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Jiffy Lube California: Environmental Violations and Final Judgment, Slides of Law

Jiffy Lube voluntarily disclosed records pertaining to the management of used motor oil and antifreeze at their California facilities following investigations by the California Attorney General. the violations found, the actions Jiffy Lube agreed to take to rectify the situation, and the consequences for repeated violations.

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Download Jiffy Lube California: Environmental Violations and Final Judgment and more Slides Law in PDF only on Docsity! 5 10 15 20 25 :2 J 4 6 7 EDMUND G. BROWN JR. Atton1cy General orthe Sr:\tL' ofCrllifomi<l SALLY [(~OX Suptrvisil1g Deputy Attorney General WILLIAM l·mIEGER, SBN 121346 Deputy Attomcy General P. O. Box 944255 Sacramento, California 94244-2550 Telephone: (916) 324-2512 FClcsimik: (916) 327-2319 Attorneys' lor Plaintiff, PEOPLE OF THE STATE OF CALlFORNIA and EDMUND G. BROWN JR. A!'torncy General of the State of California 9 IN TI-IE SUPERJOR COURT OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF SACRAMENTO 11 12 13 14 PEOPLE OF THF. STATE OF CALIFORNIA, Plainti fr. VS. 16 17 JIFFY LUBE JNTERNJ\.TIONAL, INC., Defendnnt. 18 CASE NO. [PROPOSED] FINAL JUDGMENT AND INJUNCTION 19 Pursuant to stipul,Hion between the parlies hereto, Plaintiff, the PEOPLE OF THE STATE OF CALTFORNIA ("Plaintiff'), and the Defendant, JIFFY LUBE 21 INTERNATIONAL. iNC. ("Jiffy Lube"), agreed to resolve this action and (-111 allegations raised in the Complaint on file in this case without litigation. Accordingly, Plaintiff and Jiffy 23 Lube have further stipulated that this Final Judgment and lnjunction ("Final Judgment") may 24 be enlered without taking any evidence, and without the trial or adjudication of any issue of 26 1.IW or raet. For purposes of this Final Judgment, PlaintifLmd Jiffy Lube shall be relerred 10 27 collectively as "Parties" and individuCllly as "Party." The Parties have waived lheir rights of 2g _ lI l?peal and have a roved this Final Judgn~ent as to form and conte~n~t. 1 - I - lPROPOSED] FINAL JUDGfvlENT AND INJUNCTION 5 10 15 20 25 1. INTRODUCTION ') PIa inti ff investigated whether Ji ffy Lube oil change facilities in the Stale or Cal ifOl'nia were in violation ofccnain environmental laws, including California's Hi.l7:ardous Waste Control 4 Law, JkaHh & Safety Codt section 25100 ct seq., and California's Hazardous Malerials Management laws, Health & Sa rety Code section 25500 et seq. Jiffy Lube voluntarily disclo~ed 6 voluminous records pertaining to the owncrsllip and operation of Jiffy Lube oil change facilities 7 in the State of California in response first to an informal request for production and then to a subpoena issued by the Attomcy Gencral of the State of Califolllia ("Attomcy General"), in 9 coordination with the District Attomeys for thc Counties of Alameda, Los Angeles, Marin, Monterey, Orange, Rivcrside, Sacramento, San Bernardino, San Diego, San Joaquin, Solano, and II Ventura, and the Los Angeles City Attomey. 12 PI <l iI1ti ff's invest igation found violations of requirel11en!s for managing used ond lIll used 13 motor oil and antifreeze at certain Jiffy Lube facilities in California. Jjffy Lube does not admit 14 the accuracy of these findings. Plaintiff filed a civil complaint (the "Complaint") in Sacramento County Superior Court against Ji'lTy Lube, The Complaint alleges thai lifty Lube has failed 16 properly to manage used and unused motor oil and used ilnd unused antifrecz.e at certain facilities l7 operated by Ji tTy Lube in Califomia in violation of the California Health and Safety Code and the 18 Business & Protessions Code. The facilities operated by Jiffy Lube in California as of January 19 31,2008 (hereinaner wllectively referred to as the "Current Jiffy Lube Operated hlcilities") are listed on Exhibit "A" hereto. The word "current" is