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Pharmacology Concepts and Terminology, Exams of Health sciences

Various concepts and terminologies related to pharmacology, including drug names, pharmacokinetics, pharmacodynamics, drug sources, drug administration, factors affecting drug action, and nursing care related to medication administration. It also provides examples of drugs from animal and plant sources, and discusses drug classifications such as anticoagulants, diuretics, proton pump inhibitors, antiflatulents, laxatives, histamine h2-receptor antagonists, antiemetics, antidiarrheals, mydriatics, and muscle relaxants.

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Available from 03/22/2024

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Download Pharmacology Concepts and Terminology and more Exams Health sciences in PDF only on Docsity! MED AIDE STATE TEST WELL DEFINED WITH CERTIFIED SOLUTIONS GUARANTEED SUCCESS 2024 RATED A+. Drug is affected by many factors. All of the following affect drug action except: The patient's intelligence. the size and age other drugs the resident is taking time and route of adminstration - Correct Answer The patient's intelligence Which abbreviations are most likely to be found on an order for eye medication? IM, IV, SQ Stat, n.p.o., h.s. bid, qid, tid, god OD, OU, OS, opth. - Correct Answer OD, OU, OS, opth. The drug name owned by the manufacturer is called the: MED AIDE STATE TEST WELL DEFINED WITH CERTIFIED SOLUTIONS GUARANTEED SUCCESS 2024 RATED A+. brand name product name trade name all of the above - Correct Answer all of the above Pharmacokinetics is the study of: the study of prescription drugs only the signs and symptoms of disease the absorption, distribution, metabolism, and excretion of drugs none of the above - Correct Answer the absorption, distribution, metabolism, and excretion of drugs Examples of drugs made from animal sources are: MED AIDE STATE TEST WELL DEFINED WITH CERTIFIED SOLUTIONS GUARANTEED SUCCESS 2024 RATED A+. drug standards drug references drug laws drug specifications - Correct Answer Drug standards Biotransformation is: A. a series of chemical reactions that occur naturally B. the removal of waste products C. the same as metabolism a. and c. - Correct Answer a. and c. Examples of drugs made from plant sources are: iron and salt MED AIDE STATE TEST WELL DEFINED WITH CERTIFIED SOLUTIONS GUARANTEED SUCCESS 2024 RATED A+. heparin and insulin digitalis and opium sulfa drugs and hydroxyurea - Correct Answer digitalis and opium The generic name is usually the same as the: brand name chemical name official name trade name - Correct Answer official name The action of a drug is: a desireable effect that occurs apart from the primary purpose of giving the drug MED AIDE STATE TEST WELL DEFINED WITH CERTIFIED SOLUTIONS GUARANTEED SUCCESS 2024 RATED A+. the chemical effect on body cells an unintenional affect of a drug study of the body's responses to a drug - Correct Answer the chemical effect on body cells The route of administration in which absorption begins in the mouth is: oral subcutaneous intramuscular sublingual - Correct Answer sublingual Which of the following do not affect drug action? sensation and perception absorption and distribution MED AIDE STATE TEST WELL DEFINED WITH CERTIFIED SOLUTIONS GUARANTEED SUCCESS 2024 RATED A+. Name the five commonly abused drugs that are identified in the textbook. - Correct Answer 1. Alcohol 2. Nicotine 3. Anabolic Steroids 4. Barbiturates 5. Depressants Summarize the difference between the therapeutic effect and side effects. - Correct Answer Therapeutic effect is the desire or predicted physiological response caused by a drug. Side effects are desirable or undesirable drug effects apart from the primary purpose of giving a drug Where does the absorption begin for enteric coated pill? in the mouth in the small intestine MED AIDE STATE