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MGMT 3123 - Test 3 (Chapter 8 - 11) | MGMT 3123 - MANAGING BEHAV & ORG, Quizzes of Organization Behaviour

Class: MGMT 3123 - MANAGING BEHAV & ORG; Subject: Management ; University: Oklahoma State University - Stillwater; Term: Fall 2014;

Typology: Quizzes


Uploaded on 11/05/2014

chongjiehao2006 🇺🇸



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Download MGMT 3123 - Test 3 (Chapter 8 - 11) | MGMT 3123 - MANAGING BEHAV & ORG and more Quizzes Organization Behaviour in PDF only on Docsity! TERM 1 Communication DEFINITION 1 evoking of a shared or common meaning in another person TERM 2 interpersonal communication DEFINITION 2 occurs between two or more people in an organization TERM 3 4 key elements of interpersonal communication DEFINITION 3 Communicator Receiver Perceptual screen Message TERM 4 Receiver DEFINITION 4 the person receiving the message interpret and understand the message TERM 5 Perceptual screens DEFINITION 5 windows through which we interact with people in the world TERM 6 Factors affecting perceptual screen DEFINITION 6 age gender values beliefs past experiences cultural influences individual needs TERM 7 Message DEFINITION 7 contains the thoughts and feelings the communicator intends to evoke in the receiver TERM 8 Feedback DEFINITION 8 information fed back that completes two-way communication present only in two-way communication Not present in one-way communication TERM 9 language DEFINITION 9 the words, pronunciation, and the methods of combining them used and understood by a group of people TERM 10 Data DEFINITION 10 uninterpreted, unanalyzed elements of a message TERM 21 Silence DEFINITION 21 Cause discomfort and be a sign or source of embarrassment Can help speaker and listener in reflective listening TERM 22 Eye Contact DEFINITION 22 open up a relationship and improve communication between two people Moderate direct eye contact - communicates openness and affirmation without causing intimidating effect TERM 23 Two-way communication DEFINITION 23 interactive form of communication in which there is an exchange of thoughts, feelings, or both and through which shared meaning often occurs Problem solving Decision making TERM 24 One-way communication DEFINITION 24 a person sends a message to another person and no feedback, questions or interaction follow Giving instruction Giving direction TERM 25 Advantage of One-way communication DEFINITION 25 Faster TERM 26 Disadvantages of one-way communication DEFINITION 26 less accuratelack of efficiency TERM 27 Barriers to communications DEFINITION 27 Aspects of the communication content and context that can impair effective communication in a workplace 20% of communication problems that cause organizational problems and drain profitability TERM 28 Gateways to communication DEFINITION 28 Pathways through barriers to communication and antidotes to communication problems. TERM 29 5 Barriers to communication DEFINITION 29 Physical separation Status differences Gender differences Cultural diversity Language TERM 30 Civility DEFINITION 30 communication and behavior that respects the integrity and dignity of the individualEg. Bill Gates TERM 31 Incivility DEFINITION 31 Discourteous communication and rude behavior that are disrespectful, hurtful or injuriousEg. Larry Elision TERM 32 Defensive communication DEFINITION 32 includes both aggressive, attacking , angry communication and passive, withdrawing communication TERM 33 Non-defensive communication DEFINITION 33 assertive, direct, powerful form of communication TERM 34 Advantages of Non-defensive communication DEFINITION 34 speaker exhibits self-control and self-possession without rejecting the listener help build and enhance relationship at work TERM 35 Non-verbal communication DEFINITION 35 includes all elements of communications that do not involve words TERM 46 Territorial Space in US DEFINITION 46 1.5 feet (intimate distance) 4 feet (personal distance) 12 feet (Social distance) TERM 47 Group DEFINITION 47 two or more people with common interest, objectives and continuing interaction TERM 48 Work team DEFINITION 48 a group of people with complementary skills who are committed to a common mission, performance goals, and approach for which they hold themselves mutually accountable.Task-oriented group TERM 49 Group emphasize on DEFINITION 49 individual leadership individual accountability individual work products TERM 50 Work team emphasize on DEFINITION 50 shared leadership mutual accountability collective work product TERM 51 4 types of group behavior DEFINITION 51 Norms of behavior