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Understanding the Impact of Climate Change on Agriculture, Quizzes of Medical Sciences

The effects of climate change on agricultural productivity, focusing on extreme weather events, changing precipitation patterns, and the potential for adaptation strategies. It provides insights into the challenges farmers face in adapting to these changes and the role of scientific research in developing sustainable agricultural practices.

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Download Understanding the Impact of Climate Change on Agriculture and more Quizzes Medical Sciences in PDF only on Docsity! TERM 1 what does the GI tract do? DEFINITION 1 break down food, prepare for absorption, eliminate waste TERM 2 bilirubin DEFINITION 2 orange-yellow pigment formed during destruction of erythrocytes that is taken up by liver cells to form bilirubin and eventually excreted in the feces TERM 3 bolus DEFINITION 3 mass of masticated food ready to be swallowed TERM 4 exocrine DEFINITION 4 gland that secretes its products through excretory ducts to the surface of an organ or tissue into a vessel TERM 5 sphincter DEFINITION 5 circular band of muscle fibers that constricts a passage or closes a natural opening of a body TERM 6 triglycerides DEFINITION 6 organic compound, a true fat, that is made of one glycerol and three fatty acids TERM 7 mastication DEFINITION 7 the mechanical breaking down of food TERM 8 dentin DEFINITION 8 the main structure of a tooth TERM 9 deglutition DEFINITION 9 swallowing TERM 10 papillae DEFINITION 10 rough projections on the surface of the tongue TERM 21 rugae of the stomach DEFINITION 21 macroscopic longitudinal folds of the mucous membrane s that unfold as the stomach fills TERM 22 chyme DEFINITION 22 secretions from the digestive glands mixed with bolus by the mechanical churning of the stomach TERM 23 pyloric sphincter DEFINITION 23 region of the stomach that connects to the duodenum chyme flows out of the stomach through regulates movement of chyme to prevent backflow TERM 24 duodenum DEFINITION 24 uppermost segment of the small intestine ~10 in long TERM 25 jejunum DEFINITION 25 the middle section of the small intesting ~8 ft long TERM 26 ileum DEFINITION 26 last section of the small intestine ~ 12 ft long TERM 27 villi DEFINITION 27 small, fingerlike projections which absorb nutrients in chyme TERM 28 ileocecal valve DEFINITION 28 at terminal end of small intestine allows undigested or unabsorbed material from the small intestine to pass into the large intestine and eventually be excreted from the body TERM 29 cecum DEFINITION 29 first 2-3 inches of the large intestine a small pouch which hangs inferior to the ileocecal valve TERM 30 appendix DEFINITION 30 wormlike structure which projects downward from the cecum function unknown TERM 31 ascending colon DEFINITION 31 extends from the cecum to lower border of the liver TERM 32 hepatic flexure DEFINITION 32 a sharp turn between the ascending colon and transverse colon TERM 33 gallbladder DEFINITION 33 a saclike structure on the inferior surface of the liver storage area for bile (secretes through common bile duct) TERM 34 left and right hepatic ducts DEFINITION 34 bile is drained from the liver through TERM 35 or/o DEFINITION 35 mouth TERM 46 esophag/o DEFINITION 46 esophagus TERM 47 pharyng/o DEFINITION 47 pharynx (throat) TERM 48 gastr/o DEFINITION 48 stomach TERM 49 pylor/o DEFINITION 49 pylorus (sphincter) TERM 50 duoden/o DEFINITION 50 duodenum (first part of the small intestine) TERM 51 enter/o DEFINITION 51 intestine (usually small intestine) TERM 52 jejun/o DEFINITION 52 jejunum (second part of the small intestine) TERM 53 ile/o DEFINITION 53 ileum (third part of the small intestine) TERM 54 append/o DEFINITION 54 appendix TERM 55 appendic/o DEFINITION 55 appendix TERM 56 col/o DEFINITION 56 colon TERM 57 colon/o DEFINITION 57 colon TERM 58 