TEST WELL DEFINED WITH CERTIFIED SOLUTIONS GUARANTEED SUCCESS 2024 RATED A+. in the stomach in the buccal cavity - Correct Answer in the small intestine 3 of the following are true. Select the statement that is untrue: In a nursing facility, the discontinued medications are disposed of every 2 months by the CMA and charge nurse. Unused doseage of medications should never be returned to the bottle. The temperature of the medication room should never exceed 85 degrees. A STAT order is to be administered at once. - Correct Answer In a nursing facility, the discontinued medications are disposed of every 2 months by the CMA and charge nurse. When giving a nasal spray to a resident, the nose piece needs to be cleaned off with a tissue: True MED AIDE STATE TEST WELL DEFINED WITH CERTIFIED SOLUTIONS GUARANTEED SUCCESS 2024 RATED A+. False - Correct Answer true People who administer medications must understand kidney function and disorders because: kidneys are involved in the excretion of drugs kidneys that do not work properly can result in the acculumation of drugs in the body many older adults have kidneys disease all of the above - Correct Answer all of the above Which of the following Physicians orders are writen correctly? Amoxicillin 500mg p.o. for 10 days Potassium Chloride 8mEq 2 capsules p.o. daily Coumadin 5 mg 1 p.o. daily Senna Plus 1 tablet p.o. daily - Correct Answer Potassium Chloride 8mEq 2 capsules p.o. daily MED AIDE STATE TEST WELL DEFINED WITH CERTIFIED SOLUTIONS GUARANTEED SUCCESS 2024 RATED A+. The medication was given 25 minutes after is was ordered The eye medication order was 1 gtt O.U. daily. The medication aid gave the medication drops in the right eye only. The resident was given one tablet Lanoxin 0.125mg and he order was for Lanoxin 0.25mg daily. The right medication was given to the right resident but it was not given at the time on the MAR. - Correct Answer The medication was given 25 minutes after is was ordered Anyone administering eye drops to a resident should wear gloves? True False - Correct Answer True All of the follow are necessary steps to take when a medication error has been made except? Report the error to your supervisior immediately Contact the resident's family and inform them of your error MED AIDE STATE TEST WELL DEFINED WITH CERTIFIED SOLUTIONS GUARANTEED SUCCESS 2024 RATED A+. Complete the medication error form Review why the medication error was made and what can be done to prevent if from happening again - Correct Answer Contact the resident's family and inform them of your error It is legal for a Medication Aide to do the following procedures except? mediation soaks simple dressing changes application of heating pads assist with inhailors - Correct Answer application of heating pads After installing eye gtts (drops), pressure is held to the lacrimal sac (tear duct) for how long? 15 seconds 10 seconds MED AIDE STATE TEST WELL DEFINED WITH CERTIFIED SOLUTIONS GUARANTEED SUCCESS 2024 RATED A+. 1 minute 2 minute - Correct Answer 1 minute The order for Keflex is 500mg. Keflex comes in capsules or suspension which would be a incorrect dosage? Give 1/2 of a 1000mg capsule Give 2 250mg capsules Keflex suspension has 250ml per 5ml. The CMA would give 10ml of the suspension Keflex suspension hs 1000mg per 20ml. The CMA would give 10ml of the suspension - Correct Answer Give 1/2 of a 1000mg capsule When a tablet is given sublingual, the absorption begins in the mouth? True False - Correct Answer True MED AIDE STATE TEST WELL DEFINED WITH CERTIFIED SOLUTIONS GUARANTEED SUCCESS 2024 RATED A+. Antiarrhymics: act on pacemaker cell that controls the heartbeat are heart depressants reduce flutter and fibrillation all of the above - Correct Answer all of the above Nitroglycerin is a: vasodilator diuretic coagulant vasoconstrictor - Correct Answer vasodilator MED AIDE STATE TEST WELL DEFINED WITH CERTIFIED SOLUTIONS GUARANTEED