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HST Exam 3 Flashcards | HST 150 - World History since 1500, Quizzes of World History

Class: HST 150 - World History since 1500; Subject: History; University: Michigan State University; Term: Spring 2015;

Typology: Quizzes


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Download HST Exam 3 Flashcards | HST 150 - World History since 1500 and more Quizzes World History in PDF only on Docsity! TERM 1 Great War Causes DEFINITION 1 Culmination of competing nationalism After Germany/Italian Unification Rivalry among empires Especially Britian and Germany TERM 2 Central Powers DEFINITION 2 Germany & Austria-Hungray (1879), joined by Italians 1882 TERM 3 Allies DEFINITION 3 Russia, France, Britian (Later U.S. replaces) TERM 4 Francis/Franz Ferdinand DEFINITION 4 Arch Duke of the Austro-Hungarian empire. Assassinated in June 28, 1914. Believed to be a primary cause to the first World War TERM 5 Schlieffen Plan DEFINITION 5 German War plan fails in 1905 TERM 6 Trench Warfare DEFINITION 6 Also nick named the war of attrition, this consisted of stale mates, carnage and a defensive type of warfare. Due to the introduction of Barbed wire, gas, tanks (towards end of war), airplanes (primarily used for reconnaissance), submarines, and the continued emphasis of heavy machine guns. TERM 7 Russian Revolutions DEFINITION 7 Some initial victories in WWI but at the cost of officer corps in 1914 Disasters in the Russian empire lead citizens to question the Romanov dynasty Revolution begins February, 1917 Germany smuggles Lenin into Russia October Communist Revolution (Bolshevik, led by Vladimir Lenin) Treaty of Brest-Litovsk with Germans to end Russian involvement in WWI TERM 8 Nicholas II DEFINITION 8 Last Russian Emperor, was killed with family in revolutionary firing squad in 1918 TERM 9 Rasputin DEFINITION 9 Siberian monk whom the royal family believed to be a mystic. However, most nobles viewed him as a disgrace and assassinated him in December 1916. TERM 10 Results of War DEFINITION 10 Over 1 million Armenians slaughtered The dismemberment of the Ottoman Empire Britain and France conscripted millions of soldiers from colonies/dominions in Asia and Africa 8 million+ military deaths 20 millions soldiers wounded Influenza killed 50 million Ended Russian, German, Austria-Hungarian, & Ottoman Empires TERM 21 Russian Civil War DEFINITION 21 Immediately following the revolution in 1917, fought between the Bolsheviks (the reds) and a combination of other parties that were interested in a capitalist government or one run by monarchy (the whites). TERM 22 Bolsheviks DEFINITION 22 Communist party led by Vladimir Lenin, ultimately won the Russian Civil War. TERM 23 War Communism DEFINITION 23 Rapid Collectivization Confiscation of aristocrats' property Was massively unpopular so Lenin back tracked in 1921 TERM 24 New Economic Policy DEFINITION 24 Partial privatization of economy Promotion of agriculture Promotion of Industry TERM 25 Joseph Stalin DEFINITION 25 Leads Soviet Union by 1928 Focused on Industrialization and Collectivization Used Terror and Gulags TERM 26 Industrialization DEFINITION 26 Socialism in one country 5 year plan for industrialization of heavy industry (at expense of consumer goods) Came out of impending war with "imperialists" TERM 27 Collectivization DEFINITION 27 Kulaks & speculation-deportation, property confiscation Local Communist Party and Police officials force peasants to join collective farms Peasant resistance: large-scale rebellions + slaughter livestock Famine (1932-1933) (Possible loss of three million) TERM 28 Great Terror DEFINITION 28 Est. 1million dead- 1.5 million to the Gulag Elimination of Stalin's enemies, real or imagined Purged the old Bolsheviks Staged show trials Terror focused on old communists TERM 29 Gulag DEFINITION 29 Prison Labor Camps used to punish those not sympathetic to the Communist way. TERM 30 Militarist Japan DEFINITION 30 Japan benefited from war Postwar Japan initially headed down liberal