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Early American History: Freedom, Religion, and Political Developments - Prof. Andrew L. Sl, Study notes of World History

The historical context of early american history, focusing on the themes of freedom of expression, religious toleration, and political developments. Topics include the passage of acts in the late 1700s, english influences, the french revolution, and various social and political movements. This information is valuable for students of american history, particularly those studying the colonial period and the formative years of the united states.

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Download Early American History: Freedom, Religion, and Political Developments - Prof. Andrew L. Sl and more Study notes World History in PDF only on Docsity! Abigail Adams letter-1776 revolutionary era’s most articulate and influential woman, very educated, taught herself, H.S.- wrote to John letter promoting women’s rights. resented “absolute power” of husbands, "friend rather than master" Abolition in the North late 1700's slow process. didn’t “free slaves.” children born had to work for master until adulthood(28). H.S.- divide, led to Civil War Albany Congress 1754 Trying to establish common policy when 7 yr war started., grand council of all colonies, power to levy taxes, never went through, H.S. England disliked Albany plan. It created a government that forced them to give up power. Ben Franklin-albany plan Alien and Sedition Acts 1798 crisis of Adams admin. Alien- deportation of “dangerous” people. Sed- prosecution of those critical of gov. H.S. passage of acts launched “reign of witches”… thrust freedom of expression to center of discussions of Am. liberty American Enlightenment late 1700s started in Europe apply scientific method of research/experiment+careful invesigation to political and social life, reason not religious enthusiam, diesm, slavery, inherent rights of man, Anne Hutchenson 1634-37 midwife. “ready wit and bold spirit”. placed on trial for sedition. eventually banished. H.S. left mark on religious culture. began idea of “religious toleration” Anti-federalists late 1700s no need for stronger gov. wanted self-gov. "LIBERTY". H.S. pointed out lack of Bill of Rights… their idea that central gov. threatens liberty is still alive today. Articles of Confederation 1781 Bacon Rebellion 1676 VA, unsuccessful revolt again Berkeley admin- refused to let whites settle on Indian land. Angered land-hungry colonists. H.S.- restored property qualif. for voting, taxes were reduced-afraid of civil war, adopted more aggressive Indian policy, accelerated shift to slaves Battle of Saratoga 1777 Burgoyne +Howe british generals, howe left, miscommunication, victory turned the tide of the war. France agreed to supply military assistance. Spain joined on Am. side. H.S. Made the war a global conflict-britains attention was split, boost amer. Morale Bill for Est. Relig. Freedom 1786 Jefferson, House of Burgesses, didn’t like est. churches, elim gov financial support of churches, H.S. eliminated religious requirements for voting and office holding, protect rights from gov interference, separation of church +state, Bill of Rights 1791 Boston Massacre 1770 Snowball fight btwn locals and British troops gone bad. 5 Bostonians dead. H.S. heightened Am. rebellious attitudes towards British presence in U.S. Led to Dec of Ind Checks and Balances 1787 No one branch of authority could become more powerful than another. H.S. Still in use today… etc. legislative, executive, judicial Christian Liberty 1500s/1600s freedom from sin, free if submitting to god, free if under authority, h.s. ligitimizing colonization, foundation of puritan way of life Common Sense 1776 Companionate Marriage 1770-80s Voluntary union held together by affection and mutual dependency rather than male authority. H.S. Altered family life after Rev., Abigail Adams Coverture late 1500-1600 Woman surrendered her legal identity to husband. Couldn’t own property, etc. H.S. Women began to desire reform… Eventually led to Rep. Motherhood Crisis of 1739-41 / Stono Rebelli 1739-41 Group of rebel slaves marched south, burning houses, killing whites. Trying to get to spanish florida-more freedom, H.S. Led to severe tightening of SC slave code and temporary imposition of prohibitive tax on imported slaves. Also created panic in NYC in 1741 Debate over Free Trade late 1770's Believers in freedom of trade argued that economic development arose from economic self-interest., Liberalilsm, H.S. Current of freedom swept away British authority and principle of hereditary rule, invisible hand, adam smith, Democratic-Republic Societies 1793-94 ordinary