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Psychological Disorders: Causes, Symptoms, and Treatments, Exams of Nursing

An in-depth exploration of various psychological disorders, including their causes, symptoms, and treatments. Topics covered include schizoid and antisocial personality disorders, borderline personality disorder, anxiety disorders, and conversion disorders. The document also discusses defense mechanisms, the effects of genes and environment, and the role of brain structure in psychological disorders.

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Download Psychological Disorders: Causes, Symptoms, and Treatments and more Exams Nursing in PDF only on Docsity! Midterm – Adult Psychopathology Assessment Exam Questions with Answers Question 1 Mrs. B received a very poor rating by her supervisor, who had been constantly criticizing her in front of her coworkers. When she got home, her kids ran up to greet her, all talking at once. Mrs. B responded by yelling, “Leave me alone! Can’t you see I’m tired?” According to psychoanalytic theory, this is an example of the defense mechanism known as displacement. projection. repression. rationalization. Question 2 In Erik Erikson’s theory of lifespan development, an individual reaches the mature stage when he or she is about ___ years old. 55 65 75 85 Question 3 A 4-year-old girl sucks her thumb, a teenager binges on food, and an adult woman bites her fingernails. According to the Freudian theory of psychosexual development, all three are fixated at the _____stage. P a g e 1 | 78 oral anal phallic Genital Question 4 Gender differences observed in the prevalence of many personality disorders may be due to tolerance of behavior in a culture. differences in help-seeking behavior. gender bias on the part of the diagnosing clinician. all of the above. Question 5 Someone you know has been having a lot of difficulty because of irrational fears. Knowing that you are studying abnormal psychology, this person asks if you know of an effective and wellestablished treatment. You advise her that ____, based on the mid-20th century work of Joseph Wolpe, is a successful anxiety reduction procedure. systematic desensitization person centered therapy exorcism P a g e 2 | 78 Question 11 Marie has a history of being arrested for arson and shows no remorse for her destructive actions; Marion has a perfect legal record, but often manipulates her friends to get what she wants and doesn’t feel guilt when she hurts their feelings. Marie most likely has , while Marion most likely has . schizoid personality disorder; antisocial personality disorder antisocial personality disorder; schizoid personality disorder psychopathy; antisocial personality disorder antisocial personality disorder; psychopathy Question 12 The research examining the cause of antisocial personality disorder suggests that the primary cause is genetics. genetics and environment interact to cause the disorder. the primary cause is poor parenting. there is no evidence of either a genetic or environmental cause. Question 13 All of the following are examples of defense mechanisms according to psychoanalytic theory P a g e 5 | 78 EXCEPT adaptation. displacement. repression. projection. Question 14 Childhood trauma as a cause of borderline personality disorder may be too simplistic an explanation because there are too many neurological deficits that are noted in borderline personality disorder patients. individuals with borderline personality disorder tend to respond to SSRI medications. most individuals diagnosed with borderline personality disorder are female. a significant percentage of individuals diagnosed with borderline personality disorder do not have a history of childhood trauma. Question 1 One conclusion that can be drawn from the studies regarding rat learning and brain structure (Greenough, et al.,1990; Wallace, et al., 1992) is that P a g e 6 | 78 early psychological experience affects the development of the nervous system and will absolutely determine whether or not the individual will develop a psychological disorder later in life. early psychological experience does not result in physical changes to the nervous system but can still influence whether or not one develops a psychological disorder. early psychological experience affects the development of the nervous system and influences vulnerability to psychological disorders later in life. early psychological experience has little to do with brain structure or later development of psychopathology. Question 2 Recent research and increased understanding about the role of neurotransmitters in psychopathology point out that each psychological disorder is caused by a deficit in a specific neurotransmitter. chemical imbalances of the brain are the cause of psychopathology. simple cause/effect