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minicase chiến lược maketing, Assignments of Decisione Making for Managers

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Download minicase chiến lược maketing and more Assignments Decisione Making for Managers in PDF only on Docsity! MINI CASE IN Rough ride Harley-Davidson brought low by tariffs and demographics A tour of the modernist building of the Harley-Davidson museum in Milwaukee helps to explain why the midwestern maker of motorcycles has iconic status, but also why it is struggling. Nearly all the visitors are white, middle-aged men, some clad in leather and heavily tattooed, others dressed conservatively. Harley is the quintessential baby-boomer brand but its customers are slowing down. Harley-Davidson giam thué va nhan khau hoc Mot tour du lich ctia toa nha hién dai cua bao tang Harley-Davidson 6 Milwaukee gitip giai thich ly do tai sao cdc nha san xuat xe may trung tay cé tinh trang mang tinh biéu tugng, nhung citing 1a ly do tai sao né dang dau tranh. Gan nhw tat ca du khach déu 1a nhiing nguoi dan ong da trang, trung nién, m6t s6 mac do da va xam minh nang né, nhitng ngudi khac an mac bao thu. Harley 1a thuong hiéu baby-boomer tinh tiiy nhung khach hang cua no dang cham lai. Advertising The firm has been losing sales at home for eight consecutive quarters with the latest being no exception. Sales in America plunged by a tenth in the three months ending at the end of December compared with the same period a year earlier, it said this week. The total cost of tariffs (those imposed specifically on its bikes by the European Union and China, and also those levied by America on imports of steel and aluminium, its main materials), together with restructuring costs, wiped out its profits. Quang cdo COng ty da mat doanh so ban hang tai nha trong tam quy lién tiép vGi mdi nhat cing khdng ngoai 1é. Doanh sé ban hang 6 My da giam 1/10 trong ba thang két thtic vao cudi thang 12 so véi cing ky nam ngoai. Tong chi phi thué quan (nhitng chi phi ap dung cy thé cho xe dap cua lién minh chau Au va Trung Quéc, va ca nhiing Bi My danh thué déi voi nhap khau thép va nhém, nguyén liéu chinh cua no), cting véi chi phi tai cau tric, da xda sach Igi nhuan cua nd. Latest stories The 116-year-old business has been through tough times before. It almost went under in 1981 when America was in recession and Japanese makers Rough ride of motorcycles dumped unsold inventory onto the American market at extremely low prices. Then a group of employees bought the company, persuaded the government to impose tariffs on Japanese bikes, improved the quality of its wares and returned to the heavy retro look of the 1940s. That did the trick for baby boomers who flocked in droves to the expensive toys cleverly marketed as a symbol of freedom, indi- vidualism and adventure on America’s scenic roads, Now tariffs are the enemy: the company expects their cost to rise to $120m this year. Matt Levatich, Harley’s boss, stoked President Donald Trump’s ire when he announced in June his plans to move pro- duction of motorcycles destined for the European market out of America to avoid new EU duties. Some attribute recent poor sales to Mr Trump’s Tweet in August supporting a boycott of the firm. But, ‘most Harley enthusiasts don’t care,’ says Steven Levin, a surgeon from Chicago who has owned a succession of Harleys since college. Harley’s other challenge is to win over millennials, women and non-white buyers. Last year Mr Levatich unveiled a five-year plan centred on the introduction of 16 new motorcycle models such as Livewire electric bikes, and increasing Harley’s appeal in international markets. Dealers are counting on the new models to be more affordable, and attractive