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improving students' ability in learning present perfect tense, Slides of English Philology

High School Percut Sei Tuan in the Academic Year 2017/2018. The effectiveness of using mix-freeze group strategy in improving students‟ ability in learning.

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IMPROVING STUDENTS’ ABILITY IN LEARNING PRESENT PERFECT TENSE THROUGH MIX-FREEZE GROUP STRATEGY AT SECOND GRADE OF SMP KARYA BUNDA PERCUT SEI TUAN IN THE ACADEMIC YEAR OF 2017/2018 T H E S I S Submitted to the Faculty of Tarbiyah Science and Teachers Training UIN-SU Medan As a Partial Fulfillment of the Requirement for the Degree 1 (S1) of English Education Scholar By SUCI RAMADANI SIKUMBANG DEPARTMENT OF ENGLISH EDUCATION FACULTY OF TARBIYAH SCIENCE AND TEACHER TRAINING THE STATE ISLAMIC UNIVERSITY OF NORTH SUMATERA MEDAN 2018 p IMPROVING STUDENTS’ ABILITY IN LEARNING PRESENT PERFECT TENSE THROUGH MIX-FREEZE GROUP STRATEGY AT SECOND GRADE OF SMP KARYA BUNDA PERCUT SEI TUAN IN THE ACADEMIC YEAR OF 2017/2018 THESIS Submitted to Faculty of Tarbiyah Science and Teacher Training UIN-SU Medan as Partial Fulfillment of the Requirement for the Degree of Education S-1 Program By: SUCI RAMADANI SIKUMBANG NIM Advisor I Advisor II Dr. Sholihatul Hamidah Daulay, S.Ag, M.Hum Utami Dewi, S.Pd., M.Hum NIP. 19750622 200312 2 002 NIP. 19820227 200801 2 009 DEPARTMENT OF ENGLISH EDUCATION FACULTY OF TARBIYAH SCIENCE AND TEACHER TRAINING STATE ISLAMIC UNIVERSITY OF NORTH SUMATERA MEDAN 2018 SURAT PERNYATAAN KEASLIAN SKRIPSI Saya yang bertanda tangan di bawah ini Nama : Suci Ramadani Sikumbang Nim : Jur/Program Study : Pedidikan Bahasa Inggris/ S1 Judul skripsi : Improving Students‟ Ability in Learning Present Perfect Tense Through Mix-Freeze Group Strategy at Second Grade of SMP Karya Bunda Percut Sei Tuan in the Academic Year of 2017/2018 Menyatakan dengan sebenarnya bahwa skripsi yang saya serahkan ini benar-benar merupakan hasil karya sendiri. Kecuali kutipan-kutipan dari ringkasan-ringkasan yang semuanya telah saya jelaskan sumbernya. Apabila dikemudian hari saya terbukti atau dapat dibuktikan skripsi ini hasil jiplakan, maka gelar dan ijazah yang diberikan oleh universitas batal saya terima. Medan, June 2018 Yang membuat pernyataan SUCI RAMADANI SIKUMBANG i ABSTRACT Suci Ramadani Sikumbang: Improving Students’ Ability in Learning Present Perfect Tense Through Mix-Freeze Group Strategy at Second Grade Of SMP Karya Bunda Percut Sei Tuan in The Academic Year of 2017/2018 Keyword: Students’ Ability, Present Perfect Tense, Mix-Freeze Group as Strategy. This research was aimed to find out the empirical evidence of the improvement of students‟ ability in learning present perfect tense by using mix- freeze group as strategy in class VIII of SMP Karya Bunda Percut Sei Tuan. The subject of this research is the class VIII of SMP Karya Bunda Percut Sei Tuan in Academic year 2017/2018 consists of 38 students. This study is Classroom Action Research (CAR) method which is conducted in two cycles. The instruments of collecting data are questionnaire, observation, and diary notes as the qualitative data and written test as the quantitative data. The quantitative data are taken from pre-test and post-test. Based on the qualitative data, the use of mix-freeze group strategy in learning present perfect tense can improve the students‟ involvement and motivation in learning. Based on the result of students‟ score, the students‟ average score keep improving in every test. The students‟ mean score in pre-test is 57.09 with six students or 19.35% reach the Minimum Passing Grade or KKM (70). The result of post-test in cycle I, students‟ mean score is 66.45 with 15 students or 48.39% pass the KKM. The result of post-test in cycle 2, students‟ mean score is 78.06 with 31 students or 100% pass the KKM. It can be concluded that the using mix-freeze group strategy in learning present perfect tense as teaching strategy can increase the students‟ ability in learning present perfect tense. ii ACKNOWLEDGEMENT In the Name of Allah the Most Gracious and the Most Merciful Praise and Gratitude be to Allah for the health and strength that has given to the writer in writing this thesis. Peace and blessing be upon the Prophet Muhammad Shallallaahu „alaihi wa salaam, his family, his relatives, and all his followers. This thesis is written to fulfill one of the requirements to obtain the Sarjana Pendidikan degree at the Department of English Education, Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teachers Training, State Islamic University of North Sumatera. In addition, there are many people who contribute in finishing this skripsi, the writer would like to express her appreciation to: 1. Prof. Dr. KH. Sadurrrahman, M.Ag as the Rector of State Islamic University of North Sumatera. 2. Dr. Amirruddin Siahaan, M.Pd as the dean of Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teacher Training State Islamic University of North Sumatera. 3. Dr. Sholihatul Hamidah Daulay, S.Ag, M.Hum as the Head of English Educational Department and also the first advisor who providing careful guidance, helpful corrections, great advice as well as suggestion and encouragement during the consultation. 4. Utami Dewi, S.Pd, M.Hum as the second advisor who patiently guided and helped the writer to finish this skripsi. 5. All lecturers in the English Department for teaching precious knowledge, sharing philosophy of life, and giving wonderful study experience. 6. The principal of SMP Karya Bunda Percut Sei Tuan, English teacher and all students of VIII class who helped the writer during the research. 7. My beloved family for your uncounted prayers, endless love, encouragement, advices, supports both financially and mentally that made me possible to finish my study. Thank you so much Papa Drs. Syamsul v d. Advantages and Disadvantages of Mix-Freeze Group Strategy ............ 15 3. Ability .......................................................................................................... 16 a. Definition of Ability ............................................................................... 16 B. Conceptual Framework ...................................................................................... 18 CHAPTER III RESEARCH METHODOLOGY ..................................................... 22 A. Research Design ................................................................................................. 22 B. Research Setting and Sample ............................................................................. 24 C. Data Collection................................................................................................... 24 D. Data Analysis ..................................................................................................... 26 E. Research Procedure ............................................................................................ 29 F. Trustworthiness .................................................................................................. 34 CHAPTER IV FINDINGS AND DISCUSSIONS ..................................................... 37 A. Research Finding ................................................................................................ 37 B. Discussion .......................................................................................................... 49 CHAPTER V CLOSING ............................................................................................. 51 A. Conclusion ......................................................................................................... 51 B. Recommendation................................................................................................ 52 C. Implication ......................................................................................................... 53 REFERENCES ............................................................................................................. 54 APPENDIX vi LIST OF FIGURE Figure Title Page 1 The Cyclical Process of Action Research .......................................... 30 vii LIST OF TABLE Table Title Page 1 The percentage of the students‟ ability in learning present perfect tense .... 