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learning material development of essay writing through, Lecture notes of English

Research and development is carried out to develop teaching materials for essay writing through PLAN and WRITE for third semester students majoring in English.

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Download learning material development of essay writing through and more Lecture notes English in PDF only on Docsity! *) Dosen STKIP Muhammadiyah Kotabumi LEARNING MATERIAL DEVELOPMENT OF ESSAY WRITING THROUGH PLAN AND WRITE IN STKIP MUHAMMADIYAH KOTABUMI Rulik Setiani & Dewi Sri Kuning *) ABSTRAK Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian dan pengembangan (R&D). Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengembangkan bahan ajar menulis esai (Essay Writing) melalui PLAN dan WRITE di STKIP Muhammadiyah Kotabumi dan untuk mengetahui efektifitas bahan ajar menulis esai terhadap hasil belajar mata kuliah Essay Writing. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini menggunakan metode R&D yang terdiri dari 10 langkah namun peneliti hanya membatasi sampai dengan langkah ketujuh antara lain: studi pendahuluan, pengumpulan data, desain/penyusunan bahan ajar, validasi bahan ajar, revisi bahan ajar, ujicoba bahan ajar, dan yang terakhir revisi produk bahan ajar. Bahan ajar yang disusun terdiri dari 7 Bab/Unit, bahan ajar disusun merujuk pada buku panduan akademik dan Rencana Pembelajaran Semester (RPS) dalam satu semester yaitu untuk mahasiswa semester 3 Prodi pendidikan bahasa inggris. Bahan ajar juga telah divalidasi oleh dua ahli materi dan satu ahli desain dan media, berdasarkan hasil dari validasi bahan ajar oleh ketiga ahli tersebut bahwa bahan ajar termasuk dalam kategori sangat baik dan layak untuk diujicobakan. Ujicoba melalui tes menulis esai dan angket. Berdasarkan hasil tes dapat disimpulkan bahwa bahan ajar yang telah dikembangkan sangat efektif untuk pembelajaran mata kuliah Essay Writing, itu dibuktikan dengan nilai rata-rata kelas 3B yaitu 80,3 lebih tinggi dibandingkan nilai rata-rata kelas 3A yaitu 74,4, sedangkan berdasarkan hasil angket, ketiga aspek bahan ajar termasuk dalam kategori sangat baik. Kata-kata Kunci: Pengembangan Bahan Ajar, Essay Writing, dan Plan dan Write. I. INTRODUCTION 1.1 Essay Writing Learning is a process of teaching and learning activities in which there is interaction between the teacher or lecturer and students. Good learning is a learning process that can help students develop themselves optimally and able to improve the spirit of learning to students, able to achieve the expected goals, and oriented to the needs and abilities of students. However, it cannot be achieved if one component in learning is lacking in support because essentially learning must be continuous between the learning components of one another. In learning, especially learning English there are four skills that must be mastered by students, namely listening, speaking, writing, and reading. To support those four aspects of learning language, especially English, students must also master the components of English, including grammar and vocabulary. One of the skills Jurnal Elsa, Volume 16, Nomor 2, September 2018 24 that must be mastered by students in English departmen is writing an essay. Essay writing is one of the compulsory subjects that must be mastered by 3rd semester students of English language education at STKIP Muhammadiyah Kotabumi because by writing an essay they can express their ideas or thoughts in written form, while good writing is written that can provide information to the reader clearly. Writing is one of the language activities that are productive and expressive. Students generally assume that writing is very difficult. It was faced by many students in primary and secondary education, students in universities also face the difficulties of writing. The result of the complaint eventually became a public opinion, that writing was difficult (Sukirman in Khuzaenah and Herawati, 2017:150). To direct students to be able to write scientific papers, it must be done in stages. When talking about courses writing specifically writing essay in English is not easy, many components of writing an essay that must be mastered by students include grammar, Vocabulary, spelling, punctuation and capitalization. According to Oshima and Hogue (1991:100), "an essay is a several paragraphs long writing instead of just one or two paragraphs and written about one topic, just as a paragraph is. However, a topic of essay is too complex to discuss in a paragraph. Therefore, it must be divided into several paragraphs, one each major point. Then the tie must be all the paragraph paragraph together with adding an introduction and conclusion "in line with the opinion of Djuharie and Suherli in Khuzaemah and Herawati (2017:150) say that essay is a part (piece) of a writing, but can also be interpreted as a short essay, intact bouquet. Therefore, the essay is one type of writing that is often used as a test tool to measure one's intelligence. A knowledgeable person will be able to convey his ideas in a coherent, logical and interesting manner. According to Oshima and Hogue (1991:101), there are three important parts in writing essay, such as: 1. An introductory paragraph The introductory paragraph consists of two parts, the first is a few general statements about the topic of interest to the reader and the second is a thesis statement that is to deliver important or specific parts of the topic or plan that will be written. the thesis in writing an essay is the same as the topic or main sentence in writing a paragraph. There are four purposes in the introductory paragraph, they are (1) Submit the topic in the essay, (2) Provide a general description of the topic, (3) Declare all plans in the essay, and (4) attract the reader’s interest about the topic. Learning Material Development Of Essay Writing Through Plan And Write In STKIP Muhammadiyah Kotabumi (Rulik Setiani dan Dewi Srikuning) 27 1.3 LEARNING MATERIAL Learning material or teaching material consists of knowledge, skills, and attitudes that students must learn in order to achieve competency standards. In detail, the types of learning material consists of knowledge (facts, concepts, principles, procedures), skills, and attitudes. The Ministry of National Education (2008:145-149) provides several definitions of teaching materials as follows; a. Teaching materials are information, tools and texts needed by the teacher/instructor for planning and reviewing the implementation of learning, b. Teaching materials are all forms of material used to assist teachers/instructors in carrying out teaching and learning activities in class, c. The materials can be in the form of written material or unwritten material, and d. Teaching material is a set of material that is systematically written both in writing and not so as to create an environment/atmosphere that allows students to learn. Moreover, Andi (2011:16) revealed that teaching materials are materials or subject matter that are arranged systematically, which is used by teachers and students in the learning process. Teaching materials are an important part of the learning process. Based on the previous theories, it can be concluded that teaching materials are the materials which can help the teacher/lecturer in teaching and learning process to get the achievement of the learning. 1.3.1 TYPES OF TEACHING MATERIALS Teaching materials have many types which based on the form of them are printed, audio, audio visual, and interactive teaching materials. According to Prastowo (2011:40), teaching materials based on the form can be divided into four types, namely printed teaching materials, audio teaching materials, audio visual teaching materials, and interactive teaching materials. Another opinion is Amri & Ahmadi (2010:161), teaching materials consist of four types, including visual teaching material, audio teaching material, audio visual teaching material, and interactive multi-media material. The following is an explanation of the teaching materials according to Prastowo when viewed from the form: 1. Printed teaching materials, which are teaching materials prepared in paper used for learning or submitting information on the teaching materials, such as handouts, books, models, student worksheets, brochures, leaflets, wall charts, photos or drawings, and models . 2. Hearing teaching materials (audio) are teaching materials that use the system using direct radio signals that can be played and heard, such as cassettes, radio, vinyl records, and compact disk audio. Jurnal Elsa, Volume 16, Nomor 2, September 2018 28 3. audio visual teaching materials, which are teaching materials that use audio signals and combined with moving images, such as movies and video compact disks. 4. Interactive teaching materials, namely a combination of two or more media (audio, text, graphics, images, animation, and video) that are manipulated or treated to control a natural command and / or behavior of a presentation, namely compact disk interactive. II. METHODS The research method used in this study is the research and development method. Research and development is carried out to develop teaching materials for essay writing through PLAN and WRITE for third semester students majoring in English education STKIP Muhammadiyah Kotabumi which will then be used in the learning process. The research method that will be used is the research and development method. Research and development is carried out to develop essay writing teaching materials which will then be used in the learning process. Sugiyono (2012: 298) stated that teaching