lIsed in its nonnal sense, such that future 2l obligations imposed by this Final Judgment on "Current Jjffy Lube Operated Facilities" do not 22 apply to a lacility listed on Exhibit A that has been, by the pCliinent future time, sold at arm's 23 length to a third party not owned or operated by Jiffy Lube. The Complaint also al1cges [·h<lt Jifly 24 Lube h,lS control over fn:mchises owncd by third parties. and, because if failed to exercise appropriate control. is liable for the failure to properly manage used and unused motor oil and 26 used ,JI1d ullused antifreeze at those Jiffy Lube francbises. The Jiffy Lube ti'anchisc operations in 27 the Statc olTe-llifornia existing as of January 31,2008 (hereinafter collectively rdclTcd to as the 2& "Current Jjffy Lube Franchises") arc listed on Exhibit "8" hereto. The word '\;ufTcnt" is lIsed ill - 2 ­ ..512'1'))..1 [PROPOSED] FINAL JUDGMENT AND INJUNCTION 5 10 15 20 25 Jiffy Lube Operated Facilities, excluding the facilities in Santa Clara County listed on 2 Exhibit "0" hereto at which compliance audits have already been conducted. The evaluation .3 shall be performed by a third party consultant ("Consultant") selected and paid for by Jirfy Lube. 4 The Consultant shall give the local Certified Unified Program Administrator ("CUPA") scvenly­ two (72) hours advance written notice of any inspection by the Consultant and allow i1 CUPA 6 inspector 10 witness the inspection, if the CUPA so elects. Whether or not the CUPA witnesses 7 lhe inspection, the Consultant shall prepare a report of each inspection and rrovide the report to 8 Jiffy Lube, the appropriate CUPA, and to Plaintiff. Tn the event such inspections indicate non­ 9 compl iance, Ji ny, Lube will COlTeet any non-compliance as soon as practicable. Plaintiff will not take cnforcement action regarding such inspections without first meeting and conferring with II Jiffy Lube. 12 4.3 Access. Jiffy Lube has consented to the reasonable inspection orany Current 1J Jiffy Lube Operated Facility at any time by inspectors from the applicable CUPA or from DTSC. 14 4.4 Management of Motor Oil and Antifreeze. a. Jiffy Lube shall insure that all uscd and unused motor oil and llsed and 16 un llsed lllli i fi'ceze al' Cun'ent Ji tTy Lube Operated Fac iIi ties, and will encourage its franch isees to 17 ensure that such materials at Current Jiffy Lube Franchises, will be stored and managed in 18 compliance with the applicable provisions of Health & Safety Code chapters 6,5 and 6.95 and 1C) appl icable regulations thereunder, including 22 Cal ifom ia Code of Regulations *66279.1 ct seq. b. At any Current Jiffy Lube Orerated Facility that does Ilot have 21 comainer suitable for storage of used motor oil pursuant to chapter 6.5 of Division 20 of tile 22 Health & Safety Code, and the regulations thereunder, Jiffy Lube will stop collecting used motor 23 oil until ;1 suitable conlainer is availabk on site, or Jiffy Lube manages the waste in some other 24 way that complies with the requirements of the law. c. Jiffy Lube shall insure thai all containers holding used motor oil, lIsed 26 oil lilters. used antifreeze, used fuel filters or other hazardous materials at Current Jiffy Lube 27 Op~rnted racililics wi II be properly labeled, secured, and stored in compl iance with the <IPI11icabie 28 provisions of Health and Safely Code chapters 6.5 Clnd 6.95 and regulations promulgated - 5 ­ -1512')')5,3 [ PROPOSED] FINAL JUDGMENT AND INJUNCTION I"hereunder contai ned in the Cali fornia Code of Regulations. Ji ffy Lube shall also encourage its 2 rranchisees to ensure that all containers holding Llsed motor oil, used oil filters, uscd antifreeze, 3 Llsed fuel tilters or other hazardous materials at Current Jiffy Lube Franchises will be properly 4 labeled. secured, and stored in compliance with the appl icablc provisions of Health <Ind Safety 5 Codc chapters 6.5 and 6.95 and regulations promulgated thereunder contained in the California 6 Code of Regulations. 