sigmoid/o DEFINITION 58 sigmoid colon TERM 59 rect/o DEFINITION 59 rectum TERM 60 proct/o DEFINITION 60 anus, rectum TERM 71 -orexia DEFINITION 71 appetite TERM 72 -pepsia DEFINITION 72 digestion TERM 73 -phagia DEFINITION 73 swallowing, eating TERM 74 -prandial DEFINITION 74 meal TERM 75 -rrhea DEFINITION 75 discharge, flow TERM 76 dia- DEFINITION 76 through, across TERM 77 peri- DEFINITION 77 around TERM 78 sub- DEFINITION 78 under, below TERM 79 ulcer DEFINITION 79 circumscribed open sore on the skin or mucous membranes of the body TERM 80 anorexia DEFINITION 80 lack/loss of appetite, resulting in the inability to eat TERM 81 appendicitis DEFINITION 81 inflammation of the appendix, usually due to obstruction or infection TERM 82 ascites DEFINITION 82 abnormal accumulation of fluid in the abdominal cavity, most commonly a result of chronic liver disease TERM 83 borborygmus DEFINITION 83 rumbling or gurgling noises that are audible at a distance and caused by passage of gas through the liquid contents of the intestine TERM 84 cachexia DEFINITION 84 physical wasting that includes loss ofweightand muscle mass and is commonly associated with acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS) and cancer TERM 85 cholelithiasis DEFINITION 85 presence or formation of gallstones in the gallbladder or common bile duct TERM 96 hematemesis DEFINITION 96 the vomiting of blood from bleeding in the stomach or esophagus TERM 97 irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) DEFINITION 97 symptom complex marked by abdominal pain and altered bowel function for which no organic cause can be determined also called spastic colon TERM 98 malabsorption syndrome DEFINITION 98 symptom complex of the small intestine characterized by the impaired passage of nutrients, minerals, or fluids through intestinal villi into the blood or lymph TERM 99 melena DEFINITION 99 passage of dark-colored, tarry stools, due to the presence of blood altered by intestinal juices TERM 100 obesity DEFINITION 100 excessive accumulation of fat that exceeds the body's skeletal and physical standards, usually an increase of 20% or more above ideal body weight TERM 101 morbid obesity DEFINITION 101 BMI of 40% or greater, which is usually over 100 pounds over ideal body weight TERM 102 obstipation DEFINITION 102 severe constipation, which may be caused by an intestinal obstruction TERM 103 oral leukoplakia DEFINITION 103 formation of white spots/patches on the mucous membrane of the tongue, lips, or cheek caused primarily by irritation TERM 104 peristalsis DEFINITION 104 progressive, wavelike movement that occurs involuntarily in hollow tubes of the body, especially the GI tract TERM 105 pyloric stenosis DEFINITION 105 stricture or narrowing of the pyloric sphincter (circular muscle of the pylorus) at the outlet of the stomach, causing obstruction that blocks the flow of food into the small intestine TERM 106 regurgitation DEFINITION 106 backward flowing, as in the return of solids or fluids to the mouth from the stomach TERM 107 steatorrhea DEFINITION 107 passage of fat in large amounts in the feces due to failure to digest and absorb it TERM 108 nasogastric intubation DEFINITION 108 insertion of a tube through the nose into the stomach to: relieve gastric distention by removing gas, food, or gastric secretions instill medication, food, or fluids obtain a specimen for lab analysis TERM 109 anastomosis DEFINITION 109 surgical joining of two ducts, vessels, or bowel segments to allow flow from one to the other TERM 110 ileorectal anastomosis DEFINITION 110 surgical connection of the ileum and rectum after total colectomy TERM 121 hepatitis panel DEFINITION 121 panel of blood tests that identifies the specific virus - hepatitis A, B, or C - that is causing hepatitis by testing serum using antibodies to each of these antigens TERM 122 liver function tests (LFTs) DEFINITION 122 group of blood tests that evaluate liver