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Medical Terminology and Emergency Procedures, Exams of Nursing

Various medical terms and procedures, including the functions of different body parts and pulses, types of bacteria and infections, and emergency response steps. It also discusses the importance of maintaining a sterile field and using personal protective equipment during medical procedures.

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Available from 02/27/2024

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Download Medical Terminology and Emergency Procedures and more Exams Nursing in PDF only on Docsity! Medical Assistant State Test Study Guide cysto- - ✔b️ladder what is the term for narrowing? - ✔s️tenosis Gastrectomy is the term for excision of the - ✔s️tomach the abbreviation meaning two times a day is? - ✔b️id which is the correct spelling? pharengytis, pharengitis, pharyngytis, or pharyngitis - ✔p️haryngitis a trained medical assistant is able to - function as a nurse, interpret lab results, administer IV therapy or assist with minor procedures - ✔a️ssist with minor procedures a patients photo was made public without her permission. This is called - invasion of privacy, defamation, fraud, or slander - ✔i️nvasion of privacy patient instruction sheets are used to - ✔p️revent misunderstanding the best time to perform a breast exam - ✔m️onthly communication with patients can be improved by - ✔p️roviding privacy hyper- - ✔i️ncreased nephro- - ✔k️idney auto- - ✔s️elf osteo- - ✔b️one dys- - ✔p️ainful litho- - ✔s️tone brady- - ✔s️low chole- - ✔g️allbladder macro- - ✔l️arge gastro- - ✔s️tomach arthro- - ✔j️oint tachy- - ✔f️ast thoraco- - ✔c️hest hypo- - ✔d️ecrease mammo- - ✔b️reast veno- - ✔v️ein hepato- - ✔l️iver hemo- - ✔b️lood ophthalmo- - ✔e️ye trans- - ✔t️hrough/across -oma - ✔t️umor Tx - ✔t️reatment hct - ✔h️ematocrit LUQ - ✔l️eft upper quadrant SOB - ✔s️hortness of breath po - ✔b️y mouth hypotension - ✔l️ow blood pressure cicatrix - ✔s️car tissue nephromegaly - ✔e️nlargement of the kidney cholelithiasis - ✔g️allbladder stones subcutaneous - ✔b️eneath the skin maxilla - ✔u️pper jaw goiter - ✔e️ndocrine system disease hematemesis - ✔v️omiting blood capillary - ✔s️mallest blood vessel patella - ✔k️neecap neuritis - ✔i️nflammation of the nerve myocardial infarction - ✔h️eart attack hematuria - ✔b️lood in the urine large tongue - ✔m️acroglossia syncope - ✔f️ainting cystogram - ✔x️ray study of the bladder bradycardia - ✔s️low heart beat pleura - ✔m️embrane covering the lungs osteoporosis - ✔l️oss of calcium in the bones pruritits - ✔s️evere itching anterior - ✔s️ituated in front or in the forward part distal - ✔r️emote, farther from the point of origin proximal - ✔n️earest, closer to the point of origin peripheral - ✔s️ituated toward the outer part inferior - ✔s️ituated below or directed downward extension - ✔s️traightening motion that increases the angle between adjoining bones adduction - ✔m️ovement toward the midline superficial - ✔s️ituated near the surface ventral - ✔p️ertaining to the belly lateral - ✔a️way from the midline, pertaining to a side dorsal - ✔p️ertaining to the back medial - ✔p️ertaining to the middle superior - ✔s️ituated above or directed upward plantar - ✔r️eferring to the sole of the foot flexion - ✔b️ending motion that decreases the angle between adjoining bones prone - ✔l️ying flat on the back where are the lungs found? - ✔t️horacic cavity supine - ✔l️ying flat on the back caudal - ✔t️oward the tail where is the liver found? - ✔a️bdominal cavity a physician retires without notifying his patients. The physician could be charged with - ✔a️bandonment the disposal of medical infectious waste is controlled by - ✔C️AL/OSHA regulation a physician describes a procedure, risks and alternative treatment to a patient. this is called a - ✔i️nformed consent a medical assistant who performs a procedure ordered by the physician employer is protected under what principle? - ✔r️espondeat superior how should hinged instuments be when sterilized? - ✔o️pen a sterile pack containing scissors, thumb forceps and gauze squares is called a - ✔s️uture removal pack the term for removal of contaminated materials from a wound is - ✔d️ebridement scrubbing the surgical site in a circular motion from the center of the edge is - ✔s️urgical prep removing fluids or gasses by suction is called - ✔a️spiration flushing out a wound or cavity with a solution is called - ✔i️rrigation a sterile surface containing sterile items is a - ✔s️urgical tray S/s, s/b and b/b describe surgical - ✔s️cissors instruments