7 d. A II operations invo Iving anti freeze at a Curren I J ifry Lube Operated 8 FClcility IllUSt· be performed in a mLlJlncr and location providing for containment and recovery of 9 the ~lltifreeze. 10 5. JIFFY LUBE FRANCHISE COMPLIANCE PROGRAM. II .Iiny Lube will revise its CUlTcnt Policies & Procedures Manual ("PPM") to 12 provide ror the following: 13 a. No franchisee may renew a Franchise Agreement for a Cun·ent Jiffy Lube 14 Franchise unless it has cOlTcetcd any and all outstanding noti ftcations regarding violations, 15 including notices of violation or notices to comply, issued by a CU PA at the relevant store, and 16 notified Jiffy Lube in writing. provided. however, that ifat the time of renewal the franchisee hilS 17 any outstanding notice of violation or notice to comply and the franchisee provides proof in 18 ""'riling to Jiffy Lube, with a copy to the relevant CUP/\, that it is working diligently to correct 19 such notice or violation or Ilotice to comply, Ji ffy Lube may renew the Frcl11chisc Agreement. :w b. It is the rcsponsibility of the franchisee to ensure that the management at 21 each Current Ji ffy Lube franchise is fully aware of its hazardous materials campI iance 22 obligations under applicable statutory and regulatory provisions. To underscore the importance 2J or t11 is issue, Jiffy Lube sha II ti Ilance the cost arsend ing one (l) 1113 nagcr from each frallcll isee 24 operating Cum:nt Ji fty Lube Franchises to the DTSC Compliance School prior to December 31, 2008. Jiffy Lube shall encourage its franchisees operating Current Jiffy Lube Franchises to send. 26 at franch isee 's ex pensc. at Ieasl one manager or supervisor to thc DTSC Compl iance School at 27 Ie"S! once evcry five ycars. 2S c. If Jiffy Lube has reason to bel ieve that the environmental compliance - 6 ­ -1512()~~ ..\ r PROPOSED] FINAL .IUDGM NT AND INJUNCTION 5 10 15 20 25 history of a franchisee at a CUlTent Jiffy Lube Franchise is such that it could have an adverse 2 impact on Jiffy Lube's reputation, trademarks, or the franchise system in general, Jiffy Lube may 3 require the franchisee, CIt franchisee's expense, to conduct an environmental audit of the franchise 4 by a qualil"ied consulwnt In evaluating the environmental compliance histOl)' orthe fi'anchisee, Jiffy Lube shall inquire during its yearly store standards review of bath the franchisee and the 6 relevant CUPA to determine t.he number and severity of any environmental NOY's issucd by a 7 CUPA and (he franchisce's responses to such NOY's. 8 d. If the yearly store standards review of a CU1Tent Jj fry Lube Franchise 9 reveals serious and persistent environmental compliance failures on the part of the franchisee, Jiffy Lube will cOlTespand with that franchisee, in a manner to be determined by Jiffy Lube, II warning thaI failure to correct the environmental compliance r~lilures could result in termination \1 of the Franchise Agreement. 13 e. In the event Jiffy Lube determines that there have been three repeated, 14 serious violations of lbe SHme environmental requirement at the same faci Iity in any three year period, Ji ffy Lube wi II send a Finaf Notice and Opportunity to Cure to the l"i"anchisee, and shall. to 16 the extent allowed by Califamia law, revoke the Franchise Agreement if the franchisee has not 17 provided adequate proof of con'ection within 30 days. I~ f. Within 60 days after entry of this Final Judgment, the operations training 19 course for nwnagcrs that is required for franchisees operating Jiffy Lube franchises in California shall include a section regarding awareness of and compliance with environmental laws, Jiffy 21 Lube will Cldvise its franchisees operating Current Jiffy Lube Franchises that they need to con~uJt 22 with thcir own environmental consultants and counsel to ensure compliance: with the appl icable 2J California environmental regulations and laws. ~4 g. Within 30 days after entl)' of Judgment. Jiffy lube shall send to each Current Jiffy Lube Franchise a letter containing the language set fonh in Exhibit E, with a copy to 26 Plaintiff. 