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Anatomy and Function of the Brain: A Comprehensive Guide for MCAT 2024, Exams of Nursing

A detailed overview of the human brain, focusing on its structure, functions, and connections. It covers the forebrain, midbrain, hindbrain, and their respective parts such as the cerebellum, medulla oblongata, reticular formation, and optic chiasm. The document also delves into the limbic system, emotional processing, and the general adaption syndrome to stress. It is a valuable resource for students preparing for the mcat 2024, offering insights into various theories of language acquisition, emotion, and personality.

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Download Anatomy and Function of the Brain: A Comprehensive Guide for MCAT 2024 and more Exams Nursing in PDF only on Docsity! MCAT Psychology High Yield Content Question & Answers 2024 Cerebral cortex - Correct Answers ✅Forebrain, known as the cerebrum; outer covering of the cerebral hemispheres; contains 4 lobes: frontal, parietal, occipital, and temporal Frontal Lobe - Correct Answers ✅Forebrain; executive function, impulse control, long-term planning (prefrontal cortex), motor function (primary motor cortex), and speech production Broca's area - Correct Answers ✅Forebrain; important for speech production, found in the frontal lobe Parietal Lobe - Correct Answers ✅Forebrain; sensation of touch, pressure, temperature and pain (somatosensory cortex); spatial processing, orientation, and manipulation somatosensory cortex - Correct Answers ✅Forebrain; found in the parietal lobe, important for touch, pressure, temperature, and pain sensation Occipital lobe - Correct Answers ✅Forebrain; visual processing temporal lobe - Correct Answers ✅Forebrain; sound processing (auditory complex), speech perception (Wernicke's area), memory, and emotion (limbic system) MCAT Psychology High Yield Content Question & Answers 2024 Wernicke's area - Correct Answers ✅Forebrain; found in the temporal lobe; important for speech perception Basal ganglia - Correct Answers ✅Forebrain; coordinates muscle movement from cortex to the rest of the brain and spinal cord; smooth movements and maintain posture stability limbic system - Correct Answers ✅Forebrain; primarily associated with emotion and memory; includes the septal nuclei, amygdala, hippocampus Septal nuclei - Correct Answers ✅Forebrain; part of the limbic system; feelings of pleasure, pleasure-seeking behavior, and addiction Amygdala - Correct Answers ✅Forebrain; part of the limbic system, controls fear and aggression Hippocampus - Correct Answers ✅Forebrain; part of the limbic system; consolidates memories and communicates with other parts of the limbic system through the fornix MCAT Psychology High Yield Content Question & Answers 2024 Optic Chiasm - Correct Answers ✅point in visual nerve system where nasal fibers (carrying temporal vision) cross and the temporal fibers (carrying nasal vision) pass directly though to the optic tract Bitemporal Hemianopsia: Lesion of Optic Chaism would cause would knock out the _____ fibers and the person would lose the ______ vision - Correct Answers ✅Nasal fibers Temporal vision Nasal fibers - Correct Answers ✅carry information from the temporal field of vision (Remember: visual image crosses over and hits opposite side of retina) Temporal Fibers - Correct Answers ✅carry information from the nasal field of vision (Remember: visual image crosses over and hits opposite side of retina) Right optic tract - Correct Answers ✅Carries information from the right temporal fibers and the left nasal fibers (temporal visual field of left eye) and right temporal fibers (nasal visual field of right eye); in total contains left visual field from each eye Lesion of Right optic tract - Correct Answers ✅Person would lose vision from the left visual field MCAT Psychology High Yield Content Question & Answers 2024 Left Optic tract - Correct Answers ✅Carries information from the left temporal fiber (nasal visual field of left eye) and the right nasal fiber (temporal visual field of right eye); in total contains right visual field from each eye Lesion of Left Optic tract - Correct Answers ✅Person would lose vision of the right visual field Lesion of occiptal