used to clamp off blood vessels are called - ✔h️emostats a sterile covering placed over a wound is called a - ✔d️ressing instruments such as fiberoptic scopes are soaked in chemicals in a procedure called - ✔c️old sterilization pulse located at the elbow - ✔b️rachial pulse located on the knee - ✔p️opliteal pulse located at the thumb site of the wrist - ✔r️adial pulse located at the side of the neck - ✔c️arotid pulse located in the middle of the groin - ✔f️emoral the highest reading of blood pressure is called - ✔s️ystolic blood pressure measured while patient is lying, sitting or standing - ✔o️rthostatic an instrument used to test reflexes is - ✔p️ercussion hammer an instrument used to open a body orifice for viewing is - ✔s️peculum an instrument used to examine the eye is - ✔o️phthalmoscope an instrument used to examine the ear is - ✔o️toscope an instrument used to examine the rectum and colon is - ✔s️igmoidoscope irregular heart rhythm - ✔a️rrhythmia rapid pulse - ✔t️achycardia having no symptoms - ✔a️symptomatic slow pulse - ✔b️radycardia material status is considered - ✔s️ocial history the patients own words determine the - ✔c️hief complaint family history is considered - ✔s️ubjective the physicians physical examination is considered - ✔o️bjective physical, chemical and microscopic examinations are - ✔u️rinalysis a chemical substance that prevents clotting of blood in a blood specimen - ✔h️eparin a vacutainer that contains no anticoagulant has a stopper colored - ✔r️ed material that presents a risk of possible infection - ✔b️iological hazard the first step in preparing a laboratory specimen - ✔p️atient identification the usual site for capillary testing is - ✔f️ingertips urine specimen obtained by the patient simply urinating in a cup is called - ✔r️andom catch patient is instructed to cleanse the urethra with an antiseptic towelette is a - ✔c️lean catch legal method of documenting lab testing process security - ✔c️hain of custody a sterile swab would be used for a - ✔w️ound culture the intensity of color in a urine specimen indicates - ✔c️oncentration improper handling of lab specimens can result in - ✔c️ontamination instrument used to prepare urine or microscopic examination is - ✔c️entrifuge the standard EKG consist of how many leads? - ✔1️2 simple laboratory test with a high degree of accuracy - ✔w️aived test quality control in the laboratory ensures what kind of results? - ✔a️ccuracy stool specimens are tested for - ✔o️ccult blood a machine used for testing lung capacity - ✔s️pirometer tuberculosis can be diagnosed from a - ✔s️putum specimen the procedure used for a choking person is - ✔H️eimlich maneuver a broken bone wedged into another bone is called an - ✔i️mpacted fracture a patient who is having a seizure should never be - ✔r️estrained what are the ABC's of emergency care? - ✔a️irway, breathing, and circulation you should first establish a patients responsiveness by asking - ✔a️re you okay if the patient is unresponsive the medical assistant must determine if the patient is - ✔c️onscious the next step would be to activate the - ✔e️mergency response system by calling 911 check the carotid pulse and if present - ✔c️ontinue rescue breathing 10 to 12 breaths per minute to open the airway, the patient should be places on the - ✔b️ack the head tilted and the chin lifted PPE supplies for CPR include - ✔d️isposable gloves and CPR ventilator mask during CPR, fingers are placed at the point where the - ✔s️ternum and the ribs join adult compression ratio - ✔3️0:2 both one and two man hands with two hands children compression ratio - ✔3️0:2 both one and two man hands with one hand infants compression ratio - ✔1️5:2 two man hands with 2 fingers in CPR the depth of a compression should be for adults - ✔1️ 1/2 to 2 inches in CPR the depth of a compression should be for children - ✔1️ to 1 1/2 inches in CPR the depth of a compression should be for infants - ✔1️/2 to 1 inch when preparing envelopes, one should use - ✔c️apital letters in block format telephone calls should be answered no later than the - ✔t️hird ring a patients fails to keep an appointment. the medical assistant should make a note on the - ✔p️atients chart a backup tape for a computer is used to - ✔c️opy hard drive information which name would be filed first in an alphabetic filing system? - ✔W️ilson Babcock CPT codes are used to identify a - ✔m️edical procedure ICD-9 codes are used to identify a - ✔m️edical diagnosis patient insurance cards should be reviewed - ✔a️t each visit an HMO is an example of what kind of healthcare? - ✔m️anaged a good tool for reminding