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Download Media and Information Literacy and more Assignments Electronics in PDF only on Docsity! Media and Information Literacy Activity Sheet 1 Quarter 3 – Week 1 Introduction to Media and Information Literacy Development Team of Media and Information Literacy Activity Sheet Writer: Deyru J. Morancil Editors: Claire T. Andres Arlyn Joy D. Habana Layout Artist: Deyru J. Morancil Schools Division Quality Assurance Team: Donna Bella O. Aposaga Mario S. Amaca Division of Negros Occidental Management Team: Regional Management Team Ma. Gemma M. Ledesma, Dr. Josilyn S. Solana, Dr. Elena P. Gonzaga, Mr. Donald T. Genine, Dr. Rovel R. Salcedo REGION VI – WESTERN VISAYAS Media and Information Literacy Activity Sheet No. 1 First Edition, 2020 Published in the Philippines By the Department of Education Region 6 – Western Visayas Republic Act 8293, section 176 states that: No copyright shall subsist in any work of the Government of the Philippines. However, prior approval of the government agency or office wherein the work is created shall be necessary for exploitation of such work for profit. Such agency or office may, among other things, impose as a condition the payment of royalties. This Learning Activity Sheet is developed by DepEd Region 6 – Western Visayas. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. No part of this learning resource may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means electronic or mechanical without written permission from the DepEd Regional Office 6 – Western Visayas. 5 Young People Read News Social media has made reading the news cool again. According to Wibbitz, 23% of young users get news from social media, and a whopping 61% get political news from Facebook. On social media, people share interesting news they read, and they can follow various news sources’ pages. Getting the Full Picture Stories — a part of Instagram, Snapchat, and Facebook — mean that people get the full picture of an event, activity, or occurrence in someone’s life. We no longer just get a snapshot of a home-cooked meal, we might see the entire process from start to finish. This has changed the way people think about what to post — there is much less thought put into a post when it is a story that will be erased after 24 hours. Boredom in Conversation Here’s a sad social media effect on communication. We are becoming bored when we have real, in-person conversations. People have such a need for social media consumption and that instant, colorful feedback only social media can give, they will often become bored during real conversations, resorting to their phones. This can lead to a decrease in the quality and number of meaningful conversations. Reactions to Non-Verbal, Emotional, and Social Cues In-person reactions to non-verbal, emotional, or social cues are changing in that people don’t need to respond to these types of communication when they are online. This leads to less experience and awareness of others’ needs based on these types of cues that can only be received from in-person communication. SELF-EXPRESSION Sense of Urgency No one has to wait for longer than a few hours for a response, and people have come to expect that timeline for conversations. There is so much of a sense of urgency that people are often anxious if they haven’t heard back from a family member, friend, or partner in a number of hours. Need to Share Social media has created a feeling among users that they must share whatever they are doing — from restaurant orders, to concerts, to the books they are reading. This can be a social media positive effect because people are getting more exposure to things they might not otherwise, such as new reads. But it can also be a negative effect as it can urge people to become dependent on posting anything occurring in their own lives and painting those occurrences as rosier than they truly are. 6 How We Value Ourselves When people see others having a wonderful life, as represented on social media, they tend to have a negative self-image, and start to devalue their own ways of life. In addition, there is a feeling of needing to paint an inaccurately positive and ‘fun’ version of one’s own life which leads to feelings of negativity about one’s ‘real’ life. Inside Perspective of Afar One of the positive effects of social media is the ability to get an intimate view of other cultures and places. With social media, especially on Instagram, users are able to see what others are doing around the world. People are exposed to travel ideas, new cultures, and ways of life unlike before. Broadcasting Live Broadcasting live started as a fun, innocent idea to share life’s moments, but it’s transformed to become a large part of political movements, sharing some dark aspects of today’s society. The option to post live videos has created an important platform for serious issues that need to be spoken about. Personalized Digital Messages Both Instagram and Snapchat have popularized the highly personalized message. People can now completely change their own faces with selfie filters, or draw pictures to send to friends, and more. Creativity soars, which is a great thing, but people can start to spend too much time personalizing picture messages. COMMUNICATION STYLE 1. Summarized Writing Starting with the limited character text messaging of the 2000s, and nowadays with the 140-character tweet, messages have been getting shorter and more concise. Other areas of communication have adapted for summarized writing as well, such as in shortened work memos, shortened academic communication between students and professors, and shortened messages in advertising. 