People had the right to debate political issues and organize to affect public policy. H.S. Much of their organization and outlook was absorbed into the emerging Republican Party, right to check on gov, washington doesn’t like them Dominion of New England 1686-1690 James II, before Glorious revolution, combined all New England Colonies, put Edmund Andros in charge, reduce colonial power, didn’t answer to elected assemblies, threat to liberty Dutch Empire 1609 Henry Hudson, Dutch East India Co., New York, dominated international commerce, Dutch freedoms: press, religious toleration, slaves half free, family farms, women had identity, friendly w/ indians, Election of 1796/adams 1796 Jefferson v Adams, Jef. Vice pres, Alien Sedition Naturalization Acts, Britain and Frence at war, Us caught in middle, Adams steps it up at the end, peace w/ france, calms down party tensions, peaceful exit Electoral College 1787 number of rep based on state populatoin, 3/5 clause has influence, way to limit political participation to elite, don’t want common people to decide president, Embargo 1807-1809 Jefferson, instead of going to war w/ Britain, prohibit all exports from US, reaction to British impressment, attempt to make them stop, hurt US more than Britain, showed Jeff. Broad constructionalist views Enclosure 1500-1700 in England, little farmers + common land, landlords wanted more profit-fenced in common lands-sheep, kicked out little farmers, move to cities, surplus of people, unemployment, land=liberty, send to america English Civil War 1640's Charles II v Parliament(Oliver Cromwell) over power and religion, expansion of the concept of freedom: Milton-freedom of speech/press, Levellers-written constitution, ideas of english freedom carried to America English Toleration Act 1690 in Massachusetts after break up of Dominion of New England England still forced this law, allowed all protestants to worship freely, ended puritan dominance, nonpuritan merchants dom. gov. tension Extend the Sphere 1780's Madison's idea that its good to be big in size, more diversity=stability, one group wont rise in power, encouraged liberal idea that success of society depends on indiv. Success, encouraged westward expansion Federalism 1787 relationship between national and state gov, constitution strenthened national gov, declared it supreme law of land, Nat'l: foreign affairs, levy taxes, "promote general welfare"-recipe for debate still today Federalist 1788 collection of 85 essays by madison, hamilton, jay, in support of the new constitution, declared: the want of power was the flaw in Articles, constitution protected liberties, safe b/c of checks and balances Federalists mid 1790's political party, supporters of Washington, favored hamilton's program, elite, didn’t trust average people in politics, feared the spirit of liberty being taken too far, strong constitution + nat'l gov, protection of property was gov 1st job, along costal areas, wealthier established places Foreign Slave Trade Act 1808 ended slave trade, jefferson, thought slavery would die out, competition for the sale of slave Free Black Communities 1776 +followin caused by abolition in the north, voluntary emancipation in upper south, and escape during rev., their own churches, schools, and leaders, some could vote, freedom associated with political indep. and now emancipation Free Labor late 1700's rapid decline of indentured servants + apprentices, growing sense of freedom led to their decline, halfway houses between slavery and freedom disappeared, wage workers increased, sharpened distinction between slave and free, and north(free labor) and south(slaves) French Colonization 1608ish wanted to match spain success, looked for a northwest passage not settlement, Champlain founded Quebec 1608, La Salle-mississippi river area, feared large # of migrants would weaken france, emphasis on fur trade w/ indians,culture exchange, friendly alliance, brought disease French Revolution effects after 1789 continuation but more violent then us rev, north turns against french rev, jefferson supports french rev ,h.s. started parties in us, federalists pro british b/c trade, Gabriel Rebellion 1800 Glorious Revolution 1688 James II(catholic) had a son, fear of catholic reign, Dominion of New England, ask William of Orange and wife Mary to rule if they abide by a constitution, 1689 English bill of rights, Toleration act for protestants, JamesII left peacefully reinforced freedom and protestantism Great Awakening 1740's transatlantic movement, more emotional+personal christianity, Whitefield, split churches, broader range of denominations, trust own views rather than est. views of elite, christianity of slaves Great Migration 1629-42 Massachusetts