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Moscow Summit Transcripts, Lecture notes of Russian

Gorbachev emphasized that he was not just saying nice words. (S). May 29, 1988, 3:26 p.m. 4:37 p.m.. St. Catherine Hall, The Kremlin, Moscow.

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Download Moscow Summit Transcripts and more Lecture notes Russian in PDF only on Docsity! first o.e on one M€etinq se.retary Gorbachev €l- sovier ^ffairs, Nsc staff .*,.r c----+-., A.ting DcFartient section chief, Mfl May 29, 1933, l:26 p.n. - 4:r7 p.m. st. catherine H.LI, The xrenrin, dosco' right away tnat he vas wery deremrined to contiNe t\e qro'inq dialoque whi.h 'as gatrin!.; momentM in relarlors,., -y u., o b, that he th.usht that jn recent !.ars, since the statenent they had sisned in Genera, theie not onl? in bilaterai relations, but, ..lo .os po . chanqe was io nake rhe 'hole jhternational clinate betrer and dore it alone, t[e sovi.t leadership could not ha'c donc it a1.r€. The tqo si<res had ro do it roqertrer, .nd hdd. There was o' FE o" . -Luti.n had counLed For a ]ot. Gorbachew €nphasized rh.L he qrs not iust saying ricc {ords- lqr 1rie Preald.nt said th.t botn sides had con. a long lay since lrc-l;at;;tmo eorbachew in 1es5. History {ontil re.oi.r rhe plraod positiv.ry, tfue not just for our r.lati.... rNr A..ord, thay trad nade lhe rorrd a litr1c bit safer with sone ol rhe thinqs they had donc- clrba.hev said he \- P' . ..,| E!!!!- , ilts *,*-"***.*',,,-@ !e was parti.ula!l!. pleas.d litn 'hat corb.chew Fis .loinq ir afshani.tan, vithdrawinq his troops. Afghanisian vas a lrob1€m c..bachew had inherit.d, he had nor bcer irwolw€d in rhe ilhore rortd aplroy€d the cotrrase he sas oJngi L -. d r'-.,r3.r Gorbach€v said n. 'ou1d like {hat he haC said about 'l-. .n n r Lo i( e"li had b€en a difficnlt but ne.ess:rt, begjnnj.q. the po.ition acbiewed today, it 'as' por r_dF a-vhoo bia ' -' o fouqht; that no rar was aditssiblc; rh:t neither sid. :olehtmititary snleriority.€rs oi the 'or1d. t5rr€' said invite the prcsldc.t to build on ttrat cenela experienc., to make i. their joint docuiient a poliricat the seme sca1e. aolh sidcs and their atlies nov tholgnt it ne.essary to noye forw:rd in ams control. Joint€fforts vcre it sas also evident thf,til .old oLo -o o) . 6 too u.predictable. lesotve Frob1efrs,licludanq reqional contlicts, uas br p.1iti.a1 neans on thetx f.ur ne.tinqs sinc€ shoutd say that, inthis direrse ror1.l of varied ideoloqies an.t nations, it 'aslirc toqether i. Fieace. That sn.utd be a D.iwcisalpxinciple. He rrnted to sive the presid€nt tris proposed lanqu:ge fo! a dra:t askc.t the presid.rt to think alout hov to :eilect knat they bnd tnouqht abour in rheir foui ncatin.js and uould be thi rins about hero in uoscov. t€)- !9+a9!q asried the Presiderr wh.t he wourd It {as : questaor acaes as they were. tei- -r '-crd.. ...-d i .-Fd. i.- corba.hev thantht ha ;;ad Russian; no, said; rnew|.'.'|.7- sat ln prrnclllc to (rhe Enqlrsh ieit Gorbach€v the lresiitent in fr.m their understanding of the realiries that today, th€ two leadefs b.licvu qrdL I findinq housa.s, qettihg bc again.t the law, a.d I'u jor.rl ,s, d,s. _1. orobl-a at hor they wer€ inplemented in reaL tife. It ore fooked at figures on unemllolnent of Blacks and lr:ispanics, on per calita inc6he of fihites ahd Blacks, 6. access to educati6n ahd heat. , 'h6,. q-re b.g dir'cr6n-cs. . io , v:no standards rere in tne United stat€s' but there vas nouiing liLe such targe contrasts among grotrps of people in thc country trhen ir cde to pay and the lihe. Cs|. Th€ Fr€sident resFonded that ehcr slawery was lifted fro'. the Blacks they much lover level than others, and even the civil rights guarantee thcfr equalicy rhen it cre to lobs and the like. aut rhen yon .onsidered o -.toa o oI Lh- past six years, ahong Blacks .. b_ t^, .did h- h J no ,. - .6 "o. i irc lacts fron the !e did not want to teacn lessons to tle united states President on ho' to run anerica. xe iust wanted to note that tne President had ideas abort the soviets, and the soviets had ideas alout the united states. Recently, the soviels had becone nuch more self-critical, but lhe u,s, had not. once the soviets had begun to b€ self-critical, it seened that the u.s. spoke more about civil and ethical rights. of course, the Prestdent aas conpletinq his tern as Prcsident. '' 's succ.sso!