41 1 CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION A. Background of the Study Tense is verb form that shows time at present, past, future, etc. There are sixteen tenses in English grammar such as; simple present tense, present continuous tense, simple past tense, past continuous tense, future tense, present perfect tense, past perfect tense, etc. Present perfect tense is used to explain an action or event which has happened and still have to do up to now. 1 The present perfect may be used to give some depth to descriptions. With action processes, it can refer to events which took place at an unspecified time before the present but whose results are relevant to the present description. 2 The students have learned about tenses, at least they have ability to make sentences in Present Perfect Tense. In fact, the students at SMP Karya Bunda Percut Sei Tuan still got the mistake when they made sentences in Present Perfect Tense. In addition, the student was difficult to understand Present perfect tense because teacher taught Present Perfect Tense through conventional strategy not effective strategy. In teaching Present Perfect Tense, teacher should use effective strategy so student interested to learn it and it will also help them to understand and remember of Present Perfect Tense. The strategy makes the students‟ interest to study about grammar especially Present Perfect Tense. Strategy is one of the important factors to make a good 1 Aswir Suhud, Smart Way to the Grammar (Jakarta: Dunia Cerdas, 2013), p. 9. 2 Graham Lock, Functional English Grammar (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1996), p. 157. 2 plan to reach out the purpose in teaching learning process, because teaching on strategy can influence the result of learning. Therefore, in teaching learning process, the teacher should use effective strategy. Effective strategy will help teacher to explain the material in teaching and learning activities and it will make it easier for students to understand the material especially Present Perfect Tense. In this thesis the writer choose Mix Freeze Group Strategy, because the writer studied about the appropriate strategy of Mix Freeze Group Strategy. Mix Freeze Group is one of the strategy to improve students‟ ability in grammar, it is used to make the students can improve their ability in Present Perfect Tense, it means this strategy make the students more active as participant class in learning English. This strategy gives many advantages to the students in learning Present Perfect Tense, such as; it gives motivation to the other students to learn Present Perfect Tense, the situation in learning English be more dynamic because every student understand the tense, feel enjoyable and interest in teaching English especially Present Perfect Tense, but this strategy also have disadvantages, such as; each of students have individual working that they cannot working together and they be individually in analyze of sentence. After using this strategy, it is expected that students are able to learn the material especially Present Perfect Tense. As the mentioned above, the writer tries to conduct a research under the title “IMPROVING STUDENTS’ ABILITY IN LEARNING PRESENT PERFECT TENSE THROUGH MIX-FREEZE GROUP STRATEGY AT SMP KARYA BUNDA PERCUT SEI TUAN” 3 B. Statement of the Problems Based on the background of the study above, the writer identifies some problems dealing with the study, they are: 1. The students have low interest in learning English especially in learning tenses. 2. The students‟ ability in learning present perfect tense is still low. 3. The teacher does not use appropriate strategies in teaching English language. C. Research Questions Based on the background above, the writer formulated this study as follows: 1. Can mix-freeze group strategy improve the students‟ ability in learning present perfect tense at eighth grade SMP Karya Bunda Percut Sei Tuan? 2. How is the improvement of students‟ ability in learning present perfect tense by using mix-freeze group strategy at eighth grade SMP Karya Bunda Percut Sei Tuan? D. Purposes of the Study Based on the research questions, the purpose of the research as follows: 1. To find out the mix-freeze group strategy can improve students‟ ability in learning present perfect tense at eighth grade SMP Karya Bunda Percut Sei Tuan. 6 Example: Mr. Gus Dur has been elected the president of Indonesia Several banks have been liquidated The daily people‟s needs have developed 2) To reveal a thing or job that has just been done. In that case, we usually use adverb recently, just, or already. Example: Floritte has already finished her study Recently, many companies have stopped their activities because of the crisis Mr. Boy has already made a new business 3) To express the experience that has ever happened or has ever done, we often use adverbs ever, never, once and before. Example: I have never met Febby before I have ever been to Lake Toba I have once stayed in Hilton Hotel 4) To reveal a thing or work that has happened several times, or (repetition of an activity before now) then in this case we do not need to mention the moment, or the time of the occurrence. Example: I have got two kinds of test this week We have held several discussions this month I have met Reza several times this week 5) To describe the reality, situation or condition which have happened to certain moments that still exist until now and the verbs used are usually verbs that include non progressive verbs. 7 Example: I have loved her for many years I have realized that I have loved her since I met her I have been here since o‟clock c. Form of Present Perfect Tense Affirmative Negative Interrogative I have slept I have not slept Have you slept? You have slept You have not slept Have you slept? She, he, it has slept She, he, it has not slept Has she, he, it slept? We have slept We have not slept Have we slept? They have slept They have not slept Have they slept? d. Formula of Present Perfect Tense 1) Verbal Sentences Verbal sentence is a sentence whose most important part is predicate, verb and we will find transitive and intransitive sentence. 6 Formula of Positive Verbal Sentence Examples:  We have taken the book just now  Brenda has passed from senior high school. Formula of Negative Verbal Sentence 6 Suseno W. Pramono, Complete English Grammar (Jakarta: Nidya Pustaka, 2014), p. 40. Subject + Have/Has + V3 Subject + Have/Has + Not + V3 8 Examples:  The man has not sold the house  We have not occupied this house for seven years Formula of Interrogative Verbal Sentence Examples:  Have you tried restarting the computer?  Has she ever eaten Vietnamese food? 2) Nominal Sentences Nominal sentence is a sentence that has no verbs and the most important part is the verb “to be” that is noun, adjective, or adverb. It means that the sentence is not use verb. 7 Formula of Positive Nominal Sentence Examples:  He has been in Surabaya before  I have been to Paris Formula of Negative Nominal Sentence Examples:  They have not been here since yesterday 7 Ibid., p. 40 Have/Has + Subject + V3 Subject + Have/Has + Been + Non-Verb Subject + Have/Has + Not + Been + Non-Verb 11 2. Strategy a. Definition of Strategy Strategy is a common approach as well as a series of action teachers will take and use to select some learning strategies that are appropriate for learning. For example, learning that requires active participation of learners will not necessary use lecture methods, but other methods such as group project work, individual tutorials are self-study packages. 9 Oxford defines learning strategies as specific actions taken by the learner to make learning easier, faster, more enjoyable, and more transferable to new situations. 10 According to several authors, effective language teaching strategies support the instructional goals, involve students in the process of learning and develop their problem resolving skills. 11 Syaiful Bahri and Aswan Zain explain about four basics of strategy in teaching learning are follows. 12  To identify, determine of specification and qualification of behavior of change  To choose the procedure, method, and the technique in teaching learning process  To choose apply of form and activity successful of criteria in teaching learning 9 Haidir & Salim, Strategi Pembelajaran (Medan: Perdana Publishing, 2012), p. 102. 10 Filiz Yalçin Tilfarlioğlu, “An Analysis of the Relationship Between the Use of Grammar Learning Strategies and Student Achievement at English Preparatory Classes”, Journal of Language and Linguistic Studies, Vol. 1 No.2, 2005, p. 156. Retrieved from (February 6 th 2018). 