27 - 7 - 4511'N5.J [ PROPOSED] FINAL JUDGMENT AND INJUNCTION 5 10 15 20 25 10. REGULATORY CHANGES. 2 Nothing in this Final Judgmenl shall excuse Jiffy Lube from meeting any more slringent 3 r~quireml'llls which may be imposed hereafter by changes in applicable and legally binding 4 kgisl<ll ion or regu lati OilS. 11. APPLICATION OF JUDGMENT. 6 This Final Judgment shall apply to and be binding upon Jiffy Lube and any successors or 7 assigns. 8 12. INCORPORATION OF EXHIBITS 9 Each of the Exhibits "A" tJu-ougn "F" is incorporated herein by reference. 13. MATTERS RESOLVED BY THIS FINAL JUDGMENT II This Final Judgmcnt is a final and binding resolution as to the Covered Parties and tbe 12 Covered Mattcrs as defined bt:low. Except for the obligations of Jiffy Lube that are expressly set 13 forth in [his Final Judgment, the Covered Panies are hereby released and forever discharged from 14 any and all liability to the People of tile State of Cali fomi a for the Covered Maliers. Plaintiff cannot sue or pursue any furlher claims against the Covered Parties for the Covered Matters. As 16 used herein. "Covered Parties" means Jiffy Lube; its subsidiaries. corporate parents, and J 7 affiliates; and their officers. directors, successors and assigns. "Covered P"rties" does not include 18 Jirty Lube Franchisees. 19 A~ lIsed herein. "Covered Matters" means any claims for penalties or injunctive relief against the Covered Partics for acts. omissions, or cvents on or pertaining to the Released 21 Facilities lip to the date the Stipulation was executed by Plaintiff, under Chapters 6.5 and 6.95 of 22 Division 20 of the Califomia Health & Satcty Code and related regulations (except as provided below); and (lny such claims under slate. county or local ordinances or permits relating to the 24 managcmcn t of hazardolls wastes or hazardous materials; Clnd any such cIa i I11S under any other stalutes. regulations. or local requirements which may penain to bazardous waste or h<lzardolls 26 lIlilteri,.j]s relating to the operation of tbe Released Facilities; and any such claims under the 27 Colifoll1ia Business and Professions Code that are derived from these rcquiremcnts~ whcther such claims are <lsscl1ed or unassenccl, arising out of or connected with any act. cause, mailer. or thing - lO - -IS 12995J I PROPOSED] FINAL JUDGMENT AND INJUNCTION staled, claimed, or alleged in connection with this lawsuit. "Covered Matters" encompasses these 2 rrovisiolls as they existed during past relevant time periods, or exist now, or as they may be J amended with retroactive effect in the future. Notwithstanding the above, "Covered Matters" 4 specificilily exclude any cl8ims not known by Plaintiff at the date of entry of this Judgment that 5 the Covered P,u1ics either (a) disposed ofwastc at an unauthorized facility in violation of Health 6 and Safely Code Section 25189, or (b) used a non-registered transporter in violation of Health and 7 SMety Code Section 25163(a), provided further that the Covered P81iies preserve any and ,lll 8 defenses to such claims, including but not limited to defenses based on statutes oflimit8tion. 9 This Final Judgment docs not excuse any future non-compliance or duty to correct any [0 non-compliance or dUlY to conduct any environmental remediation. II 12 DATED: _ 13 14 IS 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 -151 ~995 ..1 JUnGE OF THE SUPERIOR COURT - I I ­ [PRO OSED] FINAL JUDGMENT AND INJUNCTION flO l{ TJ·I £ I'LA l.r\'TH'F Di\ll:cI: May IL ... 21){lS ? FOH TOE nP,F£ND.'\.!\'T ) 'I I j 12 I){lied: 14 17 IS Il) 20 2J MJY~. 2008 APPROVED AS TO PORM; eDMUND (I, HROWN JR Attorney (JCI1(:ldl o(thl; Slate ()f'Califol'lli:l S:\LL y' KNOX Supt:rvisll1g Deputy i\nome)' Gcner;tl '~ Bv: L1JJNU:O),U'\ • WILLIAM N. B~IFGER Derury Attorney Cenel'id Arromev for Plaintiff The People of the Slate or Cali forniH MUNGEE, TOLLES & OLSON LLP By:~b.