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Download MIGORI-COUNTY-BUDGET-REVIEW-AND-OUTLOOK-PAPER-2017.pdf and more Study Guides, Projects, Research History in PDF only on Docsity! at fnlit = ix g z ! z Me SESSIONAL PAPER Ma. 97 OF B55 FOREWORD In paragraph 27 o* Sessional Paper No. 955 the Goverament aanolt inet the Development Committ é shadowed in Command Papert No. 5103 y plac. and havi w the sregress o* the present threc-and-a-hally nm charge of departments to sugges! modifications and ucz of the plea; ne to tice: Gi) considered the internal consistency ard struc to make recommendations to the Cow of Minisiers [rem (6) to mak ommendations on priorities in relkedior. lo works capacily. aed the availability o% funds anc to defige the stages in which the plaa should he sarvied nut; qed Wy cusuie ther the ni of each stage, (}ty corsalt with the Treasury and Mini c wecessary resqurces are aveilab’c for the coNple psed since lnc Dk 2. Dring the five sonfhs which have Estimates fo. 1955-56 were laid on the Hable of Legislative Counc ment has examined the adequacy of the allocations made for tke va: Jopmenat and some ot the prablems np! and-a-half-vear plan ssful achievement of the policy aims summutized in the Eighteea- of Potiay issued on Sth Fely, £954 this Paper is laid on ¢ Table and published for general information. The Legislative Council is to be iavited to approve by resolution the proposals cuntained in Chapters 1 and HL in cue course. In due course, a separate Puper will be laid describing the progress af the five-year tlan for the intensified development of Agrican, agricnlture.t Nairobi, Keaya. Sth October, 1955. KENYA NATIGNAL ASSEMBLY Accession: 10013277 cat No SE" G OPK UMMM A ion of the Government (ILM.S.O., 1951). Jopmen? plan vide paragraph 185 Prapusitis fur the Reconstr j For the rel and Table 59 of fon between this plan and the general jonal Paper No. Sto. 1955 CHAPTER L-INTRODUCTION This Sessiooal Page: has four ob‘eels : (a) To seek the apgreval ef the Legislative Council lo ve:lain to the develozmen? pian covering the thrze and a half years Ist fe 1954, ta 30th Jive, 1957, desevibed in Sessiorel Paper No. Sf of c£i To infouu the Lesislative Cowaci: of the decisions wser by ihe C ineni as segerds spendin? priorities in the dseal year 1953 36, ic) To regori on the progress so far on the isaplemensation of the development plan. id} To review the financial positice, Approved hy resctution on teh Aprit. i155. re CUASTER U-AMENDMENTS TD SESSIGNAL PAPER Mo, Si DE 1955 Ike apptoved plan envisages expenditure of 273,68 and-a-hal vio? Ist Jeauary, 1954, to 36th June, 19 in ‘fable 45 of Sessiorei Paper No. 31 uf J953. The = ‘he plan are shown. in ‘fabie 1 below, TLese is a ret de of £792,443 but this is maincy due to a rede lor the Local Governmert Loaag Aut Wairubi Cay Cornel! will be pez £20 callion ent new money lo lhe £2.10 mikion originally lean p j © plan remains Lnats + Paragraph 703 of Sessional Bape: No. 51 0% 1955, | 8S eeE WOOL SERTEAS sor meen mae eqoyog ON Os6'25s'F | OOO'ETS'? | UOS'ZOt aosee | coors | ose'9es 00's’ - ! QGO'oOP | OCOTTL 006'8¢ ou0‘00r oF O00 Ere ~ OOO? GOOLEY'Z. Sy OS6'SSL'T 7 co6'TE ~ | oss‘oce™ _ : DEE DOA [CATED | py one"s9— nan’e, ” _ | ioos‘oa —. o0o's. se JTSTAEACT SELON, &P 1SL'PSTS | cawASS aa . RDO nSeOTAY PUB swysy, | Cr : 28STy OYTIUCIOS puv pennsupuy | Tp SMUTOIpOIsy 2 swweuteacrdwy | OF © {SEECORL 6 BupyEOpUT) ¢ ge Jo wMeumdopaad | LE Jao TeWIsupuy | SE Hf peas St NE DOTTID 180, £ i @ S801) | ie | oyonzog OK yuawustddng aOyTY peaorddy pasadorg TILE PS6L NV IG LNSNSCTIATET Wa AAT E-YUNVHA ME | TAY, aang | 08 s Tz] GOGAT CSTALL| SUCH PLRLUAY, ay JOOS 'Y'A | OF a ir rm “ON MEQ, WRAITH YUN YE | TTY 3 3, The revised plan is sumosarived hetow by ministerial portfolios: Tapte 2—ALLOCATIONS UNDER THREK-AND-A-RALC-Year Pas S¥ ManusreriaL PorTeatios: iF Table 85 of Sessional Paper No. ALLOCATION (GROSS) 1954-57 PORTFOLIO a — Amount Per ceit 1 4,353,273 4,060,990 | 3,681,931 agricatture, Animal Hushandry aac Ware: Re jernial Security and Defence _ Education, Labour and Lauds Local Government, Mealth and Housiae Works Le Commerce and Induscy - - Cuiel Secretary. a | i African Affairs : . o i Tores? Development, Game and Fisheries Community Development - - Legal Affairs Le S| Tota .. ee 122,895,905 | eT ‘The Minister for Agricuitare, Animal Husbandry and Water Resources has now received the largest allovation, a position he held under the ten-year plan, whilst the Minister for Local. Government, Health and Morsing bas dropped “rom first to fourth. If the £0.75 million stilt allocated for the Nairobi City Couneil is excluded, thus reducing the plan value to £22, 45.405, the Minister jor Agriculture, Animal Wusbandcy aud Weter Resources’ shary- cises te £97 per cent, Jf thay proportion of ordinary development capenditure, namely £852,600" which is being charged ta the £5.0 million grant irom er Majesty's Govetament for the five-year plan for the ivtensified development of agriculture. is inckuded, then the proportion rises ta 2) wt, Under the ten-year plan, # should be noted, the Minister for Agriculture, Avimal Husbandry and Water Resonrees was responsible [or 31.0 per cent of total expeudinie 5, Revised subsidiary tables are preseuled in Appendix A iugether wih brief statements explaining the reasons for the amendments prope sed. 6. This ig 2 convenicn: point to note that ihe statement of rotal caplac expenditire on Ceutcal Government account vantained in ‘vable 90 of Sessional Paper No. 51 of 1955 musl be ameaded below. In addition, endiiure Snanced trom the 1954 Local Loan and che ELA, War Bonds conversion offer should properly be ineluded.2 * Fable 59 of Sess Table 0 of Sess Paragraph 10) aad Fentaote () 03 page 5Y ol Sessional Paper No. 51 of 13! 