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Media Literacy Information, Quizzes of English

Media Literacy Information. Module 1-2 Answers.

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Download Media Literacy Information and more Quizzes English in PDF only on Docsity! LESSON 1: THE ROLE OF MEDIA IN THE COMMUNICATION PROCESS Direction: In a separate sheet of paper, write the letter of the correct answer. D1. It refers to anything that blocks or changes the source’s intended meaning of the message. a. Medium c. individual b. Technology d. interference A2. It refers to the tools used by the source to disseminate information to the receivers. a. Media c. literacy b. Technology d. information C3. It pertains to any information that is passed on through communication. a. Receiver c. message b. Media d. source B4. It refers to the atmosphere, physical and psychological, where you send and receive messages. a. Context c. feedback b. Environment d. interference 5. New media is also referred to as. a. Social Media c. the internet b. Wi-Fi d. artificial intelligence ACTIVITY 1.1: Breaking Down Miscommunication In your notebook try to recall a major miscommunication or misunderstanding that you were involved in and its consequences. Describe such situation. In what component/s of the communication process do you think did the problem originate? Explain what you did about it and give suggestions on how problems as such can be avoided in the future. Answer: The time when | had a major miscommunication or misunderstanding with someone is when my father told me something to do but | didn’t hear it clearly because of the loud music. Then it turns to small argument because | didn’t do the task he said. In the component of the communication process, the environment or from the loud music is where the problem came from. In order to avoid problems in a situation like this, | suggest that we should silent the music or keep in touch to the person who speak to avoid major miscommunication or misunderstanding to the person. By this, we can hear them clearly and have a_ better understanding and so on for future conversation. ACTIVITY 1.2: Question and Answer Instructions: Answer the questions briefly in your own words. Write your answers in a separate sheet of paper. 1. Why is communication a process? Communication is a process because it is like a series of steps in order to communicate effectively to other person. It requires a lot of components such as the source of the communication, the message being sent, the channel of the message, the receiver and the feedback of the receiver. This makes the communication like a cyclic process, it starts from the source or sender of the message goes to the receiver by a medium, and the receiver’s response which is in a form of feedback, then will be back on to the source which also makes the receiver as the source of the new information. 2. What are the important elements of communication? The important elements of communication are the source, message, channel, receiver. and the feedback. Without these major element the communication won't happen. 3. How can we achieve an effective communication? We can achieve an effective communication by thinking first what you want to tell and what manner do you want to deliver it. We should take it simple and clearly. Don’t interrupt in the conversation, wait for the other person to finish before you respond. Consider_your environment to avoid miscommunication and misunderstanding and don’t forget the eye contact for effective communication. ACTIVITY 1.3: Question and Answer Instruction: Answer the questions briefly in your own words. Write your answers in a separate sheet of paper. 1. How would a problem or difficulty in any of these components affect the communication process as a whole? A problem or difficulty in any of the components affect the communication process as a whole is the lack of attention or interest of the receiver of the message or the audience using unfamiliar words to the audience, the distractions or the environment where you deliver the message, and different perceptions, beliefs, or point of views among the sender and the receiver of the message that may leads to ineffective communication. 2. How does context (ex. environment, culture) influence your communication? Consider the language and culture people you grew up with, and the role these play in your communication styles Language and culture has a direct impact in people’s communication. For me, growing up to the place with people you already know, have different communication style than to the other place with people we newly meet. The different between the two is the place with people you already meet is you already know their language and culture than the other place and new people. By this, you already know how to communicate well to the people you already know than to the strangers, you must be aware on how well you risk to the community that might bring into danger because the people nowadays are not inform directly. Without media, it might hard to well inform the people in the community example in times of global pandemic that might bring rapid spread of the virus. It might lose millions of uninform individual. ACTIVITY 1.5: Choosing Appropriate Media Tools Choosing the right medium usually boils down to three factors audience, message, and budget. In this activity, explain why these factors heavily influence the kind of medium or media tools you should use to communicate your message or information. Nee aNes Who are you trying to reach? This should be the essential factor when trying to choose a medium. We should always know and analyze our target audience before we choose a type of medium to use. We must know everything to them just like their social statues and their behavior. The more we know our target audience, the better we can decide on which medium to use to deliver our message effectively to the audience. MISSES What really do you want to say to your target audience? There are various types of messages that needs different types of medium. Choosing the right medium for your message happens differently for everyone. You might choose different types of medium but it might differ to the audience on where you want to deliver it. It might be on social media because your target audience is digital natives or television because you want everyone to knows it. BUDGET Do you want a low cost advertisement for your product because of lower budget? This should also be considered in choosing the right medium. Instead paying of big amount of money for a TV commercial, you can consider the any platforms or it might be a website where your audience usually visits. Doing this will give you long- term benefits and low cost advertisement. ACTIVITY 1.6: Evaluating Media Platforms Reflect on the different uses of media platforms. Describe and rate them according to entertainment value, information value, education, business, and advocacy. Copy the table (found in the next page) and write your answers on a separate sheet of paper. Use the ratings given below. Ratings: 1 - not at all relevant, 2 - not very relevant, 3 - slightly relevant, 4 - relevant, 5 - very relevant. Media Platform Ey ee eAter ar Media 5 - because there arto) OS Tele 2 - because 3- slightly 2 - because Example: communication relevant because communication in is an active For networking through print some radio TV is mostly one- exchange of media is mostly programs are way, there is very | information and one-way and effective in least interaction wide connection there is very least growing a of people interaction network of people For 2 - it might have 5 - Because 5-veryrelevant | 5 - very relevant Entertainment any radio gives because it suits because it is entertainment enjoyment to for everyone where you found section, but the listeners by especially in everything mostly old telling stories, movies and especially people are jokes, and videos that might entertainment reading this for playing any give an posts and videos news and kinds of music. | entertainment to updates usually the audience For Information 5 - Because 5 - because it’s | 5 - because news | 5 - very relevant newspapers news and and updates are | because anything contain reliable | updates usually reliable, has and all the information from local visual image to information is about what’s happenings and see, and also found on the happening in our | can reach a lots reach a lot of internet in just surroundings and of audience audience one click. mostly suits for old people who reading news paper For Education 2 - because 2 - not very 4 -relevant 5 very relevant communication relevant because there are | because you can through print media require less interaction and some learner annoys reading newspapers because the learners don’t have interaction to their teacher and it might be hard for them to some shows that give educational knowledge to everyone but don’t have enough guidance have an active communication with your teachers and can get enough information to the ask some to the learner internet in just questions and one click that you don’t have can use for your enough study guidance For Business 5 - very relevant especially for advertising your product that 5 - very relevant because radio advertising delivers great 5 - because it can reach a wide range of audience and they can see 5 - you can easily interact with your customers because there is might reach to impact and your product an active your target larger audience | features visually communication audience and you | to your product and might help | and you can easily can find also especially local them to their boost your sales some job markets buying decisions because internet opportunity brings your product anywhere and you can get customers feedback about the product For Advocacy 2 - slightly 4- relevant 5-veryrelevant | 5 - very relevant relevant because especially for because it can because it can it slowly deliver local politicians reach a wide reach a wide the advocacy and to encourage audience that can range of target there is very least | people to vote be informed audience around interaction with | for them on the about who you the globe and the the audience upcoming are and what information can election and it your advocacy be deliver faster can reach a lot which is usually of audience where they especially elders advertise who listens to themself the radio What I Have Learned Generalization Complete the sentence stem below. Write your answers on a separate sheet of paper. 