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Comprehensive Medical Terminology Glossary, Exams of Nursing

A comprehensive glossary of medical terms, covering a wide range of topics including diseases, conditions, treatments, and body parts. It includes terms related to cardiology, neurology, dermatology, immunology, and more. This glossary is an essential resource for students, healthcare professionals, and anyone seeking to understand medical terminology.

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Download Comprehensive Medical Terminology Glossary and more Exams Nursing in PDF only on Docsity! HOSA Pathophysiology Questions and Answers 2024 Abruptio Placentae \ n ✔Premature separation of the placenta from the uterus prior to or during birth Acetylcholine \ n ✔Neurotransmitter of the parasympathetic nervous system Achlorhydria \ n ✔A condition in which hydrochloric acid is absent in the stomach Achondroplasia \ n ✔An autosomal dominant disorder of defective cartilage formation in the fetus Achondroplastic dwarfism \ n ✔A condition caused by defectivce cartilage formation that results in improper bone development Acidosis \ n ✔The condition in which the production of acid lowers the body's pH Acne \ n ✔Blackheads, pimples. and pustules that result from hormonal changes that occur most often during puberty Acne Rosacea \ n ✔Tiny pimples and broken blood vessels on the cheeks, chin, and noe of some fair-skinned people Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome (AIDS) \ n ✔The deadly disease caused by HIV that destroys an individual's immune system, making the victim remarkable susceptible to infection Acrodermatitis Enteropathica \ n ✔A rare autosomal recessive disorder that results in defective malabsorbtion of zinc Acromegaly \ n ✔The condition that results if an excessive production of growth hormone occurs after puberty Actinic Keratosis \ n ✔Wartlike lesions found on areas of the body that recieve excessive sun exposure Activated Lymphocytes \ n ✔White blood cells that have been stimulated by antigens that include B and T cells Active Immunity \ n ✔A type of artificial immunity; the person is given a vaccine or toxoid as the antigen, and he or she forms antibodies to counteract it Acute \ n ✔A disease that has had a sudden onset and a short duration Adenocarcinomas \ n ✔Cancerous glandular tumors Adenohypophysis \ n ✔The anterior and larger portion of the hypophysis; it is glandular and indirect communication with the hypothalamus of the brain Adenoma \ n ✔A benign tumor of glandular tissue that often develops in the breast, thyroid, gland, or mucous glands of the intestinal tract Adhesions \ n ✔Connective tissue fibers that anchor adjacent structures together; a kink-ing of the intestines Adipose \ n ✔Fat tissue Adrenal virilism \ n ✔Expression of secondary male sexual characteristics in females caused by a testosterone-secreting adrenal gland neoplasm Adrenalin \ n ✔A hormone of the sympathetic nercous system; the most vital therapy in treatment of allergy and can be self-injected in an emergency Adrenocorticotropic HOrmone (ACTH) \ n ✔The tropic that affects the adrenal cortex Adult (or Acute) Respiratory Distress Syndrome (ARDS) \ n ✔Characterized by the devlopment of sudden breathlessness within hours to days of an inciting event such as trauma, sepsis (microorganisms growing in a person's blood), or drug overdose Affect \ n ✔Emotional state or feeling tone used to describe ones emotional expression Agglutinate \ n ✔Clumping or aggregation, as occurs in some antibody-antigen reactions Albinism \ n ✔An autosomal recessive disorder in which no melanin is formed, causing a person to have white hair, pale skin, and pink eyes Albuminuria \ n ✔The presence of the plasma protein albumin in urine Aldosterone \ n ✔The principle hormone from the adrenal cortex that causes sodium retention and potassium secretion by the kidneys Alleles \ n ✔Alternative forms of a gene Allergens \ n ✔Agents that intiate an allergic response Allergy \ n ✔Abnormal immunologic response to allergens such as pollen, dust, dog hair, and certain food/drugs Alpha cells \ n ✔Glucagon secreting cells of the endocrine pancreas Alpha-feto-protein \ n ✔Fetal protein found in maternal blood, and sometimes detected in adults with various cancers Alveoli \ n ✔Small air sacs in the lungs where gas exchange occurs Apoptosis \ n ✔Cell death or cell deletion by fragmentation into membrane particles, which are phagocytosed by other cells. Arrhythmia \ n ✔A deviation from the normal rhythm of the heartbeat. Arterial Blood Gas (ABGs) \ n ✔A blood test that is performed to determine the concentration of oxygen, carbon dioxide, and bicarbonate, as well as the pH of the blood. Arteriosclerosis \ n ✔Progressive hardening of blood vessels, especially arteries Arthritis \ n ✔The