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Impact of Small Perturbations on HITS and PageRank Stability, Study notes of Computer Science

The hits and pagerank algorithms, which use eigenvector calculations to identify authoritative articles based on hyperlink or citation information. The authors evaluate the stability of these algorithms using techniques from matrix perturbation theory and coupled markov chain theory. While the focus is on web pages, the algorithms can also be applied to academic papers and other citation graphs.

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Download Impact of Small Perturbations on HITS and PageRank Stability and more Study notes Computer Science in PDF only on Docsity! Link Analysis, Eigenvectors and Stability Andrew Y. Ng Computer Science Division U.C. Berkeley Berkeley, CA 94720 Alice X. Zheng Computer Science Division U.C. Berkeley Berkeley, CA 94720 Michael I. Jordan CS Div. & Dept. of Statistics U.C. Berkeley Berkeley, CA 94720 Abstract The HITS and the PageRank algorithms are eigen- vector methods for identifying “authoritative” or “influential” articles, given hyperlink or citation in- formation. That such algorithms should give con- sistent answers is surely a desideratum, and in this paper, we address the question of when they can be expected to give stable rankings under small per- turbations to the hyperlink patterns. Using tools from matrix perturbation theory and Markov chain theory, we provide conditions under which these methods are stable, and give specific examples of instability when these conditions are violated. We also briefly describe a modification to HITS that improves its stability. 1 Introduction Recent years have seen growing interest in algorithms for identifying “authoritative” or “influential” articles from web- page hyperlink structures or from other citation data. In par- ticular, the HITS algorithm of Kleinberg [1998] and Google’s PageRank algorithm [Brin and Page, 1998] have attracted the attention of many researchers (see also [Osareh, 1996] for earlier developments in the bibliometrics literature). Both of these algorithms use eigenvector calculations to assign “au- thority” weights to articles, and while originally designed in the context of link analysis on the web, both algorithms can be readily applied to citation patterns in academic papers and other citation graphs. There are several aspects to the evaluation of a link analy- sis algorithm such as HITS or PageRank. One aspect relates to the specific notion of “authoritativeness” embodied by an algorithm. Thus specific users may have an understanding of what constitutes an authoritative web page or document in a given domain, and the output of HITS or PageRank can be evaluated by such users. While useful, such analyses often have a rather subjective flavor. A more objective criterion— the focus of the current paper—concerns the stability of a link analysis algorithm. Does an algorithm return similar results upon a small perturbation of the link structure or the docu- ment collection? We view stability as a desirable feature of a link analysis algorithm, above and beyond the particular no- tion of authoritativeness that the algorithm embodies. If an article is truly authoritative or influential, then surely the ad- dition of a few links or a few citations should not make us change our minds about these sites or articles having been very influential. Moreover, even in the context of a fixed link structure, a dynamic, unreliable infrastructure such as the web may give us different views of the structure on different occa- sions. Ideally, a link analysis algorithm should be insensitive to such perturbations. In this paper, we use techniques from matrix perturba- tion theory and coupled Markov chain theory to characterize the stability of the ranks assigned by HITS and PageRank. Some ways of improving the stability of HITS are also briefly metioned; these algorithmic changes are studied in more de- tail in [Ng et al., 2001]. 