11 Krista Uibu & Merili Liiver, “Students‟ Grammar Mistakes and Effective Teaching Strategies”, International Journal of Teaching and Education, Vol. 3 No. 1, 2015, p. 73. Retrieved from education/publication-detail-82. (February 6 th 2018). 12 Syaiful Bahri Djamarah dan Aswan Zain, Strategy Belajar Mengajar, (Banjarmasin: Rineka Cipta, 1995), p. 5. 12 It state in Alqur‟an in An-nahl: 125 13 ًَ ًَْ ِه اِدْنهُم بِانَّتِ ج ى ةَِ و س ْىِػظ ةَِ اْنح اْنم ةَِ و بِّكَ بِاْنِحْكم ٍْم س بِ اُْدعَُ اِٰنى س ٌْهَ ا ْػه م بِاْنُمْهت ِذ هُى ٍْهِه و بِ هَْ س مَّ ػ بَّك هُى ا ْػه م بِم ه ض ۗ َ اِن س هَُ ا ْحس Meaning: Invite (all) to the way of your lord with wisdom and good instruction, and argue with them in a way that is best. Indeed, your lord is most knowing of who has strayed from his way, and He is most knowing of who is (rightly) guided. 14 It also found in Hadits that narrated by Muslim as follows: ال تُى فُِّشوا ب سُِّشواو ُشواو سِّ ال تُؼ ُشواو هَّم ق الَ ٌ سِّ س ٍْه و ه هَّى للاَُ ػ ًَّ ص هَِ انىَّبِ انِكَِ ػ هَْ أ و س ْبه م ػ (اخشجه انبخاسي فً كتاب انؼهم) Meaning: From Anas bin Malik from the Prophet Muhammad SAW “make it easy and do not be difficult. Delight and do not make you run”. (narrated by Abu Abdillah Muhammad bin Ismail al-Bukhori al-Ju‟fi). 15 The above verse and hadits explain that the learning process should be made easy and fun so that student are not depressed psychologically and do not feel bored with the atmosphere in the classroom, and what is taught by the teacher. A lesson should also use appropriate methods and strategies tailored to the situation and conditions, especially taking into account the state of the person who will learn. 13 Departemen Agama RI, Al-Qur‟an dan Terjemah Mushaf ODOJ, (Bandung: Perpustakaan Nasional Katalog dalam Terbitan, 2017), p. 281. 14 Abdullah Yusuf Ali, The Holy Qur‟an (the King Fahd Holy Quran, 1987), p. 131. 15 Ahmadi Toha, Terjemah Sahih Bukhori (Jakarta: Pustaka Panjimas, 1986), p. 89, retrieved in March 5 th 2018 from 13 From the verse and hadits above the writer conclude that strategy has an important role in achieving particular purposes especially in teaching and learning process. And the researcher suggests to the teacher to use strategy in every teaching and learning process. In teaching English, teaching strategy can influence the result of teaching. Actually, many strategies of teaching that can be applied in the class room. The teacher who want to deliver the lesson in front of class should be able to choose the best strategy that can make students interest in following the lesson. For example everyone become a teacher strategy, point counterpoint strategy, Mix Freeze Group, etc. Without choosing a appreciate strategy in teaching the lesson, of course can make the students to be upset. That is why teacher must be able to choose a suitable strategy in teaching. b. Definition of Mix-Freeze Group Strategy Mix – Freeze Group Strategy in cooperative learning is a type of structured peer interaction emphasizing positive human relationships, collaboration between peers, active learning, academic achievement, equal participant, and equal status of students in the classroom. It can be used to teach any subject matter, whether that foreign languages, math, social studies, etc. Mix – Freeze is a group class building and mastery structure. It provides an opportunity for students to move about the classroom meeting other students and engaging in a discussion with the students in their group. The teacher asks the students to “Mix (Mingle) in an open area of the classroom, on the “Freeze” 16 3. Ability a. Definition of Ability Ability is skill or power. 18 Ability expresses a kind of potential, a term which has merited the attention of philosophers of education. 19 The capacity of students to engage themselves meaningfully in any educational task which requires higher cognitive functioning depends on factors which include their academic potentiality. This could be tagged ability or level of academic attainment. 20 Because ability is part of physical and intellectual activities the teacher has important role to develop students‟ behavior. The ultimate objective of physical educator is to develop overt behavior that will manifest itself through active participation in various types of physical activity. Nevertheless, it is also useful to modify latent behavior. If a person develops a more positive attitude toward physical activity, this may be the first significant step toward his personal participation in an activity lifestyle. Based on Surat Mujadalah verse: 11 21 ٍْم ا قِ اِر ُكم و َ نـ ُحْىا ٌ ْفس ح للّاٰ ٰجهِسَِ ف اْفس ُكم ت ف سَُّحْىا فِى اْنم ٍْم نـ ا قِ ا اِر ىُْىْۤ ٌْهَ ٰام ُّه ا انَِّز اٌ ٌْٰۤ ٰجت َ س ٌْهَ اُْوتُىا اْنِؼْهم د انَِّز ىُْىا ِمْىُكْمَ و ٌْهَ ٰام َ انَِّز اْوُشُزو اف اْوُشُزْوا ٌ ْشف غ للّاٰ ٍْشَ بِ هُْىنَ خ ا ت ْؼم َ بِم للّاٰ و 18 Tn, Oxford Learner‟s Pocket Dictionary, 2008. New York: Oxford University. 19 John B. Carrol, Human Cognitive Abilities (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1993), p. 3. 20 Sunday A. Adeyemo, “Students‟ Ability Level and Their Competence in Problem-Solving Task in Physics”, International Journal of Educational Research and Technology, Vol 1 [2] December 2010, p. 35 – 47. Retrieved from (February 10 th 2018). 21 Departemen Agama RI, op.cit., p. 543. 17 Meaning: O you who have believed, when you are told,”Space yourselves” in assemblies, then make space; Allah will make space for you. And when you are told, “Arise,” then arise; Allah will raise those who have believed among you and those who were given knowledge, by degrees. And Allah is Acquainted with what youdo. (QS. Al-Mujadalah: 11). 22 As the Prophet Muhammad said in Hadist Shohih Bukhari no 1296: ثَ َنا اْبُن َأِب ِذْئٍب َعْن الزُّْىرِيِّ َعْن َأِب َسَلَمَة ْبِن َعْبِد الرَّْْحَِن َعْن أَ ثَ َنا آَدُم َحدَّ ِب ُىَريْ رََة َرِضَي اللَّوُ َحدَّ رَانِِو أَْو َعْنُو قَاَل قَاَل النَِّبُّ َصلَّى اللَُّو َعَلْيِو َوَسلََّم ُكلُّ َمْوُلوٍد يُوَلُد َعَلى اْلِفْطرَِة فَأَبَ َواُه يُ َهوِّ َدانِِو أَْو يُ َنصِّ َسانِِو َكَمَثِل اْلَبِهيَمِة تُ ْنَتُج اْلَبِهيَمَة َىْل تَ رَ ى ِفيَها َجْدَعاءَ ُُيَجِّ Meaning: Has told us Adam has told us Ibn Abu Dza‟bi from Az Zuhriy from Abu Salamah bin „Abdurrahman from Abu Hurairah radiallahu „anhu said; The Prophet Muhammad Sallallaahu‟alaihiwassallam said: “Every child is born in a state of fitrah. It‟s him/her parents who make him/her a jew or a Christian or a polytheist as the livestock that breeds the livestock perfectly. Do you see any defects to him?” 23 Hadist above explains us that every human being that born have a fitrah (good character) and the parents can make it to be better or worst. From the verse and hadist above showed that how important to make the human being 22 Abdullah Yusuf Ali, op.cit., p. 281. 23 Syarifah Ismail, Tinjauan Filosofis Pengembangan Fitrah Manusia dalam Pendidikan Islam, Jurnal At-Ta‟dib, Vol. 8, No. 2, Desember 2013, p. 256-257. Retrieved from (March 5 th 2018). 18 ability or potential to be better because they will get many blessing (hikmah) in their daily life. B. Conceptual Framework In learning English, there are four skills that should be learned by students namely; reading, writing, speaking and listening. In process of teaching learning, especially in teaching grammar we can use many strategies. In this research, the writer applies Mix Freeze Group strategy. Mix Freeze Group is one of cooperative learning strategy that allows the students make collaboration activity which use to teaching a concept, system classification or organize the information in a variety of forms. Therefore in this strategy, the teacher guide students to play, so that they can comfort and feel enjoy in teaching learning process. In the other aims by using this strategy, the students learn about work together and show their brave to give arguments which teach them about social learning. The teachers‟ strategy can help students in understanding the lesson easily. The strategy can influence someone who wants to do something. The teacher should use the appropriate strategy in language teaching, because it can make the students have to join the lesson, so that they can study more seriously and their achievement will be better. On the other hand, if the teacher does not use the appropriate strategy, especially in teaching Present Perfect Tense, the students will not interest and bore to follow the lesson. As a result, they will not be able to increase their achievement. The researcher tries to use Mix Freeze Group Strategy in teaching Present Perfect Tense. The researcher hopes the students‟ ability in learning Present Perfect Tense will be increase. 