~2 WILLIAM D. TEMKO . Artornev for Defendant Jiffy Lu"be International, Inc. . 12­ ----- ._--_._------­ 2 EXHIBIT B ClJRRENT JIFFY LUBE FRANCHISES '3 4 5 6 7 R 9 10 II 12 13 14 IS 16 17 IS 10 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 l. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 2n. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. -- . 35. 36. 37. Address 29162 ROADSIDE DR 1332 S FREMONT AVE' 27832 ALISO CREEK RD 2400 W BALL RD 2505 E LINCOLN AVE 21g1 W LINCOLN AVE 18737 US HIGHWAY 18 20754 BEAR VALLEY RD 5 W HUNTINGTON DR 495 GI(j\ND AVE 7760 EL CAMINO REAL 2679 FfRST ST 808 E ALOSTA AVE 230 I I-I ST 170 I STINE RD 7991 WI-lITE LN 3208 CALIFORNIA AVE 3727 AUBURN ST 10160 ALONDRA BLVD 2026 COLUMBUS PKWY 107 S VICTORY BLVD 55 E DAILY OR 20860 ROSCOE BLVD 20703 SOLEDAD CANYON RO 18533 VIA PRINCESSA 6021 PASEO DEL NORTE J 1525 RIDGE ROUTE RD 68815 RAMON RD 36167 DATE PALM DR 1218 MANGROVE AVE 2452 NOTRE DAME BL VD 4143 RJVERSIDE OR .. 13870 PEYTON DR 593 E ST 240 W f\SHLAN AVE 84765 AVENUE FIFTY 170 I E WASHINGTON ST BLDG 100 1 ~ - J- Citv AGOURA H1LLS ALHAMBRA ALISO VIEJO ANAIIE!M ANAHEIM ANAHEIM APPLE VAlLEY APPLE VALLEY ARCADIA ARROYO GRANDE ATASCADERO ATWATER AZUSA BAKERSFIELD BAKERSFIELD BAKERSr-IELD BAKERSFIELD BAKERSFIELD BELLFLOWER BENICIA BURBANK CAMARILLO CANOGA PARK CANYON COUNTRY CANYON COUNTRY CARLSBAD "-""'­ CASTAIC CATHEORA L CITY CATHEDRAL CITY CT-IICO CHICO CHINO CHINO HILLS CHULA VISTA CLOVIS COACHELLA COLTON [PROPOSED] FINAL JUDGMENT AND INJUNCTION I -- J J 4 5 6 7 S 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 \() 17 18 19 10 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 -1512'),):'., - 38. 39. 1----. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 51. 52. 53. 54. 55. 56. 57. 58. 59. 60. 61. 62. 63. 64. 65. 66. 67. 68. 69. 70. 71. 72. 73. 74. 75. 76. Address 906 W 6TH ST 2255 FAIRVIEW RD J75 8RISTOL ST 300 E 17TH ST 2175 NEWPORT BLVD 2J008 E ARROW HWY 5829 ADAMS 8LVO 4942 LINCOLN AVE 1625 RESEARCH PARK DR 13418 PALM DR 2845 S DLAMOND BAR BLVD 12556 LJ\.KEWOOD BLVD 7501 FIRESTONE BLVD 539 N 2ND ST 1621 N MAGNOLIA AVE 46]6 POST ST 221 NFL CAMINO REAL 17717 VENTfJRA BLVD J 14 W EL NORTE PKWY 1330 HOLIDA Y LN 707 W VENTU RA ST 8893 SIERRA AVE 3896 N BLACKSTONE AVE 5316 W SPRUCE AVE 10340 TWIN crTIES RD 13950 HARBOR BLVD 16616 S VERMONT AVE 701 1ST ST 202 S GLENDALE AVE 6015 HOLLISTER AVE 12800 HA WTHORNE BLVD 330 N SANDERSON AVE 1670 I MAIN ST 17177 BEAR VALLEY RD 3601 HIGHLAND AVE 8971 WARNER AVE 9032 ADAMS AVE 81088 US HIGI-lWAY I II 8777 IRVINE CENTER DR - 16­ City CORONA COSTA MESA COSTA MESA COSTA MESA COSTA MESA COVTNA CULVER CITY CYPRESS DAVIS DESERT HOT SPRINGS DIAMOND BAR DOWNEY DOWNEY EL CAJON EL CAJON EL DORADO I-lILLS ENCINITAS ENCINO ESCONDIDO FAIRFIELD FILLMORE FONTANA FRESNO FRESNO GALT GARDEN GROVE GARDENA GILROY GLENDALF. GOLETA HA WTHORNE HEMET HESPERIA HESPERIA HIGHLAND HUNTINGTON IBEACH I HUNTINGTON BEACH INDIO IRV1NE [PROPOSED] FINAL JUDGMENT AND INJUNCTION 5 10 15 20 25 Address City .., 77 . 3080 MAIN ST IRV1NE 78. 2304 FOOTHILL BLVD LA CANADA 3 79. 1200 W LA HABRA BLVD FLfNTRJDGE LA HABRA 4 80. 6860 LA JOLLA BLVD LA JOLLA 81. 5540 LAKE MURRA Y BLVD LA MESA 82. 1020 N HACIENDA BLVD LA PUENTE 6 83. 78988 US HIGHWAY III LA QUINTA 84. 311 SUMMERHILL DR LAKE ELSINORE 7 85. 20781 LAKE FOREST DR LAKE FOREST 8 86. 5533 SOUTf-I ST LAKEWOOD 87. 43750 15TH ST W LANCASTER <) 88. 500 E KETTLEMAN LN LODI 89. 2271 PACIFIC COAST HWY LOMITA 90. 503 N J-I ST LOMPOC II 91. 4155 LONG BEACH BLVD LONG BEACH 12 92. 525 E PACIFIC COAST HWY LONG BEACH 93. 5630 E 7TH ST LONG BEACH ]3 94. 33] I KATELLA AVE LOS ALAMITOS 14 95. 96. _.. 700 NORTH LA BREA AVE 3061 OVERLAND AVE LOS ANGELES LOS ANGELES 97. 11001 SANTA MONICA BLVD LOS ANGELES 16 98. 99. 