2. Abbreviations The abbreviated style of communicating that became popular when text messaging started in the 00’s has continued into online conversations. It has also made its way into traditionally non-abbreviated forms of communication such as spoken language, email communication, and even academic forms of writing. This has caused concern among some academics, citing studies that show a causation between “textese” and negative effects on literacy skills such as writing skills 7 and reading accuracy. Other studies show that using “textese” has no effect on spelling ability, or correct grammar use. For a full review of related studies, see this meta-analysis. 3. Unfiltered Interactions Social media and internet interactions offer a veil between the person sending and the person receiving the message. These interactions are no longer face to face, and this can lead to some unfiltered conversations as people feel they can say anything with no repercussions. 4. GIFs and Emojis The introduction of using emojis to illustrate a written message or a GIF to express a reaction may seem fun and innocent, but it is also interfering with our ability to properly craft a written response. It ends up being too tempting to respond with a small picture, or a funny moving photo than to use the mind to create a response with words from scratch. 5. Viral Messages That quick and easy “share” button on so many social media platforms has led to the phenomenon of “going viral.” Messages, videos, and other content can be easily shared between platforms with millions of people in a matter of days. IN BUSINESS 1. Building a Community By utilizing social media, brands are able to create an entire community based on their products or services. The use of a particular brand can be integral to being a part of a certain lifestyle, and social media perpetuates that idea. By being involved with the right communities, or making your own community out of a brand (such as Disney), companies are creating the most loyal of customers. 2. Brands Are Speaking Directly to Audiences Companies no longer need to go through media such as TV stations, magazines, or newspapers to reach consumers. Brands now have direct access to customers by way of social media — they can now find out exactly the needs of the customer much faster and respond accordingly. 3. Social Media is Changing Traditional Media Traditional media was such that a brand would just post an article and it would reach audiences. With social media and the way information reaches consumers today makes it so that it’s important who is posting or writing about a product. Influencers, bloggers, and YouTube celebrities can all have a much bigger impact on getting a product successful in the market. 10 map is also an ideal guideline in building the research content as well as crediting the sources of the information you have taken. TECHNOLOGY LITERACY Technology Literacy is the understanding of the concepts behind computing equipment, network connectivity, and application software; the skills to responsibly use appropriate technology to access, synthesize, evaluate, communicate, and create information to solve problems and improve learning in all subject areas; and the ability to acquire new knowledge for on-going and lifelong learning in the 21st century global workplace. Things A Technologically Literate Person Must Have 1. Knowledge allows the technologically literate individuals to understand the occurrence of technology in their daily activities. It provides the basics of engineering concepts, systems, and trade-offs that allow them to reflect into the nature and limitations of the strategy process of production. 2. Critical Thinking and Decision Making allow literate individuals to ponder and evaluate on the benefits and risks that technologies can offer. They can decide whether to participate and engage in technological activities. 3. Capabilities allow technologically literate individuals to do hands-on-skills in performing home and office appliances and computers. They can troubleshoot and fix simple technological mechanical problems. Lesson 3 How to Use Social Media Responsibly 1. Be Friends with Your Parents Students need accountability, and that should start with your parents. If your parents aren’t on social media, find another (or several) trustworthy adult who can help you with accountability and wise social media usage. Consider the fact that your parents will see everything you post and share, and they can probably even see what you like and comment on if they try hard enough. You parents will hopefully call you out if you post something you shouldn’t, and they can possibly even help you through some relational struggles that occur on social media if needed. 