1. Communication is a complex process because it composed of steps and process in order to have an effective communication. It start from the source who creates an idea and convert it into message then delivers this message to the receiver by any type of medium. There are a lots of factors to consider such as the style of the message and the medium used to deliver a message, and also the environment that may affect the way we deliver our message. Media and information plays an important role in communication because_media is the vehicle of the information or the message. The media help the information spread into a wider audience. It help us to communicate each other and inform on what’s happening in our surroundings. It is the only way we can use to deliver our message to someone we want to communicate. It already part of our life because it helps us to make a wise decision in our daily living. It also serve as our daily guidance on what is happening in Retrieved from Media-Message Evaluation Matrix Component Sender Guide question 1. Who created the message? Is the source reliable? How can you say so? No AAs . The Department of Health created the message. The DOH is very reliable because it is verified already on twitter. The DOH is responsible for the promotion, protection, preservation or restoration of the health of the people in the Philippines. They are the one who spread awareness to Filipinos Message 2. What does the message say? 3. Is the information useful, fair, or logical? 4. Are there images or sound that can catch the viewer’s attention . The message shows all about the new cases of COVID 19, deaths, and the recoveries on that specific date. . The information of the DOH is very useful, fair, and logical because it inform us about the new cases in the pandemic and it give us an awareness. |. There are images that can catch the viewer’s attention because it is well organize that makes the message understandable. Medium 5. What type of media is used to deliver the message? 6. What are the strengths and weaknesses of this media format? . The type of media was used to deliver the message is the Internet or Social Media or the New Media. . The strengths of this media format is, it is well organize and easy to understand, reliable data information, and can reach a large audience. On the other hand the weaknesses are the information might use for any false information due to a lots of fake account, the opinion of other people, and hard to reach area for awareness. Receiver 7. Who is the target of the message? . The target of this message are all the Filipinos and other foreign 8. How might people different people living in the Philippines. from me_ interpret this | 8. | think other people different from message? me might not take the information seriously and they might also ignore this information due to their own doings. Context 9. What is the purpose of the | 9. The purpose of the message is for message? us to be updated and give 10. Who controls the awareness on the statistics of transmission of this message COVID 19 cases, deaths, and recoveries in the Philippines. 10. People controls the transmission of this message because they can retweet the message and aware everyone about the update given by the Department of Health LESSON 2: MEDIA LITERACY, INFORMATION LITERACY, AND TECHNOLOGY LITERACY Pre-test Let’s see how much you know before we tackle the next lesson. Write the letter of your choice on a separate sheet of paper. _C 1. This type of literacy is able to access, manage, and integrate technologies to create and communicate information. a. Media Literacy c. Technology Literacy b. Information Literacy d. Media and Information Literacy _A 2. This type of literacy evaluates different media forms and how can they be analyzed, evaluated, and created to send out messages efficiently and ethically. a. Media Literacy c. Technology Literacy b. Information Literacy d. Media and Information Literacy _B 3. This type of literacy identifies what the information is for, where to find it, and how to evaluate it. a. Media Literacy c. Technology Literacy b. Information Literacy d. Media and Information Literacy _D 4. This refers to how a person is able to look for relevant information from various media with the help of technology. a. Media Literacy c. Technology Literacy b. Information Literacy d. Media and Information Literacy _A_5. These are acquired data for specific purposes. a. Information c. Media b. Technology d. Literacy ACTIVITY 2.1: How well do I Know the Media? Inside the box are logos and icons of new media channels and applications. Take a look at these icons and answer the questions that follow in the next page. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 J¥YOocru nrestions- for Activity2-+ 1. How many can you name from the logos inside the box? All of them, the first is Wikipedia, and followed by Twitter, YouTube, Facebook, Google Drive, and Adobe Photoshop. 2. Explain briefly the uses of those that you can name. Wikipedia act as a quick "ready reference", to get a sense of a concept or idea. Twitter is an_online_news_and_social_ networking site where people communicate _in_short messages called tweets. YouTube is a video sharing service that allows users to watch videos posted by other users and upload videos of their own. Facebook is to make the world more open and connected. Google Drive is a cloud-based storage solution that As earlier discusses, Information Literacy involves being able to access, manage, and share information in a knowledgeable and responsible manner. This is a test on how well you can do such task. Read and analyze the situation below. Afterwards, answer the matrix that follows. “According to the weather forecast, there is no typhoon. However, your locality is experiencing heavy rainfall, while some parts in your province/region are already flooded. There are reported incidents of landslide, evacuation, stranded vehicles and drowning. As a student what are you going to do?” Information needs The information that | need are the new weather forecast, locality’s current situation, reported casualties, updates on the heavy rainfall, flood, landslide incidents, evacuation plan and location of the evacuation center, emergency plan, or if there is any evacuation happening. What information do you need? Sources of information If signal is available | can get the information from television, radio, from people, social i ? Where will you get them? media, news broadcast viewed from our phones, announcements from the municipality, and from officials and authorities Access to information | can access these information through browsing to the news website, watch what’s in the television, listening to the radio, by listening to the shared information from other people, talk with other people and my peers, announcements from the municipality, and by asking people, and government officials How will you access them? Evaluate information | can confirm the quality or reliability of the information if it is from a report by a known and reliable news center such as ABS-CBN, TV5, and GMA, and if it is announced by the officials from the municipality, if the information in the web is from reliable source like the news page, posts from social media have the same content or there is no change of information, and if the person asked from How will you check the quality of information? was an authority. Organize information | will prioritize the most valuable information and generalize the acquired information so that the others can understand clearly and can quickly catch on what’s happening. Store the information in my head and _ not forgetting every detail, record it in a recorder, save it into a video, write them in a paper in case | forgot some minor details, and type and save it in my phone. How will you organize and store them? Communicate information By creating a post and send the information in the web especially in the social media such as Facebook, Twitter, and etc., announce it in front. of everyone, face to _ face communication, email, chats, and through text messages. How will you create and communicate them? WHAT | HAVE LEARNED Generalization Complete the sentence stem below 1. In my own words, | can define media and information literacy as a way for people to have a freedom of expression. We can react or share our opinions into such information as media and information literacy promotes critical thinking, evaluating, organizing, and analyzing information from any forms of media into making conclusions or solving such information. Media and Information Literacy also affects how we live every day. With the help of Media and Information Literacy it enables everyone to understand the function and use of media and information. 