injury, lever function, and conditions commonly associated with the biliary tract TERM 123 serum bilirubin DEFINITION 123 measurement of the level of bilirubin in the blood TERM 124 stool culture DEFINITION 124 test to identify microorganisms or parasites present in feces that are causing a gastrointestinal infection TERM 125 stool guaiac DEFINITION 125 test that applies a substance called guaiac to a stool sample to detect the presence of hidden blood in the feces also called Hemoccult TERM 126 lower gastrointestinal series DEFINITION 126 radiographic images of the rectum and colon following administration of barium TERM 127 oral cholecystography (OCG) DEFINITION 127 radiographic images tanken of the gallbladder after administration of a contrast material containing iodine, usually in the form of a tablet TERM 128 magnetic resonance cholangiaopancreatography (MRCP) DEFINITION 128 MRI is used to visualize the biliary and pancreatic ducts and gallbladder in a noninvasive manner TERM 129 sialography DEFINITION 129 radiologic examination of the salivary glands and ducts TERM 130 ultrasonography (US) DEFINITION 130 high-frequency sound waves (ultrasound) are directed at soft tissue and reflected as "echoes" to produce an image on a monitor of an internal body structure TERM 131 abdominal ultrasonography DEFINITION 131 ultrasound visualization of the abdominal aorta, liver, gallbladder, bile ducts, pancreas, kidneys, uterus, and bladder TERM 132 endoscopic ultrasound DEFINITION 132 combines endoscopy and ultrasound to examine and obtain images of the digestive tract and surrounding tissue and organs TERM 133 upper gastrointestinal series (UGIS) DEFINITION 133 radiographic images of the esophagus, stomach, and small intestine following oral administration of barium TERM 134 septum DEFINITION 134 wall dividing two cavities TERM 135 cartilage DEFINITION 135 tough, elastic connective tissue that is more rigid than ligaments but less dense than bone TERM 146 parietal pleura DEFINITION 146 membrane that lines the thoracic cavity TERM 147 nas/o DEFINITION 147 nose TERM 148 rhin/o DEFINITION 148 nose TERM 149 sept/o DEFINITION 149 septum TERM 150 sinus/o DEFINITION 150 sinus, cavity TERM 151 adenoid/o DEFINITION 151 adenoids (nasopharyngeal tonsils) TERM 152 tonsill/o DEFINITION 152 tonsils TERM 153 epiglott/o DEFINITION 153 epiglottis TERM 154 laryng/o DEFINITION 154 larynx (voice box) TERM 155 trache/o DEFINITION 155 trachea (windpipe) TERM 156 bronchi/o DEFINITION 156 bronchus (bronchi) TERM 157 bronchiol/o DEFINITION 157 bronchiole TERM 158 aveol/o DEFINITION 158 alveolus; air sac TERM 159 pleur/o DEFINITION 159 pleura TERM 160 pneum/o DEFINITION 160 air, lung TERM 171 pector/o DEFINITION 171 chest TERM 172 steth/o DEFINITION 172 chest TERM 173 thorac/o DEFINITION 173 chest TERM 174 phren/o DEFINITION 174 diaphragm; mind TERM 175 spir/o DEFINITION 175 breathe TERM 176 -capnia DEFINITION 176 carbon dioxide TERM 177 -osmia DEFINITION 177 smell TERM 178 -phonia DEFINITION 178 voice TERM 179 -pnea DEFINITION 179 breathing TERM 180 -ptysis DEFINITION 180 spitting TERM 181 -thorax DEFINITION 181 chest TERM 182 brady- DEFINITION 182 slow TERM 183 dys- DEFINITION 183 bad, painful, difficult TERM 184 eu- DEFINITION 184 good, normal TERM 185 tachy- DEFINITION 185 rapid TERM 196 croup DEFINITION 196 common childhood condition involving inflammation of the larynx, trachea, bronchial passages, and sometimes lungs TERM 197 deviated nasal septum DEFINITION 197 displacement of the cartilage dividing the nostrils that causes reduced airflow and, sometimes, nosebleed TERM 198 epiglottitis DEFINITION 198 severe, life-threatening infection of the epiglottis and superglottic structures that occurs most comonly in children between 2 and 12 years of age TERM 199 epistaxis DEFINITION 199 nasal hemorrhage aka a nosebleed TERM 200 finger clubbing DEFINITION 200 enlargement of the terminal phalanges of the