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Music Appreciation; An Appreciation of Music, Study notes of Music

Performing Media: Voices and Instruments

Typology: Study notes


Available from 09/17/2021

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Download Music Appreciation; An Appreciation of Music and more Study notes Music in PDF only on Docsity! Music Appreciation: Music An Appreciation by Roger Kramien Performing Media: Voices and Instruments Classification of voice ranges for women are soprano, mezzo-soprano, and alto (contralto) Classification of voice ranges for men are tenor, baritone, and bass. Western musicians classify instruments in six categories: String (guitar or violin), Woodwind (flute or clarinet), Brass (trumpet or trombone), Percussion (bass drum or cymbals), Keyboard (organ or piano), and electronic (synthesizer). Tone Color- An instruments tone color varies with the Register, part of total range, in which it is played. String Techniques include Pizzicato (plucking of the strings), Double stop (two notes at once), Triple stop, Quadruple stop, Vibrato (throbbing), Mute (with clamp), Tremolo (up and down strokes), and Harmonics (high-pitched). Recorder- A relative of the flute, the player blows through a “whistle” mouthpiece. Reed- This piece is included in all other woodwind instruments and is a very thin piece of cane that is set into vibration when blown into it. Flute Family: Piccolo and Flute. Clarinet Family: Clarinet and Bass clarinet. Oboe Family: Oboe and English Horn. Bassoon Family: Bassoon and Contrabassoon. Brass Family: Trumpet, French Hom, Trombone, Tuba, Cornet, Baritone Horn, and Euphonium. Percussion instruments are struck with your hand, with sticks, or hammers. Percussion instruments are subdivided by Definite pitch: Timpani, Glockenspiel, Xylophone, Celesta, and Chimes; and Indefinite pitch: Snare Drum, Bass drum, Tambourine, Triangle, and Cymbals. Gong- Used to emphasize rhythm and heighten climaxes. Keyboard Family: Piano, Harpsichord, Organ, and Accordion.
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