2 An Example Let us begin with an empirical example. The Cora database [McCallum et al., 2000] is a collection containing the citation information from several thousand papers in AI. We ran the HITS and PageRank algorithms on the subset of the Cora database consisting of all its Machine Learning papers. To evaluate the stability of the two algorithms, we also constructed a set of five perturbed databases in which 30% of the papers from the base set were randomly deleted. (“Since Cora obtained its database via a web crawl, what if, by chance or mishap, it had instead retrieved only 70% of these papers?”) If a paper is truly authoritative, we might hope that it would be possible to identify it as such with only a subset of the base set. The results from HITS are shown in the following table. In this table, the first column reports the rank from HITS on the full set of Machine Learning papers, whereas the five rightmost columns report the ranks in runs on the perturbed databases. We see substantial variation across the different runs: 1 “Genetic algorithms in search, optimization...”, Goldberg 1 3 1 1 1 2 “Adaptation in natural and artificial systems”, Holland 2 5 3 3 2 3 “Genetic programming: On the programming of...”, Koza 3 12 6 6 3 4 “Analysis of the behavior of a class of genetic...”, De Jong 4 52 20 23 4 5 “Uniform crossover in genetic algorithms”, Syswerda 5 171 119 99 5 6 “Artificial intelligence through simulated...”, Fogel 6 135 56 40 8 7 “A survey of evolution strategies”, Back+al 10 179 159 100 7 8 “Optimization of control parameters for genetic...”, Grefenstette 8 316 141 170 6 9 “The GENITOR algorithm and selection pressure”, Whitley 9 257 107 72 9 10 “Genetic algorithms + Data Structures = ...”, Michalewicz 13 170 80 69 18 11 “Genetic programming II: Automatic discovey...”, Koza 7 - - - 10 2060 “Learning internal representations by error...”, Rumelhart+al - 1 2 2 - 2061 “Learning to predict by the method of temporal...”, Sutton - 9 4 5 - 2063 “Some studies in machine learning using checkers”, Samuel - - 10 10 - 2065 “Neuronlike elements that can solve difficult...”, Barto+Sutton - - 8 - - 2066 “Practical issues in TD learning”, Tesauro - - 9 9 - 2071 “Pattern classification and scene analysis”, Duda+Hart - 4 7 7 - 2075 “Classification and regression trees”, Breiman+al - 2 5 4 - 2117 “UCI repository of machine learning databases”, Murphy+Aha - 7 - 8 - 2174 “Irrelevant features and the subset selection...”, John+al - 8 - - - 2184 “The CN2 induction algorithm”, Clark+Niblett - 6 - - - 2222 “Probabilistic reasoning in intelligent systems”, Pearl - 10 - - - Although it might be thought that this variability is intrinsic to the problem, this is not the case, as shown by the results from the PageRank algorithm, which were much more stable: 1 “Genetic Algorithms in Search, Optimization and...”, Goldberg 1 1 1 1 1 2 “Learning internal representations by error...”, Rumelhart+al 2 2 2 2 2 3 “Adaptation in Natural and Artificial Systems”, Holland 3 5 6 4 5 4 “Classification and Regression Trees”, Breiman+al 4 3 5 5 4 5 “Probabilistic Reasoning in Intelligent Systems”, Pearl 5 6 3 6 3 6 “Genetic Programming: On the Programming of ...”, Koza 6 4 4 3 6 7 “Learning to Predict by the Methods of Temporal ...”, Sutton 7 7 7 7 7 8 “Pattern classification and scene analysis”, Duda+Hart 8 8 8 8 9 9 “Maximum likelihood from incomplete data via...”, Dempster+al 10 9 9 11 8 10 “UCI repository of machine learning databases”, Murphy+Aha 9 11 10 9 10 11 “Parallel Distributed Processing”, Rumelhart+McClelland - - - 10 - 12 “Introduction to the Theory of Neural Computation”, Hertz+al - 10 - - - These results are discussed in more detail in Section 6. It should be stated at the outset, however, that our conclusion is not that HITS is unstable while PageRank is not. The is- sue is more subtle than that, involving considerations such as the relationships between multiple eigenvectors and invariant subspaces. We do wish to suggest, however, that stability is indeed an issue that needs attention. We now turn to a brief description of HITS and PageRank, followed by our analysis. 