1 Paper Ne. St ral Paper No, SI of 195: {hp UUANTOD - - ( 2) eunleg = {2} ENTE (5) wuaneg — () ueURTOD = (9) ve “(py wNOD + GF mung = Go) cM azn; i EES'ESET | 1BOTRC'Z _ Peal ree | Besser | 9cL'cbT | Siu'seet | zo0%stu'e Tso " on0'0e _ coo‘se | ono've sleazy Toots soreer | gp 600'09 _ coo‘os | 100°06T preuteec) Lode y sure serdding Se - GOnce c00‘or : ryder] SYIOA STE | Eh o0o'oe ono‘oe = geass ismyecory “Uoday onEN | s¢ @ cool eop'9z eor'er : ouranng qETy | 1z I _ 986C6T | SURISr | ** . mon2onpy ESL y : seyicye | szo'zss “ nopansy wen stevie | stotoez | : donzonpg weescouny SoL'ore Orr LOE | OzP Lar | - SOOTATAS FBITPIPAL gel OOR'P6! | OOS'FEE . sSappny GRA Bere | ozr‘ste sdurgqing wosrtg oh TROS LO TOSI SHUN eorog . @) i 00085 ooo'ne | onn'9e : eferoig wes) ” 8) o0s'9¢ _ Vez'se o90'Ger a . SACLAY | Oy ey SEL ery zIs'6t LES‘Z9T LaS8T suopeys-qng aanecsrnapy | g 0001Z 7 00o'TZ 1001 ' ssuprg ~vicrenp | ¢ () 000'F joo 690°3 690°8 soogig Suen Zz , 90GTET and'oe IBS‘beo | LSS“ HZE. 7 ms SuTsioE! wes | T # F g w@ ao OG i @ G} oj i @ ®) Apeyaatir ‘Crane SED -uedep SaJONS * i HSTEWOPUN: CCT AAA) | UoTsinorg: TINGS “ON : | aq Ol uO AA! TUES Ty Pood, — —— — SuipyngT WVTVAY STONY wg (@) Neuriog) KY sKOLLonaay SALVINILEY, INTACOTRAYC! 9S-SS6T NI SNOIONGRY assodMId—'o TIevy, Novas to Leble S— ia) bs Scheraes, to be underte of Administeat've Sub-stulions, Police other than Colonia Development and Welfare (ileck Allocazos on an-ageacy basis, but including Zurcimre except ir the case Huildiegs and the Education. group, (a) Ye aédition (a thet envisaged as 2 deparauenital rather thu a Public Works Departeant respanaibiiity when Sessortl Paper No, 51 of 1955 and kines the 1955-56 Teveloprnent Estimates ee prepared, The gross cost ol ie allocétions concerned, walt the. |xecPlich ‘of Prison Buldtes, Beropern Education and Ara Kducatioa, have bren 2pproprs ty . (Ride Tables 47 (R), 53 GR) avd 61 (QR) of Appendix AD {ce} That is, the total of uscount, additionct 85 bet nol brought {QiTo cover commitments in provision of £20,882 will Le required m 1955-56. (2) Provision vowd through she. anaual Development Bstinatas vas only £18162 To cover Publis, Works Deparment expend:tars (£142,739), building hy District Councl’s Ewald, tonltaee EAATS, baud compensation (£5,545), sue soppes @4L750) and sundly expenses 2950) addilioval provision of £24,347 will be required. fy Departmental building teams will uedertake work to a value of £13,000 Cade column (2) ‘ble 54 of Sessioaal Paper Nu. 51 of 1955). (9) Only &: of 1 si provision nf £1 Je shows agains: Vote D. 8-5, Tem 1, Tos at the dime Ihe 4955-56 Developmen: Fstimates were prepared o: ‘of cost of the two stores ty he bul this year at O1 Kulou and Thomson's Balls ware aoe available, Ut is row estimated that the cost d these two stares Wil 2e in the Togon of £36,000 and additional provisien will be sought by Sayplenencary Estimate vo cover their cost. It js hoped that padi rtores will be covayleted by Janwary, 1956. Ferorey of £39,340 dotween eclumns (1) ané @) is wceoumed for as follows: 140,400 to be epant lv \¢ police (En. (e} tc Table 61 of Sessional Pepe of 1985), £49,340; allowance Zor furnituro, £40,000. Gj The punning of the Mevica! Training Sebool (New Scheme) rst sart dauny ely and, wnt tine hot been included here, U:e Public Werks Department van fit it into thei Programme ia Hew of a patticuiar agency projec which it hes been deoidee shell be postponed. () The Mrithaiga Primary School is to be hail: by a team from the Kabeie Trade and Techaieal School, with some assistance from the Public Works Departiaent (&) Several swall Arab villare schecls are Lo be Inil by District, Commissioners. i | 13 1 reduce the Develop , towould be unwise ty at this stape im the yi is were beng worked oul, 10. The Government does col cunsider it necessary mens Hstimaces farther for ovo reasvas: in the fst ph ro Aring them exactly into line wilh available capa Otherwise, the priorilies borue ia micd whew we ct narely— One~security buildings, fwo short-term economic piv. Three term economic projects, Four—sacial service projects, would tead to inflexiz is posible that ihe dem alter then the three-an Secordly, as implied in footaote [4) to Table 4, it nds on Pualic Works Departreen: cagacily from sour: alf-year plan will fal short of the preséa! forecas tk Although the limita to be imposed ou speading will, mevitabl ad to a carry-over from th:s penning pericd tw the next of uncompleted schemes, generally na serious consequences ace [uieseen. So far 2s can be foreseen the Police framing and recru:iment progzammes will nol be edversely affected, although the continved use of dilapidated aud uusuiteble builcings for 2 longer pel than anticipated is a danger lo ihe efficiency of the Tarce, 12. As segards the education group, the culs will bo ubsorbed in such a way ug to have the least possitle effect on the nucuber of new places it was planned to provide ia the current year, Nevertheicss— (a) im European education, expendilure this ycar on the aew girls’ secondary school at Eldoret will nave to be reduced, the completion of primary eels at Kericho end Nyeri will be delayed and the constraction of bg rural day primary school at Thike las been postpoued;* (h) in Asian educetion, a number of small schemes and the constrection of some staf housirg will have to be postponed, This will aggravate the problem of recrniting Europewn staff; } aad {c) ia African edvcation, the oxening of the new secondary schools planned for Fort Hall, Mera and Nyeri will be delayed, as will the expaasion of teacher-training facilities at Kisumu aud Kagumo; the policy of consolidating teachertraining centres into fewer and Jarger units will kave to be put into ettect more slowly; and the iutrocuction of three-year cher-training courses and of the Higher School Certific uve to he delayed for at least another year. >This ¥ go boarding acconmiedatinn sl primary schools in Nyeri and > CE pas crabi raph 219 (A) of & na. Paper No. Sf of 1985 45 Leee — | ceeLet | OFSTST ~— Ger'OS | EKO'ST SLE6NC THIOL, - ost'y = osc'y _ sty ” SHR[EMS YUE IAT! 6 = Out's 699° POT iss OLF'S - ” voafour SITET PION | 8 : o0z'¢ coz = 603°5 - : “CAN SSUpING | L ci TL8'S8T SOC FE OLT FT OOR EST “ SUOTIBIS-Ng sanesIIpy 9 | sungy wnorfyr aap sears; 89°67 818'8e 000'Z =; 806" O16'S Loss BOGE oles LOS "RS aa “sSuipuug fepipup | ¢ sap > per [aus satspelay zos‘soz | zpotscs | ssruzzeso'ss» | rorez | srcoses | : “ IVEOI, WYT s8L'e oor agc'k _ cr | juaussedagy WOLRULIONT | fF ON6 REO'CS = pine | pestee | oLo'"s sHUIpng waursyrg | ¢ Yor'ezT | éeeieec | TeBhe «= GOETSCT | Szi‘se | Oxi ‘6Ne TF saayyO. dueammsaA0D |< PILOT; OSTRSG «| 9OSTST «= TST'OLE | BSOIET | ODS'HITS * 7 BUStOH BS | T : aamiaaaag four # t ¥ 3 ¥ 3 @ () ) io) @ aw : 3S6L . quad wag | unoay [UNE yIOE| 9S-ES62 ES-HSOE | CpSGT O11 $S6T arta emmy ean UOT, ROTTY ‘arenes | -touedxg | qpuecxg | -puod: Gan) oOo “ON WT. ‘inp parpry « paswey - puadsg parwmnsy porennysey | I 7 fee Hog OL $967 VAN, As] TIOMCNAaNY GHLVALLSY - NVIg UWA A-. SES Y-CINW=: ATL “9 ata iLO TES OERT | BOP'GOI'L | Bes SSP LGC BEE SRLOLE D00T9T, 6s LRR'OTT sdupig Geupix OF GFL Ake SHoO8T he BOS RE vt SRUFSTING Wusidd 6t LVL (3105 ‘seppajany SRONPIET GOOG | BT aauafog pun dipinoay jours 4af s1stepE SLL POOL FELL Fe | og'e08'e | oak pas": 99v9P'T | : FICE : ‘se | osatsn — sapan epow srvoq | 21 - — ee : . waaay gesy pu ucipuz | oT oog'use | soo'cot | ooetesz _ : cuoworaes Leadolagy |) ST Hoe] oes BOOST | -OREET _ . - xDOES soar] paw sinrnoaRy weoupy 40y sueoy | pl o | slgtepz—) oissre LP Le vracidapaogy pURT UB | ET ™ ORT FIZ | O9e'5 18 TES iL : 7 SPA TL wT E00'S6 2 ZLUTE, TIES _ Seotssag Arena TT 19U'09E | LENTTT pest ZOO'CHR | S06 TET , . sangnoy8y | OT | sadunosmy Jatt vito Aipuogshy? | | monqup ‘anupmouay cof eI | ' i ! 9 z | ej t | F | | © ® | @ | @ | 3861 | lo. : co zag | cuconry |tacnpnge | goneesi | sy poet | OrsEl | : : i — 07 FE6T ‘our era | amy | vorresolTy i : enon, | ager ‘seg ase | *sabmreg | apwadsey + qpuadey | spade | GON) leguice oN qe rewesayy. qt team | peweonsg | Beupoy | pase y | Jo gouryeg PAINS -Tpuedxy I | | ! - { : ‘ - —986] “INAS BLOT CL p EQIVANYS IS], TEMMINASX 7 GALVAILSY NOT EVEA SL AV ORY TTYL "9 FTA a 7 bse PELESt'L | coe plz SLe'neT’t | eze'o69 | aoeIzz | Ice‘aor‘e | + . qwEoy ! ! ® HN TOL'T GET Ly o00%¢r ++ prey jo aseyemg | og i yy ELE . TALE —_ eor's qeeansedeaq: nosey 67 6 It Le gosis1t | BOL TES Sez 7 1+ satayeg juisedg :convonpg == ge ad 82" E9peZ $19°% 006'Sp ct 7" voneonpy gay 23 S98 eee e0E96E | Z9E'TOE one ‘cezT | : uoyronpa Ueaipy 97. G4e ° Tee statis | 6ts‘egt o0z'0z0'T -- ucHRonpg Ey Cz 978 ORr'sLe | OtESE | STeTST | O6r'sOr O0zLzL "ss goneonpg ueadoing | ¥¢ Spuny pun moguy woLvonpyy sof sorsuay : ce neptnne’y | ceateoy | trot cas - ¢ ~~ ~ L Bes GEs'o0s'T spe'asy | ueR'soL FRVESE BLO SVE’ | “ “* TeLOL LE gos'39 oar? _ _ oos'ta7 : + Rursnogy weopypy ee Orr oss'ts SEL PPE ocs‘osz | FET‘EOr OLUISIT ° oo * sadtateg [Spa Te OCF Ose 6ST Gs0°OF OO0"SLt and‘ose Ooo'seGe * AMTOYI NY serzoy wremTeAH [wore | 1Z : Susnoyy pun 1 yNapE WuauTdanod joey sof se;stuppy t = # @ ‘) © | @ OeoT juagieg = rincary | ‘aut Hog (AbSEL I 1 286 ‘arm amy} conmaayyy smn gsel “ing asy | tArencee | -tpnadyg «= -ipuedxg | -tpuecxg | Gen) oyos1a0g ‘ON ye TONRSOITY ay ‘sama | peyewnszy penpny : jo souejey pereuusgy © -1pasdxy porewuns”y, . i 1 t | (prey) —Se61 “ANTE HIDE OF HE NYOMI —"9 TIVE AB, Miutey ty Table 6.— (@ Baluice unlikely to be inauued Grelerenes pe ly to be required. 1) GA) mirage WE a (A) Not all of tae balance 3 (ev Espendiwire 5a 1955-5 estimated es Follows £ Wore 4 te : AGG Ss 28,G0u Add: Gaia Storage (pravision te be soup. by Sapple- ary Estimate). ns E.AT-T.RARO. Bailing iprovision co be sorght by Supplomenuny Estimate} Deduct: Bropasid Reductions in 195-86 Developrient Hsti- mates Tad: 34 oe . . a proposed Supplkerentary Estimaic tor ditire ue 085-56" includes ( Brcodiny Centres (African Areas), 29.000, (ay Eaimuted ext EIS.COU, vies: Subsidiary Slock Rouzes, 26,000; Ste fe) Lesimatee, expenditare in 1955-26 includes u Supjveventary Estimate fee £120,700 Ay! Une aeteal balance 15 £148,900, vin i £ £ Beck Balance (wide page 23 of Lie 1958-56 Developevent 146 610 ix Cota this papet) velox uaneferable io the Botimetes and Apper Lid: Bxcesses oh Swyaverton Plan® on accuuul af— ALDEV . . ALDEV ve - ALDEV Expendhiace clwral ‘Derartrcat ALDEY Expenditure by Velevinwy Department .. 128.299 Peidecr: Loan Expenditne tragsferabic Jroat Fre Swynnertou Plan, (vide Fn. x3 on page 23 of tre 1935-56 De ewpmer Fatimates) : - : : Thus: Actual Dalance Sos oe 148,800 irure—as opposed a expenditure brourkt to account Ft ike £1219,310, Biviay a falance of £148,900 as 60,050 In oer words, actual exper uevelopment accounis—is £823,000 and ve opposed to “£246,610. the Agecustucal Conmaitees and Sub-Gommittees provided fer in the Orcisance have not set been appointed and 2s there is kovad to be x bine lag between Joan sanctions and drawings, £75,000 is the anneimum thas WEE be spent in 1985-3 (4) The porcentuye is crleclated on an actual balance of 2710880 @No expewlitare will be incuved this year on the construction, oF Barracks, for che EAC iteconnaissance Scuadron and not all of ane £100,000 vored for lw Poel Ferd vill be paid ove: BE: Schoo! (New Scheme), (x) Addiiona! prov’sion of £1,762 will have to be provided by Mr -evoie of Lusspen! 1958-58 prvvision () Fstimated cxpendutere is acid £25,000 ior lhe eonstras Supplemeniary Estimate, (a) The suppkwentary akovation ef £20,000 adéition! provision will, therelow, he required. (@) The Intemational Cu-aperation Administration se 1956. Provision in the Approved EsLriales fails short of she context with Kenya's raairaing conuization by £8,5% (oy The percealaye is calculated on sa antnol delanee of £7.884.596. raated exvendinurc in 1958 56 inclvices a sun: of £13,000 or the Med:cul Training 4.56 indedes £6,000 for the Makutoo works catep project te Bacest Tradniog School’ peey'sion will be svuniy by Il probably be repr red this year ene ome will probubly begin in January. 