road Great Depression Japanese Military rises into power Conquest of Chinese Manchuria 1931-1932 1940, political parties were banned, military effectively ruled an authoritarian state TERM 31 Facism DEFINITION 31 Fascism is a form of radical authoritarian nationalism that came to prominence in early 20th-century Europe. TERM 32 Benito Mussolini DEFINITION 32 Taking advantage of Italy's economic and social turmoil, Mussolini rose to power during the March on Rome in 1922 when King Emmanuel III offered him prime minister-ship. In 1926 he seized power as Il Duce, "the leader". TERM 33 Weimar Germany DEFINITION 33 Revolution in 1918 Bloodless overthrow of the imperial gov't Social Democratic Party announced new German Republic Kaiser was abdicated TERM 34 Adolf Hitler DEFINITION 34 Leader of the Nazi's. Attempted to overthrow the government in 1923 but was imprisoned for a few months. Once he was out, he capitalized on public discontent with post-war era and the Weimar Republic. Appointed chancellor in 1932, and later the parliament granted him dictatorial powers. TERM 35 Nazis DEFINITION 35 German form of fascism. Full name is the National Socialist German Worker's Party. Fueled by anti-antisemitism, racial superiority, and racial purity. TERM 46 Nazi-Soviet Pact DEFINITION 46 officially the Treaty of Non-aggression between Germany and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, the pact's publicly stated intentions were a guarantee of non-belligerence by each party towards the other and a commitment that neither party would ally itself to or aid an enemy of the other party. In addition to stipulations of non-aggression, the treaty included a secret protocol that divided territories of Romania, Poland, Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia and Finland into German and Soviet "spheres of influence", anticipating potential "territorial and political rearrangements" of these countries. Thereafter,Germany invadedPolandon 1 September 1939. TERM 47 Invasion of Poland DEFINITION 47 The official start of the second European world war, when Germany invaded and conquered Poland in September 1st, 1939 TERM 48 Blitzkrieg DEFINITION 48 Lightning warfare, used by Germany to completely overwhelm and overrun opposition. TERM 49 Battle of Britian DEFINITION 49 Aerial battle fought between summer and fall of the 1940s, the royal air force was deployed as a response to the German bombing of British cities. TERM 50 Operation Barbosa DEFINITION 50 German Invasion of Russia, essentially destroying the pact Lebensraum (Living space) Stalin ignores warnings of impending invasion June 22, 1941 Massive German invasion 12 million forced laborers to Germany TERM 51 Turning Points of WWII DEFINITION 51 Japan bombs Pearl Harbor in 1941, coercing the United States to join the fray as an Ally power December 1941- German failure to take Moscow TERM 52 Pearl Harbor DEFINITION 52 The Japanese unprovoked bombing of Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941, allowing the U.S. to make the unanimous decision to fight against the Axis. TERM 53 Stalingrad DEFINITION 53 Germany's attempted conquest of the Russian city Stalingrad lasting from fall 1942 to early February 1943, resulted in a German defeat due to a incredibly harsh winter. TERM 54 D-Day DEFINITION 54 June 6, 1944. British and U.S. forces land and recapture France from the Nazi's. TERM 55 Firebombing of Tokyo DEFINITION 55 Though early on, Allied forces attempted to abstain from bombing civilian targets, they had reconsidered. In March 1945, the United States began to bomb Tokyo with firebombs with means to demoralize the Japanese. TERM 56 Atomic Bombings DEFINITION 56 The destruction of the Japanese cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki on August of 1945 using the never before seen nuclear bomb. Effectively ending WWII. TERM 57 Emperor Hirohito DEFINITION 57 Emperor of Japan during WWII, the military ruled by using him as a puppet. He surrenders unconditionally on September 2, 1945. TERM 58 Nazi Genocide