most survivors of the fourteenth-century plague enjoy a better and more varied diet? - Correct answer Ordinary people had more money to spend on food. 173) Which of these was an important consequence of the marriage of Isabella of Castile and Ferdinand of Aragon in 1469? - Correct answer Decades of violence on the Iberian Peninsula came to an end. 174) The Florentine canasta and Domesday were alike in that both - Correct answer systematically functioned as censes for rulers to understand their lands. 175) Which of these was an important difference between Venice and Florence in the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries? - Correct answer Florentine politics and society were far more turbulent than those of Venice. 176) What was one of the critical long-term consequences of the Hundred Years' War in both France and England? - Correct answer a change in the nature of warfare 177) Which of these was crucial to the Burundians' success? - Correct answer the dukes' personal relationships with their subjects 178) Which of these characterizes Ferdinand and Isabella's policies toward the Spanish converses? - Correct answer Harsh and repressive 179) Which of these events precipitated the Christianization of Lithuania? - Correct answer the merger of Poland and Lithuania 180) How did the Black Death affect patterns of education? - Correct answer the survivors built new local colleges and universities. 181) What do the events that led to the Hundred Years' War suggest about the nature of medieval warfare? - Correct answer Dynastic conflicts were often at the root of medieval warfare. 182) What impact did the Black Death have on European agriculture? - Correct answer Farmers diversified their crops. 183) Which of the following defines the term humanism? - Correct answer Humanism was a literary and linguistic movement that attempted to revive classical language and culture. 184) What did the Ottoman sultans have in common with the French and English kings after the Hundred Years' War? - Correct answer they were all centralizing monarchs. 185) Which of these describes the relationship between music and religion during the Renaissance? - Correct answer the church was a major sponsor of music. 186) Which of these contributed to economic growth and urbanization in fourteenth-century Poland? - Correct answer Jewish and German settlers 187) Which of these was a key element of Frederick II's three-pronged strategy for gaining control of Italy? - Correct answer Governmental reform in Sicily 188) In the thirteenth century, which of these complicated the English monarch's control over advisory councils? - Correct answer the power of the barons
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