29,000 tkely te be required in Id. it is not propased to aia! ail im tais Paper, bur it is Toping the various a weer oe be 2 4 8 4. > 1 7 1 5 aBS Adlocation + Juvenile Remand Hous dian and Arab Settlement Pubic Warks Department | Sapplies and Transport Depactment Weighis aud Measures Deparunent . - oe | Prison Buildings _/ BA. Schoal of € Local Goverament Loans 4x tharity Military Buildings European Edue: stioH Jadicial Buildin an Jeanes School, Kabete Geological Survey Buil dings, NEP, Loans for African Agi’ ictiltura and {ivesto Aaah fduce . Medical. Se! Alrican Housing African Education . Nairobi Alsport, Hmbakasi Geueral Works Stalf Goverament Offices Kisheries Police Buildings. - Post Oifice Renewals Fund Asian Education Labour Department _. Loans made nader Agriculture ‘Ordisance Forestry Roads... . an Community Development Projects Tniprovements to Aerodromes Information Department Water... a Staff Housing icultnre aun Land Development cation: Special Schemes si Sub-statiens ricity Undertaking. . National Parks aad Toucism Veterinary Services Parliament Buildings Nandi Hills Project. Fort Smith Swahilis European Seltlement Vurel of Land Industrial Develapment Corporatior: Development of Industrial Sites todusiial aud Scientific Rescarch operation eaditire against THRAE-AND-ASHALEOY RAR PLAN? ESTIMATnD Bal each akecation in to sumerarive the intermation in Table 6 rding, to whether estimated balances are 6 per cent) norm, ee poinis shculd be ooted: in ihe first place, in the case of tuvenile Remaad Public Works Depurts Susplies and Transport Department, Jeanes School, Kabete, Weighty and Meuscres Department, Arab Education, African Housiog, Laflurmation Department, Parliament Bu‘idings, Nandi Hills Project, Fort Smith Swahilis, Evropean Seulement, Purchase of Land, Fadustiial Development Corporation, evelopment of Indnsicial Sites, Industrial and Scientific Research, E.A. School af Co-operation, the drckience of expenditure rather than the esrwel rate of excenditere has determined the size of the buiunces, These allecations concern singlz, small or fairly small, works projects ur involve purely firancial (ransactions. In the case of same ather allocations (e.g, Government Ditices) a balance in excess of two- sevenths Merely means thaé certain projects have not yet beur started. (6. Secondly, whilst ihe progress of expenditure on accurity buildiags hus been slaw-—at any rate, laving regurd to the priority aecorded them in the plan* e vate of advance in ine ecusemis sphere js rcost yalisfactory. All the main frajects winder the contvel of lhc Minister for Agriculture. Animal ttnsbar dry and Water Rescurces, for vaainple, are spending ata faster race Lhan originally intended '7. Fh cy, the dife-cat positions af the iuree mein education groups ave zTefection pertly of the cuts reade in the 1955-56 Development Eistimate wthy ol fhe greater propo:tion of grant-in- penditure ia Atrican and Asicu education asd petty of cic expressed istentian of the Government to acceler: the dowetepreert cf vic Asign ecication system in tis plannirg period in view af ihe Hsapnevalag progress Curing the eigh’ years ‘946-53 Paregiaph SG of Sessional Paper No. $i oF $89, Here sre special veasons Cor ile de iafence os military bnildines and the police programme will net he very fa behind by the enel ef FS year Fhe ocsons programyne, howeves, is proceediag a the masrent eacher slowly 7 CE paragraphs GO and 218 of Sossiaaul Paper No. SI of (98 en Bie Notes (apt Ed419.264 of che £60 cilia graaced to Kenya unde: the 1955 Colonial Developmen: and Welfare Act for the five Unived Singdory fi § 1955-50. Pee uevails ide Appendix B. ub the sckemes fy whick diz simu: Coe. €2,015,195) is commitied, (b) Table 65 (R), Appeadix 4. fe) Tadic 76 (RJ, Appeadix A. W) Acural reveipis (6 30th June, 1955, amounted to £71,299 arc, making de allo: for taose of an essentially non-recurrear rane, £109,000 for the whole plangirg period fair estimate As ceparcs the loen programme, the Government wishes te stress that, id lo ike general position on the jandon market, ao cectainty exists that the fall amouet of £16,750,000 can be raised even allowing for the growing capaciyy : local market. Furthermore, the short-term fiyanze with which Kenya's 22.15 sailli are of the cost of the Momaasa Water Supp'y (Major hortly be replaced by loug-tern money, Neyerthe- the Governnient has no reason to believe that the continued Guoyency of the cconomy and the critical role. to be layed Ly the development plan in futvre expansion is wot appreciated and, therefore, feels thet the. loa programme can be fulfilled. 23, Hf («} the forecast of expeuditure in 1955-36 shawn in Table 6 is reduced £235,000 and (#) the actial balance oa the ALDEYV allocation, namely, 48,900, is taken into account, the balance on the plan as a whole at ist Jut 1956, Vises lo £8,119,996. Tante [0 -THrk-Asia-a-ELALE-Y RAR PLAN—ADJUSTED FORECAST OF Bat Ave sv Ist Jury, 1956 tiem € & Estimated Expenditure to 30dh June, 1955 (a) _ 15,406,419 Deduct Possible Qver-estimate of Expenditure ..° 235,000 — Difference belweon ALDEV expenditure brought to account and actual expenditure chargeable to ALDEV allocation (4) .. 395,51) 630,510 Adjasted Estimate of Expenditure to 30Lb June, 1956 — 14,775,909 Adjusted Forecast of Balauce at Ist July, 1956 ~ $219,996 Nate, — fa) Column (3) of Table 6. {b) Foctnote (f} to ‘Fable 6. 56 is of the order of £7.0 million*, 24, It follows that if expeaditure in 1 leaving a balance of £81 million, taen with a capital gap of £1.6 million? expenditure of oaly 26.5 million caa be financed in 1956-57. It is for this reason that the expenditore programme for 1956-57, referred to in paragraph 19 above, wil’ have to be drawn us very careful’y That is, £7,281,164 (Table 6) less £255,000 (Tuhle 10), + Table 8 1 APPENDIX “A” REVISION OF THREE-AND-A-HALI-YEAR PLAN ‘Table 1 of th’s Paper presents in summa ‘ered necessary and replaces ‘Table 45 of S he amendments now aper No. Sl of 193s the various subsidiary tables presented in Chapler VII of that Paper ae revised as shown “sclow. Allocation Ne. 1 Tape 47 (1). TaRR-AND 4-Haur-Yrar Prax: Stare House (Revision of lable <7 of Sessional Paner No. S1 ef 1955) trross Less 19 per cent Scheme st for GS Allocation £ £ E European and Asian - 340,000 61,600 African 6. 0 2. 6. 