- {o -d b' v'rv r1n9 qa- -o- "altjqht" (corbachev used the Enqlish word) in the urited states, as tne Plcsidentis Adninistration seened to think. r€ 'antedqoi no -.' i d b- 16F lcgrsrators examine the issues ana conpare nores. qoal of tne sessior sho!1d misunder.tardinqs. (.€-f conrinued that he wished to take nD anoth€r tooic a kind of personal dr€am of his. co!b" h v, bu' c lds 90in9 'o oo He vanted ro hint thar anyrhing had been regoriared insisted or sonething rhe soviets had to do. rf that this was even being disclsscd, the Pr€sident had said anyrhinq abore ir. cst-- :n edu.aLion, ard thc 1ike, that {ould trrat person would be punished unccr the race or reLigion, i$- i ^,'^***--*,"^,@ '-l-!.. d r- I I .Ltt do oi_. L b.'o I ro,dl J -n,. -- in . - -p--liberalized s.trre of its orthodor chur.h, trhe , -. Lhd J-r i9'o 's ., -4dorI F p-opl. . -dh' s, -h" . , opt- o! cny r- igio- l'" f. ' h' -'wi r'.i a, o o' . h' .' 'a,-.noi rle President said tnat in the lrnited statcs, under our constitu \or.9. o - F'l' -' irh p -ds-d. o vhd ne o--. 'oL c qo rw - h. or:-, :.:;,--- -; -::- - - :::t' :"' - iF - od .h y o- ,-.., a :.. tlrl c:orbrclej said chat tre sol,iets jrdsed the problen of :eliqioD intho soniet Lrrion as not a seriors were not bis p' ob -n. u. 'h .,.e.,-o of soli€t socicty. Ther€ ,as a diff.rcnce of The soviets said tnat allbelieve or .ot to bEliewe in The !,s. side sas acri'ety for freedon, but uhy did it then hapFe. that nor-belielcrs in the u.s. som€tinea felt snFpressed,se askcd '\y did not na,e the sd" .iqr-rs_;3_ oJ 9:j: " c -1 uio. ask:d aqain why atheists wera criti.ized in thc lnitedStates. This jnfrinqenent of their jreedon. Tr{as a rinitati.r on rheir freedom. should be free .hoi.e to beriewe The Presadent said that vds peopl€ i. rhe !nir:.d, .t .- I o no o- .ua d p.o., .o ,:,a ' hd o ,9 -o oo... \poep !. t-- . iaF..b .o.-t b/o"nd m3 i, taii c.hools ts-A h.d neard hadrecently rirted rcstric!io.s or such co.tributions. rher.- werepeople v.lunteering to rcstoie chur.hes. rn our c.untry thc rd no_ D- F.rr, h , J) rath reli9ious educatio! besides, b.cruse peopl; ,ere uilLinq top. o Fd rf ,. "u J oJoJ I hooi. .,pp -d =".'"'eI''\ ^, ****,-*,**@ corba.h.w said had beer cxcesses ln tnatrFhcrc. as in any re!.1ution thei. had been .ertarr tnat sphere but in others a. well. But t.da_v tne trend was pr.cisery in the dire.Lion rhe ?r€sidcnt had nentioned. lhere co.fticts bet'ee. the authorities :rd religious a.tiyists, but vere anti-s.vj.t, ard the!€ hai:l been fewe! su.h confljcts reccntly, and he uas sure they would disappear. and vnen tli.y sl,ore .f !.rcstroita, tlLat : d.nocrf,tic c{p!!3ion ol dcno.lrtic pf,oc.dur.., of ,i -., --1: d .h",. r-t.J.ed -- rho {cre agailst rar, the! could prove lhat it was a a,nse.en oa. nd j.b. -- thcy .ouLd not .s.ap€ fron serlicE - tnt they could rot t,e made t. kltf aqaanst thei! religion. In ev.ry ear there de'e ,hF, i-L (tr-J .f .the.s. Th.y colld r€fuse to b€ar ams. -lsl- If corba.hev could scc his do Hhat the uouLd L. a nero, of the aeetjng against his courtry wou:Ld.liraplear likc rater in hot sun. If lnere las .nyon! in ' - o .ho .l I l. person Nas ]l,inq, thar he had lever said it. rhis was nct.D.-- q , o,. ho.tL n . r. o " toL.9 'o- d: no - ool d up'F .o: -a t dy-. .o-, rtr.uld .ccept hin. That piece of Faper ras found on / 1., c. .io olo:- " o - ^i ec l,:ttl. ' t3f Gorbacher respond€d that he stilr ielt the ]]resident did not have 9o -n h.'