lobe - Correct Answers ✅would cause loss of vision of the opposite visual field, but maintain a part of the central visual field Rods - Correct Answers ✅photoreceptors found at the retina; more commonly found throughout retina except at the fovea; recieve B and W imaging Cons - Correct Answers ✅photoreceptors found at the retina; spread throughout but concentrated at the fovea; contail R, G, or B rhodopsins that perceive color Bipolar cells - Correct Answers ✅Direct input from the photoreceptors; synapse with ganglion cells; contain 2 types of insulator cells: horizontal and amacrine MCAT Psychology High Yield Content Question & Answers 2024 Series of Visual Processing - Correct Answers ✅visual input --> focused on retina --> transformed to electrical signal by photoreceptors--> travels to optic nerve--> optic chiasm swaps visual fields to opposite hemispheres--> processed in the lateral genicualte nuclceus (LGN)--> visual radiation-->visual cortex and superior colliculus Parallel Processing - Correct Answers ✅identify characteristics, apply them to memory, and the recall a word to describe the object we see later on Feature Detection Theory - Correct Answers ✅recognizes features, identify desired object in visual field, filter by features Signal detection theory - Correct Answers ✅effects of nonsensory factors, such as experiences, motives, and expectations on perception of stimuli Response Bias - Correct Answers ✅examined using signal detection experiments with four possible outcomes: hits, misses, false alarms, and correct negatives Operant Condtioning - Correct Answers ✅BF Skinner; associative learning in which the frequency of a behavior is modified using reinforcements or punishments MCAT Psychology High Yield Content Question & Answers 2024 response as the unconditioned stimulus, forming the conditioned response; (exp. Pavlov's Dogs) Unconditioned Stimulus (UCS) - Correct Answers ✅normal stimulus that is not learned; innate (ex. the food stimulates hunger) Conditioned Stimulus (CS) - Correct Answers ✅neutral stimulus becomes associated with the UCS (ex. the bell becomes associated with the food) Unconditioned Response (UCR) - Correct Answers ✅normal response to stimulus, innate response (ex. the sight of food causes salivation) Conditioned Response (CR) - Correct Answers ✅the conditioned stimulus produces the same effect of the UCS forming the response (ex. ringing the bell causes salivation) Broca's Aphasia - Correct Answers ✅hard to produce words in correct orders; difficulty in speech production; nonfluent aphasia Wernicke's aphasia - Correct Answers ✅fluent, nonsensical aphasia with lack of comprehension MCAT Psychology High Yield Content Question & Answers 2024 Conduction aphasia - Correct Answers ✅inability to repeat words despite intac speech generation and comprehension (damage of the arcuate fasciculus that connects Werknicke's to Broca's Region) Language Development in Child - Correct Answers ✅1. Babbling (9-12 mo.) 2. 1 word/month (12-18 mo.) 3. Explosion of words (18-20 mo.) 4. 3+ word sentences (2-3 yrs) 5. most language rules are mastered (5 yrs) Nativist Language Acquisition Theory - Correct Answers ✅we have an innate capactiy for language; use a brain region called "Language Acquisition Device" (LAD); the sensitive period of language development occurs before puberty Learning (Behavioral)Language Acquisition Theory - Correct Answers ✅learn language by operant conditioning; reinforcement of sounds/words Social Interactionist Language Theory - Correct Answers ✅mix of biological and social processes forms language MCAT Psychology High Yield Content Question & Answers 2024 Whorfian Hypothesis - Correct Answers ✅Language affects how we think; cultural influenences James-Lange Theory of Emotion - Correct Answers ✅stimulus results first and results in physiological arousal, which causes a secondary response when emotion is labeled (without feedback from visceral organs or vagus nerve, emotion can not be experienced) Cannon-Bard Theory of Emotion - Correct Answers ✅Cognitive (emotion) and physiological stimuli occur simultaneously, and thus result in an action Schacter-Singer Theory of Emotion - Correct Answers ✅"two factor" theory; both the arousal and the labeling of the arousal (cognitive