group cohesion social loafing loss of individuality TERM 52 norms of behavior DEFINITION 52 the standards a work group uses to evaluate member behavior create awareness of, and help regulate, emotions are critical to group's effectiveness TERM 53 Group Cohesion DEFINITION 53 the "interpersonal glue" that makes members of a group stick together enhance job satisfaction improve organizational productivity More cohesive, more organizational citizenship behavior, better performance (Banking team in HK and US) TERM 54 Social Loafing DEFINITION 54 one or more group members rely on the efforts of other group members and fail to contribute their own time, effort, thoughts, or other resources to the group AKA Free-riding, slacking TERM 55 Methods of countering social loafing DEFINITION 55 member self-evaluation identifiable individual contributions to group product Encourage cohesiveness with norms of high productivity TERM 56 Loss of individuality DEFINITION 56 a social process in which individual group members lose self- awareness and is accompanying sense of accountability, inhibition, and responsibility for individual behavior AKA deindividualization TERM 57 The Five-Stage Model DEFINITION 57 Forming Storming Norming Performing Adjourning TERM 58 Forming DEFINITION 58 Little agreement Unclear purpose Guidance and direction required TERM 59 Storming DEFINITION 59 Conflict Increased clarity of purpose Power Struggles Coaching TERM 60 Norming DEFINITION 60 Agreement and consensus Clear roles and responsibility Facilitation TERM 71 Task Functions DEFINITION 71 activities directly related to the effective completion of the team's work Initiating activities seeking information giving information elaborating concepts coordinating activities summarizing ideas testing ideas evaluating effectiveness Diagnosing problems TERM 72 Maintenance Function DEFINITION 72 activities essential to the effective, satisfying interpersonal relationship within a group or team supporting others Following others' leads gatekeeping communication setting standards expressing member feelings testing group decision consensus testing harmonizing conflict TERM 73 Effect of Cohesiveness DEFINITION 73 More pressure and influence attempts Good, frequent communication Members are satisfied and committed Groupthink TERM 74 Reason for work teams DEFINITION 74 useful in performing work that is complicated, complex, interrelated and more voluminous than one person can handle TERM 75 teamwork DEFINITION 75 joint action by a team of people in which individual interests are subordinated to team unity TERM 76 Quality team DEFINITION 76 a team that is part of an organization's structure and is empowered to act on its decisions regarding product and service quality TERM 77 Total quality program DEFINITION 77 Quality team Quality circle TERM 78 Quality Circle DEFINITION 78 small group of employees who work voluntarily on company time to address work-related problems TERM 79 Quality Team Vs Quality Circle DEFINITION 79 Quality team is formal, assigned by upper level management, and have formal power (top down management) Quality circle is informal, voluntary, lack of power (down up management) TERM 80 Quality team and Quality Circle DEFINITION 80 deal with substantive issue to be effective must be continuously reinforced to be effective TERM 81 Social Benefits DEFINITION 81 Psychological intimacy Integrated involvement TERM 82 Psychological intimacy DEFINITION 82 emotional and psychological closeness to other team or group membersemotion based TERM 83 Integrated involvement DEFINITION 83 closeness achieved through tasks and activitiesbehavior and activity based TERM 84 Diversity in team DEFINITION 84 Dissimilarity Creativity TERM 85 Team diversity DEFINITION 85 The differences in ability, skills, experience, personality, and demographic characteristics within a team TERM 96 Process of decision making DEFINITION 96 Recognition of problem Identify the objective of the decision Gathering information relevant to the problem Listing and evaluating alternative course of action select alternative that best meets the decision objective implementation of solution Gather feedback Follow up TERM 97 Effective decision DEFINITION 97 a timely decision that meets a desired objective and is acceptable to those individual affected by it TERM 98 Rationality DEFINITION 98 a logical step by step approach to decision making, with a thorough analysis of alternatives and their consequences TERM 99 Assumptions made in rational model DEFINITION 99 outcome will be completely rational decision maker has a consistent system of