3 Overview of HITS and PageRank Given a collection of web pages or academic papers linking to/citing each other, the HITS and PageRank algorithms each (implicitly) construct a matrix capturing the citation patterns, and determines authorities by computing the principal eigen- vector of the matrix.1 3.1 HITS algorithm The HITS algorithm [Kleinberg, 1998] posits that an article has high “authority” weight if it is linked to by many pages with high “hub” weight, and that a page has high hub weight if it links to many authoritative pages. More precisely, given a set of n web pages (say, retrieved in response to a search query), the HITS algorithm first forms the n-by-n adjacency matrix A, whose (i; j)-element is 1 if page i links to page j, and 0 otherwise.2 It then iterates the following equations: a (t+1) i = X j:j!i h (t) j ; h (t+1) i = X j:i!j a (t+1) j 1It is worth noting that HITS is typically described as running on a small collection of articles (say retrieved in response to a query), while PageRank is described in terms of the entire web. Either algo- rithm can be run in either setting, however, and this distinction plays no role in our analysis. 2Kleinberg [1998] discusses several other heuristics regarding is- sues such as intra-domain references, which are ignored in this sec- tion for simplicity (but are used in our experiments). See also Bharat and Henzinger [1998] for other improvements to HITS. It should be noted that none of these fundamentally change the spirit of the eigenvector calculations underlying HITS. (where “i ! j” means page i links to page j) to obtain the fixed-points a = limt!1 a(t) and h = limt!1 h(t) (with the vectors renormalized to unit length). The above equations can also be written: a(t+1) = ATh(t) = (ATA)a(t) h(t+1) = Aa(t+1) = (AAT )h(t): When the iterations are initialized with the vector of ones [1; : : : ; 1]T , this is the power method of obtaining the prin- cipal eigenvector of a matrix [Golub and Van Loan, 1996], and so (under mild conditions) a and h are the principal eigenvectors of ATA and AAT respectively. The “authori- tativeness” of page i is then taken to be ai , and likewise for hubs and h. 3.2 PageRank algorithm Given a set of n web pages and the adjacency matrix A (de- fined previously), PageRank [Brin and Page, 1998] first con- structs a probability transition matrix M by renormalizing each row of A to sum to 1. One then imagines a random web surfer who at each time step is at some web page, and decides which page to visit on the next step as follows: with probabil- ity 1, she randomly picks one of the hyperlinks on the cur- rent page, and jumps to the page it links to; with probability , she “resets” by jumping to a web page picked uniformly and at random from the collection.3 Here,  is a parameter, typi- cally set to 0.1-0.2. This process defines a Markov chain on the web pages, with transition matrix U + (1 )M , where U is the transition matrix of uniform transition probabilities (Uij = 1=n for all i; j). The vector of PageRank scores p is then defined to be the stationary distribution of this Markov chain. Equivalently, p is the principal eigenvector of the tran- sition matrix (U + (1 )M)T (see, e.g. Golub and Van Loan, 1996), since by definition the stationary distribution satisfies (U + (1 )M)T p = p: (1) The asymptotic chance of visiting page i, that is, p i, is then taken to be the “quality” or authoritativeness of page i. 4 Analysis of Algorithms We begin with a simple example showing how a small addi- tion to a collection of web pages can result in a large change to the eigenvectors returned. Suppose we have a collec- tion of web pages that contains 100 web pages linking to, and another 103 web pages 3There are various ways to treat the case of pages with no out- links (leaf nodes). In this paper we utilize a particularly simple approach—upon reaching such a page, the web surfer picks the next page uniformly at random. This means that if a row of A has all zero entries, then the corresponding row of M is constructed to have all entries equal to 1=n. The PageRank algorithm described in [Page et al., 1998] utilizes a different reset distribution upon arriving at a leaf node. It is possible to show, however, that every instantiation of our variant of the algorithm is equivalent to an instantiation