2. Media literacy, information literacy, and technology literacy are important lifelong skills because this skills can help us be successful in life especially in today’s society as it ractices our critical thinking skills, and we are able to discern what is right and what is wrong. By having this skills, we are able to share information accurately. Our mind can uickly react _in such situations or information. Our mind can detect easily when information is needed. It also helps us to_work independently, appropriately, and effectively with the help of technological tools. This skills can be greatly used in today’s modern world especially if you want to be one of the professionals someday. Write a 300-word blog entry discussing what you can contribute to your community if you are a media and information literate individual. You may use the following to guide you in developing your arguments. ¢ Media and information literacy as practiced on both personal and professional level ¢ Media and_ information literacy as expression of freedom of WHAT | CAN DO Posttest lL MULTIPLE CHOICE Identify the correct letter of the answers to the following. Write it on the space before the number. A. Media Literacy B. Information Literacy Cc. Technology Literacy _A_1. Ross found erroneous facts in the newspaper he is reading. _C_2. Rachel uses her tablet to read his e-books which she downloaded using app. _A_ 3. Chloe an exchange student, tells her mother that she misses her through e-mail. _B_4. The teacher told the students to go to the library for their research activity. _B_5. A mother bought an alphabet chart for her four-year-old daughter. _C_6. Phoebe is preparing a PowerPoint presentation for his report in history. _B 7. The students are researching about the effects of social media on student performance in class. _A 8. Rachel chats with her friends in London very often. _A_9. ATV news program reported that a strong earthquake struck manila yesterday. _C_10. The Grade-11 students are to create a webpage of their advertisement in Economics. I. TRUE OR FALSE TRUE_1. An information literate person should first understand the question to figure out the type of information sources he or she needed. TRUE_2. Information needed comes from one source or method. FALSE 3. Media creators are only those who work under the media industry. TRUE_4. Information is difficult to be shared or learned upon if a person cannot understand what it is about. TRUE_5. Media is a collection of communication mediums such as radio, television, newspaper, and the internet. FALSE 6. All information found in the internet are reliable. TRUE _7. A media literate person understands which media is appropriate and the process how ACTIVITY 3.1: Media Interaction Log Try to think of your media consumption during the past week. In the table below, record your use and interaction with media and information providers (such as internet, social media, TV, radio, newspaper, etc.) and indicate how many hours were spent engaged with each one. Note: The number of hours need not to be exact. A rough estimate would suffice. Weekly Interaction Log with Information and Information Providers Media or Information Provider Number of Hours ina Week Example: Radio 3 Hours 1. YouTube 6 hours 2. Facebook 8 hours 3. Twitter 2 hours 4. Messenger 8 hours 5. Google 6 hours (Answeran pani????? Naa sa ibabaw?) 1. How can you tell if the source of an information is credible? We can tell if the source of an information is credible when the source is known for its reliability, check if the information is latest or if it is relevant. Examine the source's and author's credentials and affiliations. evaluate what sources are cited by the author, make sure the source is up-to-date, check the endorsements and reviews that the source received, check if the publisher of the source is reputable. Always evaluate if the source presents clear and unbiased information to be more credible, or if it aims at persuading you from a specific view. 2. What do we mean by the “creative techniques” in media? And how does it affect the message being sent? Creative techniques in media refers to the visual or creative presentation of the information. Looking at the format of a media message and examines the way it is constructed, the creative components that are used in putting it together such as words, music, color, movement, camera angle and _a lot more. It affect our understanding on the message being sent. It is essential that everyone must learn the basics of multimedia communication in _order_to understand clearly the information or message which is presented to _us_ visually. Understanding the grammar, syntax and metaphor system of media, especially visual language, not only helps us to be less susceptible to manipulation but also to increases our appreciation and enjoyment of media message that is constructed. . Why do other people interpret the same message differently? Most_of us know that different people experience the same media message differently. Everyone plays a role in interpreting these media messages because each of us brings a unique set of life experiences, ideals, and backgrounds. Our differences in age, gender, education and culture will bring a lot of different interpretations of the message. If we know this, we can be able to build a respect and_understand_different_opinions_and_ value _the validity of these different perspectives of others. In what way does ideals and values being “sold” through media? A lot of ideals, values, and concepts are being “sold” across the internet, through books, television and other types of media nowadays. The way the information is sent, packaged, and received is influenced and manipulated by academic, social cultural, and political principles. The media dictates our lives in one form or another. The media tells us how to dress, what to think about political issues, how to deal with relationships etc. The media is basically propaganda. All media content have the ability to sway our opinions on a specific message. It is our job to be literate enough to question and reasonably identify both obvious and hidden embedded values in media content. How can the purpose of a message affect your response as media consumer? Examining and evaluating the purpose of a message uncovers how it may have been influence by money, ego or ideology and gives you knowledge on how to interpret and _respond to _a message appropriately. My response will be determined_and influenced by thinking the purpose of the message, who profits from this or pays for this message, and who benefits the message. ACTIVITY 3.3: Fact or Fake? Analyze and evaluate a shared Facebook post of an article from the Internet below. Determine if such post is reliable or if it may contain false information and defend your answer using the principles and guidelines previously discussed. Write your answer on the space provided beside the photo. The information might be fake because the post is not much reliable and it contains false information because it doesn’t have a well-known person or author that could be reliable for the information. Its content covers false information with the deliberate intention to mislead or deceive the audience perspective. The data in the information is not backed up by experts. It also uses words that aims to upset or enrage the audience and by doing cross-checking with reliable sources, they do_not have the same story. This might be the reason that the information is not much reliable and might result in fake information or fake news. ACTIVITY 3.4: What’s Wrong? Take a look at the photos below. Identify the problems in the photos and explain how it relates to issues regarding media and information literacy. Write your answer on the space provided beside the photos. 4 This picture shows a man who believes and Whaddya mean all my rely everything he sees on the internet. He is facts are wrong?!? not a media and information literate person | copied rae because he was not able to discern and analyze everything whether the information he have gathered are true or not. The picture may also show an information disorder particularly misinformation because he perceives that the > information is true where in fact it is not and straight off the | will reply to his/her comments and tell her that | respect his/her point of view about the issue. All of us have different opinions and he/she should also respect mine. 3. A video scandal of two teenage students have been circulating in social media. Unknowingly, one of your schoolmates forwarded such video in one of your GC’s. Being the talk of the town, another schoolmate messaged you asking if you have a copy of the said video scandal. What would you do? The first thing | will do is to ask everyone who have the video to please delete it. Because it could bring depression to the person involved of the said scandal. | will also tell them to stop spreading it. | will tell my classmate who asked me that | have no copy and ask him/her to stop begging for it because it is not good at all. | will also stop them from making fun of the person in the video and not to judge them. That scandal or video doesn’t define them as a person and we should not judge them just by that mistake. 4. In your research group, you were tasked to write the Review of Related Literature. As you browse the web, you have stumbled upon many books and articles that you may use for your RRL. How would you manage all the information you have? | will check the source if it is reliable and if it has an author. | will also gather the information that is only relevant or connected to our study. The date or year should not be too far from the current year. | will also paraphrase and give credits to those author of the information that | have paraphrased. 