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NAB Exam Verified Questions & Answers Latest Update 2023 Top Ranked., Exams of Nursing

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Download NAB Exam Verified Questions & Answers Latest Update 2023 Top Ranked. and more Exams Nursing in PDF only on Docsity! NAB Exam Verified Questions & Answers Latest Update 2023 Top Ranked. 1. What is part of standard precautions for infection control - ✔✔️W️ashing hands after touching a residence blood or urine, if gloves were worn at the time of contact 2. What was the quarterly turnover rate at a facility that had 18 separations in the quarter, and average 225 employees in the first month, 220 employees in the second month, and 215 employees in the third month of the quarter - ✔✔️8️% 3. Advantages of the participatory method of budget making include all except which one of the following - ✔✔️L️ow consumption of time and effort 4. Which of the following describes the line staff relationship between a charge nurse and a nurse consultant - ✔✔️T️he charge nurse is And a line staff position and the consultant is in a staff position 5. Which of the following is part of the managers controlling function - ✔✔️D️isciplining staff who break rules 6. If a facility must notify a residence physician about a significant change in the resident 13. Hey corporations distributions of profit to its shareholders are called what - ✔✔️D️ividends 14. A facility with more than 120 beds must employ a full-time what - ✔✔️S️ocial worker 15. Spread of cancer cells from one Part of the body to another is referred to as - ✔✔️M️etastasis 16. Which of the following is most likely to be an expression of tardive dyskinesia - ✔✔️I️nvoluntary jaw movements 17. For a facility to have a policy of serving breakfast more than 14 hours later than breakfast the following day, which of the following must occur - ✔✔️T️he resident Council or some other resident group agrees to this time span 18. A residents active record must contain our resident assessments completed - ✔✔️W️ithin the previous 15 months 19. Which of the following is not usually a sign of depression or other mood disorder - ✔✔️C️omplete loss of language skills 20. Last year's total food cost for a 150 bed facility were $210, 109. The facility averaged 82% occupancy. What was this facilities food cost per resident day - ✔✔️$️4.68 21. Which class a fire extinguishers is appropriate for use on a greased fire - ✔✔️B️ 22. What should be the temperature range in the dry storage area - ✔✔️5️0 to 70°F 23. A 125 bed facility has 100 residents. What is its occupancy rate - ✔✔️8️0% 24. Which of the following types of drugs is given to a stroke victim - ✔✔️A️nticoagulant 25. A facility has $500,000 in assets and $450,000 and liabilities. Which of the following statements is best supported by this information - ✔✔️O️wners equity is $50,000 must have been in those days and ask him questions about his experiences 33. If someone needs to be fed by a tube that is passed through an artificial opening in the abdomen into the stomach, that person would need a what to - ✔✔️G️astrostomy 34. And collective bargaining, when labor and management select a third-party to D side and issue, and agreed to except that third parties decision is final and binding on both sides, the process is called - ✔✔️A️rbitration 35. A resident incurs a serious injury that may have been caused by a defect in the wheelchair he was using. After the facility learns about this event, among the reports that it must make is which one of the following - ✔✔️W️ithin 10 working days to the wheelchair manufacturer 36. The facility must notify each resident that receives Medicaid benefits when the personal funds in the residence account reaches blank the limit ad which the resident may lose Medicaid eligibility - ✔✔️$️200 less than 37. The facility must complete a performance of valuation of every nurse aide at least once every - ✔✔️1️2 months 38. The facility must disclose all persons with an ownership interest in the facility. This must include any person or corporation holding which one of the following - ✔✔️A️ direct or indirect interest of 5% or more 39. A resident bedroom housing two residents must have at least how many square feet of floor space - ✔✔️1️60 square feet. 80 ft.² per resident in a multiple patient room or 100 ft.² in a single patient room 40. When may residents organize and participate in resident groups - ✔✔️W️henever the residents wish 41. A common mistake made in hiring is - ✔✔️H️iring the first qualified person available 47. Medicare certified facilities must use which one of the following - ✔✔️A️ccrual basis of accounting 48. It is considered unacceptable, and a reason for a comprehensive reassessment, when a resident undergoes an unplanned weight loss that exceeds - ✔✔️5️% in one month or 10% in six months 49. The person who said most often be called upon to resolve employee problems and grievances is - ✔✔️T️he immediate supervisor 50. Within how many days after admission must in a mission MDS be completed for a resident not being admitted for a Medicare part a covered stay - ✔✔️1️4 days 51. The initial orientation of new employees would not include a review of - ✔✔️M️edication administration procedures 52. Who orders a therapeutic diet - ✔✔️A️ttending position 53. A facility has an average census of 100 and December. Total cost