Bay company, puritan, families, equal men and women, stable society, healthier climate, rapid population growth, Haitian Revolution 1791 in saint Domingue, L'Ouverture, an educated slave, formed slaves into an army to defeat british, est. of haiti as indep. nation, affirmed the universitality of revolutionary eras creed of liberty, whites looked down on their violence, afraid of their own slaves uprising, Halfway Covenant 1662 worried about decline of church membership, allowed for baptism of grandchildren of those who came with great migration, ancestry not religious conversion became path to elect Hamilton's Program 1790 financial stability, secretary of treasurey, 1 credit worthiness pay off natl debt 2 make new debt interest bearing bonds 3 US bank 4 raise revenue tax on whiskey 5 tariffs 6 national army h.s. close ties with britain, jefferson compromise Hartford Convention 1814 propsed 7 amendments designed to limit rep influence and power of federal gov., eliminate 3/5, one term for pres, pres from same state, h.s. suggests secession, destroys federalist party-policies remain Holy Experiment 1681 PA, William Penn. Spiritual freedom, and colonists/Indians would coexist in harmony. Mostly Quakers. created an elected assembly w/ broad suffrage, established religious liberty, hoped to promote the development of a society of small farmers. H.s decline of indentured servants House of Burgesses 1622 Virginia. First elected assembly in colonial America. Only landowners could vote. It’s creation established a political precedent that all English colonies would follow. Indentured servants 1600-1700s Intolerable Acts 1774 James Madison 1808 Jamestown Colony 1607 First permanent English settlement in the New World. All men. They preferred the prospect of gold rather than farming. Only half of the original population remained after a year. Colony only survived by rigorous discipline held the colony together (John Smith). Jefferson's Alternative 1790s (In response to Hamilton’s plan) Wanted small farmers- traditional Republic. Agrarian society. Opposed to commercial society. Thought industrialism would ruin the republic. John Adams 1796 Second President. Federalist party. From Mass. First & Second Continental Congress. Expanded the navy while in office. The way he peacefully left office continued the tradition of passing off of power to be extended into the world today. John Locke 1690 Ideas: individual rights, the consent of the governed, the right of rebellion against unjust or oppressive government. Natural rights that existed prior to the establishment of government- which offered a powerful justification for colonial resistance. “Social contract” of government. John Peter Zenger 1735 John Winthrop mid 1600's Governor of the Mass. Bay Colony. Preacher during Great Awakening. “City upon a hill”- Puritan church should be “city on a hill” to the English church. Jonathan Edwards 1741 wrote "sinners in the hands of an arngry god", h.s. threatened members, emotional Judicial Review 1803 Marbury vs. Madison, "midnight judges", Madison-no commission, judges sued, Marshall (SC justice) ruled that even though Marbury entitled to commission, Madison not required, Supreme Court given right to determine whether act of Congress violates Constitution Kentucky and Virginia Resolution 1798 Virg. Res.: (Madison) called on fed. courts to protect free speech, KY Res.: (Jefferson) asserting state could nullify laws of Congress that violated Const.; no other states endorsed resolutions, were horrified by the idea of state action that might endanger Union King Phillips War 1676 Metacom (King Phillip to colonists) thought to be mastermind (BUT NOT), indians attacked 45 of New England's towns, tide turned mid-1676 colonial and allied indian forces retaliated, devastating toll on indian, indians were forever known as blood-thirsty savages, opened land Land Ordinances 1780's Las Casas Compliant 1520's Leisler's Rebellion 1689ish Lexington and Concord 1775 first battle/shot of Am. Rev. , "shot heard 'round the world", 49 Am. dead, 73 British dead Liberalism 1700s protection of liberty by limiting the power of gov. to interfere with the natural rights of citizens; emphasized security of property as foundation of freedom, invisible hand, wealth of nation- adam smith, individual success->society success Louisiana Purchase 1803/4 Thomas Jefferson purchase from France, fear that France might interfere Am. commerce, $15 million, doubled US size, eliminated French presence in Am., Jeff. abandon conviction that fed. gov. was limited to Const. (nothing about buying territory from foreign power) Magna carta 1215 Maryland Experiment 1632 Cecilius Calvert established colony, wanted Protest. and