DEFINITION 58 The German eradication of those thought to be racially impure, namely the Jewish. Achieved this by executions of mass scale in concentration camps such as Auschwitz. TERM 59 Einsatzgruppen DEFINITION 59 Nazi mobile killing squads. Followed German army and "cleaned up" the leftover civilian opposition or the "racially impure" TERM 60 Holocaust DEFINITION 60 Jews deported from ghettos all over Europe in cattle cars, Spring 142 6 specially designed death camps in E. Europe Murder-poison gas Est. # of Jews killed: 6 million TERM 71 Creation of State of Israel DEFINITION 71 May 1948, the Jews were given Israel as their own state as a reprimendment for the Holocaust. TERM 72 Cold War DEFINITION 72 Pit between powers of the Western Bloc, namely the U.S. and Soviet Russia Eastern Bloc. When soviets created their first atom bomb, led to an arms race. TERM 73 Winston Churchill DEFINITION 73 Prime Minister of Britain through WWII, also preformed the Iron Curtain Speech. TERM 74 Berlin Airlift DEFINITION 74 Western Bloc countries delivering goods to soviet West Berlin due to the Berlin blockade TERM 75 Federal Republic of Germany DEFINITION 75 Reunited after the blockade of West and East Germany. At the time it was West Germany TERM 76 German Democratic Republic DEFINITION 76 East Germany, formally the German Democratic Republic or GDR or DDR), was a state within the Eastern Bloc during the Cold War period. TERM 77 Berlin Wall DEFINITION 77 Soviet blockade lasting from 1961-1989, constructed out of fear of economic conquest of the merger (FPG) TERM 78 Truman Doctrine DEFINITION 78 The Truman Doctrine of containment was a United States policy to stop Soviet expansion during the Cold War. (1947) TERM 79 Marshall Plan DEFINITION 79 The Marshall Plan was an American initiative to aid Europe, in which the United States gave $13 billion (approximately $120 billion in current dollar value to help stop the spread of Communism TERM 80 NATO DEFINITION 80 The North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO /neto/; French: Organisation du trait de l'Atlantique Nord; OTAN), also called the North Atlantic Alliance, is an intergovernmental military alliance based on the North Atlantic Treaty which was signed on 4 April 1949. The organization constitutes a system of collective defense whereby its member states agree to mutual defense in response to an attack by any external party TERM 81 Warsaw Pact DEFINITION 81 The Warsaw Pact was a collective defense treaty among eight communist states of Central and Eastern Europe in existence during the Cold War. (1955) TERM 82 Guomindang, Chiang Kai- Shek DEFINITION 82 Nationalist leader Chiang Kai-Shek fought communist powers and was ultimately drove into the mountains by Communist powers.Guomindang= Chinese Nationalist party TERM 83 Mao Zedong DEFINITION 83 Chinese Communist revolutionary and the founding father of the People's Republic of China, which he governed as Chairman of the Communist Party of China from its establishment in 1949 until his death in 1976 TERM 84 Long March DEFINITION 84 The Long March (October 1934October 1935) was a military retreat undertaken by the Red Army of the Communist Party of China, the forerunner of the People's Liberation Army, to evade the pursuit of the Kuomintang (KMT or Chinese Nationalist Party) army. There was not one Long March, but a series of marches, as various Communist armies in the south escaped to the north and west TERM 85 People's Republic of China DEFINITION 85 The name given to the newly governed China given by Mao Zedong in 1949 TERM 96 Secret Speech DEFINITION 96 Speech made by Nikita Khrushchev in 1956. Denounced Stalinist Excesses and released thousands of prisoners from the Gulags TERM 97 Space Race DEFINITION 97 October/November, Soviets first satellite and animal (Laika) in space (Sputniks) January, 1958- Americans launch small satellite into orbit Foundation of NASA, 1958 April 12, 1961-Yuri Gagarian 1st person to orbit the earth May 5, 1961- Alan Shepard suborbital space flight