5. As you are scrolling through your newsfeed, you come across a news article from a certain unfamiliar website. You wanted to share the news article but hesitated as to its truthfulness. How would you verify its validity? To verify the validity of the article, | will do the cross-check to see if some reliable sources have also the same story with the news article that | saw on my newsfeed. | will also check if the source is reliable, or if it is a known source of legitimate information. ASSESSMENT Posttest L MULTIPLE CHOICE: Write the letter of your choice on the space provided C___1. When media content is fake, used out of context, or weaponized to attack certain individuals or groups of people, its information environment is deemed a. clear c. polluted b. reliable d. funny B___ 2. This refers to content that contains false information with the deliberate intention to mislead or deceive the audience. a. Misinformation c. Mal-information b. Disinformation d. Raw information A___3. It refers to information that is false, but the person sharing or disseminating it unknowingly perceives it as something true. a. Misinformation c. Mal-information b. Disinformation d. Raw information C___4. This refers to information that is based on reality but is used to inflict harm. a. Misinformation c. Mal-information b. Disinformation d. Raw information A___5. One of the core concepts of Media and Literacy considers the of all media messages. a. truthfulness c. beauty b. marketability d. contractedness D___6. How should we set our expectations for media if we want better quality of information? a. Very low c. Average b. Low d. High A___7. Which among the choices are the four components of MIL skills? a. Access, Analyze, Evaluation, Creation b. Access, Appreciation, Evaluation, Creation c. Access, Appreciation, Extraction, Creation d. Access, Analysis, Examination, Creation C___8. The creative components of a media message - words, music, color, movement - all constitute. What element of a media message? a. Author c. Format b. Content d. Purpose B d. people D___10. These are information that has yet to be examined or confirmed. a. Misinformation c. Mal-information b. Disinformation d. Raw information I. YES OR NO. Write Y for YES, if you think the statement shows responsible use of media and information. Write N for NO, if you think otherwise. Y 1. Kim checks the truthfulness of the news she sees online by looking into other news outlets for the same content N 2. Kristoffer’s Facebook friend sent him through FB messenger a forwarded message about an upcoming 7.8 earthquake in their locality. Rattled, he also forwarded the unverified message to his family group chat, warning them of such quake. y 3. Rezza and her research group mates utilize Google Drive to work on their study. Y 4. Isa helps her local barangay in their campaign against COVID-19 by designing posters of local emergency hot lines and fast facts about the novel coronavirus. N 5. A friend sent me a video of a scandal from Facebook Curios as to who the people in the video were, | also sent it to several of my friends. Y 6. Rebecca validates the source of a Facebook post before she shares it. Y 7. Deanne uses YouTube crash courses to complement her learnings in school N 8. Erika believes that print media like newspaper and books are useless today because everything may already found on the internet. N 9. Mark cites Wikipedia in his research study because he considers anything on the internet true and credible. N 10. Andrew Photoshopped a false quotation beside a celebrity, published it on social media and claimed, it to be true. ADDITIONAL ACTIVITY ACTIVITY 4.2: Knowing You Media at Different Ages In your notebook, try to fill in the table on the next page. Age What format/equipment did people use to What format/equipment did people use to store What format/equipment did people use to communicate with each | information share or broadcast other information? Pre-industrial Age | - Face to face - Traditional papers | -Traditional papers interaction and writing materials and writing - Traditional papers - cave paintings materials and writing - clay tablets - cave paintings materials - clay tablets - Printing press using wood blocks Industrial Age - Telegraph - Printing press or|- _ Printing press or - Paper and pen books books - Typewriter - Radios - Newspaper - Magazine Electronic Age - Telegraph - Computers - Television - Telephone - Books or printing|- Radios - Computers press - Print media - Computers Information Age |- Smart phones - Computers - Internet - Social networks - Cellphones - Television - Video chat - Search engines - Microblogs - Wearable - Digital books - Search engines technologies - Social media - Print media - Wearable - Wearable technology technology - Printing press - Websites - Radio - Smart phones - Digital books ACTIVITY 4.3: Your Thought Count Instruction: Make a Cartoon analysis of the given illustration. Write your answer in a separate sheet of paper. Based _on the illustration it portrays how free press _is important because it is an essential ingredient in a democracy. The press, when it does what it should, speaks truth to power. Media also serves as an eye opener of the wrong doings of some government officials and private sectors. Its role is to be honest because people rely on the press. When it doesn’t follow this simple responsibility it will lead to a malfunction of a democratic society. Pillars ACTIVITY 4.4: Your Internet Usage Matter The human population was estimated to be 7.6 billion at the turn of the year, using an estimate 8.1 billion devices connected to the internet. In your notebook, try to answer the following: 1. 4. How often do you use the internet on any device/in any place? Every single day because | use it for entertainment, communicating with friends, and learning. Do any factor/s limit or prevent your use of internet? Yes, especially slow signal or internet connection. Can you enumerate the different ways you have known on how to use internet? Electronic mail, research, download files, playing games, learning new things, shopping job-hunting, news updates and a lot more. Aside from the entertainment purposes, do you find a positive potential on using the internet? Yes, because it is very useful whenever | am very curious about a certain thing and then | search it online and gain knowledge from it. | can also learn something that can be a solution whenever | encounter a certain problem. Using the internet, we can connect with a lot of people especially those far from us. Explain briefly the concept of internet of things (oT). It refers to the use of intelligently connected devices and systems to leverage data gathered by embedded sensors and actuators in machines and other physical objects. ACTIVITY 4.5: Traditional Media VS New Media The table shows the description of both kind of media. In a separate paper, write the correct description that it refers to. Follow the given table below. 7 Media experience is limited Media experience is more interactive One-directional Audience are more involved and can response simultaneously Sense receptors used are very specific (i.e., print media - sight, radio - hearing, TV and films - sight and hearing) Integrates all aspect of old media It includes social networking sites, blogs, podcasts, wikis, and virtual worlds v It is much more of a two way affair and it allows consumers and users to YS get more involved SOAK 8 aN Traditional Media is New Media is v Media experience is limited v Media experience is more Y One-directional interactive v Sense receptors used are very v Audience are more involved and specific (i.e., print media - can response simultaneously sight, radio - hearing, TV and v Integrates all aspect of old media films - sight and hearing) v It includes social networking sites, blogs, podcasts, wikis, and virtual worlds v It is much more of a two way affair and it allows consumers and users to get more involved Assessment Posttest Direction: In a separate sheet of paper, write the letter of the correct answer. 1. Which of the following is used to store information during electronic age? a. Telegram b. Radio c. Books d. Typewriter 2. Typewriter first appeared in. a. Pre-industrial age c. Industrial Age b. Electronic Age d. Information Age 3. What format/equipment did people us to communicate with each other during Industrial Age? a. Traditional paper and writing materials c. Paper and Pen, Typewriter b. Telegraph, Telegram, Telephone, Computers d. None of these 4. What are different types of new media? a. The internet, CDs, DVDs c. television, films, nooks and newspapers b. Novels, poems, fiction and d. Radio, television, monkeys non-fiction 5. Which of the following NOT included in the distinctive feature of Internet of Things? a. loT will enable life-enhancing services b. Distribution models for loT services are often global c. New capabilities are being developed for loT applications d. Inflating demands on the mobile network 6. Aprimary function of an independent press in a free and democratic society is to: a. Provide news that is fair, balance, and accessible to all people b. Maintain social order by publishing stories that promote democratic values c. Manage the way in which information is disseminated and presented to the public d. Entertain audiences while supplying them with timely information on their communities 7. In. a30 minute local television news broadcast, four minutes are dedicated to a lead story about a robbery at an area business. Two-to-three minutes segments report on an incident in which an individual was arrested for assault and on recent developments in a high profile criminal trial. This news describes the role of media as, . a. Channel c. Watchdog b. Resource center d. Advocate 8. Ahigh school journalist has spent weeks gathering information in order to develop a story in changes in graduation requirements. The student has transcripts of interviews with teachers and students, data and news releases from the state department of education, and copies of practice graduation tests. This news describes the role of media as . a. Channel c. Watchdog b. Resource center d. Advocate 9. A television news helicopter crew is first on scene the afternoon a typhoon sweeps through a Midwestern town. The crew’s aerial footage is fed to national news bureau, which in turn arranges to broadcast the footage that night on its national nightly network news program. This news describes the role of media as, . a. Channel c. Watchdog b. Resource center d. Advocate 10. While the potential impact of the loT is considerable, a concerted effort is required to move beyond this early stage. In order to optimize the development of the market, a common understanding of the distinct nature of the opportunity is required. Which of the following IS NOT the key feature of loT? a. The Internet of Things can enable the next wave of life-enhancing services across several fundamental sectors of economy b. Meeting the needs of customers may require global distribution models and consistent global services c. Information overload across platforms of media d. Device and application behavior will place new and varying demands on mobile networks. 