conclusions stating that an individual neurotransmitter abnormality causes a disorder are incomplete. neurotransmitters have very little to do with psychopathology for most individuals but may be the single cause of disorders for others. P a g e 7 | 78 Question 8 The ability to plan, think, reason, and create is located in the part of the brain called the _____. thalamus midbrain cerebral cortex brain stem Question 9 The neurotransmitter associated with both schizophrenia and Parkinson's disease is _____. GABA norepinephrine dopamine serotonin Question 10 Studies regarding rat learning and brain structure by Greenough, et al. (1990) and Wallace, et al. P a g e 10 | 78 (1992) suggest that early experiences such as learning cause physical changes in the brain. psychopathology is the result of early learning experiences. while psychopathology is often a result of early life experiences, it is generally due to the physical changes in the brain that such experiences cause. genetically caused brain structure problems can be corrected by positive life experiences. Question 11 Research studies using the procedure called "cross fostering" have shown that genetically emotional and reactive young animals raised by calm mothers tended to be calm. emotional and reactive. calm but emotional and reactive when raising their own young. emotional and reactive but calm when raising their own young. Question 12 Although the two halves of the cortex look alike structurally, the left hemisphere seems to be chiefly responsible for motor coordination. perceiving the world around us. creating images. verbal P a g e 11 | 78 and other cognitive processes. Question 13 The ______ coordinates movement with sensory input and contains parts of the reticular activating system. hindbrain midbrain cerebral cortex forebrain Question 14 In a recent study (Petrovic, Kalso, Peterson & Ingvar, 2002), subjects were exposed to a painful stimulus (heat to the hand) under three conditions: opiate medication, placebo (sugar pill) medication, and no medication. Brain scans indicated that a subject's experience of reduced pain with the placebo is due to activation of brain regions identical to those activated by opiate medication. activation of brain regions that are overlapping, but not identical, to those activated by opiate medication. psychological expectation since a placebo does not activate brain regions associated with pain control. similarities in activated brain regions during the "no medication" condition. P a g e 12 | 78 Question 5 Determining mood and affect is an important part of the mental status exam. Although both of these terms refer to feeling states of the individual, it would be correct to say that affect is more than mood. immediate severe problematic stable Question 6 According to the textbook, assessment of psychophysiological response to emotional stimuli is important in treating all of the following EXCEPT _____________. sexual dysfunctions posttraumatic stress disorder hypertension cancer Question 7 Most of the “psychological tests” in popular magazines are . reliable valid for entertainment only informative and educational P a g e 15 | 78 Question 8 As an assessment measure, the MMPI is considered unique because it is empirically based. theory based. based on the biological model. based on the humanistic approach. Question 9 If the short version of a test yields the same results as a longer version, then you could conclude that the brief version had validity. concurrent divergent predictive excessive Question 10 Observing appearance and behavior during a mental status exam is simply done to give the appearance that the clinician is paying attention. rarely yields useful information. can yield clues regarding the presence of certain disorders. may just confuse the diagnostic process. P a g e 16 | 78 Question 11 Given what we know about the effects of genes and the environment, which of the following pairs of children would be expected to be most similar in terms of overall personality, psychological disorders, and intelligence? Monozygotic twins, one raised in a wealthy family living in a modern city and the other raised in poverty in a developing nation Adopted children from different biological families raised in the same home Biological siblings raised in the same house Biological siblings, each adopted immediately after birth, one raised in Chicago and the other raised in New York City Question 12 While conducting a family study, a researcher determines that the siblings and parents of the person with a disorder are much more likely than the general public to have the disorder, although cousins, uncles, and grandparents are only moderately more likely to have the disorder than the general public. This is an example of a disorder with no genetic component. a single gene influence. a