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Latin Vocabulary Review Guide for Summer, Study Guides, Projects, Research of Latin

A suggested study plan for reviewing latin vocabulary over the summer. It breaks down the review into weekly sections, focusing on declension endings, conjugation verbs, and specific nouns and verbs. Lists of nouns and verbs in the first, second, and third declensions, as well as examples of verb tenses and conjugations.

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Download Latin Vocabulary Review Guide for Summer and more Study Guides, Projects, Research Latin in PDF only on Docsity! For Students Going into Latin 2: Summer Study Program! Congratulations on finishing your first year of Latin at Walnut Hills High School! To be as ready as possible for Latin 2 when you return to school in August, it is a very good idea to have a regular routine of reviewing vocabulary and some key Latin concepts over the summer. The following pages are being provided to help you keep your Latin skills sharp. During the first week of school in August there will be a test on vocabulary and key concepts from Latin 1. If you diligently review a little bit of Latin every week over the summer, you’ll have no trouble getting a great score on the test. The following pages contain all the vocabulary words that you covered in your class. (There are quite a few, aren’t there!) Remember that they are all words that you’ve seen before. If you look at the list a little bit every week, you’ll end up with a terrific grasp of all the vocabulary that you should know. Here’s a suggestion for how to review the vocab list over the summer: Week of May 27 th : review 1 st declension nouns Week of June 3 rd : review 2 nd declension masc. and neut. nouns (+ vocab from the previous week) Week of June 10 th : review 3 rd declension masc. nouns (+ vocab from the previous weeks) Week of June 17 th : review 3 rd declension fem. and neut. nouns (+ vocab from the previous weeks) Week of June 24 th : review 1 st conjugation verbs (+ vocab from the previous weeks) Week of July 1 st : review 2 nd conjugation verbs (+ vocab from the previous weeks) Week of July 8 th : review 3 rd conjugation verbs (+ vocab from the previous weeks) Week of July 15 th : review 3 rd conjugation –io verbs (+ vocab from the previous weeks) Week of July 22 nd : review 4 th conjugation verbs (+ vocab from the previous weeks) Week of July 29 th : review –us, -a, -um and 3 rd dec. adjectives (+ vocab from the previous weeks) Week of August 5 th : review adverbs (+ vocab from the previous weeks) Week of August 12: review conjunctions & prepositions (+ vocab from the previous weeks) Perhaps you should make new flash cards for the vocab as you go through the list, or sort the cards that you made during the year into groups according to the declension of the noun, the conjugation of the verb, etc. Study your vocab both ways: look at the Latin word and practice recalling the English meaning, then look at the English meaning and practice recalling the Latin word. Recite to yourself (or write out) the nominative, genitive, and gender of nouns and the principal parts of the verbs. The test in August will be a mixture of fill in the blank and multiple choice questions, which look like these: 4. frāter A. father B. brother C. comrade D. grandson 12. I send A. mūtō B. accedō C. mittō D. reperiō After the pages of vocab, you’ll notice a few pages of charts for declension endings and verb tenses. Review the declension endings and verb tenses to be ready for any test questions like these: 21. The noun frāter in the accusative singular = A. frātris B. frātrem C. frātrum D. frātrēs 36. ductī sunt A. they lead B. they led C. they are led D. they have been led All the vocab from Latin 1 (Chaps. 