11. In a democratic society, its role is pivotal in keeping the government, companies, and powerful individuals accountable to the masses. The media has the power to spotlight and expose those who abuse their power. The first thing dictators do to control the flow of information is to control the media, what news stories they can run. Their role is to objectively provide the facts in the context they are expected. a. TRUE b. FALSE 12.The modern age of business and consumerism is increasingly driven in a global fashion with international brands in many vertical industries. In order to support the development of a viable service ecosystem, i.e. one that meets customer expectations in an economical manner, globally consistent service enablers will be a key requirement. For companies in vertical industries, the ability to deploy their services across several countries. Which of the following is NOT an loT inspired device? a. Smart watch c. Augmented reality b. 3D printings and sensors d. Billboards 13. What format/equipment did people use to store information during the Information Age? a. Printing press or books, computers b. Printing press or books, digital books, personal computers, mobile phones, smart phones c. Wearable technology, social media d. Both bandc 14. A positive view of the political role of media sees it as... a. Away of keeping people harmlessly amused when times are hard b. A way of promoting constructive ‘role models’ for young people c. Much more trustworthy than politicians d. Atits best, a potential check on executive power 15.While the Internet of Things (loT) will ultimately have enormous impact of consumers, enterprises and society as a whole, it is still an early stage in its development. These are the following industrial sector may arise EXCEPT: a. Intelligent buildings c. PCs, tablets and handset data b. Energy services and national security —_d. none of these Additional Activity Being an empowered SHS student, your role is to showcase your versality in all forms of media. Perform the following instruction: 1. Draw on a short bond paper a political cartoon depicting your opinion about how Philippine media perform its roles and functions in the Philippines which is a democratic country. 2. Explain the message of your political cartoon in not less than 3 sentences. 3. Upload your output in your Facebook account and use the _hashtag #TraditionalloNewMedia 4. Don’t forget to tag your teacher for the said work of art of yours. usually print media, radio is a type of broadcast media. On the other hand, theater is a film or movie, Facebook, YouTube, websites and Spotify are classified as new media. Activity 5.2 Your Thoughts Count This illustration shows media convergence. It shows the blending of multiple media forms into one platform for purposes of delivering a_dynamic experience. As what | can see. movies are seen only on cinemas before but as time goes on new inventions are_ made which made it possible to watch movies on television, CDs or DVDs, to audio and video recorders, and iPods and other media players in 2000. It is the same with how information is placed. Computers were invented _first then now you can use laptops, cellphones and more where you can do and search anything as much as you want. In communication, before you can use the portable landline telephone but now cellphones or smartphones are invented. The picture also shows the evolution of games console. Basically, this picture shows how media convergence made it easier to produce media. Digitization allows consumers of media content to produce and distribute their own content. They could be everyday people using social media sites. Or they could be professionals working in their field. Activity 5.3 Sample of Media Convergence Instruction: Do a research of at least 2 examples for the following platform where the media convergence is much existing. Use the table below to be guided. Media Convergence in Platform Specific Example Communication Social Network Facebook, Instagram, Twitter Education Learning Resource Center Google meet, Messenger Room, Google chrome, Edmodo, Zoom app Advertisement Services Advertisement Amazon, Shopee, Lazada News News Agency Philippine News Agency,, Rappler Entertainment Multimedia Personality Facebook, Youtube, Instagram, Tiktok Activity 5.4: Put it on the Record The environment in which media policy and regulation are undertaken has been radically shifting as users more easily control their own media environments and younger users (“digital natives”) are often most familiar with convergent media technologies. In your notebook, try to answer at least (2) of the following: 1. Describe how new technologies have led to the convergence of traditional and new media. Because of the rising new technologies, it led to the convergence of traditional media such as newspapers, radio, books, magazines and even television, and new media by changing the way people gain information. This lessened the need for us to read articles printed on paper, listen to the radio, or get ideas from a book, it is now available wherever you are when you have access to_a WIFI. We can pretty much do anything or be entertained and gain knowledge through our phone. 2. Explain how media convergence creates new opportunities for interaction. Media convergence created various platforms in our generation. With the help of media, we can communicate with anyone around the world. We can share our interests in life through video calls, chats, by just being at home. This also made _us save a lot of time especially when paying bills and shopping. 3. Describe the use of one or two form of new media to share knowledge and information on a current issue in society The media has a great impact in sharing knowledge and information on a current issue in the society. Different types of informative and news based websites in the internet are most common examples. Different social media platforms are also becoming a good place for knowledge sharing about current affairs in our society. This also makes us aware or updated on the issued in our country. But people can also use these new media to spread fake news cyberbullying, scam, etc. 4. Explain how a person could be portrayed in public in the age of media convergence. Due to the easy availability of the digital social media platforms, the mass communication mediums are now easily manipulating a large number of people in no time. That's why media nowadays, can easily portray a person in both negative and positive aspects and this portrayal reaches to large number of people in no time. So we can say that the power of media has increased due to the easy availability of digital social platforms. Activity 5.5: Media Personality These are given pictures of famous individuals who are featured across all types of media. In a separate sheet of paper, answer the following question. Follow the given table below. Question 1. What do these two personalities have in common? Angel Locsin She is one of the famous celebrities in the Philippines. She uses her fame to influence goodness and help the needs Lea Salonga She is one of the famous celebrities in the Philippines. She uses her fame to influence goodness and help the needs How did they become that prestige in their life? She work hard to be an actress and gain many awards and was praised by a lot of people. She is the one of the best singer and actress in the world and play some roles in music theater in Disney. . What made them so She starred in many hit TV series and movies in the Philippines and was awarded a lot for her great talent in acting. At an early age, she started to enter the music industry until she was given opportunities to the play roles in some music theater in other countries and was praised for her powerful yet melodic voice. Whenever calamities happen in our country, she is one of the people who donated and help those people in need. Especially today in this pandemic she really have contributed a lot to help front liners in doing their job. She brought our pride of being a Filipino artist and tell the world that we can also compete in music industry. She promotes women empowerment and helps those in need. famous? . What have they contributed to the society? How do these personalities influence the way people see themselves and others? She uses her social media accounts to spread awareness, motivate, and inspire us. Based from what | have seen, she uses her Twitter account to help people and share the With the use of her Social media and other media, she can showcases her talent and inspire us to dream big. How is this person portrayed in public by different types of media? Police officers use media to communicate important announcements to the community and solicit tips on criminal investigations. Police are also involved in a lot of issues and media portrayed their good and bad sides. Source: norte-nueva-vizcaya-new-police-chiefs How is this person portrayed in public by different types of media? ASSESSMENT Posttest Direction: In a separate sheet of paper, write “TRUE” if the statement is TRUE and “FALSE” if not. TRUE 1. Harry Potter Complete Series Boxed Set Collection is a print media. FALSE 2. Don’t Let Me Down by The Chainsmokers in Spotify is a broadcast media. FALSE 3. Broadcast media requires internet connection as medium transmission to reach the target audiences. TRUE 4. Print media are media consisting of paper and ink, reproduced in a printing process that is traditionally mechanical. For instance, Manila