fingers and toes commonly associated with pulmonary disease TERM 201 hypoxemia DEFINITION 201 oxygen deficiency in arterial blood, usually a sign of respiratory impairment TERM 202 hypoxia DEFINITION 202 oxygen deficiency in body tissues, usually a sign of respiratory impairment TERM 203 pertussis DEFINITION 203 acute, infectious disease characterized by whooping cough TERM 204 pleurisy DEFINITION 204 inflammation of the pleural membrane characterized by a stabbing pain that is intensified by coughing or deep breathing aka pleuritis TERM 205 pneumonoconiosis DEFINITION 205 disease caused by inhaling dust particles, including coal dust, stone dust, iron dust, or asbestos TERM 206 chalicosis DEFINITION 206 disease caused by inhaling stone dust TERM 207 anthracosis DEFINITION 207 disease caused by inhaling coal dust AKA Black lung TERM 208 siderosis DEFINITION 208 disease caused by inhaling iron dust TERM 209 asbestosis DEFINITION 209 disease caused by inhaling asbestos dust TERM 210 pulmonary edema DEFINITION 210 accumulation of extravascular fluid in lung tissues and alveoli, most commonly caused by heart failure TERM 221 spirometry DEFINITION 221 PFT that measures the breathing capacity of the lungs, including the time necessary for exhaling the total volume of inhaled air TERM 222 endotracheal intubation DEFINITION 222 procedure in which a plastic tube is inserted into the trachea to maintain an open airway TERM 223 pleurectomy DEFINITION 223 excision of part of the pleura, usually the parietal pleura TERM 224 pneumectomy DEFINITION 224 excision of a lung or portion of a lung, commonly for a treatment of cancer TERM 225 septoplasty DEFINITION 225 surgical repair of a deviated nasal septum usually preformed when the septum is encroaching on the breathing passages or nasal structures TERM 226 thoracentesis DEFINITION 226 surgical puncture of the pleural cavity TERM 227 tracheostomy DEFINITION 227 surgical procedure in which an opening is made in the neck and into the trachea into which a breathing tube may be inserted TERM 228 Mantoux test DEFINITION 228 intradermal test to determine tuberculin sensitivity based on a positive reaction where the area around the test site becomes red and swollen TERM 229 bronchoscopy DEFINITION 229 visual examination of the bronchi using an endoscope (flexible fiberoptic or rigid) inserted through the mouth and trachea for direct viewing of structures or from projection on a monitor TERM 230 laryngoscopy DEFINITION 230 visual examination of the larynx to detect tumors, foreign bodies, nerve or structural injury, or other abnormalities TERM 231 mediastinoscopy DEFINITION 231 visual examination of the mediastinal structures, including the heart, trachea, esophagus, bronchus, thymus, and lymph nodes TERM 232 arterial blood gas (ABG) DEFINITION 232 test that measures dissolved oxygen and carbon dioxide in arterial blood TERM 233 sputum culture DEFINITION 233 microbial test used to identify disease-causing organisms of the lower respiratory tract, especially those that cause pneumonias TERM 234 sweat test DEFINITION 234 measurement of the amount of salt in sweat confirms cystic fibrosis TERM 235 throat culture DEFINITION 235 test used to identify pathogens, especially group A streptococci TERM 246 superior vena cava DEFINITION 246 large vein which collects and carries blood from the upper body TERM 247 infererior vena cava DEFINITION 247 large vein which collects and carries blood from the lower body TERM 248 tricuspid valve DEFINITION 248 blood passes from the right atrium to the right ventricle though these three leaflets TERM 249 aneurysm/o DEFINITION 249 widened blood vessel TERM 250 angi/o DEFINITION 250 vessel (usually blood or lymph) TERM 251 vascul/o DEFINITION 251 vessel (usually blood or lymph) TERM 252 aort/o DEFINITION 252 aorta TERM 253 arteri/o DEFINITION 253 artery TERM 254 arteriol/o DEFINITION 254 arteriole TERM 255 atri/o DEFINITION 