21 Classroom Action Research consisted of 4 phases such as; planning, acting, observing and reflecting. B. Research Setting and Sample This research conducted at SMP Karya Bunda Percut Sei Tuan. The reasons in choosing this location were:  This title was never researched in this location.  The researcher wanted to improve grammar in that school especially in Present Perfect Tense. Sample is part of the population that becomes the object of research (sample literally means example). In the determination or sampling of the population has a rule is representative of the population. 28 The sample of this research would be on the second grade students of SMP Karya Bunda Percut Sei Tuan. The sample took only one class which consisted of 38 students. Other individuals who provided information on the subject under research would classify as important. These would include the English teacher and the principle of SMP Karya Bunda Percut Sei Tuan. C. Data Collection 1. Test Test (before their spelling improved in the Indonesian language written test) is a tool or procedure used to determine or measure something in the 28 Syahrum and Salim, Metodologi Penelitian Kuantitatif (Bandung: Cita Pustaka Media, 2013), p. 113-114. 22 atmosphere, in the manner and the rules that have been determined. 29 According to Webster‟s Collegiate state that test is any series of questions or exercises or other means of measuring the skill, knowledge, intelligence, capacities of aptitudes or an individual or group. 30 Test was instrument to measure behavior of performance of someone. Measure instrument was a set of question that given to the students to see their achievement in answering the question. The form of the test contained 10 questions. This question test was test students‟ ability to use Present Perfect Tense in sentence correctly appropriate to the formula by the aspects:  Identification of the sentence of Present Perfect Tense.  Make sentence that consist of Present Perfect Tense. 2. Observation Observation did to record the process during teaching-learning process. It was about the behavior, attitude and all activities while giving action and doing their work group by using documentation, they were: photos, and diary notes. In this case, observation would be done by investigating in the field of research. First, the researcher observed about the condition in the class when teaching- learning processes go on and the condition of the students. The last, the researcher observed about condition in the school that is about the location and the facilities which support teaching-learning process especially in teaching English. 29 Suharsimi Arikunto. Dasar-Dasar Evaluasi Pendidikan (Jakarta: PT Bumi Aksara, 1987), p. 51. 30 Daryanto, Evaluasi Pendidikan (Jakarta: Rineka Cipta, 2010), p. 33. 23 3. Questionnaire Questionnaire conducted to get information about students‟ ability in using Present Perfect Tense in sentence correctly before giving treatment. Therefore, questionnaire conducted in analyzing situation of the English teacher and some of students. 4. Diary Notes A diary was a record (originally in handwritten format) with discreet entries arranged by date reporting on what has happened over the course of a day or other period. A personal diary included a person‟s experiences, and/or thinks or feelings, including comments on current events outside the writer‟s direct experience. 5. Documentation The pictures were captured when the researcher was conducting the research. The researcher took the picture when they were studying. It could show them that were serious or not when learning and teaching process and document in this research. D. Data Analysis This research applied qualitative and quantitative data. Qualitative data which collected from the result of observation and questionnaire was analyzed by conducting descriptive analysis. The result of observation data of teaching process and students‟ activities of learning present perfect tense by using mix-freeze group 26 the researcher made a conclusion. The conclusion was a form of thick description. The conclusion was the answer of the researcher problems that had been formulated. E. Research Procedure Before conducting the procedure of collecting data, the researcher would be administrated the pre-test to identify the basic knowledge of the students about present perfect tense. There would pre-test before the application of strategy in order to get the teaching-learning in the class and the information of the students‟ present perfect tense. There would also post-test in the end of each cycle. In every meeting, the researcher would be conducted a test to see the students‟ improvement in present perfect tense. Before conducting the cycles, the researcher gave questionnaire sheet to the students and the English teacher of class in order to get the general information of the students‟ difficulties in present perfect tense. This research conducted two cycles. Each cycle consisted of two meetings. The first meeting before starting the cycles would use to conduct the pre-test and questionnaire sheet, so the first cycle started from the second meeting. Each meeting had four steps: planning, action, observation, and reflection. 27 The Cyclical Process of Action Research 34 Cycle 1 Cycle 2 The steps in concluding the research were: 1. Planning Planning explain about what, why, when, where, who, and how it was done. 35 Planning was an essential element in the development of any method. In a sense it was the method, because a method was plan. In advance planning had to be flexible because it depended on circumstance and curriculum after the problem had been known, the researcher as a teacher and the other teachers worked together to plan needed in order to solve the students face. Therefore the researcher would prepare everything who related in the teaching learning process. In this phase, there were some activities would be did by researcher, they were: a) Observing the students‟ ability in present perfect tense. 34 Anne Burns & Nur Kurtoglu-Hooton, (2014), “Implementing Action Research in the Modern Language Classroom”, retrieved in February 25 th 2018 from Hooton.pdf, p. 23. 35 Iskandar, Penelitian Tindakan Kelas (Jakarta: Gaung Persada, 2009), p. 115. 28 b) Analyzing the materials offered in the textbook. c) Making lesson plan. The activities were designed as follow: 1) Preparing the sets of topics. 2) The teacher gives material of present perfect tense as a model for the students to study. 3) The teacher explains about present perfect tense: definition, formulation, and example of present perfect tense. 4) The teacher explains about the procedure of mix freeze group strategy. 5) The teacher asks the students to “Mix” (mingle) in an open area of the classroom. 6) The students walk around classroom and it will be accompanied by music. 7) On the “Freeze” signal, the students stop where they are, and then “Group” by the number the teacher gives. 8) The students form four groups. 9) (Optional) The students make a sentence in present perfect tense. 10) Students move to an open area and mix. At the teacher‟s signal, they freeze and group by the number the teacher gives. Within their groups students share their first sentences. 11) Students return to their seats and make the last sentence prompt. 12) In the next meeting, the teacher will assign the students to find out present perfect tense in a text. 31 Cycle II The second cycle would be conducted if the result did not improve significantly and had not reached the indicators expected yet. Continuing to the second cycle was aim to get a better result in students‟ ability in present perfect tense. This cycle had the same procedure as the first one, but the teaching learning process would be developed by emphasizing the subject matters which the students still had not understand yet, giving motivation and controlling the students in expressing the ideas in answering the questions; moving around the class to made all the students more active to express or expand their ideas in sentences. The improvement in second cycle would be much better than in the first cycle. Similar to the previous cycle, this cycle was also conducted in four steps: planning, action, observation, and reflection. F. Trustworthiness In establishing of trustworthiness of data, the researcher conducted the action research of improving students‟ ability in learning present perfect tense through mix-freeze group strategy. In qualitative research, the data must be auditable. To be auditable, the researchers cheeked the transcription in other to be credible, transferable, and dependable. The following were further explanation on these three terms: 38 38 Sikolia, David,, (2013), "Trustworthiness of Grounded Theory Methodology Research in Information Systems" retrieved in March 19 th 2018 from, p, 2-3. 