. Fr sowiet union had lot crly na.r nalionalilie.:nd eenrrc groups, but nidiy retiqious denoninations -- orthodox,, l4uslin, various dcrohinati.ns or protestants, like rhe Baptasts -- and thcy practic.d rh€ir rerision scale. The President {ould neet the ?atriar.h, qould qo to one ot L- , -, -.. " .,.. " " ,l .-" " ":. --€ffiRET_=.- WITHDRAWAL Ronald Reagan colloction: ExEcuTlvE SECRETARIAT. Nsc: Rccor6 Syslcu ljlc SHEET Library Drtcr I l/5/98 u u4 | 1 nD. Dr E pF 4o t 4r D F ttD ildry tt*\\\ Fr 1- tl 90511 /) ,i, l assess ploqress at the sllmit. d r\dr Lhe mearlno do in d that he eas pleased with the proq.eFs to stion concerned proqress in the START re.ident reptied that these negotiatibns w t profitabl€ rork ras continuing. To anot f-ue' p-oo l-r s D!c!tirlii.iai) Second P]enaly Meetinq tr+ secretary George shultz Secletary Frank Carlucci cenerar colin Powe1l assistart secreta.y Rozan.e nidgray hbassado. Jack uarlock Nelson redsky, Nsc (Notetaker) fiark Pallts, Departnent of srate General Secretary 14ikhail co!bachev cnaiman Andret cronyko roreiqn Ministe! Edua.d Snewardradze Deferse r4inister Dnit!i yazov Politburo r4enber aleksand! Yakovlev Secretary Anatolt Ddbryni! Deputy xinister aleksand! Bessnertny nnbassador Ytrri Dubinin ur. Victor sukhodrew (Notetakert Mr. sredin (Notetaker) .tune 1, 1933, 10:05 - 1t:20 a.n. rall, Krentin 1sl- l,Jhile photos were beinq taken, sewelal que.tions were shduted at the President and ceneral secretary corbachew. The fixsd ras fron an }Ielican repolte!, wlo asked if it rere t4e tlra! the P- sircrL vas .o eeJ ia re-,. The Pre-,oenr 'do s -p- u-:: "no h" F- qas i"- --q !ru-- I The se.ond qtrestion in Russian inquired as ro Ehether th been any surprises as yet at rhe sumit. ceneral seciet Golbechev responded rhat ou! joint effort vai d;6ta-aoEin- lnating suiprises a.d ro establishing a !etationship based on 9reate! prcdictab ity. lrrJ- src'{E'r ttts tl1:!it,t i <rJ. M') D ,u'ro t^rt f ,, h' tJ nSo tl than befoie the Moscow Sumit began, the President's re9ly {as fo1low-on qlestion about sDI by respondirq rhat there had been no breakthrdush or ner najor developnent. fcf, b" h.. no Fre,s confo';;;;-;;;;---ou rd tdnc addi.'a, the roon was boinq creared dfrebor'c'., .\c D'caida, .-d Lf- c-ae!cL s-.,4rd-v snook hands.-,o Lhc roD.E sa.a.dI ri.b. o- pnoros,dpners.- teJ_- da,. 1do been v-. H. ro,-b -\-r newou-d b- as\.no o-6srd-h -ioryfo 'o s;" rb, "trp ' . ipdnrs, fricul, ^o d rions LndFi rhich e\ervonerhc .d' a, dr d-\Pd Lhb PI-sib-.r rr ert e! hc vou Lolroq ns sch.dutb: rorerbnMinis..s!-vdldnod:c shutLz qo-.Ld reForL br prlv o. ,h- ! d:..u.s:o s cnd hosa conduc--d by expcr,. d-o holkin; su.o4sf-d co,b.c-Ev, Lh4 rqo lead.Is coutd lesDond had not been touched on in plevious prenary ?resident Reaqan aqreed to this ahd th€ cenela1secretarr then asked Foreign xiniste! shevardnadze roje-;jj-. .({r- Fo - r' fijnis - 5t-vd!onal?r '- "LIed fa., ods-d on in- ond I h- .-. e!ct sa.,-rd,t, dlrcuss:on " -1d uor \ 1q -ver ro :L,o\rno) .rud q r" by ,n" -,p-;r" "nd voJLi.g o,ouos could b€ slmed up as follovs: A draft Joint statenent iad been Prepared for approvaJ. There are portions of it rhat are qlite weakr in thc soliet wiev, but on tne vhale it is a solid Daeer,phi.l -.orqs rnprov.'r', dcloss L'a:o-rd in ou, -" "r ;n;liD,It sets fortn the achievene.ts ae have reached in ams control,!egional issues, bilateial natters and hunanitarian affalls. rhefou! agenda itens -e agreed ir 198s. isJ- . etcrio - ir c- dtr16.- c-s hr s .l' pelsrsr .r or! r.t. io,-, but !L trsls ho - " hav6 occucr-d. -\p .- r r. -o , - r -r!--st"!-d n , . d..*-,.. ir: i":-i-it-.".!"] li"raqain if a general plovision were added rlorq the li,es ou! troleaders ,liscussed on sunday." shewardnadz€ then read the folroe_ | " - -:. : -: - pd , uni.h. .c .r i"e.. shoLro ra."- 1o rhat o plobt." disru-- .a..