255 atrium TERM 256 ather/o DEFINITION 256 fatty plaque TERM 257 cardi/o DEFINITION 257 heart TERM 258 coron/o DEFINITION 258 heart TERM 259 electr/o DEFINITION 259 electricity TERM 260 embol/o DEFINITION 260 embolus (plug) TERM 271 -cardia DEFINITION 271 heart condition TERM 272 -gram DEFINITION 272 record, writing TERM 273 -graphy DEFINITION 273 process of recording TERM 274 -graph DEFINITION 274 instrument for recording TERM 275 endo- DEFINITION 275 in, within TERM 276 extra- DEFINITION 276 outside TERM 277 peri- DEFINITION 277 around TERM 278 trans- DEFINITION 278 across TERM 279 dyspnea DEFINITION 279 breathing difficulties TERM 280 angina DEFINITION 280 mild to severe suffocating pain that typically occurs in the chest and is caused by inadequate blood flow to the myocardium aka angina pectoris TERM 281 arrhythmia DEFINITION 281 cardiac irregularities TERM 282 syncope DEFINITION 282 partial or complete loss of consciousness that is usually caused by a decreased supply of blood to the brain AKA fainting TERM 283 aneurysm DEFINITION 283 localized abnormal dilation of a vessel, usually an artery TERM 284 bradycardia DEFINITION 284 arrhythmia in which the heart beats abnormally slowly, usually fewer than 60 beats per minute in a resting adult TERM 285 fibrillation DEFINITION 285 arrhythmia in which there is an abnormally rapid, uncoordinated quivering of the myocardium that can affect the atria or the ventricles TERM 296 infarction DEFINITION 296 localized tissue necrosis due to the cessation of blood supply TERM 297 ischemia DEFINITION 297 local, temporary deficiency of blood supply to an organ or tissue due to circulatory obstruction TERM 298 mitral valve prolapse DEFINITION 298 structural defect in which the mitral (bicuspid) valve leaflets prolapse into the left atrium during ventricular contraction (systole), resulting in incomplete closure and backflow of blood TERM 299 palpitation DEFINITION 299 sensation of an irregular heart beat, commonly described as a pounding, racing, skipping a beat, or flutter TERM 300 phlebitis DEFINITION 300 inflammation of a deep or superficial vein of the arms or legs (more commonly legs) TERM 301 thrombosis DEFINITION 301 abnormal condition in which a blood clot develops in a vessel and obstructs it at the site of formation TERM 302 deep vein thrombosis (DVT) DEFINITION 302 blood clot that forms in the deep veins of the body, especially those in the legs or thighs TERM 303 defibrillation DEFINITION 303 electrical shock delivered randomly during the cardiac cycle to treat emergency life-threatening arrhythmias TERM 304 cardioversion DEFINITION 304 defibrillation technique using low energy shocks to treat an arrhythmia and is usually synchronized with the large R waves of the ECG complex to restore normal heart rhythm TERM 305 sclerotherapy DEFINITION 305 injection of chemical irritant (sclerosing agent) into a vein to produce inflammation and fibrosis that destroys the lumen of a vein TERM 306 thrombolysis DEFINITION 306 destruction of a blood clot using anticlotting agents called clot-busters such as tissue plasminogen activator TERM 307 angioplasty DEFINITION 307 any endovascular procedure that reopens narrowed blood vessels and restores forward blood flow TERM 308 percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty (PTCA) DEFINITION 308 angioplasty of the coronary arteries in which a balloon catheter is inserted though the skin into the right femoral artery and threaded to the site of the stenosis to enlarge the lumen of the artery and restore forward blood flow TERM 309 arterial biopsy DEFINITION 309 removal of a segment of an arterial vessel wall to confirm inflammation of the wall or arteritis, a type of vasculitis TERM 310 catheter ablation DEFINITION 310 treatment for cardiac arrhythmias; usually preformed under fluoroscopic guidance TERM 321 Angiography DEFINITION 321 radiographic image of the inside of a blood vessel