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Pharmacology of Commonly Used Gastrointestinal and Anti-Inflammatory Medications, Exams of Nursing

An overview of various medications used for gastrointestinal and anti-inflammatory conditions, including their actions, uses, medications, side effects, and typical considerations. Topics covered include emetics, antidiarrheals, cathartics, laxatives, anti-inflammatory agents, and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (nsaids).

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Available from 03/20/2024

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Download Pharmacology of Commonly Used Gastrointestinal and Anti-Inflammatory Medications and more Exams Nursing in PDF only on Docsity! Indiana QMA State Test updated 2024 Antihistamines: Action/Uses - ANS Combat the effects of histamine; treat motion sickness and allergic reaction Antihistamines: side effects - ANS Drowsiness, dizziness, loss of appetite, dry mouth, urinary retention Antihistamines: medications - ANS Diphenhydramine (Benadryl) Loratadine (Claritin) Phenergen (Promethazine) Dimetapp (brompheniramine) Antihistamines N.C. - ANS Use with caution with cardiac conditions, men with prostate conditions Encourage fluids May develop tolerance Increased drowsiness TB medications - ANS Rifadin (rifampin) INH (isoniazid) Laniazid Nydrazid TB meds N.C. - ANS Can turn urine, feces, sputum, sweat orange Use with caution for residents with acoholism and liver disease Monitor for signs of hepatitis and weight loss give with food Store in light resistant container TB meds: action/uses - ANS Reduce/kill growth of the bacteria that causes TB Treat active disease TB side effects - ANS Fatigue Drowsiness Numbness in extremities Nausea Vomiting Confusion Headache Rash Combination products: action/uses - ANS Preparations containing more than one product Treat cough and allergies Combination products: medications - ANS Sinutab, actifed Combination products: side effects - ANS Drowsiness, dry mouth Combination products N.C. - ANS May elevate B/P Rebound symptoms can occur Decongestants: Action/uses - ANS Shrinks mucous membranes and relieves swelling/congestion Treat allergies, hay fever, and cold symptoms Decongestant medications - ANS Sudafed Decongestants: side effects - ANS Prolonged use can cause irritation or perforated nasal septum Decongestants N.C. - ANS Can develop tolerance to medications Bronchodilators Side Effects - ANS Restlessness, dizziness, palpitations, nausea, hypertension, withdrawal symptoms Bronchodilators Action/uses - ANS Relax bronchial muscles open breathing passages Treat asthma, bronchitis, chronic lung disease Bronchodilators N.C. - ANS Anxiety Bronchodilators medications - ANS Proventil (Albuterol) Atrovent Brethine Alimentary Aminophylline Elixophylline Antitussive: action/uses - ANS Depresses cough Treat persistent cough Antitussive medications - ANS Codeine Benylin-DM Antitussive side effects - ANS Vomiting Drowsiness Nausea Diarrhea Constipation GI needs that ENHANCE motility medications - ANS Atropine sulfate Lomotil Donnatal Imodium Bentyl Reglan GI needs that ENHANCE motility side effects - ANS Blurred vision Dry mouth Heart palpitations Urine retention Constipation GI needs that ENHANCE motility N.C. - ANS Monitor vitals and urinary output Cathartics (laxatives) Action/uses - ANS Stimulate peristalsis in 6-8 hours Cathartics (laxatives) medications - ANS Castor Oil Senoket (senna) Dulcolax Ex-lax, doxidan (phenolphthalein) Cathartics (laxatives) side effects - ANS Abdominal cramping Nausea Diarrhea Cathartics (laxatives) N.C. - ANS Monitor for diarrhea Saline laxatives action - ANS Usually