appraisal) based on the environment elicits an emotion; use environment to help determine what emotion should be expressed 7 Universal Emotion - Correct Answers ✅Paul Eckman continued off of Darwin ideas; innate emotions elicited by the same facial expressions: happy, sad, contempt, surprise, fear, disgust, and anger Storage of emotion - Correct Answers ✅explicit memories-->medial temporary--> memory about emotion implicit memory-->amygdala--> emotional memory MCAT Psychology High Yield Content Question & Answers 2024 Self-discrepancy theory - Correct Answers ✅+actual-self: the way we see ourselves as we are + ideal self: who we would like to be + ought self: who others think we should be *the closer they are, the higher self esteem Kohlberg's Theory of Moral Reasoning - Correct Answers ✅Preconventional (preadolescence), Conventional (adolescence to adult), and Post-conventional (adult life, if at all) Preconventional Morality - Correct Answers ✅Kohlberg consequences of moral choices 1. Obedience: avoid punishment 2. Self-interest: gaining rewards ("you scratch my back, i'll scratch yours") Conventional Morality - Correct Answers ✅Kohlberg see themselves in relation to others 3. Conformity: seek approval of others 4. Law and Order: maintain social order in the highest regard MCAT Psychology High Yield Content Question & Answers 2024 Postconventional Morality - Correct Answers ✅Kohlberg occur when morals conflict with laws 5. Social contract: moral rules as conventions, designed to achieve a greater good; focused on individual rights 6. Universal Human Ethics: reasons decisions should be made in consideration of abstract principles Vygotsky's view of Cultural and Biosocial Developlment - Correct Answers ✅+Cognitive development is based on cultural limits +Zone of proximal development: skills and abilities in the process of development +More knowledgeable other help child achieve these skills Psychosexual Development of Identity - Correct Answers ✅Freud's 5 Stages 1. Oral Stage: 0-1 year 2. Anal Stage: 1-3 years 3. Phallic/Oedipal Stage: 3-5 years 4. Latency Stage: 5 years-Puberty 5. Genital: after puberty to adulthood Oral Stage - Correct Answers ✅0-1 year; fixated around mouth MCAT Psychology High Yield Content Question & Answers 2024 Adult: exhibits excessive dependency Anal Stage - Correct Answers ✅1-3 years; fixated around anus gratification of potty-training Adult: excessive orderliness (anal-retentive) or sloppiness Phallic/Oedipal Stage - Correct Answers ✅3-5 years: fixated around opp. sex parent Boys: envy father, castration anxiety, resolve by having guilty feelings, and desire to be like father, est. sexual identity and internalize moral values Girls: Electra conflict; penis envy -de-eroticize to go to next stage Latency Stage - Correct Answers ✅5 years to puberty: redirect libidal energy Genital Stage - Correct Answers ✅Puberty to adulthood: enter healthy heterosexual relationships if fixation of other stages has been resolved Erikson's Psychosocial Development - Correct Answers ✅Crisis involved from needs and social demands; resolving conflicts 1. trust vs. mistrust (0-1 yr) MCAT Psychology High Yield Content Question & Answers 2024 - bitterness and worthless feeling of life; fear of death Id - Correct Answers ✅pleasure principle; primal and instinctive "satisty now, not later" in the unconscious/subconscious Ego - Correct Answers ✅reality principle; guides or inhibits activity of id "postpone pleasure until satisfaction can actually be obtained" *Organizer of the mind-balances the id and superego partly in unconscious, preconscious, and conscious Superego - Correct Answers ✅personality principle; perfectionist, focused on the ideal-self Conscious: collection of improper actions for which you are punished ego-ideal: proper actions that receive reward partly in the un, sub, and conscious Insticts - Correct Answers ✅innate needs that influence behavior Eros - Correct Answers ✅life-instincts: promote survival MCAT Psychology High Yield Content Question & Answers 2024 Thanatos - Correct Answers ✅death-instincts: unconscious wish of death; destruction Defense mechanisms - Correct Answers ✅relieve anxiety caused by the id and superego Repression - Correct Answers ✅defense mech.; force undesired thoughts and