32 1. Credibility Credibility is a trustworthiness concept that roughly corresponds to internal validity. In positivist research, internal validity refers to the ruling out of rival hypotheses, that the constructs are likely real and reliable, and the instrument is measuring the right content. Credibility refers to how much the data collected accurately reflects the multiple realities of the phenomenon. Credibility can be established through prolonged engagement with informants, triangulation of data or getting data from a variety of sources (interviews, documents etc.), sharing with each participant the verbatim transcript of the individual interviews, and the emerging concepts and categories or respondent validation or participant checks. The participant guidance of the enquiry through interview questions updates based on initial findings or emerging concepts. Negative analysis which is examination of cases that contradict the main findings, and peer debriefs which is allowing other pairs of eyes to confirm the emerging concepts and categories from raw data. 2. Transferability Transferability is a trustworthiness concept that can be seen as external validity. External validity in positivist research is how well an instrument generalizes or is consistent across diverse constituencies. Transferability refers to the applicability of one set of findings to another setting. Transferability can be enhanced through clear descriptions of the research, the participant‟s diverse perspectives and experiences, methodology, interpretation of results, and contributions from peer debrief. Information about the researcher as an instrument 33 in the process, the relationships between the researcher and participants enhance transferability. An audit trail should be provided and be detailed enough to allow other researchers to repeat the same enquiry in a similar setting. 3. Dependability Dependability is a trustworthiness concept that closely matches reliability. In positivist research, reliability is the extent to which a variable or a set of variables is consistent with what it is supposed to measure when repeated multiple of times. Dependability refers to the confirmation that the data represents the changing conditions of the phenomenon under study and should be consistent across time, researchers and analysis techniques. Peer researchers, student advisors or colleagues can examine the detailed chronology of research activities and processes or audit trail to determine the reliability of the findings. From the trustworthiness of data above, the researcher chooses to use the transferability. The researcher uses it because transferability refers to the applicability of one set of findings to another setting. Transferability can be enhanced through clear descriptions of the research, the participant‟s diverse perspectives and experiences, methodology, interpretation of results, and contributions from peer debrief. In transferability, the researcher should make the report by providing a detailed, clear, systematic, and reliable description. Therefore, the researcher has explained the results of his research with clear and detail which is appropriate of the transferability. 36 30. From the result of analysis, it could be seen that almost of the students‟ ability in learning present perfect tense was still low. 2. First Cycle a. Planning Before conducting the research, the researcher prepared the instrument of the research as follows: (1) Lesson plan; making lesson plan and designing the steps in doing action. In order to control the teaching process, the researcher used the lesson plan as guidance for the researcher‟s activities in the class; (2) Material; in the first cycle, the researcher was giving the material to the students and explains about the definition, function and formula of present perfect tense; (3) Sheet for Classroom observation; sheet for classroom observation was prepared in order to know the condition of teaching learning process when mix-freeze group strategy was implemented; (4) Test (pre-test and post-test); pre-test was a test that was given to the students before the teaching learning process. Meanwhile, post- test was a test that was given to the students after learning process was conducted. b. Action The action of cycle I was done on Saturday 5 th May 2018 and Monday 7 th May 2018. The researcher implemented the teaching learning process based on the procedures of mix – freeze group strategy. In this phase, there were some activities done by researcher, they were: (a) For the first, the researcher yells mix and then directly the student walk around in the classroom to find the closest partner be four members in a group. (b) When the researcher yells freeze the 37 student must be stop and read the question carefully while share the idea and answer the question. (c) Next the researcher yells mix the student again to find partner be seven members and the researcher yells freeze to the student read and answer the next question. (d) After finish the time given the teacher mix again for the third time for find partner be ten members. (e) Next student read again the text and discuss their opinions, or respond to a comment to answer the next question when the researcher yells freeze, it will be continue until four groups and the group must answer the all questions given. (f) When time is over the researcher gives time and chances for the student to share again of their opinion and make conclusion. c. Observing In the first cycle, the observer tried to notice all activities in the physical classroom activity. It might be about the teacher performance, class situation and students‟ response. And after teaching learning process finished, the researcher was carried out the post-test I exactly on the second action of the first cycle to know how well the students‟ ability had been improved. From the observation sheet, the researcher found that some students active during teaching learning process, the situation of the class was good enough since the students paid their attention to the teacher explanation and instruction. However, in the first meeting the students confused about present perfect tense but with the explanation that has been given by teacher, the majority of students have started to understand of present perfect tense. 38 Quantitatively, the result of the post-test of the first cycle, it showed only 48.39% of students who passed the Minimum Mastery Criterion (KKM). Based on the result of the post-test I, the mean score of the class derived 66.45 in which there were 15 students who passed the Minimum Mastery Criterion 70. From the students‟ response and the students‟ score above, the researcher stated to continue in cycle two in hoping to be the best. Second cycle was held to achieve the improvement score of the students d. Reflecting The researcher and the teacher discussed about the conclusion of implementing the action. Then, they tried to modify the action in order students more understand about present perfect tense and in order students in the class could pass the Minimum Mastery Criterion (KKM) because in the result of post- test I showed only 48.39% of students who passed the Minimum Mastery Criterion (KKM). Based on the result of the post-test I, the mean score of the class derived 66.45 in which there were 15 students who passed the Minimum Mastery Criterion 70. Based on the post-test I result, the second cycle was needs to be conducted. The researcher also should improve the action that was conducted. The researcher decided to make some actions to improve students‟ ability in learning present perfect tense for the second cycle, such as: (a) The researcher should improve her ability in presenting the material. (b) The researcher should explain the material clearly and slowly. (c) The researcher should manage the class well. 41 d. Reflecting The reflection of Classroom Action Research (CAR) was carried out after getting the result of written test. The researcher and the teacher felt satisfied in as much their efforts to improve the students‟ ability in learning present perfect tense had been realized. The students could understand the passage easily. It was proven by their improving scores from post-test II. Based on the result of post-test I, the data showed that the mean score of post-test II was 78.06. There were 31 students who derived the score above the Minimum Mastery Criterion (KKM-Kriteria Ketuntasan Minimal). The lowest achievement gained score 70. From the result of analysis, it could be seen that the students‟ ability in learning present perfect tense was more improve than post-test II. Table I The percentage of the students’ ability in learning present perfect tense Meeting The students who got up to 70 Percentage Cycle I 1 Pre-test 6 19.35% 2 Post-test I 15 48.39% Cycle II 3 Post-test II 31 100% In pre-test, there were 6 students (19.35%) who got 70 and more. In post- test in cycle I, there were 15 students (48.39%) who got 70 and more. In the post- test in cycle II there were 31 students (100%). The improvement from the post test in cycle I to the post test in cycle II was 51.61%. 