630,000 90,500 Porat. + 970,000 153,100 814,900 Nore. Expecditure of the order of £155,000 will be incurred by District Commis sisuers using jocal building teams* and the gross cost of the staff housing programme can be rednced, therefore, by £36,000]. The breakdown between European und Asian quarters, on the one hand, and African qnarters, on the other, is noi Known and so for convenience the gross cost of the Istter has been marked down by the full sum. Alineation yo. 2 48 (R). TuRee-ano-a-T1atE-VEAR Pran: ClOVERNMERT Orricrs (Revision of Vable 48 of Sessional Paner No. St of 1955) Tar Gross Less 19 per cent Scheme cost for GR'S Allocation é £ £ Central Government Offices— (a) Completion of First, Second and Vhitd Wires .. - 139,287 26,400 112,887 (b) Fourth Wing 13,800 58,981 Treasury Ruilding vs 24,200 103,639 Construction of Roads, City Square _— 30,144 4 (9.419 lvstrict Headquacters, Wandanyi Extension lo Survey Field jlead- auariers Miscellaneous Tovar 79,100 369.470 # Actual expenditine tf JOU! £100,006 will be spent in th's way in the So years ercing 3th Tice, ted tha a fucther £987. * That is, 23 per cent of £155,000, for this amount of building can ‘92 uecestaken will noglig’ble overheads. ba 7 Role Atter allowing for a ofe to cover commitments not charged to © ituie a smal s g of £7,900 exists on che allocation:for the Central it Ottices (Lirst, Second and Taird Wicgs) aad the District Headeuurters Weundaay!. On the othe- hand, increases of £5,5. 4 ic the tions for the Central Goverrment Offices ( ond énd Third Wings), Treasury building anc the Governrent’s contribution’ towards the cost of construction of Coronation Avenue in. City Scuare, Nairobi*) are required. Affer maxing the various edjustmen‘s to borb the allocations and the figures of fross cost a balance of £4,400 remairs ageinst the item Miscellaneons and it is proposed to use th's for the construction of 2 new biock of Government offices at Riliti. Allocation No. & AND-ACHALP Year Phan: ApMg ATIVE of Table 33 af Sessional Paper No. 31 of 1955) Gross Les3 19 per cent Scheme cost for GWS Allocation £ & STATIONS ions to Bight’ Kxisting Suh-statians 0.000 F300 52,700 Constriction of 31 stations a oe - 266, 8000 221,100 Toran . 308,800 $3,000 253,800 Nore.— © uross cust of the substations programme can be redaced by £5,900 Lor LwO Teasous, Viz. (a) buildings to a value of £19,812} will be constructed by building teams organized by the Aduuuistration; (5) the sum of £5,5454 has to be paid to right-holders as compenselion fo: land set agart under the terms of the Native Lands Trusi Ordinance. In other words, in canal Paper No. 31 of 1935 the overkead cost of the sub stations programme was overstated to the extent of 23 per ceal of £25,357, Recent investigations bave shown thai the estimates of cost on which the allocation was based were too low parlicularly in the Central Province. In sore cases, the final schednle of requirements was not available and in others the probable cost of land compensation and waler supplics was uacertain, Subse- quently, bui'ding costs have n,.parliculady in those ascas of Central Province affected by the Jimergency and it has becu decided that a sub-station should be established at Rosia in North Nyansa at a cost uf £11,300 (approximately). To complete the network of 38 yub-stalions shown in Tables 51 and 32 of Sessional Paper No. 57 of 1955 and build a sub-stetion at Busia, it is estimated that an additional sum of £100,000 (net) would bz required. The Goverument has decided, therefore, that the constuclion of four of the thirty-one stations shoud be deferr untit the next planning period and that three should be established on a skeleta! nesis only. Even so the present allocation will have to be supplemented by abent £50,000 (cet. However, in view of the fardamental importance of the policy of closer administra tie Government intends to find a scm of this erder by cuts in other allocations. 5. The total enst will he £57,164 shared as follows: — Kenya Government ae Nairobi City Couneil (which is ressonsible for the praject) ‘Uhese ae winiram Agures. aur Non ‘The Governmen’s ative As wroed thal the Headguariers of the Hast African ‘Ise aad Trypancsomiasis Research aad Reclamation Organization shou'd he ma for techaical reasons, from Kebeve lo Sckulu in Uganda, provided that no additioual Juauel.i conimitmenss, capilel or recurrent, would be involved. ‘Whe Oiganixation owns u block of offices und laboratories, together with ancillary 2 stores aun d Afvicen quarters} in the Scot Laberalory reservation constuction of « similar gcoup of building: peepecty must be sold. Suxata th The Goverament considers tha: (is properly should be purchased for three srogrammes if world S the Agriculture. i verament'’s Tights to the ‘and; ost ined le lo sturender the (b)laboratery and ollive eccouunedalion ‘s required for visiting scientists Phase TL cf the pasture research programme provides for a Pasture R Officer ba: ot Nairobi and the American technicians financed from the International Co operation Administration grant for the Swyusericn Plau will reyguiie accommodation whi'st in Kenya: ans finally, (c} when his staif position improves the Director of Agriculture intends to post an Agricullurel Officer lo the Nairobi District and there is a possibility that the office of the Provincial Agricullucal Officer, Southern Province will have to be moved fram Macbakos to Neirobi, ‘Vhe first reason, namely, the expanding research activities of the Agri Department is, of course, the main reasou why these -made buildings s ae purchased. the valuation price is 116.450 and whilst it is aot possible tu ear mark specific saviags within the Ministry of Agcicclture’s group of allocations of development funds at this stage, firm savings will be forthcoming lates on in the plaaning period. Allocation Me, 11 Taeie 356 (R} Tuene-axp-a-Hary-Yrar P. VIETRRINARY SERVICES (Revision of Table 56 of Sessional Paper Wa. 81 of 1955) Allocation Schecue ee CD. & Ww. Total | Element j ‘ r Manufacture of Bolugivals, Kabote (0.1380) .. 10,505 10,305 : r ‘on (7.1854) 24,587 24,537 Livestock improvement and Veterinary Developmen. = 30,100 Stock Breeding Centres (Altican Azeas) (2.868 and ae 11498 | 20,498 Aninial Hea‘th Stations (Non-Alrican Areas). = | 4,000 Subsidiary Routes . -- 16,675 Tsetse Reclamation (Nan-Atrican Ace ~~ | 4,000 Toray .. 