Times, Sunstar, Bandera and many others. TRUE 5. Media personality can have power to direct or challenge society. TRUE 6. Media content producers should follow a code of ethics that prohibits the use of abusive or discriminatory material based on race, ethnicity, age, gender, physical ability or marital status. FALSE 7. Digital media make people create new kinds of media forms, like mash-ups. TRUE 8. One of the consequences of convergence is that types of media such as radio or film re » losing their meanings as distinct, separate media types that are defined by their technologies. TRUE 9. In the future, internet magazines will expand publications’ readerships. FALSE 10. The second information communications revolution began with the invention of paper. Additional Activity Being an empowered SHS student, your role is to showcase your versality in all forms of media. Perform the following instruction: 1. Using the application that the learners are most competent with, make a drawing/sketch on how different media is affecting your everyday life. 2. You can use any application from playstore that they are most comfortable with (ex. PcketPaint, SketchBook, Paint, PicsArt, Color, Draw & Paint, others) 3. Upload your output in your Facebook account and use the hashtag #TypesOfMedia 4. Don’t forget to tag your teacher for the said work of art of yours. LESSON 6: MEDIA AND INFORMATION SOURCES What I Know Pretest Let’s see how much you know before we tackle the lesson. Below is a True or False test. Write T in the space provided if the statement is true, otherwise F if not. _T_1. Indigenous media and information are highly capable because they are near the source and are seldom circulated for profit. _T_2. Indigenous media are channels for change, education, and development because of its direct access to local channels. _T_3. Ignoring indigenous media and information can result in development and education programs that are irrelevant and ineffective. _T_4. Oral instruction, Records - may be written, carved, or oral. Gatherings and social organizations and direct observation are few forms of indigenous media. _T_5. Indigenous Knowledge is unique to a given culture or society. _1_6. Library exist because of the birth of printing press. What's New ACTIVITY 6.1: Spot it Out! Read and understand the directions and answer the given activity. These are news articles, book, and magazines by which our current president was illustrated. Illustrate the differences and similarities between the information gathered in each source. Write your answer on the space provided. ST Elina PR ey e These three sources talks about|* They differ in the way of disseminating president Rodrigo Duterte the information. One is through a book, e the information gathered aims to inform the other one is through a magazine and the readers or the audience. a news article posted on the internet. The published book talked about the elite democracy and the negative and positive effects of the presidency of Rodrigo Duterte. The published magazine focused on how Duterte rose to fame and how great he is to be the next president of the Philippines. The news article talked about the franchise of ABS-CBN and the acceptance of the company’s apology to the president. What's New ACTIVITY 6.2: Evaluating Information Read and understand the given news below and answer the follow up questions. Reality 1. Which of these details | 1. Information from Philippine can be verified in other National Police about allegedly 32 persons 2. Could these details be arrested of spreading fake true? Why or why not? news about covid-19 in social media. 2. True, because it has proper source of information coming from the PNP and verified that they violated the law. Accuracy 3. Which of these facts| 3. The facts that are are measurable? measurable is the 32 4. Is the article written arrested persons will face witch care? charges violating the “Unlawful Use of Means of Publication and Unlawful Utterances” under the Article 154 of the Revised Penal Code. 4. Yes, because it clearly stated the information for the awareness of readers and to stop the panic about the pandemic. The article What I Can Do Application For this week you will write an essay on the topic “How do people find information that matched my needs?” and “How do | choose from the wide variety of information made available by different sources?” Your essay will be graded based on the rubric. Consequently, use the rubric as a guide when writing your essay and check it again before you submit your essay. “How do people find information that matched my needs?” We humans have a lot of common needs in life such as water, food, clothing, home and etc. In our generation, 20" century gave us the opportunity to share dreams, ideas, and goals in life. The emergence of technology helped us make solutions for a certain issue or problem. People make information out of curiosity, and also people find information by doing research, interviews, and observations and share these information to others. People will find information that matches my need through search engine that provides answers or information to many question such us Google, Yahoo, Wikipedia, and other search engine but not all search engine are reliable. People research about how they can help the community, they conduct interviews to know the needs and wants of people and to enhance their skill in making useful technologies, they also conduct studies to discover something new that is essential and important to everyone. Finding information that matches my needs is very easy now that the internet is present. There are a lot of brilliant people who makes information and post it on the internet. People share their thoughts and ideas on the internet and in just one click you can find the information that you needed. Some people also finds information on books, encyclopedia, dictionaries and etc. They choose these types of sources because they have legitimate information. In this 21° century where everything can be manipulated even information on the internet, we must be very careful in choosing the appropriate information that we need. “How do | choose from the wide variety of information made available by different sources?” Finding what you need on the internet might be risky there are a lot of things that are very deceiving. Some things looks factual and real but in reality it is fake. Primary sources requires us to be both critical and analytical as we read and examine documents and objects. Also, it helps us to construct knowledge and to consider different points of views in analysis. In the internet whenever | search for something related to my project | tend to look at the credibility and reliability of the source. There are a lot of results in just one click and | carefully choose the best answer out of all the sources. In terms of news information, whenever | hear rumors | validate it by searching or browsing the internet and find the reliability of the information. | look at the time and date when it is published, | look at the author and search his name and find if he or she really is a trustworthy author. When finding information that matches your needs and when choosing information made available by different sources you have to be a literate person. We should critically analyze each information and choose the reliable and accurate ones. We must know how to be a media and information literate in order to be good in anything we do. ASSESSMENT Posttest A. MULTIPLE CHOICE. Encircle the letter of your choice. Be wary of options, choose only the best. ONLY THE BEST. You will get wronged and hurt if you choose the wrong ones. It is only your conscious choice that will dictate your fate. May God be with you! 1. One of the difficulties of coping with twenty-first-century media is a. Alack of information b. A lack of reliable sources c. The need to sift good information from bad information d. All these answers are correct 2. When searching the Internet you should keep in mind... a. That you can find any information online if you just search long enough b. That banner ads and chat rooms will often lead you to the best quality information c. That because of copyright laws, nothing worthwhile is ever published on the internet d. That not all online sources provide reliable or authoritative information 3. When working on a research assignment, what is an effective and efficient plan of action to take? Arrange the steps below from start to end for an effective and efficient plan. a. Select information resources b. Cite sources c. Organize information d. Conduct effective searches e. Evaluate information f. Define topic g. Review (and repeat) MEDIA AND INFORMATION LITERACY QUARTER 3 - MODULE 3: Language and Policies in Media and Information LESSON 7: Media and Information Languages What | Know Pretest Answer the following as directed. Strictly No erasure. Write only the letter of your choice. A 1. can be recognized by its common set of distinguishing features. a. Genre c. Codes b. Conventions d. class C2. are systems of signs, which create meaning a. Genre c. Codes b. Conventions d. class B_ 3. are the generally accepted ways of doing something. a. Genre b. Conventions c. Codes d. class Technical Codes 4. ways in which equipment is used to tell the story (camera techniques, framing, depth of fields, fields, lighting and etc.). Symbolic Codes 5. show what is beneath the surface of what we see (objects, settings, body language, clothing, color, etc.) What's New Activity 1: Tell Us Your Guts What you will do Complete the table by making a short description for the following films. MOVIES DESCRIPTION 1. Hello, Love, Goodbye (2019) with Kathryn Bernardo, Alden Richards Director: Cathy Garcia-Molina This movie shows the life of an OFW and the love story between Joy (Kathryn Bernardo) an OFW working hard in Hong Kong to provide for her family in Philippines and has aspirations of migrating in Canada, and Ethan (Alden Richards) working as a bartender as he waits for his residency. The movie also lets you think about you priorities in life, is it love? Family? or career. 