inflammation of a joint Ascites \ n ✔Fluid that develops as a result of liver failure and accumulates in the peritoneal cavity. Aspermia \ n ✔Caused when there is no formation or emission of sperm due to the absence of the gonadotropic hormones in a male before puberty. Asthma \ n ✔A disease caused by increased responsiveness of the tracheobronchal tree to various stimuli, which tends to cause dyspnea and wheezing. Astigmatism \ n ✔Caused by the front surface of the eye, the cornea, having an irregular curvature or the lens having irregularities. Astrocytoma \ n ✔Basically benign, slow-growing tumors of the brain. Atelectasis \ n ✔A state in which the lung, in whole or in part, is collapsed or without air. Atherosclerosis \ n ✔The accumulation of fatty material under the inner lining of the arterial wall. Atresia \ n ✔The absence or closure of a normal body opening or tubular structure. Atrophic \ n ✔A degenerating, wasting condition. Atrophy \ n ✔The decrease in size or function of an organ. Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) \ n ✔Neurobiological disorder characterized by prominent symptoms of innattention, hyperactivity, and impulsivity. Aura \ n ✔A warning signal such as the symptoms that precede an epileptic seizure. Auscultation \ n ✔Listening with a stethoscope for sounds within the body, such as heart valve sounds or the lungs, during an exam. Asutistic Disorder \ n ✔Developmental disorder of reciprocal language and social interactions, with stereotypical behavior. Autoantibodies \ n ✔Antibodies produced against self-antigens. Autoimmune Diseases \ n ✔Failure of immune tolerance; activated T cells and antibodies attack the body's own tissue. Autosomes \ n ✔Name for 44 of the 46 chromosomes. B Lymphocytes \ n ✔Lymphocytes that produce antibodies in cell-mediated immunity Bacilli \ n ✔Rod-shaped Bacteria cells Bacteria \ n ✔A single-celled organism with simple structure and lacking a nucleus. Bartholin's Glands \ n ✔Mucus-secreting glands situated at the vaginal entrance. Basal Cell Carcinoma \ n ✔Most common form of skin cancer. Basal Ganglia (Basal Nuclei) \ n ✔Nerve cell bodies deep within the white matter of the brain, which help control position and unconscious movements. Basophils \ n ✔A type of white blood cell that promotes inflammation and participates in allergic responses. Benign \ n ✔The term used to describe a noncancerous neoplasm or tumor. Benign prostatic hyperplasia \ n ✔Enlargement of the prostate gland in older men Berberi \ n ✔Thiamine deficiency includes dry or wet syndromes, cerebral beriberi, and Wernicke-Korsakoff syndrome. Beta Cells \ n ✔Insulin-secreting cells of the endocrine pancreas Beta human chorionic gonadotropin \ n ✔Hormone secreted during pregnancy Bile \ n ✔Substance secreted by the liver and necessary for fat digestion; consists of water, bile salts, cholesterol, and bilirubin. Biliary Calculi \ n ✔Gallstones; consist mainly of cholesterol, bilirubin, and calcium. Biliary Cirrhosis \ n ✔A form of cirrhosis resulting from cholecystitis. Bilirubin \ n ✔A colored pigment produced when hemoglobin breaks down. Binary Fission \ n ✔Process in which bacteria reproduce by splitting in half. Binge \ n ✔Eating excessive amounts of food within a restricted period of time. Biopsy \ n ✔Procedure in which a small sample of a tissue is surgically removed and examined microscopically for abnormalities. Bipolar Disorder \ n ✔Mood disorder associated with shifts from depression to mania. Includes three subcategories: bipolar I, bipolar II, and cyclothymic disorder. Blunted Conduct \ n ✔Dull behavior bearing no relationship to social signals; may occur in persons with schizophrenia. Bowman's capsule \ n ✔A sac containing the glomerular capillaries; also called glomerular capsule. Bradycardia \ n ✔Heart rate of 60 beats per minute or less Bradykinesia \ n ✔Slowness of movement. Bradykinn \ n ✔Substance released by damaged tissue that promotes inflammation Bronchi \ n ✔Passageway that leads from the trachea to the lung Bronchioles \ n ✔Small soft tissue tubules with smooth muscle wrappings that connect small bronchi to alveolar structures. Bronchitis \ n ✔Inflammation of the bronchi; may be acute or chronic Bronchogenic Carcinoma \ n ✔Most common type of lung cancer that arises from the bronchial tree. Bronchopneumonia \ n ✔Type of pneumonia that may develop as a result of small bronchi becoming obstructed because of infection or aspirated gastric contents. Bulbourethral glands \ n ✔A pair of glands that secrete into the urethra as it enters the penis Bulimia Nervosa \ n ✔A gorge-purge syndrome, the opposite of, yet similar to, anorexia nervosa Bundle of His \ n ✔The specialized tissue in heart muscle capable of sending the impulse for contraction to the ventricles Bursae \ n ✔Sacs of fluid situated near the joint to reduce friction on