42 After achieving the target research of where minimally 70% students who passed the Minimum Mastery Criterion (KKM), therefore the researcher and the teacher decided to stop Classroom Action Research because it had already succeeded. Hence, the researcher and the teacher did not have to revise the plan. According to the result of the evaluation between the researcher and teacher, it could be assumed that implementing of Classroom Action Research in improving students‟ ability in learning present perfect tense by using mix-freeze group strategy was appropriate with the planning that had been discussed by the researcher and the teacher previously. In this case, every action was planned as good as possible so that the learning activities could be accomplished well. B. Discussion According to the result of the pre-test and post-test, it shows the teaching learning present perfect tense using mix-freeze group strategy is effective in improving students‟ ability to the eight grade students of Karya Bunda Junior High School Percut Sei Tuan in the Academic Year 2017/2018. The effectiveness of using mix-freeze group strategy in improving students‟ ability in learning present perfect tense can be seen in the written test. Teaching learning present perfect tense using mix-freeze group strategy makes the students interest to study and learn more. Students feel comfortable to learn and researcher is also teaches well. The students are active in teaching learning process. The interpretation of the data result among the pre-test, post-test of cycle I and cycle II are as following; in the pre-test, the mean score of students on written 43 test is 57.09. Meanwhile, the class percentage which passes the Minimum Mastery Criterion is 19.35%. It means that there are only 6 students who passed the Minimum Mastery Criterion 70 and there are 25 students out of target. Furthermore, the mean score in the post-test I is 66.45. It means that there are some students score improvement from the previous test (pre-test), that is 9.36 (66.45 – 57.09). Meanwhile, the class percentage which pass the Minimum Mastery Criterion in the post-test I is 48.39%. It shows there are 15 students who pass the Minimum Mastery Criterion and there are 16 students whose score still under the target. However, it is still need more improvement because it could not achieve the target of success Classroom Action Research, that is 70% from the class percentage. That is why the researcher and teacher continue to the second cycle. Next, the mean score in the post-test II is 78.06. It shows students‟ improvement score 11.61 (78.06 – 66.45) from the post-test I. Meanwhile, the class percentage which passes the Minimum Mastery Criterion is 100%. It means that all of students pass the Minimum Mastery Criterion. The post-test II has fulfilled the target of Classroom Action Research success, that is above 70% students could pass the Minimum Mastery Criterion. Automatically, it can be said that the Classroom Action Research is success and the cycle is stopped. 50 C. Implication Implications are drawn from the research finding. The research came with a finding that there is an improvement on the students‟ achievement in learning present perfect tense by using mix-freeze group strategy. Moreover, this research implies that the use of mix-freeze group strategy is needed in learning present perfect tense. Considering the conclusion drawn above, it implies that the use of mix-freeze group strategy is capable to promote the improvement of students‟ ability in learning present perfect tense which it can be seen from the progress of the students‟ test scores after giving treatment using mix-freeze group strategy. It is expected that the English teachers are highly recommended to implemented mix- freeze group strategy in teaching present perfect tense. Students are motivated and enjoyed in learning present perfect tense by using mix-freeze group strategy. Therefore, it implies that mix-freeze group strategy can make the students interest and help them to memorize the present perfect tense in the easier way. In summary, mix-freeze group strategy during the research can improve the students‟ ability in learning present perfect tense. Therefore, the implementation of mix-freeze group strategy needs to be implemented continuously in learning present perfect tense. It is because mix-freeze group strategy can be effective way to help the students to understand and memorize present perfect tense easily and create an enthusiastic learning process so that the standard of competence of learning process can be achieved, and also can make the learning process not monotonous. 51 REFERENCES Ali, Yusuf Abdullah. 1987. The Holy Qur‟an. The King Fahd Holy Quran. Arikunto, Suharsimi. 1987. Dasar-Dasar Evaluasi Pendidikan. Jakarta: PT Bumi Aksara. Azar, Schrampfer Betty. 1999. Understanding and Using English Grammar. USA: Longman. Brown, Caroline and Pearson Brown. 2010. English Grammar Secrets. Macmillan Education. Carrol, B. John. 1993. Human Cognitive Abilities. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 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And Kagan, M. and Howard Garner. 2004. Cooperative Learning. SAISD Social Study Department. ative/ df/cl_mix_freeze_group.pdf. (January 20 th 2018). 52 C. Indicators 1. Understanding the formula of present perfect tense in the form of positive, negative and interrogative sentences. 2. Understanding the present perfect tense in the text. D. Objectives 1. Students are able to make sentences of present perfect tense in the form of positive, negative and interrogative. 2. Students are able find the present perfect tense in the text. E. Material 1. The formula of present perfect tense 2. A text that using positive, negative and interrogative sentences F. Learning Strategy 1. Learning strategy : Mix-Freeze Group 2. Learning method : Lecturing, discussing, questioning and answering question. G. Source/Media Source : English Textbook and Dictionaries. Media : Work sheet 53 H. Teaching Learning Procedure 1. Opening (pre – teaching) a. The teacher opens the class by greeting the students. b. Pray together before start lesson. c. The teacher checks the attended list. d. Teacher gives a leading question to the students “What did you do last night?” e. The teacher introduces the topic and explain the purpose its topic. 2. Main Activities a. For the first, the teacher yells mix. b. Then, directly the student walks around in the classroom to find the closest partner to be four members in a group. c. When the teacher yells freeze the student must be stop and read the questions carefully while share the idea and answer the question. d. Next the teacher yells mix the student again to find partner to be seven members and the teacher yells freeze to the student read the question and answer the next question. e. After finish the time given, the teacher mix again for the third time to find partner be ten members, next student read the next question and discuss their opinions, or respond and comment to answer the question. f. When time is over the teacher gives time and chance for the student to discuss again of the question and make conclusion of the question. 