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Importance and Impact of International Organizations in Global Economy and Politics - Prof, Study notes of Political Geography

An overview of various international organizations, their origins, goals, and impact on global economy and politics. It covers organizations like eu, au, un, nato, opec, apec, and mercosur, discussing their role in conflict resolution, economic growth, and trade. The document also touches upon the importance of understanding the inception of these organizations and their current influence.

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Download Importance and Impact of International Organizations in Global Economy and Politics - Prof and more Study notes Political Geography in PDF only on Docsity! 1. Intro to Conflict/cooperation  In the last 60-70 years, countries are working together for the first time ever on this scale.  Called Supranationalist organizations.  What motivates other sovereign states to work together? o Money, security, cultural commonality. o All Supranationalist organizations have a mission. o EU, AU, UN, NATO, NAFTO, APEC, OPEC o International organizations, are countries who all have common goals. o Even with all these organizations, state-to-state conflict is still very common.  We are still alarming armed, and avidly attacking each other.  International organizations have changed the face of state conflict though. 2. The Changing Nature of Cooperation.  We are living through the new age of international organizations. o Did not exist 100 years ago, much less 1000 years ago.  Why now? o WWII.  And other wars.  The 20th century was the bloodiest century ever.  Warfare became so efficient. o 1919 The League of Nations.  Failed because US didn't join. o 1945 United Nations  Stabilize the world, conflict resolution o Why is it important to notice who/when these organizations started?  A1- The western powers were essentially who controlled the world.  A2- So the west also were the leaders of these new organizations.  India and China were non-players.  All of Africa was still in colonial powers.  The biggest/baddest ones are still in the control of Western powers.  But that is changing quickly.  The SCO  Existing institutions are started to restructure.  The UN and the IMF o What does a state have to do to get into these organizations?  The most important thing that a state gives up to be part of a group ,is some sovereignty.  Means you have to play by the rules of the club.  Some countries don't want to.  Switzerland not in EU  Vatican City not it UN  Reasons for Supranationalist Organizations. o Money.  Most in the world are based around trade and economy. o Safety/defense.  States get together and agree to protect each other.  UN is there to supposed to head off conflict. o Cultural Commonality  Arab League o Oddballs.  Not an official institution  G-7, G-8, G-20  Nuke Club  BRIC 3. Why Work Together: Economics  Number one reason for supranationalist organizations: Trade. o What government wouldn't want to make more money? o The international organizations based on trade have exploded  More trade bloc organizations, and more countries in them.  Economist say this has led to explosion of world economy  Free trade o Open up borders, less barriers, get government out of the way. o Free trade and market capitalism are very closely related. o Makes cheaper products  What gets in the way of free trade? o Governments.  Protectionism- When government wants to protect business and industry in their country over other countries' business o Two ways government can protect their business.  Put tariffs on imported goods.  Tariff=Tax  Subsidies  Government help businesses monetarily.  Usually in agriculture. o Protectionism is slowly going away, we are in the era of free trade.  There has always been trade deals between a couple countries. o Only recently has trade blocs formed.  Trade Imbalance. o Positive trade balance  When you sell more stuff to other countries than they sell to you, o Negative trade balance.  When you buy more stuff from other countries, then they buy from you. o Just because of free trade, it doesn't mean everyone makes money. o China has a positive trade balance with pretty much everyone. o America has a negative trade balance with Japan, and with everyone in general. o Dumping.  If a country finds itself in a surplus, a country will slash a price on an item and flooding the market.  WTO o World Trade Organization.  Not really a trade bloc.  More of a regulatory organization  153 members.  Making sure everyone can follow rules.  