2. Consider the “Front Yard Test” The front yard test is a great way to stay accountable to yourself and really think about what you’re posting. The test is simply this: is this post (or picture, comment, response, etc.) appropriate to be put on a giant sign and posted in your front yard (or another very public space)? If it’s not, it shouldn’t go online. If it would embarrass anyone (not just you) or you wouldn’t want a future teacher or employer to see it, it shouldn’t be posted. 3. Remember That the Internet Never Forgets This is hard for teens to grasp sometimes because life moves so quickly and it just doesn’t seem possible that something posted today could impact anyone in 10 years. But the cold hard truth is that the internet is indeed forever. It never forgets. Even if you delete a photo or a post or an entire social media account, there are ways to find 11 all of that information and those pages again. And if you’re up for a bigwig job or acceptance to an elite university, rest assured that those organizations have people who can pull up decades-old social media posts. Even if something is funny or seems incredibly important right now, think about the fact that once it’s posted, it will never ever go away and think twice about your decision. 4. Take an Inventory of Your Time Social media and the internet, in general, both have a way of sucking away valuable time without us even realizing it. Allow your phone to track your screen time or set limits for yourself on your tablet when it comes to how much time you’re on social media. Sometimes it’s nice to relax by looking through memes or keep up with friends via their Instagram pages, but one huge part of knowing how to use social media responsibly is about your time management. Social media has almost nothing to do with being productive, so your time spent on it should be very limited. 5. Check Your Emotions When everyone you know is on social media, it can be easy to get caught up in online drama. Whether someone posted a horrible picture of someone else or people are simply arguing about politics, you need to stay as uninvolved in the drama as possible and really check your emotions before saying or doing anything. It’s okay to be passionate about causes or stick up for your friends, but you need to do so wisely, responsibly, and respectfully. Don’t react with pure emotion or even with the first thing that comes to mind. Think through your response and be as level-headed as possible so that you are above reproach when it comes to online interactions. 6. Make Wise Decisions About Followers & Friends This tidbit is half about being safe and half about making social media work for you. First, don’t follow or be friends with anyone that you don’t know personally or who doesn’t have a lot of information on their profile. This is a red flag and unless this individual has a specific reason for sending you a friend request or asking you to follow them, you should simply avoid strangers online. Additionally, if someone from school or work that is incredibly dramatic or that you don’t get along with asks to be your friend, it’s okay to say no. If you’re concerned about declining their request starting drama, you can always add them as a friend but opt to have their information not show up on your feeds in order to avoid a trigger that may bring about an argument. Second, and on the other hand, it can be beneficial to follow or befriend well-known individuals in your areas of interest. If you want to work in a certain industry, for example, you can follow higher-ups in that industry to stay aware of current trends within that field. Additionally, if you’re a sports fanatic, an astronomy nerd, or obsessed with working out, it can benefit you to display your passions online by being friends with well-known individuals in those areas of interest. 7. T.H.I.N.K. Before posting anything online, go through the THINK acronym and ensure that what you want to post will benefit you and those who see it. T stands for true – Is this post/picture/comment truthful or is it possibly based on a rumor? H is for helpful – Will this help someone or will it potentially bring harm or hurt to someone? I is information – Is this actual information based on fact or is it gossip or unnecessary chatter? N is for needed – Is this something that people need to hear or it is irrelevant? K stands for kind – Is what you want to post kind and nice, or is it harsh or rude? 12 8. Be Wary of Oversharing It can be fun to “check in” to various locations or share the details of your upcoming beach trip, but knowing how to use social media responsibly has a lot to do with not oversharing. You don’t need to post pictures of every single place you visited on your school trip or give specific details about where you work, where you go to school, and what you do on the weekends. While this is a big safety concern, it is also about establishing boundaries and protecting your information. People don’t need to know when you’re not home or where you go after school every Friday. They also don’t need to know every emotion you have or what you have for lunch on Sundays. Some oversharing truly is a safety issue and some is just about understanding that every detail of your life is not the most fascinating tidbit of information to exist. 