4777 W PlCO BLVD 2157 W MANCHESTER AVE LOS ANGELES LOS ANGELES 17 100. 4020 W SUNSET BLVD LOS ANGELES 101. 9901 STATE ST LYNWOOD 18 J02. 1119 N SEPULVEDA BLVD MANHA'TTAN 19 103. 1130 N MAIN ST BEACH MANTECA 104. 229 E ST MARYSVILLE 105. 200 E YOSEMJTE AVE MERCED 21 106. 1440 V ST MERCED 22 107. 27240 LA PAZ RD MISSION VIEJO 108. 3927 MCHENRY AVE MODESTO 23 109.' .. 170 I YOSEMITE BLVD MODESTO 24 , 110. 1101 WASHINGTON BLVD MONTEBELLO I I I. 797 W LOS ANGELES AVB MOORPARK 112. 12300 HEACOCK ST MORENO VALLEY 26 113. I J4. 603 LINCOLN AVE 1520 W COAST HWY NAPA NEWPORT BEACH 17 115. 2925 HAMNER AVE NORCO 2R 116. JgSO] DEVONSHIRE ST NORTHRIDGE - 17 - ~512'N)J [ PROPOSED] FINAL JUDGMENT AND INJUNCTION 5 10 15 20 25 ') "­ 3 4 6 7 S 9 I 196. 197. 198. 199. 200. 201. 202. 203. 204. 205. 206. 207. 208. 209. Address SlO MERCHANT ST 15300 VICTORY BLVD 1098 E THOMPSON BLVD 15180 BEAR VALLEY RD 1213 E VISTA WAY 8525 S SEPULVEDA BLVD 60 II WESTMINSTER BL VD 14180 LAMBERT RD 11705 COLIMA RD 16751 YORBA LINDA BLVD 133 I BRIDGE ST 660 COLUSA AVE 34795 YUCAIPA BLVD 5698229 PALMS HWY City VACAVILLE VAN NUYS VENTURA VICTORVILLE VISTA WESTCHESTER WESTMINSTER WHITTIER WHITTIER YORBA LINDA YUBA CITY YUBA CITY YUCAIPA YUCCA VALLEY Il 11 13 14 )6 17 )g 19 21 22 23 24 26 27 28 ~) 12')\)).3 - 20 - [ PROPOSED] FINAL JUDGME T AND INJUNCTION 2 EXHIBIT C RELEASED FACILITIES 3 Address I. 29162 ROADSIDE DR4 2. 1332 S FREMONT AVE 5 "-) . nlS32 ALISO CREEK RD 1--­ 4. 1440 W LlNCOLN AVE 6 5. :2181 W LINCOLN AVE 7 6. 1400 W BA LL lID 7. 2505 E LINCOLN AVE 8 8. 18737 US HIGHWAY 18 9 9. 20754 BEAR VA.LLEY RD . ­ 10. 5 W HUNTINGTON DR 10 II. 495 GRAND AVE 11 12. 7760 EL CAMINO REAL 13. 2679 FIRST ST 12 14. 808 E ALOSTA AVE 13 15. 170 I STINE RD 16. 230 I J-I ST 14 17. 3208 CALIFORNIA AVE I R. 3727 AUBURN ST 15 19. 799\ WHITE LN 16 20. 1560 E 6TH ST 21. 10160 ALONDRA BLVD 17 22. 2026 COLUMBUS PKWY 18 )"_J. 960 UNIVERSiTY AVE 24. 107 S VICTORY BLVD 19 25. 55 E DAILY DR 20 26. 274 ARNEILL RD - . 27. 2540 MERRYCHASE DR 21 28. 3470 PALMER DR 22 29. 535 W HAMILTON AVE 30. 1387 CAMDEN AVE 31. 20860 ROSCOE BLVD 24 32. 18533 V1A PRINCESSA 33. 20703 SOLEDAD CANYON RD 34. 6021 PASEO DEL NORTE 35. 31525 RIDGE ROUTE RD26 36. 2492 CASTRO VALLEY BLVD 27 37. 3(l167 DATE PALM DR City AGOURA HILLS ALHAMBRA ALISO VIEJO ANAHEIM ANAHEIM - ANAHEIM ANAHEIM APPLE VALLEY APPLE VALLEY ARCADIA ARROYO GRANDE ATASCADERO ATWATER AZUSA BAKERSFIELD BAKERSfIELD BAKERSFiELD BAKERSFIELD BAKERSFlELD BEAUMONT BELLFLOWER BENICIA BERKELEY BURBANK CAMARILLO CAMARILLO CAM ERON PARK CAMERON PARK CAMPBELL CAMPBELL CANOGA PARK CANYON COUNTRY CANYON COUNTRY CARLSBAD CASTAIC CASTRO VALLEY CATHEDRAL CITY 38. 68279 E PALM CANYON DR - 21 - CATHEDRAL CITY 2R [PROPOSED] FrNALJUDGMENT AND INJUNCTION I 5 10 15 20 25 Address 3~. 68815 RAMON RD2 40. 1218 MANGROVE AVE 41. 2452 NOTRE DAME BLVD 42. 4143 RIVERSIDE DR 4 43. 13870 PEYTON DR 44. 593 E ST 45. 5900 SUNRISE MALL 6 46. 7841 SUNRISE BLVD 7 --. 47. _40 W ASHLAN AVE 48. 84765 AVENUE FIFTY 8 49. 1701 E WASHINGTON ST BLDG 100 50. [001 WILLOW PASS RD9 51. 1219 CONCORD AVE 52. 2151 MONUME:'-JT BLVD 53. 4500 CLAYTON RDII 54. 906 W 6TH ST 12 55. 300 E 17TH ST 56. 375 BRISTOL ST 13 57. 2175 NEWPORT BLVD 14 58. 2255 FAIRVIEvV RD 59. 21008 E ARROW HWY 60. 5829 ADAMS BLVD 16 61. 10101 N WOLFE RD 62. 19480 STEVENS CREEK BLVD 17 63. 4942 LINCOLN AVE 64. 6427 BALL RD18 65. 530 SAN RAMON VALLEY BL VO 19 66. 1625 RESEARCH PARK DR 67. 13418 PALM DR 68. 2845 S DIAMOND BAR BL VD 21 69. 750 I FrRESTONE BLVD 70. 12556 LAKEWOOD BLVD 22 71. 539 N 2ND ST 23 72. 1621 N MAGNOLIA AVE 73. 4616 POST ST 24 74. 7405 SHELDON RD 75. 9611 AUTO CENTER DR 76. 221 N EL CAMINO REAL 26 77. 17717 VENTUR.A BLVD 78_ 314 W EL NORTE PKWY 79. 4160 SUNRISE BLVD 28 - 22 ­ ~'i 129<)5..