What country has more outstanding cases with the WTO? The USA! o Originally created to help each other with their nation-states and push out foreign influences through economics. o Indonesia is ASEAN's biggest economy and they see themselves as the natural leader. o Goals  accelerate economic growth  Grow social progress  Protections of peace and stability. o ASEAN is striving to be more like EU o Expanded ASEAN Goals since its inception  Regional political organization.  Regional shared Airspace  Common environmental policy  Common energy security policy  Regional electric grid.  Regional human rights standard.  Weird because of Burma. o 10% of world's population o GDP 1.5 Trillion o Looking good because they're right next to China, and Japan. o Associate members.  China, Japan, South Korea  ASEAN+3  INDIA, Australia, and New Zealand.  Other associate members.  EU o European Union o It is first and foremost a trade bloc. o 16-17 Trillion GDP o Bigger than the US. o Why Europe?  War!  World War 1 and 2.  The idea was if the countries were so economically tied together, it would be impossible to fight each other. o Steel and Coal  1951-52, ECSC 1951  European Coal and Steel Community  Original 6  France, Germany, Netherlands, Belgium, Italy, Luxemburg. o EEC 1957 o IN 1993, name changed European Union. o Why is the EU still growing?  More money! o Why do the rich ones want in?  They all just want to get richer! o They also started the idea of the free movement of people and labor o Integration of all levels of society.  Over arching constitution.  Singular government/parliament.  Singular court system.  Environmental policy  Energy policy  Singular infrastructure  Singular monetary unit  Defense policy. o The EU is the model, for the world to follow.  Economic blocks, etc. o The AU and the SCO o AU- African Union  Hasn't worked in Africa.  Why have trade blocs not worked in Africa?  Too poor  Most African countries export/import outside of region. o SCO- Shanghai Cooperation Organization.  Russia and China are primary members.  Fairly new bloc.  Economics is a major part of what they're doing, but maybe not primary. o OPEC  Cartel  Cartel is not a trade bloc.  What is a cartel?  Formal agreement between competing businesses to control most of a certain resource.  OPEC controls the supply of oil, so they control the price.  Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries.  Members  12 member countries.  OPEC countries nationalized their oil companies.  Could the US ever join OPEC?  Only because it doesn't control its oil industry.  And we don't export oil.  A couple meetings a year to set price and production.  OPEC controls 60% of world's oil.  Saudi is largest supplier and biggest reserves of oil.  But Venezeula and Iranians, hate America so they want to charge a whole bunch.  Leads to a lot of infighting.  If some countries can't afford expensive oil, they will look for alternative sources of energy.  Major non OPEC oil producing countries  Norway, Russia, Mexico.  If prices get to high, countries will seriously begin to invest heavily on clean energy. o De Beers  Diamonds.  Owns 80-90% of world's diamonds.  Monopoly is when an entity owns pretty much all of a certain resource.  De Beers is a cartel. o Google  Controls most internet traffic.  Monopoly on digital information. 4. Why We Work Together: Security and Defense o Because of the world wars, states began to seriously looking at how to work together. o 1919, League of Nations was the first attempt. o It failed, b/c no one really wanted to do it. o World War II led to the Creation of United Nations. o 1945, United Nations  Intended to be an open forum for world states to come up and head off conflict. o Pacts of non-aggrssession.  Pretty much, I won't attack you, if you won't attack us.  Famous one, was between Germany and Russia at beginning of World War II. o Defense Pact.  If someone is attacked, then other comes to aid. o Both of these are built to the fact that a strong defense will deter aggression o 1946, NATO o 1955, Warsaw Pact. o 2001, SCO created. o Defense/peace/security pacts are the biggest in the world.  United Nations: Mission o 1945. o Largest organization in the world.  192 states. All except Vatican City. o It was built as a pursuit of human rights.  Especially genocide.  Everyone believed that the UN needed to be a watchdog for human rights.  1948, Universal Declaration of Human Rights.  Not legally binding, but adopted by entire UN. o UN Goals: Facilitating cooperation in international law, international security, economic development, social progress, human rights.  Peace Keeping/Security.  Human rights and humanitarian assistance.  Social and economic development. o All these things to even attempt, requires a massive bureaucracy. And committees  Some are.  World Bank  IMF  UNICEF  World Health Organization.  