of the original algorithm on the same graph with a different value of the reset probability. Thus, we now have two “coupled” Markov chains X t and Yt, the former using the transition probabilities (U + (1 )M)T , and latter (U + (1 ) ~M)T , but so that their tran- sitions are “correlated.” For instance, the “resets” to both chains always occur in lock-step. But since each chain is following its own state transition distribution, the asymptotic distributions of Xt and Yt must respectively be p and ~p. Now, let dt = P (Xt 6= Yt). Note d0 = 0, since X0 = Y0 always. Letting P denote the set of perturbed pages, we have: dt+1 = P (Xt+1 6= Yt+1) = P (Xt+1 6= Yt+1jreset at t+ 1)P (reset) +P (Xt+1 6= Yt+1jno reset at t+ 1)P (no reset) = 0   + (1 )P (Xt+1 6= Yt+1jno reset at t+ 1) = (1 )[P (Xt+1 6= Yt+1; Xt 6= Ytjno reset at t+ 1) +P (Xt+1 6= Yt+1; Xt = Ytjno reset at t+ 1)]  (1 )[P (Xt 6= Ytjno reset at t+ 1) + P (Xt+1 6= Yt+1; Xt = Yt; Xt 2 Pjno reset at t+ 1)]  (1 )(P (Xt 6= Yt) + P (Xt 2 Pjno reset at t+ 1))  (1 )(dt + P i2P pi) where to derive the first inequality, we used the fact that by construction, the event “Xt+1 6= Yt+1; Xt = Yt” is possible only if Xt is one of the perturbed pages. Using the fact that d0 = 0 and by iterating this bound on dt+1 in terms of dt, we obtain an asymptotic upper-bound: d1  ( P i2P pi)=. Thus, if (X1; Y1) is drawn from the stationary distribu- tion of the correlated chains—so the marginal distributions of X1 and Y1 are respectively given by p and ~p—then P (X1 6= Y1) = d1  ( P i2P pi)=. But if two random variables have only a small d1 chance of taking different val- ues, then their distributions must be similar. More precisely, by the Coupling Lemma (e.g., see Aldous, 1983) the varia- tional distance (1=2) P i jpi ~pij between the distributions must also be bounded by the same quantity d1. This shows jjp ~pjj1  2d1, which concludes the proof. 5 LSI and HITS In this section we present an interesting connection between HITS and Latent Semantic Indexing [Deerwester et al., 1990] (LSI) that provides additional insight into our stability results (see also Cohn and Chang, 2000). In LSI a collection of doc- uments is represented as a matrix A, where Aij is 1 if docu- ment j contains the i-th word of the vocabulary, and 0 other- wise. LSI computes the left and right singular vectors of A (equivalently, the eigenvectors ofAAT andATA). For exam- ple, the principal left singular vector, which we denote x, has dimension equal to the vocabulary size, and x j measures the “strength” of word j’s membership along the x-dimension. The informal hope is that synonyms will be grouped into the same singular vectors, so that when a document (represented by a column of A) is projected onto the subspace spanned by the singular vectors, it will automatically be “expanded” to include synonyms of words in the document, leading to im- proved information retrieval. Now consider constructing the following citation graph from a set of documents. Let there be a node for each doc- ument and for each word. The node of a word links to the Italian French English 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 (a) Principal Eigenvector Italian French English 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 (b) Second Eigenvector Italian French English 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 (c) Thrid Eigenvector Italian French English 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 (d) Randomized HITS Figure 4: Results on random corpora. document nodes it appears in. Let  be the adjacency matrix of this graph. If we apply HITS to this graph, we find only the word-nodes have non-zero hub weights (since none of the document-nodes link to anything) and only the document- nodes have non-zero authority weights. Moreover, the vector of HITS hub weights of the word-nodes is exactly x, the first left singular vector found by LSI. This connection allows us to transfer insight from exper- iments on LSI to our understanding of HITS. In this vein, we conducted an experiment in which random corpora were generated by sampling from a set of English, French, and Italian documents.10 