to a wider audience. Harley may suffer from the quality of its older wares. Sales of used bikes are outpacing those of new ones by three to one (a decade ago it was the other way around). But while old bikes, and Harley accessories and clothing sold in specialist shops and on Amazon, are selling well, they won’t compensate for the damage done to the hogs by tariffs and youthful disinterest. Cau chuyén mdi nhat Doanh nghiép 116 tudi nay da trai qua thoi ky kho khan truéc day. No gan nhu da di xudng vao nam 1981 khi Nuéc M¥ dang suy thoai va céc nha san xuat Nhat Ban Di xe may thé da ban pha gia hang ton kho chwa ban dugc vao thi trong My véi gia cutc ky thap. Sau do, m6t nhém nhan vién da mua lai cng ty, thuyét phuc chinh phu ap thué déi vdi xe dap Nhat Ban, cai thién chat lugng san pham cua no va tré lai vGi vé ngoai retro nang né cia nhitng nam 1940. Diéu do da lam thu thuat cho nhitng ngudi bung né tré em, nhiing ngudi dé x6 dén nhitng d6 choi dat tién dugc ban trén thi trudng mot cach khéo léo nhu m6t biéu tugng cia ty do, chu nghia s6ng d6ng va phiéu vu trén nhitng con dung danh lam thang canh cia MY. Bay gid thué quan 1a ké thu: cong ty dy kién chi phi cua ho sé tang lén 120 triéu dé la trong nam nay. Matt Levatich, 6ng chu cua Harley, da lam day lén sy gian di? cua Tong thong Donald Trump khi 6ng tuyén bé vao thang 6 ké hoach chuyén ung hé xe may danh cho thj truéng chau Au ra khoi My dé tranh cac nhiém vu méi cia EU. M6t s6 ngu¢i cho rang doanh s6 ban hang kém gan day 1a do Tweet cua Gng Trump vao thang 8 ung hé viéc tay chay cng ty. Nhung, "hau hét nhitng ngudi dam mé Harley khéng quan tam", Steven Levin, m6t bac si phau thuat tir Chicago, ngudi da so hitu m6t loat harleys tir khi con hoc dai hoc cho biét. Thach thitc khac ctia Harley 1a gianh chién thang truéc thé hé millennials, phy ni? va nguoi mua khong phai da trang. Nam ngoai, levatich da tiét 16 mét ké hoach 5 nam tap trung vao viéc giGi thiéu 16 mau xe may méi nhu xe dap dién Livewire va tang sitc hap dan cua Harley trén thi trwdng quéc té. Cac dai ly dang diva vao céc m6 hinh mdi dé cé gia ca phai chang hon va hap dan déi véi nhiéu doi tugng hon. Harley cé thé bi anh huong tir chat luwgng cua cdc san pham cii cuia nd. Doanh sé ban xe dap da qua st? dung dang vugt xa nhitng chiéc xe mdi tir ba dén mét (m6t thap ky truéc no 1a cach khac). Nhung trong khi nhifng chiéc xe dap cii, va phy kién harley va quan ao duc ban trong cac ctta hang chuyén dung va trén Amazon, dang ban tét, ho sé khéng bu dap cho nhirng thiét hai gay ra cho Ign bang thué quan va su’ khong quan tam tré trung. Discussion questions 1 Discuss Harley’s recent choice of target market(s). 2 What is behind Harley Davidson’s attempt to appeal to a wider audience? Cau hdi thao luan 1 Thao luan vé sy lua chon gan day cua Harley vé thi trong muc tiéu. 2 Diéu gi dang sau né luc ctia Harley Davidson dé thu hut nhiéu khan gia hon? Cau 2: Doi voi mot thiong hiéu xe lau nam nhw Harley Davidson thi rat khé canh tranh véi cac thuong hiéu phat trién hon sau nay. Vi du nhw dé san xuat 1 chiéc Harley Davidson va dam bao chat hgng chiéc xe nhu hon 100 nam qua thuong hiéu nay da dat du¢c thi tén rat nhiéu chi phi va chua ké dén ho phai cai tién lién tuc dé canh tranh véi nhitng thuong hiéu ra déi sau nay nhung buéc van phai gilt lai chat long va tinh cé dién riéng biét da tao nén thong hiéu cia ho Chwa ké dén vao théi ki cang thang giita 4p dat thué 6 My thi Harley Davidson da that sy gap kho khan khi moi ngu¢i dé don sw chi y vao cac xe dap dién,xe may dién v.v duoc nhap khau véi mifc gia ré hon so véi mét chiéc Harley Davidson.Mét Ian nita ho dau tranh dé thuyét phuc chinh pha ap dat thué dén cac san pham nhap khau nay dé c6 thé canh tranh va tang lugng tiéu thu san pham cho