per resident they were $80, and average daily revenues were $100. What was the facilities profit for the month - ✔✔️$️62,000 54. When immediate jeopardy has been found, among the remedies that may be imposed is a per day civil money penalty falling into which of the following ranges of amounts - ✔✔️$️3050-$10,000 55. For federal certification survey to result in a determination of substandard quality of care, one or more deficiencies must be found in any except which one of the following sections of the federal rules - ✔✔️R️esidents rights 56. A facility hire 75 of the 100 persons of the majority race who submitted applications for job openings. I received the job applications from 60 members of a minority race. Under the fourth fifth rule use in the enforcement of the Civil rights act, the employer might have to defend its self against the charge of adverse impact and it's resident in regaining the ability to swallow food - ✔✔️S️peech language pathologist 64. The facility submit a request for an IDR when it wishes to - ✔✔️R️efute the survey findings that have resulted in a statement of deficiencies 65. And alert and oriented residence tell staff that she does not want to see a person who has come to the facility so visit her. What would be the most appropriate response of staff - ✔✔️T️ell the visitor about the resident refuses to see him and has the right to refuse to see visitors 66. The facility administrator and other staff members should attend meetings of the resident Council - ✔✔️O️nly when invited by the council 67. Under the accrual basis of accounting revenues are recorded when revenues are earned and expenses are recorded when expenses are incurred - ✔✔️R️evenues are earned and expenses are incurred 68. When milk and meat must be refrigerated, they should be held at or below how many degrees Fahrenheit - ✔✔️4️1°F 69. A chemical restraint is defined as a psychoactive drug that - ✔✔️I️s impermissibly used for discipline or convenience, and is not required to treat medical symptoms 70. A patient develops in affection. Which of the following should be the facilities response in every case - ✔✔️H️ave a staff observe universal precautions 71. When in employee in the course of caring out job duties commits a negligent at their results in an injury to a resident, who made the residence to in civil court for monetary damages - ✔✔️T️he employer and the employee 72. How many full-time employees do you have if you have two employees who work 2080 hours per year, and for employees who work 1040 hours per year - ✔✔️F️our 73. In addition to placing wet floor signs to ensure that no one walks on a wet floor, 80. Return on equity is calculated by - ✔✔️D️ividing annual net income by owners equity 81. A certified nurses aide had a baby. By when does she have to return to work as a CNA so that she does not lose her certification - ✔✔️2️4 months 82. A resident expired at 2 AM. Who needs to complete the cause of death section of the death certificate and signed the certificate - ✔✔️B️e attending physician 83. A physician who specializes in physical rehabilitation is a - ✔✔️A️ physiatrist 84. The life safety code permits skilled nursing facilities to have which one of the following - ✔✔️S️elf closing stairwell doors 85. A room can be kept under negative pressure is by - ✔✔️E️xhausting more air from the room to the outside van is being supplied to eight by the ventilation system 86. According to the federal certification standards, the responsibility for establishing and implementing policies regarding the management of the facility is assigned to the - ✔✔️T️he governing body 87. The rights of a resident who has been declared incompetent by a state court or exercised by - ✔✔️A️n individual appointed by the court 88. A survey or fines to significant medication errors and 39 significant errors while observing 50 opportunities for error in the medication passes by two nurses to nine residence what is the facilities medication error rate - ✔✔️1️0% 89. That's term for inability to use a utensil due to loss of ability to coordinate learn to movements is - ✔✔️A️phasia 90. According to the federal certification standards, if the facility has a resident service furnished by an outside person or agency, there must be a written agreement that the facility assumes responsibility for obtaining services that meet professional standards and principles and for which one 99. While on the job, a kitchen employees slipped on a wet spot near the dishwasher and nearly falls. This is - ✔✔️A️n incident for which an incident report should be completed 100. You observe your dishwasher scraping plates before putting them in the dishwasher, wearing gloves while handling dirty dishes, and storing the clean items after removing them from the dishwasher. A screen the window has been open to let in a breeze. Which of the following is a serious violation of sanitation procedures - ✔✔️B️illing to wash their handsAfter handling soiled articles and before handling clean ones 101. A director of nursing announces new person in our rules to the nursing staff at a meeting. This communication would be an example of the blank direction of communication - ✔✔️V️ertical 102. Holistic care refers to care that - ✔✔️S️hows concern for the whole person, not just physical aspects 103. Which of the following is not an example of rehabilitation and nursing - ✔✔️U️sing a Foley