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Medical Terminology and Treatment Options, Exams of Nursing

A comprehensive list of medical terms and treatment options for various diseases and conditions. It covers topics such as genetics, heart failure, anticoagulants, pneumonia, and kidney disease. The document also includes information on medication dosing, contraindications, and side effects. It is a useful resource for healthcare professionals and students studying medicine or nursing.

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Available from 10/10/2023

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Download Medical Terminology and Treatment Options and more Exams Nursing in PDF only on Docsity! WGU D027 exam 2022/2023 with 100% correct answers Autosomal Dominant - ANSWER 1 parent has, 50% change of child having Autosomal Recessive - ANSWER Both parents are carriers, 25% change of child having, 50% chance child is a carrier. Cystic Fibrosis - ANSWER affects pancreas causing secretions in lungs 21st Trisomy - ANSWER Down Syndrome Klinefelter Syndrome (XXY) - ANSWER male has extra X, female like qualities Turner Syndrome - ANSWER Missing X in females Alpha Thalassemia - ANSWER inherited blood disorder; mild to severe anemia Beta Thallasemia - ANSWER low hemoglobin; contraindicated medication ferrous sulfate WGU D027 exam 2022/2023 with 100% correct answers Prevalence Risk - ANSWER proportion of the population affected at a certain time Incidence rate - ANSWER number of new cases divided by population Innate immunity - ANSWER inflammation; increased vascular permeability B&T lymphocytes - ANSWER immune response primary malignant tumor - ANSWER lack of organization of cells glucocorticoids - ANSWER used in combination with other agent to treat lymphoid tissue (leukemia). glucocorticoids are directly toxic to lymphoid tissues. Selective estrogen receptor modulators (SERM) - ANSWER for hormone receptor positive and advanced breast cancer. (Tamoxifin reduces risk and recurrence risk) Heart failure - ANSWER impairment of the ventricle to fill with or eject blood; heart cannot meet metabolic need of the body. CHF - ANSWER heart cannot keep up with metabolic needs; WGU D027 exam 2022/2023 with 100% correct answers Left Ventricular Dysfunction - ANSWER reduced ejection fraction; ventricle having issue ejecting blood. normal ejection fraction - ANSWER 55 - 60 % (blood pumped out with each heartbeat) Ejection fraction of 50% - reduced or preserved? - ANSWER preserved Diastolic CHF - ANSWER preserved ejection fraction, problem is with filling Systolic CHF - ANSWER reduced ejection fraction, problem is with ejecting Left sided CHF - ANSWER pulmonary (JVD, fluid volume overload, rails, S-3 murmurs) ** #1 cause of Right sided CHF BNP - ANSWER gold standard lab test to diagnose CHF Echocardiogram - ANSWER Diagnostic tool, evaluates heart structure and function At Risk for HF - Stage A - ANSWER no structural heart disease or symptoms of heart failure WGU D027 exam 2022/2023 with 100% correct answers Stage A HF co-morbidities - ANSWER htn, atherosclerotic disease, diabetes, WGU D027 exam 2022/2023 with 100% correct answers metabolic syndrome, patients using cardiotoxins with family history Therapy goals of stage A HF - ANSWER treat htn, encourage smoking cessation, encourage regular exercise, treat lipid disorders, discourage alcohol intake/drug use, control metabolic syndrome Meds: ACEI or Angiotensin II RB for vascular disease or diabetes (avapro, losartan, benicar, diovan, etc) At Risk for HF - Stage B - ANSWER structural heart disease but no symptoms of heart failure Stage B HF co-morbidities - ANSWER previous MI, LV remodeling with LV hypertrophy and low EF, asymptomatic valvular disease Therapy goals of Stage B HF - ANSWER Meds: ACEI or ARB, Beta-blockers, inplantable defibrillators Stage C heart failure - ANSWER structural heart disease with prior or current symptoms of HF Presentation of Stage C HF - ANSWER known structural heart disease and shortness of breath and fatigue, reduced