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Influential Factors on English Lit Students' Thesis Topics: Theory and Discourse Analysis, Lecture notes of English Literature

Discourse AnalysisThesis WritingLiterary CriticismEnglish Language and Literature

The factors that influence English literature students in choosing their thesis topics, focusing on the role of external and internal influences, theories used, and discourse production. The study is based on a collection of theses from students between 2013 and 2017, along with interviews from alumni.

What you will learn

  • What external and internal factors influence English literature students in choosing their thesis topics?
  • How did the role of supervisors influence the choice of thesis topics?
  • Which theories were most commonly used by English literature students in their theses between 2013 and 2017?
  • What was the significance of discourse production in the thesis writing process for English literature students?
  • How did the use of different theories impact the analysis and interpretation of literary texts in the theses?

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Download Influential Factors on English Lit Students' Thesis Topics: Theory and Discourse Analysis and more Lecture notes English Literature in PDF only on Docsity! MAJOR THEME ON TITLE OF THESES IN ENGLISH LITERATURE DEPARTMENT THE STATE ISLAMIC UNIVERSITY OF SULTHAN THAHA SAIFUDDIN JAMBI THESIS Submitted to board examiners in partial Fulfillment of requirement for literature degree at English Literature Department “> By SITI NURMALA 1140274 ADAB AND HUMANITIES FACULTY THE STATE ISLAMIC UNIVERSITY SULTHAN THAHA SAIFUDDIN JAMBI 2018 LETTER OF RATIFICATION This thesis had been examined by the session of Adab and Humanities Faculty, State Islamic University Sultan Thaha Saifuddin Jambi on August 8" 2018 and accepted as a part from requirement have to be fulfilled for obtaining Undergraduated Degree (S1) in English Department. Jambi, August 8" 2018 ean of Adab and Humanities Faculty Secretary, —p> Chandri Febri Santi, M.Pd “UNIVERSTIAS ISLANENECERT Examiner I, Supervisor I, SULJHAN THAHA SAIFUDDIN NIP. 197401031999031006 Supervisor II, a / Bahren, SS.MA NIP. 19791230200604 1003 Motto Godttat! Vy ighins Lay 6 wlitt 5.05 Ie) ais, Terjemahan : Dan peru! ") ini Kami buat untuk manusia; dan tiada yang memah: = berilmu”.(al-ankabut 43)! UNIVERSITAS ISLAM NEGERI SULTHAN THAHA SAIFUDDIN JAM BI ' Departemen Agama RI. Al-Qur’an dan Terjemahnya. Yayasan penyelenggara penerjemah/penafsir Al-qur’an. Him.401 iv DEDICATION aN ASSN dl ay In the name of Allah the most graciousmerciful and prophet Muhammad Sollallaahualaihi Wasallam This thesis is dedicated to my family especially my father (Burhan) and my mother (Rohmanah) who always support and pray for me in getting a bachelor is degree and to my sisters (Adah and Sintiya) who have been good sisters and always help all of my need even thought sometime disturb me in making the theses. For my first supervisor (Dr. Alfian, M.Ed) who has guided and helped solve the thesis, even you have,said that you will contemplate my thesis, but you guide me to finish. it. For my second supervisor (Bahren, SS.MA) who has given me the best guidance in your busyness. You have directed this thesis path so that I can solve it. For Bang Abid who had helped me and motivated me in processing this thesis, and alsothank-you for the knowledge that had shared 'to me. For my DABBAK group (Moona, Witri, Dwi»and Reni), you guys have nice supporting for me in everything when I process my study from first semester until last semester. Thank you for being my mood booster and listen to all of my problem in study. And the last to all of friends class A&B and Ma’had Friends that I cannot say the name one by one, and to all of people who always support me in my every steps. ACKNOWLEDGMENT Alhamadulillahirabbil ‘aalamiin. All praises be to Allah, the Most Beneficent and the Most Merciful, who has given me the mercy, strength, health, and guidance in accomplishing the thesis entitled Discourse Analysis on Theses of English Literature Department at the State Inslamic University of STS Jambi, which is submitted to fulfill the requirements for bachelor degree (SI), in English Literature, Adab and Humanities, Islamic State,University, Sulthan Thaha Saifwddin Jambi. Shalawat and Salam are upon our Prophet andylast Messenger, Muhammad SAW, who has taken us from the darkness to lightness as we feel today. Then, I would like to thank those who have assisted me in writing this thesis. My sincere gratitude goes to: 1. The Rector of Islamic State University, Sulthan Thaha Saifuddin Jambi, Dr. H. Hadri Hasan, MA. The Deputy of Rector, Dr. H. Suaidi, MA, PhD, Dr. H. Hidayat,-M.Pd, and Dr. H. Fadilla, M.Pd, who allowed me to study in the university. 2. The Dean of Adab and Humanities Faculty, Prof. Dr. Maisah, M.Pd.I. The deputy of dean, Dr. Alfian, M. Ed, Dr.H.M. Fadhil, M.Ag, and Dr. Raudhoh, M.Pd.I 3. My great supervisors, Dr. Alfian, M.Ed and Bahren, SS.MA, who have been tremendous mentor for me. vi ABSTRAK Nurmala, Siti 2018 : Discourse Analysis on Theses of English Literature Department at the State Islamic University of STS Jambi Supervisor I : Dr. Alfian, M.Ed Supervisor II : Bahren, SS.MA Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui factor-faktor mahasiswa sastra inggris memilih topik dalam skripsinya, untuk mengetahui alasan mereka memilih teori tertentu, dan untuk mengetahui bagaimana kontribusi dari skripsi- skripsi tersebut untuk peneliti; pembaca} dan institusi. Penelitian ini untuk menunjukan skripsi-skripsi_mahasiswa, sastra) inngris di Universitas Negri STS Jambi diproduksi sehingga terbentuk wacana yang mendominasi dan wacana yang terpinggirkan. Penelitian ini menggunakan teori analisis wacana kritis dan pendekatan genealogi dari Michel Foucault. Penelitian ini menggunakan penelitian deskriptif kualitatif untuk mendeskripsikan hasilnya. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa ada faktor eksternal dan internal. Faktor-faktor eksternal menunjukkan bahwa ada praktik kekuasaan dalam menghasilkan skripsi, seperti pernyataan dukungan dari kepala departemen dan juga pembimbing. Sedangkan faktor internal, ada disiplin, komentar, dan author. Kemudian ada hubungan antara kekuasaan dan, pengetahuan untuk-menerapkan, teori-teori-dalam.tesis, hubungan yang terjadi antara~ siswa dan ‘dosen~yang ‘mempraktekkar kekuasaan untuk membatasipengetahuan! Yang terakhir jadalah¢skripsi) yang |memiliki) kontribusi untuk peneliti, pembaca, dan institusi- Penulis menemukan bahwa sekripsi sebagai praktik dan memiliki efek. Untuk peneliti adalah mendapatkan gelar sarjana. Skripsi ini juga memberi kontribusi pembaca Khususnya mahasiswa sastra Inggris untuk menjadikan skripsi mereka sebagai referensi. Penulis tidak menemukan skripsi yang menggunakan film sebagai topik yang berkontribusi untuk institusi, dan sejauh ini skripsi hanya untuk keperluan administrasi saja. Selain itu, dari topik yang dominan dalam skripsi, itu membuat topik lain dipinggirkan Kata kunci: analisis wacana kritis, Michel Foucault, produksi wacana TABLE OF CONTENTS DEDICATION .......cssssssssssssscssssesssesesescscseeesseseseseseseneeeecneneneneneneneneneesesesesseaeseaeeeee v ACKNOWLEDGEMENT .......ccccscsssssssesssssseseeesesceceeeeeceeeenenenenenenenseseseseseseseseaeeeee vi ABSTRACT .....ccscssssssssesssnenetecsenenencsccsensacanentnceseseseassnenenceseseseacanenenceceseneacanenenenceee viii TABLE OF CONTENT .....ccsscssssetdecnsttancsssncecssasassscncesesescasassncncnsesesessanenencnseseseseae ix CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION . Background of the