54 3. Close Activities a. The teacher advices the students to remember the lesson. b. The teacher closes the learning by greeting the students. I. Evaluation 1. Technique : Written test 2. Instrument test : Enclosed Evaluation rule: S = ×100 Where: S = score of the text R = number of correct answer N = number of question Deli Serdang, May 2018 Known by, The Principal of SMP Karya Bunda Percut Sei Tuan Teacher English Drs. Ahmad Ridwan Pohan Imam Satria, S.Pd.I Researcher Suci Ramadani Sikumbang NIM. 34144040 57 H. Teaching Learning Procedure 1. Opening (pre – teaching) a. The teacher opens the class by greeting the students. b. Pray together before start lesson. c. The teacher checks the attended list. d. Teacher gives a leading question to the students “What did you do last night?” e. The teacher introduces the topic and explain the purpose its topic. 2. Main Activities a. For the first, the teacher yells mix. b. Then, directly the student walks around in the classroom to find the closest partner to be four members in a group. c. When the teacher yells freeze the student must be stop and read the questions carefully while share the idea and answer the question. d. Next the teacher yells mix the student again to find partner to be seven members and the teacher yells freeze to the student read the question and answer the next question. e. After finish the time given, the teacher mix again for the third time to find partner be ten members, next student read the next question and discuss their opinions, or respond and comment to answer the question. f. When time is over the teacher gives time and chance for the student to discuss again of the question and make conclusion of the question. 58 3. Close Activities a. The teacher advices the students to remember the lesson. b. The teacher closes the learning by greeting the students. I. Evaluation 1. Technique : Written test 2. Instrument test : Enclosed Evaluation rule: S = ×100 Where: S = score of the text R = number of correct answer N = number of question Deli Serdang, May 2018 Known by, The Principal of SMP Karya Bunda Percut Sei Tuan Teacher English Drs. Ahmad Ridwan Pohan Imam Satria, S.Pd.I Researcher Suci Ramadani Sikumbang NIM. 34144040 59 APPENDIX III Pre-test Change the following sentences into present perfect tense! 1. Does she finish typing all the reports? 2. Our translators translate this novel into Indonesian. 3. Do they print this best seller novel three times this year? 4. I do not contact his manager three times today. 5. We occupy this new house for two months. Find out the present perfect tense on the text! Today is 16 th August and tomorrow is my sister‟s birthday. Her name is Kristal. I want to give her a surprise. We are going to celebrate my sister‟s birthday in a small restaurant near my house. The restaurant has been booked by our parents. What about the birthday present? No worries, I have prepared it too. She loves art very much. I have made a painting for her. I hope she will like it. But I have not wrapped the painting because it has not dried yet. Have you ever celebrated someone‟s birthday? 62 APPENDIX VI KEY ANSWERS Pre-Test, Post-Test I Change the following sentences into present perfect tense 1. Our translators have translated this novel into Indonesian. 2. Has she finished typing all the reports? 3. Have they printed this best seller novel three times this year? 4. He has not contacted his manager three times today. 5. We have occupied this new house for two months. Find out the present perfect tense on the text! Today is 16 th August and tomorrow is my sister‟s birthday. Her name is Kristal. I want to give her a surprise. We are going to celebrate my sister‟s birthday in a small restaurant near my house. The restaurant has been booked by our parents. What about the birthday present? No worries, I have prepared it too. She loves art very much. I have made a painting for her. I hope she will like it. But I have not wrapped the painting because it has not dried yet. Have you ever celebrated someone‟s birthday? 63 Post-Test II Change the following sentences into present perfect tense! 1. There has been an accident near here. 2. The weather has not warm lately. 3. Who has gone to the bookstore? 4. Why have your friends and you worked hard this month? 5. How long have your students improved their English? Find out the present perfect tense on the text! Juni has always loved the rain. She has played in the rain many times before. She has played in the rain many times before. Playing in the rain has been her favorite activity since kindergarten. She has special boots and a favorite umbrella. The boots have been worn by Juni since morning. The umbrella has been ready to protect her body from the rain. Sometimes, Juni does not wear her boots. She does not even use her favorite umbrella. She feels the rain on her skin. Her mother has let her to play in the rain. 64 APPENDIX VII The students’ score during Cycle I (Pre-test and Post-test I) and Cycle II (Post-test II) No. The Initials of The Students Score Cycle I Cycle II Pre-test Post-test I Post-test II 1 AS 50 70 80 2 AF - - - 3 AFZ 60 70 80 4 AWP - - - 5 AZ 50 60 70 6 AAR 60 70 80 7 AZN 80 80 90 8 BP 50 60 70 9 DAP 60 60 80 10 EB 50 60 70 11 EW 60 70 90 12 FAH 50 70 80 13 IL 50 60 70 14 J 60 60 70 15 KW 50 60 70 16 MFP 70 80 90 17 MP - - - 18 MBAF 60 60 70 19 MHRN - - - 20 MIE - - - 21 MRW 50 60 70 22 MRS 50 70 80 23 MSN - - - 24 PO 80 90 100 67 appropriateness with the lesson plan) 9. Teacher‟s ability in organizing the class (It is about the class management performed by the teacher) 10. Teacher teaching material clearly (the clearness of the teacher‟s teaching) 11. The students give attention to teachers‟ explanation during learning process 12. Motivation and enthusiasm of students in teaching learning process. (It is about the curiosity and the enthusiasm of the students during the learning process) 13. Teacher asks to the students how far they understand about the materials have taught 14. Interaction and communication between students and teacher in teaching learning process (Good communication between teacher and students to support to students‟ understanding) 15. Teacher ability in closing the class (It is about how the teacher closes the class, gives summary and solve the students‟ problem) Total Description: Medan, ……………………..... 3,1-4,0 = very good Observer, 2,1-3,0 = good 1,1-2,0 = fair 0,1-1,0 = poor ..………………………………. 68 APPENDIX IX OBSERVATION SHEET Process of Teaching English on Present Perfect Tense by Using Mix-Freeze Group Strategy Cycle II School : SMP Karya Bunda Percut Sei Tuan Name of Researcher : Suci Ramadani Sikumbang Class/semester : VIII/II Please give a checklist (V) honestly based on your observation by following the guidance of assessing score: 4 = very good, 3 = good, 2 = fair, 1 = poor No. Points will be observed Category 1 2 3 4 1. The teacher comes on time 2. Teacher capability in opening the class (How the teacher greets the students) 3. Teacher giving motivation in the teaching and learning process (how the teacher gives the apperception before starting the teaching and learning process) 4. The teacher gives warming up activities to the students, such as giving students some questions about the topic that will be discussed in the classroom 5. The teacher tells the students the aims of the study 6. The teacher introduces about mix-freeze group strategy 7. Teacher mastery (It is about the teacher‟s capability in mastering the material taught) 8 The systematically teaching performance (It is about 69 appropriateness with the lesson plan) 9. Teacher ability in organizing the class (It is about the class management performed by the teacher) 10. Teacher teaching material clearly (the clearness of the teacher‟s teaching) 11. The students give attention to teachers‟ explanation during learning process 12. Motivation and enthusiasm of students in teaching learning process. (It is about the curiosity and the enthusiasm of the students during the learning process) 13. Teacher asks to the students how far they understand about the materials have taught 14. Interaction and communication between students and teacher in teaching learning process (Good communication between teacher and students to support to students‟ understanding) 15. Teacher ability in closing the class (It is about how the teacher closes the class,gives summary and solve the students‟ problem) Total Description: Medan, ……………………..... 3,1-4,0 = very good Observer, 2,1-3,0 = good 1,1-2,0 = fair 0,1-1,0 = poor ..………………………………. 