Given that these random corpora are combinations of three distinct languages, the solution to In- formation Retrieval problems such as clustering or synonym- identification are exceedingly simple. The issue that we are interested in, however, is stability. To study stability, we gen- erated 15 such collections and examined the direction of the principal eigenvectors found by HITS. The principal eigenvector lies in the high dimensional joint-vocabulary space of the three languages. To display our results, we therefore defined English, French, and Italian “di- rections,” and measured the degree to which the eigenvector lies in each these directions.11 Fifteen independent repetitions of this process were carried out, and the results plotted in Fig- ure 4a. As we see, despite the presence of clear clusters in the corpora, the eigenvectors are highly variable. Moreover, this variability persists in the second and third eigenvectors (Fig- ures 4b,c). 10The corpora were generated by taking paragraphs from novels in the three languages. Typical “documents” had 25–150 words, and the vocabulary consisted of the most common 1500 words per language. The collection was also manually “balanced” to equally represent each language. 11This was done by picking a vector xe of unit-norm and whose i-th element is proportional to the frequency of word i in the English collection—thus, xe should be thought of as the “canonical” English direction—and taking the amount that h lies in the English direc- tion to be the absolute magnitude of the dot-product between xe and h, and similarly for French and Italian. Note that the variability is not an inherent feature of the problem. In Figure 4d, we display a run of a different algo- rithm (a variant of the HITS algorithm that we briefly describe in Section 7, and is studied in more detail in [Ng et al., 2001]). Here the results are significantly less variable. 6 Further Experiments In this section we report further results of perturbation exper- iments on the Cora database. We also describe an experiment using web pages. Recall our methodology in the experiments with the Cora database: We choose a subset of papers from the database and generate a set of perturbations to this subset by randomly deleting 30% of the papers. Our first experiment used all of the AI papers in Cora as the base set. Our results largely repli- cated those of Cohn and Chang [2000]—HITS returned sev- eral Genetics Algorithms (GA) papers as the top-ranked ones. With the database perturbed as described, however, these re- sults were very variable, and HITS often returned seminal papers from broader AI areas as its top-ranked documents. Repeating the experiment excluding all the GA papers, HITS did slightly better; the results on five independent trials are shown below: 1 “Classification and Regression Trees”, Brieman+al 1 1 1 1 1 2 “Pattern classification and scene analysis”, Duda+Hart 2 2 3 2 2 3 “UCI repository of machine learning databases”, Murphy+Aha 4 3 7 3 3 4 “Learning internal representations by error...”, Rumelhart+al 3 13 2 28 20 5 “Irrelevant Features and the Subset Selection Problem”, John+al 7 4 12 4 4 6 “Very simple classification rules perform well on...”, Holte 8 5 15 5 5 7 “C4.5: Programs for Machine Learning”, Quinlan 11 10 14 10 6 8 “Probabilistic Reasoning in Intelligent Systems”, Pearl 6 459 4 462 461 9 “The CN2 induction algorithm”, Clark+Niblett 9 54 11 78 105 10 “Learning Boolean Concepts in the ...”, Almuallim+Dietterich 14 11 34 9 13 11 “The MONK’s problems: A performance comparison...”, Thrun - 9 - 6 7 12 “Inferring decision trees using the MDL Principle”, Quinlan - 8 - 7 8 13 “Multi-interval discretization of continuous...”, Fayyad+Irani - - - - 10 14 “Learning Relations by Pathfinding”, Richards+Moon - 6 - - - 15 “A conservation law for generalization performance”, Schaffer - 7 - 8 - 20 “The Feature Selection Problem: Traditional...” Kira+Randall - - - - 9 21 “Maximum likelihood from incomplete data via...” Dempster+al 10 - 5 - - 23 “Learning to Predict by the Method of Temporal...”, Sutton 5 - 6 - - 36 “Introduction to the Theory of Neural Computation”, Hertz+al - - 