materials were developed by following the steps shown in the figure as follows. Figure 1 Steps for Research and Development Methods (Sugiyono, 2012: 298) Based on the figure 1 above, it consists of 10 steps, but here the researcher only limited it to the 7th step, they are: (1) problem identification, (2) data collection, (3) product design, (4) ) design validation, (5) design revision, (6) field testing product, and (7) product revision. It was done because considering the time in developing the Problem Identification Data Collection Product Design Desain Validation Design revision Field Testing Product Product revision Operational Field Testing Product Revision Final Product Learning Material Development Of Essay Writing Through Plan And Write In STKIP Muhammadiyah Kotabumi (Rulik Setiani dan Dewi Srikuning) 29 teaching material was immediately used. In this research, design validation or product validation was carried out by a team of material experts and a team of media or design expert. In the field testing product only carried out in one class, that is the third semester students of English education program of STKIP Muhammadiyah Kotabumi. The explanation of the steps of research and development in this research is explained as follows. 2.1 RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT PROCEDURES This teaching material was developed using several development procedures which included (1) problem identification, (2) data collection, (3) product design, (4) design validation, (5) design revision, (6) field testing product, and (7) product revision. These development stages can be explained in more detail as follows: 4.2.1 Problem Identification and Data Collection This research and development is to observe the learning process of Essay Writing courses for students of the third semester students of English education program of STKIP Muhammadiyah Kotabumi. a. Observation According to Nasution in Sugiyono (2012:226), "observation is the basis of all knowledge" as the opinion of Marshall in Sugiyono (2012:226) states that through observation, researcher learn about the attitude/behavior and meanings of them. Based on observation made by researcher who is also lecturer of Essay Writing subject herself, based on observations with some third semester students English education program of STKIP Muhammadiyah Kotabumi are still less active and less enthusiastic in participating in Essay Writing subject in the classroom seen when they do the tasks or exercise are still not understand and confused, so the results of the tasks and exercises they do are not good enough and get less satisfactory grade, so researcher assumes new ideas or ways to be developed so that they are more motivated in following the learning process, especially in Essay Writing courses by developing Essay Writing teaching materials to help and make it easier for them to have learning references. b. Interview According to Esterberg in Sugiyono (2012:230), the interview is a meeting of two people/informants to get information and ideas through question and answer, so that the meaning can be constructed in a particular topic. This is done by researcher to find or get problems that must be conducted. In this research, interview was conducted by several third semester students English education program of STKIP Muhammadiyah Kotabumi to find out what Jurnal Elsa, Volume 16, Nomor 2, September 2018 32 S : Score of respondent Smin : Minimum Score Smax : Maximum Score p : Lenght of class interval III. RESULT AND DISCUSSION 3.1 Result of Problem Identification and Data Collection To collect data in preliminary research, researchers conducted interview and observation on third semester students of the English language education program of STKIP Muhammadiyah Kotabumi academic year 2017/2018. Based on the observation and intervieware as follows: a. During learning of Essay Writing course, most of students were still not active and less participating during the learning process. b. Most of them are still confused when they do the exercises, even though they have been explained before. c. Students find difficult to start writing an essay. d. Their essay writing are still not well organized. e. The guidance book that they used were not enough to them to support their learning especially essay writing subject. 3.2 Result of Product Design The learning material designed in the form of a handbook for Essay Writing sucject that consist of title, preface, table of contents, list of tables, list of picture, it consists of 7 Units of teaching material. The preparation of this teaching material is based on the learning objective that must be achieved by students in the learning outcomes courses in the syllabus and Semester Learning Plan (RPS). 