\ City CATHEDRAL CITY CHlCO CHICO CHINO CHINO HILLS CHULA VISTA CITRUS HEIGHTS CITRUS HEIGHTS CLOVIS COACHELLA COLTON CONCORD CONCORD CONCORD CONCORD CORONA COSTA MESA COSTA MESA COSTA MESA COSTA MESA COVINA CULVER CITY CUPERTINO CUPERTINO CYPRESS CYPRESS DANVILLE DAVIS DESERT HOT SPRINGS DIAMOND BAR DOWNEY DOWNEY EL CAJON EL CAJON EL DORADO HILLS ELK GROVE ELK GROVE ENCINITAS ENCINO ESCONDIDO FAIR OAKS [ PROPOSED] FINAL JUDGMENT AND INJUNCTION 5 10 15 20 25 Address 162. 146 N 6TH AVE 163. 1970 OCEANSIDE BLVD 3 164. 4106 OCEANSIDE BLVD 165. 2560 S VINEYARD AVE 4 166. 4567 MLLLS CIR 167. 11195 S CENTRAL AVE 168. 433 W KATELLA AVE 6 169. 9286 GREENBACK LN 7 170. 1450 ORO DAM BLVD E 171. 101 W ESPLANADE DR 172. 611 S ROSE AVE t 73. 42275 WASHINGTON ST 9 174. 72499 FRED WARING DR 175. 1040 W RANCHO VISTA BLVD 176. 37140 25TH ST EII 177. 4195 EL CAMr~O REAL 12 [78. 420 I MIDDLEF1ELD RD 179. 6420 CLARK RD 13 180. 1420 E WALNUT ST 14 18!. 1603 E COLORADO BL VD 182- 3200 E COLORADO BLVD 183. 200 OAK H1LL ROAD 16 [~4. 2880 N GAREY AVE 185. 13409 POWAY RD 17 186. 41948 50TH ST W 187. 10265 FOLSOM BLVD18 188. 10796 OLSON DR 19 189. 12589 FOOTHILL BLVD 190. 23041 ANTONIO PKWY 191. 190 MAIN ST 21 192. 125 E CYPRESS AVE 193. 905 HARTNELL AVE22 194. 2123 MARKET 5T 23 195. 1667 W REDLANDS BL VD 196. 640 WHIPPLE AVE 24 197. 6928 RESEDA BLVD 198. 7558 N RESEDA BLVD 199. 2300 fllLLTOP MALL RD 26 200. 2634 E ALESSANDRO BLVD 27 201. 3693 LA SIERRA AVE 202. 6070 STANFORD RANCH RD 28 - 25 ­ City OAKDALE OCEANSIDE OCEANSIDE ONTARIO ONTARIO ONTARIO ORANGE ORANGEVALE OROVILLE OXNARD OXNARD PALM DESERT PALM DESERT PALMDALE PALMDALE PALO ALTO PALO ALTO PARADISE PASADENA PASADENA PASADENA PASO ROBLES POMONA POWAY QUARTZ HILL RANCHO CORDOV A RANCHO CORDOVA RANCHO CUCAMONGA RANCHO SANTA MARGARJTA RED BLUFF REDDING REDDING REDDING REDLANDS REDWOOD CITY RESEDA RESEDA RICHMOND RIVERSIDE RIVERSIDE ROCKLIN [ PROPOSED) f-INAL JUDGMENT AND INJUNCTION Address 2 203. 1481 SOUTHWEST BLVD 204. 3100 SIERRA HWY 3 205. 9655 VALLEY BLVD 4 206. 207. 18456 COLIMA RD 1601 ARDEN WAY 5 208. 1640 FULTON AVE 209. 2900 FLORIN RD 6 210. 3000 CAPJTOL AVE - 7 211. 3424 NORTHGATE BL VD 212. 3447 MARCONI AVE 8 213. 4095 POWER INN RD 9 214. 4904 MACK RD 215. 5154 AUBURN BLVD 10 216. 5464 FLORI N RD II 217. 5736 STOCKTON BLVD 218. 7712 STOCKTON BLVD 12 219. 228 N MAIN ST 13 220. 221. ! 100 NORTHRJDGE SHOPPING eTR 567 W HIGHLAND AVE 14 222. 4304 UNIVERSITY PKWY 15 223. 224. 15RO EL CAMINO REAL 1030 EL CAMINO REAL 16 225. 1005 B ST 226. 1574 PALM AVE 17 227. 2651 GARNET AVE 18 228. - 3775 ROSECR.A~\!S ST 229. 3982 CONVOY ST 19 230. 5813 EL CAJON BL VO 20 231. 6696 MIRAMAR RD 232. 7207 CLAIREMONT MESA BLVD 11 233. 12472 RANCHO BERNARDO RD 22 234. 12911 EL CAMINO REAL 235. 111471 LAUREL CANYON BLVD 23 236. 11541 LAUREL CANYON BLVD 24 237. 238. 300 7TH ST 2030 VAN NESS AVE 239. 6099 GEARY BLVD 240. 635 S STATE S1' 26 241. 403 SARATOGA AVE 27 242. 884 BLOSSOM HILL RD 243. 1030 SARATOGA AVE 28 - 26 - City ROHNERT PARK ROSAMOND ROSEMEAD ROWLAND HEIGHTS SACRAMENTO SACRAMENTO SACRAMENTO SACRAMENTO SACRAMENTO SACRAMENTO SACRAMENTO SACRAMENTO SACRAMENTO SACRAMENTO SACRAMENTO SACRAMENTO SALINAS SAUNAS SAN BERNARDINO SAN BERNARDINO SAN BRUNO SAN CARLOS SAN DIEGO SAN DIEGO SAN DIEGO SAN DIEGO SAN DIEGO SAN DIEGO SAN DIEGO SAN DIEGO SAN DIEGO SAN DIEGO SAN FERNANDO SAN FERNANDO SAN FRANClSCO SAN FRANCISCO SAN FRANClSCO SAN JACINTO SAN JOSE SAN JOSE SAN JOSE [ PROPOSED] FINALJUDGMENT AND INJUNCTION 244. 245 . .3 246. 247. 4 24S. 5 249. 250. 6 251. 7 252. 253. 8 254. 255.9 256. 10 257. 258.II 259. 12 260. 261. 13 262. 14 263. 264. 15 265. 16 266. 267. 17 268. 18 269. 270. It) 27i. 272.20 273. 21 274. 275.22 276. 23 277. 278 24 279. 280. 281. 26 282. 27 283. 2g4. 