staff when certain things need to be done is called a - ✔t️ickler file information may be sent rapidly by using a - ✔f️ax machine the process of arranging a series of printed pages is called - ✔c️ollating the most important part of preparing correspondence - ✔p️roofreading a daily log should be kept of all - ✔i️ncoming telephone calls incoming mail should be sorted and - ✔d️ate stamped the preferred way to send valuable items by mail - ✔r️egistered mail termination of care letters should be sent by - ✔c️ertified mail/ return receipt system for leaving messages which can be retrieved later is - ✔v️oice mail cancelled appointments should be noted in the - ✔p️atients chart a method of maximizing appointment time is - ✔w️ave scheduling the appointments schedule can be used as a - ✔l️egal record a useful telephone service for a physician with 2 office - ✔c️all forwarding on a multi-line telephone, the line in use will be indicated by - ✔s️teady light to best utilize the appointment schedule, set aside time for - ✔c️all backs an important way to make the patient feel comfortable - ✔w️arm greeting missed appointments can be reduced by - ✔c️alls to confirm appointments patients should be notified of any - ✔u️nusual delays having the patients chart at hand is necessary when - ✔s️cheduling procedures "first come first served" method of appointment scheduling - ✔o️pen hours stating names within another patients hearing could be - ✔b️reach of confidentiality the physical equipment of a computer is called - ✔h️ardware computer hardware with permanent memory - ✔h️ard disk a portable memory storage device is called a - which of the following names would be filed first: Pittman, Phillips, Pham, or Phipps - ✔p️ham which of the following names would be filed last: Larsen, Lamar, Lai, or Larson - ✔L️arson which of the following numbers would be filed first: 073291, 036689, 157623, or 064942 - ✔0️36689 a fund used for small office purchases is called - ✔p️etty cash a term for overpayment on an account is a - ✔c️redit monthly fee for bank account is a - ✔s️ervice charge what is an encounter form? - ✔p️reprinted statement listing codes for basic office charges what is a post? - ✔e️ntering charges and payments to a patients account what is aging schedule? - ✔l️ist of unpaid accounts by date of service what is debit? - ✔a️nother term for charge what are adjustments? - ✔c️orrection to a patients account what is endorsing? - ✔p️lacing the practice name and account number on the back of the check what are accounts payable? - ✔t️otal of bills owed by the practice what are accounts receivable? - ✔t️otal of all patients accounts who can you never accept a payment from? - ✔a️ patient who has been turned over to a collection agency what is a deductible? - ✔p️ortion of bill patient is required to pay each year what is a write off? - ✔c️ancellation of an unpaid debt what is a copayment? - ✔a️mount patient must pay for each office visit what is medicare? - ✔f️ederal insurance program for elderly persons or persons with permanent disabilities what is a crossover? - ✔t️erm for an insurance claim for a medicare and MediCal patient what is workers compensation? - ✔t️ype of insurance for work related injuries what is a paper claim? - ✔i️nsurance claims which have greater chance for rejection what is a modifier? - ✔a️ddition to a procedure code which indicates special circumstances what is medi-gap? - ✔a️ policy which supplements medicare coverage what is tricare/CHAMPUS? - ✔i️nsurance coverage for military dependents what is CMS-1500? - ✔t️he universal claim form an insurance claim with incomplete information will be - ✔r️ejected what is capitation? - ✔m️onthly fee a provider is paid for each covered patient what is explanation of benefits? - ✔i️nsurance company statement of how a claim is settled what is fraud? - ✔b️illing services the physician did not perform a procedure code followed by the modifier -99 indicates - ✔m️ultiple modifiers what are electronic claims? - ✔i️nsurance claims which shorten the payment cycle what is a clean claim? - ✔t️erm for an insurance form that has been filled out correctly when should a patients addresses and billing information be updated? - ✔e️ach visit insurance claims require a patient to sign what to release information? - ✔a️uthorization an assignment of benefits form allows the insurance company to - ✔p️ay the provider What is HIPAA - ✔f️ederal law protecting privacy of health insurance information what are HCPCS codes - ✔m️edicare supplement to the CPT procedure codes
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