1-20) 1 st dec. nouns agricola, agricolae (m.): farmer amīcitia, amīcitiae (f.): friendship anima, animae (f.): breath, life, soul aqua, aquae (f.): water āra, ārae (f.): altar cōpia, cōpiae (f.): supply; plenty; opportunity cūra, cūrae (f.): care, carefulness, anxiety dea, deae (f.): goddess fābula, fabulae (f.): story fāma, fāmae (f.): rumor, report; reputation familia, familiae (f.): household fēmina, fēminae (f.): woman fīlia, fīliae (f.): daughter flāmma, flāmmae (f.): flame fortūna , fortūnae (f.): fortune fuga, fugae (f.): flight, escape, exile grātia, grātiae (f.): pleasantness, influence, gratitude (pl. = thanks) herba, herbae (f.): grass inopia, inopiae (f.): lack, need īnsula, īnsulae (f.): island īra, īrae (f.): anger, rage lingua, linguae (f.): tongue, language memoria, memoriae (f.): memory nauta, nautae (m.): sailor patria, patriae (f.): fatherland poēta, poētae (m.): poet porta, portae (f.): gate prōvincia, prōvinciae (f.): province puella, puellae (f.): girl rēgīna, rēgīnae (f.): queen silva, silvae (f.): forest, a wood terra, terrae (f.): earth, land umbra, umbrae (f.): shade, shadow, ghost 1 st dec. nouns (continued) via, viae (f.): way, road, street villa, villae (f.): farmhouse, villa vīta, vītae (f.): life 2 nd dec. masc. nouns ager, agrī (m.): field, territory amīcus, amīcī (m.): friend animus, animi (m.): spirit, mind, soul annus, annī (m.): year campus, campī (m.): plain, meadow deus, deī (m.): god dominus, dominī (m.): lord, master equus, equī (m.): horse fīlius, fīliī (m.): son lēgātus, lēgātī (m.): legate, envoy līberī, līberōrum (m. pl.): children locus, locī (m.): place loca, locōrum (n. pl.): places magister, magistrī (m.): teacher, master Mercūrius, Mercuriī (m.): Mercury nūntius, nūntiī (m.): message, news; messenger populus, populī (m.): a nation, a people puer, puerī (m.): boy servus, servī (m.): slave socius, sociī (m.): ally, comrade somnus, somnī (m.): sleep vir, virī (m.): man 2 nd dec. neut. nouns aurum, aurī (n.): gold auxilium, auxiliī (n.): help, aid bellum, bellī (n.): war 2 nd conj. verbs (continued) misceō, miscēre, miscuī, mixtum: to mix moveō, movēre, mōvī, mōtum: to move teneō, tenēre, tenuī, tentum: to hold, grasp timeō, timēre, timuī, --: to fear, be afraid video, vidēre, vīdī, vīsum: to see 3 rd conj. verbs accēdō, accēdere, accessī, accessum: to go to, approach āmittō, āmittere, āmīsī, āmissum: to lose, let go away cēdō, cēdere, cessī, cessum: to move, yield committō, committere, commīsī, commissum: to entrust; combine compōnō, compōnere, composuī, compositum: to collect, arrange dēdūcō, dēdūcere, dēdūxī, dēductum: to lead down, escort discēdō, discēdere, discessī, discessum: to go away, depart dūcō, dūcere, dūxī, ductum: to lead ēdūcō, ēdūcere, ēdūxī, ēductum: to lead out, raise up mittō, mittere, mīsī, missum: to send, let go petō, petere, petīvī, petītum: to seek, aim at, attack pōnō, pōnere, posuī, positum: to put, place regō, regere, rēxī, rectum: to rule 3 rd conj. –io verbs accipiō, accipere, accēpī, acceptum: to receive aspiciō, aspicere, aspexī, aspectum: to look at, behold, see capiō, capere, cēpī, captum: to take, capture cōnficiō, cōnficere, cōnfēcī, cōnfectum: to finish, accomplish dēficiō, dēficere, dēfēcī, dēfectum: to fail, run out, fall short efficiō, eficere, effēcī, effectum: to produce, effect, make excipiō, excipere, excēpī, exceptum: to take, take out, catch faciō, facere, fēcī, factum: to make, do incipiō, incipere, incēpī, inceptum: to begin interficiō, interficere, interfēcī, interfectum: to kill, destroy praecipiō, praecipere, praecēpī, praeceptum: to instruct, teach recipiō, recipere, recēpī, receptum: to take back, accept respiciō, respicere, respexī, respectum: to look back at 4 th conj. verbs āperiō, āperīre, āperuī, āpertum: to open, uncover audio, audīre, audīvī, audītum: to hear conveniō, convenīre, convēnī, conventum: to come together, meet; agree inveniō, invenīre, invēnī, inventum: to find, come upon perveniō, pervenīre, pervēnī, perventum: to arrive reperiō, reperīre, repperī, repertum: to find, discover veniō, venīre, vēnī, ventum: to come irregular verb sum, esse, fuī, futūrum: to be -us, -a, -um adjs. altus, alta, altum: high, deep amicus, amica, amicum: friendly bonus, bona, bonum: good captīvus, captīva, captīvum: captive cārus, cāra, cārum: dear, expensive dignus, digna, dignum: worthy ferus, fera, ferum: wild, savage fīnitimus, fīnitima, fīnitimum: neighboring, adjacent foedus, foeda, foedum: foul, filthy, horrible grātus, grāta, grātum: pleasing, welcome; grateful idōneus, idōna, idōnum: suitable inimīcus, inimīca, inimīcum: unfriendly, hostile laetus, laeta, laetum: joyful, glad lātus, lāta, lātum: wide, broad līber, lībera, līberum: free longus, longa, longum: long magnus, magna, magnum: great, large malus, mala, malum: bad, evil, wicked meus, mea, meum: my, mine miser, misera, miserum: poor, wretched, unhappy multus, multa, multum: much, (pl. = many) noster, nostra, nostum: our, ours nōtus, nōta, nōtum: famous, well known novus, nova, novum: new parātus, parāta, parātum: ready, prepared parvus, parva, parvum: little, small paucī, paucae, pauca: few pius, pia, pium: loyal, dutiful propinquus, propinqua, propinquum: near, close pulcher, pulchra, pulchrum: beautiful, handsome, fine sacer, sacra, sacrum: sacred tuus, tua, tuum: your, yours (sg.) vērus, vēra, vērum: true, real vester, vestra, vestrum: you, yours (pl.) vīcīnus, vīcīna, vīcīnum: near, neighboring 3 rd declension adjs. ācer, ācris, ācre: sharp, fierce, keen, shrill celer, celeris, celere: swift difficilis, difficile: difficult, hard facilis, facile: easy ingēns (gen. = ingentis): huge, vast memor (gen. = memoris): mindful, remembering omnis, omne: all pār (gen. = paris): equal similis, simile: like, similar tristis, triste: sad, mournful, grim, gloomy vetus (gen. = veteris): old adverbs ante: before, earlier, in front bene: well contrā: on the contrary, on the other hand, in return crās: tomorrow cūr: why(?) dēnique: finally, at last diū: for a long time herī: yesterday hodiē: today iam: now, already ibi: there, in that place interim: meanwhile male: badly modo: only, just; just now mox: soon nōn: not nōn iam: no longer ōlim: once, at some time paene: almost post: afterward, behind prope: nearby, nearly quō: where, to which place rūrsus: again saepe: often semper: always statim: immediately, at once tum: then, at that time tunc: then, at that time ubi: where unde: from where, whence conjunctions et: and itaque: and so, therefore -que (enclitic): and sed: but prepositions ā (ab) (+ abl.): from, away from ad (+ acc.): to, towards ante (+ acc.): before, in front of circum (+ acc.): around contra (+ acc.): against cum (+ abl.): with dē (+ abl.): down from, about, concerning ē (ex) (+ abl.): from, out of (gen. +) grātiā: for the sake of in (+ acc.): into, onto, against in (+ abl.): in, on inter (+ acc.): between, among per (+ acc.): through post (+ acc.): after, behind prae (+ abl.): before, in front of, ahead of prō (+ abl.): before, in front of; for, on behalf of prope (+ acc.): near sub (+ acc. or abl.): under super (+ acc. or abl.): over, above trans (+ acc.): across Review of Verb Tenses: Present, Imperfect, and Future Passive On this page there are examples of verb tenses from movēre (2 nd conjugation) and audīre (4 th conjugation). To tell what conjugation a verb belongs to, look at the ending of the 2 nd principal part -āre = 1st conjugation -ēre = 2 nd conjugation -ere = 3 rd conjugation -īre = 4 th conjugation Always know what conjugation a verb belongs to, in order to translate the tense correctly. For example: movētur = he is being moved (present tense, 2 nd conjugation) dūcētur = he will be led (future tense, 3 rd conjugation) *An important difference between 1 st and 2 nd conjugation verbs and 3 rd and 4 th conjugation verbs is found in the future tense endings. (Notice the difference in the future tenses of movēre and audīre). (The ending –beris, in the future passive for 1 st & 2 nd conjugation verbs, is irregular.) The translations of forms of audīre are given below as an example for how to translate that tense for any verb. Notice that, in English, there is often more than one way to translate a given tense. 