exercise tolerance WGU D027 exam 2022/2023 with 100% correct answers Stage D heart failure - ANSWER refractory HF requiring specialized interventions Presentation of Stage D HF - ANSWER marked symptoms at rest despite maximal medical therapy (recurrently hospitalized or cannot be safely discharged without specialized interventions) Therapy goals for Stage D HF - ANSWER compassionate end-of- life care/hospice, extraordinary measures ,heart transplant, chronic inotropes, permanent mechanical support, experimental drugs or surgery Ischemic heart Disease (CAD, MI) presentation - ANSWER chest discomfort, pain in neck/jaw/chest (crushing, squeezing, sharp), pain worse with exertion (demand requirement is higher), abnormal heart sounds, hypoxia, arrhythmias (afib, ST elevation) Stable angina goal - ANSWER decrease cardiac oxygen demand Meds for stable angina - ANSWER nitro first choice, then beta blockers (beta blockers if angina occurs with effort) nitroglycerine dose - ANSWER sublingual, acts within 5 minutes, max of 3 doses WGU D027 exam 2022/2023 with 100% correct answers Cardiac glycosides (Digoxin) - ANSWER Increased myocardial contractile WGU D027 exam 2022/2023 with 100% correct answers force (increases output), used in ED, exerts positive inotropic action, can cause severe dysrhythmias Digoxin Dosing - ANSWER therapeutic - 0.5-0.8 ng/ml. ASSESS apical pulse before administering, If lethargic and not acting right, see patient FIRST Goal of Anticoagulant and Antiplatelet Drugs - ANSWER inactivate and suppress formation of thrombin Warfarin (coumadin) - ANSWER PO to prevent blood clots; start with half a dose Anticoagulants - ANSWER Warfarin, heparin, lovenox; Caution about hemorrhage, any patients with risks for bleeding Pneumonia Patho - ANSWER pathogen reaches airway and overwhelms defenses causing inflammatory cascade; fluid forms, blocking diffusion (gas exchange) causing hypoxia, ultimately leads to respiratory failure Diagnosing pneumonia - ANSWER Chest X-ray: viral - diffuse widespread whitening; bacterial - patchy, consolidated, lobar Emphysema - ANSWER destruction of alveolar walls; air goes into lungs, can't get out; leads to hyperinflation WGU D027 exam 2022/2023 with 100% correct answers Stage 1 Kidney Disease (CKD) - ANSWER kidney damage with normal or increased GFR, treat comorbid conditions to slow disease progression, CVD risk reduction Stage 2 CKD - ANSWER kidney damage with mild decreased GFR (60-89), Estimation of progression Stage 3 CKD - ANSWER moderate decreased GFR (30-59), treat complications Stage 4 CKD - ANSWER Severely decreased GFR (15-29), prepare for kidney replacement therapy Stage 5 CKD - ANSWER Kidney failure GFR <15 or dialysis, replacement if uremia present How do you start first dose of antihypertensives/heart failure medications? - ANSWER start first dose at night; do slow position changes, lay down if hypotension occurs Ace Inhibiters (ACEI) *pril - ANSWER reduce angiotensin II, increase bradykinin, hyperkalemia, dry cough, angioedema; contraindicated in pregnancy (fetal death), first dose causes severe hypotension, can cause renal failure WGU D027 exam 2022/2023 with 100% correct answers Beta Blockers - ANSWER prevent chemical messengers; slow HR, relax vessels, lower BP, Class II antidysrhythmic drug nonselective beta blockers - ANSWER use with caution in people with lung conditions; do not use with asthma Cardio selective beta blockers - ANSWER metoprolol - only beta-1 receptors affected Third generation beta blockers - ANSWER labetalol - blocks alpha and beta receptors Calcium Channel Blockers - ANSWER vasodilation of arterioles and heart, class IV antidysrhythmic drug Verapamil - ANSWER calcium channel blocker, first choice dihydropyridines CCB - ANSWER *ine, vasodilators used to treat htn and angina non-dihydropyridines CCB - ANSWER *dilt, used for arrhythmias Statins - ANSWER lipid lowering agents (LDL), can increase good HDL, WGU D027 exam 2022/2023 with 100% correct answers muscle pain can lead to rhabdo, kidney failure, and death WGU D027 