Cath. live in harmony, Maryland "freedom dues" included land, more people came for land, led to conflict between Protest. and Cath. Masterless Men 1600s ish unemployed/freedom from wage work, master of own land in new world, Thomas More's utopia, pass land to children, Matrilineal late 1500-1600 Native Americans: inheritance and descent through female line, heightened importance of women, Europeans: patrilineal, one of three differences btwn europeans and indians, thought ind men weak, backwards society, uncivilized Mayflower Compact 1620 on boat, committed pilgrims to majority-rule government, first written frame of gov in what is now US Merchantilist System mid 1600s gov. regulate economic activity to promote national power/mother country; more exports less imports., navigation acts National Road 1806 Western PA to ohio to illinios, showed jeffersons switch to broad constructionalism, b/c it required nat'l funding for road, helps western settlement, first federally built road Navigation Act 1651-1663 passed by english parliament to control colonial trade and help mercantile system, stimulated rise of new englands shipbuilding industry enfocement led to resentment of colonies Pequot 1637 tribe controlled southern New England's fur trade; fur trader killed by Pequots; colonists set Pequot village ablaze; Indians seen as savage/unfit for New England Pilgrims 1620 Puritan separatists who broke off from Church of England and sailed to New World, plymouth, Political Parties mid 1790s federalist:Washington, elite & repubilcan:Jefferson/Madison, participation of ordinary citizens, result of french rev, split nation, washington-competition good for lib, but too much is bad Pontiac's Rebellion 1763 Revolt of Indians against British Rule result of French leaving after 7 yearswar, which threat to Indian freedom; sense of indian identity, Neolin Private Property late 1500-1600 idea relating to freedom comes with owning land, Indians believed no one truly owned land, conflict btwn them, indians didn’t work land so didn’t own it Proclaimation of 1763 1763 Result of Pontiac Rebellion, royally issued after fren.+indian war prohibiting settlement, surveys and land grants west of app. mnts, it stablize sit. & protect Indians by stop further colonial settlement west of App. Mts, created worse relationship with Indian, resent. among colonists Pueblo Revolt 1680 Pope led Pueblo Indians to temporarily drive Spanish colonists out of New Mexico, h.s. indians had triumphantly reestab. The freedom lost through span. Conquest, most complete victory for indians over europeans Puritans early 1600s English religious group wanted to purify Church of England; found MA Bay Colony under Winthrop in 1630, set example of how to est. godly society, city on a hill, christian liberty Quartering Act 1765 had to provide lodging for soldiers, they took jobs, compete for wages, fear army would oppress colonist, one of the intolerable acts Reign of Witches 1798 crises over alien & sedition acts; Jefferson's reference to salem, MA; refusulsion against acts led to Jefferson's presidency, stand up to national gov, protect freedom of speech/press Report on Manufactures 1791 In Hamiliton's program: protective tariffs, restraint on exports of raw materials, internal improvements h.s. wanted to industrialize america, jefferson didn’t want it, Reports on the Public Credit 1790-91 Hamilton's program: pay off debt, new interest bearing bonds, Whiskey tax, creation of 1st bank of U.S Republican Motherhood late 1700s women educated so to educate sons to be good republicans, family life structure/companionate marriage- abigail adams, expand freedom, women were able to get education Republican Party mid 1790s Madison/Jefferson, more faith in democratic self-government, wealthy southern planters & ordinary farmers, sympathetic to French, Republicanism 1700s Revolution of 1800 1800 Rise of the Assemblies late16-early17 Roger Williams 1820-1910 Salem Witch Trials 1691-92 Separation of Church and State 1770's Seven Years War 1755-1763 Shays's Rebellion 1786-87 Spreading Protestantism late 1600s Stamp Act 1765 Parliament required revenue stamps to all printed matterial; the Stamp Act Congress met to formulate a response, act was repealed 1766; S.A.C inadvertently united America, boycotted British goods-sons of liberty,challenged local assem. Power, first direct tax, Declaratory Act Stamp Act Congress 1765 27 delegates from 9 colonies, declared allegiance to Britain, but insisted that right of consent to taxation was essential to freedom, helped establish boycott on British goods until SA was repealed; inadvertently united America, started thinking about rights of people Strict vs. Broad construction mid1709s