UNESCO  1949  USA, UK, France, Canada. o Why did NATO form?  Formed as anti-USSR block o How does NATO work?  Very democratic.  When USA was attacked on 9/11, the US went to NATO.  Then there was a meeting. And NATO said yes.  Command structure of NATO.  US always leads NATO on field of battle.  US contributes the most troops.  A European is always head of Bureaucracy of NATO.  NATO Grows. o What's up with NATO now that the USSR is gone? o NATO has grown significantly since the fall of USSR. o When NATO formed, USSR was ticked, so they formed the Warsaw Pact. o Warsaw Pact.  Made to counter NATO.  1955, USSR and Eastern European Bloc  Treaty of Friendship, Cooperation and Military Assistance o Poland, Czechoslovakia and Hungary, not too happy about being under Soviet umbrella. Also did not want to be in Warsaw Pact. o All this ends with the dissolving of USSR. Creating 15 new states, including Russia. o First three countries in NATO in the 90s were Poland, Czech Republic and Hungary.  Wanted to join NATO quickly, because it was uncertain if Russia would try and come back. o Most Eastern European countries ended up joining NATO. By doing so, it ensures their sovereign state status. o There has been a creeping eastward since fall of USSR. o Russian Tensions based on.  NATO expansion.  All states were scooped up by NATO, while Russia was really, really weak.  Lost all those security buffer states.  Especially Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania because they have borders with Russia.  Georgian invasion was in response to NATO expansions.  Missile Defense Shield  Theory is:  Series of radar stations that would steer missiles at incoming missiles.  Supposed to go in Poland and Czech Republic.  For the most part, has been dropped as Russia/West relations warm up.  NATO into the future o NATO mission has shifted from Commies to Terror. o War on Terrorism is the major shift.  NATO/Afghan Campaign  US provides most of men and weapons. o Increasing voice of Russia is another shift of NATO  Russia is already invited NATO meetings.  Look for Russia to begin helping in Afghanistan. o NATO is probably already done with expansion, save the former states of Yugoslavia.  Ukraine and Georgia pressured to not join by Russia. o Future members of NATO outside of Europe.  Like Japan, Australia, South Korea.  If they were ever attacked, NATO would more than likely help anyways. o Russia is really adamant against Ukraine joining because Russia's navy is located in Crimean Peninsula. o IN our lifetime, there might be combined EU/NATO military force.  UK/France have signed a deal making their militaries one unit.  SCO o Shanghai Cooperation Organization o Shanghai Five  1996  SCO created from the Treaty on Deepening Military Trust in Border Regions.  Russia, China, Kazakhstan, Tajikistan, Krygyistan  1997  SCO members signed the Treaty on Reduction of Military Forces in Border Regions.  2001  Uzbekistan joined, forming the SCO. o Four more observer states have joined.  India, Iran, Mongolia, Pakistan o 3 main security concerns as to why SCO say they formed.  Terrorism  Extremism  Separatism  Unique, in that, no other entity has this in their constitution.  Means they will fight with China against any separatists in their states.  Ex. Tibet and Taiwan with China, and Chechnya with Russia. o Evidence of this SCO group that activities with the SCO countries are changing in the social scene.  Crime, joint taskforces to fight drug trafficking,  Increased intelligence sharing.  Increased counter-terrorism operations.  SCO is increasing joint military operations and exercising.  AKA war games. o SCO wants to do more on the economic front.  Long term objective is to provide a free trade area.  Russia suggested SCO form an energy club.  SCO might want to form a Natural Gas cartel. o SCO is alternative to the current western dominated other supranationalist organizations. o US has applied for observer state status every year for 10 years. And has been denied every year. o ASEAN is to Asia as EU is to Europe o SCO is to Asia as NATO is to the West. 5. Why work together: Culture  Based on cultural identity.  Arab League, Organization of American States, African League.  Arab League o League of nations based on being Arab. o Arab is an ethnicity and language. Not a religion. o Started in Arabian peninsula, also Egypt. o There are 22 states in the Arab League, along with 4 observer states. o This group has accomplished little or nothing in its existent. o Most of OPEC countries are in Arab League. o With the assistance of Arab league, OPEC enacted the 1973 Oil Embargo. o A reason the Arab League could be because the West does not want it to. They help foster a situation that doesn't welcome it.  