movement Bursitis \ n ✔Inflammation of the bursae CT Scan \ n ✔Computed tomography scan; 3-D computer aided x-ray Cachexia \ n ✔Condition caused when a patient becomes weak and emaciated in appearance due to the rapid growth of a malignant tumor; also accompanies many chronic diseases like cancer, HIV/AIDS, and tuberculosis Calcium \ n ✔Mineral essential for bone and tooth structure and for cell physiology Capsid \ n ✔Protein coat of viruses Coarctation \ n ✔A narrowing, or stricture, of the aorta that provides blood to the entire body Cocci \ n ✔Spherical, round bacterial cells Collagen \ n ✔A fibrous protein found in connective tissues, causing wounds to heal poorly Colostomy \ n ✔An artificial opening in the abdominal wall with a segment of the large iniestine attached Communicable \ n ✔An infectious disease transmitted from human to human Compact Bone \ n ✔Dense bone issue surrounding most bones Complication \ n ✔Diseases that develop in a patient already suffering from a disease Compression Sclerotherapy \ n ✔A treatment for varicose veins in which a strong saline solution is injected into specific sites within the vessel tract Computerized Tomography (CT Scan) \ n ✔A diagnostic imaging technique used to make diagnosis and determine the location of lesions or growths inside the body Concussion \ n ✔A transient disorder of the nervous system resulting from a violent blow on the head or from a fall Conduct Disorder \ n ✔Disruptive behavior disorder diagnosed in children Cone Biopsy \ n ✔Procedure in which a cone-shaped wedge of abnormal tissue is removed from the cervix and examined under a microscope Congenital Diseases \ n ✔Diseases that appear at birth or shortly after but are not caused by genetic or chromosomal abnormalities Conjunctiva \ n ✔The membrane that lines the eyelids and covers the eyeball Cohn's Syndrome \ n ✔A form of hyperadrenalism in which aldosterone is excreted in excess Contagious \ n ✔An infectious disease transmitted from human to human Continuous Airway Positive Pressure(C-PAP) \ n ✔Nasal CPAP delivers air into your airway through a specially designed nasal mask or pillows; the flow of air creates enough pres-sure when you inhale to keep your airway open. Contusion \ n ✔An injury, or bruise, to brain tissue without a breaking of the skin at the site of the trauma Cor Pulmonale \ n ✔A serious heart condition in which the right side of the heart fails as a result of long-standing chronic lung disease Coronary Arteriography \ n ✔The selective injection of contrast material into coronary arteries for a film recording of blood vessel action Corpus Luteum \ n ✔The structure that develops from the ovarian follicle after ovulation Cortisol \ n ✔The principle hormone in the group of steroid hormones, also known as hydrocortisone; stress increases production of cortisol Cortisone \ n ✔A hormone of the adrenal gland that has anti-inflammatory properties Creatinine \ n ✔Nitrogen-containing waste products of protein metabolism Cretinism \ n ✔A congenital thyroid deficiency in which thyroxine is not synthesized Cri du chat Syndrome \ n ✔A hereditary disease resulting from the deletion of part of the short arm of chromosome 5 Chron's Disease \ n ✔An inflammatory disease of the intestine in which the intestinal walls become thick and rigid Croup \ n ✔Characterized by a loud cough that resembles the barking of a seal, difficulty breathing, and a grunting noise or wheezing during breathing Cryosurgery \ n ✔A technique that uses extreme cold to freeze and destory skin conditions and tumors. Cyrptorchidism \ n ✔The failure of the testes to descend from the abdominal cavity, where they develop during fetal life, to the scrotum Cushings Syndrome \ n ✔A condition resulting from excessive levels of glucocorticoid hormones Cyanosis \ n ✔Blue color in the body tissues Cyclins \ n ✔Cell cycle proteins Cyst \ n ✔A sac or capsule containing fluid; usually harmless Cystic Fibrosis \ n ✔A disease that affects all the exocrine glands of the body, the glands of external secretion usually affecting children Cystitis \ n ✔An inflammation of the urinary bladder, commonly called a bladder infection Cystocele \ n ✔Urinary bladder is displaced into the vagina. Cystoscope \ n ✔An endoscope (lighted scope) through which the interior of the urinary bladder is made visible for observation Cytotoxis T Cells \ n ✔T cells, often called killer cells because of their capability to kill invading organisms DNA Repair Genes \ n ✔Also known as caretaker genes, these are genes responsible for the repair of errors in normal DNA replication Decubitis Ulcers \ n ✔Bedsores that typically occur on the bony areas of the body Defibrillator \ n ✔A machine that delivers electrical shocks used to re-establish normal heart rhythm Delirium tremens \ n ✔A medical emergency caused by heavy drinking over