-,-soLved, no,shou.d i! rre!esorvrd, by nil. a. neans. ^tpy r.g.,a pF-ceiuI co- €€qREf- \tQatrttt uere wounded, and thr€€ others tete ni,ssing. This incldert and others lixe it could not be overlooked by the soviet u4ion, and served as the baBts fo! deep concern. fsF L lespect to central /sarica, I9I9!9!!!IE,te! shevalitnadze no new elenenrs r'ad ehersed:---IE-u-5-:AE;;;:-T-lT;-!c-f- thus blocking FosEible plog.e3s betveen us. fs-f sofre ner eleFent seefred plese.t in CaDbodia. The United states re.eptive to rh. iatea of an ealIy withdrasal of 50,000v -ta.nese tloops, encoulaoe rhe Dossjbitlty 6l d dLoguF b€t,ecn cnd pri'.F sihanouk. Hrth respect to Xorea, tbe Us percelves no change i. rhe policy of theNorth. a}lc sowiet .ider in conrlasr, stated its belief that theleadelship in North xolea was preparoit for North-S.urh atks on aof issues now. tsl for.rqn Iinlsrat shevdrdnad/e rhal t!rnnd to brlate-at h.r-p-6, d b!i- It ruturrrzF rhc srlualj n by or!.q -h8t nant, poi.ts had bee. identified and thar 36!lous discussion had taten prace ehelever dlsaqreerc.ts 3€i1t exisred. our neqotiatois had wor*ed hard in a constrqctive and business-like atmosphere, and further plogress in rhis alea was .ertainly possibte, including nes areas ot coopeiation- Arl of rhts is refrected in the roint stat€nent- tsl.- ceneral secretarv Gorbachev rhanked the soviet Foleign ninist€! fo! his presentation, and called upon sec.eta.y shultz to make any additionar coMenls the uS side felt necessafy. (€l Secretarv of state shultz thanked the cenelal secletaly and cmented ih extreftely favorable work that had be€n done over the past teo ahd a half days. He said the experts discrssions had produced good le€ult!, ahd that the worl had 9o!e on in the best of spirits. He saiit loreign Mi'ister shavard.adze had provialed a good outline of the lesultsr and that he needed to 90 over only those point. whele otrr own lelspective on +Esues was aith respect to th. dlaft roint statenent, the se.retary called rr : po.i.rrut docunenL, conLa!n!no )rpor,;nt subs;:;e.- rh- tonal language was just rjqht, rhe Statehent should plovide an impetos both for o!! fDture 'o!k and the lesolDrion of existing problens- The secletary continued thlt the US side had dtsclsred r'c add 'ron!l poLitical p"r.q!aph vhic" Foleig fiinis-e! Shewaldnadze had nertioned cailler, but that re b.liev€d the d.aft before us reDresented a clcare! sratenenr of eheld ou! current r€lationshit srood. The secletary rhen .ead thq relevant paraglaph flon the loint stateh€nt: €'E?1ffi )tqa ,tlt,f t 'The tNo leaders ate convinced that the expardirg Polit dialoaue th.\ estdb rsnFd _aPrPsents an trc_Fasrnq efre.ti/e r^;nc or leso v ns jcsues oI nuru"t i-Lelest """..r.. -"v do nol l r.rize rhp rec dlffe!- es o nisLo!v, tdo L'on "nd ldeo ogv uh-ch qlll orEinLc Lo ;;;;;.i;'i,. the us-soviet !elatiorshi!. But thev beli that the diatogue witt endute. because it is bas€d on lealism and focused on the achievement as a con6tructive basis fo! addressing not th€ problems or the pr€s€lt, but of tonorroa and the ne century. It is a process {hich the President and tbe cene'"1 secretary beriete .erves the best inter€sts of DeoDle, o' .he U-i-"o s.aL_s a-o " a sovi'r r o , and :onLlibute -o -nd "f'r uo .z oesc!ibPo -'i P-ra9!aPh ml_( o! s!o-s h"d s motion. we beriele te should stick to this paraqraph a make further (sJ.- Turning to the four-part aqenaa, s€cretarv shult2 tarke we bad nade sone headray of werificatio. for mobiles. Fruitftl worli had be€r do and this was reflected in secretart, then relevant paraqraphs: "The tuo leaders noted that a Joint Dlaft ieduction and tinitation of strateqi. offensiwe arns ha elaborated. Throtrqh this ptoc€ss, the slde5 nave been recold in the Jotnt Draft Text extensive and significan also to detail renarnlnq ate disagreement. While inPortant additional vork is requl this Treaty is ready fo! siqnature, nany keY provisrons recolded in the Jornt Draft Text and are considered to subject to the conpletton and ratificat:on of the Treat Takinq into account a Treaty on stiategic offensive Aln sides have.ontinled neqotiatio.s to achieve