2. Heneral Luna (2015) with John Arcilla Director: Jerrold Tarog This movie shows the life of Gen. Antonio Luna (John Arcilla) in 1898 who faced resistance from his own countrymen as he fights for freedom during the Philippine- American War. Today the capacities of human mind aided by technology enable the process of construction of media and information messages. The media employ more than words to construct a more complex society. Film and broadcast communication use the language of the camera, the tools and techniques of editing and the power of words - as dialogue and narration - to capture the world of a story, deliberately making choices on what not to include, what not to highlight, and what should serve as backdrop. It is very important to keep in mind: every media, every media form or media text whether is a printed advertisement prominently lining on the streets we pass through to the television we watch everyday. 1. Genres are defined as a category of artistic composition, as in music or literature, characterized by similarities in form, style, or subject matter. It is a French word which means “Kind” or “Class”. The original Latin word is “genus” and means class of things that can be broken down into subcategories. It tends to be the understood to constitute particular conventions of contents and following a distinctive style in terms of form and presentation. 2. Codes is illustrated as the system of signs that when _put together create meaning. There are three types of codes which are: Technical codes, the way in which equipment is used to tell story such as the camera techniques, framing, depth of fields, lighting, and etc. Symbolic codes which shows what is beneath the surface of what we see such as the objects, setting, body, language, clothing, color, etc. Written codes are the formal written language used in a media product. It can be used to advance a narrative, communicate information about a character or issues and themes. In includes printed language which is text you can see within the frame and how it is presented, and also spoken language, which includes dialogue and song lyrics. 3. Conventions, on the other side, is defined as the accepted ways of using media codes. These are closely connected to the audience expectations of a media product. Of which, classified into three types, Form conventions, the certain ways we expect types of media’s codes to be arranged. Story conventions, are _common_narrative structures and understandings that are common in story telling media products. Genre conventions, points to the common use of tropes, characters, settings or themes in particular type of medium. Genre conventions are closely linked with audience expectations. Genre conventions can be formal or thematic. 4. Upload your video to YouTube and please don’t forget to send link to the teacher. ASSESSMENT (ANG GREEN KAY DILI SURE UG WAY ANSWER) Posttest MULTIPLE CHOICE: Encircle the letter of your choice. Be wary of options, choose only the best. ONLY THE BEST. You will get wronged and hurt if you choose the wrong ones. It is only your conscious choice that will dictate your fate. May the God be with you! 1. What shot is used to represent a character as having power? A. High angle shot C. Establishing shot D. Canted shot 2. What shot is used to show emotions on characters face? A. Extreme close up C. Aerial shot D. Scooby doo shot 3. Why is a shot reverse shot used? A. To show the location B. To show something forwards and backwards C. To manipulate situations 4. An establishing shot/long shot is used to set the location of a scene. B. False 5. What shot is this? A. Medium shot C. Canted shot B. Long shot D. Extreme long shot 6. What is a wide shot? A. When it makes a character looks really fat 7. What should be used to establish the full costume of a character in TV drama? A. Establishing shot C. Close up D. Extreme close up 8. Why is a mid-shot used? B. To show someone’s feet C. To show someone walking 11. A master shot is when you can see all the action taking place in one shot. B. False A. High angle shot C. Extreme close up shot B. Close-up shot D. Establishing shot 13. A close-up shot will show... A. Ashot of a hand, eye, mouth, or object and foot in detail. C. A view of a figure’s entire body in order to show action and/or a group of characters. 14. This is an establishing shot B. False 16. The purpose of an “over the shoulder” or “point of view” shot, is to show the audience how that character views the situation so they have empathy with the character. In this shot, the audience feel helpless and compelled to do something to help the woman. B. False 17. This long shot is also a low-angles shot A. True 19. What type of shot shows a subject down to his or her waits, e.g. showing head and shoulders and is also known as mid-shot? A. Long shot C. Low angled shot D. Over the shoulder shot 7. 9. The writer copies from several different sources, tweaking the sentences to make them fit together while retaining most of the original phrasing. A. The Ghost Writer on B. The Photocopy D. The Labor of Laziness The writer copies significant portions of text straight from a single source, without alteration. A. The Ghost Writer C. The Potluck Paper D. The Labor of Laziness A legal device that gives the creator of literacy, artistic, musical, or other creative work the sole right to publish and sell that work. A. Cyberbullying C. Patent B. Fair Use D. 10. Means you can use copyrighted materials without license only for certain purposes. A. Cyberbullying C. Patent D. Copyright ACTIVITY 8.1: The following terms are all associated with the ethical and legal use of media and information. These concepts will be discussed in this lesson. But before you proceed, try to figure out what these terms are by filling out the blank boxes. x [In [r Je[R [n felt] [nJe [t [i [z Je[n [s [ui [P| (ne |r [i [a Jute [rt [rte] [vJe [t [1 [a fufe [r [rel Lc ly [e je{r [elu |e [tfyfi [nc] [a]o Jo [i [ce [tf] Jo In] [ep [it fa [efi fale [i [s[m] [rR [i [c [x [1Is] Le |v [a [m[e] [wa [R Is | 10. ACTIVITY 8.2: Case Study Directions: Answer the questions briefly. Write your answers in a separate sheet of paper. Case 1: Plagiarism Read the following articles on a case of plagiarism: “UP student plagiarizes prize-winning photos” (Source Link: plagiarized-photos) After reading, answer the following questions: 1. First article: “UP student plagiarizes prize-winning photos” In what competitions did Solis send his plagiarized work? Smiles for the World photo contest conceptualized by the Chilean Ambassador Roberto Mayorga. What sanctions did he receive from the organizing committee? Describe his actions. The organizing committee stated that an investigation will be conducted. They took back the prize money and the round trip ticket to Chile and Brazil. Mayogra also told Solis that he needs to see the organizers after the incident. This is just appropriate because he immediately responded to the wrong doing of Mark Joseph Solis. Solis’ behavior is very unethical because plagiarism is a crime. Do you think technology and the internet have made plagiarism easier? Do you think technology has made people more or less creative? Explain your answer by citing examples. Yes, technology and internet have made plagiarism easier because there are a lot of sources found on the internet. It made people less creative because they won’t be using their own ideas or thinking whenever they need to create something because people are too dependent on technology or media. They think that it’s not a problem to plagiarize because the owner of that certain work won't be notified directly. It is okay to get ideas on the internet but there is a tendency that this would result to plagiarism. 2. Second Article: “UP grad in photo plagiarism gets redemption” According to the article how did Solis redeem himself? What job did he have? He managed a football program for street children at a makeshift field inside the Baclaran church compound in Pasay City. What project did he help? Calidad Humana project What is there to learn about in the life of Solis? His story proves that a mistake doesn’t define who you are and doesn’t define your future. There is always a room for change, and a chance to correct things. You just need to learn from your mistakes, overcome the challenges and keep on living. Activity 8.3: With what you have learned so far, cite a situation, which is most likely for you to experience, where you could apply your knowledge on intellectual property right, copyright, and fair use guidelines. Include a simple illustration of such situations. 1. Intellectual Property a 2. Copyright 7 ——w When conducting a research and in writing the Review of Related Literature, | cite the author and paraphrase his/her_work in order to avoid plagiarism and_also using this in support of my idea. Also in the methodology, | cite the author where | got the information and where | based on how to make the product for our research to credit his work. When using sound effects or background music in editing a video for a project | use those with no copyright_to avoid being unethical. Also if the copyrighted music is really needed, we should email or contact the owner and ask for permission. include those copyrighted information or materials without icense only in certain purposes such as reporting in class or during a research defense. Majority of the content of my research or report must be my own idea. ACTIVITY 8.4: Read and understand the comic strip below. Answer the questions that follow on a separate sheet of paper. ACTIVITY 8.7: Analyze the graphic below and answer the questions that follow briefly. Write your answers in a separate sheet of paper. HERES T LO6KS, MY NEW Oy, iT ri LiKE MINE / inwenTion! LIKE MINE Guide Questions: 1. What issues do you see in the poster? The issues are three investors having the same made project. One inventor claims he made it but it looks like the other one also invented it. Another issue here is there’s a possibility that one of them intentionally copied the project of the other. 