preferences, which is used to choose the best alternative. decision maker is aware of all the possible alternatives decision maker can calculate the probability of success for each alternatives TERM 100 Bounded Rationality Model DEFINITION 100 a theory that suggests that there are limits upon how rational a decision maker can actually be TERM 101 Assumptions made in Bounded Rationality Model DEFINITION 101 Select the first alternative that is satisfactory recognize that their conception of the world is simple comfortable making decisions without determining all the alternatives make decisions by rules of thumb or heuristics TERM 102 Satisfice DEFINITION 102 to select the first alternative that is "good enough" because the costs in time and effort are great to optimize TERM 103 Heuristics DEFINITION 103 Shortcuts in decision making that save mental activity based on past experience TERM 104 availability heuristics DEFINITION 104 individuals tend to make decisions based on the frequency, probability, or likelihood of an event based on how easily they can remember it TERM 105 Representative heuristics DEFINITION 105 decisions of probability are based on similarity of occurrence to others TERM 106 Garbage can model DEFINITION 106 a theory that contends that decisions in organizations are random and unsystematic based on timing - when all 4 components come together a solution for a problem appears TERM 107 components in garbage can model DEFINITION 107 Problem Solution participant choice opportunity TERM 108 Risk aversion DEFINITION 108 the tendency to choose options that entail fewer risks and less uncertainty TERM 109 Escalation of commitment DEFINITION 109 the tendency to continue to support a failing course of action TERM 110 Reasons for escalation of commitment DEFINITION 110 Human dislike inconsistency Optimism Control (illusion of under control) Sunk cost TERM 121 Illumination DEFINITION 121 insight into solving the problem TERM 122 Verification DEFINITION 122 thinking, sharing, testing the decision TERM 123 Participative decision making DEFINITION 123 when individuals who are affected by decisions influence the making of those decisions TERM 124 Advantage of Group Decision making DEFINITION 124 more knowledge through pooling of group member resources increased acceptance and commitment to decisions greater understanding due to involvement in decision stage TERM 125 Disadvantage of Group Decision making DEFINITION 125 capability to become psychologically involved motivation to act autonomously capacity to see the relevance of participation for one's own well being TERM 126 Synergy DEFINITION 126 a positive force that occurs in groups when group members stimulate new solutions to problems through the process of mutual influence and encouragement within the group TERM 127 Groupthink DEFINITION 127 a deterioration of mental efficiency, reality testing, and moral judgement resulting from pressures within the group. TERM 128 Conditions that encourages Groupthink DEFINITION 128 High cohesiveness High consequential decision Time constraints TERM 129 Symptoms of Groupthink DEFINITION 129 Illusion of invulnerability Illusion of group moral Illusion of unanimity Rationalization Stereotyping the enemy Self-censorship Peer-Pressure Mindguards TERM 130 How to prevent Groupthink DEFINITION 130 Ask each group member to act as critical evaluator Leader avoid stating his opinion prior to the group discussion Create several groups to work simultaneously Devil's advocate Evaluate competition carefully After consensus, encourage rethinking the position TERM 131 Group polarization DEFINITION 131 the tendency for group discussion to produce shifts toward more extreme attitudes among members TERM 132 Reasons of group polarization DEFINITION 132 individual believes that they hold better view reinforces the initial views of members, shift to extreme positions TERM 133 Brainstorming DEFINITION 133 A technique for generating as many ideas as possible in a given subject, while suspending evaluation until all the ideas have been suggested TERM 134 Nominal Group technique DEFINITION 134 a structured approach to group decision making that focuses on generating alternatives and choosing one TERM 135 Steps of nominal group technique DEFINITION 135 Individuals silently list their ideas Ideas are written on a chart one at a time until all ideas are listed Discussion is permitted but only to clarify the ideas. No criticism is allowed A written vote is taken TERM 146 Reward power DEFINITION 146 based on the agent's ability to control rewards that a target wantsEg. Reward (salary