a sapatate concerninq the ABr Treaty building on the lahquage of t washinqton sljmit Joint statenent dated Decenber 10, 19 Plogless was noted in preparinq the Joint Draft text of associated Protocor. rn connec!ion with their obligati the Protocol the sides have aqreed in particula! to us Nuclear Risk Reduction centers for transmiss:!on of rere infohation. Tne leaders diiected thei! the ,Joint Draft Text of a s-Aparate agreen€nt and to con on its associat€d Protocol." (3\ discussions this ,eek helped establish how re sholld go about c]alifyilg the n the l4ashingtor Smit. The talks did n osress i. uoscow 9n the on defense and spa.e, a better understa+dirg eaninq of the statenent ot, hovever, identify FJ + \ l{.t// anythinq special to report to l{inisters at thls tine. iT}te se;reta;y ;oted that ti,e issue of the xlasroYarsk ladall is st l outslanding, and uarned tha! this nlst !e dealt {ith befole the ABu revie{ conference in octobe!, ls}- The secletalv asserted that the nuclea! te the seekrs najor success story. our nesot bp.oqo,d",ldr-d o! b!in9ind in an a9r""n -!6 d-rd:ls of rhd' as, ldl paq-s, <\ovs cnd de'a 6d sides is possible and can be achieved in a sttns area repiesented iators, he said, should eenert, which runs to tork beteeen o!! two reasona!Ie arount o! wilh rrspc.L o r'r '"' u-dpons, rh- 5-jlsj!!I sato a.L dood had be-n oEla op-d -an. ir.tLo"o . -l " :oi-fstatenelt. This, in turn, plovides a qood basi. for fulther workat the Geneva conference ir July, vhen conplicated, s€nsiriv€verification p.oblens will stil1 ne€d to be addressed. t€{ rhe secretaiv tnen refelied to roreiq! uinister sheward+adzeis 'omenrs abou' niss - rechnoLodv, and cclrcd 'h4 aq.-Fri- r tbe tao sides on the notification of l5nn.hes 6f intercontinental batlislic missiles and sr,BMs an tnDortAnr nev-raP tokan du':no -'^ !os^ou sumiL. ft\ to conventionar forces. the secretarv said he vouldlihe to make three points. Iirst, re reed€a t ecoqnize that bet'een the soviet Union and trre Unired states, secondl we needed to reach a balanced outcoma in vierna, a fact reflected ih the Joint sratene.r. Finarly, the ruo sides shared the wiew that force talke should be autononous fron the lequla! csCE process. The secretary acknoeledqed soriet interest i.i.cllding sonething abont naval forces in the co.wentional ..db li-v randa.". -l Us wds 4irpty ro!e:9n r4rnrsrnr Sha.d,d.,dz4 -"y th-L Lhc naval -o Fs cuFiljru: "-p je rron Lh- -o.v- on",s5.6, The secrFr a.v is o' . d rho,6 .--i-""1 .. "-r .i"f'"",." ava: ;o;;":. i;" Sec!eta!y continued by saying that loreigr Minisrer shevtardnadze had correctly identified aiicraft as a najor problem in the discussions, The secretary concluded by saying tiat or the nunan lights side of the vienna neeting, we are nor irperatinqfron a draft deveroped by tne neutrat and non-atigned cdnrries.draft was soinq very sl.r1y. tq specrrac assues ove. tne past two and a half years. villually ewery open questaon has been touched on in the rorkino orouDs-_: heps, .doge\ted e wouto s"v "",d "6our'J f-wwr ..n . er oppo. L\\t \){'tt;s tl The united states 15 plepaled fo! the sahe spilit in dealing uith the plotrlers of the ?e!3iaD Gu1l, said. The area is becdinq nuch nore danE€lous ei nissiles and chenical weapons. the presldert adde we have the unique potertial for helplng to brirg Iran-rraq tsar. Recalling uhat he had said i! cene rresident ilsisred the tso posers haa lhe potentia i.9 ,hethe! thele is ,ar or peac€. The plesiare.r the tvo superpoeers opt for peace. The ple6ide.r rFnJrks by 6ayino 'iL.trs uo'k togerher to rsrtc thi 10 l T T I I tic- hi ! i se.r.'drv SfLltz Lhen.dd,essed cer6'dI SecreL.ry Corbachev andsdrd rokingty r)cL spea\inq ro! the bureauclars around rhc Lablehe wished to inquilc ,hether the soviet stde aDDroved the Joi.t sLJremenL. Ir so, it coutd be readiFd ror rEsu;n"" tat"! rhat Tf. P esident sLd.ed hr' .pp'oval, boL corba--pr sdid he no-tdI k- Lo nake He beq.n Et=;tT;t Lh.t ihc -oi.Ea solid docMent, rhicl' accrratetv sumed uD our hufudL .fforls ovar the r.cFnt p.s(. rhe docu nr con$l;cd hdd- in the br ldrersl .ndleqiondL drcJs, ceners sacreEaly chat t\e dltof polilica :s -hn a!! o rld poss.o e, rn rld- spi!it, he uasr- 'dy ro acccp rhe JoinL 3-ctenent i aoth!