2. What possible dangers and issues in the picture? The dangers and issues that might happen in the picture is one might claim that it was his project and the real owner might not get its prestige or fame. On the other hand, if it was proven that the one who claimed that it was his work was not really the inventor will face consequences. 3. Which of these issues have happened to you or to your friends? Why did they happen? This was my friend’s experience. He is already in college and their examination was to have a teaching demonstration. He told his friend about his topic and how he practiced all night to get a high score. He didn’t know that his friend was the first one to take the demonstration. He also did not know that his friend did not prepare anything so his work was copied by his friend. The teacher noticed that they have the same lesson plan and _so they were called. The friend of mine have to create another topic to solve his problem which is very unfair because he was the first one to create this and it was copied by his friend. It was not his fault but he ended up the one facing the consequence that the other person should have. ACTIVITY 8.8: Explain what each photo represent and what rule of netiquette is violated. Explain how the issues implied in these photos affect media consumers like you. Write your answers on a separate sheet of paper. This photo represents being impolite online. You_can clearly see that the other person is shouting through chat. This violated Rule 5 of netiquette_which is make yourself look good online. Always check for spelling and grammar errors, know what you're talking about and state it clearly, be pleasant and polite. Just like the person on the left and as a media consumer this affects me sometimes because when | am chatting with someone and he or she send me an_all CAPSLOCK text | misinterpret it as being ‘We ALL leave a digital footprint Whaddya mean all my facts are wrong?!? This photo represents cyberbullying which violates Rule 2 of netiquette which is adhere to the same standards of behavior online that you follow_in_real_life. Cyberbullying is now punishable by law. As a media consumer, | have seen a lot of cyberbullying. Especially spreading inappropriate videos which bothers me because | think about the person being cyberbullied. The people who spreads it on the internet disgust me. Also reading negative comments online about _a certain issue of a person affects my mood the whole day. This photo “shows” photo shows us about having your personal information put online where it can be used by the public against you. It violates Rule 8 of netiquette which is respect other _people’s privacy. In this rule, it is stated that “information that_are_private in nature must remain private and that is a right the needs to be asserted - a right that everyone is afforded.” As_a media consumer this affects me because before when | was new to Facebook | edited my bio and displayed by mobile number and one day someone with a scary voice called _me saying inappropriate _words_and_| quickly dropped the call_after_ hearing what_he_was saying, changed by number, and_deactivated This photo shows plagiarism. This violates the rule of respecting your source or the author of that information. Whenever we get information from others on the internet, the author should be cited to avoid plagiarism which is also punishable by law. As a media consumer this affects me because | have a lot of experiences where | get information from the internet without realizing that | didn’t paraphrase or even read it. The information | got might not be trite hecance | itict canw and nacted nacced it ACTIVITY 8.9: Case Study on Cyberbullying Read the news article about Robert Blair Carabuena and the Metropolitan Manila Development Authority Aide Fabros. “Carabuena: From bully to cyberbullying victim” (Resource link: ) After reading, answer the following questions: What did Carabuena do that made netizens angry? Robert Blair Carabuena was caught on camera berating and slapping an MMDA aide after he was pulled over for a traffic violation. He did not show respect and threw some trash words towards the aide. It went viral on every social media platform and lots of hate comments coming from netizens. Describe the acts of cyber bullying that the netizens did to Carabuena. Do you think their action are justifiable? Defend your answer. The netizens did to Carabuena was inappropriate even though he did something bad. Netizens are flaming and trolling against Carabuena. They give harsh comments and created fake pages that suggest to eliminate him. Even though a person have done something inappropriate, they also deserve to be respected and let authorities to have legal actions. The actions of netizens are not justifiable and can make Carabuena to have stress or mental illness or he may have depression. How did the incident affect Carabuena’s life? Carabuena's life led to a stressful and uncomfortable life because of the negative comments he read_and heard. It may affect his personality and mental aspects. He the C_5. This is a type of plagiarism where the writer properly quotes and cites sources in some places, but goes on to paraphrase other arguments from those sources without citation. A. The Ghost Wrecker C. The Perfect Crime B. The Misinformer D. The Potluck Paper _C_6. This refers to having the appropriate knowledge and skills to effectively use digital technologies to communicate with others, participate in society and create and consume digital content. A. Netiquette C. Digital Citizenship B. Netizenship D. Media Consumerism A__7. This is what people do when they express a strongly help opinion on the internet without holding back any emotion. A. Flaming C. Arguing B. Talking D. Discussing _D_ 8. The acronym used to help you review your behavior online. A. CLICK Cc. NET B. FEEL D. THINK B__9. The people who were born before the widespread adoption of computers and internet and has had to adopt digital technology later in life are referred to as, . A. Digital Natives C. Digital Citizens B. Anxiety D. Digital Netizens C__10. All of these choices are factors contributing to Internet Addiction EXCEPT: A. Depression C. Social belongingness B. Anxiety D. Lack of parental guidance Read each scenario below and identify if the situation manifests good or bad netiquette. Write G for good netiquette and B for bad netiquette. B_ 1. Alexi wants to post a comment to an online message board. She really wants to emphasize her opinion. She responds in ALL UPPERCASE LETTERS! G _ 2. Tina had a small disagreement on Facebook with her friend about a certain political issue. She noticed that her friend started to get personal with her responses. Instead for responding with anger, Tina told her friend that they could just agree to disagree. B_3. David is an Internet expert. He reads a question from a newcomer in an online discussion group. For him the answer is easy but the “newbie” is having trouble. He responds, “Hey newbie! Can’t you read a book? Don’t ask such a dumb question!” B_4. Andrew’s laptop got broken so he borrowed his classmate’s for an assignment he had for school. As he opened the Internet browser, his classmate apparently left his Facebook messenger open. Curious, Andrew browsed through his classmate’s messenger. G_5. Aubrey notices a factual error on her Facebook friend’s post. Instead of shaming or has mocking her, she privately messaged her friend and politely told her that her post an error and that she should correct it. ADDITIONAL ACTIVITY What's in the Law? Our Intellectual Property Rights are anchored on an actual law. In this activity, you will further look into the actual law where these rights are rooted. Follow the instructions below: 1. Read the “The Intellectual Property Law of the Philippines” Link: Answer the following questions and write them on a separate sheet of paper: a. What are example of copyright protected works under the Philippine Law? Copyright and related rights, trademarks and service marks, geographic indications. industrial designs, patents, layout designs [topographies] of integrated circuits, and protection of undisclosed information. b. What are example of works not protected by copyright? Idea, procedure, system method or operation, concept, principle, discovery or mere data _as such, even if they are expressed, explained, illustrated or embodied in a work. News of the day and other miscellaneous facts having the character of press information. Official text of a legislative, administrative or legal nature, as well as any official translation. Work of the Philippine Government, unless there was a prior approval _by the appropriate government agency. And_statutes, rules and regulations, and speeches, lectures, sermons, addresses, and_dissertations. pronounced, read or rendered in courts of justice, before administrative agencies, in deliberative assemblies and in meetings of public character. c. What is the difference between original works and derivative works? Original works refers to any type of expression independently made by its owner of creator. On the other hand Derivative works refers to a work based on or derived from one or more already existing works or from the original works. d. As astudent, how can you promote ethical use of media and information? As a student, | can promote ethical use of media and information starting from myself. | need to analyze the information | see online and promote those useful and true information. | also think | can post something positive on my social media account to increase awareness of the proper use of the internet or the ethical use of media and information.
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