strict:Jeffer.,Madison idea that if constit. doesn’t specifically state certain laws, it is not legal./Broad:Hamilton idea that if consit. doesn’t specifically outlaw, then it is legal. Disagreement that was compromised in Jeff-Ham Bargain 1790- capital at dc + pass of hamilton prog Sugar Act 1764 reduced existing tax (but cost more) on molasses imported to US from french west ind. H.s. strengthened admiralty courts, colonists saw the measure as an attempt to get them to pay levy that would have been evaded Tea Act 1773 E.India Comp. struggling w/ price in stock rising, then collapsing.GB decides to help it in colonies, offered comp. series of rebates=low priced tea to Amer.,undercutting amer. tea sellers, included tax on import tea, leads to Boston Tea Party(sons of lib,300chests) The Rise of Political Parties mid 1790s Fed&Repub emerge in congress-Fed: washing. adminis., cntrl gov,Hamil. econ. program,ties w/ GB,supporters w/ elite, -Repub:Madis/Jeff.,sympath. to France,more faith in self-gov., support from planters&farmers, for broad democratic participation, each thought the other illegit. Thomas Paine 1774 1774:yr immigrated to philly, used common language, influential during War for Independence, born in england, became advocate for american rights &freedom, warned membership of GB was burden, Common Sense Townshend Duties 1767 following declaratory act,GB’s new set of taxes on the Amer., Went through trade rather than flat out tax, revenue to pay colonial gover.& judges. ended w/ colonies banning importing on GB goods- nonimportation movement Uprising of 1622 1622 When settling Chesapeake Bay area, colonists are attacked by indians lead by Powhatan’s bro. wipes out 25% popul., then settlers retaliate, h.s. shifted balance of power to colony, another attack in 1644, distruction, viginia company became royal colony, War of 1812 1812-14 Fought w/ GB,over issues that included impressment of Amer. sailors, interference in shipping, 2 front war- NW Territory Indians, settled by the Treaty of Ghent 1814, ability for repub gov to fight war w/o sacrificing beliefs, got indian lands, separation from old world Whiskey Rebellion 1794 violent protest by western PA. farmers against the federal tax on whiskey, invoked symbols of 1776, “lib. or death”, washington sent 13,000 militiamen , rebels didn’t resist (H.s- sent impression to eur. that our self-gov. would work) 1st written const. in U.S. It said that centralized political power threatened liberty. Granted gov. powers needed in struggle for independence. H.S. Made energetic nat’l gov impossible. It also devised rules for settling land W of MS river 1st 10 Am. to Const. Gave def for “unalienable rights”. anti-federalists idea, H.S. Affected language of liberty. Established freedom of expression as cornerstone of Am. freedom Thomas Paine- Pamphlet attacking English monarchy. Related to people. H.S. 6 months after publication, 2nd Cont. congress severs ties with Great Britain., ordinary citizens plot by virginian slaves, led by blacksmith Gabriel, march to richmond, kill and hold hostage white men- gov james monroe- until demand for abolition of slavery was met, roads washed away, plot discovered, hanged, applied language of rev. to slavery, displays love of freedom, claim its their right too, tightened control of black pop, white supervision, restricted masters from freeing slaves Settlers who signed on for a temporary period of servitude to a master in exchange for passage to the New World. Treated like slaves and often did not survive the tenure of their servitude. Declined severely with the introduction of African slavery. Major source of labor and created the hierarchy in the New World. In response to the Boston Tea Party. Parliament closed the port of Boston till the tea was paid for. Military commanders could lodge soldiers in private homes (Quartering Act). The acts united the colonies in opposition to what was widely seen as a direct threat to their political freedom. Wrote for The Federalist. “Father of the Constitution”. Was responsible for the Bill of Rights. Re-enacted the Embargo Act of 1807 against England and led into War of 1812. Changed a lot of his ideas by the end of his presidency. Supported the 2 nd national bank. [Trial of Zenger]- (1735 Trial) A German-born printer’s newspaper accused the governor for corruption, influence peddling, and “tyranny.” Zenger was arrested and tried for seditious libel. Was found not guilty because the jury was asked to judge on the charges accuracy. Determined that the publication of truth should always be permitted. drafted by Thomas Jeff. the Ord. of 1784 establish stages of self-gov. for the West, would be divided into districts governed by Con., eventually