-q mo1; coutd b-..corplished, bLr he..skFd ro approach one subrecr ag.rn on rheIevel of princapre. (!{ The ceneral Se.retaly began by leviewing the ground, he gaid, *6 had coveled toqether since Gen6v.. Be sald he had le-rerid the cenewa statenent .a!efurly. That docunent says specifically thatrh. uo sldes had.oraed -o llve rn tha. . nucted! w"! should not b. roughr rnd.outd nor bF won; and thar the lvo srde3 would develop an agcnda for the resoluiion of problens in four inportdnt 9lob.l stdichent. why.ouI.lro' d.ini1!! Fo).rrcal 9_obdl q!ar,'-1r be arr)v-d at tddd\?llhat stand! in th. way of agrcenent on ,htch I i,anded!h- D es-danr on surday d-d ro hnve boen r.)d. ad by the drarrels o rhe Jolhr sr"tchent? alr- ,hdl up cdllcd ,o, rn r\p soviec corba.hev, uas. oolj icat Bpp-. a h Lo b obtcn-Bolvjnq, $h.t rL ;:_;;-;:; -hatpe aLl have to respcct the rights of othels. what is wlong eiththat? It follaws froh al] ue satd rogethe! these past rlEeedays- wrly canit ee lncolporate this basic tdea inao ou! state_give thc dochenL d pec,fDl potrLrcAI ba3is, Gorbachev slid. Tr kould sr 'engthen the text, anC sugges+ to the hava taken another inpo.rcnt Etep .or{r!d. {Sl_ r-" \ )qte I we ate tlle two najo! holders of nuclea! Feapon!. we know flon our orn discussions that reglonal isEues nust be solved thlough political approaches. ne trow that se Eusr live tn peace, that thele is no altelnattve to th€ politicar resolurion of disprtes. rhis is the eilt of both ou! pcople. ?h€y knov that the soveleign cholce of other people nust be respected. Franlly, we have both said alr thele thilg! In ou! own vay on nany plevious bccasions. You have nade such statenents; I can quote, xr. Piesidbnt. ere have hade si,hi1a. unilateral 6tatederts. wolldnrt it be nnch better if ee could say the sde thing togethe!? It edld help . t\ o! us and uo--d Eeno dn lnporranr. srdl Eo .fc ehlirc ccreral sF.rctarv corbechev conLinued bv suqgeir 'nq thar ha and , h;-FFaid;;14-;i; as!;enent on sJnd.y on such "statenent. Gorba.hev lecalled that he had handed the r.ext of his srggested p.laq.aph to the Plesident in English, that Fhe Plesident had rcad it dnit said he llked it- I think his exact ritrds were,iil rcapond positively to this.r I think, said corbachev, th.t the lresldentis wisheE should be respe.ted. can we noE, asied corbschev, sihply nakc a colrc.tion in the text to inc[ude our p4rngraph, and rhc entj'- srat-n- r Hould '\on h- !ead! fo' Genelar secretart tur.ed to s€cr€tary shult.F s rs d cood srdrclcnr rre.€!!rn9 to Fhestatement), but it can be madc bette!. rhe Plesident, 1n las the first in Geneva to hake sofre of the statenents I r Can re not procccd to use the ]anglage I Bu99 secletary Shultz then pointed to the obiectionable phlase ru-i @:&i=1;;&" and io othe! Dnacc.pdble phraseoroey in d.aft paraglapb. ts.L Genelal secletalr Golbachev rcsponded :dmantlv, "I^te hdve a1!ea H&;a.E;-EI;as F[-!bjecrc(r to {peacefur c;e*istenle), dlthouqh r€ doh'r believe ir is r bdd phrase. r{haL is it in th. text that you are against? I see the Presidenr is h!r4 put to j find any faults. rrh:t do you say? Isn't it b.tre! thst we put ,our thoushts on tbis Eut,ject tosether ro ind pove!-l ful politicil statenentr" |ei- '.'rct rv Co!ba.hcv Lhen urrc l , . assj.rcrt se.rpLdry Erl Foi.led out othe! d politidal baqsag and with a shite said, "As the .nqlish say, woncn arecrv1Iization. oDty lepleEertative of thartion here. Tlre President had aqreed to this parasraph NhaL rs in it rh.t is nor dcceprrbLc to yo!:" {st At this point, secretaries shultz and Cdiffi,cullres rh r6a SatlE ! l II e were at least four or five that the US did not favor. igt- p;,i ytr,t tcr involvcd ir thisr Alt light, we o certain aords, but we harie alleady 6n uhich I itiscussed qith the Flesident. tatenent that confirns there are to nrlitary solutions, to international lesents an effort to delelqp a soviet side {ourd bo haPpi if you statenent and make it a ndre power- gI I !I! h- ! h IF a e!I! l g 9 3 I I i I a I I I !