after injection of a contrast medium TERM 322 aortography DEFINITION 322 angiography of the aorta and its branches after injection of a contrast medium TERM 323 coronary angiography DEFINITION 323 angiography that is used to determine the degree of stenosis or obstruction of the arteries that supply blood to the heart TERM 324 magnetic resonance angiography (MRA) DEFINITION 324 MRI scan that uses a magnetic field and radio waves to provide detailed images of blood vessels TERM 325 multiple gated acquisition (MUGA) scan DEFINITION 325 nuclear procedure that uses radioactive tracers to detect hoe well the heart walls move as the contract and calculates the ejection fraction rate TERM 326 Doppler sonography DEFINITION 326 Ultrasonography used to assess blood flow through blood vessels and the heart TERM 327 nuclear perfusion study DEFINITION 327 test used in conjunction with a stress test to detect the presence of coronary artery disease (CAD) that is causing partial obstruction of the coronary arteries TERM 328 Echocardiography DEFINITION 328 ultrasonography that is used to visualize the internal cardiac structures, produce images of the heart, and assess cardiac output TERM 329 venography DEFINITION 329 radiography of a vein after injecting of a contrast medium to detect incomplete filling of a vein, indicating an obstruction TERM 330 antibody (Ab) DEFINITION 330 protective protein produced by B lymphocytes in response to the presence of a foreign substance called an antigen TERM 331 antigen DEFINITION 331 substance, recognized as harmful to the host, that stimulates the formation of antibodies in an immunocompetent individual TERM 332 bile pigment DEFINITION 332 substance derived from the breakdown of hemoglobinand excreted by the liver TERM 333 cytokine DEFINITION 333 chemical substance produced by the by certain cells that indicates, inhibits, increases, or decreases activity in other cells TERM 334 natural killer (NK) cells DEFINITION 334 specialized lymphocytes that kill abnormal cells by releasing chemicals that destroy the cell membrane, causing the intercellular fluids to leak out TERM 335 erythrocytes DEFINITION 335 red blood cells TERM 346 erythr/o DEFINITION 346 red TERM 347 granul/o DEFINITION 347 granule TERM 348 hem/o DEFINITION 348 blood TERM 349 hemat/o DEFINITION 349 blood TERM 350 immun/o DEFINITION 350 immune, immunity, safe TERM 351 kary/o DEFINITION 351 nucleus TERM 352 nucle/o DEFINITION 352 nucleus TERM 353 leuk/o DEFINITION 353 white TERM 354 lymphaden/o DEFINITION 354 lymph gland (node) TERM 355 lymph/o DEFINITION 355 lymph TERM 356 lymphangi/o DEFINITION 356 lymph vessel TERM 357 morph/o DEFINITION 357 form, shape, structure TERM 358 myel/o DEFINITION 358 bone marrow; spinal cord TERM 359 neutr/o DEFINITION 359 neutral, neither TERM 360 phag/o DEFINITION 360 swallowing, eating TERM 371 -globin DEFINITION 371 protein TERM 372 -graft DEFINITION 372 transplantstion TERM 373 -osis DEFINITION 373 abnormal condition; increase (used primarily with blood cells) TERM 374 -penia DEFINITION 374 decrease, deficiency TERM 375 -phil DEFINITION 375 attraction for TERM 376 -phoresis DEFINITION 376 carrying, transmission TERM 377 -phylaxis DEFINITION 377 protection TERM 378 -poiesis DEFINITION 378 formation, production TERM 379 -stasis DEFINITION 379 standing still TERM 380 a- DEFINITION 380 without, not TERM 381 allo- DEFINITION 381 other, differing from normal TERM 382 aniso- DEFINITION 382 unequal, dissimilar TERM 383 iso- DEFINITION 383 same, equal TERM 384 macro- DEFINITION 384 large TERM 385 mirco- DEFINITION 385 small TERM 396 sepsis DEFINITION 396 presence of bacteria or their toxins in the blood AKA septicema or blood poisoning TERM 397 systemic lupus erythematosus DEFINITION 397 widespread autoimmune disease that may affect skin, brain, kidneys, and joints and causes chronic inflammation TERM 398 thrombocythemia DEFINITION 398 overproduction of platelets, leading