genetic component. strong environmental and very weak genetic components. P a g e 17 | 78 Question 19 If you observe that umbrellas cause rain since they always occur together, you may be confusing correlation with causation. confounds with correlations. independent variable with dependent variable. statistical and clinical effects. Question 20 One advantage of the case study method is that it can: measure causation. study a rare phenomena in-depth. none of the above are correct. all of the above are correct. Question 1 The compulsions that an individual with OCD uses to suppress disastrous consequences or ward off intrusive thoughts can be either behavioral or mental. positive or negative. biological or psychological. autonomic or somatic. P a g e 20 | 78 Question 2 Research suggests that generalized anxiety disorder is five-times more likely to develop in adults if they smoked after age 20. never smoked. smoked as a teen. chewed tobacco as a teen. Question 3 According to your textbook, new techniques have made it possible to treat some phobias effectively in one . day week month year Question 4 You are told about a child who has shown behavior consistent with "separation anxiety." In order to determine if the child actually has a disorder or whether the behavior is normal, you would first need to know the child's age. whether the child is a boy or a girl. if other family members have P a g e 21 | 78 anxiety disorders. how long the child has shown this behavior. Question 5 A teenage girl had recently been having panic attacks while shopping at the mall. She was sitting in her room feeling very depressed. To cheer her up, a friend suggested that they both go to an exercise class. Shortly after the warm-up started, however, she had another panic attack. What is the best explanation for this occurrence? She was angry with the friend for insisting that she go out. The medication that had been prescribed for her was only treating the depression, not the anxiety. The physical sensations experienced during exercise had become an internal cue for panic to occur. The exercise class was an unconditioned stimulus that resulted in a panic attack. Question 6 Studies suggest that parents can protect their child from anxiety if they never let them experience adversity. teach independence by ignoring the child’s needs. let children explore the world and deal with the unexpected. cope for the child as much as possible. P a g e 22 | 78 Question 12 Physiologically, PTSD appears to be related to damage to the hippocampus, which disrupts sleep. the amygdala, which disrupts learning and memory. the hippocampus, which disrupts learning and memory. the amygdala, which disrupts sleep. Question 13 People with GAD tend to worry about large, extremely stressful events only. mostly minor things. physical threats only. germs and diseases only. Question 14 Nocturnal panic attacks generally occur when an individual is . in REM sleep having a P a g e 25 | 78 Question 2 nightmare deeply asleep dreaming Question 15 Generalized psychological vulnerabilities lead to: tendency toward lack of self-confidence. low self-esteem. inability to cope. all of the above. CHAPTER 8 QUIZ Which of the following is NOT true about the relationships between the media and attitudes abo ut body shape? The media has no impact on body image. Surgical treatments are likely to be the last line of treatment for the very obese. P a g e 26 | 78 dyssomnia - inability to fall asleep Question 4 After engaging in an extended session of binge eating, Thomas goes to the bathroom and makes himself vomit. He thinks that he has removed all of the food he consumed from his stomach, but in fact he will only have removedaround percent of the calories he consumed. one-half Question 5 The median age of onset for all eating disorders is years of age. 18 to 21 Question 6 Research reported in your text conducted by Grilo, Masheb, & Wilson (2006) found that patients with binge-eating disorder who responded rapidly to cogniti ve-behavioral therapy (by the fourth week) tended to have good responses to therapy both in the short long term. P a g e 27 | 78 Question 3 Of the following, the correct pairing is . sleep paralysis and hypnagogic hallucinations associated with narcolepsy. Question 15 The strongest contributions to etiology of eating disorders seem to be . CHAPTER 1 Question 1 1 / 1 pts Henry is viewed by many as a workaholic and not very social. He is at his desk every morning at 7:30 a.m. and takes few breaks (although these breaks are always at the same time every day). Henry is known to be a perfectionist. The problem is that he does not seem to get much accomplished, since he spends so much time making sure that everything is perfect before moving on to the next task. Henry appears to suffer from ____ personality disorder. avoidan