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Medical Terminology, Exams of Nursing

A list of medical terms and their definitions. It can be used as a reference for students studying medicine or healthcare. The terms cover a range of topics including anatomy, diseases, symptoms, and treatments. The definitions are concise and easy to understand, making it a useful tool for anyone looking to expand their medical vocabulary.

Typology: Exams


Available from 06/19/2022

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Download Medical Terminology and more Exams Nursing in PDF only on Docsity! 1. Abstain: iTo ivoluntarily irefrain ifrom isomething. 2. Abrupt: iSudden iand ipossibly iunexpected 3. Accolade: iTribute ior ihonor. 4. Accountable: iTo ibe iresponsible. 5. Acute: iSudden, i ntense. 6. Adhere: iTo ihold ifast ior istick itogether. 7. Adverse: iUndesired, ipossibly iharmful. 8. Aegis: iControl, iprotection. 9. Aggregate: iA isum itotal iof imany ithings. 10. Aggrieved: iHurt ior iangry. 11. Ambivalent: iUncertain, ihaving icontradictory ifeelings. 12. Anachronism: iA ithing iof ithe ipast. i"My idisease iis ianachronism" 13. Antidote: iCure ior iremedy. i"I ineed ian iantidote ifor ithis iheadache" 14. Alleviate: iReduce. i"This imedicine iis ialleviating imy ipain" 15. Apply: iTo iplace, iput ion, ior ispread isomething. 16. Assent: iTo igive iconsent, ito iagree. 17. Audible: iAble ito ibe iheard. 18. Bacteria: iSingle-celled, imicroscopic iorganisms. 19. Barrage: iBombardment, ionslaught. i(continuous iattack). i"This istaph idisease i s iso ibarrage, iI ikeep igetting ibutt ipimples." 20. Bearing: iManner, idirection, ior i nfluence. 21. Benign: iNot iharmful. 22. Bilateral: iPresent ion itwo isides. 23. Callous: iHeartless, icruel, ior ipitiless. 24. Cardiac: iOf ior irelating ito ithe iheart. 25. Cataract: iMedical icondition iin iwhich ithe ilens iof ithe ieye ibecomes iprogressively iopaque, iresulting iin iblurred ivision. 26. Cavity: iAn iopening ior ian iempty iarea. 27. Cease: iCome ito ian iend ior ibring ito ian iend. 28. Chronology: iOrder iof ievents ias ithey ioccurred; itimeline. 29. Compensatory: iOffsetting 30. Concave: iRounded i nward. i(RBC) 31. Concise: iBrief, ito ithe ipoint. 32. Consistency: iDegree iof iviscosity; ihow ithick ior ithin ia ifluid iis iin irelation ito ihow iit iflows. i(Texture). 33. Constitute: iTo iestablish, icreate, ior iorganize. 34. Constrict: iTo idraw itogether ior ibecome ismaller. i"Blood ivessels iconstrict iwhen iyou iare iin ia icold ienvironment" 35. Contingent: iDependent/reliant. 36. Contraindication: iA ireason isomething iis inot iadvisable ior ishould inot ibe idone. 37. Convoluted: iTo ibe icomplex. i"Her isymptoms iwere ivery iconvoluted: iback ipain, iheadache, iand isevere inose ibleed." 38. Convulsive: iHaving ior icausing iconvulsions i(violent ishaking iof ithe ibody i[epilepsy]) 39. Covert: iHidden ior iconcealed. i"Her ibruises iwere icovert iunder iher iclothes" 40. Cursory: iQuick, iperfunctory, inot ithorough. i"run ia icursory iexamination ion ithe iadult." 41. Defecate: iExpel ifeces. 42. Deficit: iA ideficiency ior ilack iof isomething. 43. Delusional: iConfused ior imistaken. 44. Depress: iPress idownward. 45. Depth: iDownward imeasurement ifrom ia isurface. 46. Desiccated: iDried ior iwithered. i"Her ifeces iwere idesiccated" 47. Deteriorating: iWorsening. 48. Device: iTool ior ipiece iof iequipment. 49. Diagnosis: iIdentification iof ian i njury ior idisease. 50. Dilate: iTo ienlarge ior iexpand. 109. Lethargic: iDifficult ito iarouse. i(wake). 110. Malaise i: iSickness, icondition, ior idissatisfaction. 111. Malignant: iExpected ito igrow iand iworsen. 112. Manifestation: iAn iindication ior isign iof ia icondition. 113. Milieu: iThe ienvironmental icondition ior isetting. 114. Musculoskeletal: iOf ior irelating ito imuscle iand iskeleton. 115. Nebulous: iVague i(uncertain, iunclear). 116. Neurologic: iOf ior irelating ito ithe inervous isystem. 117. Neurovascular: iOf ior irelating ito ithe inervous isystem iand iblood ivessels. 118. Nutrient: iSubstance ior iingredient ithat iprovides inourishment. 119. Obtuse: iIgnorant. 120. Occluded: iClosed ior iobstructed. 121. Ominous: iGiving ithe i mpression ithat isomething ibad ior iunpleasant iis igoing ito ihappen; ithreatening; iinauspicious. i(portentous). 122. Ongoing: iContinuous. 