cty Y nghia cua lénh dat thué nay rat quan trong déi véi Harley Davidson vi né cé thé gitip cty cé thé viet qua giai doan khé khan vi sifc tiéu thu dang giam M6t cuéc cai tién khac ve thi trong ngwoéi tiéu dimg.Thay vi ho mi gii? hinh anh cac nguéi da trang va dan 6ng trung nién véi do da va hinh xam, va sau nay san pham da cai tién hon vé dong co va ca ve thiét ké dé cé thé xoa di hinh tugng mang tinh dac trung dé va hwéng dén nhiéu doi twong khach hanh hon dac biét la ho tién vao thi trwéng EU va trén toan thé gidi.Va sau cuéc thay doi nay ching ta thay hau hét ngu¢i sé hitu mot chiéc Harley Davidson sé mang m6t mau retro sang trong nang dong chit khong con mang tinh biéu twong dac trung nhw nhitng nam dau thanh lap.Dieéu nay gitp cho thi truéng cua cty mé rong va lay lai can bang, vi thé sau 116 nam thanh lap hoat dong Ho con phot hop ban hang trén cac trang thong mai dién tiv vé cac san pham cui va phu kién quan 4o mang phong cach Harley Davidson da that sy hiéu qua dé c6 thé bu dap lai thiét hai cho cty.Chiéc lwot nay dé tiép can khach hang va mang hinh anh Harley Davidson dén gan véi khach hang hon nhung van gii? nét cé dién dac tring ma it thong hiéu lau nam nao lam dugc N6 lic cai tién nay cia Harley Davidson rat quan trong va can thiét dé cty co thé tiép tuc tru vitng trong nén cong nghiép tién tién hién nay va bifc pha lay lai nhitng gia tri cét 16i trén titng san pham Harley Davidson For a long-standing car brand like Harley Davidson, it is very difficult to compete with more developed brands later. For example, to produce a Harley Davidson and ensure the quality of the car as over the past 100 years this brand has achieved, it costs a lot and not to mention they have to continuously improve to compete with other brands. The brand was born later but was forced to retain the distinctive quality and classicism that made up their brand Not to mention at a time of tension between the imposition of tariffs in the US, Harley Davidson has really struggled when people focus on electric bicycles, electric motorcycles, etc., which are imported at a cheaper price than compared to the US. with a Harley Davidson. Once again they struggled to convince the government to impose taxes on these imported products so that they could compete and increase product consumption for the company. The implication of this tax order is very important to Harley Davidson because it can help the company get through a difficult period because of declining sales. Another improvement on the consumer market. Instead of them forever keeping the image of white people and middle-aged men with leather goods and tattoos, and later the product has improved more in terms of engines and also in terms of design. designed to be able to remove that characteristic image and target more customers, especially when they enter the EU and worldwide market. And after this change we see most people Owning a Harley Davidson will bring a dynamic luxurious retro color, not as iconic as the early years of its establishment. This helps the company's market to expand and regain its balance and position later. 116 years of operation They also coordinate sales on e-commerce sites for Harley Davidson-style old products and clothing accessories that have been really effective to compensate the company for damage. This turn is easily accessible. customers and bring the image of Harley Davidson closer to customers but still keep the classic features that few longtime brands can do. This improvement effort of Harley Davidson is very important and necessary for the company to continue to stand in today's advanced industry and break through to regain the core values on each Harley Davidson product.
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