3.3 Result of Design Validation Based on the result validation from 2 experts of the material based on three aspects, namely the feasibility aspect of the content, the score ois 62 or 86% of the total score 72, while the aspect of material presentation with a score of 70 or 87.5% of the score the highest is 80, and the aspect of grading with the total score is 22 or 91.6% of the highest score is 24. It can be concluded that the three aspects of the design of the teaching material are very good. In detail can be seen in the table below: Learning Material Development Of Essay Writing Through Plan And Write In STKIP Muhammadiyah Kotabumi (Rulik Setiani dan Dewi Srikuning) 33 No Aspects Total Score Total of highest score Category 1. Content appropriateness 62 72 Very good 2. Material presentation 70 80 Very good 3. Grading 22 24 Veru good The score of design and media expert can be seen in the table below: No Aspects Total Score Total of highest score Category 1 Feasibility integrity 83 92 Very Good 2 Language feasibility 45 48 Very Good Based on the table above, it can be concluded that the result of the assessment from the design of learning material by design and material expert based on the graphical feasibility aspect with a total score of 83 or 90% of the highest number of scores 92, so that it is classified as a very good category, and aspects of language feasibility obtained a value of 45 or 93.7% of the highes score 48 so that it is included in the very good category. 3.4. Result of Field Testing Product Field testing product was conducted on 28 May 2018 through test and questionnaire given to 20 students of third semester of B Class of English education program of STKIP Muhammadiyah Kotabumi. based on the result of writing test of essay shows that from 20 students, 13 students who got the score more than 80 or 65 %, and 7 or 35% students who got score under 80. And the the mode score is 70, the score of median is 75. Based on the questionnaire result shows that based on the three aspects: presentation/display, material presentation, and benefit. It can be seen below: No Aspects Total of highest score Total score Category 1. Display 480 411 Very good 2. Material presentation 720 611 Very good 3. Benefit 800 689 Very good IV. CONCLUSIONS AND SUGGESTIONS Based on the result of research and development of Essay Writing teaching materials through PLAN and WRITE in STKIP Muhammadiyah Kotabumi, it can be concluded that research and development by Jurnal Elsa, Volume 16, Nomor 2, September 2018 34 following the 7 steps of 10 steps of R & D method include: preliminary studies, data collection, design/preparation of teaching material, validation of teaching materials, revision of teaching materials, testing of teaching materials, and the last revision of teaching materials. The instructional material is compiled of 7 Units. Teaching material is prepared referring to the academic guidebook and Semester Learning Plan (RPS) in one semester, namely for the third semester students of the English Education Program. Teaching material has also been validated by two material experts and one design and media expert, based on the results of the teaching material validation by these three that the teaching materials are in the very good category and are worthy to be tested in the next stage. Test was conducted to determine the effectiveness of teaching material. Field testing product through essay writing test and questionnaire. Based on the test results, it can be concluded that teaching material that has been developed is very effective for learning Essay Writing subject, it can be seen by the average score of 3B students got 80.3 higher than the score of 3A is 74.4, while based on the results of questionnaire, the three aspects of teaching material is in very good category. 4.2 Suggestions Based on the results of the research and the conclusions above, there are some suggestions as follows: 1. Lecturers: The lecturers who apply Essay Writing subject can apply their learning, especially when teaching by using the steps of teaching materials through PLAN (Pay attention to the prompt, List the main ideas, Add supporting details, Number your ideas) and WRITE ( Work from your plan to develop your thesis statement, Remember your goal, Include transition words / signals, Try to use different kinds of sentences, Exciting) through these steps will make students write essays more systematically and easily. 2. Next researcher The results of the research in the form of printed teaching material (handbook) for Essay Writing subject is expected to provide benefits and as inspiration for next researchers to continue and develop more varied writing essay teaching material. REFERENCES Amri, S. Dan Ahmadi, I.K. 2010. Kontruksi Pengembangan Pembelajaran. Jakarta: Prestasi Pustaka. Andi. 2011. Bahan Ajar dan Pengembanganya. Jakarta: Rineka Cipta.
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