100,, 355 Fe Nath it is now apparent diat insufiicieat Eanes Breeding Cenlres (African Area’ nibsidiary Stock Routes sshem completed. As egards the former, the orgenal sc this sum was intendes to cov are availabic to enatle the Sack sia be Bad Lisi Rubianga, Mariakuni, Marimbe. Ndomba, a su. owing uw inevuties in buileti n the scheme a supplementary allocation ol C9000 is required Lo coinplete wo-k Kabianga, Marimba. Ndomba. As regards lhe Subsidiary Srock Routes scheme, of ¢ hree main ropes. Komo Rock/Ruizu, Serge Kaptugat, oniy the latter bas been compieted and is in use, but lv eauble tie first two ro 2 completed a sopplementery allocation of £7,675 is cequired. Jt shoul: noted that the removal of illegal squaticr stock Ju the Uasin Gishu and the removal of surslus stock from the Segeyo Reserve Gepead on the cormpletion of these rouzes, Allocation No. 12 Tani $7 (R)--“THREL-AND-A- Fae -YEAR PLAN’ WaTeK je 57 uf Sessionet Paper No. 51 af 933) (Revision of 4 Lh CPE W. 19 pei Aflac Scheaie Gross Cost Element} tion £ £ é # swrships 367,361 _ 69,600 29 Te Water Supp 334,800 v 1,306 fa) an areas : 346,405 9,539 64,000 {b} » Wacer Supply 114,239 - 21 OOO : 18,500 — 12,895 —_ Torak 4,194,200 181.631 1.029 400 Deveippmect arsed by way Y per cent has been Jevied on £6,768 only for, upasi from the Colonk era Welfare clement au whick agency fees aus raised —£156.000 wail bo of Sfor€ gruuts te African Distrie: Councils fb) That is, on the nor Zolonial Development are Wel'sre ¢ t. ant otky. ig) Investigations. ~aols and pt asi Sessional Paper Nu. Si of "Tables 14 and 2 Hlay that cre axignal eiineation of £154,000 for township weer fo be itadequere 10 enable csyential supplies te be installed ‘The cosition, was eagmiuedd in detail wher the 195 were being prepared and siuce the tovel ef scheme valu being, or bout to be, ituplemented was in excess of the : vou the allocation for the Marsbasa, Warer vse the. Major Project will be elf ‘all was still such as to make it, neces from the drall Estimates sixteen new schemes whi high priority by the Water Reso.irees Authority and also to delete Phase © Lau. Towaskip Water Sucply if of Almost wil tie selene: or provide adequate 1 wd fo augment exisling supp! e storage aid Govermacni has coxchuded thal ia view ui ibe siguificanee af piped water supplies Tor economic and social zevelogrint the existiog ullocation of Z177,061 (net) most be augmented by the sun of 120,706 tw cover the cost of the fellowing schemes, viz: Township Scheme Vatwe t Kericho Augmentation .. : . 14,50 Kisii Augmenialion : : 2,500 Kakemega Increased Storage 7.800 Bungoma Augmeniation, Phase Hi (Reticulation) .. 2,500 Lumbwa . . o a oe e 10,000 Molo Augmentation A100 Maralal 00 Naivasha Increased Storage : 6,000 Mera Augmentation _ 5,000 Fort Hali Augmentation, Phase Ho .. : 6,000 Machakos Augmentation $5,000 Ngorg Augnertation e 3,700 Kiambu Augmentation : 8,000 Rif Augmentation 12,000 Voi . : 8,000 Malindi Augmentation . . 2.000 99500 Tamu. Phy HW (Completiony . . DEH Toran 6. 120,700 “Note Da C) an page 21 af ihe (985-S€ Development Estiac 35 Allocation No. 2 Loca. GiovERSMENT LOANS # (iW af Sessionae Pain Referrace paragr As yoted in paragraph 3, this a location y against a similar reduction in the Government's own loan progiamone imview of the possibility that tee Nairobi Cay Council will be toga to the market for £3.0 miliion ia 19: ° 75,000 ror ihe’ zequirements for } authorilies other than the Nairobi City Counsii, the Lacal Government Loans ‘Authority fas scuget permission to rssue loan sanelions in excess of known. cash resources fo the extent of £400,000 m view oF the inevitable delays which occur between planning aud expenditure. As segards the allocalion of Cf “Fhe Government preposes to aulborize the Autaozity 79 do this on the giear andiag that the n be no guarantee that the pre: t plus this au of £400,000 can be further augmented jn. the aext possible that some additional cash will be requived Betore 40th Jane, if so, the Government hopes te make stort-term finance avelable, which owill have to be converted into loag-term finance euily in the uext pianniig period. Allocation Ne. 2B rapue 65 (R), “Taree-anp-a-L1At ® Pan: MeDioaAr SERVICES (Revision of Table 65 af Sessional Paper No. of 1993) rosa Less 19 | Scheme Gross | per cent | Allocation Cost | tor EWS King George VI Group Hespital, Nuigobi | £45,800 African, Asian and "Arab Hospital, Moinbasa | (19.1905) Improvements to Beisting Hosnitats | Leprosaria .. 32,400) Tuberculosis Institutes a 122400 Mathari Meatal |ospital Co 25,800 Tnjectio 1s Diseases Hospital, Naicobl (D.1821) 149.070 Inte ses Elospilal, Mombasa 11,600 Nairobi Dispensaries woo 56,400 Heals Centres— | (a) 10.86: i! 29,013 35500 thy Mon-C.D. & W Medical Train seek (New Scher) @ | 152,13 3) . Medi el Training School (extuns! : 2,500 — 2,500 5,000 900 4,100 © . ae . os 19900 1,900 8.100 £-foré Grants . ws . we ae 100,000 | - 160,600, Toran (CiRzuss) : OL, 700 | ic 1, 157034 fall on Transfer ftom Colony Revonue io M18. (New Scheme} 6155 "fora (Ne1) : - . - 79 pu [tm ) Agency fees tes project in view of the sp uader which it 3 being Goa . ecplanation 0: the, dife-er and a flat rule contrity-ior mwards Lie ovat of tie General Works 102 0? Sessional Baper No. 51 af 1955. | 36 arr, Ore of the projects te be Phanced by the United States ion Admiristration concerns che development of the Medicel . Nairobi. Une Intesnational Co-cperation Administration meet the recurrent costs of the Sehcal during the tw i wil provide three and Laboratory Vechniqne). Keaye's will be spent on developing the exi lrainiug ic be concentrated there, academic instruction at the Schoo! fon in byg Jeunes School. in radiography a> Kisrtmu aad in laboratacy techuigue Medicul ch Laboratory. Not oaly wll the varicus branches of medical teainicg be centred in one institution Suc the capacity of the greseat Medice] Training School, namely, 250, will ae coub‘ed nursing The Inter one] Co-operacior Administration grant will xelieve Colony reveutw of tue recurrent commitmert of the Scool for two yexrs and thes permit a transfer of £155,395 to the Devetopmeri Lund, ‘The difterence between this sun and the ictal cost of the extensions, namely: £152,150, wil have to be met by savings on other suteines in the Mediea! Desartment’s threr-and.a-halévear plan Allocation No. 23 Apaican HOustne of Sessional Paper No, St of (95 50 inckades an aliowance of £206,250 for 50,000 for the puzchase of lend at Kisauai. {Rezere, y paragrap: ‘The aporoved allocation of 20 per cent grarts tor services and ‘The Goverament