t Correct! obsessive-compulsive schizoid antisoci al P a g e 30 | 78 Question 2 1 / 1 pts One of the major problems with treating people with personality disorders is Correct! they rarely identify themselves as needing treatment. research suggests that the disorders are almost entirely based in biology and therefore difficult to treat interpersonally.. personality disorders are so rare that there is very little research on their treatment. they are extremely unpredictable and difficult to manage in therapy sessions. Question 3 1 / 1 pts Which of the following prevention strategies looks promising for children who are at risk for later antisocial personality disorder? Correct! A training program for parents of toddlers (ages 1½ to 2½ years) A program for families with a high degree of family dysfunction A program for families where at least one parent has a history of antisocial personality disorder P a g e 31 | 78 All of the above Question 4 1 / 1 pts In Jill’s psychotherapy sessions, the therapist has been using systematic desensitization to gradually make her more comfortable with social situations. Similar to the treatments used for individuals with social phobia, the therapist has given Jill homework assignments that require her to practice talking to strangers, join informal groups, and speak in front of small groups. Most likely, she is being treated for personality disorder. Correct! avoidant dependent Antisocial histrioni c Question 5 1 / 1 pts Bloodletting, a treatment devised centuries ago to restore the balance of humors, was accomplished with the use of needle s. Correct! P a g e 32 | 78 changed the field of psychological research largely into a biological science. created the first humane treatment facilities for mentally ill patients. Question 10 1 / 1 pts If a psychological disorder is said to have an acute onset, it means that the symptoms developed Correct! suddenly. atypicall y. graduall y. following a period of recovery. Question 11 1 / 1 pts A woman demonstrating a high degree of Western “stereotypical female” traits might well be diagnosed with histrionic personality disorder. Which of the following would probably occur if a man demonstrated very stereotypical masculine traits? He would be diagnosed with antisocial personality disorder. P a g e 35 | 78 He would be diagnosed with histrionic personality disorder. He would be diagnosed with narcissistic personality disorder. Correct! He probably would not be diagnosed with any personality disorder. There is clear consensus on the definition of mental health disease. There is no clear consensus on the definition of disease but there is a clear definition of mental health disorder. The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual (DSM) never changes its definitions. Correct! The DSM is based on prototypes or symptoms and examples of the phenomenon in question. Question 13 1 / 1 pts When working with a patient diagnosed with dependent personality disorder, the therapist must be particularly careful that the patient does not take over the agenda of the sessions. become inconsistent in attending sessions. P a g e 36 | 78 Question 12 1 / 1 pts Which of the following is true: manipulate the therapist by being overly dramatic. Correct! become overly dependent on the therapist. Question 14 1 / 1 pts Which well-known behavioral scientist was the author of The Behavior of Organisms (1938) and Walden Two (1948)? John Watson Ivan Pavlov Correct! B.F. Skinner Edward L. Thorndike Question 15 1 / 1 pts Research regarding psychological treatment for borderline personality disorder suggests that _____ appears helpful in improving mood and reducing suicidal and self-injurious behaviors. Correct! dialectical behavior therapy cognitive therapy P a g e 37 | 78 Question 5 1 / 1 pts The ______ coordinates movement with sensory input and contains parts of the reticular activating system. hindbrai n midbrain cerebral cortex forebr ain Thyroid gland. Pituitary Gland. Hypothalamus. B and C are correct. Question 7 1 / 1 pts According to the multidimensional integrative approach to psychopathology, the following statement is tr ue for mostpsychological disorders: P a g e 40 | 78 Question 6 1 / 1 pts Endocrine glands located in your head include: If one monozygotic twin has a particular disorder, the other twin will definitely have the disorder as well. Monozygotic twins are no more likely to share psychological disorders than any other siblings. Monozygotic twins are no more likely to share disorders than any other two people selected at random fro m the population. If one monozygotic twin has a particular psychological disorder, the other twin is more likely to have the disorder than the rest o f the population. Question 8 1 / 1 pts In the Stroop color naming paradigm, a patient with a blood phobia would be