123. Oral: iGiven ithrough ior iaffecting ithe imouth. 124. Otic: iOf ithe iear. 125. Oubliette: iDungeon, iprison, ior icell. 126. Overt: iOBVIOUS iOR iVISIBLE. 127. The idoctor ihad iput ihis iOVERT iopinion iin ithe iplainest ilanguage ipossible; ithere iwas inothing imore ito ibe idone ifor ithe ipatient ibesides icomfort icare. 128. Painful: iAching. i(Sore, ithrobbing iwith ipain). 129. Paltry: iWorthless. 130. Panacea: iCure, isolution, ior iremedy. 131. Parameter: iA icharacteristic ior iconstant iFACTOR, ilimit. iStructure. 132. Paroxysmal: iSudden, irecurrence ispasms ior iseizures. 133. Patent: iOpen 134. Pathogenic: iCausing ior iable ito icause ia idisease. 135. Pathology: iProcesses, icauses, iand ieffects iof ia idisease; iabnormality. 136. Pediculosis: iInfested iwith ilice. 137. Posterior: iLocated ibehind; i n ithe iback. 138. Potent: iProducing ia istrong ieffect. 139. Potential: iCapable iof ioccurring ior ilikely ito ioccur. 140. Precaution: iPreventive imeasure. 141. Precipitous: iRapid, iuncontrolled. 142. Predispose: iTo imake imore isusceptible ior imore ilikely ito ioccur. imake isomeone iliable ior iinclined ito ia ispecified iattitude, iaction, ior icondition. 143. Preexisting: iAlready ipresent. 144. Primary: iFirst ior imost isignificant. 145. Priority: iOf igreat iimportance. 146. Progeny: iOffspring. 147. Prognosis: iThe ianticipated ior iexpected icourse ior ioutcome. iFORECAST 148. Proliferation: iA irapid i ncrease i n inumber. 149. Quarantine: iStrict iisolation iimposed ito iprevent ithe ispread iof ia idisease ior ito iexclude, idetain, ior iisolate. i(CONFINEMENT: ikeep ior irestrict isomeone ifrom isomething) 150. Raucous: iWild, iloud, ior idisorderly. 151. Rampant: iUnrestrained. 152. Rancid: iSmelling iunpleasant. 153. Rationale: iThe iunderlying ireason| iLOGIC. 154. Ravenous: iHungry. 155. Recur: iTo ioccur iagain. 156. Regale: iTo ientertain, iamuse, ior idelight. 157. Regimen: iA isystematic iplan ifor itherapy. 158. Relic: iThing iof ithe ipast. 159. Remission: iImprovement ior iabsence iof isigns iof idisease. 160. Renal: iOf ior irelating ito ithe ikidneys. 161. Respiration: iInhalation ior iexhalation iof iair. 162. Restrict: iTo ilimit. 163. Retain: iTo ihold ior ikeep. 164. Rigid: iNot iflexible. 165. Serene: iCalm, itranquil. 166. Spinster: iAn iunmarried iwoman. 167. Sputum: iA imixture iof isaliva iand imucus icoughed iup ifrom ithe irespiratory itract, itypically ias ia iresult iof iinfection ior iother idisease. 168. Status: iCondition. 169. Sublingual: iUnder ithe itongue. 170. Substantial: iHaving isubstance ior isustaining. iStrengthen ior isupport iphysically ior imentally. 171. Supplement: iTo itake i n iaddition ito ior ito icomplete. 172. Suppress: iTo istop ior isubdue. i(counter). 173. Supposition: iA imessage iexpressing ian iopinion ibased ion iincomplete ievidence. 174. Susceptible: iLikely ior iliable ito ibe iinfluenced ior iharmed iby ia iparticular ithing. i(PREDISPOSE). 175. Symmetric i(symmetrical) 176. Being iequal ior ithe isame iin isize, ishape, iand irelative iposition. 177. Symptom: iAn iindication iof ia iproblem. 178. Syndrome: iGroup iof isymptoms ithat, iwhen ioccurring itogether, ireflect ia ispecific idisease ior idisorder. 179. Tertiary iHealth iCare: iA isystem ito ireturn ipatients ito iwellness. 180. Therapeutic: iOf ior irelating ito ithe itreatment iof ia idisease ior ia idisorder. 181. Toxic: iCausing iharm ior ipoisonous. 182. Transdermal: iCrossing ithrough ithe iskin. 183. Transmission: iTransfer, isuch ias iof ia idisease, ifrom ione iperson ito ianother. 184. Trauma: iInjury, iwound. 185. Triage: iProcess iused ito idetermine ithe ipriority iof itreatment ifor ipatients iaccording ito ithe iseverity iof ia ipatient's icondition iand ithe ilikelihood iof ibenefit ifrom ithe itreatment. 186. Ubiquitous: iBeing ior iseeming ito ibe ieverywhere iat ionce. 187. Untoward: iAdverse, inegative. 188. Urinate: iExcrete ior iexpel iurine. 189. Vascular: iOf ior irelating ito iblood ivessels. 190. Verbal: iSpoken, iusing iwords. 191. Virulent: iExtremely iharmful iand isevere. 192. Virus: iMicroscopic iinfectious iagent icapable iof ireplicating ionly i n iliving icells, iusually icausing i nfectious idisease. 193. Vital: iEssential. 194. Volatile: iLabile, ichange irapidly.
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