proposes that the allocation shall be amended ic two ways, view: first, the Nearabi City Counsil has requested financial ussistance towards a projecied social welfare programme in the African Jocations, As the provision vf socia: amenities ir a arawing industrial city such as Nairobi is of primary i rracnds and as the resources avail- tthe cost of these amenities in full, the Goverment proposes to’ make f-for-t capital grants of up to £37,000 for specific p:viccts. Fortunately, the sum of £76,750 earmarked for 350 per cent grants [or services for Aftican Housing Estates in Nairobi is not now required for in Uv recenlly negotiated scheme for 3,000 houses financed jointly by the Central Housing Board and the Cy Council lhere is no subsidy element. A saving of £41,720 therefore enteiges. Whilst te Government bas decided to coatribute wwards tne cost of the are progremme, il must be emphasized that the decision ya Toca) government sibilily stems solely from the peculiar problems releiirg to its develop- ist i what the special pos ent at the pr proceed with the purchase of land al Kise! for and sub-divide inte quarter acre plocs same 700 acres of Section V1, Meunbasa Mainland (Novia). The aim is te create a high deasity area by providing at a caupacatively small ces? accommodztion for some 17,000 persoas in low jucome etoaps, with security of tenure. The Momabasa Municipal Board has zassed a resclwion u accosdance with Section VY af the Town Planning Ordinance declaring itself a Prepareiory Avthority in respect of the area ard the Government proposes to make & loa of £8,002 to the Board to cover exnendinire Curing the ficst two yews of the scheme. ly is praposed to make availab'e tae balance of total cost, at the momery eslimat be in the region of 250,000, in the next plaaning period. The terms and can is loan oF (RAK) is to be made available will he decided by the ‘reesury in due course. tis proposed to repool, redisuiibute 37 Allucetion Mo. 26 KR). —Tanve-ano-s-HALE-YEAR PLAN: 2 of Tehia T2 af Sessional Paper Nin, RICAN EDUCATION ‘teas 19 Scheme ; Gross | per cont | Cost for G.WS)| ack Sates to DEBS. 0) i 69,360! 49,260 | ins. Boarding Schools “goers, 4.600 185,01 Schools in Townships “) aneri | 300 | oad i4 . Toran PRIMARY AMO {NTER- i ~ a MEDIATE vt 6,900 34 Seeanreds . ore Hail (Rays) . 1,000; - ' Niyeri (Boys) ©. 90,000) 17,100! - Mere (Boys) Sha 99,208 3600 , < - Nowth ‘Nyanza (Boy: ; S000; 50,000 | Completion of Existing Schools | | Tinchudiag Girly Schao's) 188 8,970 | 7,200 | i170 - a 349,070 97,900 | 324,170 I io Tora: SECONDARY Teacher fraining—- | Kis mn (Women) {e) a 36,500 | — 36,500 - a (Men) 50,000 | — 50.000 | — Warnes TY, College, Mackakos (D. 1928) (a) Lo Sisiba (Men) Jia TT. Centtes (D. 1647) Womers V4 T-T. Centres (1697) . 24,937 = Completion of Existing Centres .. | 114,742 | | 435,000, 17,100 | 35, 740 | 2,300 Tora Teacher TRAINING 455,640 | Rural Training Schools (¢) . 23,000 Permanent Hquipment "| 31,500 ~ rcnents to Existing Seinools. . 20,000 2 and Offices : | g500 sO 1,000 ~ €}_ 1,295,400 Notes— (a) Comparable gure t eaub; teache training, 35 per ce ot secondury, 19 Pp | equipment and £400 grants to intermediate (e) eee grants: to primary selon schools for worksbop-domest'c science rocnas. fey'torel cos: will he £40,000; @ conlsihution of £4,500 ite for the Swynnecton Plan, for an Agricetmral Ot ed to the Teaches Traiaxy: College, Viliga, This tah administrative sub-sietion, (Vide note (@) to 2 of fA sum of £45,000 imabrsed zor the Colona reya’s Blocs Allucatio3). ‘Appendix Faner.) exo and Machakos for providcos furthes sing for pupils not tiop, A Zour-yrar course Will he offered, tye emphasis u(r. wil, be forthcoming Zcora Lunds mt bas been allaceted & house ament wit, shordy be convertec mal Paper Mo. 5} of 1955.) L Development and Wellare | 40 Note — Since Table 74 0! Sessional Parer Wo. 51 of 1955 was drawn up (a) ihe Sir Bin Salim School, aliad:, has been condemned by the Public Warks Department as unsate for further use end (4) ineveasing demands for accom- modation vecessitate Furth extensions do the schooi buildings a alocation for Vilisge Schools has to be surplemented, there- ngs of this amount are to ne effected om the scherne value rimary Schoo: by reducing the number of new classrooms to be built fram towteer. to ten and sy cewining certain banda type classroorns fur the time being, Allocation No, 23 R).—THREE-ANO-A-HIALZ- Yar Phan: Bptcadion, SPRCIAT. SCHE! (Revision of Table 25 af Sessional Paper No. 31 of 1955) i F M Scheme | £ £ Hostel for Eoropean Women Students, Nairobi (D.1908) - 40,505 0,505 Royal Technical C: allege . 48,000 86,000 irobi 2,026 | 2,026 i Grants-in-Aid, Schools for Children of Mixed Parentage. te : . — 20,000 Agricultural School, Makerere College : — 73,000 Medical School, Makerere College | Torr... . : 8] I ia) Appendix B. Note.— Tt 's aow apparent that the demands on accommodation xc the Central Schoot, Nairobi, for children of mixed parentage ducisg the present planaing period will not, after a, secessitau the constraction of « new school ant the Government proposes vo widen the ambit of the allocation io enable erants-in aid to be paid over 10 the managers of schouls outside Nairobi who provide educanonai facilities for such children Allocation No. 3¢ PURCHASE OF Lanp iReference paragraph 233, of Sessivnal Paper No. $1 of 1955) It is now anticipaied that the cost of acquisition of the plots on the perimeter of the site on which the Roya’ Naval Armament Depot stands will not exceed 060, A saving of F¥,000 wil, therefurc, emerge on the cllocatiuu of £16,000. ik al Allocation No, -AND-A-HALPHY LAB PLAN: PORCSTRY Panes 5. (Revision of Tahie 18 of Sesion Scheme. | Gross Cost Gensral Personal Emoluneats Buildings and Water 5 pli Roacis : . : 11,000 ! - 11,000 Motor Venicles and Equipment... | 35.000) — 35,000 Miscellaneous and Reserve a | 2787 Eldevet Forest Reser ve- | L Employment of 500 detainees from Malou | | tang Works Camp fo: 20 morths Gi | I cluding cost of tecanical und supervisory ‘ | staff)... . 