72 APPENDIX XII QUESTIONNAIRE SHEET WITH THE TEACHER (BEFORE CLASSROOM ACTION RESEARCH) 1. What are the activity of teaching and learning English process in the classroom? ……………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………… 2. What are the most problems that occur during English teaching and learning process, especially in eighth grade students? ……………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………… 3. What are the difficulties of the students in mastering present perfect tense? ……………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………… 4. What are strategies that you use during teaching in the class when teaching present perfect tense? ………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………… 5. What are the media that you often use during teaching in the class when teaching present perfect tense? …………………………………………… 73 ……………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………… 6. How the students participate when teaching present perfect tense? ……………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………… 7. What are the assignment usually given to the students? ……………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………… 8. Have you ever heard about mix-freeze group strategy? ……………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………… 9. According to you, what is mix-freeze group strategy effective to apply in teaching present perfect tense? …………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………… 10. According to you, what is mix-freeze group strategy can improve the students‟ ability in learning present perfect tense? ……………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………… 74 APPENDIX XIII QUESTIONNAIRE SHEET WITH THE TEACHER (AFTER CLASSROOM ACTION RESEARCH) 1. How the students‟ ability in learning present perfect tense after using mix- freeze group strategy? ………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………… 2. How the students mastery after using mix-freeze group strategy? ……………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………… 3. How the sudents participation when learning present perfect tense by using mix-freeze group strategy? ………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………… 4. What are the problems when learning present perfect tense by using mix- freeze group strategy? …………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………… 5. According to you, how to solve the problems? …………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………… 77 APPENDIX XV QUESTIONNAIRE SHEET WITH THE STUDENTS (AFTER CLASSROOM ACTION RESEARCH) 1. Saya ingin menanyakan bagaimana pendapat kalian tentang proses belajar dan mengajar kita yang menggunakan strategi mix-freeze? ……………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………… 2. Apakah kalian menikmati pembelajaran dengan menggunakan strategy tersebut? …………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………… 3. Apa pendapat kalian tentang kegiatan belajar mengajar kita hari ini? ……………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………… 4. Apakah dengan menggunakan strategi mix-freeze kalian bisa menjadi lebih mudah mengingat dan memahami formula dari present perfect tense? ……………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………… 5. Menurut pendapat kalian, apa kekurangan dari pembelajaran tersebut? ……………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………… 6. Apakah kalian lebih termotivasi lagi untuk belajar dan meningkatkan pemahaman kalian terhadap pembelajaran present perfect tense? ……………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………… 78 APPENDIX XVI DIARY NOTES CYCLE I The first meeting of the cycle I The researcher conducted pre-teaching such as greeting and asking the students‟ conditions, checking the attendance list of students, and warming them up by asking about their past activities. In this meeting, the researcher forgot to tell the students the objective of teaching-learning process. Then the researcher continued to introduce the topic to students. The researcher explained all the materials related to the present perfect tense such as definition, function and formula of present perfect tense. During the explanation, some students did not pay attention, thus the researcher asked some questions to students randomly to get their attention back. After some students were called randomly to answer the oral questions related to the topic, the researcher explained the mix-freeze group strategy. The researcher prepared all things needed for the activities of the strategy. The researcher started to did the activities of mix-freeze group strategy. When answering the question of a paper, some students got some answers wrong. Therefore, the researcher had to plan a next lesson to deepen their understanding, because some of students still need explanation and guidance in learning of present perfect tense. In the next meeting, the researcher need to emphasize more on the topic that the students still have lack understanding. 79 APPENDIX XVII DIARY NOTES CYCLE 2 The first meeting of the cycle II The researcher was still implementing mix-freeze group strategy in teaching present perfect tense. In this meeting, students were more active. They could answer researcher‟s question about what is present perfect tense, the function of present perfect tense, and also about its formula before starting the lesson. The researcher explained more about the formula of present perfect tense. In this meeting, the students were also active and the situation of the class was in control. The researcher was more often calling students‟ name randomly to keep their attention to her explanation. When conducting the strategy, students were more enthusiastic and could answer all the questions in paper faster because they got wrong answer less than in the previous meeting. Several things noted in the cycle I that were expected to be improved in this cycle had been done well, such as to keep the students‟ focus and to deliver a more specific teaching materials. 82 KEMENTERIAN AGAMA REPUBLIK INDONESIA UNIVERSITAS ISLAM NEGERI SUMATERA UTARA MEDAN FAKULTAS ILMU TARBIYAH DAN KEGURUAN JLWilliem Iskandar Pasar V Medan Estate 20371 Telp. (061) 6615683-6622925 Fax. 6615683 Website : www. e.mail : Nomor }-5952/ITK/ITK. V.3/PP.00.9/05/2018 Medan, 03 Mei 2018 Lampiran Hal in Riset Yth.Ka. SMP KARYA BUNDA PERCUT SEI TUAN Assalamu'alaikum Wr Wb Dengan Hormat, diberitahukan bahwa untuk mencapai gelar Sarjana Strata Satu (S1) bagi Mahasiswa Fakultas IImu Tarbiyah Dan Keguruan UIN Sumatera Utara Medan, adalah menyusun Skripsi (Karya IIlmiah), kami tugaskan mahasiswa: NAMA : SUCI RAMADANI SIKUMBANG T.T/Lahir : Medan, 07 Februari 1996 NIM 134144040 Sem/Jurusan : VIII / Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris untuk hal dimaksud kami mohon memberikan Izin dan bantuannya terhadap pelaksana Riset di SMP KARYA BUNDA PERCUT SEI TUAN guna memperoleh informasi/keterangan dan data-data yang berhubungan dengan Skripsi yang berjudul : “IMPROVING STUDENTS' ABILITY IN LEARNING PRESENT PERFECT TENSE THROUGHT MIX-FREEZE GROUP STRATEGY AT SECOUND GRADE OF KARYA BUNDA JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL PERCUT SEI TUAN”’ Demikian kami sampaikan, atas bantuan dan kerjasamannya diucapkan terima kasih. ‘Tembusan: Dekan Fakultas IImu Tarbiyah dan Keguruan UIN Sumatera Utara Medan 83 SURAT KETERANGAN Nomor : 1027/SMP.KB/ S.4/ 05/2018 Saya yang bertanda tangan di bawah ini Kepala SMP Karya Bunda Medan Estate Kecamatan Percut Sei Tuan Kabupaten Deli Serdang menerangkan bahwa : NAMA : SUCI RAMADANI SIKUMBANG T.T/Lahir : Medan, 07 Februari 1996 NIM 234144040 UNIVERSITAS : Universitas Islam Negeri Sumut (UIN-SU) JURUSAN : Pendidikan Bahsa Inggris/ $1 Adalah benar telah melakukan Riset dalam penyusunan skripsi dengan judul "Improving Students’ Ability in Learning Present Perfect Tense Throught Mix-Freeze Group Strategy at Second Grade of SMP Karya Bunda Percut Sei Tuan”. Pada tanggal 26 April 2018 s/d 24 Mei 2018. Demikian Surat Keterangan ini dikeluarkan untuk dipergunakan sebagaimana mestinya. 84 Autobiography Name : Suci Ramadani Sikumbang Student Number : Place/Date of Birth : Medan, February 7 th 1996 Sex : Female Address : Jl. Denai, Gg. Durian no. 6 Name of Father : Drs. Syamsul Bahri Sikumbang Name of Mother : Sri Ulina Br. Sitanggang Education Background 1. Primary School at SD Negeri 060908 Medan Denai 2. Junior High School at SMP Negeri 43 Medan 3. Senior High School at SMA Taman Siswa Medan 4. Student of English Education Department Faculty of Tarbiyah Science and Teacher Training
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