catheter to heal bedsores 104. The accessibility guidelines require all the following except which one - ✔✔️B️raille telephones 105. Which of these is not a legal question that employers may ask of a job applicants - ✔✔️D️o you have a disability that would interfere with your ability to perform this job 106. If a resident begin showing mental confusion, impaired judgment, and balance problems, which of the following possible causal factors should be considered first - ✔✔️A️dverse drug reaction 107. If a facility has a current ratio of 1.00 or higher, which of the following statements is most likely to be true - ✔✔️I️t's current assets exceed its current liabilities 116. When a position refers to a residence prognosis, the reference is to - ✔✔️T️he residents chances for recovery 117. Which of the following costs is the best example of a fixed cost - ✔✔️S️alary of the director of nursing 118. If a resident who is recovering from a stroke takes a long time and putting on his shirt, the nurse aide should - ✔✔️E️ncourage the resident in his efforts 119. The main aim of discipline should be to - ✔✔️P️revent a reoccurrence of unacceptable conduct 120. Why name given to the adverse physical in cycle social effects resulting from a move to an unfamiliar environment is - ✔✔️T️ransfer trauma 121. And measuring whether a resident room has the minimum square footage of usable floor space, the space for which of the following is included - ✔✔️S️wing of the door that opens directly into the room 122. Which one of the following statements is the primary reason why nurses aids should receive training in communication skills - ✔✔️T️hey are the staff who most frequently come into contact with the resident and family 123. The main role of an ombudsman is to - ✔✔️S️eek informal resolution of resident problems and complaints 124. Which of the following is the most important responsibility of a dietitian - ✔✔️P️lanning menus 125. If a nurses aid has a habit of coming to work late, inappropriate supervisory response would be to - ✔✔️D️iscuss the matter with the employee in a private conference 126. When a three compartment sink is used in the food service for the manual washing of pots and pans and other kitchen where, what goes in the Second sink - ✔✔️C️lean rinse water 134. To ensure that pesticides and disinfectants, when used as directed, are effective in the situation is listed on the label and will not harm people or the environment, the label said beer a registration number from the - ✔✔️E️nvironmental protection agency, EPA 135. Why should it in a minute straighter get department heads involved in the budget making process - ✔✔️T️o obtain more accurate cost estimates and more control over costs 136. According to OSHA rules, all occupational injuries must be recorded if they result in any except which one of the following - ✔✔️F️irst aid 137. Communication is successful when - ✔✔️T️he sender and the receiver have a seared understanding of the message 138. A project team in a nursing home that follows total quality management, TQM, approaches would be most likely to have which of the following cast members - ✔✔️R️epresentatives of affected departments, residents, and family members 139. Which of the following is the best activity for a resident with multiple sclerosis - ✔✔️A️nd activity determined on the basis of an assessment of the residence preferences and his physical and cognitive abilities 140. Which of the following is not a way to improve the functioning of committees - ✔✔️K️eep discussion to a minimum and bring motions to a vote as rapidly as possible 141. The most important step in preventing transmission of infectious diseases in a nursing facility is - ✔✔️T️imely and thorough handwashing by staff 142. How soon after delivery of mail to the facility by the Postal Service must've facility deliver residence mail to the residents - ✔✔️W️ithin 24 hours 143. And employee who is dissatisfied is most likely to do which of these - ✔✔️P️roduce less then offers only minimal assistance with the other sleeve that the resident has difficulty with. In this way, the aid is putting into practice the ideal of - ✔✔️T️ask segmentation 151. If a facility takes out a loan which must be paid off in six months, which one of the following pairs of accounts are affected when double entry accounting is done - ✔✔️A️n increase in cash and an increase in notes payable 152. Which of the following is a disadvantage of internal recruitment a person now, versus recruiting from external sources - ✔✔️N️ew ideas and innovations are less likely to be brought to the organization 153. A nursing home is considering the purchase of a new dish washing machine that cost $6000 and has a useful life of 10 years, with no salvage value. It is estimated that the machine will we do some annual operating cost by $100 over each of the next 10 years. What would be the payback. - ✔✔️7️ 1/2 years 154. The OSHA summary of work related injuries and illnesses must be posted how often - ✔✔️A️nnually 155. When should a preventative maintenance to be done - ✔✔️A️ccording to a schedule 156. Incident reports should be made out for - ✔✔️A️ll incidents to residence employees and visitors that either resulted in injury or that may have resulted in injury 157. Which of the following is not a proper method for thawing frozen food - ✔✔️I️mmersing it in a basin of cold water, 70°F or below 158. The