1 : 15,000 | — 15,080 | @ Lorest Training Schoot— : Buildings and Water Sur Figuipment and Vehicles. . . Recurrent Cosls (for one year) | TOrAL, (ai The sum of £1,700, z ist of using deline than Porest Department employees, wil, be seimbarsed itom the Eamgency Expenditure Fund. (CE ‘able 83 OTE The original allucatioa of £160,300 for forestry included a sum of £50,006 for the afforestation of 1,500 acres of grassland and the reafforestation of 2,500 acres of cleared forest laud within a tive-mifc radius of Makurtano Works Camp in the Eldoret forest reserve. The project was tw provide °,500 detainees with employ- rent for seven moths. The project bas, however, b essed as it is economically unsound to affor: 000 acres ic a single district in one planting season.” tn additioa, further rescarch is necessary inlu correct techniques for erassiand plantiug before a large-suafe scheme is embarked upon. It is vrupused, therefore, lo implement a riodified scheme for the realfor of 1,000 aczes ag ¢: felled forest oc which 3CO cletainees wil. ne ermpioyed for twenty tgoaths. “bre total cust, inclusive of Jabuur casts snd roads, wil be £15,000 of which £ representing the additions! cost of using d w Forest Deoeriment employees, wil be reimbursed from the Ewergency Pxpendiiure Fund. Of the Selance of 135,000 against the allocation for the original Makutsao project cho Government proposes taat £1,500 should be devoted to the establish- ment of a Forest Training School at Lonaiani for the teacaing of (he elemeatary priueiples of forest practice lo African Rangers, The Colony possesses over 120,000 uetes of standicg plantations ead the development and ultimate out-iura of these depends or correct maintenance. Ideally, the snould he one Tuily-trained forest ranger per ,000 acres ol plantation, but at Lhe moment only 26 of the 82 Rangers emplo: by the Forest Department are Wained, The capita: cost of establishing Ine school i esiimated ut £25,000 and tue recurrent costs for gue year (1956-57) al £6,509, ~ fhe approxi: scremRS 8 | | | sae 42 Adscation No. INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPy.ENy CORPORATION at Pape narigrenh 24¢ of Sesivae! Paper No. 5: of 195 thal tha all E rO0 for working Since their ment ihe Hoard * aave considersd wat sun they wilaous having or javestment rene warned. apilal might the ree nslatrve Counet to yorminend eve y time hey are ¢ wed does aoe er the suppleme: uate it ig al} Allocation Na. 44 TIONS TOWARDS TRE Cosi or THE GENERAL Works STAFF np of Taite 82 ef Sessional Paper No, 51 of 1853) NO. Scheie Contribution 1. Staf Housing 145,100 2. Government Offices. 79.100 3. dudicial Buildinys 13,700 4. Administra Sub-stations . a 53,000 7. Bnildings, NFP. : 1,360 10. Agriculture 68,300 1°. Water . 161,800. 18, Police Buildings 325,590 19. Prison Buildicgs : 497,600 20. Military Buildings 131,400 22. Medicai Services 91,700 24. European fictucation 152,860 Ddueation 155,800 African [dncation 62,100 Arab Ddneation : - Doe STKE 1,200 ar hrent Labour Da 3 31. Forestry <2 Weights anc Measures Depavtment .. 1,806 “3. Public Works Deparsmert .. os ss . 14,200 iG. Sunplies id ‘bransport Depariment . oe 63,800 Jesnes School, Kadete a + + . 14.200 00 O50) 50. Juvenile Remand Homes Toral Nive. This revised (able muercly reflecs lhe vasious adjustrients alracdy made. It will be observed Usat the reducdons in the gross cost of some of the works alocations have reduced the cost of the General Works Staff by atu force on | Tie, 63 of $924, brane: * Online Tiere 8) (RK LeMenr in INDIVIDUAL ALLOCATE MD. ane W. Your (CoLONy’s BLO ! Scheme | Scheme | Allocation No. ch and Tnvesti- | i Stations | 19.4467 Soil Conservation D298 & | A Manafactute of Biologicals, Katete | D.1380 Naivasha Sc Farm Rescureh | Starion A456 Stock Breeding Contes. | D.868 & A Water Supplies _. | 1.300, etc. Wuiez Supplics in Rural Diswicts .., D.877 Improvements and Investigations of | Water Supplies in African Areas | 39,1365 Reconditioning of land ia A’ ne ‘Areas | 938 Africun, Asian aud Arab Hospital, Mombasa o 1.1905 Infectious Diseases Hospital, Nairobi | D482 Health Centres lw BES Expansion of African “beacher | “Training Centres (24x74 Centres) | D.1647 of African Teacher iraicing | 13.1697 Establishment | Cenre for African Women -. | D1828 jon of Schools and Ts | ‘Yraiukag institutions for Aliican 1.2308 | D.1906 | Dee Royall Techie: j D.15904 Nairobi Atsport. Sib si D,2510 Ymprovenent ef Interterritories Roads : oe Tota Gh OF Sessional Paper No. S1 of | | | port, Er Agricuitare APCEN < ALLOCATION} F 1955) | 1 Table | Mo. Water | SER! » 1 87(R3) SR) | 3812) | ” | eens » 85(R), African | TOUR); Education | » | 73¢R)! | TARY |. » | 720)] THRY Special | Scheznes Naitgbi Reads 50,000 iy |B IS RESMBURSABLE TROM THE Aunouat Reimbuts- able Si,S58 54909 10,505 24,587 1,498 18,052, 162,22 1,377 109,133 314,703 149,070 23,01! 18,721 24,937 45,000 200,000 * 40,505 2,824 48,000 459,000 oH ni i APPENDUX SONAL PAPER No. 51 OF 1955 —CORRIGENDA African Monsii it) Fable 4 63, fem Fea “'3,595" read © -- 13,495" (2) Page 83, foomote 4, paragraph 176: — tes in the table should be reduced Ay amounls ecual ta expeaditure ta Jist War J . Bor t nat af actual expeacitare [or © figucs in Ute Footeote should, teretore, purpose an estimate of ex half) hes beer follows ALDES ALDEV Gxperdiiure by Veterinary Degariment ALDEN [Expenditure by Agzicntture Department . Schemes: Thut is, the switch of ‘oan expenditure otiginally provided for in the cuserlon Plan ro the the lopment plan, anc vee versa jguids the oon-loan expenditure to be incucred directly by ALOEV and on of ALDEV by the Agticulmrs crinary Departmenis, involves not the whole of ALDEY’s allocation of for loans and schemes but oaly that which has heer avd will be spent since the Swynrerron Plan began oc April, 1954. (2) fable 73: Afvican Education System, Keaye, 19ST ro “2.4 the Schools), read * | Secondary Gneluding twa Girls) Buerding (4) Tabie 78: Three ard -¥eur Plan: Geological Survey ‘The Colonial Development and Welfare element was inco.rectly stated and the table should read as toliows:— C.D. & We. Kenya Year Vote Funds £ £ 540, oe 18,838 5,644 28182, 1955 Loos - 9,232 18,462 27,694 1956 . — xy 33,439 i957 (rst nial) — t5.161 15,16! 270,406 £104.476 Total he
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