28 Address 1902 N CAPITOL AVE 2]80 TULLY RD 2302 ALMADEN RD 3497 STEVENS CREEK BLVD 3606 CAMDEN AVE 15015 HESPERIAN BLVD 110 HIGUERA ST 218 S RANCHO SANTA FE RD 765 W SAN MARCOS BL VD 407 S DELAWARE ST 2517 S EL CAMJNO REAL 9000 NORTHGATE MALL 2099 CAMINO RAMON 2025 N TUSTIN AVE 932 DE LA VINA ST 2795 E1 CAMfKO REAL 2940 ROWERS AVE 3478 HOMESTEAD RD 1705 SOQUEL AVE 4015 CAPITOLA RD 501 S BROADWA Y 1860 S BROADWAY 2344 PICO BLVD 14103 VENTURA BLVD 1515 E LOS ANGELES AVE 4426 E LOS ANGELES AVE 24842 WEST PICO CANYON R.D 1648 E HAMMER LN 4715 WEST LN 6220 PAClFIC AVE 10867 PENROSE ST 999 W EL CAMJNO REAL 15000 OLJVE VIEW DR 19360 VENTURA BLVD 550 TUCKER RD 30690 RANCHO CALIFORNIA RD 1695 E THOUSAND OAKS BLVD 2905 E THOUSAND OAKS BLVD 1613 SEPULVEDA BLVD 3209 W 190TH ST 5340 W I90TH ST City SAN JOSE SAN JOSE SAN JOSE SAN JOSE SAN JOSE SAN LEANDRO SAN LUIS OBISPO SAN MARCOS SAN MARCOS SAN MATEO SAN MATEO SAN RAFAEL SAN RAMON SANTA ANA SANTA BARBARA SANTA CLARA SANTA CLARA SANTA CLARA SANTA CRUZ SANTA CRUZ SANTA MARIA SANTA MARIA SANTA MONICA SHERMAN OAKS SIMI VALLEY SIMI VALLEY STEVENSON RANCH STOCKTON STOCKTON STOCKTON SUN VALLEY SUNNYVALE SYLMAR - TARZANA TEHACHAPf TEMECULA THOUSAND OAKS TI-IOUSAN D OAKS TORRANCE TORRANCE TORRANCE . 27 - -I)t2()'.:..:c.J)::.-··, 1 [PROPOSED] FINALJUDGMENT AND INJUNCTION 5 10 15 20 25 EXHIBIT E 2 Dear franchisee, 3 Jiffy Lube International hereby rcminds you that your Franchise Agreement requircs 4 compliance with all environnlentalltlws. Failure to comply with environmental laws will result in a notice of default; failure to cure such default within 30 days may resul( in termination of the 6 Franchise A~'Yeement. In the event that a violation of environmental requirements threatens 7 public health or saf(~ty, Jiffy Lube can terminate the franchise agreement without ,111 orporlullily g 10 <.:urc. 9 11 12 13 14 16 17 18 19 21 22 23 24 26 27 28 - 30 ­ [PROPOSEDI FINAL JUDGMENT AND INJUNCTION EXHIBIT Ii The Attorn~y General's Office shall distribute the $ 500,000.00 as follows . .3 .:....;.N..:..:;O..:.... ..:....P:....:.A...:..Y=E=E ---:...:A:.:..;I\t..:...lO:;:..l=J.:....;.N...:..T---:;D;..;:U:::..:E=:..., _ 4 l. Alameda COllnly District Attorney $ 10,000.00 as penalties pursuant 10 8&P Code .5 § 17206 6 2. AtlOl1lcy General's Office $ 70,000.00 to reimburse costs of investigation and prosecution 7 3. L.A. County District Attorney $ 10,000.00 as penalties pursuant to B&P Code S § 17206 9 4. L.A. City Ahorney $ 10,000.00 as penalties pursuant to B&P Code 10 § 17206 (t) 11 .5. Marin COllnly District AHorney $ 10,000.00 as penalties pursuant to H&P Code § 17206 12 13 6. Monterey County District Attol11ey $ 3,200.00 as penaltics pu rsuCl nl to B&P Code ~ 17206 14 7. Monterey County Environmental $ O,SOO.OO as costs 15 Health Department 16 8. Orange County Dislrict Attorney $ 10,000.00 as penalties pursu::lnt to B&P Code 17 § 17206 IX 9. Riverside County District Attorney $ 80,000.00 as penalties to be deposited ill the Consumer Protection Prosecution Accollnt pursuant 10 8&P Coue ~ 17206 20 21 10. SaCI't.1mcnro County Environmental Health Division $ 30,000.00 as costs 11. Sacramento County $ 60,000.00 as penalties pursuant to H&S Code 2.3 Environmental Health Division ~25515.2 24 25 12. Sacramento County District Attorney $ 10,000.00 as penalties pursuanl to B&P Code ~ )7206 26 13. Sacramento County District $ 60.000.00 as penalties pursuant to H&S Code 27 Atlorney Hazardous tvi[aterials 925515.2 Trust Fund - 3) ­ -t) 12')l)'U [PROPOSED1 FINAL JUDGMENT AND INJUNCTION NO. PAYEE AMOUNT DUE 2 14. Sacrnmento County $ 10,000.00 as penalties pursuant Lo B&P Code \j~ 172063 4 15. Sail [3cmardino County DislTicr $ 80,000.00 as renalties pursuant to B&P Code Attorney ~ 17206 5 I (l. Sail Diego County District Altoillcy $ 1a,ooo.OO as penalties pursuant to 13&P Code 6 *17206 7 17. San Joaquin County District· $ 10,000.00 as costs g Attorney 9 18. So18l1o County District Atto11ley $ 10,000.00 as penalties pursuant to B&P Code *1720610 [I). Venlura County Districr Attorney $ 7,985.50 as penalties pursuant to B&P Code II § 17206 12 20. Ventura Coullty Environmental $ 2,014.50 as costs 13 Health Division 14 15 16 17 18 10 20 21 22 23 24 ?­ -) 26 27 28 - 32 ­I -lSI.")(.:.' ..\1-- _. [PROPOSED] FINAL JUDGMENT AND fNJUNCTION
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