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IR Spectroscopy - Advanced Analytical Chemistry - Lecture Slides, Slides of Analytical Chemistry

A survey of selected principles and techniques of modern analytical chemistry with a focus on major areas including spectroscopy, separations sciences, and electroanalytical chemistry. Some key points from this lecture are: Ir Spectroscopy, Infrared Spectral Regions, Wavenumber, Vibrational Spectroscopy, Harmonic Oscillator, Anharmonic Corrections, Rotational Spectroscopy, Rovibrational Spectroscopy, Molecular Vibrations, Vibrational Coupling

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Download IR Spectroscopy - Advanced Analytical Chemistry - Lecture Slides and more Slides Analytical Chemistry in PDF only on Docsity!          !"#$!# %&'($!)*+$"!#,+-").+$"!#+"$*"+#"#"))"+,#/"'0+$"*$ !"1$23%43%0$"+,+56678$'$ !"#$!# %3!1#2"+*%"+!*1")#$$ !"/1$2+$"21"$9*# #15:7;<5:=7$ !+*%3%>#3*"-"")?@A'$ !"#$!# %")#2,)1#$"#")B7")!"2%+$#/+")+$ $+9,"+,+$"21"$C+DD1##!)#1"#$'0#2+E$#10E+$"21"$3!#1!#11#+")5:678$C*"#,"+!$+$$+"+9+"%$#*2"+#FGHIJKLMNGOGPKQRSJTMUVWXYZ[\]̂Y_̀aYb̀cYd̀]è]fghhijklmfnnopqrnG sGPGFGtKuQvwKxFGyzIxKJR{     !"#$%& '( )% *+,-./0 )%"0#+1-.20$3 45"2!+1-.678 9:;<=:> 3=<99?999 @:<A393?3:=A393?B CDE EF GFFF CFF HDCIHFHG JDFIHFHC4 >93999 =9939 K:9A393=@:9A3933LMNOPQRSTOUVWUXMYZXX[\ONRT]̂_̀RaNOPUVb                 !" #! "$ %   &' #   #     " $ (% )  !   !"   "   *'  +, -./0 12 3 45672 8.-129: /6; +<52 =60280>37 2829?@ A.8B0>68 >/;  $$ CDE FF%F G   $$$ CDE FFHF G )II) %   J I %  KLM GN  #! 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