Problem)........cfcseeccsecscsesceesteseaneeseseesetesessesesessereeeseee b . Formulation of the Problem ..............ccceseteseseedeeteeeesseseeeeeececeseceeeseseeeeneaes A B C. Limitation of the Problem .........0.00)....ccccccesodbescsestceseseseseseseseseseeeeeeseeeeeeee D. Purpose of Research .....cccecesesecseseseetestesesenensecssssesesesseseecesesesessneseeseseseseanes E YNanaa . Significant of the Research wie Maec cs ccceeseseseeceeseeseseeseseeeeteeesesees CHAPTER II/THEOTRICAL FRAMEWORK A. Critical Discourse Analysis Theory ..........c:cccccesscsseteeseteneeepetseststseseeeeeeeeeee 8 Bw Genealogy Approach... i ieee elec 13 Cy. THESOS .oeseceeeceeteeeseeeeldhesesesesphitdesescesdpensessesedeecssesestsesesceeessesssssesseeeresesees LA 1. Choosing the topics of the theses ........ccceseseseseseeeeeeeeeeseeeeeeteeeeee LS 2. Applying the theory of the theses ............ccccscseeeeeseseseseseseseeeeeee LS 3. Significant contribution of the theses ...........:cccceeeeeeeeeeee LO D. Theses as a DisCOUrSC.......c.ccscsesseeseetesestesesesescecesesestssesescetesssestsesescecesessseee LT 1. The production of Discourse .........ccccccccceeesescssscseseseeeeeesssssessseseseseseee LT a. External Exclusion ......cccccsesseesceseesesessesesceseessesssesescesessesesseree LO b. Internal Exclusion .......c.sccccesscecsesesseseeceeeeesessssessesesesssessssesceeesesesees 20) 2. Power/knowledge ........cccccececeseseseseeeesessesesesesesesessseseeececececesesessssescsesenes 22 3. Discourse marginalized..........ccccceeeeseeeeeeesesessseeeeeeeeseeesesssssscseseseseenes 23) E. Review of Related Research ..........ccccccessesesssessseseseseseseesesesesesesesseseteeees 29 CHAPTER III METHOD OF RESEARCH A. Design of Research. B. Source of the Data... C. Technique of the Data collection ..... D. Technique of the Data AnalyZing ......c.cccccsesseseeeetetesesneneseeteteeseneseeeees OL CHAPTER IV FINDING AND ANALYS. A. Finding B. Analysis «0... 1. The facto at ii ish ‘ature students in choosing rorekbvess| ANN THAHA SAIFUDDIN JAM BI xi 9. comprehension can be repeated.*In the other hand, students also influenced by some people in choosing the topics. That people must be able to have big influenced to the students. Then, in this study, the writer wants to explore what are the factors that affect students in the selection of topics for the theses. Then, what about the literary theory they applied to their studies? In this question, more or less, depart from this, the writer wants to find out their reasons for the application of;theory. They will have different reasons. Ironically, based on the writer's observation in thesis examination session, there are so many theses of. literature students whose study only saw the practice of theory or they only saw the text. If in a film for example, the problem is made, it can be answered just by watching the movie itself. Although it is legitimate to do, butt is a barrier to student development in analyzing, or to see the event in text or out of text. In the applying the theory also,-students are influenced, external ‘and internal. This term above refers toa literary criticism. As it is known that the task of literary criticism)is to analyze, interpret, and appraise a work of literature. The presence of literary criticism will make the next generated literature better and weigh because literary criticism will show deficiencies while making improvements.’ Besides, the literary students (critics) will enrich certain knowledge through various views. 3Slameto, Belajar Dan Faktor-Faktor Yang Mempengaruhinya (Jakarta: Rineka Cipta, 2003), 4Rachmat Pradopo, Beberapa Teori Sastra, Metode Kritik, Dan Penerapannya (Yogyakarta: Pustaka Pelajar, 2009), 93. Regardless of the issue, theses (literary criticism) that exists, it does not make a new representation for the next researcher, but instead made a republication with the same problem and the same answer. So in this case, literary criticism is only assumed as a requirement for individuals to achieve graduation. Other things in a study, in addition to the topics and also theories, that can be seen is significant contribution of the theses to researchers, readers, or institutions. Of course researchers,and scholars should see the phenomenon further. Unfortunately, there are not researchers do. The reality is that there is academic vacuum here, as many students ignore this. In this case, people can see the role of the theses against the other, or the effect of the theses to another. Considering)that the theses are not only seen from the quantity only, but also its quality. By, how the thesis is made. Is it only for administrative terms only? Or indeed the researcher has a particular reason. From’ all the explanation‘above; the writer decides-to-analyze the process of theses preparation conducted or the production of theses by the students of literature. This research fits using the genealogy approach by Michel Foucault that analyzes all forms of occurrence in a historical way. By using this approach, the writer will know how they produce the theses from filed the title until accepted the theses. There are several reasons for the writer in this study. First, the writer wants to know the development of knowledge about literary criticism that occurred in English literature department. A lot of things that can be studied by students of English literature, especially history, even students can view an event that existed critically because of their knowledge of literary criticism. Second, the writer wants to know the process of the students during the producing the theses from beginning they filed the title until finishing the theses. From the above reasons, the writer analyzes the research entitled “Major Theme on Title of Theses in English Literature Department the State Islamic University of STS Jambi”: B. Formulation of the Problem Based on the background of the problem, the main question of this research is why the films are dominant in English litertature department? So the writer formulates the problem into three as follow: 1. What are the, factors that.influenced.English literature students in choosing the topic of their theses? 2» Why “ do- the~ English~ literature *'students— apply psychology and sociological theory for their theses? 3. What does the significance, of theses to the English literature students (the researcher), reader, and institution? C. Limitation of the Problem The object of the research is part of literature, that is analyzing literary criticism and English literature students. In this research, the writer limits the analysis to the theses of English literature students. Therefore, the writer will analyze the literary theses of English literature students from 2013 to 2017 CHAPTER II THEORETICAL FRAMEWORK A. Major theme Major and minor themes are two types of themes that appear in literary works. A major theme is an idea that a writer repeats in his literary work, making it the most significant idea in the work. A minor theme, on the other hand, refers to an idea that appears in a work briefly, giving way to another minor theme. Examples of Jane Austen’s “Pride and Prejudice” are matrimony, love, friendship, and affection. The whole narrative revolves around the major theme of matrimony. Its minor themes are love, friendship, affectation ete. Theme is defined as a main idea or an underlying meaning of a literary work, which may be stated directly or indirectly. It is important not to confuse a theme of a literary work with its subject. Subject is a topic that acts as a foundation for-a literary work while a theme is\an-opinion expressed on the subject. For example, a writer may-choose a subject-of war for his story, and the theme may be {his