acts within 8 hours Saline laxatives medications - ANS Milk of magnesia Saline laxatives side effects - ANS Diarrhea Cramping Saline laxatives N.C. - ANS Shake suspension well Monitor fluid intake Lubricant laxatives action - ANS Increases water retention in stool Lubricant laxatives medications - ANS Mineral oil Haley's MO Glycerin suppository Lubricant laxatives side effects - ANS Dehydration Interferes with absorbing nutrients Abdominal cramping Lubricant laxatives N.C. - ANS May interfere with vitamin absorption Stool softeners Action - ANS Soften stools Promote regular BM's Stool softeners medications - ANS Surfak Colace Fiber Con Stool softeners side effects - ANS Mild abdominal cramping can cause diarrhea Stool softeners N.C. - ANS Take 1-3 per day Ask nurse if resident has diarrhea Laxatives that increase bulk action/uses - ANS Absorbs water and expands acts within 12 hours - 3 days Laxatives that increase bulk medications - ANS Metamucil Citrucel Laxatives that increase bulk side effects - ANS Nausea Vomiting Diarrhea with excessive use Laxatives that increase bulk N.C. - ANS Administer with 8 oz of fluid Lactulose Action/uses - ANS Pull fluid into intestine Lactulose medications - ANS Chronulac Enulose Lactulose side effects - ANS Abdominal cramping; diarrhea; flatulence Lactulose N.C. - ANS May dilute with water Enemas action/uses - ANS To clean the bowel Draw fluid into stool Enemas medications - ANS Fleets enema Enemas side effects - ANS Abdominal cramping Enemas N.C. - ANS Ask nurse if resident has hemorrhoids Anti-inflammatory agents action/uses - ANS Decreases inflammation Treat arthritis, dermatitis, chronic respiratory conditions Anti-inflammatory agents medications - ANS Decadron (dexamethasone) Prednisone Medrol (methylprednisolone) Cortef (hydrocortisone) Kenalog Anti-inflammatory agents side effects - ANS Weight gain Edema Mood swings Night sweats Increased blood sugars Mask symptoms of infection Anti-inflammatory agents N.C. - ANS Observe for signs of infection Withdrawal symptoms if stopped abruptly Monitor urine Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) Action - ANS Anti-inflammatory analgesic Treats arthritis, bursitis, tendinitis, gout Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) medications - ANS Indocin Motrin, Advil, Nuprin (ibuprofen) Naprosyn, Aleve (naproxen) Voltaren (diclofenac) Relafen Sulindac Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) side effects - ANS Nausea, headaches GI Bleeding Dizziness Heartburn Decreased appetite Tinnitus Prolonged bleeding and increased bruising Fatigue Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) N.C. - ANS May be better tolerated with food Handle residents gently Scabicides and Pediculicides N.C. - ANS May apply to skin or hair Follow up treatment in 7-10 days Skin and sensory Anti inflammatory steroids medications - ANS Cordran Aristocort kenalog Cortaid Lanacort Westcort Skin Anti inflammatory steroids side effects - ANS Burning Itching Dry skin Anti-pruritic and local anesthetics action - ANS Relieve localized itching and pain Anti-pruritic and local anesthetics medications - ANS Solarcaine, americaine (lidocaine) Caladryl lotion (calamine) Nupercainal (dibucaine) Anti-pruritic and local anesthetics side effects - ANS Sensitization to medicine Itching Redness Edema Anti-pruritic and local anesthetics N.C. - ANS Monitor for inflammation and infection Protectants Action - ANS Cover and protect skin Protectants medications - ANS Vaseline Desitin PreSun, RV paba lipstick Protectants side effects - ANS Possible skin irritation Protectants N.C. - ANS Skin should be clean and dry Monitor for inflammation and infection Debridement medications