a long period of time; may occur after withdrawal from heavy alcohol intake Delusion \ n ✔False beliefs associated with various mental illnesses Dementia \ n ✔Organic loss of intellectual functions Deoxyribonucleic Acid (DNA \ n ✔The blueprint for protein synthesis within the cell Dermatitis \ n ✔A noncontagious skin disorder Dermatophytes \ n ✔Fungi that infect the skin and tend to live on the dead, top layer Desensitize \ n ✔A procedure for causing tolerance to allergens so that they do not trigger allergic reactions Diabetes Insipidus \ n ✔A disease that results from a deficiency of ADH Diabetes Mellitus \ n ✔An endocrine disease in which the beta cells fail to secrete insulin or target cells fail to respond to insulin Diabetic Nephropathy \ n ✔A kidney disease resulting from diabetes mellitus Diagnosis \ n ✔The determination of the nature of a disease based on many factors, including signs, symptoms, and, often, laboratory results Diaphram \ n ✔Primary muscle for inspiration that divides the thorax and abdominopelvic cavities Diastole \ n ✔The period of the heartbeat when the heart relaxes and fills with blood Diethylstillbestrol (DES) \ n ✔A synthetic hormone used in the 1950s and early 1960s to prevent spontaneous abortion Discoid \ n ✔The mild form of lupus erythematosus in which red, raised, itchy lesions develop Endorphins \ n ✔Naturally occurring molecules made up of amino acids, the building blocks of proteins. Endorphins attach to special receptors in the brain and spinal cord to stop pain messages. These are the same receptors that respond to morphine and other opioid analgesics Endoscope \ n ✔An instrument consisting of a hollow tube with a lens and light system used to view the inner surface of the digestive tract. Endoscopic Sclerotherapy \ n ✔A procedure used to guide a retractrable needle device through an area such as the esophagus to seal off vessels such as esophageal varices with a hardening agent Endoscopy \ n ✔Imaging technique using flexible tubing mounted with camera and surgical tools Endospores \ n ✔Structures produced by bacteria and formed to cope with harsh environmental conditions Endotoxin \ n ✔A potent toxin from certain bacteria that causes life-threatening shock Enkephalins \ n ✔Naturally occurring molecules in the brain. Enkephalins attach to special receptors in your brain and spinal cord to stop pain messages. These are the same receptors that respond to morphine and other opioid analgesics. Enuresis \ n ✔Commonly called bed-wetting; a disorder of elimination that involves the vol-untary or involuntary release of urine into bedding, clothing, or other inappropriate places. Eosinophila-myalgia Syndrom \ n ✔Multisystem disease with pain, fatigue, and elevations of circulating blood eosinophils. Eosinophils \ n ✔White blood cells that kill parasites and are involved in allergic responses Ephylis \ n ✔Freckles Epidemic \ n ✔The occurrence of a disease in unusually large numbers over a specific area Epidemiological Studies \ n ✔Population-based studies Epididymis \ n ✔A coiled tube that lies along the outer wall of the testis and leads into the vas deferens Epididymitis \ n ✔Inflammation of the epididymis Epidural \ n ✔A hemorrhage between the dura mater and the skull Epilepsy \ n ✔A group of uncontrolled cerebral discharges that recur at random intervals Epinephrine \ n ✔The hormone secreted by the adrenal medulla in emergency situations or during periods of high stress; also used as a drug to dilate bronchioles in some asthma attacks Erysipelas \ n ✔An inflammatory skin infection caused by streptococcus bacteria. Most commonly, the infections appear on the face, arm, or leg Erythema \ n ✔A reddened area of skin Erthematous \ n ✔An area of skin reddened by congested blood vessels resulting from injury or inflammation Erythrocytes \ n ✔Red blood cells Erythropoiesis \ n ✔The process of red cell formation that takes place in the red marrow of flat bones such as the sternum, hip bones, ribs, and skull bones Erythropoietin \ n ✔A hormone synthesized principally by the kidney that stimulates red blood cell development Esophageal Varices \ n ✔Varicose veins of the esophagus Esophagitis \ n ✔Inflammation of the esophagus caused by acid reflux Essential Trace Minerals \ n ✔Minerals required in the diet in very low amounts Estrogen \ n ✔The sex hormone in females. Eitology \ n ✔The cause of a disease Exacerbation \ n ✔The period of a chronic disease when signs and symptoms recur in all their severity Exocrine Glands \ n ✔The glands of external secretion. They secrete mucus, perspiration, and digestive enzymes Exophthalmos \ n ✔The condition in which the eyeballs protrude outward, characteristic of a person with Graves' disease Extradural \ n ✔A hemorrhage between the dura mater and the skull
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