personal/opinion_that war is a curse for humanity. Usually, it is up to the readers to explore the theme of a literary work by analyzing characters, plot, and other literary devices. The researcher presents themes in a literary work through several means. The researcher may express a theme through the feelings of his main character about the subject he has chosen to write about. Similarly, themes are presented through thoughts and conversations of different characters. > Lierary Device. accessed at 13.12 on Saturday 4, August 2018 Moreover, the experiences of the main character in the course of a literary work give us an idea about its theme. Finally, the actions and events taking place in a narrative are consequential in determining its theme. Short Examples of Theme 1. When the astronaut landed on the moon, he felt loneliness. Thinking there was no one else, he became a little forlorned, though the view of Earth was stunningly beautifi robbers. The passengers were ordered to get out, leaving their precious JINIVERSITAS ISLAM NEGERI SUbEHAN THAHA SAIFUDDIN 4. Their marriage | ceremony was) taking) placé in a grand hotel. All the eminent people of the city were invited, the reason that the celebration was excellent. (Theme of happiness) 5. As soon as the clock struck 12 at noon, the jubilations started. It travelled from East to West on the first day of the year. (Theme of felicitation) 10 6. The religious leader was leading a huge congregation of followers, praying with utmost humility. (Theme of religiosity) 7. All the family members were dressed in black, with somber faces. They were participating in the funeral ceremony of their deceased relative. (Theme of gloom) 8. The cricket match w highpoint, the fans of both teams screaming their si ould pass with good 10. had no false hopes about his son’s future. LMIVERSITAS ISLAM NEGERI SULEEHAN.. HAHA SAIFUDDIN Back in ancient Greek, literature was)divided into two main categories: tragedy and comedy. Nowadays the list of possible types and genres of literature can seem endless. But it is still possible to narrow down the vast amount of literature available into a few basic groups.® The five genres of literature students should be familiar with are Poetry, Drama, Prose, Nonfiction, and Media. ° Bright Hug Education. literature/100292-the-five-main-genres-of-literature/ accessed at 13:12 on Saturday 13 among others. Older Greek plays are also taught fairly often, especially Sophocles’ Antigone. And any good drama unit should include more modern plays for comparison, such as Arthur Miller’s Death of a Salesman. 4. Non-fiction Poetry and drama both belong to the broader category of fiction—texts that feature events and characters that have been made up. Then there is non- fiction, a vast category that is a type of prose and includes many different sub-genres. Non-fiction canbe creative, such as the personal essay, or factual,,the scientific paper. Sometimes the purpose of non-fiction is to tell a story (hence the autobiography), but most of the time the purpose is to pass on information and educate the reader about certain facts, ideas, and/or issues. Some genres of non-fiction include histories, textbooks, travel books, newspapers, Self-help, books, and literary, criticism--A full list of non-fiction types would be at least astong, as..this entire article. But the varieties most often used in the classroom arestextbooks, literary criticism, and essays of various sorts. Most of what students practice writing in the classroom is the non-fiction essay, from factual to personal to persuasive. And non-fiction is often used to support and expand students’ understanding of fiction texts— after reading Hamlet students might read critical articles about the play and historical information about the time period and/or the life of Shakespeare. 14 5. Media The newest type of literature that has been defined as a distinct genre is media. This categorization was created to encompass the many new and important kinds of texts in our society today, such as movies and films, websites, commercials, billboards, and radio programs. Any work that doesn’t exist primarily as a written text can probably be considered media, particularly if it relies on recently developed technologies. Media literature can serve a wide variety of purposes—among other things it can educate, entertain, advertise, and/or persuade. More and more educators are.coming to recognize the importance of teaching media in the classroom. Students are likely to be exposed to far more of this type ofvliterature than anything else throughout their lives, so it makes sense to teach them how tobe critical and active consumers of media. Internet literacy is a growing field, for example, since the skills required to understand and-use~-online information differ in important ‘ways from the skills. required to, analyze printed information: literacy is also a great way for educatorsto help,students, become participants in their own culture, through lessons on creating their own websites or home movies or commercials. B. Genealogy Approach by Michel Foucault Foucault's genealogical approach aims to trace the beginnings of epistemic formation that can occur at any time. Genealogy does not seek to originate but seeks to dig deep into the episteme and to try to lay down the 15 ground of truth in each episteme at every time. Genealogy is also not a theory but is a perspective to dismantle and question the episteme, social practices and the human self.” Talking of Foucault's genealogy can not be detached from the critical description. Because both replace each other, complementing each other. The critical side of the analysis relates to the whole system of discourses that seek to sort out the principles of structuring, exclusion, and discrepancy in discourse. On the contrary, the: genealogical side of discourse relates to a series of effective formations of discourse which seek to dig it by its affirmative power. The power forms the domain of the object, in which each domain can affirm or disprove the truth or the fallacy of propositions.* Thus, genealogy is a continuation of archeology. If archeology is more focused on exposing a discursive practice area, discovering discontinuity facts, genealogy is an attempt to describe the history of the episteme, the history of the origin-of an engraving-to find the starting-point of departure without linking it to the essence or identity of the lost. With this, Foucault proves that history so far/is distorted history, not the history of language and meaning, but the of power relations.° In this research, the role of genealogy approach is to see the production process of a discourse in English literature. As well as the genealogy approach used by Michel Foucault in his Critical Discourse Analysis study to 7Ampy Kali, Diskursus Seksualitas Michel Foucault (Maumere: Ledalero, 2013), 39. 8Michel Foucault, Arkeologi Pengetahuan. (Terjemahan Cetakan 1) (Yogyakarta: IRCiSoD, 2012), 428. °Kali, Diskursus Seksualitas Michel Foucault, 41. 18 The functions of theory are summarizes the generalization of facts, provides an orientation framework for the analysis and classification of facts, foresaw new symptoms, fills the void of knowledge of existing or existing phenomena.'* 3. Significant Contribution of Theses Contribution is the contribution of something role activities, input ideas and etc.'