8 - - 49 “Explanation-based generalization: a unifying view”, Mitchell - - 10 - - 282“A robust layered control system for a mobile robot”, Brooks - - 9 - - We see that, apart from the top 2-3 ranked papers, the re- maining results are still rather unstable. For example, Pearl’s book was originally ranked 8th; on the second trial, it dropped to rank 459. Similarly, Brooks’ paper was rank 282, and jumped up to rank 9 on trial 3. However, this variability is not intrinsic to the problem, as shown by our PageRank re- sults (all PageRank results in this section were generated with  = 0:2): 1 “Classification and Regression Trees”, Breiman+al 1 1 1 1 2 2 “Probabilistic Reasoning in Intelligent Systems”, Pearl 3 2 2 2 1 3 “Learning internal representations by error...”, Rumelhart+al 2 3 3 3 3 4 “Pattern classification and scene analysis”, Duda+Hart 4 4 4 4 4 5 “A robust layered control system for a mobile robot”, Brooks 5 6 7 5 5 6 “Maximum likelihood from incomplete data via...’ Dempster+al 6 7 6 6 6 7 “Learning to Predict by the Method of Temporal...”, Sutton 7 5 5 7 7 8 “UCI repository of machine learning databases”, Murphy+Aha 8 9 9 9 11 9 “Numerical Recipes in C”, Press+al 10 12 8 11 8 10 “Parallel Distributed Processing”, Rumelhart+al 9 14 13 10 9 12 “An implementation of a theory of activity”, Agre+Chapmanre - 8 10 8 - 13 “Introduction to the Theory of Neural Computation”, Hertz+al - 10 - - - 22 “A Representation and Library for Objectives in...”, Valente+al - - - - 10 The largest change in a document’s rank was a drop from 10 to 12—these results are much more stable than for HITS. Closer examination of the HITS authority weights reviews that its jumps in rankings are indeed due to large changes in authority weights, whereas the PageRank scores tended to remain fairly stable.12 We also carried out experiments on web pages. Given a query, Kleinberg [1998] describes a method for obtaining a collection of web pages on which to run HITS. We use ex- actly the method described there, and perturbed it in a natural way.13 For the sake of brevity, we only give the results of two experiments here. On the query “mp3 players”, HITS’ results were as follows (long URLs are truncated): 1 82 1 1 1 82 2 85 2 2 2 83 3 86 3 4 3 85 4 88 4 5 5 86 5 87 5 3 4 84 6 84 6 6 6 87 7 91 7 7 7 88 8 89 9 8 8 89 9 90 8 9 9 90 10 92 10 10 10 91 1385 1 - - - 1 1386 2 - - - 2 1387 3 - - - 3 1388 4 - - - 4 1389 5 - - - 5 1390 6 - - - 6 1391 7 - - - 7 1392 8 - - - 8 1393 9 - - - 9 1394 10 - - - 10 In contrast, PageRank returned: 1 * 1 1 1 1 2 1 3 2 4 9 3 2 2 3 2 2 4 4 14 5 10 11 5 3 10 4 12 13 6 * 8 6 3 3 7 13 6 9 8 7 8 5 4 7 5 4 9 6 5 10 6 6 10 * 9 8 7 5 11 7 7 - - 8 12 8 - - - - 13 10 - - - - 14 9 - - 9 10 While PageRank’s rankings undergo small changes, HITS’ rankings display a mass “flipping” behavior. Similar pertur- bation patterns to this (and the example below) for PageRank and HITS are observed in fourteen out of nineteen queries. Furthermore, HITS’ results displayed such mass “flips” in roughly 20% of the trials, which is in accordance with the 20% removal rate. Here is another typical web result, this time on the query “italian recipes.” Note that “*” means that the page was re- moved by that trial’s perturbation, and therefore has no rank. HITS’ results were: 12Examination of the second and higher eigenvectors in HITS shows that they, too, can vary substantially from trial to trial. 13Kleinberg [1998] first uses a web search engine ( in our case) to retrieve 200 documents to form a “root set,” which is then expanded (and further processed) to define the web-graph on which HITS operates. Our perturbations were arrived at by randomly deleting 20% of the root set (i.e. imagining that the web search engine had only returned 80% of the pages it actually did), and then following Kleinberg’s procedure. 