expected to name the color of the printed word "wound" more quickly than a neutral word. in about the same time it takes to name the color of a neutral word. more slowly than a neutral word. with a great deal of difficulty or not at all. P a g e 41 | 78 Question 9 1 / 1 pts The idea that our inherited tendencies influence the probability that we will encounter stressful life events is a characteristic of the _________________. diathesis-stress model reciprocal gene-environment model genetic model psycho-social model Question 10 1 / 1 pts Amanda is 12 years old, and her sister Samantha is 5 years old. While riding in a car with their parents, the girls witness a major automobile accident where a number of people are injured. The girls react very differently to the accident. This is probably due to biological differences. developmental differences. psychological differences sociocultural differences P a g e 42 | 78 is genetic . occurs when an animal encounters (usually negative) conditions over which the animal has no control. occurs only when animals receive an electric shock. all of the above are correct. Question 1 1 / 1 pts Clifton had been experiencing a number of psychological issues, so he decided to go to a psychiatrist to see what was wrong. Dr. A told him he had major depressive disorder. He decided to seek a second opinion. Dr. B diagnosed him with generalized anxiety disorder. Wanting yet another opinion, he went to Dr. C who told him he was obsessive-compulsive. This demonstrates poor . test-retest reliability concurrent validity descriptive validity Correct! inter-rater reliability P a g e 45 | 78 Question 2 1 / 1 pts One important advantage of using a classification and diagnostic system like DSM-5 is that knowing a patient'sdiagnosis Correct! helps the therapist to develop a treatment plan and prognosis. allows patients to fully participate in their own treatment. permits the insurance company to have access to patients' records. allows the therapist to see the patient as an individual. Question 3 1 / 1 pts Several clinicians interview a patient and use a new diagnostic system to independently provide the same diagnosis. We can say that it appears the new diagnostic system is . Correct! reliabl e valid both reliable and valid neither reliable nor valid P a g e 46 | 78 Correct! the lack of a presumed theoretical cause for each disorder. a change from a dimensional to a categorical system. greater emphasis on validity and less concern for reliability. the inclusion of the humanistic view of pathology. Question 5 1 / 1 pts The ABCs of observation refer to the sequence. affect-behavior- cognition antecedent-behavior- cognition Correct! antecedent-behavior-consequence affect-behavior- consequence P a g e 47 | 78 Question 4 1 / 1 pts An important change in the DSM versions that followed DSM-III was quantification of patients' experiences using scalesmeasuring several areas such as anxiety ordepres sion. lists of symptoms that patients must experience forthe diagnosis to be assigned. essential elements that all patients must report forthe diagnosis to be assigned but allowance forspecific n onessential variations as well. a theoretical explanation for the underlying cause of the disorder that is assumed to be shared by allpatient s experiencing similar symptoms. Question 11 1 / 1 pts The implication of the fact that genetic linkage studies frequently fail to replicate when subsequent resear chers repeat the study in different families is that the human genome is not well mapped. researchers need to be more careful with their methods. the environment is a more powerful influence on most forms of complex psychopathology than genetics. Correct! it is doubtful that there are single gene causes for complex disorders. hidden characteristics. P a g e 50 | 78 Question 12 1 / 1 pts A phenotype is defined as an individual's Correct! observable characteristics. genetic influences. unique genetic makeup. Question 13 1 / 1 pts Your friend has trouble making commitments in relationships. You believe that this is because her parents had a bitter divorce when she was young. Your belief that a child who lives through a bitter parental divorce will have trouble making commitments in relationships as an adult would be cons idered a(n) . Correct! hypothesis independent variable empirical conclusion applied theory P a g e 51 | 78 Question 14 1 / 1 pts It has been demonstrated the amount of time watching violent shows on TV is correlated with aggressiven ess in children. However, we cannot say that watching violence on TV causes children to be aggressive be cause we do not know if children watch violent TV shows because they are aggressive. we do not know if violent TV shows causes children to act violent. both variables may be related to another factor such as violent