° Contribution is either participating or giving ideas, energy, and other things in activities. '° From the above explanation, the, writer can conclude that the term contribution is the role, input, ideas as well as behavior that done by individuals. Thus the role means part of the execution of functions and tasks carried out in an activity or interest in order/to achieve something that is expected. With contribution means the individual is also trying to improve efficiency and the effectiveness of his life, this is done by sharpening the position ‘of ‘his-role» Contributions can ‘be given-in~ a—variety of areas: thinking, leadership, Professionalism, financial and others. '7 D. The Production of the Theses To analyze power, requires research on the production of discourse or knowledge that underlies the destruction. Without it people will not be able to see the power construction. It should be understood that power is organized, \4Mattulada, Studi Islam Kontemporer (Sintaksis Pendekatan Sejarah, Sosiologi Dan Antropologi Dalam Mengkaji Fenomena Keagamaan), Dalam Taufik Abdullah Dan M. Rusli (Ed) Metode Penelitian Agama Sebuah Pengantar (Yogyakarta: Tiara Wacana Yogya, 1990), 4. 'SBadudu J.S, Kamus Besar Bahasa Indonesia, Departemen Pendidikan Dan Ebudayaan (Jakarta: Bali Pustaka, 1994), 346. '6Soerjono and Djoenaesih, Istilah Komunikasi (Yogyakarta: Liberty, 1997), 45. "Anne Ahira, Pengertian Kontribusi (Bandung: Kencana, 2012). 19 established, and manifested through certain knowledge and discourse.As Foucault asserts, "in every society the production of discourse is at once controlled, selected, organized and redistributed by a...number of procedures".'® This particular discourse will produce truth, and truth which is the legitimacy for the interested parties, in this case is the power itself. Discourse always divides reality into two alternatives (binary opposition). Between rulers and ruled, between right and wrong between superior and inferior and so on, Because discourse always has correlation with power then power always gives choice to certain discourse, so that discourses become dominant. This results in other discourses being marginalized. There are two consequences of this:dominant discourse. First, the dominant discourse gives direction to how an object should be read and understood. So it does not opportunity for us to think about others, except to wrestle with the dominant discourse that must be consumed. Second, the diseursive structure created by objects,it does-not mean absolute truth_but always reproduces empty space thatthe subject can never read. So as to result in other discourses marginalized. !° Foucault said in production, there is an exclusion name that are both inseparable. More than this, they are both complimentary and constitutive of one another; discourse is formed and exists through their mutual 'SMichel Foucault, The Order of Discourse. In R. Young, Untying the Text: A Post-Structural Antology. (Boston: Routledge, 1981), 52. '°Edi Purwanto, “Pengetahuan, Kekuasaan Dan Produksi Wacana,” Save the Freedom Thoughts (blog), 2008, https://jendelapemikiran. kekuasaan-dan-produksi-wacana/. 20 constitution. 7° Foucault resolves first to deal with the most overtly exclusionary mechanisms effecting discourse. In discourse analysis, what actually seen is not what really happened but what is behind it, and why it happened? Discourse analysis actually wants to see how each of the oldest groups who have access the power to produce the truth to a discourse. Production of the discourse that he spread through the organs and institutions they have. Discourse analysis is present in order to study how power is misused, ofdominated and injustice is executed and reproduced through text. a. External Exclusion As Foucault once mentioned in the discourse's production procedure is by exclusion. The procedure includes three kinds of external exclusion, they are. “taboo, the.different between mad and sane, and the distinction between true and false”.”! From ‘the~external-exclusion ‘procedure: above can be found a picture of how discourse are resided, survived,and modified_in society. 1) Taboo (object). For example, something or object being discussed is limited; things that taboo limit the way people know what they know. 2) Mad and sane (subject), everyone can not talk about certain things; it relates to the exclusive rights of the subject; for 2°Foucault, The Order of Discourse. In R. Young, Untying the Text: A Post-Structural Antology. 2!Sara mills, Routledge Critical Thinkers: Michel Foucault (London & New York: Taylor & Francis group, 2003), 57. 23 The author is asked to take into account the unity of the text on his behalf; to express the hidden meaning in his work of attributing his work to his personal experience or the real history that led to the birth of the work. Here the author becomes the point of coherence and the way into reality. 3) Disciplines. This restriction is placed on the subject matter, or the matter being discussed. A discipline should be enable the formulation of new statements; holding what is said to be true or false, the limits of disciplinary rules itself-herein lies the limiting principle. Through a certain set of methods and approaches, an already texts are limited to a specific subject which is compatible with aset of such methods and approaches; because the discipline-has a set of propositions and rules that are considered factual to produce new propositions or new statements about ‘tight or wrong. 4). The rarefaction of the speaking: subject. It means that restriction on who has /the right to speak; some discourse is open to everyone and some others are limited. E. Relation of Power (Power/Knowledge) Knowledge and power are an interesting concept of Foucault, since Foucault defines power somewhat differently from other scholars. The power by Foucault does not mean "ownership". Power, according to 24 Foucault is not owned but is practiced in a certain scope where there are many positions strategically related to each other.?° Foucault is unlike other scholars who concentrate on the power of the State, in the socio-political structure, the capitalist-proletarian structure, the master-slave relationship, the periphery-center relationship, but rather the individual or the smaller subject. In addition Foucault also talks more about how power is practiced, accepted, and seen as truthful and functioning in a particular field.?7 The idea of Foucault's power, was influenced by Nietzche whom he called a philosopher of power. However, Foucault has a peculiarity that is he always associate power and knowledge. For Foucault, power is always inactivated through knowledge, and knowledge always has the effect of power. The concept of Foucault brings consequences to know that to know power requires research on the production of knowledge underlying power.** Because every power is~organized ‘and-established by certain knowledge and-discourse. Therefore, in-determining the truth for Foucault it is not understood as something that just comes (the abstract concept). Truth according to Foucault is produced by every power. "Power produces knowledge. Power and knowledge directly affect each other ... there is no Analisis Wacana: Pengantar Analisis Teks Media, 65. 7andalusia, “Konsep Kuasa Michel Foucault Untk Analisis Wacana Kritis,” accessed March 27, 2018, 16/Konsep-Kuasa-Michel-Foucault-untuk-Analisis- Wacana-Kritis. *8Analisis Wacana: Pengantar Analisis Teks Media, 66. 25 power relationship without any correlative constitution from the field of knowledge ... "”? What Foucault wants to dismantle is how people organize or regulate themselves and others by creating truth claims (a standardization or an absolute right-wrong, good-bad, beautiful-bad) can be organized, fixed, and stable. Therefore, Foucault believes that power does not work through repression, but through normalization and regulation. Power does not work negatively and repressively, butzather in a positive and productive way. The power in Foucault's view is channeled through social relations, by producing good, and bad: forms of categorization of behaviors as forms of behavior control. So audiences are subjected to discourses and mechanisms of procedure, rules, ordinances, and so on. Not by way of direct and physical control. This described in his book Discipline and Punish. F. Discourse Marginalized According to Foucault, the main feature-of discourse. is its ability to become a set of discourses that) function to form and preserve power relationships within a society.