largest category of expense in the nursing home is - ✔✔️S️alaries and wages 159. Which of the following is not true regarding delirium - ✔✔️T️hat it is part of the normal aging process 160. Which of the following statements about laundry is not true - ✔✔️R️esidents 168. Which of these would not be a resident representative - ✔✔️T️he facility's social worker 169. Which of the following is true - ✔✔️C️ourt appointed conservator tors might have the power to make financial decisions, but not healthcare decisions 170. The residence right to participate in his or her treatment includes all of the following except - ✔✔️T️he right to receive any treatment that the resident wishes 171. The resident has a right to all of the following except which one - ✔✔️A️ Personal phone at facility expense 172. With regard to grievances, the facility must do all of the following except which one - ✔✔️N️otify the residents physician of any grievances filed by a resident and of any corrective action taken by the facility 173. Evidence demonstrating the results of grievances regarding resident rights must be maintained by the facility for a minimum of - ✔✔️T️hree years 174. Which of the following is permissible - ✔✔️S️hort term mom it's her separation from other residents to reduce agitation 175. Allegations of abuse, and of neglect, or exploitation their results in serious harm, must be reported not later than how long after the allegation is made - ✔✔️T️wo hours 176. Results of investigations of abuse allegations must be made to the state survey agency within how long of the incident - ✔✔️F️ive working days 177. A comprehensive assessment must be done, for non-Medicare part a residence, on all except which one of the following occasions - ✔✔️W️ith in 48 hours prior to a plan to discharge 178. Who must conduct or coordinate each comprehensive assessment - ✔✔️A️ registered nurse, with the participation of other health professionals resident developed a mild fever and cough, and begin is taking longer and more frequent naps 185. And unplanned WeightLoss should be considered a significant change in status requiring a comprehensive assessment if it exceeds - ✔✔️5️% in 30 days or 10% and 180 days 186. The comprehensive assessment must include all except which one of the following - ✔✔️E️mployment history 187. For what minimum period of time after completion must all resident assessment to be maintained in the residence active clinical record - ✔✔️1️5 months 188. Which of the following is not true of the baseline care plan? Answer. One must be developed within 24 hours of a residents admission, unless a comprehensive care plan is developed within 48 hours. - ✔✔️T️hese are all true. One must be developed within 48 hours of the residents admission, unless a comprehensive care plan is developed within 48 hours. A summary must be provided to the resident in their representative. It must be updated if necessary based on details of the comprehensive care plan 189. The team that develops the comprehensive care plan must include all of the following except which one - ✔✔️A️ member of the QA committee, quality assurance. 190. Each resident must be seen by a physician at least how often - ✔✔️O️nce every 30 days for the first 90 days after admission, and once every 60 days there after 191. A physician visit is considered timely if it occurs not later than how many days after the date the visit was required - ✔✔️1️0 days 192. The facility must have physician orders for the care of a new resident - ✔✔️A️t the time of admission 200. Each resident room in facilities newly certified after 2016 must have all of the following except which one - ✔✔️A️ television 201. The temperature in the reside areas of facilities must be maintained within which of the following ranges of degrees Fahrenheit, as measured above floor level - ✔✔️7️1 to 81° 202. Which one of the following prescribes therapeutic diets - ✔✔️T️he attending physician 203. Unless the requirement for a registered nurse is waived, the facility must have a registered nurse and duty for what minimum period of time - ✔✔️E️ight consecutive hours, seven days a week 204. A facility with more than 120 beds must employ a full-time what - ✔✔️S️ocial worker 205. How soon must a facility deliver a residents mail to the resident after the mail has been delivered to the facility by the Postal Service - ✔✔️W️ithin 24 hours 206. The facility must report to the state licensing agency all except which one of the following - ✔✔️C️hange in medical director 207. Nursing aides must receive in-service training sufficient to ensure they are continuing competence, but at least how many hours per year - ✔✔️1️2 hours 208. Which of the following is not considered essential equipment by the federal certification standards - ✔✔️O️ne or more water fountains assessable to residents 209. Who is legally responsible for establishing and implementing policies regarding the management and operation of the facility - ✔✔️T️he governing body 210. If a substantial evening meal is served at 6 PM, and no nourishing snack is provided a bedtime, then breakfast the next morning maybe serve no later than - ✔✔️8️ AM. 14 hours after last substantial meal. facility assumes responsibility for obtaining services that need professional standards and principles, and for which one of the following - ✔✔️T️he timeliness of the services 217. The Medicaid information