parents. Correct! all of the above Question 15 1 / 1 pts Experiments designed to test new clinical treatments are called clinical . Correct! trials exams function s expectatio ns P a g e 52 | 78 Correct! chance confounds measure causation. study a rare phenomena in-depth. You Answered none of the above are correct. Question 1 1 / 1 pts A friend stated that when she went to a clinic, she had to spend several 30- to 60second sessions shaking her headfrom side to side, spinning in a chair, tensing all her muscles, hyperventilating, or breathing through a narrow straw. She is surprised that you correctly guessed that she is receiving treatment for specific phobia. social phobia. Correct! panic disorder. posttraumatic stress disorder. P a g e 55 | 78 Question 20 0 / 1 pts One advantage of the case study method is that it can: Question 2 1 / 1 pts What happens when people with OCD attempt to neutralize or suppress disturbing, intrusive thoughts? The obsessive thoughts disappear. Correct! The frequency of the obsessive thoughts increases. Other kinds of obsessive thinking start to occur. This strategy has no effect on the obsessive thoughts. Question 3 1 / 1 pts Which of the following is an accurate statement about factors affecting treatment for PTSD? Psychoanalytic therapists help patients to relive emotional trauma through a process called free association. Correct! Victims of PTSD often repress the emotional part of their memories of the traumatic event. Re-exposure to the trauma should be accomplished quickly to assure the best therapeutic response. P a g e 56 | 78 Medications effective for other anxiety disorders are ineffective with PTSD. Question 4 1 / 1 pts Which of the following is NOT a somatic sensation that accompanies Panic Disorder and Agoraphobia? Stomach ache Heart pounding Excessive sweating Correct! All of the above answers are correct Question 5 1 / 1 pts Normal, ordinary people who have occasional intrusive thoughts with bizarre, sexual, or aggressive conte nt would not be considered to have OCD unless they find the thoughts unacceptable or even dangerous an d also use alcohol or other drugs to reduce anxiety. develop insomnia and nightmares as well as dissociation symptoms and, on occasion, psychosis. Correct! become horrified by such thoughts and consider them signs of some alien, intrusive, evil force. P a g e 57 | 78 Carrie has an obsessive fear of contamination that has led to compulsive hand- washing rituals. Her therapist is treating her by making her touch dirty laundry but not allowing her to wash for increas ingly longer periods of time afterward. Kerry has an obsessive fear of contamination that has led to compulsive hand- washing rituals. Her therapi st is treating her by forcing her to wash her hands repeatedly, even when she doesn't feel anxious. Kelly has religious obsessions. She feels that if she doesn't read biblical passages every hour of the day, s he will do something evil. Her therapist is treating her by having her attend religious services more freque ntly so that good thoughts will replace the bad ones. Callie has a hoarding compulsion. She becomes anxious whenever she has to throw something away; she even keeps stuff that she doesn't need and will never use. Her therapist has arranged for all Callie's junk to be dumped when she is away from home. Correct! future-oriented; immediate short-term; long-term real; irrational immediate; future- oriented P a g e 60 | 78 Question 10 1 / 1 pts Anxiety is thought to be a state, while fear is more . Question 11 1 / 1 pts The overall prevalence for body dysmorphic disorder in the general population is about . Correct! 2.2% 4.7% 7.9% 10.3% Question 12 1 / 1 pts Obsessive-compulsive disorder is often accompanied by all of the following EXCEPT _______. severe generalized anxiety major depression Correct! visual hallucinations panic attacks P a g e 61 | 78 Question 13 1 / 1 pts Physiological assessments of panic attacks recorded in the laboratory indicate an increase in all of the foll owing EXCEPT ______________. heartbe at finger temperature muscle tension Correct! stomach contractions Hippocampus Amygdala Prefrontal cortex Correct! Hypothalamus P a g e 62 | 78 Question 14 1 / 1 pts Which of the following brain areas is NOT closely associated with anxiety? the early stages of what will eventually become a severe psychotic disorder symptoms of a mood disorder quite apparent when a patient is malingering (faking), but it is difficult to determine whether symptoms are due to real physical disorders or a conversion disorder. quite apparent when a symptom is due to a real physical disorder, but it is impossible to determine the difference between a conversion disorder and patient malingering (faking). rather easy to determine the difference between symptoms that the patient fakes, those caused by real phy sical disorder, and symptoms caused by conversion disorder. Correct! very difficult to determine whether the symptoms are due to malingering (faking), real physical dis orders, or conversion disorder. Question 5 1 / 1 pts While interviewing 129 women with documented histories of childhood sexual abuse, Willams (1994) fou nd with extensive questioning that every woman remembered minute details of the abuse. P a g e 65 | 78 Question 4 1 / 1 pts In regard to diagnosing a patient's symptoms as a conversion disorder, it is almost none of the women recalled the abuse. Correct! 