1 * 1 1 1 1 2 * 2 2 2 17 3 * 3 3 3 25 4 * 4 4 4 2 5 * 5 5 5 3 6 * 6 6 6 4 7 * 7 7 7 5 8 * 8 8 8 6 9 * 9 9 9 7 10 * 10 10 10 8 11 - - - - 9 12 - - - - 10 479 1 - - - - 480 2 - - - - 481 3 - - - - 482 5 - - - - 483 4 - - - - 484 7 - - - - 485 6 - - - - 486 8 - - - - 487 9 - - - - 488 10 - - - - PageRank, on the other hand, returned: 1 * 1 1 1 1 2 * 2 2 2 2 3 1 3 3 3 3 4 2 4 4 13 9 5 3 5 5 4 7 6 4 6 6 5 * 7 5 7 7 6 * 8 * 8 8 7 4 9 6 9 9 8 29 10 7 10 * 10 5 11 - - 10 9 6 12 8 - - - 8 14 9 - - - 10 15 10 - - - - 7 Discussion It is well known in the numerical linear algebra community that a subspace spanned by several (e.g. the first k) eigenvec- tors may be stable under perturbation, while individual eigen- vectors may not [Stewart and Sun, 1990]. Our results—both theoretical and empirical—reflect this general fact. If the output of an algorithm is a subspace, then the stability considerations that we have discussed may not be a matter of primary concern. Such is the case, for example, for the LSI algorithm, where the goal is generally to project a data set onto a lower-dimensional subspace. If we wish to interpret specific eigenvectors, however, then the stability issue becomes a matter of more serious concern. This is the situation for the basic HITS algorithm, where pri- mary eigenvectors have been interpreted in terms of a set of “hubs” and “authorities.” As we have seen, there are theoreti- cal and empirical reasons for exercising considerable caution in making such interpretations. Given that the principal eigenvector may not have a reliable interpretation, one can consider variations of the HITS ap- proach that utilize multiple eigenvectors. Indeed, Kleinberg [1998] suggested examining multiple eigenvectors as a way of obtaining authorities within multiple communities. Again, however, it may be problematic to interpret individual eigen- vectors, and in fact in our experiments we found significant variability in second and third eigenvectors. An alternative approach may be to automatically combine multiple eigen- vectors in a way that explicitly identifies subspaces within the HITS framework. This is explored in [Ng et al., 2001] The fact that the PageRank algorithm appears to be rel- atively immune to stability concerns is a matter of consid- erable interest. It is our belief that the “reset-to-uniform- distribution” aspect of PageRank is a critical feature in this regard. Indeed, one can explore a variation of the HITS al- gorithm which incorporates such a feature. Suppose that we construct a Markov chain on the web in which, with proba- bility 1 , we randomly follow a hyperlink from the current page in the forward direction (on odd time steps), and we randomly follow a hyperlink in the backwards direction (on even time steps). With probability , we reset to a uniformly chosen page. The asymptotic web-page visitation distribu- tion on odd steps is defined to be the authority weights, and on even steps the hub weights. As in Theorem 3, we can show this algorithm is insensitive to small perturbations (but unlike PageRank, we obtain hub as well as authority scores). The results of running this algorithm on the “three languages” problem are shown in Figure 4d, where we see that it is in- deed significantly more stable than the basic HITS algorithm. This algorithm is also explored in more detail in [Ng et al., 2001]. Acknowledgments We thank Andrew McCallum for providing the Cora citation data used in our experiments. We also thank Andy Zimdars for helpful comments. This work was supported by ONR MURI N00014-00-1-0637 and NSF grant IIS-9988642. References [Aldous, 1983] David Aldous. Random walks on finite groups and rapidly mixing markov chains. In A. Dold and B. Eckmann, editors, Séminaire de Probabilités XVII 1981/1982, Lecture Notes in Mathematics, Vol. 986, pages 243–297. Springer-Verlag, 1983. [Bharat and Henzinger, 1998] K. Bharat and M. R. Hen- zinger. Improved algorithms for topic distillation in a hy- perlinked environment. In Proc. 21st Annual Intl. ACM SIGIR Conference, pages 104–111. ACM, 1998. [Brin and Page, 1998] S. Brin and L. Page. The anatomy of a large-scale hypertextual (Web) search engine. In The Seventh International World Wide Web Conference, 1998. [Chung, 1994] Fan R. K. Chung. Spectral Graph Theory. American Mathematical Society, 1994. [Cohn and Chang, 2000] D. Cohn and H. Chang. Probabilis- tically identifying authoritative documents. 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