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Medical Terminology Review, Exams of Nursing

A review of various medical terminologies including hypovolemic shock, deep vein thrombosis, vital signs, peripheral artery disease, human papilloma virus, breast exam, cranial nerves, hypertension, rheumatoid arthritis, prostatic hypertrophy, subjective and objective data, and closed and open-ended questions. It also includes tests such as Lasegue's test and Phalen test. a brief description of each terminology and its symptoms, causes, and risk factors.

Typology: Exams


Available from 01/23/2023


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Download Medical Terminology Review and more Exams Nursing in PDF only on Docsity! 1 1 - - Hypovolemic Shock NR 304 Final Exam Review • Volume depletion; plasma of the blood is too low • S/s- a. Dehydration b. Dizziness c. Fainting d. Fatigue e. Thirst f. Weakness g. Nausea h. Vomiting i. Tachycardia j. Insufficient urine production k. Mental confusion l. Pallor m. Sleepiness - Deep Vein Thrombosis • Deep vein occluded by a thrombus • Inflammation, blocked venous return, cyanosis, edema • Virchow triad- stasis, hypercoagulability, endothelial dysfxn • Causes- prolonged rest, history of varicose veins, trauma, infection, cancer, obesity, immobility, heart failure, estrogen hormone use, smoking • S/s- intense, sharp, deep calf pain; warmth, swelling, redness, dependent cyanosis, tender to palpation • Wells criteria - Vitals on Infants and Toddlers • Respirations pulse temperature • Rectal temperature w/ infants • Tympanic or temporal w/ toddlers • Pulse- palpate or auscultate an apical rate • Respirations- watch infants abdomen for diaphragmatic respirations; sleeping rate most accurate a. Neonate = 30-40 bpm b. 1 y/o = 20-40 bpm c. 2 y/o = 25-32 bpm • Blood Pressure- annual BP 3 y/o and up; most common error is wrong size cuff; crying stopped for 5-10 mins before measuring - Peripheral Artery Disease • Affects noncoronary arteries supplying the limbs; usually caused by atherosclerosis 2 Page 1 of 15 Page 4 of 15 4 4 b. Coarse Crackles- loud, low pitched bubbling/gurgling sounds; start in early inspiration and can go into expiration; secretions in trachea; PULMONARY EDEMA, PNEUMONIA c. Pleural Friction Rub- coarse and low pitched, pleurae lose lubricating fluid; PLEURITIS d. High Pitched Wheeze- predominate in expiration; air compressed through narrow passageways; ACUTE ASTHMA OR CHRONIC EMPHYSEMA e. Low Pitched Wheeze- predominant in expiration, can be in all phases; may clear by coughing; airflow obstruction; BRONCHITIS f. Stridor- high pitched, inspiratory, crowing sound, louder in neck; upper airway obstruction from swollen tissues; ACUTE EPIGLOTITIS - Human Papilloma Virus • Genital warts • Most common STI • Risk factors- early age at menarche, multiple sex partners • S/s- a. Painless warty growths b. Soft, pointed papules c. Single or multiple in a cauliflower patch d. Occur around vulva, introitus, anus, vagina, cervix • Vaccine to prevent cervical cancer • Boys and girls ages 9-26 y/o before sexually active • Although pap tests save lives, cervical cancer is rare in young women • In 2012 new recommendations are: (1) no pap tests for women under age 21 years, regardless of sexual activity. - Anus Assessment • Males- left lateral or standing position w/ toes pointed together • Females- lithotomy position • Inspection- a. Moist and hairless b. Coarse, folded skin that is more pigmented c. Anal opening tightly closed d. No lesions present e. Sacrococcygeal area smooth and even f. Valsalva maneuver no break in skin integrity or protrusion through anal opening - Inguinal Hernia • Assessment- a. Inspect inguinal region for bulge b. Palpate inguinal canal c. Ask male to shift weight to opposite side (unexamined leg) d. Place index finger low on scrotal half and palpate up spermatic cord e. Insert finger into external inguinal ring and ask man to bear down Page 5 of 15 5 5 • Position- standing - Cranial Nerves • CN 1 Olfactory (sensory)- smell test • CN 2 Optic (sensory)- confrontation test, read card • CN 3 Oculomotor (motor)- PERRLA, cardinal fields • CN 4 Trochlear (motor)- PERRLA, cardinal fields • CN 5 Trigeminal (both)- clench teeth, touch face w/ q tip • CN 6 Abducens (motor)- PERRLA, cardinal fields • CN 7 Facial (both)- smile, frown, puff cheeks • CN 8 Vestibulocochlear (sensory)- hearing test • CN 9 Glossopharyngeal (both)- move tongue side to side, say ahh, light, tight, dynamite • CN 10 Vagus (both)- move tongue side to side, say ahh, light, tight, dynamite • CN 11 Accessory (motor)- shrug shoulders, push face • CN 12 Hypoglossal (motor)- move tongue side to side, say ahh, light, tight, dynamite - Self-Breast Exam • Best time to do it after menstrual period - Jugular Venous Pressure • Normal jugular venous pulsation is 2cm or less above sternal angle • Elevated pressure = 3 cm or more above sternal angle while @ 45 degrees a. Occurs w/ heart failure, cardiac tamponade, constrictive pericarditis - Hypertension • Normal = <120 and <80 • Prehypertension = 120-139 or 80-89 • Stage 1 hypertension = 140-159 or 90-99 • Stage 2 hypertension = > 160 or > 100 • Risk factors- a. Modifiable- obesity, smoking b. Nonmodifable- race - Wernicke’s Area • Found in temporal lobe • Associated with language comprehension • When damaged, receptive aphasia results; person can hear sound but it has no meaning - Rheumatoid Arthritis • Chronic autoimmune disease w/ inflammation of synovial tissues and hyperplasia or swelling • Leads to fibrosis, cartilage and bone destruction that limits motion and appears as a deformity • Joint involvement is symmetrical and bilateral w/ heat, redness, swelling, painful motion • RAcarries increased cardiovascular risk of heart attack and stroke Page 6 of 15 6 6 • Acute RA- painful swelling and stiffness of joints; fusiform and spindle shaped swelling of soft tissue of proximal interphalangeal joints; fusiform swelling is symmetric, hands are warm, veins are engorged; limited ROM • Ankylosing spondylitis • S/s- a. Fatigue b. Weakness c. Anorexia d. Weight loss e. Low grade fever f. Lymphadenopathy - Prostatic Hypertrophy ***SATA*** • Inflammation of the prostate gland; caused by hormonal imbalance • S/s- a. Urinary frequency b. Urgency c. Hesitancy d. Straining to urinate e. Weak stream f. Intermittent stream g. Sensation of incomplete emptying h. Nocturia • Objective- a. Symmetric nontender enlargement b. Commonly in middle aged men c. Prostate surface feels smooth, rubbery or firm d. Median sulcus obliterated - Subjective Data • What the patient says about themselves and what they feel - Objective Data • What the nurse observes about the patient upon inspection and assessment - Closed Ended Questions • Questions that ask for specific information • They elicit a short or two word answer (yes or no) or a forced choice • Useful to fill in details that are left out and specific facts • Only ask one direct question at a time • Choose language the person understands - Open Ended Questions • Questions that ask for narrative information • States the topic to be discussed in general terms • Used to begin the interview, introduce new questions or when person introduces a new topic • Unbiased Page 9 of 15 9 9 a. Pain b. Burning c. Numbness d. Positive Phalen test e. Positive Tinel sign f. Atrophy of thenar muscles - Lasegue’s Test • Straight leg raising • Checks for sciatic pain - Lymphedema • High protein swelling of the limb • Commonly caused by breast cancer treatment • Impeded drainage of lymph • S/s- a. Tired, thick, heavy arm b. Jewelry too tight c. Swelling d. Tingling e. Unilateral swelling f. Nonpitting brawny edema - Testicular Torsion • Sudden twisting of spermatic cord; late childhood and early adolescence; rare after 20 y/o; usually on left side; rotates medially; blood supply cut off • ***EMERGENCY*** • S/s- a. Sudden unilateral pain b. Lower abdominal pain c. Nausea d. Vomiting e. Red swollen scrotum f. One testis higher g. Thick, swollen, tender cord h. Cremasteric reflex absent on side of torsion - Hypospadias • Urethral meatus opens on ventral side of glans or shaft or at penosacral junction • Groove extends from the meatus to normal location @ tip • Congenital defect • Newborn should not be circumcised - Dehydration • S/s- a. Tenting b. Decreased BP c. Increased pulse Page 10 of 15 10 10 - Prioritization • First level- a. Emergent, life threatening, immediate b. ABC’s and Vitals • Second level- a. Require prompt intervention to forestall further deterioration b. Mental status change c. Acute pain d. Acute urinary elimination problems e. Untreated medical problems f. Abnormal labs g. Risk of infection h. Risk to safety • Third level- a. Important to health but