SUCCESS 2024 RATED A+. Blood pressure increases as a result of: thickening of the blood thinning of the blood narrowing of the blood vessels widening of blood vessels - Correct Answer narrowing of the blood vessels The risk factors for heart disease: heredity sedatary lifestyle hypoglycemia hyerchololesterolemia all but hypoglycemia MED AIDE STATE TEST WELL DEFINED WITH CERTIFIED SOLUTIONS GUARANTEED SUCCESS 2024 RATED A+. smoking - Correct Answer all but hypoglycemia The following are commonly prescribed to treat hypertension lisinopril norvasc clonidine hydrochloride all of the above - Correct Answer all of the above The average adult blood pressure is: 90/45 160/100 120/80 MED AIDE STATE TEST WELL DEFINED WITH CERTIFIED SOLUTIONS GUARANTEED SUCCESS 2024 RATED A+. Hodgkin's Disease hypotension anemia - Correct Answer anemia All medications can be crushed and it will not alter their effectiveness: True False - Correct Answer False Which is the most common medication give for a UTI (urinary tract infection)? Pyridium Penicillins Sulfonamides MED AIDE STATE TEST WELL DEFINED WITH CERTIFIED SOLUTIONS GUARANTEED SUCCESS 2024 RATED A+. Diuretic - Correct Answer Sulfonamides A patient is on a thiazide diuretics, there is a danger of excreting too much _____________ which could cause hypokalemia: potassium sodium water chloride - Correct Answer potassium Nursing care related to diuretic therapy include all of the following except: assess for homan's signs assess for signs of electrolyte inbalances -nausea, dry mouth, thrist assess for signs of orthostatic hypotension MED AIDE STATE TEST WELL DEFINED WITH CERTIFIED SOLUTIONS GUARANTEED SUCCESS 2024 RATED A+. assess for signs of hypokalemia - Correct Answer assess for homan's signs Medications that are used to treat nausea and vomiting are called antiemetics. All of the following are in this drug classification except: prochlorperazine (Compazine) meclazine (Antivert) Dramine amtiriptyline (Elavil) - Correct Answer amtiriptyline (Elavil) The following medications are in the diuretic classification. Check all that are correct: bumentanide furosemide allopurinol MED AIDE STATE TEST WELL DEFINED WITH CERTIFIED SOLUTIONS GUARANTEED SUCCESS 2024 RATED A+. milk of magnesia - Correct Answer Metamucil (psyllium) Which of the following drug classifications are used to treat runny noses? expectorants anticoagulants antihistamine antitussives - Correct Answer antihistamine Antitussives are used for: for the control of nonproductive coughs for acute pulomary edema to reduce intraocular pressure MED AIDE STATE TEST WELL DEFINED WITH CERTIFIED SOLUTIONS GUARANTEED SUCCESS 2024 RATED A+. to prevent infections - Correct Answer for the control of nonproductive coughs Blood and pus in the urine: are revealed by urine tests may be signs of disorders in the kidney are known as hematuria and pyuria all of the above - Correct Answer all of the above Prevacid, Nexium, Protonix, Prilosec - Correct Answer Proton Pump inhibitors simethicone, Mylicon - Correct Answer Antiflalents Ducolax, Metamucil, Colace - Correct Answer laxatives Tagamet, Axid, Pepacid, - Correct Answer Histamine H2-Receptor Antagonists Zofran, Dramamine, Compazine, Antivert - Correct Answer Antiemetics MED AIDE STATE TEST WELL DEFINED WITH CERTIFIED SOLUTIONS GUARANTEED SUCCESS 2024 RATED A+. Lomotil - Correct Answer Antidiarrheals Shaking, stiffness, and slowness of movements is classic signs of; parkinson's disease epilepsy brain tumor meniere's disease - Correct Answer parkinson's disease Drugs that dilate the pupil are called? carbonic anhydrase inhibitors antibiotics cyctoplegics MED AIDE STATE TEST WELL DEFINED WITH CERTIFIED SOLUTIONS GUARANTEED SUCCESS 2024 RATED A+. pink - Correct Answer yellow The medical term for dizziness is: stupor psychosis coma vertigo - Correct Answer vertigo Cereum is: increased pressure in the eye one of the bone of the ear ear wax the