2 nd conj. (passive) 4 th conj. (passive) movor: audior: I am being heard movēris: audīris: you are being heard movētur: audītur: he / she is being heard movēmur: audīmur: we are being heard movēminī: audīminī: you (all) are being heard moventur: audiuntur: they are being heard movēbār: audiēbār: I was being heard, I used to be heard movēbāris: audiēbāris: you were being heard, you used to be heard movēbātur: audiēbātur: he / she was being heard, he / she used to be heard movēbāmur: audiēbāmur: we were being heard, we used to be heard movēbāminī: audiēbāminī: you (all) were being heard, you (all) used to be heard movēbantur: audiēbantur: they were being heard, they used to be heard movēbor: audiar: I shall be heard movēberis*: audiēris: you will be heard movēbitur: audiētur: he / she will be heard movēbimur: audiēmur: we shall be heard movēbiminī: audiēminī: you (all) will be heard movēbuntur: audientur: they will be heard Review of Verb Tenses: Perfect, Pluperfect, and Future Perfect Active The perfect, pluperfect, and future perfect tenses are formed the same way for all four conjugations. These tenses in the active are formed from the 3 rd principal part, and every conjugation uses the same personal endings. On this page there are examples of verb tenses from vocāre (1 st conjugation) and dūcere (3 rd conjugation). The translations of forms of dūcere are given below as an example for how to translate that tense for any verb. Notice that, in English, there is often more than one way to translate a given tense. 1 st conj. (active) 3 rd conj. (active) vocāvī: dūxī: I led, I have led, I did lead vocāvistī: dūxistī: you led, you have led, you did lead vocāvit: dūxit: he / she led, he / she has led, he / she did lead vocāvimus: dūximus: we led, we have led, we did lead vocāvistis: dūxistis: you (all) led, you (all) have led, you (all) did lead vocāvērunt: dūxērunt: they led, they have led, they did lead vocāveram: dūxeram: I had led vocāverās: dūxerās: you had led vocāverat: dūxerat: he / she had led vocāverāmus: dūxerāmus: we had led vocāverātis: dūxerātis: you (all) had led vocāvērant: duxerant: they had led vocāverō: dūxerō: I shall have led vocāveris: dūxeris: you will have led vocāverit: dūxerit: he / she will have led vocāverimus: dūxerimus: we shall had led vocāveritis: dūxeritis: you (all) will have led vocāverint: dūxerint: they will have led Review of Verb Tenses: Perfect, Pluperfect, and Future Perfect Passive The perfect, pluperfect, and future perfect tenses are formed the same way for all four conjugations. These tenses in the passive are formed from the 4 th principal part. The ending on the 4 th principal part changes depending on the gender and number of the subject. Rēx vocātus est: the king has been called Rēgīna vocāta est: the queen has been called Nōmen vocātum est: the name has been called Frātrēs vocātī erant: the brothers had been called Sorōrēs vocātae erunt: the sisters will have been called Nōmina vocāta sunt: the names have been called The translations of forms of audīre are given below as an example for how to translate that tense for any verb. Notice that, in English, there is often more than one way to translate a given tense. 2 nd conj. (passive) 4 th conj. (passive) mōtus sum: audīta sum: I have been heard, I was heard mōtus es: audīta es: you have been heard, you were heard mōtus est: audīta est: she (he) has been heard, he (she) was heard mōtī sumus: audītae sumus: we have been heard, we were heard mōtī estis: audītae estis: you (all) have been heard, you (all) were heard mōtī sunt: audītae sunt: they have been heard, they were heard mōtus eram: audīta eram: I had been heard mōtus erās: audīta erās: you had been heard mōtus erat: audīta erat: she (he) had been heard mōtī erāmus: audītae erāmus: we had been heard mōtī erātis: audītae erātis: you (all) had been heard mōtī erant: audītae erant: they had been heard mōtus erō: audīta erō: I shall have been heard mōtus eris: audīta eris: you will have been heard mōtus erit: audīta erit: she (he) will have been heard mōtī erimus: audītae erimus: we shall have been heard mōtī eritis: audītae eritis: you (all) will have been heard mōtī erunt: audītae erunt: they will have been heard
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