increase, bonus) Appropriate if clear strong link between performance and rewards TERM 147 Coercive power DEFINITION 147 based on agent's ability to cause the target to have an unpleasant experienceEg. Punishment or verbal abuse Forcing a target to do it TERM 148 Legitimate Power DEFINITION 148 based on the agent's position and mutual agreementEg. Tribe leader has the power to order the tribe members around believe that the agent has the right to tell them what to do TERM 149 Referent Power DEFINITION 149 based on interpersonal attractionEg. Charismatic individual individualistic and respected by the target ( do not need to be superior) TERM 150 Expert Power DEFINITION 150 agent has specialized knowledge or skills that the target needs. TERM 151 3 conditions for Expert power DEFINITION 151 Target must trust that the expertise given is accurate Knowledge involved must be relevant and useful to target Target's perception of the agent as an expert TERM 152 Most effective Power DEFINITION 152 Expert powerReferent power TERM 153 Least effective power DEFINITION 153 Legitimate Reward Coercive TERM 154 Marrissa Mayer DEFINITION 154 Google's VP of search product and user experience Well respected and liked by colleagues Lots of technical knowledge and comfortable in social environments Expert power & Referent power TERM 155 Information Power DEFINITION 155 is access to and control over important information TERM 156 Personal Power DEFINITION 156 Power used for personal gain described as power hungry Machiavellinism Believed that it was better to be feared than loved TERM 157 Social Power DEFINITION 157 power used to create motivation or to accomplish group goals approach relationships with communal orientation focus on other's needs and interest TERM 158 Indra Nooyi PepsiCo DEFINITION 158 Social Power 3 parts of performance with purpose: Human Sustainability - healthy and tasty snacks Environmental sustainability - good stewards of earth Talent sustainability - create a culture at work where employees can be themselves TERM 159 Kanter's symbol of power DEFINITION 159 Ability to intercede from someone in trouble Ability to get placements for favored employees Exceeding budget limitations Procuring above-average raises for employees Getting items on the agenda at meetings Access to early information Top managers seek out their opinion TERM 160 Kanter's symbol of powerlessness DEFINITION 160 overly close supervision inflexible adherence to the rules tendency to do the job themselves rather than training their employees to do it TERM 171 Political Skills DEFINITION 171 the ability to get things done through favorable interpersonal relationships outside of formally prescribed organizational mechanisms TERM 172 4 key dimensions of Political Skills DEFINITION 172 Social astuteness Interpersonal influences Networking ability Sincerity TERM 173 Social Astuteness DEFINITION 173 accurate perception and evaluation of social situations TERM 174 Interpersonal influences DEFINITION 174 subtle and influential personal style that is effective in getting things done TERM 175 Networking ability DEFINITION 175 individuals capacity to develop and retain diverse and extensive social network TERM 176 Sincerity DEFINITION 176 individual ability to portray forthrightness and authenticity in all of their dealings TERM 177 Biggest cause of failure in Political Skill DEFINITION 177 Social effectiveness TERM 178 empowerment DEFINITION 178 sharing power within an organization TERM 179 4 dimensions that comprise the essence of empowerment DEFINITION 179 Meaning Competence Self-determination impact TERM 180 Meaning DEFINITION 180 fit between work role and employee's values and beliefs TERM 181 Competence DEFINITION 181 one has the ability to do the job well TERM 182 self-determination DEFINITION 182 having control over the way employees do their work TERM 183 impact DEFINITION 183 one's job makes a difference within the organization TERM 184 How to advocate empowerment towards others DEFINITION 184 express confidence in employees create opportunities for employees to participate in decision making remove bureaucratic constraints that stifle autonomy set inspirational or meaningful goals TERM 185 5 reasons why executive fail to use power effectively DEFINITION 185 see themselves and their companies as dominating their environment Think they have all the answers Ruthlessly eliminate anyone who isn't 100% behind them Stubbornly rely on what worked for them in the past No clear boundaries between their personal interests and corporate interests
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