*° In many of his studies on prisons, sexuality and madness, Foucault points out that concepts such as madness, insanity, health, illness, right and wrong are not abstract concepts that come from the heavens but are shaped and ignored by discourses relating to fields, fields of psychiatry, medicine, °Michel Foucault, Discipline and Punish: The Birth of the Prison (New York: Vintage Book, 1979), 27. Analisis Wacana: Pengantar Analisis Teks Media, 76. 28 specifically in IRC. The correlation of that study and this research is how the production the knowledge and using Foucaultdian critical theory. The different is, if that study analyze the way Canadian and Colombian producing the knowledge, in this research the writer analyze producing discourse from students of English literature. The third is “The Construction of the Discourse on Terorism”. This research is from IAPSS Journal of Political Science, the researcher is Alice Martini, a PhD student at University of Madrid. The aim of this paper is to run a critical analysis > at a theoretical level — of the production of knowledge, specifically, the one on “terrorism”. The main argumentation is that the way this is created resembles in many ways the way scientific knowledge is produced in a/society. In this sense, this paper seeks to draw a reflection on the creation of:thediscourse that constructs “terrorism”. The starting point is, hence, the fact that, as the creation of scientific truths is never’ neutral, ‘so’ is ‘the one’ related’ to’ this kind of specific. violence. As a matter. of fact,~as other ones, this “tegimeof truth” on terrorism is created through specific processes that reify certain relations of powers. It is because of this reason that the “knowledge on terrorism” should not be accepted uncritically but analyzed and questioned. It is same as this research, how the discourse is justified and normalized. 29 CHAPTER IIT METHODOLOGY OF RESEARCH A. Design of Research The type of research used in this study is qualitative research. Qualitative research is descriptive research and tends to use analysis with inductive approach. Process and meaning (subject perspective) are more highlighted in qualitative research, Theoretical basis is used as a guide to focus the research in accordance with the facts in the field. In addition the theoretical basis is also useful to provide an overview of the background research andas/a material discussion of research results: According to Meleong: “penelitian kualitatif adalah penelitian yang bermaksud untuk memahami fenomena tentang apa yang dialami oleh subyek penelitian misalnya perilaku, persepsi, motifasi, tindakan, dll, secara holistic dan dengan cara deskripsi dalam bentuk kata-kata dan bahasa, pada suatu konteks khusus yang alamiah dan dengan memanfaatkan berbagai metodeilmiah?>! According to Bogdan and Taylor, this qualitative approach means as a research procedure that produces, descriptive data in the form of written or spoken words from applicable persons that can be observed, meanwhile Kirk and Miller define that qualitative research is a particular tradition in social science that is fundamentally dependent on human observations within its 3!Meleong, Metode Penelitian Kualitatif (Bandung: PT Remaja Rosdakarya, 2010), 3. 116. 30 own region and relates to such persons in its language and in its terminology.** In this study, the writer uses descriptive qualitative research method. It is to expose the results of the interviews obtained, and also describes the actual phenomena that occur in the object of this study. Namely, exposing the social facts that exist in the students of English literature in theses writing and also everything that affects it. B. Source of the Data The_steps taken, by the researcher_before.collecting the data is collecting the research subject. The subject of research is the main source of research. Arikunto said that the subject of research is an object, thing, or person where the research variable data inherent and in question. So the subject is something that his position is very important in a study. The subject of research can_also be referred to, as the respondent, namely the party used as a sample in a study. Source of the data in this study is a collection of theses from students of English literature from 2013 to 2017, and also interview from some alumni of English literature students. This data is useful to record the topics and theories used by students of English literature. As it had been explained that in this research, the writer focus only to literary students who chose the film as their topic. 26, *Arikunto, Prosedure Penelitian: Suatu Pendekatan Praktek (Jakarta: Rineka Cipta, 2010), 33 writer reduce the data that have been collected from interview, in this study, the data is the result of unstructured interviews, then the wrtiter choose the data that are important, and remove unnecessary. At this stage, the writer choose the statements of the interview results in accordance with the required or statement in accordance with the theory Foucault about the influences of the discourse production. 2. Data display Data display is to be ableésto see a particular part and see the overall picture of the research. This process is carried out by making a list of categories in accordance with the theory of Michel Foucault in his critical discourse analysis as stated in chapter II, on internal and external, the author then summarizes and selects the main, points and arranged according to the existing category. In other to classify what answers are included into the internal and what is included into the external. the writer group the data in each-sub-section 3..Conclusion and verification Conclusions and\ verification ~are carried out based on an understanding of the data that has been collected. In accordance with the nature of qualitative research, this conclusion is made gradually. First, draw temporary or tentative conclusions. Then, data verification is also done by requesting consideration from the lecturers, or comparing data from other sources. Finally, the writer draws the final conclusion to reveal the research findings. 34 CHAPTER IV FINDING AND ANALYSIS A. Finding Before doing analysis, based on the problem that have been found by the writer about why the films are dominant in english literature department?. So in this research, as the formulation of the problems that have been made, the writer found the data fr and interview also that in producing the theses, students w: nal. there are two kinds of influence, nan 1e-existen er relations and limitation on knowledge. 