admit as states; 2nd Ord. of 1785 regulated land sales north of Ohio River, surveyed then sold in "sections" to provide money for public education, Congress, and concentrate and control settlement. Violated rules by pressing westward account of decimation of indian pop., denounced Spain for death of innocent people, narrated the shocking details of treatment, insisted indians were rational beings, no right to deprive them of their lands and liberty, also suggested importing slaes from Africa would help to protect indian exploitation Liesler thought that James II would reduce England to "popery", established Comm. of Safety, took over New York, William of O dispatched new gov. and troops, Leisler and followers hanged, Leisler cut in 4 parts because of hatred towards what he did, pro/anti Liesler parties polarized NY politics agreement between King John and local lords, attempting to bring end to civil unrest, listed "liberties" granted by king to all free men, included protection against arbitrary imprisonment and seizure of property without reason, over time idea of "English freedom", king subject to law, security of person and property Political theory in eighteenth-century England and America that celebrated active participation in public life by economically independent citizens as central to freedom, to subordinate self-interest to the pursuit of public good, wanted “independent” men in government, though idea had little effect in England, its effect in the colonies led to increased interest in involvement of people in politics REPUBLICAN V LIBERAL First time that an American political party surrendered power to the opposition party; Jefferson, a Republican, had defeated incumbent Adams, a Federalist, for president; each party had an elector throw away 1 vote, but Reb. Elector failed; Hamilton intervened in Jefferson-Burr tie and Congress adopted 12th amend.(separate votes for P &VP), led to Hamilton-Burr duel, Adams est. peaceful transfer of power in 17th cent., grew stronger as economy grew and elite became more powerful, in Penn. In 1701 first-one house legislature established (controlled finance, appointments, and militia), some colonies printed money, defenders of people’s liberty; led to idea of Americans having same rights as Englishman (popular consent in gov.), caused England-Colonial tension and political debate Young Mass. minister, criticized Puritan beliefs, in 1631 insisted his congregation withdraw from Church of England, believed in religious toleration, against religious involvement in gov., denied that Puritans were elect people on a divine mission; banished from Mass. In 1636 and est. Rhode Island, became beacon of religious freedom, elected assembly twice yearly, led to foundation of Connect. Series of trials/executions of suspected witches in Salem, Mass.; avoided persecution by confessing names of others;Made clear system of gov. was flawed; Governor dissolved Salem court, prisoners released; Cases of Conscience Concerning Evil Sprits was published, warned of taking the word of those claiming to be possessed or facing execution seriously; urged to scientific reasoning Movement to free politics and government from religious influence, backed by deists like Jefferson; States disestablished established churches; Catholics throughout colonies gained right to worship w/o persecution and other civil rights; ideas would lead to Jefferson’s Virginia Bill for Establishing Religious Freedom and no mention of religion of God in The Constitution French and Indian War, last of four colonial wars fought between England and France for control of North America east of the Mississippi; William Pitt took office, changed tides of war in English favor, colonial & Indian soldiers played major role, French defeated near Quebec; France ceded Canada, Spain ceded Florida and gained LA Terr. from France; financial crisis sparked French Rev., GB increased taxes on col. Massachusetts farmer Daniel Shays and 1,200 compatriots, seeking debt relief through issuance of paper currency and lower taxes, attempted to prevent courts from seizing property from indebted farmers; persuaded influential individuals that nat. gov’t. needed to be strengthened, democratic impulse had gotten out of hand, gave rise to idea that danger came from people not gov’t. England expressed imperial ambitions in terms of an obligation to liberate New World from tyranny of pope (Spain), justified as in the language of freedom; A Discourse Concerning Western Planting in 1584 listed 23 reasons to colonize to the Queen; Led England to colonization, made enemies with Spain and Catholicism; would justify Indian slavery by England
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