to thrombosis or bleeding disorders due to platelet malformation TERM 399 thrombocytopenia DEFINITION 399 abnormal disease in platelets caused by low production of platelets in the bone masrrow or increased destruction of platelets in the blood vessels (intravascular) , spleen (extravascular), or liver (extravascular) TERM 400 von Willebrand disease DEFINITION 400 bleeding disorder caused by a deficiency of von Willebrand factor, a "sticky" protein that lines blood vessels and reacts with platelets to form a plug that leads to clot formation TERM 401 immunotherapy DEFINITION 401 any form of treatment that alters, enhances, stimulates or restores the body's natural immune mechanisms to treat disease TERM 402 allergy injections DEFINITION 402 injection with increasing strength of the offending antigen giver over a period of months or years to increase tolerance to it TERM 403 biological immunotherapy DEFINITION 403 use of immune system stimulators to enhance the immune response in the treatment of certain forms of cancer, rheumatoid arthritis, and Crohn disease TERM 404 bone marrow aspiration DEFINITION 404 removal of a small sample of bone marrow usuing a thin aspirating needle (usually from the pelvis) from microscopic examination TERM 405 autologous bone marrow transplant DEFINITION 405 infusion of one's own bone marrow or stem cells after a course of chemotherapy and/or radiation therapy TERM 406 homologous bone marrow transplant DEFINITION 406 infusion of bone marrow or stem cells from a compatible donor after a course of chemotherapy and/or radiation therapy TERM 407 lymphadenectomy DEFINITION 407 removal of lymph nodes, especially in surgical procedures undertaken to remove malignant tissue TERM 408 sentinel node excision DEFINITION 408 removal of the first node that receives drainage from cancer-containing areas and the one most likely to contain malignant cells TERM 409 antinuclear antibody (ANA) DEFINITION 409 test to identify antibodies that attack the nucleus of the individual's own cells TERM 410 blood culture DEFINITION 410 test to determine presence of pathogens in the bloodstream TERM 421 diaphragm DEFINITION 421 allows for necessary pressure differential by changing volume of thoracic cavity contraction draws air in TERM 422 Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) DEFINITION 422 chronic partial obstruction --> SOB & dyspnea --> lost lung capacity TERM 423 chronic bronchitis DEFINITION 423 swelling of bronchi and heavy productive cough TERM 424 emphysema DEFINITION 424 decreased elasticity of alveoli TERM 425 pneumonia DEFINITION 425 any inflammatory disease of lungs caused by bacteria, viruses, fungi TERM 426 tuberculosis (TB) DEFINITION 426 caused by mycobacterium tuberculosis communicable by droplets of respiratory secretions when infected person coughs, laughs, sneezes infectious 6-8 mos outside body TERM 427 cystic fibrosis DEFINITION 427 hereditary exocrine glands secrete extremely thick (viscous) mucus which clogs ducts of pancreas & digestive tract, impairing digestion & causing malnutrition blocks sweat glands salty taste TERM 428 acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) DEFINITION 428 lungs no longer function effectively after trauma, severe pneumonia, systemic infections or sepsis TERM 429 3 tissue layers of heart DEFINITION 429 endocardium myocardium epicardium TERM 430 sinoatrial (SA) node DEFINITION 430 aka pacemaker initiates heartbeat, sets pace for cardiac rate rate can be altered by impulses from autonomic nervous system TERM 431 atrioventricular (AV) node DEFINITION 431 causes atria to contract TERM 432 Purkinje fibers DEFINITION 432 extend up ventricle walls cause contraction of ventricles TERM 433 Coronary Artery Disease (CAD) DEFINITION 433 failure of coronary arteries to deliver adequate supply of blood to myocardium major cause accumulation of plaque
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