4) [Significance sof theses) ISLAM AMES intention of writing SU Li tndses/tseans thdses Cat be Fegan A alternative sho Veen or theses as a Social practice, In addition, theses writing also has effects on other theses. From the finding above, then the writer do analyzing, and the results of this research are on the next page. 35 B. Analysis 1. The Factors that Influence English Literature Students in choosing the Topic of the Theses As it is known that Factor is a state that causes or affects the occurrence of something. The factor divided into two kinds, internal and external factors. Internal factor is a factor that originates from within a person or the individual itself. This factor is usually in the form of attitudes are also attached to a person. Meanwhile External factor is factors that originate outside of one's self or individual. These factors include the surrounding environment including those nearby. In the selection of a topic, when it comes to discussing something, one will be affected by several factors. As happened to students in the writing of the theses. Theses are a term used in Indonesia to illustrate a scientific paper in the form of exposure to the writings of undergraduate research that discusses) a\problem~/ phenomenon, in/a certain field; of science by using applicable rules. Thesis is-a scientific, paper based-on the results \of field research or library studies\prepared by students jin accordance with the field of study as a final project in his formal studies in higher education. Theses are a scientific work written by S-1 students who discuss a particular topic or area based on the results of literature review examined by experts, the results of field research or the results of development or experiment.*° In this case, students define some topics as the objects they will discuss. $Muslich Mansnur, Bagaimana Menulis Skripsi? (Jakarta: Bumi Aksara, 2009), 4. 38 produce a tremendous truth regime propagated through a discourse formed by power.**As the interview from English literature students below: The writer : “why did you interest to choose the film as your topic in your thesis?” Widia (2016) : “Because the film is easy to be analyzed, and we will easy to get the data. And also I do not really like reading that we should imagine and mean the novel”.*? From the statement above, it explain that film is easy to be analyzed and easy to get the data. Ironically, the people who said it are not only one, even moresthan ten people. Film is a visual picture thatpeople can watch, so people do not have to imagine something happened, People also can see the expression from each characters and all of the event. Apparently, the statement about film is supported by the head of department that is the determinant for thé topics to be discussed when the students submit the title. It can be seen frompthe interview below: The writer » “how, about the ,head.of , department ,as determiner your title?” Widia (2016) :\“the head supported my title, and if I analyze film is okay, because the film also the part of literature, and he said that if I analyze film, I 22 40, should pay attention to the problem”. Then, choosing the topics also based on the supervisors which they direct how thesis writing. When the students process the theses, it will be guided at least by two supervisors in solving it. 38Analisis Wacana: Pengantar Analisis Teks Media, 70. * Interview: 21-04-2018 49 Interview: 21-04-2018 39 The writer : “what about opinion of the counselor?” Widia (2016) : “actually, my supervisor follow the head of department. I mean, they just continue in supervising me with the title that has been agreed. It means that, there is no problem about my title from my supervisor”.*! From all the above statements, as have been described in chapter II. The above statement explains the existence of power or domination practice, in which power controls the truth of knowledge, between true and false (binary opposition). Something statement would be considered correct if supported ;byyanother»statement. So in, whensthe film becomes a reference to be a topic in research, it is considered normal, because of justified support. b) Internal Exclusion Foucault explains that in internal exclusion, there are four things that affect the; production of discourse; They are the;commentary,-the author, the discipline, andthe rarefaction,of, the »speaking, subject. »In.this, study, the writer found three things that belong to internal exclusion, namely the commentary, the discipline, and the author. (1) Commentary The role of the commentary that is to say what is in the text modified, retold, and repeated. Then comes a new discourse connected with a more current period, transformed and said more infinitely. This is seen from the interview that has been done. 4! Interview: 21-04-2018 40 The writer : “Gt is about your thesis broth, why did you use this film on your thesis actually?” Amin (2016) : “this film?, yeah, I was choosing Untold movie. Actually when the first time I watch this movie, I found some obstacle. It is like, there is true history that hidden in this movie, so I interest to use this movie to see the true history””” Statement above shows that he commented about the movie, and then he retold and modified the story about the movie in his thesis. He had another perspective from his knowledge and the new ideas about the movie. Beside that, the writer also found another comments. The writer : “Hisist! 1 found that your thesis talked about the film, why did you choose the film as your topic in your thesis?” Yanti (2015) : “yeah, that film was 12 years slave, why I chose this film?, because I found something interest here, about racism of human. | think that is something forbidden ~between, human- oppress: another, so I choose this film”.*3 She had an interest in the film, as she did not approve of an incident in the film. This~made’ him decided to select the movie. The another comment can be seen as below. The writer : “why did you decide to choose this film?”. Heriyani (2016) : “because this film is good to be analyzed, it can 2 44 be said as the complex but it is simple too”. ® Interview: 9-05-2018 43 Interview: 5-09-2018 44 Interview: 21-04-2018 2. The Reason Applying the certain Theory 43 As it is known that theory is the most important tool in a research, as a way of view of the researcher so that the research is valid. In determining a theory, the researchers will relate it to the problem to be studied. From the interview, the writer asked the about the reason they chose the certain theory. Before discuss about why applying the theory, the writer shows the theory that used by English literature students in 2014. Table 4.2. title and theory by students in 2014 7 | Muammar No Name Title Theory and approach The History of Racial Crime Theory : Racism 1 | Nurjannah in California as Seen in the Approach: Freedom writer by Richard Historic: istorical Lagravenese Main Characters’ Theory : we spective toward go as Existentialism 2 | Fitriyani seen in the life of pifilm by | Approach: Ag Lee philosophical The Concept of Justice as Theory : Genetic . [ depict onjlyric ofthe song-as;|-Structural 3 UPigg Wibraioe ‘ m Ton Hooper’s ies Approach: Miserable movie. sociological The Erin Gruwell’s learning... | Theory: . strategy on changin; Behavior 4 | M. Nangim studi behavior as heen on | Approach: Richard’s Freedom Writer psychological The role of Environment in | Theory: 5 | Mandriyo main character’s behavior objective changing as seen in Wild Approach: Child film by Nick more psychological Theory : The Power of Motivation in | psychoanalysis, 6 | HarisNurilUmam curing phobia as seen in emotion, . Madagascar 3: Europe’s motivation most wanted film Approach: psychology Antisocial personality Theory : disorder as seen in Jonathan personalit 44 demme’s “The silence of the Lambs” film Approach: psychology The struggle of Katsumoto to maintain the samurai tradition from influence of Theory : culture 8 | Heryanto . Approach: western culture in Japan as ne . . . sociological seen in the last samurai film by Edwrdzick Analyzing of racial Theory : 9 | Tkadiansari discrimination as seen on discrimination freedom writers film by Approach: Richard sociological The struggle Chuck Noland | Theory : carting for surviving as seen in Cast | psychology 10 | Sartini Away film by Robert Approach: Zemecki egocentrism Social conflict between pacific gas and-electric Theory : sw ny: op, | (RG&E) company and Functionalism 11) ‘Yuki tiNingaae hinkley society . seen in Approach : Erin Brochovic film by sociological Steve Soer The analysis of apartheid Theory : 12 | Siti Fatimah between black and white postcolonial racesjas Seen in Invictus film | Approach: by Clint Eastwood historical Nelson Manela’s leadership Theory: . 