9. Be Intentional About What & Where You Post Social media can absolutely offer advantages to those who know how to use it wisely and responsibly. Choosing the right platform for certain posts and ensuring you are wise about what you post will help you make the most of social media. For example, if you’re a great athlete or an amazing artist or a budding author, you can use social media to “publish” what you’re doing. This not only shows your passion and aptitude, but it also puts your talent out there in a public setting where potential universities or employers could come across it. III. Accompanying DepEd Textbook and Educational Sites • • Media and Information Literacy by E.D. Gonzales • Perspectives in Media & Information Literacy by S.B. SyGaco, PhD • IV. Activity Proper Exercise 1: Directions: Answer the following base on the text you have read. 1. How did Social Media change the way we react to non-verbal, emotional, and social cues? 2. How did Social Media change the way we value ourselves? 3. How did the GIFs and emojis change the way we communicate? 4. How did Social Media change the way brands connect with audience? Exercise 2: Directions: Identify if the following activities belongs to media literacy, information literacy, or technology literacy. Write ML for Media Literacy, IL for Information Literacy and TL for Technology Literacy. Knowing the specific website to go in answering the assignments in Science. Knowing how to use the computer in typing a Research Paper. Knowing the specific ICT medium to use in presenting report for the class. Identifying the specific section of an article to be used included in a Research Paper. 15 Media and Information Literacy Summative Test 1 – Introduction to Media and Information Literacy Name of Learner: ____________________________________________________ Grade, Strand & Section: _________________________ Date: _______________ Subject Teacher: _____________________________________________________ I. Direction: Identify if the following statements are True or False. Write True if it is True, and False if it is false. 1. Social media has made reading the news cool again. 2. Broadcasting Live does not contribute to any political issues that need to be tackled. 3. People prefer long writings than short writings. 4. The strategy of journalists in exposing brands is to tell stories on how the brand or company came to be to appeal to masses. 5. It is not hard to stop the excess consumption of social media content nowadays. 6. Social media has created a feeling among users that they must share whatever they are doing. 7. Since people cannot see the people they interact with, all tend to be respectful in dealing with other people they don’t know online. 8. PR Campaigns means finding people to collaborate with to advertise their brands. 9. People are more interested than before in seeing the process of how some products are made. 10. People are becoming more patient in waiting response from others. II. Direction: Complete the Venn Diagram above. Get your answer from the box below. (7) (8) (9) (10) Media Literacy (1)(2) Information Literacy (5)(6) Technology Literacy (3)(4) 16 Media and Information Literacy Performance Task 1 – Introduction to Media and Information Literacy Name of Learner: ____________________________________________________ Grade, Strand & Section: _________________________ Date: _______________ Subject Teacher: _____________________________________________________ Direction: Choose two responsible use of media you are already observing and two responsible use if media you have not yet observed and explain your plans for them. Responsible use of Media you already observed Why did you decide to observe them? 1. 2. Responsible use of Media you have not yet observed How will you apply them? 1. 2. 5 4 3 2 1 Answer is very clear, very insightful, and acutely detailed by his/her own experience. Answer is clear, insightful, and detailed by his/her own experience Answer is slightly clear, slightly insightful, and somehow detailed by his/her own experience Answer may be lacking one of the following qualities: clear, insightful, and detailed by own experience Answer was very far off from what is being asked. A. Having them makes a person a Media and Information Literate. B. The ability to locate, evaluate, and use the needed information effectively. C. A set of abilities requiring individuals to recognize when information is needed. D. Both requires knowing the appropriate tool to make the best information there is. E. Both requires the knowledge of determining whether it is fake news or real news. F. The concept of knowing how to maintain and operate a computer can be applied to both. G. The understanding of the concepts behind computing equipment, network connectivity, and application software H. The ability to access, analyze, evaluate, and communicate information in a variety of forms, including print and non-print messages. I. This involves the ability to encode and decode the symbols transmitted via media and the ability to synthesize, analyze and produce mediated messages. J. The skills to responsibly suse appropriate technology to access, synthesize, evaluate, communicate, and create information to solve problems and improve learning in all subject areas 17
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