-3 General secretarv corbachev asked that the ?merican side xeftect on nis coments for a fee non.ants while he we.t on to say d feq -q 1 i" .- . , s-. .\- a vib, un.o. Las , serious in wishins to qo on record in favor of chanqr.d ihe vay reqlonal conflicts Thc Arericf,n .ide cauld b.- ..,, rh . -'ov -t uoulo i.g,oi .' the rcaolttion oi pr.blems aiound the uorld. We wirl not act on our ornr c.ntinued Gorbachev, in a -ay uhlch does rot qonsider or the inieiests of our osn aLLies anC- :'d .o\i-. po ! y uol,o b- b' -d on .dt | -., d]d 'uol d o-ovia- r .ound o,s.. "-.. ordac--\ dd d. " )" d of r'o. or L i.- -'o, "s-l -l '-' -- ::, ns' / ,oD", sdid'h. "" b r: u w--d{r.L "'.1 . a" '. -. "-'; '-,-:.I ..- ur i "qbasis of untyinq other resional {€l_ .f a balF.ce of Tne Gen,aral S..retary sf,id rhet he vonld .ot like ro -- hlrd o aqreen'ent that nnry problens and conplications. Prkist.n {as . problcn, so, ader .i a dilierent coalitio. gowerrnenr, Tlre a ner political coalition ald das i :' ., - o , . ^ pos.rt.._ r" f_on't" so:, io. ^. - ,,.-d, 5t-: Ithat ccneral secretarv corbachev said he feared re!e deveroDnentslin tb;-Ti;i-l;;a-l;, n rL tne cxeation of a lundafrentarist,l - -. e.l --e)9- .- continued to ba:ired upo.; so has thc soriet enbassy i! (abrlr aid Sovie! qarrisons still in the field. If this contihued, corbachev insiEted, the soviots 'irr nave to resDond and nake adequate adjlstnents. be rhe losers lf the not go lnto eife.t sno.rh1y. tst- Ee+ tYfitit rhe !:::]9C4 then lecounted tne nistory of the Kolean plobten,recatling rhat Us inw.lvement cane under the aeois of the Unted!J-io rs bdnnp uo -cns had "rta;ned rh. soulh- rodayr the line established dlting the xolear r4a! sritl exists, , under a popula! leade! naned Savinbi, remained in the rhe Plesid€nt said that Savinbi's only qoal sa6 the shnent in angora 6f a govelment in which p€op1e aould i i-). _he !.su]t, holrve-r -aq ting nole than a decade. Ouiside foreiqh t.oop a$sistance side or anothe! in Afiica had to stop. (sl_ d"-re kro. , havc nor o .ven up LhFtt country. ts]. r rh-. L.rn-,] o rne ni6.o o, N_.d-aoDa, pernt!n9 p-oa_sdd n r-irird Lo . e 0'9Jn z"- that it would insrftute dehocrattc the countly. Th. sandiDtstas had pronised a flee labo! unions, freedon of retigion and a futl/ ,hen they took po'er, they began to their ovn tead€.s and repress theath€r than irstitute rhe defrocraric refolns they had the plesent leadelshlp in Nicaiaqna, ises the sandinistas nade i. elitinq rere ne{er It was under these conditions that the contrra rJs assistance 9!T! ; ! 1 The Presidcnt conclude'l by sayinq that, if ,e and wolk toqether, we .annor act in savs cl lou p"opr- !r-.do1 o chor-a. FoL eaarpt", -:e peopl6 aus! be o:vcn h- opporLuni () to s". I rn- had fodqhr ro achieve. ts.L Gorbachev said thar he would tike roway: the.e are promising sitlations we can dev.lop a coopelative apFroach c9!e!al s-.tetclv e\ sard t-" loJ-d ke-o h_s raspo4se i orrr. p-6s- rc-jor hc, r1e amerioah of !egrona I probt crs he.said, there 'i11 be no vay of resotving cuEenr piobl€ms.rhis uas tiue i. Aneota and cenaral heri;a. {e nust nF i-sic -d, a' rh^ !ds,s of DoIiLicdlr"''ods a a " b"-a. " o - -,-srs be no-. us. tr _,r,. A,,1.,,",". .1:" ::"dr.l"se can ealt. as{ t-u-!y ,1 \i.a!a9u , s.n-- pt-.