action - ANS Enzymatic destruction of necrotic tissue Debridement medications - ANS Accuzyme Santyl Debridement medications side effects - ANS Hypersensitivity to the medication Debridement medications N.C. - ANS CAN ONLY BE APPLIED BY LICENSED PERSON Conjunctivitis Action - ANS Treat systemic or local infections Conjunctivitis meds - ANS Bacitracin Ophthalmic Sodium Sulamyd ciprofloxacin (Ciloxan) norfloxacin (Chibroxin) tobramycin (Tobrex) Conjunctivitis meds side effects - ANS Burning Irritation Rash Conjunctivitis meds N.C. - ANS May be applied as ointments or drops Wash hands Cleanse eye Glaucoma meds Action - ANS Decrease intraocular pressure Glaucoma medications - ANS Isopto Carpine (pilocarpine) Timoptic (timolol) Betoptic (betaxolol) Betagen Trusopt Glaucoma medications side effects - ANS Burning Irritation Rash Glaucoma medications N.C. - ANS Provide adequate lighting Pain in the eye may be symptom of increasing pressure Monitor V/S Cataracts medications - ANS FML AK-pred Voltaren Cataracts medications side effects - ANS Bruning Irritation Rash Cataracts medications N.C. - ANS Can be ointment or drops Observe for irritation Miotics action - ANS decrease eye pressure Treat glaucoma Miotics meds - ANS pilocarpine HCL (Pilocar) Miotics side effects - ANS Headache Perspiration Salivation Night blindness Blurred vision Increased B/P Miotics N.C. - ANS Place in lower eyelid Monitor B/P Wait 5 minutes before adm another med Mydriatics action - ANS dilates pupil Mydriatics meds - ANS atropine sulfate Mydriatics Side Effects - ANS Dry mouth Blurred vision Burning Mydriatics N.C. - ANS Place inside lower eyelid Beta blockers action - ANS Lowers intraocular pressure Beta Blockers meds - ANS Timoptic solution (timolol maleate) Beta Blockers side effects - ANS Eye irritation Blurred vision Reduced heart rate and B/P Confusion Beta Blockers N.C. - ANS Place inside lower eyelid Lubricants Action - ANS Soothe and lubricate dry eyes Lubricants medications - ANS Tears Naturale, liquifilm (artificial tears) Lacri-lube Ear Medications Action - ANS Relieve pressure Reduce inflammation and congestion of ear Ear Medications - ANS Neomycin Cardiotonics side effects - ANS Fatigue Loss of appetite Dizziness Agitation Excessive slowing heartbeat Confusion Weakness cardiotonics medications - ANS Digoxin (lanoxin) Cardiotonics N.C. - ANS Check pulse BEFORE giving Do not give if below 60 antiarrhythmics Action - ANS Slows conduction to regulate heart rate and rhythm Antiarrythmic medications - ANS Inderal (propranolol) Pacerone, cordarone (amiodarone) Pronestyl Norpace Quinidine (quindex) Antiarryhthmic side effects - ANS Dizziness Slow pulse rate Postural hypotension Antiarrythmic N.C. - ANS Administer 1 hour before or 2 hours after meal with full glass of water Check pulse regularly antihypertensives action - ANS Decrease B/P antihypertensives medications - ANS Catapres Minipress Aldomet (methyldopa) Antihypertensives side effects - ANS Dizziness Weakness Nausea Vomiting Hypotension Drowsiness Antihypertensives N.C. - ANS Check B/P at least weekly Calcium Channel Blockers action - ANS Reduce constriction of heart muscles Calcium Channel Blockers meds - ANS Calan, isoptin Procardia Cardizem (diltiazem) Calcium Channel Blockers side effects - ANS Dizziness Slow pulse Hypotension Chest pain Constipation Calcium Channel Blockers N.C. - ANS Monitor B/P before administering ACE inhibitors Action - ANS Lowers b/p ACE inhibitors meds - ANS Capoten (captopril) Zestoretic (lisinopril) Vasotec (enalapril) ACE inhibitors side effects - ANS Hypotension Dry cough Nausea Vomiting ACE inhibitors N.C. - ANS Monitor residents pulse and b/p frequently Beta blockers action - ANS Decrease cardiac output Beta blockers meds - ANS Inderal (propranolol) Lopressor, toprol-XL (metoprolol) Tenormin (atenolol) Corgard (nadolol) Beta blockers side effects - ANS Fatigue Lethargy Hypotension Bradycardia Bronchospasm Heart failure Beta blockers N.C. - ANS Check apical pulse before giving Can mask shock or hypoglycemia Cardiovascular Combo Meds action - ANS When hypertension is not relieved with one medication Cardiovascular combo meds - ANS Zestoretic Vaseretic Aldactazide Cardiovascular combo meds side effects - ANS Dizziness Weakness Nausea Vomiting Hypotension Drowsiness Cardiovascular combo meds N.C. - ANS Monitor B/P weekly Vasodilators action - ANS Dilate blood vessels Vasodilators Meds - ANS Nitroglycerin Nitro-bid (ointment) Nitrostat, nitro quick (sublingual) Nitrolingual translingual spray Nitro disc, nitro-dur, transderm-nitro (transdermal) Vasodilators side effects - ANS Hypotension Tachycardia Flushing Palpitations Vasodilators N.C. - ANS Sublingual every 5 min with no more than 3 in 15 min Anticoagulants Action - ANS Inhibit clotting of blood Anticoagulants meds - ANS ASA (aspirin) Lovenox (enoxaparin) Coumadin (warfarin) Heparin Anticoagulants side effects - ANS Hemorrhage GI Bleeding Bleeding gums Mouth ulcerations Anticoagulants N.C. - ANS Observe for signs of bleeding Protect from injury Avoid aspirin Sudden headaches should be reported immediately Platelet Aggregation Inhibitors Action - ANS Prevent blood from clotting Estradiol (Estrace, Estraderm) Gonadal hormones side effects - ANS Depression Hair loss Thrombophlebitis Breast tenderness Leg cramps Increased B/P Gonadal hormones N.C. - ANS Monitor B/P regularly Androgens Action - ANS Maintain male secondary sex characteristics Androgens meds - ANS Testosterone (andronate, depotest) Androgens side effects - ANS Headache Depression Growth of facial hair Edema Weight gain Androgens N.C. - ANS Observe for edema Oral contraceptives action - ANS Inhibit ovulation Oral contraceptives - ANS Ortho-cept Ortho-cyclen Ortho-novum Oral contraceptives side effects - ANS Headache Weight gain Hypertension Edema Breast tenderness Vaginitis Nausea Antifungal Action - ANS Inhibit fungus growth antifungal meds - ANS Monostat Tetrazol Antifungal meds side effects - ANS Burning Itching Swelling Irritation Lower abdominal cramps Antifungal meds N.C. - ANS May adversely affect warfarin, oral antibiotics Cerebral Stimulants Action - ANS Speed up brain activity Cerebral Stimulants meds - ANS Ritalin Dexedrine Cerebral Stimulants side effects - ANS Excitement Dizziness Dry mouth Restlessness Palpitations Increased pulse and B/P Insomnia Cerebral Stimulants N.C. - ANS Give early in the day Avoid drinks with caffeine Monitor vitals Depressants Action - ANS Decrease sensitivity of nervous system Depressants meds - ANS Duramorph, MS Contin, Roxanol, Morphine Demerol (meperidine) Percolate, roxicodone (oxycodone) Depressants side effects - ANS Constipation Nausea Vomiting Confusion Respiratory distress Decreased B/P Depressants N.C. - ANS May cause drowsiness Monitor for constipation Report respiratory rate of <12 Analgesics/Non-Narcotic/Antipyretics Action - ANS Decrease sensitivity of nervous system Analgesics/Non-Narcotic/Antipyretics meds - ANS ASA Tylenol NSAIDs Analgesics/Non-Narcotic/Antipyretics side effects - ANS Dizziness Confusion Nausea Interferes with blood clotting Skin rash Analgesics/Non-Narcotic/Antipyretics N.C. - ANS Administer with food May raise B/P Sedative/hypnotics action - ANS Decrease sensitivity of nervous system Sedative/hypnotics meds - ANS Aquachloral (chloramphenicol hydrate) Halcion (triazolam) Luminal (phenobarbital) Ambien (zolpidem) Restoril (temazepam) Dalmane Sedative/hypnotics side effects - ANS Rash Nausea Addiction Short term memory loss Sedative/hypnotics N.C. - ANS May become addicted Monitor for cumulative effect Anticonvulants Action - ANS Stop or prevent convulsions or seizures Anticonvulsants meds - ANS Dilantin (phenytoin) Tegretol (carbamazepine) Depakene (valproic acid) Depakote (divalproex) Luminal (phenobarbital) Neurotin (gabapentin) Anticonvulsant side effects - ANS Swelling or redness of gums Drowsiness Dizziness Double vision Tremors Confusion Anticonvulsant N.C. - ANS Observe residents mouth Anti-Parkinson's Action - ANS Relieve tremors and muscular weakness Anti-Parkinson's meds - ANS Larodopa, L-dopa (levodopa) Do not crush Calcium side effects - ANS Calcium deposits form in joints Calcium N.C. - ANS Do not give with milk products Vaccines and Toxoids action - ANS Stimulate body to produce its own antibodies Vaccines and Toxoids meds - ANS Tetanus toxoid Pneumococcal-13 Prevnar 13 (pneumococcal) Fluogen (influenza virus) Engerix-B Recombivax NB Vaccines and Toxoids side effects - ANS Allergic reaction Pain and swelling at injection site Rash Fever Convulsions Vaccines and Toxoids N.C. - ANS QMA's cannot give Boosters may be required AIDS meds - ANS AZT (zivodudine) Norvir Fortovase Crixivan AIDS meds side effects - ANS Diarrhea Nausea Abdominal discomfort Acid reflux AIDS meds N.C. - ANS Avoid direct skin contact with mucous membranes, body fluids, wounds Wear gloves Anti-Viral (Flu) actions - ANS Relieve symptoms Anti-Viral (Flu) meds - ANS Symmetrel Flumadine Tamiflu Anti-Viral (Flu) side effects - ANS Nausea Vomiting Runny/stuffy nose Cough Diarrhea Anti-Viral (Flu) N.C. - ANS Must be taken within 48 hours of symptom onset Anti-septics Action - ANS Prevent growth and reproduction of microorganisms Anti-septics meds - ANS Betadine Betagen Damon's solution Anti-septics side effects - ANS Skin irritation and rash Itching Dryness Redness, inflammation, stinging of skin Anti-septics N.C. - ANS Not effective against C-diff Disinfectants action - ANS destroy microorganisms Disinfectants meds - ANS Alcohol Disinfectants side effects - ANS Skin irritation and rash Itching Dryness Redness, inflammation, stinging of skin Disinfectants N.C. - ANS Not effective against C-diff Sulfonamides action - ANS Act on specific bacteria Sulfonamides meds - ANS Bactrim, Sentra DS Gantrisin Sulfonamides side effects - ANS Headache Nausea Abdominal pain Sulfonamides N.C. - ANS Always give with plenty of fluids Antibiotics action - ANS Kill or prevent growth of specific germs Antibiotics meds - ANS penicillin V ampicillin (Omnipen, Principen) amoxicillin trihydrate (Amoxil) cephalexin (Keflex, Duricef, Ancef, Kefzol, Keftab) cefaclor(Ceclor) oxycycline (Vibramycin) tetracycline (Achromycin) erythromycin base (E-Mycin, Eryc) erythromycin estolate(Ilosone) erythromycin ethylsuccinate (EES) Augmentin Antibiotics side effects - ANS Nausea Vomiting Hives Rash Vaginitis Diarrhea UTI Antibiotics N.C. - ANS Must adm at the same time Anti-viral meds action - ANS Prevent assembly of new virus Anti-viral meds - ANS Zovirax (acyclovir) Anti-viral meds side effects - ANS Diarrhea Headache Dizziness Fatigue Muscle or joint pain Anti-viral meds N.C. - ANS Wear gloves when applying Anti-neoplastics Action - ANS Kill or slow the growth of cancer cells Anti-neoplastic meds - ANS Matulane (procarbazine) Hydrea, droxia (hydroxyurea) Anti-neoplastics side effects - ANS Nausea Vomiting Hair loss Decrease in WBC Anti-neoplastics N.C. - ANS Avoid alcohol Monitor for signs of bleeding Hormones-cancer meds action - ANS Treat cancer replacement therapy
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