can be addressed after urgent problems b. Lack of knowledge, activity, rest, family coping - Osteoporosis • Not part of normal aging • Occurs primarily in postmenopausal white women • Decrease in skeletal bone mass and low BMD • Bone degenerates faster than new bone is created • Bones become spongy and weak • More easily broken • Risk factors- a. Sedentary lifestyle b. Smoking c. Diet d. Alcohol use e. Young age at menopause f. Lack of estrogen g. Small height and weight - Osteoarthritis • Degenerative joint disease • Noninflammatory, localized, progressive disorder involving deterioration of articular cartilages • Early stage- pain is worse with activity • Late stage- pain with rest and activity • Risk factors- a. Age b. Obesity (knee) • S/s- a. Hard, nontender, noninflammatory nodules Page 11 of 15 11 11 b. Bony overgrowths Heberden (fingertips, distal), Bouchard (knuckles, proximal) - Admin Pain Medication • 1st assessment? RESPIRATORY - Heart Sounds • Aortic Point right 2nd intercostal space; S2 > S1 • Pulmonic Point left 2nd intercostal space; S2 > S1 • Erbs Point left 3rd intercostal space; S1 = S2 • Tricuspid Point left 4th intercostal space, sternal border; S1 > S2 • Mitral Point left 5th intercostal space, medial to midclavicular line; S1 > S2 - Infection • Lab value looking for in the assessment? ELEVATED WHITE BLOOD CELL COUNT - Toddler w/ Heart Failure? • S/s? a. Swelling of legs, ankles, eyelids, face, abdomen b. Fast breathing c. Shortness of breath d. Fatigue e. Nausea f. Falling asleep and sweating when feeding g. Lack of appetite h. Weight gain over a short period of time i. Cough and congestion in lungs j. Loss of muscle mass k. Failure to gain weight l. Change in skin temperature and color - Skeletal Traction • Placing a pin, wire, or screw in fractured bone and placing weights to pull the bone into the correct position • Infection- a. Redness b. Tenderness c. Pus - Diabetes Insipidus • Primary things to look for on this patient frequent urination and extreme thirst leads to ***DEHYDRATION*** • Disorder of salt and water metabolism - HIPAA • Protection of patient health information - If you suspect abuse, do a complete assessment before assuming abuse only - Pregnant Woman’s Skin Appearance • Linea nigra- dark vertical line on middle of abdomen Page 14 of 15 14 14 5. Mature breast- only nipple protrudes; areola is flush w/ breast contour i. Breast development precedes menarche (menstruation) by 2 years j. Menarche occurs in stage 3-4 of breast development (age 12) k. Sexual Maturity Rating 1. Stage 1- no pubic hair; mons and labia have fine vellus hair 2. Stage 2- sparse growth on labia; slightly curly 3. Stage 3- sparse over mons pubis; dark, coarse, curly 4. Stage 4- adult hair in smaller area 5. Stage 5- adult in type and patter (inverted triangle); also on medial thigh - Pain and Vital Signs • Pulse- increased • Blood pressure- increased • Respirations- increased - Venous Insufficiency • Brown discoloration occurs with chronic venous stasis caused by hemosiderin deposits from red blood cells degradation • Venous ulcers occurs usually at the medial malleolus because of bacterial invasion of poorly drained tissues - 45 y/o female in hospital and nonverbal cues is unhappy what are some reasons why? • Age differences • Culture • Male/female physician - Best person to get information from about a patient? • Directly from patient - Female patient normal finding • Supernumerary nipple can get removed - How to Identify an Infection • Fever • Redness • Swelling • Heat - Type 1 Diabetes • Can cause neuropathic ulcers (feet) • Peripheral neuropathy • Assess glucose levels • S/s- a. Polyuria b. Polydipsia c. Frequent hunger d. Weight loss unexplained e. Ketones in urine Page 15 of 15 15 15 f. Fatigue g. Blurred vision • Risk factors- a. Genetics b. Gestational diabetes c. Sedentary lifestyle d. Diet e. Race f. Obesity g. Age h. HTN - Testicular Self-Exam • Examine during shower or bath when testicles are warm • Thumb and first two fingers • Rubbery w/ smooth surface = normal • If lumps present call doctor - Prostate Cancer • Common in older men • Curable • Men w/ first degree relative that has had prostate cancer are 2-3x more at risk • Diagnosis = PSAblood test and digital rectal exam - How to Assess Patient Before Initiating CPR • Check carotid pulse
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