1] SALE postcolonial & 13 | SitiNurwijayanti. | | Ses tPsouth Atrica'as sociological reflecte in Invictus film by A ach : Clint Eastwood ST VIN historical Characterization of Theory: human 14 | Imam Safi homosexual as’seen in sexuality Brokeback Mountain movie | Approach : by Anglee psychology The struggle of Evelyn Salt to involve in the cold war Theory : Realism 15 | Muhamma Yusuf | between America and Approach: Russia as seen in Salt movie | Sociological by Kurt Wimmer The power of motivation Theory : we toward main character motivation 16 | Ari Wigati achievement as seen in the Approach: film “Akoelah and the Bee” _| psychology : The crimes as labelin, Theory: labelin, 17 | Reni Heryana process as seen in The Town Approach: ° 45 movie by Ben Afflect sociological The struggle of re Parker to depend his honor in the Karate Kis film by Harald Zwart Theory: behavior Approach: psychology 18 | Noviani In English Literature department, the writer did observation about the theories that they used in their research. It can be seen as below. The writer : “why did you apply that theory in your thesis?” Widia (2016) : “before I choose the theory, I look for first, what is matching.with my research, so in applying the theory, it is according to my title that has been agreed”.*? Mostly, their answers areéyas same as another, “it is based on my title”. In determining theories,itcan not be separated from the knowledge, similarly with the truth. Then the role of supervisor here becomes important, to justify a knowledge. Because truth is something that is supported by various statements, especially thosethat have theeffect of power: In ythe »table aboyey somey theory» is) dominanty-used, » especially psychology and sociology. Based_on the observation, the writer not only found the dominant theory in this year, but also in another year such as 2013, 2015, 2016, and 2017. So here the writer found that the dominant thing is not only in topics but also theory. In the application of theory, researchers were also influenced by external and internal factors. There is a form of power relation in the form of limitation in the choice of theory which is an external factor. In addition, the 4 Interview: 21-04-2018 48 Riza : “actually, when I filed the title, I told him that I want to continue my mini thesis that I have done in 5" semester. So he also agreed about it.” The writer : “how about the theory that you applied in your mini thesis?” Riza : “the theory is about motivation, I also have known little bit about it because it was my mini thesis, so think I just need to continue and know deeply about it. And the head of department even my supervisors suggested me to do that. There was no problem about that,”>! It can be seen that the theses is accepted by some people who are very influential in the production of thesis such as the head of department and supervisors. In table-4.1> it can’ be-seen~the ‘suitability of title-and theory. Afilm topic.can be analyzed using various theories_and different points of view. But most of the table above, the problems that-exist in the theses can be answered just by watching the movie itself. For example“The Erin Gruwell s learning strategy on changing students behavior as seen on Richard’s Freedom Writer”. It uses behavior theory and psychological approach. That analysis explains everything about behavior of student that happened in the film. 5! Interview: 06-06-2018 49 Everyone can see and answer the problem just by watching the film. It is not only one, but most of the theses are like that. Beside that, looking at their reasons that the writers have asked that from their answers largely personal reasons, they only see their research unaffected by other reasons such as "I only understand this theory", "no one has used this according to my title ". there are a few people had academic answers like looking at other research, then they re-present the research. 3. Significant Contribution of the Theses The basic understanding of CDA is that discourse is not understood solely as an object of language study«Language is of course used to analyze text. Language is not seen in terms of traditional linguistics. The language in critical discourse analysis is in addition to the text also to the language context as a tool used for certain purposes and practices including ideological practice. In many- theses’ that ‘use film,in ‘"Significant-of-the* Research", the researchers wrote things in the form, of argumentation_and. persuasion. The most common are: “The writer hopes that this research can give contribution to literary, especially in English literature department”>? From the sentence above, although the sentence is very general, but it is very influential on readers and institutions, even for researchers ®2lifah. Psychoanalysis of the main character as seen in film snow white and the Huntsman”.Jambi: IAIN STS jambi, 2016. P. 5 50 themselves. Then, the case above will have an effect on the production of other discourses a. To Researchers Theses haveansignificant contribution for researchers,It is appropriate from some data interviews that had been done by the writer in analyzing this research. The writer : “what was the contribution of your thesis for yourself?”. Heriyani (2016): “for me}I got more knowledge about social conflict as my theory that I use. Actually, I analyze it because there was a similarity research, that was my senior. If she analyzed the conflict of character, but mine was about social conflict”.*? But this will have the effect that the researcher is involved in the domination of a discourse, that is, the researcher. can also influence the next researcher in the production of a discourse. b. The Reader In addition to the researchers, in this stldy, thé writer also analyzed the contribution of theses to the-readers, who is none other than the students of English literature as well. In this case, the writer found that the readers (literary students from semester 8") are very helpful in making their theses, the theses give inspiration and also the motivation to the readers when will make the thesis. a. The writer : “have you read the theses of literary students?” %3 Interview: 9-05-2018 53 CHARTER V CONCLUSION AND SUGGESTION A. Conclusion From the analyzes described above, the writer found the existence of power practice in the production of discourse. 1. The factors that influence the production of theses divide into two factors. External and internal. External factors, also called external exclusion are because there.are binary opposition between true and false. But a discourse contains the truth because it is same as the statements from another, especially from the institution that have effect of power. For example here are the head of department and the supervisor. The next is internal factors or internal exclusion, it contain two kinds. They are.commentary, discipline, and the author. They had perception about the discourse, so they comment it and they ‘producé-the new~ ideas -and: modified- that-discourse. About discipline, it means that-they implant a perception of.a discourse, so that they apply in their life, especially in the production of discourse. It is about literary students apply the certain theories in their theses. In applying the theses, it can not be separated from the practice of power. There is relation between power and knowledge. They applied the certain theories based on their knowledge, and it was supported by supervisors. It means that power is working. 