38% of the women did not recall the abuse. 75% of the women did not recall the abuse. the process of placing a tube into the bladder to release urine. a conscious behavioral process. Correct! a purging of emotionally traumatic events. none of these Question 7 1 / 1 pts A man who finds himself living in a small town in Alaska with no recall of how he got there may have___________. Correct! dissociative amnesia with dissociative fugue conversion P a g e 66 | 78 Question 6 1 / 1 pts Catharsis is depersonalization- derealization disorder dissociative identity disorder Question 8 1 / 1 pts Jason suddenly notices that the world looks weird to him. Some objects look bigger than normal and others looksmaller. Cars passing by seem oddly shaped and people appear dead or mechanic al. Joe is experiencing________. Correct! derealizatio n depersonaliza tion classic early psychosis symptoms mania randomly following a physical injury to the affected area Correct! P a g e 67 | 78 Question 9 1 / 1 pts Conversion disorder symptoms generally appear . Clients responded well to hypnosis. Clients responded well when hypnosis and cognitive-behavioral therapy were combined. Like somatic symptom disorder, clients do not respond well to any treatment. Question 14 1 / 1 pts A person who fakes symptoms for a goal is called a___________, while a person who fakes a disease for noclear goal has a____________disorder: Correct! malingerer ; factitious conversion disorder patient; malingering fictitious disorder patient; conversion hypochondriac; factitious Question 15 0 / 1 pts Studies examining the incidence of DID in non-clinical populations (the population at large or a universitypopulation) suggest that approximately_____________percent of the general population suffe r from DID. P a g e 70 | 78 .001 You Answered .01 to .05 1. 5 Question 1 1 / 1 pts All of the following statements about lithium therapy are true EXCEPT for those patients who respond to lithium, approximately 70% will relapse. for anyone with recurrent manic episodes, maintenance on lithium is recommended to prevent relapse. Correct! once a person is symptom-free for 6 months, he/she may stop taking lithium. people stop taking lithium to regain the euphoric feeling that mania produces. Question 2 1 / 1 pts “Depressive neuroses” were more formalized and named Mood Disorders beginning in the: 1890s. P a g e 71 | 78 1920s. 1960s . Correct! 1980s. Question 3 1 / 1 pts For individuals who had not been previously depressed, research studies indicate that a marital separation or divorceresulted in Correct! a higher rate of depression in men. a higher rate of depression in women. approximately equal rates of depression for males and females. no symptoms of depression in either males or females. Question 4 1 / 1 pts In rare tragic cases, a mother suffering from major depression with peripartum onset sometimes Correct! kills her child. P a g e 72 | 78 cognitiv e behavior al sociologic al Question 9 1 / 1 pts In studies of bipolar patients who experience rapid cycling, ithas been found that from 60% to 90% are _________. Correct! female male elderl y adolescen ts Question 10 1 / 1 pts Interpersonal psychotherapy deals with all of the following interpersonal problems EXCEPT P a g e 75 | 78 Correct! environmental interactions. acquiring new relationships. identification and correction of deficits in social skills. interpersonal role disputes. Question 11 1 / 1 pts Negative cognitive styles are associated with a vulnerability to subsequent depression Correct! in people in general. in people who have already been depressed. only in people who are currently depressed. only in women. Question 12 1 / 1 pts Being depressed the risk of death in elderly patients who have had a stroke or heart attack. P a g e 76 | 78 has no effect Correct! doubles triple s reduces Question 13 1 / 1 pts Jane is diagnosed with bipolar II disorder. You can expect that she will experience full manic episodes. Correct! hypomanic episodes. both manic and hypomanic episodes. neither manic nor hypomanic episodes. Correct! changes in appetite or weight. P a g e 77 | 78 Question 14 1 / 1 pts The physical symptoms of a major depressive disorder include
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