OAS- The Organization of American States. o Headquartered in Washington D.C. o All 35 states in the America's. o Strengthen democracy and peace and defend human rights. o This organization oversees elections in the America's. o Shared culture of ideas  Democracy and individual freedoms and human rights. o There has been a mood from the Latin American states to have their own version of OAS without Canada and USA.  African Union o Second biggest Supernationalist organization in world. o 53 members- Everyone except Morocco.  Morocco not in b/c of territorial dispute. o Different names for organizations in Africa.  Union of African States.  Union of African Unity.  African Economic Union. o In 2002, the Re-launch of African Union. o The name is no coincidence: wants to emulate EU. o Chronic corruption in politics and AIDS are a couple reasons why Africa sucks. o Most promising part of AU?  A common military.  UN, America and the West, are increasingly not wanting to be involved in the continent.  Ex. Rwandan Genocide  Why do the countries with nukes vote for it?  It keeps the countries who have it as more powerful and stay more powerful than everyone else.  What does it do?  Three pillar system.  Non-proliferation  All people who sign it agree to not trade, sell, or give nuclear info to anyone.  Disarmament  Work to getting rid of nukes already built.  The right to peacefully use nuclear technology. I.e. nuclear energy.  Iran is making this tricky.  IAEA- International Atomic Energy Agency.  Yukiya Amano  General Secretary of IAEA  This organization makes sure everyone follows the rules.  India, Pakistan, North Korea, and Israel are the four countries who have not signed the NPT  India and Pakistan have not signed it because they hate each other.  Israel will not because it would require inspections and they don't want people to know they have it.  North Korea hasn't cause they're crazy. o Who may be inspiring to have a nuclear weapon?  Iran.  Iran is pursuing a nuclear energy industry, but the West is afraid it's a ploy to gain the weapons. o Countries that used to aspire having nuclear weapons.  Germany, Japan, Brazil, South Africa, Libya o Future of nuclear weapons and energy?  Nuclear energy will become much more vital as a source of energy, because oil and coal is not sustainable.  Nuclear is sustainable and doesn't release CO2.  India has been given an exemption from the IAEA, to help foster a nuclear energy, even though they have not signed the NPT.  Pakistan says no.  Because Pakistan is on the brink of collapse.  Pakistan's top nuclear scientist gave nuclear secrets to North Korea, Libya, Syria.  Iran will continue to be a source of friction.  Global Summit on Nuclear Security.  Recently called by Obama to talk about maybe restructuring NPT to make it stronger. 7. The Changing Nature of Conflict.  Who fights? o There has been a significant military to civilian casualty ratio. o Up until world war 1, only professional soldiers died. o Most deaths contributed to conflicts were military. o The ratio now is 90% civilian to 10% military deaths. o The way military technology and military warfare tactics have changed. o IN the last 100 years, the trend has led from separate sovereign states, to groups of people fighting inside of one sovereign state.  Partly due to the United Nations.  Technology increases. Nuclear weapon are a huge deterrent.  How we fight? o Richer more developed countries have increasingly relied on technology in an effort to minimize own casualties  Drones, more money spent on soldiers to keep them alive. o Less developed countries or groups, still rely heavily on large standing armies o Largest armies.  China 2.3 m  US 1.5m  India 1.3m  Most of biggest armies are in Asia. o Asian states #1 goal- protect the mother land. o Asian states #2 goal- maintain order o Why America spends 660 billion?  US goal  America is global policeman.  Counter opposing ideologies. o Burma has so many troops to impose order in its borders. o America has the most aircraft carriers than the whole world combined, because aircraft carriers are a projection of power. o CyberWar is also a another future battlefield.  There is a cyber bug floating around Iran where people think there might be nuclear facilities.  Why we fight? o Most conflicts use to territorial or resource or power, or economic gain. o People now fight over ideas. o War on Terror o War on Drugs o War on Extremism o Ideas cannot be destroyed. Only contained. 8. Cooperation and conflict Conclusion  We are increasingly living in the "age of blocs"  State sovereignty is beginning a shift toward blocs.  