54 3. The significant contribution of discourse to the researchers and the readers. For the researchers itself, discourse was as a movement or practice for getting their degree graduation. And for reader, it contributed for them and caused the effect. That was produced dominant discourse and another was marginalized. B. Suggestion This research is ver; lo be done by students, because this se. The film as topic in the thesis is an e i i ility of students in other e or focus on text that are formed can that more critical about discourse, it means not only analyze text but also the Joh be livan hd Sometime vebd dE GERI SU L fot tberty Sudéns iu’ making theses. the biter sugbess kd thoose the good topic, do not/only filit|because you|can use another topics that interesting to be analyzed, and also learn more about theories of literature. The most important is, do not make a thesis only for graduation requirements, because a work will boast if it is made seriously. 55 REFERENCES Ahira, Anne. Pengertian Kontribusi. Bandung: Kencana, 2012. andalusia. “Konsep Kuasa Michel Foucault Untk Analisis Wacana Kritis.” Accessed March 27, 2018. 16/Konsep-Kuasa-Michel-Foucault- untuk-Analisis- Wacana-Kritis. Anshori, Muslich, and Sri Iswati. Buku Ajar Metodologi Penelitian Kuantitatif. 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Kamus Besar Bahasa Indonesia, Departemen Pendidikan Dan Ebudayaan. Jakarta: Bali Pustaka, 1994. Kali, Ampy. Diskursus Seksualitas Michel Foucault. Maumere: Ledalero, 2013. 58 APPENDIX I The title of the theses 2013 No Name Title Theory&approach Yuli septiana Domestic violence issues toward the | Theory: 1 psychology of the main characters as | psychoanalytic seen in the color purple movie by Approach: Steven feminism Barokhatul The conflict between Nazi and Jews | Theory: khasanah as seen in the boy in the striped postcolonial ° pajamas movie Approach: historical Yeni susanti Child abuses as reflected on the. Theory: mimetic 3 main character oliver twist as seen in | Approach: oliver twist film by Charles Dicknes | psychology Rukhayah The professionalism at works of Theory: Audrey Sach as seen in the Devil professionalism ‘ wears Prada film Approach: psychology Yuarni American’s perception'toward| Theory: P moslems as seen in my name is khan | perception film Approach: sociological Rosnawati The changing of students gangster’s | Theory: human Ningsih behavior as seen in freedom writers | behavior ° film by Richard Approach: sociological Rio meiki The impact of exercise to priest’s Theory: life as seen in the Mikael Hermeneutic 7 Hafstroom’s Film The Rite Approach: sociological 59 Desmi Wanti The horse racing during the great depresion in the united state of America and its economic impact as seen in Gary Ross’ Seabiscuit Theory: socioeconomic Approach: sociological Chandry Chaniago The existence of the Journalist in David Fhincer’s The Girl with the Dragon Tatto Theory: existentialism Approach: philosophy 10 Pristiani The effect of song lyric toward the changing of children behavior A Study of'Maria’s song in the Sound of Music by Robert Wise Theory: behavior Approach: moral 11 Siti Mudirah The impact of economic condition toward Sant’s Desire to be Cereat Entertainer as seen in Moulin Rouge film 12 Ahmad Sidia Student’s character building ass seen in film the dead poet society 13 Juang The influence of Nelson/Mandela’s politic in sport toward south Africa society penconciliation‘as seen in Invictus film'by Clint Eastwood 14 Liyawanti The influence of England imperialism toward Indian Society as seen on The Last of the month movie by Michel 15 Yuli Septiana Domain violence issue toward psychology of the main character as seen in the color purple movie 16 Samsul The influence of music toward 60 Maria’s success as governess in Robert Wise movie in the Sound of Music Safitriyani Mandela’s strugle in abolishment of apartheid system practice in south " africa as depicted in Invictus film by Clint Eastwood Abdul Roni The political strategy of Abraham 18 Linclon as seen in Steven Spielberg’s movie Linclon The title of the theses 2015 No Name Title Theory&approach 1__| Afriyanti Kartika | The analysis of culture in Waodani Tribe | Theory: culture at End of the Spear movie by Jim Hanon | Approach: — social culture 2 | Rion Yulianti The power of dream as potrayed in UP | Theory: cartoon film psychoanalysis Approach: sociological 3™ |) Riadoh Theytenet of Budhism as depict™Jack |/Theory: Mccall’s life as seen in thousand words | hermeneutic by Brian Robbins Approach: philosopical 4 | Ria Aris The strugle of main character to find her | Theory: real happiness as seen in eat Pray Love | structuralism movie Approach: psychological 5 | Abdul Gafur The influences of freemasonic symbols | Theory: semiotic on spongebob Squarepants cartoon | Approach: toward children mindset mythological 6 | Esti Astuti The teacher motivation in changing | Theory: motivation 63 historical 14 | Khoiriyah The Struggle of main character as seen | Theory: in into the woods film by Rob Marshall | psychological Approach: sociological 15 | Siti zuhroh The analysis of social conflict as seen in | Theory: conflict the film city of ember Approach: sociological Title of the theses 2017 No Name Title Theory & approach 1 | Ika Wahyu The revolution issue as seen in the | Theory: revolution movie “the mockingjay part 2” Approach: sociological 2 | Acep Lukmana The effect of modern dance toward the | Theory: — modern teenagers/in step up)3D by Jhon M.chuw | dance Approach: Psychology 3 | Delpa Sari The factor that influence students of | Theory: reader UIN STS Jambi in choosing American | respone Film Approach: psychology 4 | Nuraini The analysis deconstruction of Lina and | Theory: doon characters in the film city of ember | deconstruction Approach: sociological 5 | Atiya diari The Analysis of Characterization of | Theory: structural detective David mills as seen in Sejen | Approach: film psychology 6 | Riza Afriani The power of ‘motivation of Bethany~) Theory: motivation Hamilton’s plife jas »seen»in» the»-Soul, |-Approach; Surfer Film sychology 7 =| Yuliana Safitri The strugle of main character to get | Theory: strugle freedom as reflected in-the Mockungjay | Approach: movie by Danny Strong sociological 8 | Irawati Dewi Deconstruction of woman image as seen | Theory: in the main character of Brave film by | deconstruction Mark Approach: feminism 9 Muhammad Afif | Domination of Grey as seen in Fifty | Theory: Shade of Grey by Sam Johnson psychology Approach: psychology 10 | Novia Nanda | The Analysis of Billy’s leadership as | Theory: the great Pertiwi seen on Money Ball film by Banner | man miller Approach: sociological 11_| Ria Rizka Amalia | The effect of Narcotics toward main | Theory: 64 character’s life as seen on Lucy movie structuralism Approach: psychological 12 | Rumlah The oppression of germany toward | Theory: Poland as seen in the Pianist film | postcolonial directed by Roman Polanski Approach: Historical 13. | Ita Hanitrah Convensational marxism as seen in | Theory: marxism Maleficent monie by Robert Stomberg 14 | Hardianti The impact of teaching method toward | Theory: teaching learners psychology as reflected in Dead | methode Poet Society movie Approach: psychology t} —_> UNIVERSITAS ISLAM NEGERI SULTHAN THAHA SAIFUDDIN JAM BI 4> t} —_> UNIVERSITAS ISLAM NEGERI SULTHAN THAHA SAIFUDDIN JAM BI 65
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