exam 2022/2023 with 100% correct answers (aspirdra) WGU D027 exam 2022/2023 with 100% correct answers Long acting insulin - ANSWER glargine (Lantus) - most painful; detemir (levemir) Metformin - ANSWER first drug of choice with new Type 2 Diabetes; inhibits glucose in liver, slightly reduces glycose absorption in gut, increases glucose uptake; DOES NOT drive insulin down, very low risk for hypoglycemia TSH levels - ANSWER normal range is 0.4 to 4.0 mu/L. If you are being treated for a thyroid disorder, the normal range is 0.5 to 3.0 mu/L. A value above the normal range indicates that the thyroid is underactive. This indicates hypothyroidism. Hypothyroidism Presentation - ANSWER inadequate amounts of hormone; slows body function and processes, cold, pale puffy face, skin cool and dry, low HR, low temp, lethargy, fatigue Hypothyroidism in pregnancy - ANSWER must treat to avoid neuro issues in child Hypothyroidism in newborns - ANSWER require replacement within a few days, lasts for 3 years, prevents mental development changes and growth patters, dwarfish How do you take Levothyroxine (t4) - ANSWER on an empty stomach for increased absorption WGU D027 exam 2022/2023 with 100% correct answers Hashimoto disease presentation - ANSWER weight gain and fatigue; autoimmune disease Hyperthyroidism (thyrotoxicosis) presentation - ANSWER elevations in T4 and T3, tachyarrhythmias, anxiety, insomnia, rapid speech, hot Graves Disease - ANSWER women 20-40 most susceptible, remove or destroy thyroid tissue or suppress with drugs (methimazole or propylthiouracil), treat with Iodine - I31, beta blockers also used to suppress release of thyroid hormones Plummer disease (toxic nodular goiter) - ANSWER result of thyroid adenoma (tumor), same as Graves disease, but absence of exophthalmos (bulging eyes) Thyroid storm - ANSWER caused by major surgery or severe illness such as sepsis, 105 F, severe tachycardia, restlessness, tremor, heart failure, coma. Treat with Propylthiouracil (PTU), symptom management Histamine - 1 antihistamines - ANSWER cause vasodilation, bronchoconstriction, help with memory and sleep. Relieve itching, pain, secretion, and mucus (allergies). Side effects: sedative, dry mouth, urinary hesitancy,, constipation. Second generation (-ine) are non-sedating WGU D027 exam 2022/2023 with 100% correct answers cannot cause cancer WGU D027 exam 2022/2023 with 100% correct answers broken heart syndrome - ANSWER mimics MI, no coronary obstruction SDOH - ANSWER social determinants of health Types of SDOHs - ANSWER access to healthy foods, health literacy, housing stability, socioeconomic status, rural vs. urban healthcare access Amoxicillin - ANSWER first line of treatment for uncomplicated otitis media in pediatric patient without comorbidities POTS - ANSWER Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome Treatment of POTS - ANSWER stand slowly, lay back down if needed, add extra salt increase fluids, MEDS: Florinef Symptoms/Diagnosing POTS - ANSWER Tilt Test - HR increases by 30 bpm when standing up or over 120 in first 10 minutes, symptoms are related to reduced blood volume when standing up, can cause lightheadedness, fainting Florinef - ANSWER Used to treat conditions which glucocorticoids are low. These conditions include Addison's disease, adrenocortical insufficiency. *Also treats orthostatic hypotension; Side effects: nausea, WGU D027 exam 2022/2023 with 100% correct answers headache, sleep problems, mood changes WGU D027 exam 2022/2023 with 100% correct answers Ataxia in pediatric patient - ANSWER genetic predisposition, Fragile X WGU D027 exam 2022/2023 with 100% correct answers syndrome, Prader-Willie Syndrome WGU D027 exam 2022/2023 with 100% correct answers Prader-Willie Syndrome - ANSWER deletion of chromosome from father What should you avoid when breast feeding? - ANSWER combined oral contraceptives Appropriate antibiotic for use in pregnancy for treatment of UTI - ANSWER one time dose of Fosfomycin, cephalexin also appropriate. AVOID: nitrofurantoin ad bactrim. DO NOT USE: PCN Drug