Are Blocs going to be the preeminent social structure. Japan: 1. Intro  Most western, eastern country  Over half of Americans drive Japanese made games. 2. Physical world of Japan  Japan calls itself the Land of the Rising Sun.  Four main islands. o Hokkaido o Honshu- main major o Shikoku o Kyushu  Japan is separate and distinct from Asia. o Kind of how Great Britain is to Europe.  Japan is about the size of Calfiornia o But with 127 Million people.  Japan's Latitude is similar to eastern seaboard.  Same seasonal shifts as the US.  Japan has Typhoons where we have hurricanes.  Terrain. o Extremely mountainous. o 70-75 percent of Japan is mountainous. o 9-12K feet o Tallest mountain is Mt. Fuji  Old Volcano o Most mountains are covered in forests o Why so mountainous?  A subduction place alignment under the islands.  Philippine and pacific plate are slamming into Eurasian plate. o Over 100 active volcanoes o Plenty of hot springs with geothermal activity. o Earthquakes all the time.  Resources. o They don't have any. o No coal, oil  Import all of it. o Depend on geothermal and nuclear.  Mountains+ forest+ island status= not a lot of arable land. o Grows a lot of rice. Some of the highest yield crops in the planet.  Add in no resources. o And you have a country extremely dependent on trade.  Still mostly self reliant and culturally distinct. 3. Laggards to Loners  Early history o Pretty new people. o Come from Asia through Korea down into Japan. o Everything came from Japan is copied from Asian. o Around 680AD, is the first state of Japan. o Yamato Dynasty  Emperor Jimmu  Current emperor Akihito  Japan probably killed close to 20-35 million Chinese. Japanese white wash scandal  Rewriting history essentially, or just leaving out world war 2.  Yasukuni Shrine o Cemetary with war dead, and people who are convicted of war crimes. o When Japanese PM visit shrines if pisses off Asian.  United States o Japan attacks Pearl Harbor pulls US in world war 2. o 1942, Bataan Death March  Occurred in Philippines.  Japanese won in Philippines and took a lot POWs.  Concerted effort to march tens of thousands of American POWs to literally march them to death. o Leads to absolute US retaliation. o High level of animosity against Japan. o America destroys completely Japan. o America had a plan to fire bomb Japan, and completely destroyed the islands.  Japan was completely leveled after World War 2. 7. Post War Economic Miracle.  1945-1951, MacArthur essentially is in charge of the country  The Emperor is kept, but the entire government is thrown out.  MacArthur sees that Japan follows American model  Japan fully adopts American tutelage.  In the constitution , Japan says no military.  Everyone didn't want that. o It places Japan in a dependency mode. o So USA has to watch them.  It frees Japan up from having to worry about defense, because US is watching them. o So they can spend all their time on refocusing their country in making them become an economic powerhouse. o Important because there will be no repercussions from Korea/China/Russia.  From 1960s-1980s, they focus on consumer electronics and automobile . Makes them a lot of money.  America invests a whole bunch of money in Japan.  Why did US do this? o Idea that if they rebuild these places, that they become powerful allies and great trading partners. o Need Japan to be on their team during Cold War. 8. Shinto Slump  Consumerism developed in the 80s due to extreme wealth accumulation.  Because of more people buying stuff, caused inflated prices.  Then the bubble burst, prices fell, and Japan reverted back from their consumer ways back to their excess savings.  Sets interest rate at 0% to spur spending.  Nikkei Stock Index o Major stock trading center. o Has been flat, no growth.  Keiretsu- interlocked businesses to help grow. o Kills competition. Bad for capitalist growth.  Like in America, manufacturing are heading to other cheaper priced labor countries.  There population is shrinking.  Less tax base, less people  Xenophobia o Fear of foreigners o Don't like immigration.  Solutions. o Robots, go home and have sex with spouse day.  Political deadlocked and dull o Same party in power for 60 years.  Two decades long economic slump. 9. Japan Now  Economically they're down. o A country that has reinvented themselves twice before and had major effects on the world.  Japan is currently looking to Asian neighbors for their new refocusing. o The last 4 of 5 Japan's PM says they will not visit that shrine for WW2 soldiers.  ASEAN o Japan will to be increasingly be involved.  6 Party Talks o N and S Korea, China, Japan, Russia, USA  Japan will continue to be a solid player in Team West.  Continue to be used as a check of the Chinese.
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