urges to unconscious; "unconscious forgetting" ex. Can't remember Father's funeral Suppression - Correct Answers ✅defense mech.; "conscious forgetting" ex. Regression - Correct Answers ✅defense mech.; revert to earlier development stage ex. You get in an argument and stomp off and pout Reaction formation - Correct Answers ✅defense mech.; unconciously convert urges to exact opposite (ex. hatred for a person who is desirable, but really they are just unobtainable) MCAT Psychology High Yield Content Question & Answers 2024 Projection - Correct Answers ✅defense mech.; attribute undesired attributes feelings to others ex. Yell at husband bc you are mad at him, but say he is mad at you Rationalization - Correct Answers ✅defense mech; justify behavior that is acceptable to self and society ex. I usually study, but know people that cheat so it's nbd I cheated this time Displacement - Correct Answers ✅defense mech.; transfer undesired urges from person/object to another ex. Get mad and break glass against a wall Sublimation - Correct Answers ✅defense mech.; transform unacceptable urges into socially accepted behaviors ex. Release your anger by playing football or boxing Carl Jung Psychoanalysis - Correct Answers ✅Personal and collective unconscious (in all human, expereinces of ancestors) Archetypes: Persona, Anima/animus, shadow, MCAT Psychology High Yield Content Question & Answers 2024 Myers-Briggs Type Inventory (MBTI) - Correct Answers ✅personality tests, based on Jung's Dichotomies of Personaltiy E v I: extraversion vs. introversion S v N: Sensing vs. Intuiting T v F: Thinking vs Feeling J v P Judging(order) vs Percieving (spontaneous) Maslow's Hierarchy of needs - Correct Answers ✅Allocate resources to best satisfy needs 1. Physiological (breathing, food, water, sex, sleep) 2. Safety (body, shelter, employment, family, health) 3. Love/Belonging (friends, family, sex. intimacy) 4. Esteem (confidence, achievement, respect for and by others) 5. Self-Actualization (morality, creativity, spontaneity, prob-soliving, lack of prej., accept facts) Self-Determination Theory (SDT) - Correct Answers ✅3 universal Needs: Autonomy (in control of self), competence (complete & excel at tasks), relatedness (accepted and wanted) Piaget's Cognitive Development - Correct Answers ✅organized behavior and thought patterns into schema Sensorimotor 0-2 years MCAT Psychology High Yield Content Question & Answers 2024 Preoperational 2-7 years Concrete operational 7-11 years Formal operational 11 years + ("adolescence") Sensorimotor Stage - Correct Answers ✅Piaget's stage at 0-2 years manipulate environment to own needs Circular Reactions and Object Permanence Primary Circular Reactions (of Sensorimotor Stage) - Correct Answers ✅repetition of movement that occured by chance; meet needs by self; ex. thumb sucking Secondary circular Reactions (of Sensorimotor Stage) - Correct Answers ✅Repetition of movement is focused on something outside the body; need response from environment; ex. throwing toys Object Permanence (of Sensorimotor Stage) - Correct Answers ✅objects exist when out of view; starts representational thought --> milestone to start Preoperational Piaget's Preoperational Stage - Correct Answers ✅2-7 years; symbolic thinking(pretend, imagination), egocentrism(self-focused), and MCAT Psychology High Yield Content Question & Answers 2024 centration (focus on one aspect of a phenomenon, do not understand conservation/fractions) Piaget's Concrete Operational Stage - Correct Answers ✅7-11 years; understand conservation, and consider perspectives of others; logical though of concrete objects Piaget's Formal Operational Stage - Correct Answers ✅11 years +; abstract, logical thinking, problem solving, can use the pendulum experiment Fluid Intelligence - Correct Answers ✅Adult cognition; problem-solving skills, peak at early adulthood Crystallized Intellligence - Correct Answers ✅Adult cognition; use of learned skills and knowledge, peaks and middle adulthood Stages of Consciousness/Sleep - Correct Answers ✅Awake, Stage 1, Stage 2, Stage 3/4, REM BATs sleep in the Day (EEG waves) Awake Stage (EEG) - Correct Answers ✅Beta and alpha waves; able to perceive, process, access, and express info
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