-Ij5n cen Ja se.r-r I'v rorb"ch-v dsse,Lad. he.e a-F 5on--h-tq so ic- odv-50 s- and ue .:nrl.t oP considered responsible for what has occuqed. At trre sanle time. rhe will of the lricarasuan pqopre.i€]r +Fit discussion ln tlis fresldenr Reaqa. said he cipicnic. The discussiors ha relationships which had dev beriewe that the Joint star is a snfficient sullort to and it is atl t -bff Ev+ j\trsl strrve to reacn aqreehents wnich can be of aEsistancc, rhis won't be easy o! lecessarily quicl. The Unlted States tannot solve regional ploblens itself. There are simply dozen+ of Alabjlteleses that r€eit to be considered. lrhere are endles+ problens is a conplex siruation in rndochina. But qood prospects are and the sovict union is r€ady to worr< vith the Anericans in sear.hing fox answers. tlF president Reagan said, I'Yes, perhaps if se {orted toqetderr things could be accomplished." But in Nicalagua, {e ar4 closer to the scene, and we believe ve have a better qrasp of {he sitla-tron. Tne president then recalled neetirc a Nicaraoua. whose6 ,- hdd b--n - sd-dinrslas,_and Ls-o ..i\ d\ -r,. ''u-trv a-d bluLaIi.y o !-a.u.-F., --g:m€ i. GF-r-dl s4f-rJLy corbe.hcv qaid \-,.s c{.re LhaL Lho fac-s in +uaT An;- i;; "ry L^rliblF DL ' - sonoz . hao been no te!rtble o- -l qt praval conflicts should act to push us towards constructive requtts. ({'L The Genelal secretarv then said the discussion had to bd brought o d onclusion, 'ngrrl D6r' o.. e'les_Cenr', end, Toniqht, thele woutd be aballet, arotner short meetinq in the morninq and the prdss Thele ras no walue in tryihg to d€welop pciints re c.u1d nake together ar rhe prees to say khat h€ wishes. The soviet assesshent is thar rhe sumir ". b6- - lajor pot i I . cvent, qhE,E p,09re"s la5 bFer nadF on bo h bird.F dr d o in.crn. ioa" .rles. r 1.,_L vour Jsse,snenr vr rr b- soneuhd. ato e -"- ti e", r- c" "-"r secr-tlrv ,hd "-d -'- oresid-n ro. ou i-q -he s!#lr For th€ plogress for the extensive dtsdussion dnddetailed rork that had been undertalen. r would aDDrecnate it. rr Lhn P;sioq-' .ou ld ool csoin a ihc po .ri- Lhrcn ne ua shoqr on whether he c.u1d ft as ir wduld give chara. a- .rd inE!rnsrc i rbo, " ^- j- r_9hr not otherwise achiewe. +9+- caPd s-!rcLdri co,bd!l-v res!o.oio dc-ive1y, .dy.n9 qha L. L c c'oic-, bu ns or retu, qdn . o anthority that was crearly his. ,should sd record," asked the Generat secretary rhetorically, "that the Anellicars woltd nor agree ro the palagraph because of ceorge shultz or d not wart t6 be rhe skunk a! the eloped vere fiiendly ahd nat!!a1. ehent, as it ras written and agreea the developing political Froqesshat qe think is needed, te)- PJesi!ent Feaqan sald rha r disagleenent lecause this ttt'1[EE, r- t7 lfrtt'511itsr+ FLcnk Cd!lu..jr. Are -hey Lh- ,.t!ahs,9enL pa,, es,, ri onerr -or, perhdps uF leed Lo _ook for "<capedo.r eLscr\'r4, Pe-hrps, a! fiaLtock or AssrsL ro/e in , F:s di-ecripr.Rather, ret u€ both carrt o!! discussions t" "." t.i"r,il ""your successo irr realize that ,e eade tr," .u*i**-.tb",tthat our resulls eere good and efaective.', tsl t qreat progreFs had susqest therF sas nary peopro Fround sald it uas onty his thoughr thdtthe host posrtiv€ rote possibte. btr! ha coDld feltalof conflontation. uase which the soviet side iad cenerar secretlle able to accept thi= t"xt altar s^ -torv shu_. z .s_sl.d rha . - so. i-t la.q .Jae hade rhetue!r^an sldc -, and -har .- conr;i.,'d Dh'"t."r"""wrr- vc ro- d di. : ur' o ", t ".-", *i, rraa "",ii posi-:v- s ra,4r--r,in the joinr text, fsl AL',h s po.1 , Corba-h6v suggecLAd tnc- L- Arre.i_d. side ko-rdD-rh.pc wanr r",-rv cnd --xcn.-" _ne sovlalpardd dph, ts- !-.dtt-d Lh.. de had "_,""d+ -q o,ed-\e ld-oucaF -rdt .hF ecri-d-4 h.a.o.sic-,-d ","-";;;;bi;, -oh ds- p"dcefut .o-xis -.ce,. re Lhen leDcdred'idr tha A -r:^a. and +:consjo"r-_- sov)er r.r9-d9e, \rsl _h: q -."ry r- -ss.d d-.hj" poi-1, d,o LhF fuo "jd-s huddled !Ili..';"Yil' "i:"1"""i"ii:i#=df i;";:ii:;'*t: .:".i:.:ri"':; cFr 4. dr sp-. etaly .6, oa.LFv end 1.., ddvrsor. wEre :!"ld ,q ",id,o'd !h sdvteG L-JL, ie- plFfe- _o k-.F c-6 Joinr dL, nq ,hidh LheG"::-gf .9l___ !i!J :-d o drcu., oi. v 6 hc ."- .r,,. i. "".rexr .s d!c.,-d -n rne wor"rn" crou.. mL do.,n-. of rd i ., ,o, "er" -xcharg-d. !€; t..
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