instrment used to view within the ear - Correct Answer ear wax MED AIDE STATE TEST WELL DEFINED WITH CERTIFIED SOLUTIONS GUARANTEED SUCCESS 2024 RATED A+. Dilatin, Depakote, and Tegretol are: antianxiety antipsychotic sedatives anticonvulsants - Correct Answer anticonvulsants A drug used to treat Parkinson's disease is: Aricept Sinemet (carbidopa/levodpa) Dilantin (phenytoin) Neurotin (garbapentin) - Correct Answer Sinemet (carbidopa/levodpa) MED AIDE STATE TEST WELL DEFINED WITH CERTIFIED SOLUTIONS GUARANTEED SUCCESS 2024 RATED A+. Diplopia is: a bacterial infection of the eyelid double vision a hard cyst on the eyelid increased pressure within the eye - Correct Answer double vision Isopto or artificial tears are given for: treat reddened eyes relieve interoccular pressure with Glucoma treat dry eyes prevent infections - Correct Answer treat dry eyes Two main side effects of Antidepressant medications are: MED AIDE STATE TEST WELL DEFINED WITH CERTIFIED SOLUTIONS GUARANTEED SUCCESS 2024 RATED A+. Auralgan drops Timopitic drops Afrin Spray - Correct Answer Timopitic drops A disorder involving periodic seizures or convulsions is called: dipolpia Parkinson's Disease epilepsy multiple sclerosis - Correct Answer epilepsy All of the following are used to treat Glaucoma except: Diamox MED AIDE STATE TEST WELL DEFINED WITH CERTIFIED SOLUTIONS GUARANTEED SUCCESS 2024 RATED A+. Pilocarpine Cosopt Cernumenex - Correct Answer cernumenex The following antidepressants are not recommend to be given to the elderly: Zoloft and Lexapro Celexa and Trazadone Wellbutrin and Effexor Elavil and Tofranil - Correct Answer Elavil and Tofranil Join pain and stiffness caused by wear and tear of bone rubbing together is known as: osteoarthritis osteoporosis MED AIDE STATE TEST WELL DEFINED WITH CERTIFIED SOLUTIONS GUARANTEED SUCCESS 2024 RATED A+. rhuematoid arthritis gouty arthritis - Correct Answer osteoarthritis Methocarbarmol (Robaxin), Para Forte, and cyclobenzapine (Flexeril) are types of: analegics muscle relaxants corticosteroids anti-inflammatory - Correct Answer muscle relaxants A sign that a resident has taken to much aspirin is? a ringing in the ears increased joint pain MED AIDE STATE TEST WELL DEFINED WITH CERTIFIED SOLUTIONS GUARANTEED SUCCESS 2024 RATED A+. sulfonamides - Correct Answer sulfonamides Zyloprim (allopurinol) is used to treat: rheumatoid arthritis gout bursitis synovitis - Correct Answer gout Drugs used to treat hypothyroidism: Glucagon, Lantus insulin Synthroid, Cytomel, levothroid predisone, decadron, methylprednisotone MED AIDE STATE TEST WELL DEFINED WITH CERTIFIED SOLUTIONS GUARANTEED SUCCESS 2024 RATED A+. Dubinese, Orinase, Tolinse - Correct Answer Synthroid, Cytomel, levothroid The drug of choice for osteoarthritis is: Mortin (ibuprofen) aspirin Naprosyn cholchicine - Correct Answer aspirin Oral corticosteroids are sometimes given to reduce inflammation in rheumatoid arthritis. What side effects limit their usefulness? bone thinning psychological changes peptic ulcers MED AIDE STATE TEST WELL DEFINED WITH CERTIFIED SOLUTIONS GUARANTEED SUCCESS 2024 RATED A+. all of the above - Correct Answer all of the above Because patients with musculoskeletal conditions are often in pain, be sure to: give medications for pain only several hours after the last does has worn off ignore their fears and psychological needs so that they do not dwell on them have them exercise the joint prior to giving pain medications avoid sudden, jarring movements, support body parts if they must be moved and give pain medications before the last dose has worn off - Correct Answer avoid sudden, jarring movements, support body parts if they must be moved and give pain medications before the last dose has worn off Predisone and dexamethasone are frequently used because of their: anti-inflammatory effect diuretic effect antipyretic effect
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