of choice for pediatric UTI with no comorbidities - ANSWER trimethoprim/sulfamethoxazole (Bactrim, Septra); alternatives: augmentin, cephalosporins Color blindness genetic component - ANSWER x-linked, only comes from mother, 50% chance; gene: OPN1MW on chromosome 23 Sickle Cell genetics - ANSWER children with sickle cell: 25% children without and not carriers: 25% children who are carriers: 50% treatment for sickle cell crisis - ANSWER hydration, heat, oxygen, pain meds WGU D027 exam 2022/2023 with 100% correct answers ESR, LFT, electrolyte panel, and ANA (antinuclear antibody) WGU D027 exam 2022/2023 with 100% correct answers Japanese man has htn and CKD. What is antihypertensive of choice? - ANSWER angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitor or angiotensin receptor WGU D027 exam 2022/2023 with 100% correct answers blocker. Next course of action is reduced salt diet. What do you do if COPD/asthma patient has failed long acting beta agonists (LABAs)? - ANSWER continuous oxygen?? medullary thyroid cancer presentation, diagnosis, and treatment - ANSWER Presentation: neck pain/lump, dysphagia, SOB Diagnosis: fine needle aspiration & carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA) Treatment: surgery, if not removed use chemo to inhibit tyrosine kinases *Nib cancer drugs PRN meds for anxiety - ANSWER benzodiazepam, vistaril, seroquel, SSRIs, and Wellbutrin Diazepam (Valium) - ANSWER 1st choice treatment for anxiety, is a benzodiazepam Buspirone - ANSWER treats anxiety, not a benzo SSRIs (Prozac, Paxil, Zoloft) - ANSWER treatment of panic disorder to decrease frequency and intensity of attacks WGU D027 exam 2022/2023 with 100% correct answers Induration seen on patient who has had TB immunization is normal and not positive. Someone who has been vaccinated for TB should not receive skin test. Sjogren's syndrome - ANSWER autoimmune destruction of minor salivary glands and lacrimal glands; anti-nuclear antibodies, anti- SSA +SSB Small cell lung cancer (SCLC) - ANSWER most common type of lung tumors, 15% of lung cancers, 25% of lung cancer deaths. Arise from central part of lung, cell size range from 6-8mm. strong correlation to tobacco smoking. rapid rate of growth, metastasize early and widely, worst prognosis of all lung cancers. left untreated survival rate is 8% at 5 years. hormones related to small cell carcinoma - ANSWER arise from neuroendocrine cells that contain neurosecretory granules, exist throughout the tracheobronchial tree, associated with tumor- derived hormone production. resultant s/s called paraneoplastic syndromes are first manifestations of the underlying cancer. examples: hyponatremia (antidiuretic hormone), cushing syndrome (adenocorticotropic hormone), hypocalcemia (calcitonin), gynecomastia (gonadotropins), carcinoid syndrome (serotonin), Lambert-eaton myasthenic syndrome (muscle weakness of limbs) Diagnosing lung cancer - ANSWER chest x-ray, mutation in EFGR WGU D027 exam 2022/2023 with 100% correct answers (gene mutation in people who have never smoked) WGU D027 exam 2022/2023 with 100% correct answers Step 1 asthma treatment - ANSWER (intermittent asthma); Preferred: SABA inhaled Step 2 asthma treatments (persistent asthma) - ANSWER Preferred: low dose ICS, Alternative - theophylline Step 3 asthma treatments - ANSWER Preferred: low-dose ICS (inhaled corticosteroid) plus LABA or medium dose ICS Step 4 asthma treatment - ANSWER Preferred: med dose ICS plus LABA Step 5 asthma treatment - ANSWER Preferred: high dose ICS plus LABA Step 6 asthma treatment - ANSWER Preferred: high dose ICS plus LABA plus oral systemic corticosteroid Quick relief medication for all asthma patients - ANSWER inhaled SABA as needed for symptoms. Intensity of treatment depends on severity of symptoms (up to 3 treatments at 20 minute intervals PRN). Short course of systemic corticosteroids may be needed. Use of inhaled SABA for more than 2 days/week indicates: - ANSWER inadequate control and the need to step up treatment
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