they must be posted or furnished to each resident must include information regarding all except which one of the following - ✔✔️T️he daily rates the facility is receiving IV it's Medicaid recipients 218. The infection control program should have all excepted which one of the following - ✔✔️A️ separate infection control committee 219. Immediate access to any resident by the state long-term care ombudsman is - ✔✔️S️ubject to the residents consent 220. Which of the following statements is not true regarding the residents right to receive visitors - ✔✔️T️he facility may place a greater restrictions on visitors by the domestic partner of a resident then on the spouse of a resident 221. Which of the following statements is true - ✔✔️T️he facility may require a resident representative who has legal access to a residents financial resources to sign a contract agreeing to draw upon those resources, without incurring personal financial liability, for payment of the residents bills from the facility 222. If the director of nursing in a facility with an average occupancy of 80 residence also serves as a charge nurse, the facility is not in compliance with their requirements on nursing services - ✔✔️I️f the director of nursing in a facility with an average occupancy of any residents also serves as a charge nurse, the facility is not in compliance with the requirements are nursing services 223. The facility must provide information on how to apply for Medicaid... - ✔✔️T️o residents and two applicants for admission 224. Unless otherwise specified by state law, the clinical records of adult residents must be retained for how many years from date of discharge - ✔✔️F️ive years 232. The resident has a right to all except which one of the following - ✔✔️T️o inspect and receive a copy of the facilities financial statements 233. A Medicaid eligible resident has a hospital stay that exceeds the states to bed hold period. The resident, still in need of the facility services, six admission. The resident... - ✔✔️H️as the right to be readmitted upon the first availability of a bed in a semi private room 234. Certified facilities must hold and manage personal funds for residents when residents choose to have a facility do so. Residents personal funds, in excess of $50 for Medicaid residents and $100 for all other residents, must be placed in an interest- bearing account. - ✔✔️$️50 for Medicaid residents and $100 for all other residents 235. Unless the residents clinical condition documents that a negative outcome is unavoidable, the facility must in sure the residents do not develop or experience all except which one of the following - ✔✔️A️ pattern of increased hydration 236. When most a resident have access to the records of the residents personal funds - ✔✔️T️hrough quarterly statements and on request 237. Direct participation by competition residence inn making changes in their care plans is - ✔✔️A️ residents right 238. The medical director is responsible for which one of the following - ✔✔️H️elping to incorporate current standards of practice into resident care policies and procedures 239. The responsibility of the medical director for coordination of medical care in the facility will, in most facilities, not include helping the facility with - ✔✔️D️eveloping an organized medical staff 240. A long-term care ombudsman is an employee of the - ✔✔️S️tate 241. Facilities must generally comply with which edition of the life safety code - ✔✔️2️012 social work experience working directly with individuals and what kind of setting - ✔✔️H️ealthcare 249. When a resident group exists, the facility must act promptly upon its recommendations concerning resident care and life in the facility - ✔✔️A️ct promptly upon 250. To obtain and keep a waiver of the requirement to provide a licensed nurses on a 24 hour basis, a facility must do all except which one of the following - ✔✔️O️btain the approval of the state long-term care ombudsman and of the protection and advocacy system for individuals with a mental disorder 251. Resident consent is necessary for which one of the following - ✔✔️H️aving 16 hours between the evening meal and breakfast the following day 252. The resident has a right to all except for which one of the following - ✔✔️S️elf the ministration of medications regardless of the risks 253. When most a position to review a residence total program of care - ✔✔️A️t each visit required by the schedule of visits 254. The resident has the right information at all except which one of the following - ✔✔️T️he names or room numbers of residents who have an infectious or communicable disease 255. Every facility must employ which one of the following, either full-time, part-time, or on a consultant basis - ✔✔️C️linically qualified nutritional professional 256. A residence family will like to meet in the Facility with the families of other residents. After providing private space for the facility group and anyone they might invite to attend, the facility's obligations are - ✔✔️O️nly partially met 257. The names, addresses, and phone numbers of all except which one of the following must be posted - ✔✔️L️awyers, in private practice, willing to serve as resident advocates 264. The facility must do all except which one of the following - ✔✔️I️mpose involuntary is the closing went ordered by a physician 265. The facility must notify each of its residents that receives Medicaid benefits when the amount in the residents account comes within how much less than the resource limit for Medicaid eligibility - ✔✔️$️200 266. The facility must maintain medical records on each resident they must meet all except which one of the following requirements - ✔✔️B️e retained for three years from the date of discharge then properly disposed of. Medical records for discharged patients must be retained for five years, not three years. 