Valentina Tereshkova as 1st female cosmonaut 1963 U.S. Landed Apollo XI on moon, July 1969 TERM 98 Prague Spring, 1968 DEFINITION 98 An attempt in Czechoslovakia to loosen the restrictions on many different types of media in communism. Also encouraged debate, artistic freedom, less censorship TERM 99 Leonid Brezhnev DEFINITION 99 General Secretary to the Central Committee. Responsible for providing military back up during the Prague Spring in 1968. Passed the Brezhnev doctrine; the right to invade any socialist country threatened by elements hostile to socialism. TERM 100 Fidel Castro DEFINITION 100 Lead a successful guerrilla war against American-backed regime in the late 1950s Believed in Nationalization Claimed a swift victory during the CIA sponsored Bay of Pigs invasion (1961) In 1962 Castro aligned himself with the USSR TERM 101 Bay of Pigs DEFINITION 101 CIA attempt to stage a coup against Cuban dictator Castro in 1961 TERM 102 Cuban Missile Crisis DEFINITION 102 Took place between October 16-28, Cuba agreed to allow soviets build nuclear projectiles within their region. United States placed a Naval quarantine and resolved the issue in about two weeks by agreeing with soviets not to invade Cuba and to remove missiles stationed in Turkey. TERM 103 Kwame Nkrumah DEFINITION 103 Led mass action against British colonial rule in Ghana and supported pan-African unity. Gained independence in 1957, being the first to do so in sub Saharan Africa. TERM 104 Jomo Kenyatta DEFINITION 104 Leader of Kenya from independence in 1963 to his death in 1978, serving first as Prime Minister (196364) and then as President (196478). He is considered the founding father of the Kenyan nation. TERM 105 South Africa, Apartheid DEFINITION 105 Apartheid Established by white Afrikaner National Party Division of People by race S. AfricaAfrican National Congress Led by Nelson Mandella Brutally repressed by gov't forces President F. W. de Klerk began to end apartheid Release of Nelson Mandella from prison, 1990Negotiations end to white minority rule1994 elections brought ANC to power TERM 106 Nelson Mandella DEFINITION 106 A South African anti-apartheid revolutionary, politician and philanthropist who served as President of South Africa from 1994 to 1999. He was South Africa's first black chief executive, and the first elected in a fully representative democratic election. His government focused on dismantling the legacy of apartheid through tackling institutionalised racism, poverty and inequality, and fostering racial reconciliation. Politically an African nationalist and democratic socialist, he served as President of the African National Congress (ANC) party from 1991 to 1997. Internationally, Mandela was Secretary General of the Non-Aligned Movement from 1998 to 1999 TERM 107 African National Congress DEFINITION 107 Led by Nelson Mandella Brutally repressed by gov't forces President F. W. de Klerk began to end apartheid TERM 108 Ayatollah Ruholla DEFINITION 108 An Iranian Mujtahid , revolutionary, politician, the founder of the Islamic Republic of Iran as the first Islamic government in the modern age and the leader of the 1979 Iranian Revolution which saw the overthrow of the Pahlavi monarchy and Mohammad Reza Pahlavi, the Shah of Iran who was supported by the United States. Responsible for the Teheran and hostage crisis TERM 109 Iran-Contra DEFINITION 109 The IranContra affairwas a political scandal in the United States that occurred during the second term of the Reagan Administration. Senior administration officials secretly facilitated the sale of arms to Iran, which was the subject of an arms embargo.[3] They hoped that the arms sales would secure the release of several US hostages and use the money to fund the Contras in Nicaragua TERM 110 Soviet War in Afghanistan DEFINITION 110 The war continued with no end in sight Soviets seek a face-saving withdrawal & international guarantees of non-interference in Afghanistan Withdrawal in February 1989
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