267. Which of the following is not required - ✔✔️A️n automated external defibrillator 268. The facility must allow residents to organize resident groups and at the Sellitti. In addition, the facility must do all except which one of the following - ✔✔️C️omply with the groups recommendations concerning policy affecting resident care in life 269. In order to prevent a resident of use, the facility should carry out all except which one of the following tasks - ✔✔️H️ave frequent rotation in the assignment of nurse aids to residence 270. A resident alleges that a nurse aide struck her in the course of morning here. Do you minutes trader must take all the excepted which one of the following steps in response - ✔✔️T️erminate the nurse aide 271. A facility provides each of his residence each month, and whenever one as requested, a statement on the residence personal funds in trust into the facility. With regard to federal requirements, this facility - ✔✔️E️xceeds the requirements 272. A pair of survey or's comes to the facility at midnight and insists on seeing a resident. You, the administrator, get a call from the charge nurse. What should you tell the nurse to tell the surveyors? - ✔✔️T️hey may see the resident residents, and finds no significant errors and two additional non-significant errors. What is the facilities medication error rate - ✔✔️1️0% 279. A wrong time medication error is to be counted whenever a surveyor observes a drug administered how many minutes earlier or later than its scheduled time of administration - ✔✔️6️0 minutes 280. Which of the following is not true regarding requirements for dental services - ✔✔️R️esidents may be charged for replacement dentures if the loss of the dentures was the responsibility of the facility 281. To ensure their residents maintain vision and hearing abilities, the facility must do all except which one of the following - ✔✔️P️rovide glasses or hearing aids if needed 282. Justifications for use of a drug outside the specified guidelines, and dosage, duration, indications, include all except which one of the following - ✔✔️N️othing more then an order for such used by an attending physician 283. Which one of the following statements is true - ✔✔️A️ facility may not, as a condition for admission, require a minimum period of private pay before the resident applies for Medicaid 284. Which one of the following statements is not true - ✔✔️T️he facility must require residents to sign one or more of the advanced directive's allowed under state law 285. A performance review of every nurse aide must be conducted by the facility at least once every - ✔✔️Y️ear 286. Which of the following statements is not true regarding the residents right to choose a personal attending physician - ✔✔️E️ach resident must designate a personal physician 287. Which of the following statements regarding the use of bedside rails is not true - ✔✔️S️ide rails maybe used to restrain a resident whenever this is requested by the resident representative, in the case of a 294. Which of the following is not a requirement for the facility wide assessment - ✔✔️I️t must include a budget committing to purchases of specific goods and services determined to be needed by the assessment 295. When ventilators or other life-support systems are used, the facility must have an emergency Generator on the premises that starts and transfers power within 10 seconds after interruption of normal power - ✔✔️1️0 seconds 296. The purpose of a surety bond is to compensate residence for financial loss due to which one of the following - ✔✔️T️he facility's error or negligence in holding or managing residence personal funds 297. Menus must need all of the following requirements except which one - ✔✔️B️e provided in advance to residents. It is required that menus be prepared in advance, it is just not required that they be provided to residents in advance. 298. Which of the following is not true regarding requirements for the discharge plan - ✔✔️I️t must be developed at the time of admission and remain in effect until discharge 299. All except which one of the following must be included in the discharge summary that must be provided to a resident when the facility anticipates discharge - ✔✔️D️NR order 300. The drug regimen review must be completed at least how often and by whom - ✔✔️M️onthly, by a pharmacist 301. Are you a drug used in which one of the following waste would be considered an unnecessary drug - ✔✔️I️n excessive duration 302. A nurse aide who spends working will need to complete a new training and competency evaluation program if the AC does not receive payment for doing nurse aide work for at least one day in a period of how many consecutive months - ✔✔️2️4 303. The Long term care facility must develop policies and procedures for emergency preparedness that address all of the following except which one - ✔✔️C️ontracting
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